26 April, 2024


Top Sri Lankan Navy Commanders Complicit In Serious Crimes: ITJP

The International Truth and Justice Project has called for a review of all naval cooperation with Sri Lanka after it found a large number of top Sri Lankan navy commanders were complicit in torture, disappearance and murder that occurred inside naval sites from at least 2008-14. 

The Sri Lankan Navy: Turning a Collective Blind Eye”, published by the ITJP, compared documents from a decade long police investigation inside Sri Lanka into the disappearance of 11 men in the Trincomalee naval base, with eyewitness testimony from survivors and insider witnesses. It identifies serious investigative shortcomings, conflicts of interest and political interference in the Sri Lankan case. It also notes the violations committed by the Navy did not stop with the end of the civil war 2009 and torture was not confined to one naval base alone. 

“The Trincomalee 11 abduction case was supposed to be the great success story of Sri Lankan justice but tragically it’s become emblematic of failure. Many senior naval officers in the command structure in charge of naval intelligence or stationed at Trincomalee haven’t even been questioned, alleged perpetrators have been protected and promoted, and the living victims never even interviewed,” said the ITJP’s Executive Director, Yasmin Sooka. 

Senior officers must have known about the activities of the Special Intelligence Unit – a black ops unit established personally by the then Commander of the Navy within Naval Intelligence. Members of the Special Investigation Unit are alleged, among other things, to have operated an underground torture site in the country’s most secure naval base, where scores of prisoners were detained in dungeons over many years. It was impossible for detainees to be brought in and out of this site, for so many people to have been interrogated, fed and guarded without the naval command structure being complicit, argues the report. 

“Naval officers we have spoken to, say everyone knew they should turn ‘a collective blind eye’ to what was going on. The whole Navy command structure appears to have been complicit in violations and is seriously tainted”, says Ms. Sooka. “It is time the Sri Lankan Navy is sanctioned until, at the very minimum, the institution cooperates fully with the police investigation and stops rewarding the suspects in this case. International partners are now on notice and can no longer turn a blind eye to the Sri Lankan Navy’s criminality”.

The Sri Lankan Navy: Turning a Collective Blind Eyedescribes lurid details it says would be worthy of a thriller were they not so intensely painful for the victims and their families who are still waiting for justice. At one point, Sri Lanka’s most senior military official was alleged to have hidden a key suspect in naval headquarters while police issued Interpol notices; then he allegedly attempted to abduct a material witness. From jail, naval officers have been threatening the life of the chief investigating police officer. While all but one of the suspects has been released on bail and several have been promoted despite the serious allegations outstanding against them. 

The ITJP was the first organisation to publish the GPS coordinates of the Trincomalee underground site in July 2015. Later that year a team from the United Nations visited the locations and corroborated the existence of underground cells. 

The report can be downloaded here

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Latest comments

  • 23

    Great timing. Go Gota.

    • 23

      I may be the only villager from Uva reading this.
      Unfortunately, most villagers will by now be turning a blind eye to all this, knowing well, that there will be shocks of “great timing” as Bawa, above says – part of the “usual electioneering”. They will not realise that this report presages what all citizens will face if they reveal even their private thoughts once Gota is elected.
      Yes, the sad truth is that all these “Good Buddhists” will shrug their shoulders and say, “Well, never mind. At least we prevailed over the Tamils.” It should be obvious that I don’t agree.
      Few villagers will want to know about the Preferential System of voting, which allows them to show their unease with the “Rajapaksa Way” by giving them only a “Third Preference” whilst giving a FIRST PREFERENCE to the JVP who they know represents their “Class Interests”. That last has to be admitted to be a valid fear. With so much corruption revealed (2009 to 2015 to NOW), and Ranil Wickremasinghe holding on so long, are they unjustified?
      We don’t have to talk politics, just explain clearly how the voting system works. The “kapuwath nil” voters may not mind facts being explained to them. Of many people who seem “respectable to the world”, they know it is not so. I will explain in a few days.
      I’ve clicked on the “downloading” here at the bottom of the article. It does take you to the report in English, and a two-page “Press release” in Sinhala which ends with “Vaarthava methanin”. That leads nowhere. Obviously, it’s all to be found in English, but let’s face it – it’s we Sinhalese who must change attitudes.

      • 0

        As a Tamil who has seen and experienced abuses by SriLanka’s triforces, and yet only hope to live in peace and harmony with all peoples of this land, it’s consoling to my broken and dismayed heart to see someone like you acknowledging the reality that surmounts this country.

