15 January, 2025


Video: Defend The Rights Of Muslims: Radical Muslims Speaks Against Sinhala-Buddhists Nationalists

Abdur Raziq of Sri Lanka Thawheed Jamaat speaks against BBS/ JHU/Sinahala Ravaya and other Sinhala Buddhists nationalist groups including the government of Sri Lanka. Police tried to prevent Sri Lanka Thawheed Jamat meeting by banning the meeting. However, the SLTJ officials went ahead to conduct the meeting at their office premises.

Defend the rights of Muslims -Part – 1

Defend the rights of Muslims- Part – 2


Latest comments

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    Thank you CT for posting this. This guy is exactly the other side of Bebadu Gnanasara.

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      RE: Mr Razaq, Weera and others.

      ” Police tried to prevent Sri Lanka Thawheed Jamat meeting by banning the meeting. However, the SLT officials went ahead to conduct the meeting at their office premises.”

      Mr. Razaq, thank you for Exposing the Sinhala Buddhist Racism. Unfortunately, Sri Lanka lost an opportunity to be Egalitarian when LSSP sold out to the Sinhala Buddhist racists.

      Call BBS, Sinhala Ravaya for a Debate. You know more Buddhism than the Majority of Sinhala.

      Buddhism is the Curse of Sri Lanka, the Monk Mahanama Myths and Racism.
      He is exposing the the Sunday Night Pan Sil, and Monday Night Pan Kill. Then they go with a pot of water around a building and then break all the teachings of the Enlightened Buddha. The call “Theruwan Saranai”, ask the gems, an inanimate object, to bless you.

      BBS need to learn Buddhism from Mr. Razaq..

      1. What this Raziq is saying about Double Standards when it comes to Muslims and another standard for BBS JHU and Sinhala Urumaya Sinhala Buddhists.

      2. This is what happens when the State does not maintain law and order.

      3. What a disgrace and Lies by the Police. Do your flicking job, police, as given in the constitution.

      4. Raziq fight for all the citizens. Expose the Myth holders.

      5. Expose the Myth Following Buddhism, the core problem in Lanka.

      6. Keep organizing more and more meeting and get the true Buddhists,and True Citizens.

      Want to know more about Buddhism?


      Buddhism The Great Evil — Part 1


      Buddhism The Great Evil — Part 2

      • 0


        Saudi Arabia is fast changing.

        More than 50% of the Saudi Univ students are women.

        The Wahhabi Clerics will have a hard time keeping up.

        One may not recognize Saudi Arabia 50 to 100 years from Now.

        The Wahhabis will be in the Museums.

        Saudi Princess Pushes For Women’s Rights


        Uploaded on Sep 26, 2011
        Princess Ameerah Al-Taweel, wife of billionaire investor Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal, vies for Saudi women’s right to drive.

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      But this guy is far more decent than the monkeys. Can anyone reply to his allegations? This is what we should promote. Debating.

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        Who says this beast is better? All are rubishes. He knows nothing on Buddhism. This guy is lower than Gnanasara. This fool has taken some writings fro the tail of the serpent. Tell him to write in a news papers. Replying these foolish question would be done very easily even by a pre-school kid. All are misunderstood by this fool. Those who believe these talks also exhibits the limit of their knowledge and logic.

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          Can you please tell what is triple gem and how can such a lifeless object can bless you without beating about the bush.

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            Dude, the triple gem stands for buddha,dhamma and sanga…no one seeks blessings from fossilised Carbon..its just coined as the triple gem..

            • 0

              Thanks lk. We dint know till you say this. Actually I dint know. So the guy in youtube is wrong in that matter. And when I say ‘monkey’ I refer people like Yaanasara, Wirathu and similar type and not the other respectable monks.

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              No one can seek the blessing of the Buddha or even the Dhamma. It is not Buddhism. Ask any learned Buddhist Scholar. “Budu Saranai” is the biggest lie.

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              Blessings of Triple Gem; Another Myth.

              Buddha: Not OK, because dead and Gone, even if attained Nirvana or Rebirth, the mental states.

              Dhamma: OK. It is the Teachings, the 4 Noble Truths and 8-fold path. the Philosophy and one can act on it. Like the philosophy of Aristotle.

              Sanga: Not OK, because they are human beings, Monks. Some are killers like Monk Somarana, who killed a Prime Minister.

              Some are like Racist Monk Mahanama, Some like BBS Monks, some like Mahanayakas. Do you really want their blessings?

            • 0


              American Dhamma,


              Wahhabi Salafi Najdi should return Makkah and Madina back to Sunnis

              Uploaded on Jan 3, 2012
              Wahhabi Salafi exposed.

              Wahhabi Salafi should return Makkah and Madina back to Sunnis and they should go back to Najd Riyadh where they can spread their fitna and terrorism among each other.

              Similarly, the BBS and the Racist Buddhist Monks need to be returned to Maha Bharata, DambaDiva , India.

              Wahhabism= Maraism = BBS = Terrorism

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              The Egyptian Triple Gem


              Jubilation in Egyptian TV Studios following Morsi’s Ouster

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            The triple gem in Buddhism is Buddhun, Daham and Sangun. Which means they refer Bhudda, His teachings and the Bhikkhus( who preach Buddism )as the gems, something valuable( Not real gemstones ). Buddhist seak guidance and protection from thease three main things in Buddhism. This is what I know..

          • 0

            Triple gem is not mere lifeless 3 gem stones as the uneduacted guy in the video parroting. Please don’t misunderstand by just looking at the English meaning. It is simply

            (1) Buddha: the ideal or highest spiritual potential that exists within all beings.

