15 February, 2025


The Sampanthan Hour

By Chaminda Weerawardhana

Dr. Chaminda Weerawardhana

Dr. Chaminda Weerawardhana

Rajavarothiam Sampanthan MP (RS) has been appointed as the Leader of the Opposition of the Eighth Parliament of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka. MP since 1970, RS also deserves the title ‘Father of the House’. Even analysts not generally sympathetic to the political ideology of Tamil self-determination concur that RS has a track record of acting with decorum and dignity in debate. This also applies to his party colleagues, who, unlike many a Sinhalese and Moor MP, conduct themselves gracefully inside and outside Parliament.

TNA: the strongest ‘Tamil’ voice?

Since the War’s end, the RS-led TNA has been successful at each and every election held in the two provinces. The absence of credible political alternatives, other than the EPDP that tarnished its reputation through its [in Tamil eyes] unholy alliance with the Rajapaksa regime, UNP’s Vijayakala Maheswaran factor in Jaffna and the SLMC in the East, there is no political movement in the two provinces that can equal, in any significant terms, the TNA’s electoral strength, the reasons for which ought to form the topic of a separate article.

R. SampanthanSome Sinhala nationalists question RS’s positions on the rights of his community, his emphasis on ensuring the Tamils’ political aspirations and right to live as equal citizens. That RS’s voice on the rights of his people needs to be heard, respected and honoured is a given. It is the primary means through which, post-war, the dignity of Tamil society can be restored and more importantly, the Tamils’ position as full-fledged citizens of Sri Lanka can be enhanced and enlivened. Those being elected to Parliament by Tamil voters have every right to raise issues that concern their voters, constituencies and electoral districts.

New responsibility of ‘national’ relevance?

For the first time in his political career, RS has been granted a position of national relevance within the legislature. His parliamentary responsibilities have been doubly redoubled overnight, going way beyond those of an MP representing a particular district, and a party leader representing a given demographic. From now on, RS has the responsibility of the entire Parliamentary Opposition upon his shoulders. As he mentioned to the media on the way out of the House soon after being appointed Opposition Leader, he is fully conscious of the nature of his new role, and has the potential to perform well.

RS, this writer believes, is also competent to identify the most advisable forward strategy, when reconciling his role as the ‘leader’ representing his ethnic community in parliament, and his national function as Opposition Leader. Reflecting along that line, the most advisable path appears to be that of upholding a ‘policy-based’ approach, strongly raising issues affecting the day-to-day lives of the people of the Northern and Eastern Provinces, while simultaneously juxtaposing these with a central focus on issues of national concern.

TNA and JVP: troubled (& ‘shared’) legacies?

Sinhala nationalist elements in national politics despise both TNA and JVP. Concerning the latter, they constantly evoke that party’s armed resistance of 1971 and especially 1988-89. The TNA is branded as having been pro-LTTE – the ultimate blasphemy in Sinhala nationalist eyes.

As the second half of the post-war decade unfolds, it is important for Sri Lankans to collectively reflect upon the fundamental reasons that prompted young people (from both Sinhalese and Tamil communities) to take up arms and resort to violence against the Sri Lankan state.

In the case of the Sinhalese, key contentious issues involved class pressures, socioeconomic disparities, lack of opportunities and the grossly unequal distribution of resources. These issues also concerned Tamil youth, who, in addition, were ethnically catalogued through university entrance regulations, issues of political representation, problems of exercising their basic civic rights, as well as ethnicity and language-based discrimination. For many Tamil youth (whose militant outfits eventually became the Colombo government’s worst nightmares), discontent also stemmed from discrimination from within the Tamil community, its class, and very especially caste hierarchies. Hence their extreme anguish at those sophisticated, educated, English-speaking, liberal and more often than not high caste Tamil intellectuals and politicos who, in their eyes, were of an uptight disposition, and were intent upon ‘preaching’ them – the lesser beings – on conciliatory middle paths and the vices of violent resistance.

TNA: from ethnic politics to national politics?

