18 January, 2025


The Meanings Of Wigneswaran

By S Sathananthan

Dr. S Sathananthan

The Tamil National Alliance has boomed Justice C.V. Wigneswaran as its chief ministerial candidate. There is no gainsaying his impressive legal career and that he is an upright individual akin to the metaphorical Palmyrah tree. The Alliance is promoting him as an able interlocutor who may, as northern Chief Minister (CM), command respect in Colombo, New Delhi, London and Washington. He is expected to tackle onerous tasks, including re-building bridges between Tamils and Muslims and striving for a ‘Marshal Plan, Reparations and an Economic Programme’ for the Northern Province.

Heady stuff by any measure if sullied by the deafening silence on pursuing accountability for crimes against humanity committed in the build up to Mullivaaikkal and post-Mullivaaikkal.

The all-important political track record, however, is conspicuously lacking. Justice Wigneswaran’s formative experience in statecraft is as a government servant schooled in the benign tradition of dissenting, politely of course, within State-sanctioned parameters. He is a political novice with no appreciable history of defending Tamils’ national rights either with the pen or on the streets. In his speech accepting the post of Supreme Court Judge (2001), Justice Wigneswaran had comforted Sinhalese nationalists Tamils don’t threaten their power: ‘The vast majority of the denizens [sic] of the north and east seek the restoration of their rights and not devolution of power’; that, while the LTTE was simultaneously leading the armed resistance. Evidently he naively believes rights could be won and defended without power, unaware of the time-tested truth: those without power cannot defend freedom.

Why, then, has TNA leader R Sampanthan, sporting more than four decades of political experience, nominated Wigneswaran for CM and trotted out his laudable non-political attributes as ludicrous strengths essential to head the Northern Provincial Council (NPC)?

Sampanthan’s monstrously incompetent leadership of the Alliance is under intense criticism in Tamil society and especially among the more radical, younger Tamil politicians grouped within the dissenting Tamil National Peoples’ Front (TNPF), who demand a larger devolution of power not provided for in the decentralisation under the 13th Amendment to the Constitution (13A). They may well marginalise the Alliance in the forthcoming NPC elections since the TNA, after extended sabre rattling against the Amendment, is edging towards caving in to Sinhalese nationalists. But the Alliance risks political suicide by jettisoning devolution, to which they long paid lip service (satyagrahas, etc), especially when Tamil areas are under the jack-boot and Palestine-style changes to ‘facts on the ground’ are being rammed through.

What the TNA sorely needed is a new face that does not carry any nationalist baggage and could bury the Tamil struggle by inveigling Tamils’ consent to 13A, to be ruled sans accountability or justice. Sampanthan has also to prevent real power slipping from his grip and so prefers a CM who has no political base among Tamils and, therefore, cannot challenge Sampanthan for TNA’s leadership, which the old war horse Mavai Senathirajah could, and probably will, if appointed CM. So Sampanthan dredged up the politically inept Wigneswaran who is a safer bet for him.

If Wigneswaran turns up trumps, the TNA hopes to take full credit and pick over the bones of Tamil nationalism. If the strategy comes down in flames, as it most likely would, Sampanthan will swiftly distance himself and feed Wigneswaran to the Lions.

Whether or not Wigneswaran would mature into an effective power broker, capable of mass mobilisation to defend national rights, will become evident if elections are held to the NPC and if he takes over as CM. But the omen is not propitious: he has already signalled his subservience to Colombo and New Delhi by unleashing a broadside against Tamil Nadu and its people.

What we find fascinating, and is the focus of this writing, is the euphoria among large sections of Sinhalese nationalists – hardliners and triumphalists – over Wigneswaran’s candidature couched in the code “reconciliation”. [Translation: defeated Tamils must knuckle under victorious Sinhalese domination.]

