19 February, 2025


Video: Mahinda Rajapaksa Sworn In As Sri Lanka’s New Prime Minister

Former President Mahinda Rajapaksa has been sworn-in as the new Prime Minister of Sri Lanka a short while ago.

The United People’s Freedom Alliance (UPFA) today withdrew from the government, UPFA General Secretary Mahinda Amaraweera said.

Latest comments

  • 8

    All the Muslims and Tamils who boasted how they kicked him out and chose the government they want to suit their needs better start packing their bags.

    • 59

      Why? Are you hoping that racist attacks will start again? Are you not able to realize that ethnic violence affects the country? Every Sri Lankan has the right to boast, or free speech, there is no need for anyone to pack their bags.

      • 21

        Next breaking news will be:

        Very likely, that NEWLY sworn PM most abusive man finally burried Sirisena 6 feet under the earth.

        This was what we heard from Mr Sirisena immediately he got elected as President on the 8th Jan 2015.


        We have lost our hopes. So have the Mulism and Tamil Srilankens in this country.
        This bugger has betrayed us to the core.

        • 2

          Babbuladewi ,

          Average citizens live through lying , cheating and betraying among
          themselves , numbering dozens but the POLITICIANS are doing the
          same with millions ! So both the people and politicians are in the same
          boat which is a big BONUS for politicians , they are the winners
          because of the vast avenues opened for them to engage in ! Mahinda
          respected and went with this flow while Ranil always tried to correct
          this condition regardless of failure after failure ! Not only Mahinda , all
          his predecessors went with the flow including Dudley and JRJ . This
          Ranil earned his position by trickery and tried to survive through the
          same strategy by cornering a selfish man like Sirisena who was
          brought in by non other than Ranil himself ! SO , IT IS A GAME PLAY
          BE A DRAMA !

    • 41


      You have conveniently omitted to mention the vast number of Sinhala who rejoiced his fall from grace! Why?

      Moreover, great leaders do not come back in a lesser capacity do they?

      Anyhow, you can apply for a laptop if were to keep on praising him!

      Sri Lanka takes one step forward and takes two steps back; the usual story!

      • 11

        Obviously he has tunnel vision and does not like Tamils and Muslims.

      • 8

        Burning Issue

        “Anyhow, you can apply for a laptop if were to keep on praising him!”

        Shameless retarded could have his old job back with Gota, spit and polish boy.

    • 40

      Sirisensa spiness man of th enation betrayed all the 6.2 millions as nobody ever expected .

      • 19

        Dooms day for Sri Lanka!
        All the thieves and rogues are back in action. What’s next?
        Corruption, white vans, attacks on minorities, etc. etc.
        Health minister Paradeniya, Foreign minister Dayan de Silva.
        This is what happens when the country’s president is an uneducated Gamarala.
        How long will it take for the next step, to kick Sillysena and appoint Gota as the President?
        Looks like Sillysena has dug his own grave.
        Sri Lanka is a land like no other…

        • 8

          Sirisena is no means a genuine SRILANKEN.

          How could he ever go and appoint that very bugger who looted the state to the core ?

          And Sirisena should have spoken out from his back end at the time, he louded that he would have been burried 6 feet under if bugger would have been relected in Jan 2015.
          Sirisena is well aware of the facts ABOUT the investigaitons.
          More allegations on Rajapkshes re awaiting. How would all these be next days ?
          My wish is SIRISENA AND RAJAPAKSHE both should be punished by NATURE on the spot to feel us all hopeful.

    • 8

      Retarded shameless perethayo, you need to understand that either one of them will very soon be packing a coffin to the cemetery before anyone of our sullu jaathikayo. Therefore, they only need to watch from the sidelines. The ship will be scuttled by our own as the Sinhalese a damn good at that and killing their own. Marru Sirra can very soon join those that were assassinated by the Mahinda Raja-drohiya in another world and even sign MoU’s with the dearly or cursedly departed.

    • 1

      Mr Perara

      All need a good president we have it

      • 13

        You normally get: NOT what you want BUT what you deserve. The fun just started. Watch for Gota’s white vans circling Colombo.

