10 February, 2025


The Politics Of MR And His Racist Mindset

By Harishchandra Lokumanna

Harishchandra Lokumanna

Harishchandra Lokumanna

A hypocrite is the kind of politician who would cut down a redwood tree, then mount the stump and make a speech for conservation. –Adlai E. Stevenson

In July 2014, I wrote an article, wherein I referred to the 3G Sinhala Buddhist Jihadists; GnanasaraGotaGammampila Combine , who have been leading the way to national disaster through a well-organized  campaign to rekindle Sinhala Buddhist extremism. In my considered view,  the combined effect of these 3 Gs, (not the individuals, but the lobby they represent), acting in concert , harboured vicious plans , to further their own agenda , to create an intolerant and a majoritarian minded Sri Lanka , with no space for the ‘other’ to exist as equal citizens with self-respect. During the recent election campaign, it became very apparent that the bond amongst the 3Gs were clearly cemented by the ‘King MR’. Gnanassara openly supported MR while Gammampila ( known as Gembampila- the jumping frog) jumped back to MR’s lap after initially leaving the government with JHU.

Now that the election is over, what do we see? Gnanasara was heard vowing to continue his sacred task of further digging the ethnic and religious fault lines and started raising his oft-quoted war-cry – ‘Muslim extremism’ in Sri Lanka. While this is happening, MR visited his home in Medamulana and claimed that the South(meaning Sinhalese) voted for him while those in the N-E ( meaning Tamil speaking people) in one instance and in another instance refers to ‘Ealam’ was the cause for his defeat .We recall that he also made racist remarks towards the end of his campaign to the effect : ‘ the era is over where the country danced to the tune of the Muslims and the Tamils’ and attributed the exit of the SLMC from the government, as MR’s refusal to accede to their demand for a separate administrative district in Ampara. What an opportunist!

mr_national_clotheHis lackeys too blew the same racist trumpet. Thus, later at the UPFA Press Conference , while Susil P and Nimal S. admitted defeat gracefully, and offered to help the new President , MR’s shameless poodle Wimal Weerawansa started off from where his Master left. Wimal said that the majority of the majority and minority of the minority in this country voted for MR while the minority of the majority and the majority of the minority voted for Maithri. He thus meant that while Sinhala people voted almost en-bloc for MR, the minorities almost en-bloc voted for Maithri. Here too this scoundrel of a politician tried his best to provoke the majority Sinhala people and dilute Maithri’s victory. Meanwhile Gammampila too, in a recent Press Interview referred to President Maithri as the first President who did not enjoy the majority of the majority people, while expressing hope that they will win the General Election despite this setback. There were also futile mischievous attempts to spread stories about attacks on Army camps in the North after Maithri’s Win, and the hoisting of the Eelam Flags.in the North.

These types of racist outbursts from MR, and his lackeys cannot be dismissed easily as coming from defeated politicians ,attempting to find some reasons to justify their utter defeat. Rather, what they said and still saying, reflects/reflected their warped inner thinking and the racist life positons they hold with regard to the essence of humanity. No one doubts that the words a person writes or speaks are an expression of his/her inner thoughts and personalities. Thus, when specially politicians try to present themselves in a certain way, they tend to select what they think are appropriate to get the message across to get votes. When will our leaders or politicians realize the inherent dangers of using the racist card for their petty gains to come to power? Giving a racist slant to the election results will clearly boomerang on political leaders specially when they belong to major political parties which form governments. In that respect, in the light of his disastrous attempt specially after the election to give a racist slant to the results and provoke the Sinhala people, with the dubious plan to portray himself as a Sinhala Buddhist Champion, I would brand MR as a Villain and a Despot with a Racist Mindset, which would dilute the quality of his contribution as a leader who ended the War.

It is interesting that MR and Co. blame the minorities for his defeat, when his Astrologer Sumanadasa recently indicated that although he knew that MR will lose as his stars were not right after the Commonwealth Conference , he was fearful to tell MR and did not want to affect MR’s mental condition by stressing him out. What a Joker ! But then, if true, MR has been taken for a jolly good ride by his erstwhile ‘Star’ advisor! In that sense, do you know that the visit of HH The Pope also had a role   in MR’s defeat ? ( in a lighter vein) judging by the under-noted historic trend pointed out by one of my friends !