A triumphalist gushed over the chief ministerial candidate in the north and confidently anticipated Wigneswaran ‘will cement the Tamil party’s credibility as being truly invested in the cause of national reconciliation.’ [Translation: Wigneswaran would help TNA jettison Tamil nationalism]. Another triumphalist suavely brushed aside international investigations into crimes against humanity and asked rhetorically: ‘What then?…will it…affect the policies of the government of Sri Lanka–this one or a future one?…a newly energized Sinhala community’, s/he gently warned, ‘will become more unforgiving and determined to continue their policies.’ A remarkable confirmation indeed of the abysmal moral decline in the south. What justice, if any, can this lot dispense to anyone? The staggering contempt for law and due process is nothing new; for more six decades Sinhalese politicians from K.M.P.Rajaratne through J.R.Jayawardene and onwards had entrenched blatant impunity by rejecting legal remedies Tamils demanded for violence suffered during pogroms. Not a single Sinhalese has been convicted in any court of law during those bloody decades for the unbridled violence against Tamils while thousands of Tamils are incarcerated for supposed ‘terrorist’ offences.

A hardliner salivated at ‘Sampanthan’s master-stroke’ and bubbled: Wigneswaran ‘is, in sum, the TNA’s Lakshman Kadirgamar.’ But not long ago (2008) he bayed for Tamil blood brandishing the ‘crucible of the sword’, a phrase borrowed from arch imperialist Barak Obama whose armies have been pillaging their way through Iraq and Afghanistan and whose mercenaries are laying waste Libya and Syria. On the eve of LTTE’s defeat, he had spelt out his triumphalist delusion: ‘Tamils must sell something Sinhalese will be willing to buy at affordable price’; in other words he peremptorily demanded the consent of Tamils to Sinhalese rule.

What if the Tamil people don’t ‘sell’? As it turned out Tamils haven’t, post-LTTE.

So the hardliner played the goni billa card, a high water mark in his dialectics. The ‘broadest global consensus’, he threatened, is for 13A not federalism. In other words, Tamils have no one to turn to and must submit. But no ‘consensus’ is cast in stone for all time. Tamils may, of course, ‘sell’ but at their price.

Many decades ago S.J.V. Chelvanayagam, without urinating on theory’s fence posts (Gramsci, Marx, etc), had wisely cautioned S.W.R.D. Bandaranaike that Sinhalese can rule Tamils only with the consent freely given by Tamils and that consent requires the rights of Tamils be honoured as a non-negotiable pre-condition. Reportedly, Bandaranaike let out his well-known cackle!

Those Sinhalese nationalists who believe today they have a solid grip on enlightened self-interest have two strings to their bow. The first one is to urge elections to the NPC to install TNA’s invertebrates and exclude TNPF radicals. This is standard in counter-insurgency (COIN): military operations to crush nationalist resistance in the short term followed by the long term political accommodation of ‘moderates’ [Translation: collaborators] through ‘managed’ elections to ‘representative’ institutions. We have seen this neo-colonial process unfolding before our eyes in Iraq and Afghanistan. The US cannot consolidate its military successes and is facing defeat, argues Yury Fedorov, primarily because the political processes have unravelled. That is, the Anglo-American forces are incapable of stabilising the political rule by their puppets in Bagdad and Kabul.

The Anglo-American defeat is not surprising. COIN specialists Frank Kitson and William R Polk argued the overwhelmingly large part of the battle is political, not military. In fact Polk attributes at least 80% to the political. It is for this reason the Co-Chairs and New Delhi have repeatedly urged ‘elections’ in the north to reinforce the military gains of anti-Tamil counter-insurgency.

The Sinhalese UPFA regime is nowhere near achieving the 80% political component in the north and east. Failure or incapacity to succeed on the political front – losing ‘hearts and minds’, to borrow a hackneyed phrase – threatens to undo military successes. The Sinhalese nationalists are betting on the TNA and Wigneswaran to deliver the much sought after political Mullivaaikkal.

