15 January, 2025


The President’s Faux Pas

By Sharmini Serasinghe

Sharmini Serasinghe

Sharmini Serasinghe

No leader of a multi religious society, can afford the luxury of being seen practicing his religion, in the full glare of the public!

The President of this country is a representative of all its people; Buddhists, Hindus, Muslims and Christians. Therefore, such a President cannot be seen favoring one faith, even though it is his own. If he must, then he ought to pay equal obeisance to other religions as well. After all, he is the leader of all of us, not just the Buddhists of Sri Lanka.

Hence, it is with deep despair, that I as a Buddhist noted, you President Maithripala Sirisena, paying homage to a Bo tree, even though it is venerated by a majority of the Buddhist populace of this country.

Furthermore, by paying homage to a Bo tree, you Mr. President are also openly violating the teachings of the Buddha, who denounced the worship of objects!

Many would argue that such, are harmless cultural practices. But, nevertheless, such practices are associated with Buddhism, and the leader of this multi religious nation, cannot afford to be associated with one set of cultural/religious practices and not the other.

Maithri Sri Maha bodhi 1

There are many of us who regard our respective faiths as a very private matter, and to exhibit it in public is in poor taste. Unfortunately this ‘culture’ will not take root in a country like ours, as long as our elected leaders such as you Mr. President don’t give leadership to it.

Furthermore, by publicly paying obeisance to a Bo tree; a symbol of Buddhism, you Mr. President are rubbing salt into raw wounds of the minorities, caused by the maniacal Bodu Bala Sena (BBS).

It is yet not too late, for you Mr. President Sirisena to take a cue from former Presidents JR Jayewardene, Chandrika Kumaratunga, and your Prime Minster Ranil Wickremesinghe, and keep religion where it belongs, and governance of the country, as further away from it as possible.

Those of us who voted you in, would much rather see you spend your time fruitfully; putting the country back on track, instead of worshipping trees.

*Sharmini Serasinghe was Director Communications of the former Secretariat for Coordinating the Peace Process (SCOPP) under Secretary Generals Dr. John Gooneratne and Jayantha Dhanapala. She counts over thirty years in journalism, both print and electronic media.

Latest comments

  • 6

    This comment was removed by a moderator because it didn’t abide by our Comment policy.For more detail see our Comment policy https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/comments-policy-2/

  • 31

    Good try to find a job ?

  • 37

    Ha ha it should be called ‘The Writer’s faux pas’ by publicly displaying her ignorance of Buddhism. So the Sri Lankan President cannot worship the Bo tree! Does it indicate the beginning of what his rivals fear?

    • 45

      Baboon eating from the posterior- Biscuit Boofer Syndicate.

      What do you know about Hindian Gautama our creation??
      You don’t have Mugul DNA- only kukul, and pigs lcking your bollocks for your greatest happiness.

      Oi stinker you want more ask LKY he is from mainland he would take you to the cul du sac and make you pregnant bestiality breed `werewolf mahawamse` just like han Chinese `Weretiger¬ this is for real You have no IQ you lick the smelly feet of pedophiles, skin heads robbers hit men ..

      Stay on all 4 legs but its when you try to get up you belch and fart.Phew!

      Do you still want to retain Sinhala/Buddhist origin myth based on bestiality, parricide and incestuous relation?

      Sunday Sil…. monday Kill….Kill the Veddha (like your west indies mates) Rob the Buddha….Blame the Suddha.

      Palyan Yakoooo….

      • 16

        I don’t know why you see the need to insult people to get your point across. Is it maybe because you are incapable of decently and convincingly expressing your opinion? At this point, I am judging the review policy of Colombo Telegraph. I thought they want to keep this a decent discourse. Doesn’t seem to be happening when some people openly insult Buddhists for voicing their opinions on Buddhism.

        • 39

          Upstart your verbose does not match your broken pig culture.
          You are just organised crime in [Edited out]
          You are still our former slave boy… now move it[Edited out]

          • 13

            Well Sir, there is no need to insult on a public forum. There is something called decorum you seem to be displaying lack of. Sorry to notice how angry you are. Public discourses should be decent.

    • 32

      You are organised crime I can see.

      The future dictators from Bestiality breed Pigs of Empirical of Asia.

  • 45

    Why are so many people commenting here so enamoured by how US President prays and how things are done in the UK and US?

    This topic is on Sri Lanka and it’s President.

    Stick to the topic people, or if you have nothing to contribute intelligently, just SHUT UP!

    • 15

      No leader of a multi religious society, can afford the luxury of being seen practicing his religion, in the full glare of the public!

      The comparison is with the world !

