18 September, 2024


Video: Buddhist Monk Led Mob Attacked Christian Church

On the 12th of January 2014, the Assemblies of God and the Calvary church in Hikkaduwa (Galle District) came under attack by mobs while engaging in worship services, says the National Christian Evangelical Alliance of Sri-Lanka.

According to the NCEASL, both churches were engaged in Sunday morning worship when at approximately 10.00 a.m., mobs of about 300 persons led by Buddhist monks stormed the respective churches. The first to be attacked was the Assemblies of God, followed by the Calvary church. Serious damage was caused to the two buildings. Stones were thrown at the premises while some worshippers were trapped inside.

The previous night, the pastors of both churches received information of the impending attacks. They went ahead with the worship services based on the guarantee that there will be police protection for the services, says the NCEASL.

The protesting monks included Buddhist clergy from a group calling themselves ‘Hela Bodu Pawura’ as well as monks from Hikkaduwa and nearby temples. They claimed the Christian presence was illegal. The protesters obstructed the Galle – Colombo main road, creating a tense situation in Hikkaduwa. The situation prevailed past noon, with the Police unable to disperse the mob. A senior police officer who arrived at the scene gave an undertaking to the monks that the churches will be closed for 2 weeks (until 10th February), during which time a solution will be sought. The mobs then dispersed.

24 suspects including eight monks have been identified the Police spokesman SSP Ajith Rohana said today.

Monks attacking Church in Sri Lanka

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  • 20

    beginning of the end ????????

    • 21

      Absolutely. We are doomed as a nation.

      At this rate, Sri Lanka will surely end up under massive international pressure. Who will use it as a pretext to interfere in our affairs. Even more.

      Extremist Sinhala racism and Buddhist extremism is at fever pitch in Sri Lanka right now. Catalysed by BBS, Ravana Balaya hate speeches. Plus tacit support from Gota & Co.

      As a Sinhalese Buddhist by birth, it is a shameful day for me. I apologise to all Sri Lankans of other faiths.

      People who brought these uneducated thugs to power are traitors.

      • 9


        You ridiculed me for pointing out the constitutional projection of Buddhism and Buddhist extremism on another forum!

        “They claimed the Christian presence was illegal.”

        On what basis do you think these racist Monks deem the churches concerned illegal? The clause giving Buddhism the foremost place in the constitution was carefully choreographed and implied such that the state must protect and foster Buddhism. If a group of Monks such as these racists were to deem the Churches concerned an impediment to Buddhism in any shape or form, the police cannot do anything about it! The Trinco “illegal” Buddhist statue showed us what it is all about; no one took notice of it because it did not affect them! This disastrous clause is open to abuse and it is going to be an increasing phenomenon now that the Tamil Separatism has been dealt with. The irony is that, VP deferred it for 30 years!

        • 3

          Sri Lankan buddhist monks what will be next to come.

          See what is happening else where; BEN HURLING IS AN IMPOSTER.

          “Over the last decade, a large number of Buddhist temples in Korea had been destroyed or damaged by fanatically devout Christians. More recently, the Buddha statues, regarded as the devil, were attacked and beheaded in the name of Jesus. “

          • 3

            Catholic church wanted Buddhist monks to attack their war ship places. Because they want to show Buddhism is violence religion and extremism. It is easy for them to promote their agenda island wide. So results will be many Buddhists will convert to Catholics.

            It is not big deal for them to build churches all over the world they have money. If you notice, the same think happening in Arabic countries as well. Very few ignorant numbers of Muslims involved in violence but the media Promotes terrorism. Many Arabs converted to Christian because of difficulty for living offered jobs etc. Arab states failed because of the failure of governance and corruption. The same thing should not happen in Sri Lanka.

            Your people dream that monks are doing good job, but you don’t know they have been hired to do the job, to destroy the Buddhism in Sri Lanka. Same think happening in Pakistan, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, India as well.

            Politicians never think about countries future or protecting religion they wanted to rule and loot the countries wealth as much as possible. That you as individual persons should think about the future of your children.