Given the backdrop of total war and the current virtual military rule over the north and east, elections to the NPC and earlier to the Eastern Provincial Council (EPC) are political components of continuing counter-insurgency. The Sinhalese nationalists are pushing for NPC elections to move the process forward to install the pliant TNA, now that the LTTE is out of the way. They obviously anticipate the Sri Lankan army will be more successful in stabilising the Alliance rule than were the Anglo-American forces in legitimising their puppets in Iraq and Afghanistan.

The Sinhalese nationalists’ second string is Wigneswaran, in whom they see the two-in-one potential to be both a Tamil quisling in Colombo – hence the comparison with Kadirgamar – and Colombo’s satrap in Jaffna to outdo Alfred Duraiappa. They are relying on the TNA and Wigneswaran as CM together to extract the consent of the Tamils for 13A – a game of smoke-and-mirrors – and usher in a political Mullivaaikkal. The Sinhalese strategy hinges on Wigneswaran’s effectiveness, which in turn utterly depends on the NPC’s legitimacy in the eyes of the Tamils people.

Sampanthan is alive to the awful political damage Sinhalese nationalists’ undisguised backing for Wigneswaran is causing the TNA and will vitiate the NPC and its CM’s prospects. So, to conjure southern opposition, he reportedly spread the laughable canard in the north that President Rajapakse is ‘saddened’ by the decision to put Wigneswaran up for CM.

The obscurantist Sinhalese Nationalist Collective, wielding the PSC cleaver to eviscerate the PCs, is a spanner in the works; it’s capable of torpedoing the COIN strategy to foist ‘namby pamby’ (V Navaratnam’s words) effeminate Tamil politicians on the NPC. It will also erode the credibility of the Council and have a knock-on effect on the EPC.

The vociferous defence of 13A and PC elections by numerous Sinhalese nationalists ought be understood in this context. They are not protecting devolution or democracy, though they exploit the vicious criticisms from the Nationalist Collective and its ilk to preen themselves as progressives. That is pure illusion. Rather, they oppose the obscurantists in order that the regime’s COIN could successfully move onto the political realm of indirect rule over Tamils, since the current direct military rule is counter-productive and cannot be sustained in the long term.

Lastly, a word to my friends who wish to know: if not 13A, what else?

13A decentralised the unitary State’s functions (however duplicitously) to all provinces. For that reason, it’s irrelevant to the additional issue of Tamils’ national rights. 13A is an illusory path from post-war to post conflict – the mantra mouthed by spineless sycophants of the regime. ‘We have won a war’ cheered a policy alternatives apologist speaking on behalf of Sinhalese nationalists (enthusiastic applause); ‘but we are still stuck in a post-war situation. We need to move to a post-conflict situation.’

But are Tamils in a post-war situation? The current military rule over Tamils in the north and east by an army speaking a different tongue is an act of war. The on going mass, systematic rape of Tamil women, exhaustively documented by Human Rights Watch, are acts of war. Arbitrary expropriation of Tamils’ lands and deliberate denial of their livelihoods are acts of war. For Tamils, the hydra-headed war continues in these and other myriad manifestations. What, then, is the relevance of 13A?

For those who query what else if not 13A, the utterly desperate need today is to campaign and mobilise to halt the on going war against Tamils. But 13A has become TNA’s and, will very soon, Wigneswaran’s proverbial beggar’s wound. The supine Alliance politicians, incapable of mobilising to halt the on going war, are instead busying themselves over 13A. Worse still, to contest NPC and EPC elections while the war against Tamils is raging on many fronts is a terrible betrayal, though we appreciate the northern and eastern Councils are important employment exchanges for TNA politicians.

Perhaps TNA claims it must first capture the NPC and then confront the regime. But can its politicians escape the shackles of the decades-old, knee-jerk habit of running with the hare and hunting with the hounds?

* The author read for the Ph D degree at the University of Cambridge. He was Visiting Research Scholar at the Jawaharlal Nehru University School of International Studies and is an international award-winning filmmaker.