    • 14

      May be you need to understand the meaning of context. She is referring to multiethnic societies. Others are giving examples of how things are done in multiethnic societies. Try to understand the context before getting angry Sir!

      • 33

        not so amused pig shit big shat sty,

        Do you still want to retain Sinhala/Buddhist origin myth based on bestiality, parricide and incestuous relation?

        • 11

          You are mixing up myth with Buddhism. Kindly show with reference to Buddhist suttas and thripitaka where bestiality, parricide or incest is approved.

          • 35

            Werewolf Mahawamse- Ship Shap Shape ,Shape, Hora Oru that your pedigree Schedule caste.

            Biscuit Boofer like the Mrs Big balls eating from posterior the free education and puppy love engrossed. Kissing the webbed feet of cold head freaks of civilization-
            One needs warm to think!! That is how mind works stupid hyenas hunting in a pack.
            You scum bags English is not your mother tongue but bestiality bread animal instincts.
            So I have excused your lacking perception.
            `F` word as seen by Chinese is Foo, Foo, Foo- its all cool.
            `F` word as seen by common people Fool, Fool, Fool.
            ¬F` word as seen by middle class common sense from 21st centunary

            FCUK; fcuk. French Connection (clothing) pronounced fuck but the mind is not vulgar, you see western movies and imagine every white woman is a slut that is your ½ breed curse not ours.

            OH! S.H.I.T. ; Sorry Hypocrite Its Thursday

      • 14

        As you correctly said (though inadvertently) “She is referring to multiethnic societies” Note the PLURAL.

        Sri Lanka is ONE multi ethnic society amongst the many in the world.

        The attempt is to show a general Principle that is violated by Maithree in Sri Lanka. She cannot establish such a principle without referring to the world.

        That she did it without research, which was foolish is another matter.

        She then singles out Lanka from the many when she says “and the leader of this multi religious nation,”

        I hope the context is clear to you now.

        Kind Regards,

        • 12

          Very well said! That is what I was trying to point out to Jarvis too. But that person seems to be lacking decency to read and understand anything. Sigh!

          • 10

            Amused, forget about javi. Gutter boy will use gutter language. That is his trademark.

            • 30

              Obnoxious Terrorist Chuff, OTC ,

              Pervert kicked out by Border security force Canada belching and Farting for the opposition Marapassa Terrorist Combo of BBS and LTTE douglas karuna Kp for blood money Stinker should be shot with with his own fecal matter Sharia way.

              Amused has sunk making tea in her pyjams drinking Croak Cola and more Like Ganasara Biscuit Boofer Syndicato.

      • 13

        Dear Amused,

        Sorry about the previous post. I thought you were contesting mine. Sorry again for my mistake.

        Kind Regards

        • 3

          “”I thought you were contesting mine.””

          Hemophidrite Heyna `saffron clan` real life double agents that live off all sihal speaking and tamil speaking peoples. Goo`ta KP Karuna Pillaian, Mara familial- Kotchi Thoppi of muslim mercenaries like Dr mathir

          Phew Ambude Hitan Gooo`ta Phew OTC Heyna Accused: terrorism double agents Sihala speaking Tamil/muslim of kotchi heritage like Cyril Mathew the vampire.

          `Goo`ta `Boo`ts, KP Karuna & OTC Terrorista Hermaphrodite-HYENA Clan, kikile giggle “hee-hee-hee” sounds usually a fleeing posture.-
          tail between legs and that little thinge of the hemophidrite.

          “Ooo””Ooo””Ooo” eek eek eek ●~*bang ●~*bang ●~* Bang 。◕‿◕。◕◕ 。◕‿◕。|

  • 32

    IT seems that most of readers in CT are from Minority religion of the country. Just tell me why muslim women are covering their bodies with those black ghost like clothes, to them it is fair to do whatever the fuck they want to do. But President of the country can’t worship the sacred Sri Maha Bodhi as he wishes, Go [Edited out]. President is Buddhist and that can’t be changed by these [Edited out]. Even this [Edited out] don’t know what Lord Buddha said.This is the country of buddhists and that can’t be changed by whatever the minority racist here, u tell us racists but look ur really happy that this so called buddhist lady is condeming an action of a buddhist , to be exact president of country.And buddhism is given special place in the constitution of this country, u can go on and scream that is not going to be changed by any of u. Go [Edited out]

  • 37

    who made this Sharmini Serasinghe a writer of this? 30years of writing without a brain can cause this

  • 29

    We respect you president about worshiping Bo tree. This is the most respectable tree in our country. All of us worship it as Buddhist people. Therefore president also has a right to do so. So anyone cannot ask him about it. It is human right. As a politician he spend all of his time for the people in this country. Therefore he has no other time for his religion affairs. He did his religious affairs when he got time. It is not a problem. If the writer do not have any other work please sleep with out writing such a unpleasant articles.

