By Malinda Seneviratne –
A few weeks ago, the word from Delhi on US-sponsored resolution on Sri Lanka the UNHRC Sessions in Geneva was ‘yes’. Let us translate: ‘Yes, we will vote ‘yes’ on the resolution’. No surprises there because a) India voted ‘yes’ in 2012, and b) India is India (read ‘Not Sri Lanka’s friend) and c) this is an INDIAN Resolution, an INDIAN doosra although it is being delivered by the USA.
The latest though is that India is ‘undecided’. Now, in diplomatic circles, this indecision would be correctly read as evidence that the main protagonist is trying to extract the maximum juice from the Sri Lankan orange while not appearing to be anywhere near the fruit.
Delhi has a problem. It is called ‘Tamil Nadu’. No, it is not Tamil Nationalism, which has been safely offshored to Sri Lanka. It is about elections and related arithmetic. It’s a political reality that figured in the calculations of all Indian political leaders. So Delhi needs to ‘deliver’ something that’s at least halfway sweet to Jayalalithaa. On the other hand Delhi has to do this without appearing to be the bad guy that Delhi is because that might constitute the last brick in the Great Wall of China that India is building. So Geneva 2013 would ideally (for India) end with Sri Lanka agreeing to India’s ‘solution’ (plus some other benefits, just like the Indo-Lanka Accord was not just about sorting an ‘ethnic’ conflict) for the price of the resolution being ‘watered down’ or even withdrawn (by the USA, not India, of course!).
Sri Lanka’s main strength at this point is the fact that it is weak. In other words Sri Lanka is in ‘Nothing to Lose Land’. There’s no way that the Government can agree to India’s proposal (a re-hashing of the various Eelam proposals or Interim Eelam proposals) and still hope to retain popularity among all ethnic groups.
Equal rights by definition cannot exclude anyone. A 13A Plus, in the way India envisages, would concretize an Eelamist myth regarding traditional homelands. That would threaten the Sinhalese. That would exclude the Sinhalese. Equal rights can be obtained in other ways and should be obtained too. Sri Lanka doesn’t need India’s permission or India’s recommendations on such matters.
We must recollect at this point that those who ruled India (either as whole or in part) have always attacked the Sinhalese; one remembers the Chola invasions and the tyrannies of the likes of Raja Raja and Magha. Dr. Manmohan Singh is but a 21st Century avatar of these gentlemen.
President Mahinda Rajapaksa observed recently, ‘Sri Lanka is like a volley ball; everyone is taking turns at punching it to cover up their sins’. He did not elaborate, but here’s a list that ought to be read by whoever is negotiating defeat for Sri Lanka in Geneva:
We have the German SPD needing to cover up history of killing millions in the 20th Century. We have the USA, wanting us to forget the monumental crimes against humanity in all parts of the world as well as against the First Nations in America and African Americans. We have Britain’s genocidal conduct in colonies and subsequent crimes against humanity as partner-in-crime of the USA. We have India and the Kashmir they want the world not to talk about.
The bottom line though is that given the amount of bucks and weapons of mass destruction these countries possess and given Sri Lanka’s poverties in these respects, the ‘cover up’ will continue. But since Sri Lanka can only be expected to be goaded to sign agreements against Sri Lanka’s interest, each one more pernicious than the ones that came before, this is as opportune a moment as any to call India’s bluff.
Sri Lanka can take the following position:
‘Go ahead. Table the resolution. We’ll face the vote, we’ll face the music. All we can do is do our best and we have. We’ve done what you have not done, ever. Try rescuing 300,000 people held hostage by the Al Qaeda (or by the US Marines), trying feeding them 3 meals a day. Try thinking about releasing over 10,000 terrorists after rehabilitation. Stop. Don’t even try. You cannot. So let’s cut to the chase. Let’s take the vote. We want to see who are friends are. Ms. India, go ahead, vote. We want to know where you stand, so that we can decided in which direction we should move. Wait, did we hear someone mention China? Maybe we heard wrong. So, to get back to the point, vote. We have little to lose, but even in defeat we would like to see the face of the enemy, we would like to know the names of those who did us in. Simple.
*Malinda Seneviratne is the Chief Editor of ‘The Nation and his articles can be found at www.malindawords.blogspot.com
Fathima / March 10, 2013
We do not want pro-government or anti-government position.
Here very clearly malinda is baised in his writing.
Malinda being a journalist with baised position helping the country to turn it in to a racist country.
Let him think of his children liveing a peacful life. Hiving to his children money and wealth with racist environment is disastorous.
Simply cornering his generations to come by spoiling their minds.
Try to lear what is principle based journalism to uphold justice and freedom to entire humanity.
Still you can study Malinda.