Latest comments

  • 1

    I wonder what the author would suggest as an alternative? For the fire-brand Gajendran to provide alternate leadership and whip up the people for an unrelenting peaceful resistance,come what may to the already strangulated people? Or to wait for another Prabhakaran to rise in the horizon? Either way time would have been lost to retain some hold on our lands subject to continuous land grab on one hand and a continuous flight of our people in desperation to Australia, PNG or anywhere on Earth for safety and livelihood!

  • 1

    Just stop it Sathananthan. He is the last of the educated tamils not rid of by the LTTe or the system. Give him a chance to get the job at hand done. You sound like sour grapes. As a non Tamil i am do glad that the TNA found an educated man to field instead of the rabble that he rest of the parties seem to unearth from under every rock

    • 0

      Dear Concerned,

      There are hundreds of well educated Tamils in our land unlike Sinhalese continuously electing uneducated criminals and thugs. Vigneswaran is not the first or last Tamil educated Tamil. You are unnecessarily bringing LTTE here. Tamils lived peacefully and freely under LTTE administration unlike a corrupted, racist regime in the South who runs the government with criminals and thugs. Highly educated Bandaranaiyaka introduced Sinhala only and came 1958 genocide. Another highly educated JRJ brought burning of Jaffna Library and July 1983 genocide.

      The change of personality has to come from Sinhala, not from Tamils. Whether it is Vigneswaran or Mawai have the power to change the racist Rajapakse regime?

    • 1

      Justice Wigneswaran is an excellent candidate. Thank God for that!

      The Tamil diaspora have no role to play anymore. The Sri Lankan Tamil issue will remain significant for geopolitical reasons where the United States and India will neutralize Mahinda Rajapakse given the latter’s alliance with China. The Tamil diaspora in itself has done nothing except to finance destruction of the Tamil lands in Sri Lanka. We now have two good contenders for the Chief Ministerial post in the Northern Province – Wigneswaran, a former Supreme Court judge, and Swaminathan, an erudite lawyer in his own right. Wigneswaran will win although he needs to be careful of his life. We are back to the politics of substance and not rhetoric or grandstanding. This is a positive development.

      Lets not forget how Sarojini Devi Yogeswaran, the elected Mayor of Jaffna was killed by the LTTE. Her successor – Pon Sivapalan was also killed by the LTTE – two mayors in a row. Mr. Thangathurai, MP for Trincomalee was also killed by the LTTE. With these bomb blasts died Tamil architects linked to the UDA, municipal engineers linked to the Jaffna Secretariat and Trincomalee District, school principals (Mrs. Thanabalasngham) – all educated qualified Tamils who chose to remain in Sri Lanka unlike this dishonest diaspora that immigrated to North America for a better life.

      Enough is enough – Mr. Sathanandan of AGOTIC fame. You have no role any more unless you contest the elections and win! The likes of Sathananthan defended the murderers while enjoying the plush comfort of elite Karachi and elite New Delhi, not even once stepping foot in Jaffna. We have had enough of these self proclaimed ideologues who have done nothing for us except to push the LTTE cause.

  • 1

    People like the author are the down fall of the Tamils in Sri Lanka. They not only differentiate between Tamils, Sinhalese and Muslims, although all of us are Sri Lankans, they also differentiate within the community based on Indian Tamil, Jaffna Tamil, Batti Tamil, Trinco Tamil, Vellala, Karayan, educated, uneducated etc… These are the people who are responsible for bringing Tigers to the front and now they know that there will be mutual respect with between communities with Wigneswaran becoming CM. Shame on you Sathananthan. We are all Sri Lankans and we have to work as one community and not bifurcated into various segments.

  • 0

    I don’t know why we have to put up with this racist TNA.

    There are easy solutions to save SL from these south Indian racists.

    • 1

      TNA is not raciest its the Rajapakse Government and some Tamils like this author.

      • 0

        TNA is TAMIL National alliance, by definitition racist.