  • 1

    [Edited out]
    We are sorry, the comment language is English – CT

  • 31

    Theres a saying that in SriLanka the two jobs that required no qualifications. one is politician other is journalist. wow sharmini u just proved the latter job. i am looking forward to read ur future posts too.To see how dumb u are :)

    • 32

      Boa_constrictor, chuti pute goddee!(:~) (off the low leveling)

      Brown Boars & Bacon..

      :X) h…!
      :-M speak no evil

      • 10

        ha ha haaa

        • 2

          hemophidrite heyana saffron Clan Goo’ta KP Mara Karuna that live off the misery of tamil speaking tamils,sihala speaking tamils- you are kotchi origin thoppi mercenary (all in the history of kotchi and karanataka) like cyril mathew who came to colombo- but never us at colombo 7.
          Why does Modawanse go anti Hindia and send his kids to Eaton at £35, 000 per year each for 3 of them- Double agents hemophidrite heyana with low level education low IQ >55.

          Phew Ambude Hitan Gooo`ta Phew OTC Heyna Accused: terrorism double agents Sihala speaking Tamil/muslim of kotchi heritage like Cyril Mathew the vampire.

          `Goo`ta `Boo`ts, KP Karuna & OTC Terrorista Hermaphrodite-HYENA Clan, kikile giggle “hee-hee-hee” sounds usually a fleeing posture.-

          tail betwwen legs and that little thinge of the hemophidrite. “Ooo””Ooo””Ooo” eek eek eek ●~*bang ●~*bang ●~* Bang

          。◕‿◕。◕◕ 。◕‿◕。|

  • 27

    Do you know what happen if you say this in a Muslim country?

  • 32

    Dear Sharmini,

    Be grateful that you are exercising all your freedom of expression thanks to those humble, tree-worshiping, tolerant Buddhist majority of the country.

    BTW, SL constitution categorically states – Buddhism in Sri Lanka is prime! It is the government’s duty to protect and nurture Buddhism. Is it that you are promoting views against the country’s constitution? oh dear you are on the edge!

    Let’s respect everyone’s right to belief, shouldn’t we Sharmini?

  • 2

    Faux pas done U B….

  • 0

    i wanna [Edited out]

    • 1

      [Edited out} we are sorry, the comment language is English – CT

  • 30

    I do not think readers should be too emotionally taken up by a simple opinion of a writer. She should be entitled to her views without being ridiculed. Genuine debate is what a forum like CT should engender, not rowdy insulting. Politicians do what the large majority of the voting public wants, not necessarily what is proper or correct. That is why they are in that business. However, I see no harm in articulating what might be expected of a higher order statesman, if a more mature and idealistic society were to emerge…

    • 10

      Dear Lasantha Pethiyagoda,

      Re “She should be entitled to her views without being ridiculed. Genuine debate is what a forum like CT should engender, not rowdy insulting”

      I agree with you about the rowdy insulting part but I do not agree that Sharmini is involved in any Genuine Debate as she has failed to justify her thinking when questions were raised. And there are many questions that has gone unanswered.

      This is not the first time she has done this. Her past articles remain without any engagement by her.

      Thus unfortunately she has earned that ridicule by making statements without any research. A responsible writer does not write whatever that comes to ones mind unless it can be defended.

      Take her opening statement as an example. She says “No leader of a multi religious society, can afford the luxury of being seen practicing his religion, in the full glare of the public!”

      Is that true?

      The comparison is with world leaders.
      Examples were given to prove what she says is not true.
      Did she have the integrity to admit that she was wrong?

      US Presidents are seen practicing their religion not only in public but in official ceremonies as well.

      The Sovereign and Head of State of UK and Head of the Commonwealth is also the Head of the Church.

      The PM of UK has no qualms in displaying his religion in public and when taking office.

      The list goes on and on yet Sharmini has not corrected herself or justified her stand.

      Here is a part of a speech made by a prominent world leader.

      My faith in the Church of England

      LAST week I held my fourth annual Easter reception in Downing Street. Not for the first time, my comments about my faith and the importance of Christianity in our country were widely reported.

      Some people feel that in this ever more secular age we shouldn’t talk about these things. I completely disagree. I believe we should be more confident about our status as a Christian country, more ambitious about expanding the role of faith-based organisations, and, frankly, more evangelical about a faith that compels us to get out there and make a difference to people’s lives.