The TNA and the LTTE are two extremely different entities, and anybody making a correlation between them (the ‘TNA is pro-LTTE’ argument) is only making a display of political and sociocultural illiteracy. During the LTTE’s heyday, as Tamil representatives in the national legislature, the TNA may certainly have upheld a self-determination-based discourse, for which they cannot be blamed. Today, the TNA is in the process of – and in fairness has been considerably successful at – finding its pleine place in post-war Sri Lankan politics. The TNA has expressed its commitment to a united Sri Lankan state, and in ensuring the rights of Tamils within that framework. Apart from its ‘men of the people’, such as Mavai Senathirajah MP, the TNA has equipped itself with professionals such as Messrs Sumanthiran and Vigneswaran, and upon being elevated to a national-level role, has expressed a commitment to uphold that role’s ‘national’ dimension to the fullest.

TNA and JVP: possibilities of working together?

The Eighth Parliament offers a unique opportunity for the TNA and the JVP, the two main opposition parties, to begin a cordial and open-minded dialogue, and work towards sharing shadow cabinet responsibilities. The JVP has a golden opportunity to stand by its frequently repeated commitment to national unity and inter-ethnic coexistence. The TNA has a golden opportunity to work with a national-level party that, despite its small size, occupies a decisive position in the polity, and is composed of educated young leaders, all of them representing not Colombo’s privileged high-tea cliques, but the larger Sinhala (and quite often Buddhist) community. The JVP’s composition and inclusivity could also send a crucial message to the TNA, on the importance of going beyond Vellalar gentlemen’s politics, to a political strategy that better accommodates and represents the Tamil social spectrum, and works towards increased respect for parity.

To the cynical observer, some of the aforementioned observations may appear to be somewhat devoid of realism.

Yet, creative thinking is the key path forward for both the TNA and the JVP, to say the least.

Latest comments

  • 4

    Dr. W.

    You are right; both the TNA and JVP need to change and learn to engage with people who are from other ethnicities. The TNA needs to involve more from the “lower” castes and a broader segment of non-Jaffna Tamils.

    If they manage to do that without alienating their bases, the whole island stands to gain. If they don’t it’ll be political dysfunction and revolving doors.

    Let’s hope that each party is well-lead by moderates who put the needs of the country ahead of narrow political gains.

    • 5

      Dear Sinhala Budhdist,
      This applies to UNP and SLFP as well. They also must engage with Tamils in an honest way, and not with ulterior motives. Up to now both UNP and SLFP did not care about Tamils, solely banking on Sinhala votes to come to power, and even if they received backing of Tamils, after coming to power, left them in the lurch. Both UNP and SLFP have committed crimes to Tamils such as racial discrimination and state sponsored violence. They must first accept that they had done so and correct them in order to grant justice to Tamils. If they continue deny those crimes and refuse to correct their mistakes, then there is no point asking TNA or any other Tamil party to engage with people of other ethnicities, because it is with the support of these other ethnicities that all these crime were committed on Tamils. There will be no peace without justice and no reconciliation without truth.

  • 13

    Mr. R.Sampanthan is well experienced and well cultured politian.

    He definitely deserved the post of Opposition Leader.

    Though Buruwansa or any other henchman loudly barks at The Speaker about Opposition Leadership,Mr Sampanthan is thousand times better than Walgama.

    We wish our opposition leader well and happy.

  • 9

    Nice one keep them coming, Chaminda!

    Indeed, The Eighth Parliament offers a unique opportunity for the TNA and the JVP, the two main opposition parties, to begin a cordial and open-minded dialogue.

    The fact of the matter though is that Mahinda Jarapassa has won in the eighth Parliament where in the name of national reconciliation the foul political culture of corruption and impunity for corrupt politicains continues in the form of Sirisena’s national list and a Cabinet of 90 including deputy ministers that the tax payer has to pay for. Meanwhile all the cases against the corrupt Rajapaksa clan are being closed by CID and AG office while they fixate on petty criminal shooting in Bloomantheul.
    Good governance is a Joke played on the voter by Sirisena and Ranil who need to bribe their party members
    The civil society movement for good governance should start a weekly protest to educate the people and call for the cabinet to be reduced to 10 members.

  • 5

    Brilliant Dr.Chaminda.