            (2) Dhamma: The teachings of the Buddha, the path to Enlightenment.

            (3) Sangha: The community of those who have attained enlightenment, who may help a practicing Buddhist to do the same.

            Sangha here may not be true for some of the present day monks including BBS and other extremists.

            It is similar to get the blessing from the Allah or God in different religions. In Buddhism it is more devoluted to include the Buddhas teaching and the teachers (not the BBS)

            Though it may be difficult to grasp for the extremist, foolish guys like the one in the video and commentor with a fake name “Amarasiri”, below link elaborates to a some extent.


            As I believe, all the religions in the world whether, Buddhism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism,….., do the same thing in different ways of teaching.

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              FATHER (GOD)
              SON (JESUS)
              HOLY SPRIRIT (AGENT OF DIVINE ACTION; prophet, Bible, priest, etc.)

            • 0

              Yes exactly you are right Reggie

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              The Subject is the Arrogance of Religious Persons. BBS monks and Wahhabis are no different.

              Buddhism, Islam. Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism etc.

              So far, no proof for Nirvana, Nibbana, Rebirth, Hell, Heaven, Limbo and Purgatory. In the meantime, the Earth still goes around the Sun, despite the claims in the Bible.

              Uploaded on Sep 21, 2010
              Richard Dawkins with Sally Quinn.


              Richard Dawkins: The Arrogance of Religious Persons


            • 0

              thank yo Manoj, I am sure lots of Non-Buddhists were enlightened. Why aren’t decent souls like you not frequenting CT? I am tired of the racists and chauvinists haunting this place!

              You are the silent majority. Please don’t be silent. Please speak up

              Thanks again


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          You are a racist I thing you also reborn like stray dog in Sri lanka.

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            You are a pig

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        Monkeys dont debate

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      Here we have the Islamic mirror image of “Balu Sena Gandasara” & “JHU Champuka”.

      We should let these religious fascists & extremists fight each other like street dogs. Whether they are of Buddhist, Hindu, Christian & Muslim origin, it does not matter to us others.

      Peace loving people of Sri Lanka can live in peace without these hate mongers.

      PS: Allah or God should now interfere, if he actually exists. And stop these religious fascists & extremists from fighting each other like wild animals. In the name of their respective religions.

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      He is a well-read young SRILANKEN. Not at all comparable to Gnasara.

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        This kind of trilingual young vocalists can open the eyes of lost folks – seem to have lost by every means- sadly – no matter even anybody is attacked, they dont care. This speaker focuses on the burning issues -very pecisely also studying buddhist values though he himself is a muslim. Have there enough buddhists that have studied Islam and lanken Islam ? No, by listening to one of BBS monk´s speech, I felt myself, whether they at all respect Panchaseela…. The fairy tales on serving unhygentic food to non muslims is a just myth only. But that particular monk dares to insist on it..
        But anyone who has listened to Mr Razaq`s speech, would raise why none of powerful muslims came forward in or out of the parliament even if they have the muslim people´s mandate to do so ? There were halal issue, Mosque issues and several other issues where those Ministers or MPs had the chance to do so – I think – these muslim ministers are equally abusive by all nature not only the ruling bunch.

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          BBS, JHU, all whatever groups/ parties have been created by politicians. And they have their mutual understanding. They don’t worry about people sufferings. The national security is under defense minister who is the president in the current Parliament. If they fail to protect the security of the nation in Sri Lanka, the people will take the law to their hand. So, we will have to suffer another war very soon. So, the country will go to hell another 50 years.
          Religious leaders should preach pure religious teachings, not the violence.

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      It is incorrect to call “Redical Muslims’ he talkes scence decently if you compare with BBS speaches. How arrogont and nasty!

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        It is the education and the background make it like that not anything else. Those hate speakers got their education in Pirivenas but many of them were compelled to do so because their parents had no means to finace them. If these so called pseudo buddhists – number 01 example is Gnasara had the chance to grow up as a lay person, he would have joined the society as a normal, aggressive free man. Unfortunately, the circumtances accompanying his life should be the reason him to be that aggressive when seeing his reactions.
        He has almost destroyed the nation´s respect that they had towards buddhist monks. It was with the approval of ruling bunch, Gnasara happened to do so. Fully negligence and indifferent behaviour of lanken ruling authorities fertilized Gnasara´s motives.

    • 0

      what an embaressment tis Balu Sena has bought
      no more TRIPPLE-GEM for me

    • 0

      Weera, Raziq et al.

      All these guys on the same side, ignorance.

      BBS is Ignorance of Buddhism. Buddhism is not a religion. It is a Philosophy.

      Wahhabis show Ignorance of Islam.

      But the Issue here is Law and Order.


      Atheism is NOT a religion – Sam Harris

      Sam Harris spoke at the Aspen Ideas Festival in July 2009 with the topic “Believing the Unbelievable”. This is a clip from that talk.

    • 0

      Weera, Raziq and Others,

      Calling a Spade, a Spade.

      Calling a Delusion, a delusion. The Taboo in criticizing.


      Sam Harris: Fearless Among Peers

      These Clips are from the “Beyond Belief: Science, Reason, Religion & Survival” November 5-7, 2006. http://thesciencenetwork.org/programs

    • 0

      July 22 was the ASALA full moon day which enriched with various significant memories in Buddhist history.Instead of publishing a paper in this regard or challenge of them,what the COLOMBO TELEGRAPH did? They are publishing a response of a Muslims for BBS that took place in two three months ago.