      First, being more confident about our status as a Christian country does not somehow involve doing down other faiths or passing judgement on those with no faith at all. Many people tell me it is easier to be Jewish or Muslim in Britain than in a secular country precisely because the tolerance that Christianity demands of our society provides greater space for other religious faiths, too.

      David Cameron
      Prime Minister

      Kind Regards,

  • 0

    This comment was removed by a moderator because it didn’t abide by our Comment policy.For more detail see our Comment policy https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/comments-policy-2/

  • 36

    It seems to be writer’s faux pas both in terms of knowledge of Buddhism and practices of politics. If you look at the presidents of secular countries too, you would understand that the Presidents have their own faiths and act accordingly despite being a representative of all the people. President Obama for instance is a Christian who publicly acknowledges his faith.

    Ms. Serasinghe should study Buddhism further before making statements like this. While the Buddha did not instruct people to have blind faith, it is stated that respect towards the ritualistic aspects create further understanding of the practical application of Buddhism. For instance, worshipping the tree does not have to reflect the worshipping of an object as it can represent one’s respect to Buddha. I have to question whether you are Buddhist as you claim.

    Moreover, one does not have to abdicate one’s own beliefs and faiths just because you are a representative of the people. The President SHOULD respect all religions. That does not mean he does not have freedom of thought, conscience and religion. You might want to read the Constitution which does not negate the application of fundamental rights to the President of the country.

    • 18

      Well said ! All I can say is that His Holiness Pope Francis has a better understanding of religions than Sharmini Seresinghe !!!(who calls herself a buddhist)

      This lady is very quick to point out the faults of the “buddhists”!!!
      Anti buddhist blood must be running in her veins !!!

      “May God Almighty save her from the sins she commits !!!As that is her only path to salvation from the words uttered through ignorance!

      By worshiping the sacred Bo Tree, Lord Buddha taught us the very first lesson – gratitude.

      This writer must be getting a psycho-satisfaction through her own writings, as none of the readers are not ignorant as she is.!!!

      • 38

        Do you still want to retain Sinhala/Buddhist origin myth based on bestiality, parricide and incestuous relation?

        Sunday sil..monday kill…kill the veddha…
        rob the buddha…..blame the sudda…it’s as simple as that.

        Your IQ is low we dont believe you in the west anymore moron

        • 13

          Javi, please don’t get confused between real Buddhism and the acts of the extremists. There are extremists belonging to every category. There may be some that call themselves Buddhist too. When you use language in this manner, you seem to come across as an extremist who is unable to respectfully and tolerantly accept that this country allows freedom of expression which includes dissent. No one is going to judge those who dissent yet do so decently. In your case, there is insulting, bad language and an indication of intolerance. You are the one who is being judged my friend. I have compassion towards you!

          • 12

            Fashion faux-pas is common… Madonna made by Video woman’s emancipation.

            eek eek eek ●~* ●~* ●~*

            malu <")))))-<,<")))))-< yalu, roman_icing Matilda.


            M-) see no evil
            :X) hear no evil
            :-M speak no evil

            Be curious, not judgmental.- Whiskey Whiskey Westminster, idler American Individualist.

            Because you may be wrong and never know.

            ((( ))):**|((( ))):**

  • 22

    come on Sharmini!! The religion is personal and Mr. President has a right to follow his own religion even though he was elected by people from different faiths.it happens everywhere not only in SL, I was raised as a christian and but we should accept the truth that SL is a buddhist country with the 2/3 majority. Now I have been living in the UK for 15 years and its a christian country. so dont bark unnecessary things to masses and then u will be in the same shoes with Gnasara thero.

    • 27

      “”so dont bark unnecessary things to masses and then u will be in the same shoes with Gnasara thero. “”

      Landda fundda maddda landda London New York Calling!!


  • 21

    [Edited out]
    We are sorry, the comment language is English – CT

    • 26

      You can no means be a buddhist but a person who is JUST adding rubbhish against real buddhists like Sharmini Serasinghe. This is not the first time she articulated it – today in the name of buddhism, they the so called buddhists in our island seem to misguide others. Until 9th of Januaray, nation s most known amok runner did it not second to any drunkard man of the society. BBSs nefarious agendas were publicly backed by Gotabaya and Mahinda. Majority buddhists in the country though did not hail it – but has no guts to raise agains the rulers – since it was literally a dictatorship. TOday, as respectable srilanken, My3 seems to be handling the very same office left by MR – but with more dignity and respect. Former was a pseudo buddhist while the incumbent appears to be a real buddhist. THAT MAKES IT A CLEAR DISTINICTION TEACHING A LESSION TO ALL OF US BUDDHISTS.