In 1970, Dudley invited The Pope ,
but Sirimavo B. welcomed…
In 1995, Wijetunge invited The Pope,
but CBK welcomed ..
In 2014, MR Invited The Pope ,
But Maitri welcomed.in 2015
Morale of the story
; Invite The Pope to change the Government!

(MR should have known this. (lol)

On a serious note, the Election statistics have proved clearly that both MR and Maithri have almost equally shared the Southern Sinhala votes and attempts to paint the map of Sri Lanka in different colours only distorts the actual situation by showing MR’s vote block as absolutes in the Southern regions. In N-E areas, the people have however opted to use their franchise to show their resentment against the MR Regime. Tamils specially in the N-E regions are a marginalized lot and knows that LLRC recommendations are still on paper. The NP Provincial Council has not been given their devolved powers to develop their areas, with or without SLMC or ACMC leaving MR govt, took a clear stand, when they saw how the MR government encouraged the hate campaign and refused to ban hate speech and the hate groups like BBS which were Gota’s creations.

We must know that every vote has equal value as all of them are equal citizens in Sri Lanka. We cannot apportion a greater value to a Sinhala Vote and less for a Minority vote, irrespective of where they reside or domiciled in. It is therefore upto the major parties not to resort to third grade tactics and pursue racist strategies, whether in victory or defeat as those short term strategies will surely backfire and will burn them down like wildfire. Fortunately majority Sinhala People are wise enough to avoid these pitfalls laid by power hungry politicians like MR. MR should realize, as many analysts will say, that none of the political parties practically can win purely on the strength of the vote of one race group. They have to appeal to the entire electorate.

God Forbid! if MR was elected, the BBS would have taken advantage of the MR’s racist and majoritarian approach, to organize a disastrous centenary event of the infamous 1915 riots( as Gammampila once said).We are fortunate that Maithri clearly disowned racism as a strategy to win the election and as a policy to govern the country. President Maithri has made very bold indications which gives strength and confidence to Sri Lanka to the effect that there will be good Governance and Rule of Law will prevail, and hopefully his government will move decisively against these hate mongering groups. Someone has to say it, racism is a scam. Thank goodness most people in Sri Lanka, no matter their race, now understand that and shown good signs of staying away from that mind-set.

The strategy of resorting to racio-religious politics by MR types to secure the support of the majority race will not work anymore with the majority Sinhala people as they have become wiser to their mean tactics. Minorities or any ethnic group for that matter have a right to take up a stance of displeasure and disapproval against the government of the day and democratically show it at an election Therefore, I know our People will show political maturity and not allow those political groups to promote religious hatred once again, for short term gains. Maithri government should nip any attempts in the bud if BBS and other hate groups try their gimmicks. We need to protect the hard fought gains at this election and say clearly to the politicians asking for our votes : We will only vote, on your policies and not based on your tribal instincts or race and your racist provocations.

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  • 4

    Harishchandra Lokumanna –

    RE: The Politics Of MR And His Racist Mindset

    ” A hypocrite is the kind of politician who would cut down a redwood tree, then mount the stump and make a speech for conservation. -Adlai E. Stevenson”

    Redwood Tree = Tamils, Muslims and Vhrisyians

    Hypocrite” = Medamulana Mahinda Rajapaksa (MaRa)

    “In July 2014, I wrote an article, wherein I referred to the 3G Sinhala Buddhist Jihadists; Gnanasara- Gota- Gammampila Combine , who have been leading the way to national disaster through a well-organized campaign to rekindle Sinhala Buddhist extremism.”

    Their Math Was Simple. Make Tamils, Muslims and Christian the Target Enemy. and Get a larger fraction of the Sinhala Buddhist Vote.