        Enough of us don’t put ourselves on the line to change the system and work at positively influencing the masses. I am guilty of it too.

    • 14

      “Gota to take stern action on drug dealers, murderers, criminals: Dulles”

      When a man can say that with a straight-face …….. and 69% of the “Sinhalese-Buddhists” accept it, there is no hope for the country — whoever wins.

      Buddha has had next to no effect on the Lankan Buddhists.

      Up to now …….. no intellect has been successful in persuading man to shed his animal traits.

      Animals will be animals: no matter what!

      People who understand animal-behaviour well ………. will be like good ol’ nimal fernando enjoying life ……… while true-believer reformers like Native Veddha, Sinhalese_Man et al ……… will end up as road kill on the Human-Highway ……….

      • 2

        nimal fernando, The name is Sinhala_Man.

        • 2

          Thanks, Thappu.
          The real name is Panini Edirisinhe.
          After these elections are over, I’ll tell you about some “micro-problems” which are caused not so much by the Rajapaksas as by those who don’t have the courage to oppose “the system”. Some of them succeed because they don’t care for the truth, and will pretend that they don’t see evil even when it’s obvious. Most of them are quite good guys, actually, but they don’t realise that their acquiesence allows corruption to thrive.
          It’s good to know that nimal fernando is “enjoying life”. I’m sure that he is equally (or more) committed to true values than me. I wish I could know good guys like you at a more personal level. It must be for sound reasons that you want to preserve anonymity on the web.
          If you are very careful with the idiosyncratic spelling of my name you’ll be easily able to contact me – and I shall ensure that your choice of web anonymity is respected. Nor will I involve you in hare-brained schemes.
          There are real issues here which are more mundane than changing governments.
          I’m glad that you guys at least realise that I speak the truth.

          • 2

            “It must be for sound reasons that you want to preserve anonymity”


            We value our privacy very much ………. but I’m not as invisible as I thought ……. one of my old girlfriends whom I haven’t seen since 1984 came with her son and knocked on my door a few days ago …… I don’t know how on earth she found my address! She pushed the son forward and said “This is my son.” I heard it like “This is your son.” …….. I can assure Dr Janapriya that my heart and all the arteries are in shipshape …….. there couldn’t have been a greater shock.

            Right now I have bigger problems than Gota winning the presidency!

            Sure, I don’t mind getting together with you guys when I’m back home.

          • 1

            Thanks, nimal.
            Well, but it wasn’t your son, right? From all that you post on the web, I know that you would be much more honourable about these things than a guy like Steve Jobs. The guy should have known how much agony he must have caused.
            I don’t read many b-o-o-k-s nowadays, one thought of it as an adolescent activity for some. Now I read lots on the computer monitor. But my younger daughter gave me the Walter Isaacson biography for my birthday. I felt it my duty to read it. More painful reading than the translation of Dostoevsky’s “Crime and Punishment” read fifty-four years ago – with my English teacher shaking his head in disapproval.
            Yes, the school had a wonderful library for the fewer than 400 boys in it. Now, I find that ALL the books have gone from the school – nobody knows where.
            Will CT allow me to talk about one of the books that have disappeared, I wonder?

      • 0

        Please don’t vilify ‘animals’, innocent creatures struggling to survive vying to live with cruel humans. The majestic elephant is brought to mind. Animals live, breed and feed by instinct alone. Not taught. Humans are nurtured, taught and guided with a higher intellect. Don’t compare. Animals don’t commit crimes, peddle drugs, murder. Animals are superior living things.

        • 0

          “Animals don’t commit crimes, peddle drugs, murder.”

          True! …….. I never thought about that.

          Ohne die Irrthuemer, welche in den Annahmen der Moral liegen, waere der Mensch Thier geblieben. So aber hat er sich als etwas Hoeheres genommen und sich strengere Gesetze auferlegt. Er hat desshalb einen Hass gegen die der Thierheit naeher gebliebenen Stufen. — The exact words he wrote.

          Without the errors inherent in the postulates of morality, man would have remained an animal. But as it is he has taken himself to be something higher and has imposed stricter laws upon himself. He therefore has a hatred of those stages of man that remain closer to the animal state. — translation

          • 0

            Pardon my ignorance, but who uttered all that in German?

        • 2

          Dilkie have animals produced a Mother Teresa or a Gandhi? Animals show very little compassion compared to humans. To claim that ‘animals are superior living things’ is ridiculous. In that case plants are even more superior than animals because they don’t kill each other!