      • 11

        Dear Ms Leelawathie,

        Has Sharmini defended her thoughts anywhere?
        The answer is no and that should tell you a lot.

        I can see that you are a woman. I hope you have given birth to a child naturally. If so you will be in a position to understand what I write below.

        This is an extract from a Sharmini Article which you may have read,

        “one still comes across ‘academically’ educated, and supposedly intelligent ‘Buddhists’, but sadly lacking in wisdom, who reverently believe, that the Buddha walked out of his mother’s womb,”

        End extract

        Any Buddhist would know that it was baby Sidhartha who his mother gave birth to and NOT a Buddha. That baby definitely did not walk out from the Vaginal opening! Some animals have the ability to walk at birth but even they do not walk out of their mothers’ womb and through the Vagina.

        Sharmini being a woman herself, should know that the human birth canal barely has room for the baby’s body to pass through. If she had given birth naturally instead of through a “C section” she would know the pain that a woman undergoes when the birth canal expands to push the baby out.

        Yet she claims that the Buddha walked out of the womb through this little passage. Let alone walk, a baby cant even crawl through it. That was a Vulgar statement she made for melodrama.

        Melodrama and sensationalism is Sharmini’s trade mark.
        Unthinking idiots gulp all that down.

        If she wants reform why not take the Bull by the Horns and start a discourse with the Sanga instead of writing to the gallery? I hope she has the GUTS to write to a National Newspaper in both Sinhala and English challenging the Sangha and quoting from Buddhists texts and create public opinion in favour of reform.

        She won’t dare do that as the she will be exposed as an idiot to a much wider audience.

        I have exposed her stupidity in many posts under her own article and this article too but neither she nor any of her fans have been able to counter them.

        Think again madam, a person who is an intellectual will defend what they write.

        Ask yourself why Sharmini who claims to posses WISDOM, is afraid of Peer Review.

        Kind Regards,

        • 38

          ” Ask yourself why Sharmini who claims to posses WISDOM, is afraid of Peer Review. “

          Peer review can only be by the original author Hindia- Almost all south indian languages are classical in India as per Gov. India but Pail the lsanguage has not been recognised because it has been hijacked by scumbags SC to destablise Hindia and con the world.

          Obnoxious Terrorist Chuff, OTC , pervert kicked out by Border security force Canada belching and Farting for the opposition Marapassa Terrorist Combo of BBS and LTTE douglas karuna Kp for blood money
          Stinker should be shot with with his own fecal matter Sharia way.

          • 10

            Peer review is contemporary to any given time period. It is an intellectual thing. But judging by all your comments here, I would not expect you to understand that Sir. I wonder why CT allows such comments to be posted. Your comments are not in line with their commenting policy. Yet, they are being published. I wonder…

            • 30

              “”I wonder why CT allows such comments to be posted.””

              They are just brilliant I suppose so because (Newsnet Open Developer British) it follows `Newsroom CT`Protocol.

              You speak like a kindergaden school mistress – platforms/podiums exist there or when as little kids we borroew our mums heels to just romance- that is where the buck stops with those words and may be at church to include (lectern) lectus.
              But not in a Newsroom CT which is a 2D virtual reality that you cant touch there the idoma is different- why am i teaching you this for free.?
              You are born a scavenger stalking and that is a crime precedence.
              The Authority is Newsroom CT and Truth is the Authority.
              Brown Boars and Bacon- ever been in international wars NO you just kill minorities – kunu karola smelly dry fish you eat is showing. Phew.

            • 12


              Gutter boy Jaadi is an idiot bred in the sewer.

              There are 14 other idiots pushing his scavenging cart.

              • 3

                Phew!! OTC Heyna Accused: terrorism double agents Sihala speaking Tamil/muslim of kotchi heritage like Cyril Mathew the vampire.

                `Goo`ta `Boo`ts, KP Karuna & OTC Terrorista Hermaphrodite-HYENA Clan, OTC kikile giggle “hee-hee-hee” sounds usually a fleeing posture.-

                tail between the legs and that little thinge of the hemophidrite.

                OTC screaming in pain- kiklee giggle `haa haa haa, hee hee ,hee” “Ooo””Ooo””Ooo” eek eek eek ●~*bang ●~*bang ●~* Bang

                。◕‿◕。◕◕ 。◕‿◕。|

  • 18

    This is a list of multireligious, multiethnic socieities of which the Presidents / Heads of State practising their respective religions IN THE FULL GLARE OF PUBLIC:
    1. USA –

    2. UK – Cameron PROUDLY declaring his faith in the church and reaffirming that people should be proud of their respective faiths irrespective of secular discourse –

    3. India – Narendra Modi as a MASCOT of hinduism


    The list can go on. I have given the references so that Ms. Sharmini can read and learn a little bit about the practices of the world before making assumptions.