    Sinhala Buddhists Non- Sinhala Buddhists

    70.00% 30%

    Get 70% For Mara Get 10% For MaRa ( The Quislings)

    =0.7×0.7 =0.49 =49% 0.1X0,30 =0.03 = 3%

    So, MaRa gets 49+3% = 53%

    Get 80% Sinhalese Buddhists Voting for Mara because of Racism and Chuvanism

    =0.7×0.8 =0.56 =49% 0.1X0,=0.7×0.8 =0.56 =49% 0.1X0,30 =0.03 = 3%

    So, MaRa gets 56+3% = 59×0.30 =0.03 = 3%

    So, MaRa gets 56+3% = 59%

    But what Actually Happened on Jan 8, 2015 was

    =0.7×0.55 =0.385 =38.5 0.3X0.30 =0.09 = 9% ( The Quislings)

    So, MaRa gets 38.5+9% = 47.5%

    “Now that the election is over, what do we see? Gnanasara was heard vowing to continue his sacred task of further digging the ethnic and religious fault lines and started raising his oft-quoted war-cry – ‘Muslim extremism’ in Sri Lanka. While this is happening, MR visited his home in Medamulana and claimed that the South(meaning Sinhalese) voted for him while those in the N-E ( meaning Tamil speaking people) in one instance and in another instance refers to ‘Ealam’ was the cause for his defeat .We recall that he also made racist remarks towards the end of his campaign to the effect : ‘ the era is over where the country danced to the tune of the Muslims and the Tamils’ and attributed the exit of the SLMC from the government, as MR’s refusal to accede to their demand for a separate administrative district in Ampara. What an opportunist!?

    Still, 3.8 Million Sinhala Buddhist Voted for Mr. Matripala Sirisena and were not fooled. This is more than All the minority votes combined who voted for BOTH Mr. Rajapaksa and Mr. Sirisena.

    What an opportunist!
    What a liar!
    What an actor!

    Unfortunately those who voted for him did not knoe, did not have the imnformation or did not not have the IQ to understand and cxomptrehend.

    That is where the Common sense Phamplet Sri Lanka 2014 was missing could have made a small difference.

    Common Sense (pamphlet)


    Common Sense[1] is a pamphlet written by Thomas Paine in 1775–76 that inspired people in the Thirteen Colonies to declare and fight for independence from Great Britain in the summer of 1776. The pamphlet explained the advantages of and the need for immediate independence in clear, simple language. It was published anonymously on January 10, 1776, at the beginning of the American Revolution and became an immediate sensation. It was sold and distributed widely and read aloud at taverns and meeting places.

    Washington had it read to all his troops, which at the time had surrounded the British army in Boston. In proportion to the population of the colonies at that time (2.5 million), it had the largest sale and circulation of any book published in American history.[2] As of 2006, it remains the all-time best selling American title.[3]

    Common Sense presented the American colonists with an argument for freedom from British rule at a time when the question of whether or not to seek independence was the central issue of the day. Paine wrote and reasoned in a style that common people understood. Forgoing the philosophical and Latin references used by Enlightenment era writers, he structured Common Sense as if it were a sermon, and relied on Biblical references to make his case to the people.[4] He connected independence with common dissenting Protestant beliefs as a means to present a distinctly American political identity.[5] Historian Gordon S. Wood described Common Sense as “the most incendiary and popular pamphlet of the entire revolutionary era”.[6

  • 13

    Well written article and is much appreciated by all who care about the Country of Berth; I am sure. To negate the MR mob; it is vital that the general public are told the truth of what has been going on. The JVP actions with regard to filing complaints and also similar action by Mangala; is a good start. To this must be added Ravi K,s speech after he took over the reins at the Finance Ministry.
    M/s Sirisena/Ranil; I wish You God’s blessing and every success to save the country.

    • 0

      “To this must be added Ravi K,s speech after he took over the reins at the Finance Ministry.”

      Ravi K. is due to appear at the Supreme Court on 29 Jan, on charges of embezzling foreign cash worth 300 million.

      Probably you should record is explanation and post it on CT.

      We are waiting to hear that!

      • 0

        I always have some reservations for Ravi K , sincerely believe no one would try to influence the judge , if he found guilty , he must go to jail , Period !

  • 8

    In my view the majority who voted for MR were:

    1. Bribed in various ways

    2. Threatened and intimated

    3. Led to believe that Tigers and the West would take over the country

    4. Extremist elements provoked by the likes of BBS

    4. The very high density of Sinhala “non-intelligentsia” (who cannot clearly comprehend, and blinded about the depth of corruption and nepotism, but merely driven by loyalty to the guy who defeated the Tigers and brought peace to SL)

    The last category (the majority of whom voted for MR) are innocent and ignorant. They were clearly misled by MR. The JVP is doing a grand job in its thrust to educate and enlighten the Sinhala “non-intelligentsia” and let them see the Family in its true colours.