        It has 99% Tamils.
        Only Tamils vote for it.
        They only talk about Tamil ONLY grievances and Tamil ONLY aspirations. That is why they are racist.

        All political parties with race, ethnic and religious names must be banned.

        TNA’s correct name is Tamil Nadu Alliance.

        • 0

          Idiot, Tamil Nadu is in another country. TNA belongs to Eelam.

        • 0

          Tamil is a language spoken by Tamils, Muslims, Colombo Chettys, Malays and some Sinhalese as well. Its not a religion like Buddhism. I agree with you when TNA decides to contest in the rest of Sri Lanka, one day this is going to happen under the leadership of Wigneswaran CM and retired Judge, they have to change the name may be to United National Alliance. Its not only the Tamils who vote, there are Sinhalese who are going to vote this time to TNA because of Wigneswaran. I know a few who have told me this. Why don’t you first ask for Bodu Bala Sena, sorry Balu Bala Sena to be banned! Why should the constitution have a special place for Buddhism? The stupidity of people like you who run behind a politician who says I am for Sinhala Buddhism are the main cause for the place where SL is today, in the toilet.

  • 1


    “Evidently he naively believes rights could be won and defended without power, unaware of the time-tested truth: those without power cannot defend freedom.”

    If you mean military power of the kind that the LTTE had, you are seriously mistaken. The LTTE, with its totalitarian mindset and a paranoiac leader who was probably mentally ill, had only mafia-like power. The LTTE left the Tamil people in a far worse state than when it all started. The way forward is for Tamils to regain their balance and learn how to live and become successful, without resorting to violence even under conditions of adversity.

    We have to learn from how others like the African Americans and Jews in America faced adversity and still succeeded. This requires letting go of the ‘we were once rulers’ mentality.

    The TNPF folks can keep talking, but they lack any significant support among the people. Gajen Ponnambalam may have some support from loyalists of GG Ponnambalam-Tamil Congress as well as some ex-LTTE supporters who refuse to see the writing on the wall.

    • 0

      Well said, Angos. Fully agree. TNA did well in persuading Wigneswaran to join. The right thing to do is to back Wigneswaran fully or shut up.

  • 0

    Why didn’t Sathananthan come forward to contest on the TPNF ticket and give the Tamils the right kind of leadership? And why aren’t the’radicals’ of the TPNF contesting either? Isn’t it because they know, as the writer of this piece does not, that the Sampanthan-Sumanthiran-Vigneswaran leadership has unmatched support in Tamil society?

    PS: ” …bayed for Tamil blood…” absolutely not. Bayed for Tiger blood, yes.

    • 0

      You have said it correctly Dayan.

    • 0

      oh well said Dayan there chaps are nothing but armchair critics who wont lift a finger!

      • 0

        sorrry i meant ‘well said Dayan,these chaps are nothing but armchair critics who wont lift a finger’

  • 0

    Dr.DJ’s very pertinent and excellent queries. Let the writer answer them.

  • 0

    Yes some of the points are valid. For example it is not a secret that CVW lacks political experience. But the man has character and a straight, uncorrupted reputation. Political acumen could be borrowed from capable advisors, but the moral strength not to “sell” himself and his peoples’ interest (at what ever price) is a a quality that is not easily attained. It is clear that CVW is not for sale. He is flexible and willing to negotiate but he is not willing to sell out. That is what makes him an ideal choice for the position he is seeking.
    The stand taken by the author is 4 years too late.