    • 5

      Rtd. Lt. Reginald Shamal Perera, are you one of these war criminals hiding behind our true war heroes and tarnish their names to protect yourself? Your speech is a disgrace to our country and our Armed forces.

    • 5

      you bas… MR has to show the majority first anyway MR is serving under MS as an underdog good for the fellow

      • 7

        Have you heard the term ” Tail wagging the dog”.

        That is Gamarala’s status.

    • 5

      Shameless retarded

      You could have your old job back with Gota as spit and polish boy.

      Hang on let the parliament decide.
      The parliament could still bring no confidence motion against war criminal Hora or confirm his appointment, depending on the outcome of the horse trading.

      Sit tight, don’t leap too far.

    • 0

      Mr Perera

      We have a good president to do the movements

    • 2

      Rtd. Lt. Reginald Shamal Perera
      There is a Tamil saying, whether Raman rules or Ravanan rules we have no issues. Whether Ranil rules or Mahinda rules, the Tamils don’t care. The Tamils have seen and experienced all these rulers. For the last two thousand odd years the Singalayas had been fighting with the Demalas, and it is still not over. Elaras, Dutugemunus, Prabakarans and Rajapakshes will come and go but the Singalayas and the Demalas will stay forever and keep fighting.
      If the Singalayas want Sri Lanka to be a poor begging third world pariah state forever with continuous Demala uprising which means political instability, economic shrinkage/crisis and international interference (India, US, UK, EU, UN, etc.) forever, you can have it.

    • 2

      Ask muslims to get some money from middle east Oil rich country. Mahinda Rajapakse will be the most friendly PM to you muslims. See how rishad Bathiuddin is doing. Now he says, I was the TRade and commerce Minister and I have enough money, lands and my family is rich. I asked Maithripala Sirisena to appoint me as the Finance minister as the banks are too open. Maithripala had said, STAY QUITE FOR A LITTLE WHILE. NEW ELELCTIONS ARE COMING.

  • 15

    It’s a good sign for SL…
    MR is a great leader

    • 9


      This voluptuous animal is returning with more greed for power and wealth surely to repeat all despicable crimes committed during his 10 year reign of terror

  • 5

    And then the islanders lived happily ever after. Or did they?

    • 6


      “And then the islanders lived happily ever after. Or did they?”

      Well, you are partially right.
      A lot of people will have left the island, made it to the west by boat, plane, lorry, on legs, .. received millions of $/£/Euros, in social security, untaxed income, cash in hand, ……… and lived happily ever after.

      Do you know when Namal Baby is going to start his boat service to down under?

  • 12

    RW should have impeached the SOB !

  • 10

    Hope for a bright future.

    Hon PM is great at fixing messes created by UNP.

    • 2


      “Hope for a bright future.”

      Yes, MR does hope for his clan’s bright future.

  • 17

    Now both the idiots Maithripala and Mahinda will end up creating a situation that leads to international intervention and make us the next Suriya or Afghanistan. Good bye Sri Lanka we messed up our last chance to fix the country.

    • 2

      Still in denial, eh? Just wait and see how the mess created by yahapalanaya is cleaned up.

  • 9

    My heartfelt congratulations to Prime Minister, Honourable Mahinda Rajapaksa.
    Wow!!!!!! Wow!!!!! Wow!!!!!
    I am so happy.
    This was what we expected in August 2015 after the General Elections.
    This was what I fought for almost 4 years; to see the former President as the Prime Mister in Sri Lanka which was the fervent hope of all Sri Lankans since his defeat in January 2015.
    It is time to end my “journey as a commenter.”
    There is no need to write any more comments. Oh, I am so glad.
    Ayubowan to everybody.
    Thank you CT.
    I love you very very much Honourable Mahinda Rajapaksa, Prime Minister of Sri Lanka!!!!
    Oh, I want to write little more. (Don’t you know, me?)
    I hope His Excellency Maithripala Sirisena, the current President will resign with dignity now, so that Honourable Mahinda Rajapaksa can sworn in as the Acting President of Sri Lanka!!!!!!
    Then, Sri Lanka will go back to its former glory!!!