    It is clearly evident that all the other political parties should immediately and jointly initiate a separate and sustained campaign to disabuse the minds of these innocent voters from the fiction of “War Hero Forever” while ignoring the rampant corruption, nepotism and theft and abuse of state resources.

    Once success is achieved on this front the flagrantly corrupt MR will be history.

    • 5

      Well said MNZ. I can’t agree with you more.
      “Rescuing a damsel in distress does not give one the license to rape her.”

    • 1


      “4. The very high density of Sinhala “non-intelligentsia” (who cannot clearly comprehend, and blinded about the depth of corruption and nepotism, but merely driven by loyalty to the guy who defeated the Tigers and brought peace to SL)

      The last category (the majority of whom voted for MR) are innocent and ignorant. They were clearly misled by MR. The JVP is doing a grand job in its thrust to educate and enlighten the Sinhala “non-intelligentsia” and let them see the Family in its true colours. “

      Yes. The do not read the internet, and do not subscribe to the newspapers and do not read it. They are busy making a living. This category have IQ lower than 79 and need to be communicated in multiple ways including short common sense pamphlet, so that they will read it at leisure.


      Need to be told like a story.. Like Gam Peraliya and Madol Duw

      Common Sense (pamphlet)


      Common Sense[1] is a pamphlet written by Thomas Paine in 1775–76 that inspired people in the Thirteen Colonies to declare and fight for independence from Great Britain in the summer of 1776. The pamphlet explained the advantages of and the need for immediate independence in clear, simple language. It was published anonymously on January 10, 1776, at the beginning of the American Revolution and became an immediate sensation. It was sold and distributed widely and read aloud at taverns and meeting places.

      Washington had it read to all his troops, which at the time had surrounded the British army in Boston. In proportion to the population of the colonies at that time (2.5 million), it had the largest sale and circulation of any book published in American history.[2] As of 2006, it remains the all-time best selling American title.[3]

      Common Sense presented the American colonists with an argument for freedom from British rule at a time when the question of whether or not to seek independence was the central issue of the day. Paine wrote and reasoned in a style that common people understood. Forgoing the philosophical and Latin references used by Enlightenment era writers, he structured Common Sense as if it were a sermon, and relied on Biblical references to make his case to the people.[4] He connected independence with common dissenting Protestant beliefs as a means to present a distinctly American political identity.[5] Historian Gordon S. Wood described Common Sense as “the most incendiary and popular pamphlet of the entire revolutionary era”.[6]

    • 1

      Over three fourths of the Sinhala Buddhists belong to the non-intelligent group.

      But that group is grajak grajually dwindling. Sri Lanka still has hope!

      In fifteen years time the likes of Namal Baba will be non-existent. Sadhu.

      • 1

        Over three fourths of the Sinhala Buddhists belong to the non-intelligent group

        I agree with you on the above but rather I would say a majority of Sri Lankans are non-intelligent and immature. Have you ever wondered why?

        After independence some Sinhala racist with the help of the Buddhist monks wanted superiority given to the Sinhalese and forced the power hungry JR and SWRB to implement the Sinhala only language policy. In my opinion the biggest losers of this policy ware the Sinhalese themselves further it created the Tamil issue.

        But I wonder up to now whether any Sinhalese has asked this question why Sinhala was enough for the rest of the Sri Lankans but not enough for JR and SWRB children as they were sent abroad to study in English, French etc.

        In fact if you take stock even today the majority of Members of Parliaments’ children will be studying abroad.

        I hope that MS will strengthen the laws and stop these hate groups who are trying to take this country back to 1815 and create an atmosphere where we Sri Lankans can sit together and as civilized beings sort out our issues with respect compromise and consensus.

        • 0


          “I agree with you on the above but rather I would say a majority of Sri Lankans are non-intelligent and immature. Have you ever wondered why?”