            Attacking any other religious places and faith will not save Buddhism……….That is what Load Buddha said respect other religious faith when you wanted to become a real Buddhist.

            • 0


              Worship places

          • 6

            Oh please Softy, stop it with the bullshit. What we are concerned about here is the state of Buddhism in SRI LANKA, not in Korea or in Timbuktu. Do you condone the action of the thugs in the video? Is this ‘Buddhism’ as you would have it? That’s all we need to know!

      • 13

        Importance of Pillay et al and UNCHR, UK, US INDIA and Middle East to interfere into Sri Lankan affairs seem to be absolutely needed to prevent minorities of Sri Lanka not being protected by this Government, in fact they are behind instigation if such activities. Sri Lankan goverment would ask more time to ensure that all places of Muslim, hindu’s and Christian worship are forcefully demolished. Please save the minorities their religious place and heritage be saved from Saffron Morons.

      • 17

        If this has become to a daily agenda to this date, why cant police be well prepared to punish these vandalists by applying tear gas and water.

        See, these pictures are almost like what we got to see in 83 against poor tamil civilians. I have lost even the least respect remained towards sanga me as a born buddhist.

        All these adults monks should be punished by the law in SL, they should be made accountable for the acts carried out by samanera (e.g breaking glass windows by a brick).

      • 1

        While I generally agree with your comments, I must take exception to your statement that begins with “As a Sinhalese Buddhist by birth”. No one is born as a ‘Buddhist’ (or any other religion), as this is an acquired belief which is subject to change at one’s whim.

        On the other aspect of your statement, while I have to concede that ethnicity is conferred by biological ‘fate’, the use of the term ‘Sinhalese’ or ‘Tamil’ is something that is nothing more than a label signifying attachment to a particular cultural group usually traceable to a geographic region. In this respect, ‘Tamilian’ would have more logic in usage than ‘Sinhalese’, which should for all intents be considered ‘Sri Lankan’. That such grouping is man-made rather than intuitive or logical for our own quaint reasons steeped in politics and as a means to a rotten political end is lost on most of us.

        It is high time that we take a stand against such artificial segregations which are designed to play into the hands of unscrupulous politicians who use these labels to pit such labeled ‘communities’ against each other to manoeuvre their way into power, divide, rule and try and stay there for ever.

        Have you not noticed the mandatory reference to ‘Race’ in the Sri Lanka birth certificate? Is this not incongruous, and does it not serve to foster divisions rather than group us all as Sri Lankans first?

        Let us start a campaign to remove the reference to ‘Race’ in the birth certificate as a vital first step in a movement to restore harmony and goodwill in our dear country!

        • 5

          Ben Dover

          “Let us start a campaign to remove the reference to ‘Race’ in the birth certificate as a vital first step in a movement to restore harmony and goodwill in our dear country!”

          I appreciate your sense of humour.

          whom are you bending over to

      • 2

        Tamil Elam?

    • 12

      Lord Buddha Preached, Mahinda Rajapaksa Impeached him.

      • 1

        I bet, as usual, minister of justice may not ask even why the state fails to control this kind of brutal acts.

        How would they respond to such questions in two months in Geneva ?

        Some argue, this kind of religious violence can no means be avoidable… ?

        Crimes are crimes be them perpetrated by saffron robed monks or laity people ? Should there be special treatment when a so called monk would vandalize pvt properties ?

      • 0

        good one Rukman.

    • 11

      Where were these “Balu Sinhayo” when LTTE was active? Were these “Balu Sinhayo” slept for 35 years until Prabakaran was killed?
      It is now obvious that we can’t control these retarded Buddhists monks and their thugs…
      We need another strong Tiger or Camal to come forward and tame these “Balu Sinhayo” and put them back in cages!!!

  • 14

    Teachings of buddha in modern Srilanka. Path to wisdom and peace.

  • 17

    Was that a monk or a monkey which tried to climb the gate? Buddha has taught well to these monkeys about peace and simple life.