    Your line….
    …As the second half of the post-war decade unfolds,it is important for SriLankans to collectively reflect upon the fundamental reasons that prompted young people[from both Sinhalese and Tamil communities] to up arms and resort to violence against the SriLankan state…..

    Plato could not have said it better.
    There is one correction to be made.RS entered Parliament,for the first time in 1977 and not 1970.Prior to that he was a sought after Lawyer with a lucrative practice.He had held his ground with emminent Lawyers from Colombo in his heyday,throwing away all this to eventually lead the TNA.

    • 3

      Thanks very much for this indeed. I stand corrected.

    • 6


      Sam is the last of the acceptable links between North and East.

  • 8

    Some sober thoughts. Most welcome.

    Sengodan. M

  • 6

    People who were afraid to speak and express their frank opinion, frightened by the dark, and who constantly struggled to make both end meet, worried about their safety and that of their children, have with their determination to unite across communal boundaries now have a chink of light to hope and recover the faith in themselves and be confident enough to savour hope for a bright future.
    It is at this juncture in the political history of our island country that the TNA and the JVP are of relevance to further the values of social justice, democracy and equality as against narrow self interest motivated by profit and plunder.

  • 5

    In a multi-ethnic country like Sri Lanka, is it OK for the president, prime minister, speaker, opposition leader all to be from Sinhala Buddhists? Why can’t we take an example from Singapore: PM – Chinese, Pres: Indian, Speaker:Malay.

    • 5


      “Why can’t we take an example from Singapore: PM – Chinese, Pres: Indian, Speaker:Malay.”

      Sinhala/Buddhists believe Singapore is making a mistake. Since Chinese are the majority Sinhala/Buddhists think Singapore should appoint PM, OL, Speaker, all ministers, police chief, head of armed forces, state institutions ………. from the Chinese community.

      Don’t you agree with them?

    • 4

      Tomy – You missed out something here. The Foreign Minister of Singapore is a Tamil of Sri Lankan origin.

      • 6

        Lanka Watch

        Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Finance is Mr Tharman SHANMUGARATNAM a descendant of Sri Lankan Kallathonie.

  • 4

    An excellent piece.

  • 4

    Well Said Dr. CW. I thank you for the expression of your view courageously. Mr. Sampanbthan should make use of this position to mobilise Tamil’s involvement and support for a holistic development and reform of political, constitutional and ideological structures of the SL polity. As long as inbuilt injustices and discrimination (exclusion) remain unchanged, not only the issues of Tamils, even the youth unrest among Sinhala Buddhist rural youth cannot be resolved.

    I always maintained the view that unless there is a united and collected efforts of all communities to reform the political, constitutional and ideological structures, demands from Tamils to fulfill their democratic and legitimate aspirations will only remain as political slogans. As you have said, it is a golden opportunity for JVP whose major constituency and concern is Sinhala Buddhist Rural Youth and TNA, whose exclusive constituency and concern was Tamils of North and East to work together to effect the reform needed.

    I will not underestimate the abilities of ultra nationalist among the Sinhala Buddhist and Tamil Nationalist among self interested overseas diaspora to work towards to sabotage attempts initiativesto reform the polity to the satisfaction of all communities.

    In this respect, there is a need to build informed and visible alliance of citizens of all communities to lead the process. Citizens should come forward to express their opinions and views fearlessly as expressed by Dr. CW in his article. Informed decisions need informed citizens and informed citizens cannot be produced with out informed and continuous dialogues.

  • 9

    What I am proposing to president Sirisena is to appoint Tamils as investigators of MR gov coruptions.

  • 2

    Let bygones be bygones. Now that a new government is promising a reconciliation and a new culure of unity, why not give a chance to it.Waiting for it is not at all too bad.

    • 1

      Mr. Manuelpillai

      70 years of waiting for the Tamils , with soft power and then hard power , is it not enough? It was SWRD ,after returning from Oxford suggested a federal form of Government for Sri Lanka is suitable due to the Ethnic problem. It was sweet for the Sinhalese then and now it is poison for Ranil.

  • 2


    May I go one step further.
    RS may turn out to be the last of the acceptable links between the NE and the South!

