13 February, 2025


The Test Of An Oppressed Minority – As Tellippalai Is On The Verge Of Flames

By S. Ratnajeevan H. Hoole

Prof. Ratnajeevan Hoole

Whether a minority demanding justice (like us Tamils) is using the concept of justice for its own benefit, or, really believes that true justice is important in its fight for justice, makes that minority either great or diminishes it greatly.

We have seen in these pages the story of the  Tellippalai Mission House. Matters came to a boil when an elder of the Tellippalai Parish, Gnanatheepam Rasakanthan, wrote the story in Tamil in Kalaikathir, perhaps the most liberal newspaper in Jaffna which is edited by Mr. N. Vithyatharan.

Gnanatheepam aired the church’s grievances, particularly naming Union College (UC) Principal T. Varathan with connections to the Saiva Maha Sabai which in its opening Facebook page has a photograph of Hitler and a quotation from him. Varathan, say those from UC, has been on visits to India in cooperation with Ma’ravan-pulavu K. Sachithananthan of Siva Senai (which plastered Jaffna with posters in 2018 asking Tamils not to vote for Christians). Sachithananthan is advertised as a Senior Central Committee Member of the ITAK. The Administrator of ITAK, Xavier Kulanayagam, is emphatic that he was never even admitted as a member. That is TamilNet. Very European in appearance, Sachithananthan seems to be trying to prove that he has a pure Hindu bloodline, said a professor who teaches anthropology. Such a phenomenon is also documented by Prof. Stiraat who noted Roman Catholic Sinhalese attacking Tamils in the Kotahena area during riots, even Tamil Roman Catholics, as if to prove their Sinhalese identity.

The Tellippalai Mission House has been owned by the America Ceylon Mission for 200 years and occupied by missionaries. When I.P. Thurairatnam became first  “National Principal” of Union College, by an internal arrangement between the church and the church school, he was allowed to occupy it. When schools-takeover came, the issue was whether the Mission house was the Mission’s or the school’s. In negotiations involving the ministry and the church’s Bishop D.J. Ambalavanar, the church got Mission house and the government got the Parsonage occupied by the “Assistant Priest.” Unfortunately, during the war, maps appear to have been created and when the church returned in 2009 to its location, the school, Union College, had already begun its encroachment redrawing maps to show ownership of Mission House, which however are proven to lie because of extant older maps.

Up to yesterday (8 April) the Church had control of the Mission House. Today Principal Varathan moved into action. He had already had the front gate of Mission House padlocked. Early morning the side gate was ripped off but the church had placed asbestos sheets across. However, a line of students removed the asbestos sheets and were climbing over into the Mission House. The photo shows Theepam watching in a red dress. Principal Varathan was directing the show from the back, violating ICCPR which condemns taking underage children into political action.

Soon the mission house was over-run by the Union College mob of children, alumni, parents, teachers and the Principal.

As if not to be outdone, 4 students entered hospital claiming that “Missionaries” had attacked them, when there are no Missionaries in Jaffna. From yesterday I as a correspondent have been alert to what could happen. From this morning I have been regularly fed from video cameras. The photo-evidence establishes a line of students forming the first phalanx, parents and alumni a second and being directed by Varathan from behind. There are photographs establishing the students removing the asbestos sheets that blocked the side gate, and entering Mission House. It is 3 pm now and I am still receiving my feeds. The priests inside mission house did not assault anyone. If they had, I would have seen it. I doubt that any student self-inflicted injuries and my fear is that communal passions are so high that even the doctors are in the game, admitting students with no injuries. Mathialagan and Sasikala, parents of students whom Theepam identified,  as well as 4 alumni whom she cannot identify, pushed Theepam to the ground and injured her. She has filed a police report. She was hospitalized and delirious, and could be spoken to only through those whom she knew well.

A Facebook page has been opened by alumni claiming the missionaries attacked the students. These pages are widely shared by Mr Kabildev (wife Niro).