      There is no other reason to publish this sort of unfair videos and comments IS EXHIBITS NOTHING BUT THE STYLE OF THE HIDDEN GAME OF COLOMBO TELEGRAPH.The two video appeared in wrong time,wrong place,with many more wrong facts.

      I herewith quote only TWO POINTS

      1.DID COLOMBO TELEGRAPH. about “PAARAJIKAA” did they accept
      ven.Gnasaara thero guilty of breaching PAARAJIKAA?

      2.Did ven<Kiribathgoda Gnanananda thero's book mensioned that the load
      Budha ate human flesh?



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        [Edited out]

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          [Edited out]

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    This is what we are lacking now. BBS no 2…lol

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    A spark neglected makes a mighty fire.

  • 0

    This is what exactly Govt. will need. now the Govt. can release enough stock of “Jaathi Aale” to the market before upcoming Provincial council elections. Do not worry if this is not enough, then Govt. will find Oil and Gas Deposits in Manner Basin.

    • 0

      You mean Similar to 1983 “Jathi Aale” Kada Kadappan, Breaking into Minority Businesses and Stealing all the Goods, breaking into Minority Jewelry stores and stealing all the Gold, Breaking into clothes shops and stealing all the valuable material, breaking into 2nd 3rd and 4th street whole sale market and rob all the food stuff.

      Yes the whole world knows the Character of Alibabas in the Government, now using “Jathi Aale” BBS thugs to steal minority Property.

      It is the Govt. that created these Sinhala Buddhist Radical Extremists to steal other peoples property.

      According Minister of Higher Education, Eighty Percent (80%) of the yellow robe monks leave their robes soon after graduation. They find jobs, marry and settle down after getting all the free board and lodging and other benefits from Buddhist temples. They do have a set plan and use them.

      This is not due to other religions in the country, but these are purely on economic benefcts, similar to Economic refugees who go abroad.

      Radicals create other radicals and Govt. create these radicals for it’s own survival.

      May be people may have to get ready for the next “Jathi Aale” Kada Kadappan Sinhala Buddhist thugs next great Mass Robbery instigated by the Rajapakses.

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    And who is going to defend us from radical Muslims?

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      JimSofty (a.k.a.JimNutty), of course!

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        And Muliyawaikkal

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      Are you so weak with more than 70% strong Buddhist population or afraid to the World powerful strong Muslim community – Stewart Sloan ?

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      Who is going to defend the citizens fro the police, and the Buddhist Monk thugs?

      The state is not doing its job.

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      Your Mother

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    Al Qaeda in SL!

    Quickly call Mossad, RAW, CIA, FSB to SL to nip this in the bud. They are too willing to do the honors. That is their pastime.

    BTW the 2013 Ramadan Bombathon scorecard for 21/07/2013 is:
    Killing in the name of Islam = 521
    Killing in the name of Christianity = 0
    Killing in the name of Hinduism = 0
    Killing in the name of Buddhism = 0
    Killing in the name of Judaism = 0
    Killing by Islamophobics = 0

    (Quoted from the religion of peace.) Thank you.

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      “Quickly call Mossad, RAW, CIA, FSB to SL to nip this in the bud”.

      Why Muliyawaikkal? You are the champion of Sinhala Buddhism. Go to the front to lead. COWARD!

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      Want to know more about Buddhism?


      Buddhism The Great Evil — Part 1


      Buddhism The Great Evil — Part 2

    • 0

      Muliyawaikkal, if your name is added to the Bombathon scorecard, the score would be 522.

    • 0

      Thank you Muliyawaikkal for injecting a dose of sanity to this string. The figures speak for themselves.

  • 0

    You both parties should have a war now. All should be killed each other. W=Then we can live in harmony!

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      Myths, Myths, More and More Myths.

      No proof so far for Nirvana, Nibana, Rebirth, Sansara, Hell, Heaven, Limbo, Purgatory and other Myths, perpertuated to keep the Monk-Priest-Mullah Hegemony over the people.


      Buddhism The Great Evil — Part 1


      Buddhism The Great Evil — Part 2


      Wahhabism/Saudis A Colonial British Creation & Puppets Of US

      Uploaded on Jun 16, 2010

      Wahabism In Arab & Its B Team In Subcontinent Deobandism/Tablighi Jamaat Are Colonial Era’s British Planted Traitors Among Muslims, These Both Deviant Cults Emerged Only After The British Arrival On Muslim Lands With Infamous Policy Of “Divide & Rule”. Wahabism With Backing Of British Mind, Money & Arms & Wahabi Saud Tribe’s (Actually Desert Robbers) Traditional Nature Of Brutality & Betray Played Leading Role In The Fall Of Islamic Ottoman Empire & As A War Booty Or Reward For Licking Their(British’s) Shoes British Gifted Them What It Is Today Saudi Arabia The Breeding Ground For Its Bi-Product Al Qaeda & Wahabi Terrorists.
      In Shape Of Terrorism Threat Western Societies Are “Cutting” What Some Minority Idiots From Among Themselves “Sowed” In Past.

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        Amarasiri, there was a good interview with Dr.Ameer Ali advisor to Australian Gov.on Islamic issues by Ranga Jasuriya in Lakbima. you might find some cures in that for the condition you suffer from.

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          The Condition Amarasiri suffers from is that he is immune to Myths of different flavors, because none of the Myths comes with decent believable independent support.

          DdeJa Vu,the Myths repeat and are perpetrated.

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          “Dr.Ameer Ali advisor to Australian Gov.on Islamic issues by Ranga Jasuriya in Lakbima.”