      • 3

        nimal fernando

        “while true-believer reformers like Native Veddha, Sinhalese_Man et al ……… will end up as road kill on the Human-Highway ……….”

        Are you one of them or one of us?
        I am just kidding.

        • 2


          You know where my heart is ………… but only too aware of the futality of it all. :))

    • 2

      This type of reports actually help Gota. Singhala voters love these things. Strange but true.

    • 1

      Why are the Sinhala who vote for Gotabaya, so stupid? Mean IQ 79, or ignorance?


      Is stupidity and ignorance virtues got Gota voters?

  • 5

    Its high time to tell these people to get lost

    • 31

      Truth, it seems is unpalatable to criminal minds!

    • 18

      S.C. Puscall -Get lost!

    • 8

      NO, I say punish the killers..like in any civilised society.
      And you, you need long hard look at yourself in the mirror..

      • 17

        Sri sena bastared is behind all the tricks. He promoted murderers. He is behind the Easter Sunday attacks. He should be hung. The problem is sajith will protect this asshole

    • 2

      Pasqual, you are part of the “these” people. How would you like to get lost ? please have some feelings and compassion as we all, like you, belong to the human class.

    • 4

      S. C. Pasqual

      “Its high time to tell these people to get lost”

      True, I will start the process now.
      soma, Hela, Eagle Blind Eye, S. C. Pasqual ……………….. Gota…. get lost.

  • 38

    This sad state of affairs will continue unabated if this sadistic barbarian NGR is elected President! When the President (MR) is so corrupt what else can you expect from the citizenry?

    Voters, please use your vote wisely.

    • 5

      Mr. Gamin.
      Yes.. we can understand.
      It is a “sad state of affairs” for goons.
      The person you called “sadistic barbarian NGR” is the most academically qualified person ever contested in a presidential election in Sri Lanka.
      Yes…. we voters will use our vote wisely…. for GR.

      • 19

        Dear S. C. Pasqual (pseudonym)
        Yes, we know about that “most academically qualified person ever contested . . . ” part of it.
        You said it before (I can’t now look for it) making a long list ending with something like: “Honours D. Litt” from Colombo University.
        I immediately pointed out that you were referring to an “Honoris Causa” conferred on him (engineered) by Prof. Laksiri Fernando. It was an “Honorary PhD” – where else in the World?
        That must have been written many years ago. It mentions something Honorary for Bill Cosby. Where is he now? A blind inmate of a prison in Arizona.
        The chances are that the World will hit back at us and declare that we are no longer part of the “Civilised World”. Then what do we do?
        Of course Ranil, too, is to blame. His wife is a perfectly qualified Professor of English, but he goes to Deakin University in Australia to get himself an Honorary PhD, and some actually call him Dr. Ranil.
        Dear voters, use your vote wisely . . . I will not insult you by telling you whom to vote for.
        These guys issue orders. Disobey? We’ll be tortured, then murdered in the most gruesome way possible.

        • 8

          Sri sena bastared is behind all the tricks. He promoted murderers. He is behind the Easter Sunday attacks. He should be hung. The problem is sajith will protect this asshole

      • 6

        S. C. Pasqual

        “Yes…. we voters will use our vote wisely…. for GR.”

        When Gota’s goons come for you with a red hot iron rod to shove it into your posterior there would be no one left to speak out for you.

        Read the poem below:

        First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—
        Because I was not a socialist.

        Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—
        Because I was not a trade unionist.

        Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
        Because I was not a Jew.

        Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.
        -Martin Niemöller

    • 19

      It is a sadder state of affairs when we opt to bury our heads in the sand and be in a constant state of denial. I for one would not deny that Yasmin Sooka is biased and has exaggerated many aspects of the casualties of war etc. However this does not entitle one to walk away from the truth.
      This case of the eleven missing persons was investigated by our own courts and evidence produced that the navy had a case to answer. It has been quite evident that the navy high command had gone to great lengths to cover up the misdemeanours of the personnel concerned and even obstructing action for the law to take its course. The crying shame is that the President himself has interfered in this matter unwilling to let the truth be known however painful it might be.

      If there was no truth in this matter or in every other case of corruption , murder or abduction why cant the accused have the courage to face the charges in a court of law. Courage seems to be a commodity in short supply just like honesty and ethics in this once proud nation, instead we seek the patronage of the powerful political elite to condone our inhuman acts despising the value of human life.

      As parents we would all desire that justice is meted out according to the law and not according to the whims of those in power, If the state cannot guarantee justice equally and fairly we should no doubt exercise caution as to whom we should entrust to govern the nation as a true democracy.