Kabildev was resident in the Church Seminary in Chunnakam (CTS) attending Union College, Tellippalai in 2014. Niro was a theological student at CTS, sent by the America Ceylon Mission CACM to USA for update and higher studies in theology. On her return they married each other at Murikandy Church, CACM and are living there. Something soured. She gave up ministry. He is sharing widely the Material put out by the Union College supporters.

The police took no action against those who broke the school gates. An overstaying tenant cannot be removed without a court order, the police tell us. For 8 years I have been trying to eject a doctor overstaying in my house in Sagara Road Bambalapitiya without paying a single cent’s rent. The police want me to get a court order. The courts are half asleep. Here the police are trying to force the church out of what belongs to it and hand it over to a mob.  If the police truly are looking for errant citizens, pictured here is one who was after the Christians of Tellippalai with a log. It is from their Facebook pages

The Rev. Thevasakayam Thevanesan, Chairperson, CACM and President, ACM, and The Rev P Kamalakumaran, Principal, Christian Theological Seminary, Asia House, Maruthanarmadam were both on site. They too confirm that any violence was from Union College. They say the children came at 6:30 am and were kept standing in the sun till 10:30 am. The parents then pressured the church authorities to let the children park their bicycles inside, ignoring that till now the children had other places to park. They say their weakness was that they could not be harsh with children.

Varathan’s main argument is that in 1961 at take over the Mission House was given to them. He has no explanation for why the Church had control till now and repeats the mantra that 90% of the students at Union College are Hindu. Being in Tellippalai for long, the school has powerful friends. Despite the Tellippalai Church being SJV Chelvanayakam’s family church, Mavai Senathirathah, the Federal Party’s Secretary General has taken no interest, not even to dig into documents to find out the truth after being appealed to. He did not even acknowledge the appeal.

Governor Charles, a Roman Catholic, had given an appointment to the church this morning at 8:30 am and a part of this morning’s exercise appeared to be to keep Reverends Thevanesan and Kamalakumaran away from it. Even Governor Charles ducked the issue by asking them to come back on the 23rd to meet the GA. 

The police tried to arrest Reverends Thevanesan and Kamalakumaran. They refused to get into the police vehicle and agreed to go in their own vehicles. After a long argument, the police seemed to say they are not being arrested. Was the drama to please Varathan by humiliating two senior priests in front of his gallery crowd?

Not surprisingly, TamilWin, the one-time mouth piece of the LTTE, ran this headline against the truth: “Union college Students Assaulted by those Identified as American Mission People.”

Until Tamils are liberated from this journalism, we will never have freedom. It is a good time to ask if we Tamils treat our minorities better than the Sinhalese do theirs? Simply pondering the question should make us a better people.

Latest comments

  • 23

    The first para,
    Whether a minority demanding justice (like us Tamils) is using the concept of justice for its own benefit, or, really believes that true justice is important in its fight for justice, makes that minority either great or diminishes it greatly,
    is a play with words.
    I continued reading.
    I halted when I reached, ‘Ma’ravan-pulavu K. Sachithananthan’.
    That was the end for me!
    We have a life and death political problem in Sri Lanka.
    I don’t want to see Sachithananthan or Hoole burden us more with man made problems.
    Let Religion continue to remain a personal affair.

  • 21

    Prof. Ratnajeevan Hoole – absolute shame , there are photos of men and women presumably Christians inside the Hindu College compound threatening the students.

    Rajapaksas will love this they wanted division among Tamils along religion, caste, politics etc

    and you want to paint TamilWin as the mouth of LTTE. “…. Until Tamils are liberated from this journalism,” damn shame on you to criticise when they do a unbiased reporting

    • 4

      “Rajapaksas will love this they wanted division among Tamils along religion, caste, politics etc”
      Those Sinhalese who wish to see divisions among Tamil speaking people are fools. On my part I wish to see all Tamils ( Tamil speaking
      people scattered across the island irrespective of their religion, caste or the date of arrival) united as one.
      Only then we can consider a separate Homeland for them.


      • 14


        “On my part I wish to see all Tamils ( Tamil speaking people scattered across the island irrespective of their religion, caste or the date of arrival) united as one.”