          A Good historical analysis.This is what happens when people follow their their religions based on the interpretation of their Mullahs, Priests, Ulemas and Monks. The problem is that only a very small fraction of the populace has the intellectual capacity to understand the scriptures, and blindly follow the interpretation of the the so called scholar Monks, Ulemas, Mullahs and Priests.

          So, one of the problems to solve is to Expose the Blind Saudi Wahhabism, which is not Islam. You can’t eat Sharia. Kamel Ataturk of Turkey recognized that in 1923.


          “However, since the 1970s, there has been the development of orthodox Islam, which is something new to this country. And this orthodox brand of Islam is the result of the economic opportunities created in the Middle East. Muslims who went there for job opportunities came back with a different mindset, influenced by the religious perception of the Saudis and other neighbouring countries. Unfortunately, this resulted in Muslims in this country isolating themselves from the mainstream society, in terms of their dress, their values and their practices.”

          “A: The Muslims are suffering from an image problem, which they need to address. No one in this country says don’t practice Islam. But, the current image of Islam is confrontational. This dress (burka) is confronting. Muslim Women in the 70s wore saris. It is the misreading of Islamic scriptures that has led to the current situation. We are just isolating ourselves. That can easily be done by providing leadership.”

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    The law & order is weak in the country.Most of Buddhist or Muslim never like the radical way to reach the solution. As a Muslim I proud these so much days waited in patient to the attack of Muslim with the support of state.But still lot of diplomatic way to go. we should not support to radical ways. Govt. is war monger.They need terrorism to gain.we Muslims faith in Allah. This is the best month to ask supplication to over come all troubles.

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    All Sinhalese, Hindus and Atheist should be against these organizations. BBS and other Sinhala buddhist groups make less impact compare to these Saudi funded radical Muslim groups.

    We shouldn’t attack Muslims but peacefully criticize them.

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      Asanka, you forgot to include the Christians!

      • 0

        yes they should be too

        • 0

          Asanka and Kayal,

          Interesting Video, in support of your hypothesis.


          Just Think- Sam Harris part 1 of 2


          Just Think- Sam Harris part 2 of 2

          Uploaded on Jul 1, 2010

          From the Free Press:

          Sam Harris’s first book, The End of Faith, ignited a worldwide debate about the From the Free Press:

          Sam Harris’s first book, The End of Faith, ignited a worldwide debate about the validity of religion. In the aftermath, Harris discovered that most people—from religious fundamentalists to non-believing scientists—agree on one point: Science has nothing to say on the subject of human values. Indeed, our failure to address questions of meaning and morality through science has now become the most common justification for religious faith. It is also the primary reason why so many secularists and religious moderates feel obligated to “respect” the hardened superstitions of their more devout neighbors.

          In this explosive new book, Sam Harris tears down the wall between scientific facts and human values, arguing that most people are simply mistaken about the relationship between morality and the rest of human knowledge. Harris urges us to think about morality in terms of human and animal well-being, viewing the experiences of conscious creatures as peaks and valleys on a “moral landscape.” Because there are definite facts to be known about where we fall on this landscape, Harris foresees a time when science will no longer limit itself to merely describing what people do in the name of “morality”; in principle, science should be able to tell us what we ought to do to live the best lives possible.

          Bringing a fresh perspective to age-old questions of right and wrong, and good and evil, Harris demonstrates that we already know enough about the human brain and its relationship to events in the world to say that there are right and wrong answers to the most pressing questions of human life. Because such answers exist, moral relativism is simply false—and comes at increasing cost to humanity. And the intrusions of religion into the sphere of human values can be finally repelled: for just as there is no such thing as Christian physics or Muslim algebra, there can be no Christian or Muslim morality.

          Using his expertise in philosophy and neuroscience, along with his experience on the front lines of our “culture wars,” Harris delivers a game-changing book about the future of science and about the real basis of human cooperation.

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        The Generic Term is MYTH HOLDERS.

  • 0

    UPFA won’t understand these.

    These talkers need to preach muslims all over country to not to vote for MR & UPFA next election.

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    Who is he what is he doing in Sri Lanka , what is he talking about? Just for your information -This so called Thableeq Jamath has their own version of faith, They call it Bible E jamath(people of The books) , thier middle East headQuarters is in Israel, you can ask them if this is true or not? and they do not follow the Quran they only read it in Arabic ,just like the Utra Zionist Jews have the Thora only for reading and they have the Thalmud they follow. they are Utra Zionist Muslims actually trained in Israel ,they are Mossad agents,, if am incorrect ,I challenge you to ask any Jamathi or whatever they call themselves, if only The Thabliqe (Ultra Zionist Muslim)is allowed to have thier regional HQ in Israel or not?They follow an Indian self claimed Messiah named Yahya (The Arabic Name for John The baptist)they believe he is the rebirth avathar of John The baptist who has come with new a Covenant. they are fanatics worst than BBS/Al-Qaeda & Taliban, They will not even look at a person if they do not have a huge Beard , as huge and unruly as possible looking v.much close to The Zionist beard & they Wear a cap also that Looks like the Zionist jew Round may be a little larger – they will now start the menace the Innocent Muslims may have to pay , they were chased out by the government sometime back for Illegal activities in the island & now they back with support of Israel (paid obedient servants of The Zion state)you will find most of thier women cover including the face,like The taliban women do in afghanistan. This guy should be arrested immediately along with anyone who are associated with him too & thrown inside the Jail for Life. if they do that, then I will have some respect for The President otherwise we all know this is also apart of government game , they are ” BBS Muserler man” ( not Mussalman)They hate all other Muslims and rifer to other Muslims as Infedels ,

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      Dancing Lights, you have got your wires mixed up. Pls check and re-check before you name an Organization. Pls dont be in a hurry to pull the trigger. You are confused with the name. It is not Thableegh Jama’ath that he represents, but Thawheed Jamath. And if you should know, Big difference.