      • 3

        Every, single, international official, who has been appointed to monitor, or oversee Sri Lanka’s actions when it comes to human rights, has been demonized, attacked, and accused of being biased.

        They send us millions of dollars in aid, and we get nasty when they question us, or investigate our actions.

    • 1

      This time definitely Sinhala voters will use their vote wisely and vote to Gotabhaya Rajapakse in spite of all the mud-slinging carried out by anti-Gotabhaya ‘Koti Diaspora’, Sinhala Civil Society Organizations and INGOs thriving on $$$$$s.

      • 3

        Eagle Eye,

        You missed out ‘civilised human beings’ from that list of anti-Gotabaya Sri Lankans…

  • 3

    Its high time to tell these people to get lost….

    And they can take MY3, Ranil and Ahimsa with them.

    • 1

      S. C. Pasqual

      “And they can take MY3, Ranil and Ahimsa with them.”

      So that you could get a large share of VPs gold from Gota.

  • 8

    The truth of Yasmin Sooka and the so-called ITJP is well known to the world, and they have no credibility,
    Sri Lankan government should use the various ITJP lists to grant promotions and other rewards to ex- Sri Lankan Army, Navy and Air Force officers.
    Down with Sooka, Pooka.

    • 2

      Brilliant! Either you are one of the criminals getting set to loot the nation under the auspices of your fake war heroes or you are part of the herd of bovines living in self denial..

  • 15

    The poster said ‘Join The Navy and See The World’ Well, the reality in sunny Lanka is join the Navy and see adventure like no other. Sailors get all the exciting jobs, and getting rid of the evidence out at sea is so eeeeeeeeezy!

    • 1

      Spring Koha

      There’s No Such Thing as a Perfect Crime.

      • 0

        Native Vedda – of course you are correct. In theory.

        But a section of our armed forces are determined to prove there is ‘a perfect crime’. My trusted sources tell me that there is evidence that they may be succeeding.

        • 2

          Spring Koha

          Of course you are partly right.
          They may appear to believe in perfect crime however even if it takes many decades truth will surface. Newly developed techniques in forensic science and development in DNA analysis help to trace criminals/murderers even after 30 years lapse, some of the cold cases have been opened and perpetrators identified thanks to rapid development in science.

          They can run but they can’t hide.
          They can run they can’t hide from their guilty conscience.

  • 6

    Look where they got the Specialist Naval Training from: UK, USA, India, Pakistan. Obviously they have received Excellent training on how to handle and treat Humanity.

    • 7

      Where Lord Buddha’s teachings have failed to get these people to be humane and righteous, do you expect specialist training abroad to succeed with such beings?

  • 26

    I honestly believe MR & Pohuttuwa made a huge blunder in deciding Gota as the canidate .
    He may be excellent in his work behind the scenes and a good subordinate , but never a leader , zero charisma.
    It would have been wiser to have considered MS and directed MR supporters to vote for him or even better if MR would have considered JVP’s request to implement the 20th amenment .
    MR had a very big opportunity to become ruler as long as he lives.
    But I do not see it materialising .
    Again he let those around him bring ruination.
    Gota will loose badly .
    100% gauranteed.

  • 20

    Gota’s knowledge are all based on hearsay, his knowledge are shallow,not deep , he is also not a very good con man , he will easily blow his lid off exposing his ignorance on global socio economics , political science and international relations .
    As a leader he will be flip minded and will not be consistent and very unreliable.
    Wrong choice .
    However The ideal candidates would have been Managala Sameraweera from UNP and Dinesh Gunewardena from pohotuwa , AKD is okay based on JVP ideology.
    As there is a limited choice with the present candidates , no doubt Sajith will win the election and if he has any wisdom he should insist Ranil to step down and appoint Managala Samaraweera as PM , Ranil should take foreign affairs , while Dissanayake should be made min tourism and Harsha Min of Fin.
    Lets wait and see after the eggs are hatched

  • 12

    At the bottom of our hearts all of us know that this is the truth, but racism in most of our hearts will blind the truth.