        What do you think about PAN Tamil activism springing all over the world. Soon they may start their branches in Moon, Mars, … etc while the second third generation Sinhala/Buddhist diaspora seems to be very keen on converting themselves into a community of coconuts.

        Maybe my friend who informed me his observation over a long period of time is wrong. There maybe coconuts among Tamils as well.

        I want your honest opinion.

        • 1

          Your questions are riddles within riddles beyond my IQ level.


  • 11

    ‘It is a good time to ask if we Tamils treat our minorities better than the Sinhalese do theirs? Simply pondering the question should make us a better people.’
    What a wise man.

  • 11

    ” It is a good time to ask if we Tamils treat our minorities better than the Sinhalese do theirs? “

    Brutal honesty from the author. As I have been saying, the caste system is the worst form of discrimination ever created. When one visits India, the first thing he/she notices (besides the smell) are the endless masses of beggars. Similarly, the caste system in Sri Lanka created a void (schism) in the Tamil community. This void was filled by violence.

    • 16

      You missed out on our well dressed beggars visit foreign countries including India.
      Have you researched how caste operates in Sinhalese society?
      Do you know why Ambalangoda-Balapitiya was created as a multi-member constituency in 1947?
      Why did SWRDB introduce legislation in 1957 against caste discrimination?
      How long should we wait for a K/D/S/W head of state, while others scream out for a Tamil or a Muslim?
      In fairness, closet Christians have had their chance.
      BTW, What has been your response to the writer’s ‘brutal honesty’ about the Sinhala Buddhist oppression?

      • 5


        Sri Lanka is not the only country to receive foreign money. Israel gets $4 billion USD every year from the USA. This money is free, meaning it’s a grant, not a loan. Yet you claim Sri Lanka is “begging” for money which it has to pay back in the future, which is a contradiction.

        There is no caste in Buddhism. Buddhism is inherently liberal, which is why Sri Lanka has been welcoming foreign invaders for millennia. When missionaries came to this country, instead of attacking them, the monks held debates.

        There is no “Sinhala Buddhist” oppression, this is a nonsensical term made up by interested parties. There is “Sinhala nationalism”, which has existed largely for economic reasons. For example, the popularity of JVP was primarily due to economic hardship. The Vellalar caste that dominated Tamil politics for so long was simply trying to retain its privileges, which included disproportionate representation in the government, e.g. 50-50 representation as espoused by Ponnambalam, as well as a monopoly over all commerce and trade in Jaffna.

        • 13

          The Buddha rejected the caste system. but Buddhism in Sri Lanka compromised with it. Even the way members of the Sangha don their robe carries a caste label.
          If it may interest you to know, the first organized call for national independence was from the Jaffna Youth league. the Left followed suit. The others much much later. The UNP cut a deal to protect colonial interests.
          Karalasingam, Vaithilingam and Sanmugathasan rank among the foremost theoreticians of the left parties. The left won a seat in the North in 1956. It persuaded the FP to support the Hartal in 1953.
          Sinhala Only tilted the balance, but the Left was still popular among toiling masses. It was after the Constitution of 1972that things went strongly towards Tamil nationalism.
          The Left Communists (led by Sanmugathasan) launched a long struggle against caste oppression (1967 to 1972) and achieved much against caste discrimination in the public sphere.
          Do not oversimplify Vellala domination. LTTE was a Karayar led outfit, but not exclusively K. EPRLF was nor Vellalar led either. Much has changed since 1967, but not enough for me.
          Will you say that caste is not a decisive factor in Sinhala politics?
          Why did Gamini D & Lalith A give R Premadasa a rough time?
          Have you seen සෙංකොට්ටං? That narrates events a century ago.
          There are still several disadvantaged groups among the Sinhalese.