  • 6


    In politics, there are some stories for the people to digest and there are some stories within the Political leaders, the people should not know. The main facts are hidden by the Politicians from the peoples’ domain and media.
    Mr.Sambanthan was elected as Opposition leader by the speaker because Sambanthan Trio (Mr.Sambanthan, Mavai Senathirajah and Sumanthiran)had made an agreement with Ranil,Maithiri and Chandrika Trio that they will support a Domestic Inquiry which the US is going to propose in the UN later this week and will not demand for an International Inquiry. Besides Ranil Wickremasinghe deliberately brought a split between C.V.Wigneshwaran and Sambanthan Trio with in the TNA by calling some MPs from the TNA and allocating funds for the development in their areas whereas that allocation should have gone to the Provincial council. The TNA parliamentarians foolishly accepted the allocation jeopardising the office of the Chief Minister, Mr.Vigneshwaran. That was the grave mistake made by the TNA MPs, inclusive of Mavai Senathirajah. This foolish behaviour of the MPs annoyed the Chief Minister who made a complaint to the President, who had no say but Ranil won in his bid to split the TNA.
    Mr.Sambanthan may be a father of the House or Leader of the opposition but his decorum is in question and that of his other members, Sumanthiran and Senathirajah. Now the Tamil people think that they should go, resign from the parliamentary membership. They have found out that Mr.Sambanthan Trio are not going to do anything substantial for the Tamils as they ally with the government.
    Mr.Sumanthiran, in one of his statements declares that an International inquiry is complete and a report is to be submitted in due course and hence the cry for an International inquiry is unwarranted. This hypocrite has to explain to the Tamil people, that if an International Inquiry is unwarranted because there is already a report to be submitted on the International Inquiry, then Why is he and his colleagues supporting a Domestic Inquiry?
    Besides the International investigation into the alleged crimes committed during the war by the armed forces, there is a very crucial and important matter to be solved by the TNA which they are neglecting. There are 45,000 Tamil people living in 38 camps and with relatives for the last 25 years. Their lands amount to 70,000 acres, consisting of 10 villages are occupied by the armed forces. The people who owned those lands are deprived of being resettled in their lands Whereas those lands are being cultivated by the armed forces, luxury hotels are built and there is an idea of settling Sinhalese families. Why didn’t the TNA take action on this critical issue.

  • 0


    All praise to you going by the comments so far.

    I am one of those cynicals that you refer to. The proof of the pudding is in the eating.

    Let us see how Yahapalanaya will navigate itself along with TNA in opposition. If the gargantuan cabinet created from buying allegiance from utterly reprehensible well known rogue and thieving MPs is the yardstick to go by, I asure you it is but time when all expectations, yours included, will begin to unravel,

  • 2

    The concept of Kallathoni is unacceptable. Who brought the word Kallathoni in usage. The transport across the waters between south india and Sri lanka is traditional and exited since the time unknown. transport and material took place always as transport within srilanka and within India. The transport took place in Thonies. There was liberality in transport with or without paying tax to the kingdoms or chieftains. People lived bothside of the water lile living on the side of the river. They crossed and lived on both side of the water depending on the situation and weather. During the Portuguese atrocities many people from srilanka would had moved to south india. during the famine In south India They moved to sri Lanka. It has been normal migration of people or normal transport in land and water in a place common to them. Free movement of people was prevented by the westerners mainly during the late time of their rule and after independence of Sri Lanka. It is unfair to prevent people movinf across the water. Taxing is different thing. They erected Berlin wall and it has been smashed now. The word Kallathoni should not be used in the context of a bad thing. The wod thonies were changed as Kallathoni.
    I ask you to work towards restoring the transport which existed for thousand of years and now denied to people by force and they are penalised for their routine movements.

    • 5


      The Tamils ridicule the upcountry Tamils being Kallathonies. The Sinhalese on the other hand ridicule Tamils being Kallathonie.

      As far as the history goes Tamils and Sinhalese came from India on boats.

  • 0

    There are lot of expectation with TNA and Sampanthan and by the past disappointments there is lot of suspicions about their abilities too. The Tamils are not sure why Sampanthar accepted the Opposition Leader job. There are concerns with in Tamil community that it will obstruct forwarding the Tamils’ cause. By accepting the minister post G.G failed and by accepting the opposition leader post A. Amirthalingam failed. Looking at the past few incidents in Lankave is will clearly mirror the pulse of the Eelam Tamils.