  • 11

    From some of the negative comments it can be inferred that since this report is focused activities that happend in the northern, the readers don’t feel any empathy. Most I am sure think it is right since the victims are not Sinhalese.
    Let me refresh your memories with a similar personal experience that happend in the south in 1987/88 period to a 17year old relative of mine, at the bossa camp.
    This 17year old boy was arrested in 1987/88 period on charges of being a JVP member and and an organizer. He and his family were living in Tissamahaarama then. He was brought to Boosa camp and detained along with about 50 other young boys. His parents who happen to be a distant aunt of mine and her husband used to visit the boy at the camp. Other parents of detainees were also coming to visit their children in detention.
    One unfortunate day when the Father went to visit the boy he was told the boy was dead. And loud and behold most of the other young boys in detention were also executed in cold blood while in detention.
    We even know the people how killed the boys. My uncle being an Army officer from the south was familiar with the Naval guys.
    This was a gross violation of human rights, Geneva convention, and many many other violations but not a single investigation or action was taken against the Navy for killing/executing under aged, unarmed, detainees with out any evidence or a trial.
    This was how they did things. Thought I should remind you all, that it can happen to anyone.
    Stop living in live and let die mode, when things turn sour, sorry for you, no one will bother to help you too.

    • 0

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      For more detail see our Comment policy https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/comments-policy-2

    • 5

      Yes, these things have become almost part of our way of life. We tend to accept them after some time – what else can we do?
      But now’s the time to exert every sinew in our body to make a change to the outcome of the voting.
      I thought I must make this comment just to say how sorry I am that something like this had to happen to somebody belonging to your own extended family.
      Dear Gemini Cricket ?, I’ve been noticing the healthy comments coming from you recently. I’m just wondering if you were commenting under some other name earlier. At this juncture it strikes me that we haven’t for a long time had the wise assessments from Mano Ratwatte, and those wonderful “Stories” from Maheshan Niranjan, or even comments from his brother Nirmalan.
      I was about to say that nothing as dramatic has happened to members of my extended family, but then things have happened from which there has been only partial recovery. I’ve retired now, but had we lived in a mertiocracy I know that I could have contributed more.
      The point you started off with is absolutely correct. We should not accept these things happening in whatever part of this country.

      • 1

        Thanks for your compliments. It is appreciated. ?
        I decided to call myself Gemini Cricket, after pinocchio’s conscience.
        No matter how we may try to twist and turn the truth, it remains what it is. We might as well accept the truth for what it is and save ourselves a lot of stress.
        I must tell you, it is refreshing to know that there are enlightened people out there who are worthy of being attributed to Sinhala race, such as yourself.
        Like wise there are good guys who aptly call themselves Buddhist. You get my drift.
        If the Sri Lankan public were true to their conscience, a lot of things would have turned out differently, for themselves, others and the country in general. ?

  • 6

    No one expects Gota, if elected, to implement the law 100 %.
    After all, he imprisoned hundreds without any proof of wrong doing, as the enforcer of the Prevention of Terrorism Act – and, some are still in jail.

    No doubt all navy men/women/family members – same for the other members of the armed forces & police – will vote for him. They are his steadfast “vote bank”.

    As for Sirisena who attempted to transfer Inspector Nishantha Silva away from the cases involving Gotabaya, all of us know, where his loyalties lie.

    God save Ma Lanka.

    • 4

      When Gota was commanding the military unit at matale, hundreds of young boys and girls were murdered in cold blood, there.
      He took pride in being a butcher of our own Sinhalese people like they were less than animals.
      Yet when things turned around and he felt threatened, he ran away with his tail behind his arse like a little bitch to go and pump fuel in US.
      What a hypocrite, what a bloody coward! Then he came back with his foreign passport and was hiding behind Sarath Fonseka, and taking credit for military victories while stealing money through deals using his position. Theses are our Patriots! People who kill, steal, lie, deceive, sellout, connive, make deals, and on top pretend like they are holier than holy.
      Can you call such devious and cowardly people leaders, they are there to fill their pockets and position their future generations to continue to exploit the poor dumb citizens of Sri Lanka.
      Poor citizens remind me of buffaloes, animals who are born to suffer and take beatings, suffer more and still be obedient and continue working while suffering. According to buddhism that is their Karma. So it must be our Karma to always rout for the worst people as our leaders.
      Leaders actually help us spend or get rid of our bad karma perhaps. Maybe in another life we will be born in a better place.

  • 12

    4 sri lankan soldiers involved in the rape and sexual assault of two tamil women in viswamadu were recently aquitted of charges by a sri lankan court. if this is the case for low rank soldiers, even as a tokenistic case, how can tamils expect justice from sri lankan judiciary where the top of the command is involved? families of the victims will slowly give up the painful search for justice. there has to be an international mechanism with clear time frame for there is to be any accountability, where the sinhala state itself is complicit in giving impunity.