    1) What is the alternative? let EPDP run the council and legitimise the political Mullivaikal with no rights whatsoever for the Tamils? For arguments sake even if we accept the TNA/CVW candidacy is bad thing for Tamils, It is the best option available of all the options.
    2) We got to admit the Tamil or at least the people who say they represented Tamils LOST a war and lost it comprehensively. The national or racial identity of the entire community will be lost and subjugated for ever if we don’t do something to at least protect it at superficial levels now. By taking the stand of the author, we will give more and more reasons, time and space for the people who are bent on destroying the Tamil identity in the country. If we take the author’s or TNPF line, it wont be long before Tamils become a minority in Jaffna.
    3) The author talks about a need to fight the regime which he says still wages a war. But who will fight this war? Is there any appetite for a war of this kind either political or military amongst the Tamils of the north-east? I say not. Yes Tamils voted for separation in 1979 but that was before they experienced war and realised the fact that they had no backers in the international stage for their struggle. I think the current mandate of the Tamils is maximum devolution within a united Sri Lanka. Otherwise how would one explain the above 90% polling for the TNA in all the post war election and the political annihilation of the TNPF? I think the penny has dropped for Ponnambalam (III), hence his wise decision to stay neutral in this election. You cant fight a nationalistic struggle either political or military from aboard. The truth is there is no desire from the people who live in the north-east to fight such battles. Not for the foreseeable future anyway. This change of hear occurred long before the end of the war in 2009. The LTTE’s biggest plunder was they failed to sense this change in people’s mind. The day they were forced to recruit fighters (as opposed to fighters joining them voluntarily) they must have realised that the will to fight for a separate state was fast vanishing amongst the Tamils of SL. They failed to grasp this reality and thought they can “force” people to fight for their “freedom”. The paradoxical state of the this concept eventually lead to their downfall. The author now wants to “force” another struggle on the people of north-east who have no desire for any such adventure. Needless to say his ideas too are doomed.
    4) The author says the Sinhala nationalists are supporting CVW. That is not true. Those who are supporting CVW are Sinhalese who are opposed to dismembering the country, who also opposed the LTTE and its brutal means but these are also people who are pro-devolution or even supporting a federal solution. Dayan for example is someone who was part of the first North-East provincial govt. I will be hard to paint him as a Sinhala hardliner. He is passionate about keeping Sri Lanka as one, that does not make him a hardliner automatically. The real Hardliners are the Gammanpillas, Gnanasaras, Ranawakkas and Werawansas of this world. Reading their recent public utterance, it is quite clear they do not want to see CVW anywhere near the northern provincial election.
    5) About how much of a failed leader Sampanthan is, lets give credit to the old man, who had the difficult task of leading a people who were utterly let down by all sides. Yes his leadership is not without flaws but compared to Ponnabbalam or Devananda, he is our best hope going. And to say that he fabricated a lie by saying CVW’s selection has upset the President. Well anyone who has read the President’s and his siblings public utterance since the news broke will be able to say, they are not saddened but are worried about the prospect of having to face CVW as the northern CM.

    Goshan Che http://www.facebook.com/cvw4cm

    • 0

      Very well said, Goshan. I fully agree with you except for a small typo error. I believe you meant blunder and not ‘plunder’ in the above passage. The LTTE era is gone and it is extremely unlikely that it will come back again. At the present historical stage we can only hope to inch forward and to do that the best bet will be TNA with C. W at the helm. The people in the homeland are very realistic unlike some educated pundits living in the clouds abroad!

      • 0

        Yes it is a typo. I meant Blunder, not plunder.

  • 0

    “He is expected to tackle onerous tasks, including re-building bridges between Tamils and Muslims and striving for a ‘Marshal Plan”

    The author is of the mindset that Tamils are the majority and Sinhala community either does not exist or has no power worthy of the attention of the Tamil community. Otherwise why talk about building bridges with Muslims when Sinhalese-Tamil relations are in dire straits?

    Sri Lankan Tamils have taken their caste system way too far and consider everyone including Sinhalese are inferior people. How often do we see in these columns Sri Lankan Tamils, often highly educated people talking about Tamils are a hardworking, enterprising and intelligent people as if everybody else is not? Do these people seriously believe these characteristics are unique to Tamil community in this country?

    These high caste Sri Lankan Tamils and Colombo elite of all communities in recent times are both very self centered and intolerant people. The latter believes the rural people are idiots, racist and religious bigots and this country will have no future because of universal suffrage.

  • 0

    Mr Sathananthan,

    Time is running out for Tamils.