    • 27

      You obvious crusader douches!Poop

      • 13

        Please read the comments carefully before jumping into conclusions. This needs to be an intelligent public discourse. While I respect Ms. Serasinghe’s right to express herself, I was pointing out the factual inconsistencies. By the way, I am from a multiethnic, multireligious background. But I do respect the President’s right to worship and pray to his own religious beliefs. I was just pointing out how it is done even in so – called secular states and quasi – secular states.

    • 14

      Dear Multiethnic, multireligious citizen,

      All what you have said is true and only an idiot will challenge that. But idiots we have a plenty and you will be challenged

      Let David Cameron answer Sharmini

      LAST week I held my fourth annual Easter reception in Downing Street. Not for the first time, my comments about my faith and the importance of Christianity in our country were widely reported.

      Some people feel that in this ever more secular age we shouldn’t talk about these things. I completely disagree. I believe we should be more confident about our status as a Christian country, more ambitious about expanding the role of faith-based organisations, and, frankly, more evangelical about a faith that compels us to get out there and make a difference to people’s lives.

      Let’s see what Sharmini has to say (usually she is dumb)

      Let’s see what her Fans have to say.

      Thank you for the links.

      Kind Regards,

  • 20

    Dear Sharmini,

    It seems that while you are a buddhist, you too are a faux-buddhist.

    Just because he is the president of the country doesn’t mean that he cannot abide by his religious desires and rituals. It is his ‘right’ and you cannot deny him that. It is true that Sri Lanka is a multi-religion country but it is ALSO true that Sri Lanka is a Buddhist country first. I think you are firmly mistaken when you come out of nowhere and accuse the president of following rituals that were governing this country’s presidents and leadership since history.

    You should note that just because he goes to a temple and worships one of the MOST sacred places in Sri Lanka, because he is a buddhist, and he is the president, doesn’t mean he will not go to a kovil or a mosque or a church and respect other religions. You are confusing racism and extremism with something that is very innocent and highly symbolic at the same time.

    Change your mindset first. Have you studied the Sri Lankan history at all? the ‘tree’ you refer to in your highly laughable article is one of the MOST SACRED things which belongs to buddhists. It doesn’t mean the buddhists worship a ‘tree’ but its the symbolic nature of the tree that is important.

    And here is a phrase which you might find funny perhaps or educational at the same time. When in Rome, do as the Romans do.

    May the Noble Triple Gem bless you!

  • 19

    Sharmini, are you trying to get attention by publicly displaying your ignorance? I am amused by the fact, being younger than you are, I am much more knowledgable about Buddhism and the Sri Lankan culture than you are. There are much more problems to focus on in our country than the president paying homage to Buddha. [Edited out]

    • 36

      Serpant Kaliya Ge natta BBS (Biscuit Boofer Syndicado- Vudu, Gudu!
      falling in love with confused Confucius …

      Take good books and read. Its only your Poppy/Puppy Love….. Gone with the Wind O’hara, Hari hari Ommmm its comes before imaginig loe and ending with a broken heart
      Reality + Dreams gives A Heart ache!
      Watch the space in the ¬Newsroom` provided by Newsnet- (Usenet)- Open W3C protocol.

    • 12

      Playing to the gallery is how she has a following of idiots!

      • 35

        Stinker Offshot Terrorista Chuff,

        Pong of the gallery we always went for the balcony with charming company Always at the Opera the House was generally full like at Queen Elizabeth Quay

        Insanity is your name with the infamous BS Force Canadian shove up your swollen posterior to fall begging at Katunayaka Airport (your own words on CT)
        Insanity doing it over and over again like pinnata atta prikana spread full blow disgusting phelm and expecting a change refer Albert Einstein

        • 11

          ha ha haa

          The Gallery is responding!!!

        • 12

          Ha ha haa

          • 6

            HYENA තරච්ඡයා තරච්ඡයා Clan kikile giggle,
            “hee-hee-hee” sounds usually a fleeing posture.

            Monica Rustic` namela dhenna engine`

            Holmaan Hannibal elephants hostage.

            eek eek eek ●~*bang! ●~*Bang ●~*Bang!

  • 0

    [Edited out]

  • 17

    Ms. Serasinghe seems to be unaware of the fact that the past President J.R.Jaywardene explicitly quoted from the Buddhist Scriptures to say ‘hatred never ceases by hatred’ and used that in the international community to convince the world that Japan should be given a second chance. That was a reference to and an explicit vouch of faith in the teachings of the Buddha. Please check your sources before making an argument.