    • 2


      Name us one country that persecuted a 100% of the supposed crimes that took place inside a war zone?

      Actually, let me help you out by naming two countries. US and UK. LOL!

    • 1


      NO Sri Lanka judge who values his position will ever knowingly convict a soldier because in theory all our soldiers are ‘ranavirus’ who famously put their lives on the line to end a war of terror. For an impartial judgement in such cases we need fair and impartial judges – therein lies our opposition to UN proposals.

  • 5

    It is just impossible to think that Gota is going to be the head of Sate of this Serendip, Lanka! A person with questionable level of intellect and having had no experience in politics as such will be directed to run the country by his elder brother an some other stooges who seemed have claimed to be the experts in a range of fields.

    However the question is all those experts have terribly failed in providing the background support to Gota! Just look at the things he has already promised like free fertilizers, fixed prices for agricultural commodities, reduction in the VAT to 8%, and so on! The so called experts have been failed in advising him that kind of promises are impossible to implement given the current crises of indebtedness of the country! He has not spoken a word about increasing the productivity and the importance of establishing a fully fledged productivity commission to help support that mission!

    They, his so called experts., also have failed even to suggest a single sentenced VISION statement to be presented to the general masses! Gota does not have the ability to come out with one of his own due to lack of precision in thought!

    He will only know the military way of doing things like what they did last time they were in power! White van abductions, torture, murder, disappearances and setting on fire of their opponent assets. Gods help this beautiful Sri Laanka to rid of this set of goons in running this country.

    • 2


      “A person with questionable level of intellect and having had no experience in politics as such will be directed to run the country by his elder brother an some other stooges who seemed have claimed to be the experts in a range of fields.”

      Don’t worry voters are not looking for a person with intellect, patience, problem solving skills, lateral thinking, a sense of justice, ….. and the people do not expect Gota to treat them well with respect, protect the war criminals and crooks, …….. as long as he keeps the “OTHERS” under his ass, boots and control that’s is more than enough for them.

    • 4

      A lot can be done to uplift the Country and its people.

      Instead of demeaning the farmers by offering handouts and keeping them poor , The politocians must stop all their 70 odd years political crime, which is deceiving the poor with the summa giving business( freebies) which crushes their dignity and aspirations .

      No wonder the farmer’s son is so disgusted that he is ashamed to even remotely associate himself with the one time skill that fed the whole nation and a clan recognised as noble only next to the kings, today have been reduced to the status of a vulnerable prey of the begging bowl of the ruthless deceiving politicians.

      Instead of handouts , strengthen the hands that feed us.

      Encourage and provide their children with modern education in agriculture and find them foreign investors from developed and successful agriculture based nations.

      Setup Solar power stations , water Osmosis Systems and garbage recycling plants with green energy by product from it in every corner of the Island and get the unemployed from all ages involved in it , get them funding from WB , ADB and other institutions , encourage the returning housemaids too to get involved in such projects along with family and also encourage the housemaids who intend to go overseas to work to consider the above as an alternative and stay back with the family instead.

      I personally thing breaks should be applied temporarily on other magar projects until the peoples livelihood is sorted out .

      Will any politician be willing to sacrifice their 70 years ruthlessly built voter bank ?
      Stop luxury projects that mostly benefit them and the elites and uplift the people and nation?

      May be I am dreaming ..

      • 5

        Dear Fahim Knight,
        I’ve pieced together bits of what sort of person you are. Truly amazing, the background, social status and good values that you represent.
        Concern with some of the issues raised by you are to be found here:
        I have no way of contacting you, but why don’t you get in touch with me. We are in this situation in Sri Lanka partly because we are such a secretive society. It’s high time we began to establish personal links to counter the cynicism of Eagle Eye and his ilk. I know that it would be futile interacting with guys like that.
        But you are different.

  • 1

    There are three names that come to the minds of Native Sinhalayo when talk about Dravidian invasions from Hindusthan.
    First is King Dutu Gemunu who ruled Sinhale from 164 BC to 140 BC.
    Second is Elara who was a Prince from Chola Kingdom that invaded Sinhale.
    Third is Gotaimbara who served as a Warrior in King Dutu Demunu’s Army. Gotaimbara was one among what Sinhalayo call ‘Dasa Maha Yodhayo’.
    King Dutu Gemunu went from Ruhuna to Anuradhapura with Sinhala Army defeating the Demala Army and finally confronted Elara face to face, eliminated him and unified the country.