    Any delay is catastrophic

    Whenever you see a space or even a crack. just enter and exploit it,You cannot wait for an ideal situation.

    you have to capture the opportunity and patiently built on it

    13A is the bird in hand

    The Tamils are given a space-13A and NPC election and sky is the limit

    • 0

      So time IS running out for Tamilians!

      What SL should do is delay as much as possible.

      What is good for Tamilians (South Indians) is bad for SL.

      • 0

        This idiot does not know the difference between South India and North Eelam. A typical Singalaya. Someone please send him a bucket full of Kavum.

  • 0

    It is the curse of the Tamils, that the enemy within, hibernating for long and stalking for a prey pounces for the kill at the best of its own tribe. The enemy without is spared the attack of a lash from the tongue or vitriol from the pen.

    If Sampanthan is monstrously incompetent, why was he handpicked by SJV? In a level playing field why didn’t a player of superior prowess score a more spectacular victory? Why did others with overweening concern for the community avoid the rough and tumble of politics? Was it to be free of inhibitions, to level poisoned darts at the winner?

    If Dr.S’s proclivity is to worship at the village temple, should he demolish Nallur temple because devotees flocking to the latter are overwhelmingly more?

    Wigneswaran had very many things on heaven and earth. People’s wish was convincingly conveyed to him by the widest spectrum within the country and from without. After he comes forward some want to kill the cobra that they paid homage to. To express judgment, he has exposed his political persona for just two weeks. Yet he has displayed his stamina to strike out a fresh path and to weather criticism fair or unfair.

    The Manifesto is yet on the anvil. One serious about the Tamil cause will join the builders and not a demolition squad. To the writer Sampanthan and Wigneswaran are both invertebrates leaning against each other for mutual support to get the highest bid to sell the Tamils. Does the writer stand alone as of a different species?

    Wigneswaran is charged with incompetence and ex parte judgment is already delivered by Dr.S. Mr.Sampanthan according to him is guilty of the lesser offense of harbouring sinister intentions. If not they, who? Can you name the FREAK of your choice whom Tamils were not able to identify.

    The whole article bristles with vendetta against two leaders. For all appearances they are selected for fidelity assassination and then arguments are prospected and ferreted out to be woven around them.

    A fervent plea of a Tamil poet in Purananuru: “Nallavai seithal atreer aayinum allavai seithal oambumin”. Even if you can do no good, refrain from doing evil,are his words.

    • 0

      Tamils are cursed from the very beginning.

      If you think 13 amendment will solve Tamil problems you are dreaming.

      People give bones to canines after eating all the meat. 13 amendment is same. But the foolish canine guards its bone carefully!!

      Tamils NEVER asked for it. They asked for Tamil Elam.

      If Tamils settle for 13 amendment, they cannot get there. Ultimately they lose both Tamil Elam and 13 amendment.

      • 0


        “If you think 13 amendment will solve Tamil problems you are dreaming.”

        What do mean by Tamil problems?

        You know it is a Aryan Sinhala/Buddhist Anagarika problem which has been imposed on rest of the people.

  • 0

    Santhananthan is a big donkey judging by his writing and attitude. By eduated he means technicians like doctors and engineer who follow manuals.

  • 0

    G. Che
    Quite a sensitive understanding of happenings of the past and things to unfold in the future.

    • 0

      Thanks. I am sure a majority of Tamils in the north-east think along these lines as well.

  • 0

    “13A is the bird in hand.” – Sri

    “If Dr.S’s proclivity is to worship at the village temple, should he demolish Nallur temple because devotees flocking to the latter are overwhelmingly more?” – Sivathasan

    M/s. Sri and Sivathasan! Thank you for your comments. They are highly valuable to decide what is right at the existing situation.

  • 0

    Despite his PhD from Cambridge the writer is unable to shed his racism. He is the other side Sinhala racism. It is people like Sathananthan who along with like people in the other extreme who prevent the people in the middle, people who want to share middle ground, from taking control of this land. They say there is a cock on every dunghill.