    • 7

      Oh we know you….you must have a dull life to be elated like this.
      This was done illegally, and could end up in a constitutional crisis.
      So tone down your elation. We are not unhappy to see you go.

    • 6

      Wait and see, this may be a trick being played on them.

      Let s see how how things will develop in the days to come.

      • 1

        Sam Fernando.
        I am happy for MR and I am happy for the country.
        But I don’t trust Maithri and I have told umpteenth times for them also to not to trust him.

    • 5

      Hey, Mr. President, hurry up. Resign from Presidency and let PM Mahinda Rajapaksa SWEAR IN as the ACTING PRESIDENT!!!!!
      Don’t do things half way, Mr. President. Finish the job!
      (See I thought I need not to write any more comments.)

      • 2

        You obviously have no clue about our constitution.

    • 5


      Keep dreaming. I am sure MR will reward you with an ambassadorial position if he is aware of your undying (or is it misinformed) loyalty. He needs people like you to boost his ego.

      • 1

        Oh, I have never met him and I have no intention to meet him in the near future either.
        I am fully contented with my life right now.

    • 4

      I’m baffled; certainly not happy.
      However, congratulations to you; you certainly have been consistent, and, yes, your views have been vindicated.
      What worries me is that the people exercise no control over events. Of course what you could say is that the views of all you Rajapaksa supporters were not taken in to account.
      Also, what happens to all the charges and counter-charges of corruption? I think it only proper that I share these views with you now, instead of waiting for the safety of tomorrow before opening my mouth.

      • 6

        Dear Sinhala_Man, MR was never going to be charged. The pact made between him and RW, on the wee hours of Jan. 09th, 2015 was the only safety net MR needed!
        Knowing that MS follows Appa diplomacy, Ranil should have known that this was coming!
        The Drama is just unfolding. The curtain won’t come down any time soon. Wait for the next Act!

      • 0

        Machang Sinhala_Man
        There is a catch. I think I am getting it now. My comments for the last 4 years showed my frustration on the downfall of my country. Naturally I rejoice for MR’s appointment as the PM as I don’t have to worry about anything anymore.
        I am afraid I won’t be able to “retire” that soon. :(

      • 1

        I am worried of your life. Sinhala man…. we know how MR et al treated his own people in the post war period.

        You SHOULD be a good human being from what I read about you, Sinhala Man.

        Please beware of dogs like Champa who has all along been supporting vicious JO:

    • 2

      “It is time to end my “journey as a commenter.”

      Get lost, go rot in hell.

  • 23

    White vans, Journalists threatened, attacked, or killed, commissions galore, sons 1, 2, and 3, will drive down the streets of Colombo in their latest luxury cars, people’s property and lands will be bought over with “persuasion”, BBS will once agains rise, and able to continue their terrorizing of minorities. Yep Sri Lanka, back to fear, and intimidation. Not looking good for us.

  • 14

    Did Gamarala Sillysena eat hoppers with Ranil last night?

    • 0

      Ha ha ha that’s a good one!
      I don’t trust the bugger, either.

  • 10

    Oh TNA and Sampanthan caught napping

  • 10

    Was Maithripala wearing a Sarong when he appointed Mahinda as PM? Maithri mentioned in a platform he wearing a sarong cannot join with Mahinda. What a TRAITOR Maithripala has become. He has shown is low class very clearly. India and the Western Governments going to give SL the works now. Lets see how Mahinda is going to pay the loans. This is the end of SL.

    • 1

      Ananda, once a traitor always a traitor, I hope MR gets that.

  • 6

    Mahinda will become the president
    Gotaabaya will be the prime minister
    Srilanka will belong to anotger country
    Srilankans will be helpless due to high cost of living caused by the loans that ll be obtained.
    Srilankan politics is corrupted
    Politicians in srilanka dont have a vision
    They fill their pockets
    At last time to leave srilanka ??

    • 3

      Study the constitution, Mahinda CANNOT become President again.