          Yes. The Data Supports it. The IQ of the average Sri Lankan is 79. Indian and Bangals Deshi is 82.


  • 3

    its indeed a letter of consolation written by Mr Lokumanna to the minority community as well as the the majority who did not understand the past situation and the current conspiracies and slogans going on to create an unnecessary ethnic violence.
    but i presume that according to Mr Lokumannes view that no space left for such petty minded groups to create rumours or problems in future under the present government.

  • 0

    Thank you for a thoughtful piece; but now, jokes aside, can we all help bury the nightmare that we lived through under MARA and help stabilise our motherland? I very much like you categorising Gammanpila along with the GOAT and GANDASSARA; they are scum of our beloved country. Our real future lies in coaxing and cajoling our Tamil and Muslim brethren to unite with the Sinhalese to develop the country – by increased “industriousness” (amply present in both minority groups, leading to high productivity and outputs in (manufacturing, agriculture, commerce). This needs several things: good governance; stopping corruption; giving priority to education; and equal opportunities to all! (the List is not exhaustive)

  • 1

    Thank you so much Mr.Lokumanna for a great, wonderful, unbiased article about the things happened and happening today. Love your well balanced, neutral view of things in a country of suspicious, unfriendly different communities and religions. Your views and advice explicitly show us what kind of a nice person you are. We need more of your kind to educate and inspire our fellow citizen, some or many of whom are thoroughly brain washed with racist venom and bigotry by the rascal politicians. Appreciate your work, wish you do more of this kind and salute you with sincere thanks and appreciation !

    • 0

      Hi Bruz, nice to read your views after a long time now. Welcome back. Was your silence anything to do with CT blockade in SL? I always looked forward to reading your view point, since it was so refined and a cut above the average.

  • 0

    This is an excellent and well balanced article by Mr Lokumanna.

  • 0

    Your effort is greatly appreciated Mr. Lokumanna. It sent a strong message that we the people reject racial politics, and political outcome must not be judged along racial lines, but as the collective will of the people. It is true people will always have their own personal reasons to select or reject candidates based on their own perceived reasons, but collectively the final outcome must always be deciphered as general consensus of the people. We must break out of the racial mold and get back the mode of national pride, and everyone needs to think in this way if the country is to heal itself from this indelible scar.

  • 0

    Thank you Mr.Marwan for your kind words and appreciate your welcome! ! In fact, I had no problem with access to CT since I’m living in Canada and Thanks again for asking. I do read CT regularly, as it was one of the open minded, friendly, unbiased media and the only forum I could find all kinds of opinions from every one. I enjoy reading opinions than even some articles. But I was a bit busy and couldn’t participate more than I wished. At times I do not feel like commenting on controversial, difficult and subjects I don’t have much knowledge about. Reading all your nice folk’s comments keeps me satisfied ! CT did a great service for all of us and Thank you CT for that.

    I have read and appreciated many of your unbiased sincere comments too. Wish you all the best for keeping up your good work. I’m seriously and emotionally sad about our country’s pathetic recent past and very anxious about the future in general and particularly for the minority communities. Even the majority-both powerful and powerless, are lead into doing things which are morally wrong, inhuman,non-Buddhist and detrimental to society. Hope and pray things change for the better and all communities live in peace and harmony. Politics has become a dirty thing in the world. I can only cherish the wonderful days we all communities, shared everything and lived in the once peaceful nation of ours. Just longing to see that happen again..I think it’s possible, if people are made to realize the damage these racist politicians and racism is doing to all of us.
    Hope one day sooner later, people will get educated.

  • 1

    We the Muslims went through lot of hardships due to atrocities of above mentioned 3 Gs. The paradise Lanka was almost becoming a hell to minorities due to 3G supported by MR regime. However , it is people like Harischandra Lokumanna who represents the majority community who consoled our hurt minds and gave us hope to await for the silver ray through the darkness. The best compliment I can give to people like harischandra Lokumanna and similar ones is a line from a popular song of Chandra Lekha ‘WANA SIWUPAAWUN WENI MINISUN MEDHA, DEVI DEYWATHAAWAN WANI MINISUN AETHA. (THERE ARE PEOPLE LIKE ANGELS AMONGST PEOPLE LIKE ANIMALS)

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