          • 1


            No, caste is not a decisive factor in Sinhala politics. If caste was a decisive factor, Ranil would not be the leader of the UNP for 30 years. The biggest instigator of the 1983 riots was Cyril Mathew. After Premadasa, those other than Govigama can become President. These days, even useless buggers like Anarkali and Hirunika can become politicians.
            There is no caste in the Sangha, that is nonsense. One time a Kandyan king ordered that only Govigama could join a certain order of monks, but that was 250 years ago. If you want to prove caste has any value, you need a more recent example. Those elderly Kandyans who check horoscopes and seek “Govigama” partners for their daughters do not represent the Sinhala mainstream.
            No need to oversimplify Vellala domination. The original Vellalas (SJV, Ponnambalam, etc.) were more interested in protecting Vellala rights than Tamil rights. As far as I know, TULF never had a low-caste member in a leadership position. That is why Prabhakaran showed no mercy to Vellalas, assassinating Duriappah, Amirthalingam, Yogeswaran, etc. SJV did not live long enough, or he would taken the same path. Killing them was actually a brilliant move on VP’s part. By dismantling the political leadership in Jaffna, the people had no choice except to obey the LTTE.

            • 1

              You should seriously study the castes of MPs of individual electorates when they existed. Now things are a little clouded by the PR scheme.
              Who do you think you are fooling about caste in the Sangha.
              At the time only G could join the Sangha. The King punished badly behaving clergy members by branding their shoulders and insisted that all clergy exposed their shoulder so that he could tell the good from the bad. That day on the Siyam Nikaya clergy expose their shoulders.The others cover both.
              Are there no caste identities for Amarapura and Ramañña Nikaya?
              Please do not digress.
              I raised an issue and let us stay with it.
              Tamils have a rotten caste system. But that does not mean that the Sinhalese are free of caste hierarchy.
              I strongly recommend: “Caste Discrimination and Social Justice in Sri Lanka: An Overview” by Kalinga Tudor Sliva et al.
              You could also profitably spend some time reading matrimonial columns.

            • 0

              Lester, the ignorant,
              Please find a copy of Family and Caste in the Politics of the Sinhalese, by Janice Jiggins, published in the late 1970s.
              Ranil Wickremasinghe has been the leader of the UNP for so long precisely because he passes for Goigama. I have it on fairly good authority that many of these supposed Goigama people have a good deal of Colombo Chetty blood. Few know the full details.
              Other instances: Communist Party: Dr S.A. Wickremasinghe
              LSSP: Dr.NM. Perera instead of Dr Colvin R. de Silva (Hali aka Salagama)
              Senanayakes, Bandaranaikes, Jayawardenas – it all counted.
              It helped Sarath Muttetuwegama that he was Goigama-Walawwa, but married to Colvin’s daughter – so even the “lower castes” voted for him.
              The two real breakthroughs were Ranasinghe Premadasa, who used the issue cleverly to get all poorer people (even Goigama not from a Walawwa), to vote for him.
              The other was CBK, who fell in love and married Vijaya Kumaratunga who was some other caste.
              Look man, guys like us don’t like talking like this, but these things do count among the Sinhalese.

        • 0

          So, Lester, why not vote for the National People’s Power Group, which you still refer to as the JVP?
          I didn’t much like the JVP of 1971 and 1989-90. But they have changed. See how fairly they are treating the others who constitute their new alliance. Harini Amarasuriya has never been a member of the JVP and has no intention of formally joining the party. She had been on the National List of the NPP (Jathika Janabala Peramuna in Sinhala). But she says that they are friends.
          Professor Kumar David was also on that National List, and also the author of this article, where NV has, for once made a mistake when making one of his hurried but brilliant comments:

          • 1

            Dear Native Veddah,
            There’s been some mix-up by me, and I’m still a bit confused.
            Comments on Dr Michael Fernando’s article are now closed, and they may be near closing here as well.
            “You may not have been aware that Professor Kumar David, Dr Harini Amarasuriya, and Dr Michael Fernando were all on the National List of the NPP.”
            Michael says that we must take account of all the changes brought about by globalisation. He has emphasised in bold that he is for social justice and individual freedom. SJ has expressed admiration for North Korea; I’m sure that Michael doesn’t admire that regime.
            Michael advocates co-operation with Japan.
            Michael’s cultured and soft-spoken wife, Shanez, does Psychiatric Counselling. She is not a Doctor of Medicine. She has a PhD in the field of Counselling, after doing a BA. (Special) in Philosophy. Dr Malik Peiris, the virologist who came out so strongly against the cremation of Muslim COVID dead, is the brother of Shanez.