    In the present context what Native Sinhalayo think is:
    Mahinda Rajapakse is King Dutu Gemunu reincarnated.
    Velupillai Prabhakaran is Elara reincarnated.
    Gotabhaya Rajapakse is Gotaimbara reincarnated.
    President Rajapakse (King Dutu Gemunu) with the support from Gotabhaya (Warrior Gotaimbara) gave the leadership to eliminate Velupillai Prabhakaran (Elara) and unified the country.

    • 4

      Pathetic Eagle
      What a load of crap!
      Tell me, what are you smoking these days?
      How long are you going to live in your dream world.
      You know what, i think, when you were growing up, things must have been so bad for you, the only thing that was affordable was a sense of superiority that dubious politicians sold for free.
      Over the years you still live in that cocoon. I feel sorry for your type.

    • 2

      Eagle Blind Eye

      Did you relieve yourself soon after typing the last paragraph above?
      How do you feel now?

    • 2

      Eagle Blind from Melbourne Australia , the same city that I live and work, What a load of crap. 2300 years ago there was no Sinhalese language or a Sinhalese people. The converted Naga and Yakka Dravidian tribes , were still speaking Tamil or a the semi Tamil local dialect Elu. This is why even ancient Naga rock inscriptions even down south , Buddhist or Hindu are in Tamil Brahmi. The so called Sinhalese leader Dutta Gamini ‘s father had Tamil names or titles Kakkai Vanna Thisan ( meaning the king or great man the colour of the crow , or black king he definitely would not have been Aryan) or Kaavan Thisan which means the great guardian king in Tamil. Thisan was a very common Tamil name during the early Sangam period , as evidenced by the Keezhadi Archeological excavations in Tamil Nadu. Here 2500– 2600 years or even earlier.Tamil Brahmi letters found on pottery is all names of individuals such as, Thisan, Aadhan and Udhiran, which are typical of Sangam Age Tamil names. Go and take a hike

    • 2

      Eagle Eye,

      Quite an irrelevant comparison there…
      Since you brought up that irrelevant bit of history, can I ask whether there is any record of barbaric kidnappings of innocent youth for ransom and subsequent killings, by king Dutugemunu’s men…

  • 1

    This is why certain countries have banned NGOs.

    • 1


      Could you list the names of those NGOs you refer to above?
      By the way good to hear from you.
      Keep typing.

  • 0

    There are other partners of India, UK, especially Australia (in this case) and US who at the least equipped and armed sori Sinhala genocidal machinary are apparenlty silent partners in sori Sinhala genocidal enterpise.

  • 3

    pathetic comments –
    why srilankan is still suffering , even the war is over >10 years
    read the comments – its called ”Minority mentality of majoritarian ”

  • 5

    What Sri Lanka absolutely lack is genuine visionary leadership. The Tamils, the Sinhalese and the Moors & the whole lot. What the current so called leaders are promoting are : segregation based on race and religion, corruption, ill-repute judiciary, murders and mayhem. To eradicate these the mindset of the ordinary Sri Lankan must change 180 degrees and to have courage to face the TRUTH. Nothing will go away with head in the sand approach.

  • 6

    The only worthy candidate to vote for , will be one who is daringly honest and willing to provide it in writting to the media .

    once elected will abolish the excutive presidency fully without amending through the existing constitution.

    Will bring in a new constitution,
    Which will make provinces independent administrative, including electorates urban , city councils and village councils independent administratives under the umbrella of its province, (with each city , urban & village having a coop society elected among its residents to oversee the administrations , as to approve developments , religous, cultral matters and security.

    Create public trustees to monitor all Government tenders, jobs, university grants, foreign borrowing , financial aides , grants etc.

    Offer a reasonable share economy to estate workers, those in public transport , offer incentives port& aviation, customs & the police.

    Survey the imports of all goods to the island and streamline , the quality and quatity, so garbage and junk is not imported wasting our valuable foreign currency ( which may be mainly from the poor housemaids remittence).

    Modernize the agriculture and promote foreign investors from successful agricultral countries to partnership with our farmers & bring in a swiss coop system to protect the farmers.

    Make all hate speach, racism & all form of bigotry punishable under sedation law.
    That will be the day when the whole of Asia will envy Sri lanka.

  • 3

    Not forgetting to bring at least the provincial head and its election under one parliment like northern island.

    This will remove the bogus fear created in peoples mind of the federal system which is the best goverence, we can see this in Malaysia , India and many other successful nations but the best is Swiss any day

    It will make politicians accountable and drastically reduce the criminal waste of public funds on useless elections.