    DS with a notorious intention of weakening the Tamils representation in the parliament disenfranchised the Tamils. Sirimavo made a pact with Sastri to deport them to India. That drama of the Lankave Royals governments’ appeared to subdue with that. But it didn’t in reality. As I said earlier, DS’s intention of disenfranchising of Tamils was not to consolidate or preserve the sovereignty of Lankave. It was to inflicting a life threatening wound to the Lankave living Tamils. So, SWRD, who found conflict within UNP, came out and started his infamous Sinhala Only to gain popularity within the majority community. Here he did not simply build up on the wound DS inflicted, He introduced the choke hold on the Tamils’ education and employment which was their only living means, because, especially Jaffna is a waterless region. He is the one started pogrom which time to time issuing the punching on the stomach of the man who under choke holds of their means of living.

    SJV and GG had their own solution proposals to the problem. But SJV gained the faith of the Tamil so, GG had to withdraw or corporate with SJV. SJV’s path very quickly hit the road block. The Sinhala Leaders’ intention was simply pushing the Tamils into the Bay of Bengal and wiping them to the root. With these dodging and dragging of the Sinhala Leadership, the call for Eelam dawn in the 1970s. Until that India was fighting with its’ own problems. Famine, Boarder conflicts, internal conflicts, internal racisms…. India was given a rude awakening in 1963 by China. Lankave’s good shuttling was used to bring the war to an end. India started to feel obligated to Lankave. Mrs. Gandhi offered her help to subdue JVP at the start of 1970s. She went further and handed over Katchchativu in the heavy protest of TN. (TE always kept silent of Katchachative sensing any on their claim in between will be interpreted as support to Lankave’s Royal government.) After helping Sirimavo with good intention, Mrs. Gandhi was the first international leader, beside Eelam Leaders, to sense the Lankave Royal governments’’ unfaithful and ugly deeds. She decided to punish them with the same whip she used to Pakistan. This is where first American Interest started in the Eelam wars.

    Mrs. Gandhi, while leading the Non Aligned Countries, practiced a Soviet Block bent defense policies. Her action on East-West Pakistans was a shock treatment to west while Pakistans were Western Democracies best friend. India that was simply squeezed by China in 1963 like bug under a feet, showed its first military prowess in that war. Crooked Lankave’s Royal government allowed West Pakistan to refuel the camouflaged military planes in Colombo Air Port. Mrs. Gandhi would not have resented Lankave on this a lot if Lankave had allowed military planes to refuel on an open commercial base. But Lankave had the Pakistan’s military planes camouflaged as civilian air crafts. This action was not just in support of Pakistan, this was done to please China. Lankave always act like a friend and then stab on the back. This was an underhand, secret plot against India. She still tried to work with SLFP on Kachchativu. But as soon as UNP came to power, JR gave his kick on her back, this time joining hands with the west. He worked with west to suppress LTTE and other rebels. She deiced to give a stern lesson to Lankave’s government. Unfortunately, other Indian leaders followed her lacked military and defense visions she had. Especially her son, Rajiv Gandhi was the first one noted as corrupted Indian leader that was even in military contracts to retract the Indian Military power build by Mrs. Gandhi. Later, that was followed by his wife Sonia Gandhi too. Rajiv succumbed to JR’s mature cunning politics. From that time India sees UNP as its enemy. The Lankave’s ability to manipulate the international Military strategist on its side and when the need is over throwing them through the window is amazing. Basically China, India, America and even immediately after freedom, Britain too had fallen victims to this tactics. It was so obvious during the 2009 war. Lankave able to put together 20 friends and foes countries on its side of the ring, but none was allowed to hang around there unnecessarily after war, other than China. Especially the way Lankave beat the Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh prompted the Web Tamil Medias to describe the Lankave as the World third super power and India, in front of it, as a peanut country.