    • 13

      At least Prof. Hoole has the honesty to ask questions about his own community. Do you?

      • 6

        Old Codger,

        Hoole was chased out of Jaffna by the LTTE, a group which you refuse to condemn and whose ideology you espouse. Hoole supports the government in its efforts to eliminate the LTTE, as the LTTE is a direct threat to intellectual freedom. Hoole has stated in his books that Tamil intellectuals were disgusted with LTTE.

        • 11

          Supporting the underdog doesn’t make me a Tiger, except in the books of mindless Rajapaksa lackeys living safely in the US.
          Of course I agree with Prof Hoole (and his brother) Let’s hear you say one word against your paymasters?

  • 7

    “Despite the Tellippalai Church being SJV Chelvanayakam’s family church, Mavai Senathirathah, the Federal Party’s Secretary General has taken no interest…”
    Is the Federal Party Chelvanayakam’s family estate?
    He was one of the founders and was treated with respect by colleagues like C Vanniyasingam, the true builders of the FP in the north. His status was elevated to that of a ‘prophet’ and referred to as ‘father of ‘Tamilarasu’ and ‘Gandhi of Eelam’.
    He was given credit for whatever seemed a success of the FP. Others took the blame for its failings.
    It is best to keep the FP and Tamil religious politics out of the matter and refer the matter to a court of law if an amicable settlement is not possible.
    Nasty personal remarks and cheap jibes will not help a fair and amicable settlement.

  • 14

    I have seen this article, and I’m appalled at the bits of squabbling going on everywhere.
    I live in Bandarawela. and I don’t know any Tamil. So it is difficult for me to properly understand the issues here.
    I know Professor Ratnajeevan Hoole to be an honest man. I feel that the facts must be correct. We want justice, truth and honesty to prevail throughout Sri Lanka. As a Sinhalese from the South, I take an interest in what is happening among people who speak the other language of Sri Lanka – Tamil.
    Whether this is strategically the best time to raise issues, I don’t know. I notice that there is already a comment by “Lester” whose other comments have clearly revealed to me that he is Sinhala-Buddhist supremacist who never sincerely says anything to help those who identify as “Tamils” or “Muslims”. I want all citizens of Sri Lanka to be happy – including “Lester”. One problem with him that he has never revealed his real identity – and that matters when many of us readers feel that he is devious and dishonest. More consistent people’s pseudonyms don’t matter.
    Panini Edirisinhe (NIC 3111444V) aka “Sinhala_Man”

  • 18

    Prof. Ratnajeevan Hoole looks at everything through his Christian religion magnifying glass and get a view completely out of proportion

    strange he didn’t drag Armuga Navar in to this

  • 5

    The Government of Sri Lanka and its Armed Forces made enormous sacrifices and liberated Tamils from megalomaniac dictator Prabhakaran.
    Now it is up to Tamils to fight to liberate themselves from fellow Tamils who oppress and discriminate them on the basis of caste and religion.
    UNHRC should actually investigate human rights violations going on in Tamil community instead of going after the Government of Sri Lanka and its Armed Forces.
    “Until Tamils are liberated from this journalism, we will never have freedom. It is a good time to ask if we Tamils treat our minorities better than the Sinhalese do theirs?”

    • 2

      Suggestions to improve our society are welcome from all decent humans; not from you Evil Eagle Eye.
      “Never trust the Greeks, especially when they bring gifts”.
      “Equō nē crēdite, Teucrī! Quidquid id est, timeō Danaōs et dōna ferentīs.” – Virgil

  • 9

    I am saddened to note that there is no comment or statement made by Bishop Dr Thiyagarajah on this issue as he would have been in-charge of this property if not for the split in the Jaffna CSI diocese.