    • 1


      You are wrong. What Buddha was and is largely depends on the acts of the followers. Today, like some other religions, Buddhism and the person on whom the religion beholds, is nothing but a virulent cancer that needs to be eradicated. There is no point whatsoever to keep on telling that Buddha never would have wanted this kind of violence. If the responsibility of position is understood and adhered to, then the Buddha should have risen from the grave to show who or what he is and what he stands for. If he even cannot do that then why patronise him anyway.

      The violent streak that he personifies through not just ordinary followers but even monks and the inability to rein in such aggression and dastardly acts mean he is just a man who equally lived with blood in his hands. There cannot be any reverence for such a person. The face of Buddha is tainted with disgrace and irresponsibility. My grand vision of him as I grew up and all the symbols I had of him had been consigned to the rubbish bin after looking at the behaviour of monks in SL. That this is unique to only SL holds no water. That will be a disgrace to the claim of universality. I wonder if the Dalai Lama has even an ounce of respect anymore.

      • 0

        Well said Jansee!

  • 18

    @1.55 the guy in red,blue, green &white hit the police man on his neck. Wont they take action against these baboons? Or are they too scared to do so. What a fcked up country Srilanka has become.

    • 6


      “What a fcked up country Srilanka has become.”

      Therefore its prudent for you to take your people back to your ancestral homeland South India. When you go please take your Sinhala speaking South Indian brethren with you.

      • 2

        Don’t make me come strip your loincloth and set it on fire now Vedha.

      • 0

        Native Vedda:

        I thought you are a shade better and intelligent than this rubbish. Still in the age of the loincloth?

  • 11

    Gota”s army in action

  • 12

    This act of desperation by buddist monks show how weak buddism is. It is a philosophy that nobody wants or understands. And the authority of monks is draining out with the extinction of buddism worldwide. Dear christian brethren, we the muslims are with you against these marauding thugs. You saffron thugs beware, if this continues for too long, expect a muslim retaliation that you will never forget.

  • 11

    If the presence of the Christian churches were illegal why resort to violence instead of taking legal action? This is a farce by some fanatics. It is high time that in a Buddhist country that Sri Lanka is, action is taken to prevent these enemies of Buddhism from destroying it.

    • 0

      Sammy, A good question. Why the “Buddha Sasana” ministry not taking any action against t? The answer is Minister of Buddha Sasana is a weak,puppet and he is with muslim Drug mafia. He doesn’t care about buddhist and or buddhism.

  • 15

    There’s another country to scratch off my list of places to visit! Uncivilized, hateful brutes! And the police just stand by and do nothing. What a joke of a country!

    • 5

      The Police establishment is not there to defend the rule of law, they are there to protect the elites from the masses.

      • 1

        The police is powerless because Buddhism must be give the foremost place and the monks cannot be wrong!

    • 5

      It is sad these thugs are giving Buddhism a bad name. I am a Christian and I know a lot of good Buddhist people like Ben Hurling, one of the earlier contributors, whom I respect. I blame the government for giving the nod to these imbeciles to act with impunity.

  • 8

    @Kadar khan

    I think you are no better than the “Saffron Thugs” you so vehemently seem to be disapproving and disliking.. if the answer to such extremacy is to respond with mightier, Muslim led Jihad approach, then I believe you have no right neither condemn of comment on this article.

    As a christian who belongs to one of the churches that was attacked, I’m sadden at the sate of intolerance in our land. It breaks my heart to realise the even after 30 years of bloody shed most Sri Lankans appear to be as blood thirst as ever before.

    As a christian I respect and appreciate the non valiant teachings of Buddhism and Islam .. we cannot generalise any Faith buy the actions of a few, such as of the “Saffron Thugs” or the words of Mr Khan. When will we Sri Lankans learn that our land has seen enough Blood shed??

    As Jesus Christ has taught us, we as Christians will and must “Turn the other Cheek” we need to “love or enemies and pray for those that persecute us” We need to Forgive. We need to True Peace in our land..!!!

    • 2

      “Turning the other cheek and praying for persecutors”, yes.But please acknowledge that what these monks and mobs did was evil and wicked.
      ‘Thugs’ is an apt description.