  • 9

    What a pickle. A disgraced former President who has served his full term now comes back as the PM under his own former Minister. What’s next? Possibly curtains for moda Sira?

    This guy has no shame but how low can you go? This bunch will haunt the Parliament as restless evil spirits even after they are dead & gone, not being able to let go of power. Good bye SL (as we know it), may god (if there is one) take pity on the poor souls who live there.

  • 2

    Undoing of bank robbers, and those who betrayed the hard won freedom affter 30-years of war with terrorists. Is Ranil looking for a job in the US? I would have preferred a new election, but accept that the country needs to be stabilized given the recent anarchy by uncaring politicians, ministers and bank robbers in minsterial positions.

    • 2


      you should better get close ballige putha Rajapakshe.

      He could offer your a Professorship when you go back to him.

      I wish MR to be taken by nature in the next days to come so that we can breath in well.

      Sirisena should be a donkey not to have thought before going to let former goons back.

  • 2

    Jeyawewa, We true are a miracle country , Congrats Miracle citizens.

  • 2

    Talks end, work begins.

    • 7


      “Talks end, work begins.”

      Indeed, Basil has to catch up with what he ought to have earned in the past 46 months. Dr Go has to immediately start work on acquiring new fleets of white vans and noose.
      Their b***s carriers have to double their effort thinking that they may not get the chance again.

  • 1


    I am not hoping that racist attacks will start again. But I am certainly hoping that Sinhalese patriotic organizations like the BBS will have their freedom of speech upheld once again. Why? Don’t they also have the right to free speech or only minority poodles have that right?

    I am also hoping that the Sinhalese patriots (not the Colombo based Pinkies) will be given their true place in society once again and they will have the liberty to roar yet again.

    I am also hoping that Hon. Gotabhya Rajapakse (a soldier) will some day lead this country and with all good intentions let me say with an Iron fist.

    I am also hoping his 3 sons, all products of STC will be given good opportunities to show their talent in the fields of Law, Sports or Aeronautics. And of course, let them have all the girls they want. Boys will be boys. Perhaps, with the youngest son at the helm, we could see a Sri Lankan in the moon soon or a Sri Lankan satellite orbiting Planet Mars.

    White Vans and attack on journalists – no Sri Lanka should think it is their right to criticize the beloved nation without consequences. Keep in Mind, along with Rights comes responsibilities.

    Commissions and Nepotism – Yes, this should be something the MR govt. will have to take control of. I agree it was a fault of the previous MR govt. and should not be allowed to continue. Of course, every good govt. has room improvement and this should be one area.

    Land expropriation – There’s nothing new the previous MR govt. did. Land expropriation has been happening since independence and this should continue. In a Buddhist country, always remember that we own nothing. Not even our bodies. Therefore, it’s only appropriate that in a small country we “share” our properties with others.

    • 9

      You cannot justify what you have already said. Tamils and Muslims ARE SRI LANKANS, they have been here for centuries, contributed to the country, fought and died for the country, and just because they are the minority, does not mean they have to pack their bags and leave. The Sinhalese are not the only ones entitled to “gloat”

      What just happened is unconstitutional. Study the constitution. You can hero worship the Rajapaksa’s, but you cannot go against the constitution.

    • 0

      Shamal Perera

      Organizations like the BBS will have their freedom of speech upheld once again.

      Speech is is to bring another out of his bad sense into your good sense.But BBS
      brings listens to good sense make the hearer displeased.

    • 0

      Rtd. Lt. Reginald Shamal Perera

      You are probably one of the so called ‘ran viruwo’ with a distorted mind who have ‘saved’ this country & I don’t agree with your views. However, everyone is entitled to one’s opinion but as a Thomian, I don’t want to be associated with the former Presidential brats & for these punks to be identified as products of STC is something I am not at all proud of. Unfortunately, over the years, College has admitted kids from questionable dubious families but yobs like these, along with Vermin Silva’s offspring, certainly is not something, I am sure, ordinary Thomians can be proud of. I certainly won’t be shaking their hands at any old Thomian gathering.