    • 0

      Man,the speaker here is not from THABLEEQ he is from
      THOWHEED.Why waste time and space without even knowing
      your target properly?Go get prepared well for the next

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        Because some want to say something about something of which they know nothing or little.

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    @ Asanka -Saudi has nothing to do with these buffoons- they are banned in The Gulf. you can go to Jail if you call yourself a Thablique jamath.

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      What do you think about Anwar Manathunga who do same thing to Buddhism ?

      As long as these organizations are in Sri Lanka Sinhalese Buddhists have to support BBS like organization for their protection.

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        These guys are more polite than drunkard Yaanasaara and the asshole who set himself on fire in front of the maligawa.

        • 0

          You are a true Muslim. We support BBS, Sinhala Ravaya and other Buddhist organizations until people like you and person in the video go out from this world.

          [Edited out] is a racist.

          Muslims marriage system is tribal system.

          Sharia Law is tribal ruling system by Arabic tribes.

          Muhammad is a rapist, Child Molester and faggot who was raped by cousins.

          • 0

            Colombo Telegraph would not edit if that edited out word was Sinhalese Buddhists so it’s possible understand what that word is.

            I have seen many comments in this site against Sinhalese Buddhists including articles.

            [Edited out] = A group of pigs that were born in Sri Lanka and practice a religion which is a problem to whole world.

            • 0

              Those comments are not against real buddhists – you dont need to be worried, if you are real one, but they are against Balu Balu Sena buddhists that have been trying to tarnish the buddhist image in sl.
              If you are a good buddhist, you also have to react like the speaker on the video in the name of protecting the buddhism. The speaker on the video should be an intelligent guy; his contents are a clear message above all to muslim parliamentarians that need to wake up to save the right of us all -not only mulim rights. He made it very clear that – boru politics – Right at the moment, the ruling thugs support any kind of criminal segments, not considering any danger. It is indifference that is governing in the country today.

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              People get mixed up with facts and Myths.

              Anyway, cool off, revise the Daham Pasela notes.

              Then enjoy the Kokila bird songs, and shoe dome love for your fellow humans, who originated from East Africa, 75.000 years ago.


              Premayen mana – Ediriweera Sarachchandra’s Maname

            • 0

              You are worshipping stone and sand. If you can’t answer to the allegations just shut up. Even you are worshipping the carcasses. There is no more Budhism now. All fabrications. Monkeys doesn’t have work now, so that looking after the cattle, their siblings.
              If you are a true Budhists, answer to the speaker’s allegations.

            • 0


              You watch clearly what he says. He is quoting from the book which has wrote by a Buddhist. Nothing to blame him. You should ask the person who wrote that book and any evidence for that. That is what the intelligent person will do. Criticizing any religion is not allowed in Buddhism as per load Buddha’s teachings and same in Islam. To know about Prophet Muhammad’s life you need very wide knowledge.
              Read Sir Michael H. hart book -The ranging of the most influential people in the history.

            • 0


              Here is the life of Buddha, from BBC.

              “Do not believe in something because you are told to. Do not believe in something because a holy person said it. Do not believe in something because you read it from a book. Follow and practice the teaching if it brings happiness to you and others then follow it.”


              The Life of Buddha – a documentary film by BBC (English Subtitles)

              The British Imperialist Archaeologists did a lot for Buddhism. What ever you say, and I say about British Colonialism and their colonial exploits, we have to admit that, they contributed to Buddhist Archaeology. They also linked the Indo-European Languages.

              In India, They unearthed Kapilawastu, Lumbini and other places.

              In Sri Lanka, George Turnour,they unearthed and translated the Mshawansa, along with its Racist Monk Mahanama Myths.


              The Life of Buddha – a documentary film by BBC (English Subtitles)
              Published on Jan 23, 2013

              Over 2,500 years ago, one man showed the world a way to enlightenment.
              This BBC documentary covers the life of a young man named Siddhartha Gautama, a young prince from the northwest frontier of India.
              Siddhartha Gautama determined to discover the reasons people suffer in their lives and found the path to solve the problems of suffering (dukkha).
              Having found it by reaching enlightenment — solving the problems of rebirth, old age, sickness, death, impermanence, and disappointment, he returned to our world.
              He returned to his former family and country, to teach the path to the end of suffering for all people who seek the way to enlightenment.

              Do not believe in something because you are told to. Do not believe in something because a holy person said it. Do not believe in something because you read it from a book. Follow and practice the teaching if it brings happiness to you and others then follow it.
              If you would like more about Buddhism, this website would be very useful:


              However, This is how Buddhism is Practiced Today. BBS Racism and Monk Hegemony, courtesy of the politicians, who get in the way of an Egalitarian Society.

              “According to Buddhism, a person ordained as a Bikkhu should practice Ahimsa (non-violence), Karuna (compassion), Metta (affection), and Maithriya (loving-kindness) towards fellow humans, (irrespective of race or religion), not only by words but also in his thoughts and action. Unfortunately in Sri Lanka, due to the influence of the Mahavamsa, a Buddhist Bikkhu is at liberty to engage in racist politics and promote Sinhala-Buddhist chauvinism and hatred, as we see today.”

              In Tibet, it is not much Different.



            • 0


              Don’t you think your Great Great Great Grand Father is a Lion who had children to a human woman.