Rambler / March 10, 2013
NAK / March 12, 2013
Fatima,Most of those who write to CT are biased and I don’t see anything wrong in that. What is wrong is he is baised against those who comment here.
M Y Foote / March 10, 2013
Simple! To a simpleton yes it is simple. To others there are a million things to worry about!
Ummu Hana / March 10, 2013
When I read as an ordinary person news from accross the sources, It is very clear India is protecting Sri Lanka by setting the tone. (ie, “The Indian input ensures that any international investigation into alleged human rights violations by the Rajapaksa administration will happen “only in consultation with and with the concurrence of Colombo” Tisaranee Gunasekara).
Taking this in to account the article of Malinda Seneviratne blaming india is for whose interest?
Ranjan / March 11, 2013
Exactly, India helped Sri Lanka last year by diluting the resolution. Even this time India is trying to play the same dirty game. Thousands of people from Tamil Nadu should go to Delhi and protest against India. It is pointless India voting against Sri Lanka after diluting the resolution. Instead they can vote for SL or refrain from voting.
This Malinda is a stupid moron, he cannot see/think beyond his nose. When the Tamils are very angry with India for diluting the resolution and helping the rouge regime (SL), this idiot is uttering nonsense. It is good if India votes for SL without interfering with the contents of the resolution. The Tamils should be very tough this time against India.
Watcher / March 11, 2013
Malinda’s comments are right on the target and some imbeciles here does not understand what he says or just ignore the obvious.
Some one mention about the second chamber in SL’s new constitution and then blame the Sinhalese and he should know that Sinhalese already have the power and his comments are out of tune with the reality.
Lack of inertia for the second chamber comes from the power hungry corrupt politicos and has nothing to do with the average Sinhalese.. When it come to corrupt politics, and finance corruption all the races are colluding… Even Yanks are surprised about this collusion.
Nihal Amarasekera / March 11, 2013
Well said. Simple arithmetic.
Siva Sankaran Sarma / March 11, 2013
As usual the LTTE monkeys here are all dressed up for Geneva – let’s hope at least this time they’ll have somewhere to go when all is said and done :-)
Native Vedda / March 12, 2013
Siva Sankaran Sarma
“let’s hope at least this time they’ll have somewhere to go when all is said and done”
If they all dressed up and nowhere to go, are you planning to send them to Matale pits or Mullivaikkal?
shankar / March 12, 2013
This man Malinda says,quote “Equal rights by definition cannot exclude anyone. A 13A Plus, in the way India envisages, would concretize an Eelamist myth regarding traditional homelands. That would threaten the Sinhalese. That would exclude the Sinhalese. Equal rights can be obtained in other ways and should be obtained too.”unquote.
What rubbish.The 13th amendment does not concretize anything remotely connected with eelam because there are 9 provincial councils.Does this sinhala chauvinist think there will be 9 eelams?.
He also goes on to say that,quote”We must recollect at this point that those who ruled India (either as whole or in part) have always attacked the Sinhalese; one remembers the Chola invasions and the tyrannies of the likes of Raja Raja and Magha. Dr. Manmohan Singh is but a 21st Century avatar of these gentlemen.”unquote
To compare a wise old and harmless man like manmohan Singh to cholas and maghas etc,I think not only is this guy a sinhala chauvinist,he is also having mental problems and should get treatment before writing columns.If you delve into his personal life I’am sure many interesting facts will come out because mental illness spreads into every facet of your life deteriorating relationships even with loved ones.Must have had a stint abroad where he would have caught the disease.
Another interesting thing he says is that mahinda says that srilanka is being treated like a volleyball.What is he whingeing about when he treats everyone else like a football.What goes around comes around.
My feeling is the root cause of the problem is the sinhala chauvinism as depicted by people like malinda.Since independence these sinhala chauvinists have taken the country on a confrontational path with the tamils and we all saw the consequences.Now they are at it again.
If srilanka had followed Nehru’s path of devolution instead of trying to control and bully and batter the tamils, we would have had no problem at all between the communities just as there are no problems between more than 25 different ethnic and linguistic groups in India.
What manmohan is trying to show the sinhala chauvinist mahinda is “see how different ethnics are living in peace here” and trying to coax him onto this path.For that he is being labelled as an avatar of the cholas and magha etc by this mentally deranged editor of sinhala chauvinist background.
NAK / March 12, 2013
Looking at some of the comments here,one gets the feeling that they seem to think Geneva as the god given genesis for their deam land of Eelam and the Tamils all over the world can come and live in the home land of the Tamils.
After all the song and dance the diaspora kitty will be poorer by a few hundreds of millions of dollars and that and only that will be the final tangible outcome of this drama!!