  • 1

    {“Video: Mahinda Rajapaksa Sworn In As Sri Lanka’s New Prime Minister”}
    Cannot believe this in a Home vs Home finals. Match fixing?
    More likely fake news. Who planted this and why?

    • 3

      This was a long term move by Sirisena for personal gain. He knew there is not going to be a common candidate at the next Presidential election. He would have had to contest against two candidates and would have lost miserably.
      Now he has the backing of the Rajapaksa clan who will not put forward a candidate and he has to only think about UNP.

      • 7

        He will not last long. He is a fool. He has invited trouble. He will be outside and Gota aka Mr. White Vans, will replace him. The Rajapaksa’s want power by hook or by crook.

      • 0

        Burt, Is that all what you know of MR!

  • 3

    End of tyranny that was forced upon mother Lanka by the west!!! May all her children whether Sinhala, Muslim or Tamil prosper!

    • 0

      The above would have been funny if it was not tragic.
      Dream on: This is a test match and not a limited over Gamarala improved his chances of second term and when that is done the only losers will be the every man, woman and child that is not willing to carry water for politicians with the exception of Sinhala Buddhists.

    • 3

      What kind of tyranny is that? There was no censorship of the media, journalists were not harassed, threatened, nor killed, and the BBS goon was thrown in jail, unable to terrorize the minority.

    • 1

      Tyranny on mother Lanka by the west and India will begin soon…
      Both India and US will happily screw us in the near future…

  • 9

    You all better hurry up sending in your comments. This opportunity will come to an end very soon. This is the death of the country. Though still in a mess, it had improved what democratic ideas are concerned. Now it is on its best way to become a dictatorship again. Corruption, mismanagement and murder included. Well, some politicians and followers will have a ball. They can continue to drain the country dry. So sad!

    • 7

      I agree. CT was closed down because of the Rajapaksa’s inability to take strong criticism…..the silencing of the media, the first signs of a dictatorship.

  • 5

    This proves that Sillysena is a direct descendant of Mahadenamutta, who cut off the goat’s neck and then broke the pot to free the head. But he has gone one step further than his ancestor by signing the warrant to get his own neck cut.

  • 0

    Bravo! Where is my Kiribath.
    Are Ranil and Sampanthar going inside?

  • 4

    Wait and see folks, its India the regional power and its Trump’s USA now going to control the region. This is Chinese plan at work and MS and MR will not survive that long….

    • 0

      MY3 ate Mahinda Rajapakse’s hoppers. MR promised infront of MY3. So, what now.

  • 2

    The result of Political tuition given to Namal by Russia during the observation tour recently. Putin – Madankov – Putin cycle. President/PM/President! MR-MS-MR. Await further developments.

  • 0

    You blady ideots can’t understand what Blady Ranil did.He ruined national security and Sold our country and made paths to terrorism.Worser than white vans.

  • 0

    Glory Be!

  • 2

    So when is Rev. Bandanagara Ganasara getting his pardon?

  • 0

    How did that Ranil Wicks remain as position of Primer of Lanka?
    Why was that UNP of RW has discard all accepts rules of Democracy and Parliamentary values, conventions and all norms during last 45 months ?
    He has an intentionally undermined Parliament procedure, standing order, passing bills and Acts authaicity, even after second reading of committed stage which that embodied major clauses to bills never before its that become Acts.
    The UNP-under RW ever-never follow the rule of games that different stage of Bills in board consuses and deliberation with opposition parties .All in all national interest Bills passes by without consulted of different opinion; by even certain bills passed last movement, which has inclusion major certain clauses have NOT forward to opposition parties….in chamber.
    RW and UNP, the Speaker of House has misled all members of chamber .
    RW never listen to the voice of public. Parliament has turn into UNP party office.

    Now RW of and his gang talking of rights and Sovereignty of Parliament ,but in deeds, when they in political-power they kept beside all norms….by denied rights of citizens Sovereignty by UNP leaders.

    In spite of all UNP leadership has no respect Rights of People democracy, while they doing lip services to Democracy an Island.

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