    America started to show interest in Lankave after the Indian Military Intervention in the 1980s. Probably, that time, the accord signed by the two counties might have been a concern for America. It restricts Lankave on military matters in favor of India’s defense. (But after the 2009 war, India Lost its hold to have it implemented.) Regan Era anti- Mrs. Gandhi feeling was watering America to get involved in Lankave’s politics. Advancing from there, during Bush time, America upgraded it as anti-Tamil feeling in the name of fighting terrorism. Ambassador Lunstead was told to deny visa to American entry for the current opposition leader Sampanthan. America played a major role in lining up Norway, Japan, EU, South Africa, Australia, Israel, Pakistan and other few countries against Tamils in the 2009 war. Still, irrelevant of whatever happened, America stayed in close consultation with India. America, until the war was over, appeared respecting the defense part of the India-Lanka accord. So, it accepted Sonia Gandhi to lead the anti-Tamil war. It was not just there America was showing its confusion of understanding the Sinhala Intellectual Politics. Though America started with Chandrika as a terrorism war against Tamils, when the time passed, it added other objectives like preserving Democracy and Humanity, Equal Treatment for Tamils, and, of cause, its own interest – as finding a new ground for investment opportunities for its corporations. China’s String of Perl and Sonia India’s indifference to the China’s initiations to occupy the Indian Ocean made America to feel an urge to get involved more in Lankave’s politics.

    2012 India had sent Krishna to force Lankave to implement its 13A before the UNHRC new version of resolutions start. America had deviated, if not fully, at least partially, from waiting for India’s consultation. Ambassador (–promoted as Assistant Secretary at that time) had tried to forge a consent from Lankave to make to it agree on the crime committed and start an internal investigation with the UNHRC’s blessing. This is not similar to the UNSG and Old King’s joint statement in Colombo, in May 2009. This, if had taken place, might have restricted Lankave’s chances to dodge. But Old King, following Ranil’s path in ICC accord, had refused sign agreements but only consents they gave to corporate with UNHRC. When, at the start of the March 2012 sitting of OFUNHRC, America sent E-mails to member countries about the consent it had obtained from Lankave, Lankave simply denied and sent counter E-Mails. This and the eventual National Action Plan dupes made Blake to tell Congress that Lanka has cheated them. America stepped up the resolutions and an OISL report has been prepared now. This is where now all the attentions are directed.

    This report was delayed by America’s effort to save the January 8th Ranil-New King government. They two are putting lot of dramas that arresting and investigating the old King, not on the serious war crimes, but even of openly known corruptions cases may back fire on them. Everybody knows, with the talk of staging a fake coup, Ranil went to Temple Tree house and gave Old King the promise to protect him in an International Investigations. When in the August 17th election, the SLFP (UPFA) was facing a complete wipe out, New King made with him to revive it with anti-minority propaganda and LTTE resurrection dramas. To substantiate these, Jeyakumari who was released after so many activist efforts and the police certification that there was no terrorism case existed against her, was rearrested right after election. Those in prison were tortured to obtain new sets of confessions, instead releasing them. Why these are being done is to fizzle out the call for international Investigation. All knows the report was due in March. Then the date was set again right after the Lankave’s August 17th election. Now it is further postponed. A few raise doubts if that will be released in the current sittings.
    About a month ago, Channel-4 had released a secret document pushing the investigation to go locally. This was said to be from the UN office, rather than, UNHRC, which is the one about to review the crime report. Further spoke person for UN-SG said his office wants a place given to NPC in the investigation. In addition to the non-existing witness protection, full use of POTA regulation, flawed principle of criminals investigating their crime, now dragging NPC in that is a double jeopardy on the Tamils’ intrests. NPC is a fangless snake. NPC Governor Chandrasiri used to sign Devinegumba like laws to marginalize NPC from and within NPC. NPC has no judicial authority. India who forced the NPC election under 13A has withdrawn from there, Manmohan Singh saying that Lankave Government is not listing to them. So, NPC cannot be a judge or prosecuting attorney, but can be a mouthless spectator in the investigation, under the current circumstances. If NPC had the full judicial power, as the substantial part of the crime took place on its soil, a reasonable outcome can be expected to come out of local investigation. NPC is elected to represent the North. NPC is not just having Tamils’ representatives only. NPC has anti-Tamil and government side members too. There is no guarantee that the government will appoint reasonable advocates of Tamils from NPC, when it is the criminal. NPC itself understands the circumstances and it repeated its call for IC investigation that is after UN’s New York office had invited it to participate in the investigation. That basically serves the rejection to the invitation to participate in the investigation.