    • 7

      I doubt if CT is the ultimate tribunal in these matters.
      It can be abused by interested parties and has been, and often ill informed or mischievous comment descends into ugly personal attacks, which some consume with relish.
      Washing dirty linen in public may be pastime for some.
      There are healthier options.
      There is a dispute that needs addressing.
      There is a legal, and hopefully civilized, way to resolve the matter. Hence avoiding hasty public comment is wise.

  • 2

    I wish your brother would bring UTHR(J) up to date. It was a fair and balanced record of crimes by all parties. Today there is no single source for such information.

    • 4

      There was never.

  • 6

    LMAO… Tamil journalism is about fabricating stories, and making them as believable as possible. Tamilnet, Tamilswin all are full of distasteful fantasy stories about Sinhalese. This is the way you Tamils fabricate allegations against the Sinhalese. You Tamils just go to the media or hospital where “even the doctors are in the game, admitting students with no injuries” , UNHRC and claim falsehoods. Really how many of these corrupt Tamil doctors have given false statements with fabricated allegations to International Organisations about Sinhalese? We know of a couple of them from the No Fire Zone. Tamils in Srilanka are an utterly and eternally damned wicked lot. Now getting throttled with the same corrupt Tamil system of gutter journalism and fabricating allegations. Very good.
    BTW Sachithananthan, doesn’t look European at all. He looks, acts and behaves like a confused hateful Tamil – just like you. When it comes to you, you should stop trying to push and paste a Christian identity on the Tamils. Let the people decide what they want at an individual level without one fanatic pushing for Saivism and the other pushing for Christianity.

    • 13

      “Tamils in Srilanka are an utterly and eternally damned wicked lot. “
      “He looks, acts and behaves like a confused hateful Tamil – just like you.”
      Wow! Even for you, that’s pretty spiteful.
      Well, what else can be expected from a member of a society that fabricates its supposed unique civilization, when in fact it can’t boast of a single philosopher or mathematician, never used wheeled vehicles, and worships the clothes worn by crooks and murderers?

      • 8

        Do not be tempted by insensitive racist comments to descend to their level.

        • 4

          I can’t resist a good temptation. But if you look carefully, I have mentioned no particular race.

          • 0

            But it unnecessarily hurts people.

            • 3

              It seems to have had the intended effect on PP.

  • 10

    Every person who takes his Religion too seriously has been brainwashed to some extent and as might be expected that person will be indignant if you point this out to him/her. I am an Atheist and I think Atheism is the best ‘Religion’ of all. Have you ever known an atheist to behave like a fanatic?

    • 8

      Welcome. You are spot on about people being brainwashed to some extent regardless of the religion. Until recent years, I thought sinhala buddhist are tolerant, but now they have proved to be no different to other fundementalists/mlechcha relgious movements (BBS, Sinhale etc)
      Today I am too into atheism than to SINHALA BUDDHISM. Looking back I question myself today, not even 5 precepts are respected by SIVURU wearing monks (80% or more).
      I was born to a buddhist family as many buddhists inherited in our hell.

      Today social experts/analysts repeatedly say, that sinhala monks (majority) are cheap men being easily bought by devious politicians.

      Best examples are Alle baluwansa, Muruththettuwa Ananada him palhora, Kotuwe haamuduruwo, Ithakandee pinguththaraya and … many others in lanken spotlight.
      But having studied it closely, taking part in buddhist DANA ceremonies of the day for the last 3 decades, I thought, real buddhism is some where else, but not in SRILANKA: I have met read good buddhist out of SRILANKA than in SL. Most out of europe if they become buddhists they would not go after JATHAKA stories but more into MEDITATION part. This is no different to those I go to know in CA/US.

      I dont go for DANA to any pinguththarayas since 2016. I would rather help both elderly people and children in need.