  • 10

    These are the local priests, not BBS or Sihala Ravaya. These are ordinary people are of the area. So we can well imagine the hatred and anger that is being instigated by the clergy in the name of Buddhism. High time the Govt stepped in before these incidents go out of control.

    The mob comes in under police escort, attacks the church under the supervision of the police and then withdraws. Is this Law and Order? Dont people have the right to worship on their own property? This is the way the minorities are treated and the Govt expects them to be patriots?

  • 7

    Dumbasses, giving Sri Lankan Buddhism a bad name. These guys should realize that when they start picking on everyone, everyone gangs up on them. Christianity isn’t really a threat to Buddhism since Christianity now a days is rather passive and tolerant.

  • 10

    Sadhu, Sadhu, Sadhu..

    Suba anagathayak ! the international community have to take these in Geneva 2014 against GOSL as all these are the brainchild of the big Goat the white van killer.

  • 5

    Think they need to all get married and relax de tension down under in order have their brains think clearly..
    What’s wrong wit these moronic thugs???

    • 3

      They relax the tension down under with the children seen on the video carrying flags.

      one need to have brain to think, not sure they have one.

  • 4

    Do these people forget that their Presidents wife is a believer of Jesus Christ?

    • 0

      “Turning the other cheek and praying for persecutors”, yes.But please acknowledge that what these monks and mobs did was evil and wicked.
      ‘Thugs’ is an apt description.


    • 1

      Is she? then she should take a stand for what she believes.

    • 1

      Yes she is but for her so called saviour husband and clan to stay in power and plunder this country she will have to tow the Buddhist path to enlightenment….. I mean the Path to looting and pillaging.

  • 0

    Hikkaduwa prayer centre protest: 24 suspects identified
    MONDAY, 13 JANUARY 2014 14:36
    The Police said today they had identified 24 suspects and would take legal action against them in relation to Sunday’s protest on two ‘ prayer centres’ in Hikkaduwa belonging to an evangelical denomination

  • 1

    When Buddhist build tempale in north and east world class father said it illegal because harm for peace….and going every day for embassy and meet people like rapp…Buddhist never begging for help..we have enough strength to protect our culture. Christian think for money they can do everything .place wait very little few more years to see strength of sinhala Buddhist..

    • 0

      [Edited out]

    • 0

      Well done, thanks for showing us your true colours and level of understanding you have about probably the greatest philosophy called Buddhism. Karma is bitch, when does decide to bite you in the ass make sure you are prepared to take pain.

    • 0

      Yes by killing everyone else ? You really show what the true Sinhala Buddhist is like, and nothing like what the Lord Budda taught. So my question is are these really Buddhists ?
      Prove to me that the Budda taught violence !

  • 1

    It is sad story and government. Should. Take responsibilities for this pathetic situation. It is beyond its control

    • 2

      SLM, What’s pathetic about this man? Bloody christian organisations erect prayer stations here and there and convert buddhists and Hindus to Christianity by giving money and gifts. And some father’s killing innocent children,women by saying that they can cure illnesses by praying without medical treatment. Do you want us to stay deaf and dumb and allow these Christian organisations to convert all the buddhist and hindus. Yeah that’s what USA and UK want. We don’t care what the International Community saying about this. We must burnt down all prayer stations. We have enough churches,mosques,kovils and temples in here.

      Government must ban all the prayer stations erected within last two decades in every religion immediately. Otherwise people do it by themselves.

      • 3

        Noel Jones,

        What kind of a moron are you? only a complete buffoon would make a comment on a public forum like you have done. You have shown the whole world what your parents taught you, and the intolerant way you were brought up.May God have mercy on you.


        • 2

          Chris, To hell with God,I don’t believe Gods and I don’t need his mercy idiot. If you are not agree with my view give me the reasons. Then I can answer you moron. May triple Gem Bless You!

          • 0

            Shove the triple gems up your arse your buddhist bastard.

      • 2

        Noel Ayya………… would it been better if you change your name from NOEL jones to Appuhami-tinkiri or something before bashing Christians using Christian name???