              Your descenders of animal human mix blood, children of Insect copulation and your Maharaja aka, President Rajapakse has Lord Buddha’s blood also according to Jackson Anthony.

              Therefore you are descenders of Lion, human and Lord Buddha’s mix blood race.

              Welcome to Sri Lanka’s Therawada Buddhist Sinhala Race.

          • 0

            You have to carify that Buddha has eaten human flesh?? Is he a cannibal?

            • 0

              I don’t know but I know that Muhammad is a child molester and a rapist.

          • 0

            Muhammad is a rapist, Child Molester and faggot who was raped by cousins.



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              [Edited out]

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              [Edited out]

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              who was Ayesha? Didn’t your Mohammad rape her at her age of 9 years. Didn’t your Mohamed kill during the intercourse with her?If you don’t know the facts go thorough the coo ran again

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      Thabeeque or most people call it Satan Party, is a disgusting group of corrupt loafers, using mosques as their meeting place for business and other affairs & disturbing the worshippers. This evil should be stopped from spreading.

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    hOW mUCH bbs PAY YOU FOR THIS ,NOW THEY HAVE A GOOD EXCUSE TO START BLACK JULY ON MUSLIMS,,These are the Buffoons who work undercover.. in the evening he will break ramadan with his friends BBS . etc, etc. etc

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    This guy refers to rights under Article 14 of the Constitution but conveniently ignores or glosses over the provisions of Article 15(2)which say that those rights are subject to “such restrictions as may be prescribed by law in the interests of racial and religious harmony”.

    Is not this guy’s talk in Sinhala to a group of about 25 persons who appear to be Muslims, in fact a provocation, and against racial and religious harmony?

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    This is a big game trying to convert the true muslims to Yaaism – Muslims should be careful and condemn this buffoon and request the government to shut thier HQ in Sl & parcel this fella to India, he must also be a maske mudalai.. he has no right to talk about the Noble Buddha in this manner ,all true Muslims will support e on this one.

    he thinks buddhism also like his yaya-ism based on folk lore- he knows nothing about Buddhism , bloody donkey . what do you know about the most Noble Dhamma? Idiot stating folklore of The Noble one eating Human flesh we will eat your flesh so don’t get caught on the road..

  • 0

    This is a big game trying to convert the true muslims to Yaaism – Muslims should be careful and condemn this buffoon and request the government to shut thier HQ in Sl & parcel this fella to India, he must also be a maskade mudalali.. he has no right to talk about the Noble Buddha in this manner ,all true Muslims will support me on this one.

    he thinks buddhism also like his yaya-ism based on folk lore- he knows nothing about Buddhism , ignorant fool . what do you know about the most Noble Dhamma? Idiot stating folklore of The Noble one eating Human flesh we will eat your flesh so don’t get caught on the road..

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    he is defending his Mass kaday business.if you Listen carefully .more than anything..

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      Don’t worry this guy will talk unknown buddhism and then he will convert those muslim people in the room to buddist. I am sure this guy is the paid agent of western country against Islam

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    Most of the comments made are not relevant to the speech. This speech was made some time ago which I understand was in reply to BBS and other extremists’ speeches and attacks against Muslims both verbally and physically. Let us try and understand exactly what he says and then come to a conclusion without bringing in matters which are not connected to this. Perhaps the best thing to do is to meet the people concerned directly and get their full clarifications.

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    Anver are you shitting in your pants now? am sure you must be a member of his group.

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    There is a little bit of militancy in every soul, and it is always kept in check. But sometimes it shows when it boils over. This speaker has come out into the open fearless and with a purpose, to put the record straight. I feel that the passive approach by us Muslims whan the going was tough, has well paid off, and we came out on top unscathed. But, this approach which bears the hallmark of aggression and open challenge, may well be the undoing of the peace dividend already earned. This speech is bound to have repercussions of some sort, but if it remains in the debating realm, it will be just fine. Going by what is happening at ground level, this can turn out to be of major concern for all concerned. If this goes out of control and gets physical, specially at root level, it will set the stage for major conflagrations between both communities at some time in the near future. May God save SL from both types of extremists..

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    @Yehiya -Well said..

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    @Muliyawaikkal – BTW You do not have to go this far to prove your Ignorance..

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    This shall be nipped from the bud…

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      Last one took over 30 year with a huge cost !

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    This guy is one of the very few people who dared challenge the Rajapaksha regime. I salute him for the courage he has shown despite being a minority Muslim. His arguments are very strong and I don’t think some of them cannot be disproved by the present day Buddhists and monks. Sinhalese Buddhists have disgraced themselves by desecrating their own religion by doing all the irreligious things, by allowing and tolerating the fake saffrons to do all kinds of ugly things in the name of religion and above all tolerating this rogue Rajapaksha regime. Well done young man, Muslims must protect their rights to live and to practice their religion and must not allow these Sinhalese donkeys to impose their superstitions on others. In fact, whatever the truth or fallacy about Islam, these Muslims are committed honestly to their religion unlike our own opportunists. Despite the empty claims of Buddhists, true Buddhism no longer exists in this country. If it did, a murderous drug dealer who is plundering this country would not be tolerated by its people. Backboneless and bone licking Sinhalese must learn from this Muslim guy how to stand one’s ground and register one’s protest to an illegal government and its henchmen like BBS.

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      Fully agree with you.