  • 1

    Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun (Chairman Mao). That is where all this is heading.

    • 1

      Mao was right.
      That is how it should happen.

  • 1

    Dear CT
    ,wonder if CT & its crew realise this?
    You are a brilliant reporter and for sure have the most reliable and well connected.
    I would like to clear something.
    In the ATTACHED report article 15 to 18 talks of a ALI ANVER NO.11
    how come only his picture is missing. out of the 11 ?
    he was suppose to be the ransom negotiator.

    can you pls shed some more information on him ? was he killed ? if his picture is not available then he is alive and in hidding , he could be a major witness .

  • 2

    ITJP must stop pussy footing of laying out charges against individuals.

    IF ITJP is serious and genuine, ITJP must now craise tese charges against Sri Lanka State and its primary backers, India, UK, US, Japan and Australia. We know China does not care about these genocidal proportions crimes commited by Sri Lankan State.

    It is these bavkers who are primarily sitting on and not taking any credible international action, whilst pretending to care for human rights etc., and leveraging human rights for their inetrest in relation to Sri Lankan State.

    These crimes are commited and those involved are protected by none other than Sri Lankan State with (at the least) connivance of its backers.

  • 1

    Thanks for your compliments. It is appreciated. ?
    I decided to call myself Gemini Cricket, after pinocchio’s conscience.
    No matter how we may try to twist and turn the truth, it remains what it is. We might as well accept the truth for what it is and save ourselves a lot of stress.
    I must tell you, it is refreshing to know that there are enlightened people out there who are worthy of being attributed to Sinhala race, such as yourself.
    Like wise there are good guys who aptly call themselves Buddhist. You get my drift.
    If the Sri Lankan public were true to their conscience, a lot of things would have turned out differently, for themselves, others and the country in general. ?

  • 0

    Many naval officers went through a horific time. Thy posttruamqatic stress disorder and diissociative identity deisorder and other lilnesse as well as being physically disabled. They needed money which was not forthcoming from the government. Crimes were done to help their mates. Part and parcel of getting information. It was something that had to be done. Every one knew about it then.They suffered for helping us. Others ewere put intio lunatic asylum. They to had to be helped. Neoclonist want us to be theeir slaves though they do worse thihnjgs.The disabled oin other countries get a large allowance. The miltary should be given a larger allowance.

  • 0

    Sinhalese govigama ruling class mafia have proven time and again that they are not willing to rule the country like a democracy with a properly functional judiciary.
    The increasing natural disasters on the island are a warning that is not being heeded. And Gota will be the perfect candidate to accelerate the karmic destruction of the island. You need the worst kind of crude thug in office at this time. Same way trump has set the ball rolling for the USA to fall as the number 1 world power. Trumps idiotic racist supporters think he is going to bring back their glory days when in reality it will result in the exact opposite. Same will happen with Sri Lanka. Just wait and see.

  • 0

    Eagle Eye is rewriting history. Prince Duttu Gemunu is not a Sinhalese. Both on his mother’s side and father’s side he belonged to the Naga Dynasty. On his father’s side, Duttu Gemenu’s father Kavan Tissa is the son of Gotabaya. Gotabaya is the brother of Yatala Tissa. The latter is the brother of Mahanagan who is the brother of King Devanampiya Tissa. Now Devanampiya Tisa’s father is Muthu Sivan who is a Hindu by faith. Muthu Sivan forefathers were Hindus. Legendary Vijaya is also a Hindu.
    On his mother’s side Viharamadevi was the daughter of Naga king Kelani Tissa who ruled Kelaniya.
    Now there were no Sinhalese prior to the 8th century.
    Duttu Gemunu invaded Anuradhapura to regain the kingdom that was ruled by his forefathers.
    The war between Ellara and Duttu Gemunu is not a war between Tamils and Sinhalese. Nor Hindus Vs Buddhists.
    Duttu Gemenu’s successors were all Nagas as their names bear out. Chora Naga, Maha Naga, Hora Naga, Ila Naga etc. Even Kings with suffix Tissa belongs to the Naga dynasty.
    Sinhalese kings more often than not married Pandyan princess. They had no standing army. They recruited men from Tamil Nadu. These people became Sinhalized by a process of assimilation.
    Sinhalese are mixed-race and that explains why their DNA matches the DNA of Tamil Nadu Tamils more than Ceylon Tamils.
    Sinhalese castes like Karava, Salagama, and Durawa are descendants of Tamil immigrants from Tamil Nadu brought to Ceylon by colonizers.

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