16 January, 2025


UN Under-Secretary-General For Political Affairs To Visit Sri Lanka

Under-Secretary-General for Political Affairs Jeffrey Feltman is to visit Sri Lanka on Saturday, 28 February.

Press Conference“He plans to meet with senior officials of the Government of Sri Lanka, political parties and civil society groups. This will be his first visit to Sri Lanka. USG Feltman looks forward to discussing with Sri Lankan leaders various issues including reconciliation, accountability and Sri Lanka–UN relations.” says the United Nations.

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  • 3

    All the “men” are rushing in to Sri Lanka like Jews to a dollar note on the street.

    They will come and have talks with Saravanamuttus, Weliamunas, Jehan Pereras and other agents who are pushing their barrow on gay rights, electoral role manipulation and other subversive agendas.

    It will take a great effort to dismantle this corrupt infrastructure the Feltmans and other “mans” are putting in place under the unelected regime.

    The election can’t come soon enough!

  • 1

    You all are American’s agents. DO NOT CHEAT OR FOOL INNOCENT WAR VICTIMS LIKE SUMANTHIRAN MP AND SAMBANTHAN MP ARE DOING TO TAMILS. You have a different agenda under reconciliation and accountability. YOU ARE SELLING THE DEDICATION OF LIVES OF TAMIL SOLDIERS AND INNOCENT 147k PEOPLE. If you are concerned very much in the Sri Lanka issue, by the time the war-criminals would have been jailed.

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    Do you realize the Sri Lankan Tamils pain? There is no god for them nor justice for them. There is no humanity for them. Please realize the genocide in Sri Lanka.

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    Jeffrey Feltman, Under-Secretary-General for Political Affairs
    Do you realize the Sri Lankan Tamils Pain.
    There is no god for them nor justice for them. There no humanity. Please realize the Genocide in Sri Lanka.

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