  • 11

    >> Furthermore, by paying homage to a Bo tree, you Mr. President are also openly violating the teachings of the Buddha, who denounced the worship of objects! <<

    [Edited out] We are sorry, the comment language is English – CT

  • 14

    Worshiping the most respected Bho-Tree that is not against the teachings of Buddhism !!

    Shamini – please learn Buddhism before writing as a Buddhist. Its part of the stream entry as, to be devoted to the religion. Shraddhanusari > Dhammanusari ; before entering Sotapanna.

    By being a devoted Buddhist does not mean that he’s supporting BBS? Its exactly the opposit. We all know BBS is not a Buddhist movement. Not only that the rights of the other religions and races can only be achieved by the ruler of this country being a true Buddhist only.

  • 11

    This writing shows her poor knowledge in Buddhism, lol she thinks Buddhist/the President worship bo tree. lol.

  • 14

    I think Sharmini should stick to her parrot job – reading the news on TV .She is going to create a big stir in the country by bringing out a new topic for war fare . We had enough wars !! She should realize this is a Buddhist country foremost and the constitution has clearly mentions that Buddhism should be protected. This has always been a Buddhist country fore most and all the leaders of various faiths recognized and respected that fact without any animosity throughout more than 2000 years of history . Please retire from journalism or stick to the presenter / news reader job please , for the sake of the country !!!

    • 31

      buffalo curd robbed and does not work, cold feet bad teeth yellow pinata sevura,
      if its indigestion try dog food `werewolf mahawmse`
      pith for ayruvedic- control freek preek preek preeeek…

      • 12

        Javi – for a you- usual job is waiting – baldi kakusi sedeema – cleaning bucket toilets in households within colombo municipal areas. You will never change -your verbal diahrrea trigger me new form of allergies really. Not even worms of the toilet pit would behave as you are.

        • 30

          “Not even worms of the toilet pit would behave as you are. “

          That’s how you came Shape Shape Shape Hora Oru as half maggots in kotchi ambarella – `Werewolf mahawamse` seen any 4 legged lions except in the Zoo,
          Go back get shut up in the Mugabe Zoo!

          since its taken effect for you to keyit incessantly then just plain rub it on your head.

          Cabron Perra..

          • 12

            ha ha haa !!!!

            Jaaadi usually has worms in it besides the stink.

            Ha ha ha haaa!!!!!!!!!!!!

            • 6

              Chuff Chuff creepie crawlies, tapeworms,

              Ooooo pretty boy then?!

              Wake Me Up Before You Glow Glow – Pro Life.


              My voltage regulator cools
              When I’m sitting next to you
              Electricity starts to flow
              And my indicator starts to glow, woo

              I’m just a love machine
              And I won’t work for nobody but myself
              I’m just a love machine
              A huggin’, kissin’ fiend

              Na, na na na na, na na na na, woo-woo-wooo
              Na, na na na na, na na na na, na nah

          • 11

            Ha ha haaa Jaadi stinks

            • 3

              Hysterical Lying DownMeth Mouth, Crocuta crocuta, Terrorist OTC, Goo’ta KP Karuna
              You steal and murder Sihala speaking tamils and tamil speaking tamil peoples

              (The spotted hyena’s scientific name Crocuta, was once widely thought to be derived from the Latin loanword crocutus, which translates as “saffron-coloured one”, in reference to the animal’s fur colour.)

              This is what Goo`ta learnt in the USA- `Hora_Oru Werewolf Mahawamse`

              Kotchi Familial from Cochin that is his DNA- available in the USA.

    • 28


      Do you know the difference between Buddhist culture and the Dhamma?

    • 18

      Shani dear,

      For the sake of the country Sharmini needs to continue writing. It’s only then ostriches like you will pull out your heads from under the sand.

  • 11

    I come here to read what Javi writes. It is interesting. Better than most stand up comedy. Interesting to see how people stoop to new lows without carrying out a decent discourse on such a valuable topic. This could have been a very intellectual discourse that could even lead to policy changes of a country. However, that cannot be done as long as people like Javi are allowed to insult others and CT does not take a stand on reviewing their own commenting policies. After all, this looks like a whole lot of mud slinging and CT does not seem to me to be encouraging a balanced discourse. I rest my case. There is no point in wasting my time over arguing with people who lack an average IQ level. I pity you Sir. I wish you luck! I wish that someday you would have the decency of learning to address a public forum and voicing your opinion in a decent manner. That day seems distant but I trust in the good that people are capable of showing. I hope you would change. And I also hope CT would re-review their commenting policies and moderation techniques!