    The understanding of these conducts, of the IC and the NPC, has been made more complicated by a report released by of the parent institution of the ruling member’s party organization, the TNA. TNA has said the IC investigation is over and in September, the report of the investigation is the one going to be released. If that is correct then it is not clear why the UN’s New York office suggested that NPC has to participate in the investigation. One may take example out what was over so far is like a Grand Jury investigation and the verdict granting investigation yet to come. Things are not black and white here. There is still a big range of space out there for Lankave Royals escape without any harm from the 145,000 murders they committed within the last five months of 2009 war.
    Further, to increase the vulnerability, in the last resolution, India refused to vote. Mavi has said, this week, India has a fear of if UNHRC can walk into a country and investigate its crime for Humanity, if allowed this investigation go ahead. So, its object is not a UN sponsored International Investigation. It may not mind ICC investigation with the Lankave’s consent. But that is not a reality. Lankave did not do all these for 65 years, at end, freely throw itself into an investigation. Its object, still, is to push the Tamils into Bengal bay. Still it may consent if the International Inquiry can stop China’s unlimited gain into Lankave. But it still may prefer to put China out of Lankave by removing Old King and replacing with New King; not with UNHRC. India might know that is not a reality as New King also an anti-American, so necessarily a China supporter. But India might think, if without SLFP in power, if one removes China, UNP will invite America to lands-in. India may not prefer America to China or China to America Lands in Lankave.

    The entanglements exist in the other, America’s polices too. If anytime Tamils’ welfare and Democracy and Humanity prevail as its policy only America’s action can be favor to Tamils. If America’s own interest prevails, it can be a serious damage to Tamils. Lankave knows, in that case, how to tie in America to destroy the Tamils first and then come back and stretch its hand to Lankave for its wages. Recently, Tamils have started to suspect America, if its role playing only about its interest. After the election, Assistant US Secretary of State Nisha Biswal’s visit has been cited for this claim. But that is not a concreate proof to establish that America has once more sifted its policy on the International Investigation. There is a real obstacle exist even for America to bring in the international investigation. Lankave has not signed the ICC accord. The next possibility is taking it to Security Council. There, China or Russia can veto. There are other steps exist, if the veto is used. But America is not having India’s full support either. India can be continuous obstacle in other methods, with influencing Russia in the Security Council too. So America may not have the will to select a sharp shooting technique. It may target of obtaining Lankave’s casual consent, once again. That may be the reason of assistant secretary’s visit. As we saw, similar attempt was made by former ambassador Robert Blake too. He tried to get an approval from Lankave in exchange for a lenient (or Favorable) resolution to Lankave. Assistant US Secretary of State Nisha Biswal may not have seen any better success than Ambassador Robert O. Blake. The extent of the success of its may be reflected by the visit of former Assistant Secretary, who is a more seasoned diplomat than junior Nisha Biswal.

    But, even though that does not indicate that could be a better luck for Tamils, that is better possibility outcome, considering the nature of the Lankave’s Sinhala Intellectualism. Last time, in March of 2012, Old King gave a verbal consent to Ambassador Robert O. Blake to accept the resolution, if it would be lenient or favorable to Lankave. But the entourage went to Geneva refused to sign the resolution. But, following his Guru Ranil, Old King without signing he flip flopped at the last minute of the sittings. Ranil, who had noticed signing the peace agreement with LTTE had done substantial election damage for him in the south, he did not sign ICC accord. He signed the peace agreement only to get LTTE closer to him so he can destroy them. He did that too. But still it hurt him a lot in the south. So he kept reserved in singing the ICC accord and dodged it. He was negotiating with LTTE while knocking down Chandrika – Neelan constitutional deed in the parliament. That is why the Old King, not signing anything in Colombo and took them to Geneva and cheated America. Now the captain of the game is Old Kings’ guru Ranil. One can expect Ranil playing this much better than Old King.
    UNP and SLFP has forecasted only two year hardship and made the National Government agreement only for two years. This is more than enough to the current American Democratic Party administration vacates and new one settles down. At that time, State Secretary Kerry should have left. Lankave Government will decide in the freedom of missing Kerry whether to extend the National government or dismantle it. If the American pressure continue to come in the current style of call for Internal Inquiry and Internal solution, then they may extent the National Government and continue to put Dramas of they are trying internal solution, while holding the opposition leadership and conveniently switching between 2/3 and non 2/3. If the new calls get tougher and ask for International Inquiry, they will go back to reintroduce the UN electric Chair propaganda to internally gain full power and resist any UNHRC actions. If no pressure at all, they will return back to China’s Port City project and its other 40% commission contracts.