    • 4

      Being an atheist is no guarantee of anything.
      Atheism is no religion as it has no set rules to follow.
      But in general atheists are more tolerant of another’s personal faith than any believer.
      Often people are divided by the same God and the same Word of the God.

      • 3

        Truly SAYING, those born to sinhala BUDDHGAMA family all behave like atheist.

        Only ritual they are used to follow is to wear wris-fill pirithnoole and emulate those who go to the temples on full moon days.

        They dont care much about the basics of ” true buddhism”: Look at those wearing sanga constumes the manner they get on with their so called adherents today. Are they ( let alone 10%) exemplary to their lay people ?
        Those monks in srilanka lime light – are no different to any other criminals. Even the wound has turned out to be incurable levels, no media would educate the people. The good guy who revealed almost every untold stories about temples in SL, MP Ranjan Ramanayaka is now jailed for 4 years, while real high criminals with provable records for their crimes rule the nation. People shold be on their heads not to sense it ?

    • 1

      No, never.
      It is a truism that not all religions can be true. You see, they contradict each other. Why not wait till we die to find out.
      I have no issue with your atheism, Captain Morgan. I’m a humbler agnostic.

  • 3

    ‘Have you ever known an atheist to behave like a fanatic?’

    Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot their adherence to an idea or opinion was their ‘religion’.

    • 3

      What about today #s CHINESE ? Are they not the most known atheists?

      Only older generations in China are said to be buddhists. If you would chinese about their beliefs, they would say, ” we dont care about religions, but we do respect traditions values”.
      China is the country where you will find the ” highest rate of executions, physical assaults to their citizens”. May be our MEDAMULANA rascals want us to be end up as the chinese average. Wait and see, whether our people would ever allow them to take us that far !!!

  • 3

    This is a case of typical domination by the ‘Majoritarians’ [Hindus] in Tellippalai. Like in Ayothiya, it is right for the authories to give the Christians Land to build another one closeby. Years ago colonial governments did destroy the Hindu temples to build churches and did do ‘conversions’. It is true the missionaries contributed towards improvement of education in the coastal areas.

  • 0

    It is useful to note what Late Mr S. Rajanayagam O.B.E (former Chief Telecommunication Engineer (Sri Lanka), Chairman of the Institution of Engineers (Sri Lanka) and Chairman of the Board of Directors of Jaffna College) who lived to the ripe age of 104, on God, Religion and Science …
    “It is not practical to do away with the concept of God. It is required to satisfy certain human needs. The need that originally created deities arose as an attempt to alleviate the fears that beset early human beings. Religion does this in many ways and each religion by its own devices.
Religious beliefs and forms of worship vary, but most humans seem to need a concept at least when they are facing overwhelming difficulty. This is all to the good. But it is not so good when people with differing concepts confront each other. It is useful to bear in mind that God is only a concept and to ensure that the picture of the concept is adequate to serve the purpose of the individual, and not to be embellished in a form which enables people to use it for other purposes.
    Let us bear in mind that although starting as a beneficial concept, progress over time led religions to have an evil influence on societies.

  • 5

    Roman Catholic Sinhalese attacking Tamils in Kotahena area during riots,even TamilRoman Catholics, as if to prove their Sinhalese identity is a very interesting generalisation of a sharp mind like Prof; Ratnajeevan Hoole.

    The divide is essentially, a Sinhala- Tamil divide. Religion, class, creed is not in the equation.
    A singular feature of some of our Heads of State in the past, had tried to prove their Sinhala pure breed, as well.

    SWRD was a descendant of a south indian Tamil ; NEELAPERUMAL.

    JRJ is of Colombo Chetty stock.

    The Generals of Duttugemunu, viz: Sena and Guttika were Tamils……….
    The list is long.

    • 6

      Sinhalese are mostly tamil descent. But most of them will sooner committ suicide than admit to this fact.
      It will take some divine miracle for them to wake up from their own self hating sickness.

      • 0

        Looking at the way the Tamil gentry conduct their affairs, I can appreciate why any decent Sinhalese would readily disown his alleged ancestry.
        That should apply to Muslims of Tamil descent as well.

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