        • 1

          G1 Malli, First you better find a suitable name man and then advice me. The name does not matter to tell the truth.

      • 0

        Do it legally; not by force by those in saffron robes expected to preach the peaceful concepts of Buddhism than resorting to terrorism with the excuse of defending Buddhism.

  • 4

    we are sorry.

  • 2

    What a SAD day for a beautiful Island. A bunch of saffron robed gangsters and rotten thugs.Do they really call themselves monks? They should be lined up and shot.

    • 2

      Chris, What kind of MORON are you. Only a complete baffoon can make a comment on a public forum like you have done.You are nothing but a one of INGO crow funded by Christian missionaries. If government not take any action soon it is not monks line up an shot,it is your bloody Fathers.

  • 1

    Last Sunday (January 12) once again two churches were attacked in Hikkaduwa, Sri Lanka . In the recent past, these attacks have been increasing in many parts of the Island. These attacks on Christian churches cannot be isolated from the incidents such as attacks on Islam places of worship in Sri Lanka. These attacks have been carried out by organized mobs breaking law and order in the civil society.
    Often there are people who try to ignore these attacks as mere religious issues. Although these issues have a religious connotation and outlook they are integrally connected to many others concerns which should be analyzed to sustain lasting peace and harmony in society. What are the reasons for these attacks?
    The mobs behind these attacks often say that these places of worship are illegal and that they are involved in unethical conversions. However, in Sri Lanka, the Constitution of the country has guaranteed religious freedom to every citizen, and he or she is allowed to practice the religion of his or her conviction individually and collectively. Therefore to practice one’s faith the place is immaterial. In this particular context these attacks are violations of the Constitution of the country and the basic human right of the believers of the relevant faiths.
    Unethical conversion is an issue that has been discussed in Sri Lanka for a considerable period of time. If somebody tries to change the religion of a citizen by using violence or force, that is not only unethical but illegal as well. At the same time, if an individual or a group tries to stop the worship of another religion it is both unethical and illegal according to the Constitution of the country and the commonly accepted norms of the society, country and many international communities. Also this creates a very negative impression of the country in the eyes of the rest of the world.
    In many countries religious identities are tied up with the ethnicities of people. In Sri Lanka the identity of Buddhist people is tied up with Sinhala ethnicity, while Hindu identity is closely associated with the ethnic identity of Tamils. In the case of Muslims, ethnicity and religion are intertwined. Where Christians are concerned there are Sinhala, Tamil, Eurasian and other minority ethnicities who are adherents of this faith. Therefore Christians as a sociological entity are not particularly associated with one ethnicity. These are associations that have been evolving throughout the ages.
    Therefore it is clear that these so called attacks on religious places of worship are heading towards more serious issues than ethnic issues. It is sad to notice that the political authorities and the police are not taking adequate steps to address this vital concern in the society. Very often when these attacks are carried out, the police do not make the same effort that they would make to stop strikes, etc. Also they are very lethargic in arresting perpetrators when compared to the way they arrest people who are engaged in protests. Often when these attacks are taking place the police just wait, allowing the mobs to attack these places of worship.
    As a country just trying to raise our heads from the ugly war associated with Sinhala and Tamil ethnicities, these attacks will add fuel to the much more complicated ethno-religious issues, which will in turn result in many other international issues. As we live in an era where what happens in any corner of the world can be communicated to the rest of the world, these attacks are given wider publicity through many media such as the internet and television.
    As citizens of Sri Lanka, let’s try to respect each other’s ethnicity and religion to restore this country and to make it a country of peace for everybody to live in harmony. Let’s appreciate the contributions made by each community to build this country. Let’s use the strengths of each community to contribute to the betterment of this beautiful island.
    Fr. Keerthisiri Fernando
    Chair – Interfaith Desk of the Diocese of Colombo, Sri Lanka.