  • 0

    Dear Satha

    You remember the days when your sister contested the northeastern provincial council elections. At that time you wrote a very similar rhetorical article of the atrocities committed by the Sinhalese Polity and emailed it to me. Having read I requested you to tell us what we need to do to solve our problem, that is provide us with a road map for us to overcome the plight of our People you had highlighted.

    You did not reply then could you do it now? Or is it that you have a nature to pour fuel to the flames than the ability calm the fires of hatred and create conditions for peace. Do you see the potential in Justice Wigneswarran to do exactly that? Which perhaps make you uncomfortable. Your ability to judge has been always flawed.

    You seem to suggest that New Delhi & Tamil Nadu act independent each other. Is that your experience over the decades of our national conflict? You seem oblivious to the role of New Delhi in exacerbating the conflict in Sri Lanka. Are you so naive as not to know the geopolitical forcers at play? Do these forces not affect us? On whose behalf are you instigating the Tamils?

    Just remember the Sri Lankans be it Tamils or Sinhalese have lent the lessens over the decades of the conflict about the intentions of the outside forces at play. If you want to adorn the Cambridge Ph D could you be more balanced in what you write? If you are Visiting Research Scholar at the Jawaharlal Nehru University School of International Studies, do understand that a great deal of commonality exist the way the nation states are governed in South Asia including where you lecture. Don’t be carried away by the dramatics of your filmmaking gene.


    Dr. N. Satchi UK.

    • 0

      Is Sathananthan’s tirade the last gasp of tigerism or the opening salvo in a resurgent tigerism?Considering the job that the original tigerism did on the Tamils, I ferevently hope it is the former.Once was enough of these quixotic programs.

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    Justice Wigneswarran can calm the fires of hatred and create conditions of peace.

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      In one sense it’s good to hear from Satchi Satha after quite while from the Mulivaikahl debacle to which people like him contributed over the years. He was being a star international speaker for the LTTE that brought him to Melbourne at height of LTTE’s power. When we last met in person at the residence of Ms Mano Navaratnam’s; I distinctly remember him say with all the cockiness that we which included his cousin Suri Nalaiah would next meet in the North flying into through the Palaley international Airport. This prediction may yet come true though not really in the sense that Satha meant under the LTTE suzerainty where he may have held a very high position.

      I hope somebody like you; DBSJ or CT editorial staff would research and write on “The meanings of Dr Satchithanandam Sathananadan”. And his present return debut along with the truer meanings and purposes of this article. I have known him as a classmate at Wesley College Colombo from Jan 1956 and have been in touch off and on over the years but recently he got angry with me and wanted to block me out for “some gratuitous remarks” as he called from his emails for asking him and his friend one Cramer to update their knowledge on economics by giving them references to read up in the “New Scientist” cutting edge newly researched articles without hankering after and being brainwashed by obsolete and archaic Marxian ideological mindset.

      Whilst reading his and many others take on catastrophic predicament today in SL my take on him over the years has been that he is a great survivalist and thrivalist who changed from Marxist-Leninist, socialist ideologies to the cause of Ceylon Tamil Nationalism where he could deploy and ply his trade his expertise in a more profitable and self serving manner not unlike the Ali Baba or Rawana and the nearly 100 odd thieves that are causing long term ruin to the country for their own personal self aggrandisements and prejudiced myopic thought that benefits their kith and kin and henchmen and with long term detrimental consequences that may lead to the whole SL becoming a far worse hell hole than VP made though like Germany or Japan post WW2.

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    Full of Vim and Vigor. He can talk tough, it is the younger generation that will have to walk his tough talk. After seeing hundred of young men and women without limbs. I have come to the conclusion that arms and legs are more important than Eelam or Sri Lanka for that matter.

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    judging by the comments of the fellow apologists of the sri lankan state, we can be assured that dr s sathananthan passed his message very well.

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