    • 0

      [Edited out]

    • 27

      Is it Amused Hyena Elli’s toilet I see?
      Poor fella with a shameful passport, wants to touch down EU and US. Scum!!

      Every subject has its dictionary (it never fell from the sky but work put in by hard research which is patent righted while you scum bags steal copy)W3C you have not learnt the protocol but being a bastard hyena stalking. `Truth is the Authority` that is CT not you piece of pork chop stalking. You are the most perverted scoundrel I have come across must be a piñata skin head with cold blood.
      Protocol- Online Newsroom stop Stalking it’s a crime!!
      There are no platforms/podiums it is `Newsroom CT` and when we log in we enter the newsgroup- newsgroup n. A forum on the Internet for threaded discussions on a specified range of subjects. A newsgroup consists of articles and follow-up posts. An article with all of its follow-up posts—which are (supposed to be) related to the specific subject named in the original article’s subject line—constitutes a thread.
      Platform for Internet Content Selection: PICS is not itself a system for rating Internet content. Rather, it specifies the format conventions to be used by rating systems in devising labels that can be read by PICS-compatible software. Acronym: PICS.
      An open W3C protocol – Platform for Privacy Preferences Acronym P3P (this comes with your PC Internet Service provider) There you decide the level of privacy you need Public, Home, Work and tweek for kids for us the age of consent is 13. So we don’t go into our mums pussy like a hyena and rape women or children which is a very sihala rump Buddhist mania.

      Schedule Caste must move from stalking sappathukaraya hyenas of terrorist island.

      Genius has limits Cold Blooded Stalkers have none so Amused stalks and kills like white vaning tourist.

      If i meet you fascista racist personally I would chop your head and sever it from the neck – butterfly sword style game on!Bring it on. Shoaling!!

  • 5

    Lord Buddha denounced worship of objects is a very important statement to differentiate the true Buddhism from the Buddhism what we practice in this country right now. Buddha’s advice in this regard is clearly mentioned in Dhammapadaya- Buddha wagge, verses 188-192.
    Worship of objects has been there in practice in all cultures since beginning of human civilisation. It is very important to look at why people worship objects or god. It may be a ritual or habit which has been in practice for long time in particular religion or cult, the person belongs since birth. Usually people follow this customs blindly without logical thinking or as a faith or mark of respect to their religion. However religious interpretation of worship of any kind of object or god is almost same, as it is to get rid of suffering in life (at least temporally) and to pray for healthy &wealthy life (For Buddhists, pray for Nibbhana at the end of healthy wealthy lives in samsara).
    Lord Buddha has totally denounced worshiping as it never help people to get rid any kind of suffering and also recognised as a useless exercise and waste of time which lead to the prolongation of samsara circle.
    Lord Buddha, with his supreme insight realised the main cause for suffering is the craving (Tanha) that people cultivate during life. If someone who wants to end suffering needs to get rid craving gradually and not by worshiping or praying. On the other hand worshipping may build up delusion ( Avijja) & Tanha (expecting wealthy lives) on individuals.
    The only path of ending suffering is the practical method of Noble eight fold path which Buddha has pronounced in his first Dhamma sermon (Dhammachakka sutra) and there is no place for worshiping in this path.
    Furthermore Buddha has stated suffering, cause of suffering (craving), cessation of suffering and path of cessation of suffering are all with in the fathom of human body and ability of controlling them with in ourselves. Then why people go behind external forces & objects for seeking refuge? This is purely because of ignorance, lack of right vision and mythological concepts.
    Although Worshiping trees, rocks, forests and mythical gods have been persisting since before Buddha’s era, they were suppressed to some extent during Buddha’s period with the clear explanation of his noble Dhamma.
    However, after SamBuddha Parinirwanaya concept of worship flourished again with a new appearance. They completely changed the objects of worship and also slightly changed the concept of worship. Buddha’s remains (bones & teeth particles), Bo-tree, statues were introduced as sacred objects for worship instead of old objects and also bring the concept that worshipping these sacred objects will help people to seek refuge from problems and also help to reach Nirvana.
    As a result of this, practical aspect of Buddha’s teaching has been undermined by more popular and simpler methods of worship in current Buddhism.
    Though Lord Buddha has visited three times to this country, Buddhism failed to establish until it was introduced by Mihidu thero under the guidance of Emperor Asoka.
    Why Buddhism was not established earlier and why it does later on? The simple explanation is that people were not intelligent enough to grasp the in depth truth of Buddha’s teaching but later on they accepted the more simpler current Buddhism with ‘worshiping sacred objects’.

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