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      “Backboneless and bone licking Sinhalese must learn from this Muslim guy how to stand one’s ground and register one’s protest to an illegal government”
      How true!! we the backbones of the moslem public in Saudi Arabia,UAE,Egypt and so on……
      All those who are attacking Buddhists and Buddhism on the grounds of BBS and Ravana balaya or any other group are only showing their childishness by failing to attack what needs to be attacked,or is it that they don’t know how. BBS or any other orginisation of their are are not the sole representatives of Buddhism or Buddhists but some of the things they say seem to agree with most buddhists. So instead of barking at the moon the best way to silence those is to stop giving them excuses and do some thinking on what they are saying.Iknow it is not pleasent the way they say and very unlike a monk.Ven.Gnanasara himself does not make up BBS,he is only the(foul)mouth piece.
      All those who complain that muslims are harrased in SL should read the Interview by Dr.Ameer Ali in Lakbima.

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    Finally we Sinhalese have managed to (thanks to some) expose our stupidity! The gentleman is on the dollar..I doubt if our protected monk (that should otherwise be banished and disrobed) would ever take up the challenge of an intellectual and peaceful debate. Really, Gnanasara and Dilantha Vithanage along with their wolf pack brought us much disrepute due to their selfish and self-serving goals. This reaction from the muslims is expected, provoked and natural. Even worse, I see many Buddhists seriously reviewing Islam…5babies a family ain’t gonna sustain Buddhism in Sri Lanka unless the hidden agenda there is to create 5 more votes…just like the statement made towards Police fsmilies etc. to have more kids last year… What kind of water buffaloes do we have making policy??

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      It is possible that Gnasara is suffering from xyy syndrom. Gentic tests can reveal this easily.

      The symptoms of the disease is seen him clearly :

      Affected individuals are usually very tall and thin. Many experience severe acne during adolescence. Additional symptoms may include antisocial or behavioral problems and learning disabilities. Intelligence is usually normal, although IQ, on average, is 10 to 15 points lower than siblings.

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      Big enough to dare, small enough to care is the nature of rulers in the country today – to allow any kind of extreme segments to mobilise their fanatisms creating new problems instead of finding sustainable solutions to the problems that the peoples already face. To manipulate guilible masses they cant play with popular sinhala words that traverse to the poor masses of the country – like rata rakimu, chinthanaya, mathata thitha, gama hadamu, etc… usage of all these popular words that keep connected the rural masses which are the vote base for them to stagnate in power are treated in this manner. But every sane would raise it today, why should cost of living be much higher today in a time where no war is there ? Is that because of so called on going projects ?No it is the corruption levels of the regime – not to the manner any other previous regimes had sofar. Opposition ´s responsiblity to reveal all these have been neglected by them to this day.

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    What this guy says is more logical than BBS monk. He is funny, he laugh at what he says, now when i think about the message he was trying to pass, I guess this guy is really good.

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      Anura, I fully agree with you. The BBS and their loony supporters acted like utter buffalos and thugs having no education, decency, logic and point to prove. The just acted like saffron thugs! But look at this person, how he built up his case, step by step approached at the crucial matters, how much had he studied the relevant subject matter, how he presented the facts and proofs specially from our own sources. And in fact he finally logically and factually proved Buddhism is a superstition, the monks do not know about Buddhism and that Buddhism does not exist in Sri Lanka! Looks like Rajapaksha regime by trying to spread seeds of racism among Sinhalese Buddhists as a means to retain their diminishing popularity, covering up real problems in the country and to portray them as the protectors of Buddhism and Sinhala Nation they have really done a great harm, shame and disrespect to the entire nation. In the same way they bungled everything they touched Rajapakshas have desecrated Buddhism and the Sinhala nation as well! I as a Sinhalese Buddhist stand not by SB but by this guy who vehemently oppose the familial project of the Rajapakshas! The underlying factor of all these BBS and other movements is the despotic project of the Rajapakshas. The Sinhalese Buddhist must unite themselves with these brave Muslims to safeguard ourselves as citizens of this country against the Rajapaksha rogue family. In the same way Buddhist have a right to practice and observe their religion so do Muslims which is constitutionally enshrined not only in Sri Lanka but in all democracies. The validity and the truth of a belief is a different matter and such debate must be done in an intellectual and peaceful manner.

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      Not only logical but he brings facts.

      It is an intelligent speech. Thousand times valuable contents than that of Wimalweerawansa- paranoid theories.

      I wish our srilankens should have this kind of young leaders to save the srilanken nation (I mean all srilankens regardless of the race and religion) not only from facist groups like BBS, but also stand against highly corrupted politicians in MR regime.

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        Typo : Not only logical but also those are facts what he brings

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    Religion is the opium of the masses- Karl Marx

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      Kamal Nisanka

      Religion is used by Monks, Priest, Mullahs and Ulemas to keep and perpetuate the Monks, Priest, Mullahs and Ulema Hegemony in collaboration with the rulers.

      Free Food and Lodging, free boys and girls, protestation by the people and perpetuate the Hegemony.

      What a great business, selling Myths.

      See Martin Luther, just one example.


      During the early 16th Century idealistic German monk Martin Luther, disgusted by the materialism in the church, begins the dialogue that will lead to the Protestant Reformation. 2003

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      Marxism infused instance revolutionary attitudes among people suffering under the boots of International Capitalism supported by the Christian Church in some countries, particularly and most robustly, in Russia. This brought about the Russian revolution led by Lenin. The demise of Marxism began with Stalin’s, Mao’s, Tito’s and Castro’s different forms of Marxism and, finally, Gorbochev put an end to it. Now Karl Marx’s Marxism lives confined to the numerous words written and his the place of burial too has been forgotten. But Religions continue to live benefiting man. Of course there are abusers but the living Religions cannot be blamed.

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    I do not agree with these guys, but what is interesting is that the police tried to stop them. Very good and they should try to stop others also.