    Sampanthar have nothing much to do as Opposition leader. We show the 18th amendment was installed when much stronger Sinhala opposition was on the chair. Further, Tamils does not have much to predict or much to expect from this UNHRC’s sitting of 30. Sampanthar’s acceptance of the opposition leadership may not bring any new more control on the situation. The forgoing paragraphs suggest that everything is depending on how much the IC succumbs to the New Royal Government’s. dramas. It may be too much to blame Sampanthar or his opposition leadership, in the event of a disappointing outcome come from the UNHRC sitting, But his last week’s words are wise. What he said is he will release his opinion on this matter only after he see the report in the latest UNHRC’s sitting, later this month. It may be too late do anything at that time. But it is going to be politically.

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    Manuel pillai
    ‘”Now that a new government is promising a reconciliation and a new culure of unity” ‘
    You are dreaming or lying . There isn’t any promise made by any politician about reconciliation. Can you post some public statement about that. All half statements made are coined with denial of an inquiry for war crimes or such. There is no genuine call for genuine reconciliation from any of the Singhalese including Cardinal Malcom Ranjit.

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    A very good analysis. Racial and religious considerations apart as peculiar to Sri Lankan politics, it is most apt that Sampanthan a rationalist was made the leader of the opposition. Let us hope that this will augur well for the progress of Sri Lanka. Bensen

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      Did Sampanthan publicly identity himself as a rationalist, or are you
      just making an inference?

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    coming from India. When you place the Map on a wall. India is above and Sri Lana is below. you believe the people feel from India due to gravitational force. That is not true. The western forces want us to believe that all came from India because of that gravity. people at times moved from srilanka to India too also against the gravity. There may be many reasons for that. The upcountry Tamils, Other Tamils and even Singhales must be Having same DNA. they cite flawed dna studies. South India and North east and west sriLanka are historically one land and one area. There wasn’t any passport or visa those days. there was liberal Travelling. The west companies blocked the rivers to Tamil nadu with Dams made the crops failed created famines. Then the contracted people smugglers coerced the people to move (the Tamils )on false promises to work in the tea plantations. In early 20th century lot of plantation Tamils returned to Tamilnadu again.

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    Dr.Chaminda Weerawardana

    i just wanted to know R.Sampanthan was appointed as opposition leader or he deserves the opposition leadership due to Sri Lankan parliament adopts unity of winner and runners up ” National Govt” establishment ?

    i agree speaker of new parliament a person of appoint by majority party leader or PM or whatever force has maximum stakes in that assembly.

    R.Sampanthan were chosen by speaker or R.Sampanthan automatically falls to the position of opposition whether he accepts or refuse …. entire country were misled by few deceptive messages ..as like 55 MP’s signed and submit to SLFP leader or H.E president to appoint Kumar Welgama or Vasudeva Nanayakkara nominated too,,,,,don’t you see are we still running the path of not known the end destination ? let’s take this as example if OUR country’s highest denominated assembly in opinion float what is the stances of grassroot citizens? ????????

    Parliament MP’s needs a code of conducts? not punishment…if misleading message or what they speaks not accordance to parliament protocols SPEAKER must fine the MP whoever made mistake Rs. 500,000 or 1 million or monthly official pay cut from his next 5 years tenure ….where delicts and torts collects from innocent uneducated citizens through traffic fines, Malaria Dengu fines, etc etc inhumanly without consider persons economy …. we must have equal social justice….whether MP or minister or normal voter all falls under the word citizens.

    i apologise if my comments does not make any sense.

    thanks if u pardoned, if not pls reply

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