    • 3

      Keerthisiri, Those were not churchs, those are just prayer stations. Churchs exit for the last three or four centuries in Sri Lanka and Buddhist never attack. But these prayer stations convert poor buddhists and hindus by giving money,gifts and or by misguiding people saying they can cure diseases by praying etc…

      • 2

        If people want to convert that should be their free choice; isn’t this freedom of expression? If conversion is so bad, how would you justify the Buddhist majority in SL? Buddhism is not indigenous to Sri Lanka; people converted and embraced it to prosper! So it is ok for people to convert to Buddhism but not other way round!

        • 1

          Burning Issue, Buddhism came to this country when people worship Sun,Mountains and Trees. People embraced Buddhism because the people accept it whole heartedly. It was not a convert of people. And people not embraced Buddhism to prosper. At that time people already prospered. People embraced Buddhism because it’s suit to their way of life.

          Christianity came to SL about 500 years ago and people unwillingly convert to it because otherwise they get killed. Thousands killed by dutch,Portugese and British whom reluctant to convert to Christianity.

          • 0


            Before Buddhism Sri Lanka was mainly Hindu! People had no choice but to convert to Buddhism because the king converted! So, people have to embrace Buddhism as the subjects of the kingdom.

            Do you think Bandranayakas, Jayawardes, Kothalawalles, and Senanayakas etc all converted to Christanity out of fear? There was intimidation and favouritism for converting to Christianity; education, clothing, higher standard of lives were at stake; yet, vast majority of the Sinhala, Tamil and Muslims did not convert!

            I am afraid you have not put forward anything to justify these violent attacks on Christianity; no one is forcing the Sinhala Buddhist to convert; why are you all flustered?

  • 2

    Are the buddhist monks above the law?

    • 0

      They are the law.

      • 0

        law of karma.Our karma that we have them.

        As a small kid i was in my car with dad and mom and when the car was turning out the gate lo and behold a bhuddhist monk walks past.My mum wants to go back and cancel the trip.I plead with her because this is a sunday evening and we are going to see a tamil movie.After a lot of pleading she relents.

  • 2

    This is in the Presidents home province, if he has no control over thugs in his area then what does he have control over? These hooligans will destroy Buddhism from the inside playing cheap politics for the President.

    • 3

      He, the president is the one who is accountable for all these. His ministry just ignore any kind of brutal activities telling something palatable to anyone, raised the question why they would not react adequately.

      MR`s indifference as the minister of defence allows all kind of perpetrators to exercise what they feel is right, taking the law to their hands. This is no means acceptable. They the rulers just stay mum not to harm crime doers adequately for their power greedy intentions. If growing criminals would stand against them, they the rulers would lose their power. THese are greedy politics.

      See, how those young chaps behave in the scenes. They could become much worse than illiterate Ruwandians that brutally harmed millions their clashes.

  • 2

    Oh dear monks!

    Hope you all burn in hell!

    • 1

      Nalin, Oh dear Fathers,Bishops! Hope you all burn in Hell!

  • 1

    The Enlightened Buddha after all must have never even dreamt of this and if he were walking this so called Dhamma Deepa would certainly want to curl up and die.

    Shame on you so called Buddhist monks, and spineless selfish politicians.

  • 1

    contract men dressed up in saffron demolishing with view to harness southern votes.

    if common crims taken in for breaking windows/break & entry,why not these contractors?

  • 1

    Mujahiddin monks.

  • 4

    Sri Lanka is judged the best tourist destinatio by many tour operators and travel magazines. Hikkaduwa and Galle are popular destination for the westerners. Need to distribute this video to all the tour operators for the safety of the tourist majority of whom ar christians.

  • 2

    Main plan of Colombo evil sinhala Buddhist was break friendship between Buddhist and catholic that build last 500year .sinhala Buddhist never let to sri Lanka become developed country because they just time pass until divide country as they like…truth is even mahinda rajapksha cannot control south province because Buddhist in this area become act as people in another country. Most of Colombo Buddhist have background to south and they hate colombo,Christian and Muslims more than anything.same they created jhu,they start build BBS …

  • 1

    Democracy, nothing more than a dictatorship in a fancy frock. this is what happening in sorry lanka. No one now believe that minority communities will get equal rights from these animals.

  • 3

    I can now understand that why Indians attacked these goons…!

1 2 3 4

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