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      This could be “Gahata Gahak at Moratuwa.” These guys
      from inception,stand for clean Islam in all forms,
      a different approach from so called “moderates” and
      that’s why they were stopped by police.Silence of
      moderates both lay and clergy has further helped
      aggravate the situation against Muslims and catching
      up on the situation,these guys thought the time is
      opportune to step in.The result?Thableegh and Jama-ath
      e-Islami both will lose to Thowheed(these guys)
      thanks to BBS racism which is pushing the Muslims into
      extremism for their safety.Is this not a deliberate
      attempt by the wolf in the hiding?

  • 0

    This is why webistes like you are beeing blocked. Colombo Telegraph you are hypocrite. Thsi man speaks nonesanse. I challenge this man on my own. he know nothing about budhism & his full speech was an utter rubbish. These peopel are the reaosn why sinhalese support BBS etc. If I see this guy on the road hes sure to get a slap on his face.

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      This has a long history from Racist Monk Mahanama.

      The truth has to told and exposed.

      The Sinhala only 1956, 1958 riots, I saw a Saffron clad Sinhala Buddhist Monk attack Tamil shops, 1977, 1983 all in the Sinhala Buddhist plan- the racism, so that the monk can keep their hegemony.

      So far nobody has achieved Nirvana, Nibbana, Rebirth or Sansara despite 2,500 years of preaching. However a lot of boys and dissidents got hurt and maimed.




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        Amarasiri, the people in your Youtube videos are incredibly ignorant. Just one example – the guy doesn’t even understand the first noble truth though he talks about it.

        As for you, you need to do something about all that hatred in your heart before you explode.

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          Here is some information for your thoughts.



          “As for you, you need to do something about all that hatred in your heart before you explode.”

          It is the Hatred of the Sinhala Buddhists that need to control their hatred and attachment to boys, politicians and Hegemony, that must be discarded, if they claim to be true disciples of the Enlightened Buddha.

          Who killed the Prime Minister SWRD Bandaranike in 1959? Sinhala Buddhist Monk Somarama, and he finally became a Christian before death, another Myth.

          Well, you can read about Buddhism, and compare that with the Mara Buddhism of BBS ans Sinhala Ravaya Monks. The fat guy is not far off.

          The Life Of The Buddha (BBC Documentary)


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      ” If I see this guy on the road hes sure to get a slap on his face”

      Don’t you feel like slapping Gnanasara thug for insulting Buddhusm ? Why the double standard ? Aren’t you a RACIST ?

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        I totally agree with you. Not only this guy but the Gnasasara should get slapped to the ultimate [Edited out].

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          In my thinking, this Saman(assumed Sinhalese) can only slap BBS monks, but he has no moral rights to hit this Muslim speaker. I can and could slap both Moda Saman and BBS Moda Sadu. But I try to respect this Muslim guy…

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            “I can and could slap both Moda Saman and BBS Moda Sadu.”

            I wouldn’t slap these very stupid people though I would like to kick the Tamils, Muslims and Sinhalese out of my ancestral land.

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            Anura you are wrong on this. Should hit both the Gnanasara and this uneducated and foolish guy. He is cultivating religious hate similar to BBS. I am not aware of your religious belief but I noticed he is luying on Buddhism even at the begining of the speech. Since I didn’t continue listening after that point, I don’t know about the rest. But, shouldn’t be true considering his position at the begining.

            I have below pasted the same thing which I have commented somewhere up. Hope you will understand. Without any double standards, all these guys should be given the similar treatment.

            “Triple gem is not mere lifeless 3 gem stones as the uneduacted guy in the video parroting. Please don’t misunderstand by just looking at the English meaning. It is simply

            (1) Buddha: the ideal or highest spiritual potential that exists within all beings.

            (2) Dhamma: The teachings of the Buddha, the path to Enlightenment.

            (3) Sangha: The community of those who have attained enlightenment, who may help a practicing Buddhist to do the same.

            It is similar to get the blessing from the Allah or God in different religions. In Buddhism it is more devoluted to include the Buddhas teaching and the teachers (not the BBS)

            As Reggie mentions in a comment above “SO, BIT LIKE THE HOLY TRINITY IN CHRISTIANITY;
            FATHER (GOD)
            SON (JESUS)
            HOLY SPRIRIT (AGENT OF DIVINE ACTION; prophet, Bible, priest, etc.)”

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              What were you doing when the Gnanasara thug was attacking the minorities and their religion ? You should have been the bigger person and slapped that thug first.

              We harvest what we sow !

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              Point of view. I didn’t say I am going to slap anyone. I am a peaceful citizen. I replied to Samans comment that we should give the same treatment to both Gnanasara and the guy in the video. May be Gnanasara deserves more slapps than the other guy for initiating this issue. Please read and understand the comments before replying. Also go to the begining of the comment in case of replying to a reply. Otherwise you comment without knowing from the origin of the comment which is most of us are good at.

            • 0

              Lie Gem
              Kidnap Gem
              Rape Gem
              These are triple Gems of SL

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    Everyone has right to speak and express .We should not deny that right to Muslims.Though the story is different intneir countries we should be democratic disregarding them.His speech is blunt but that is more of a language issue toe.Proud to see a Muslim talking in fluent sinhala like that.We must get his message .Of we agree to get together into Sri Lankan nationalism acknowledging our differences we will have a future.Muslims will be a threat to our very own existence in future but the way to Hadley that is not BBS.
    We must find a mechanism to ensure the safety of our culture and future generations by peaceful means.Violence and aggression has no place in Buddism.I think I am correct.

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