21 January, 2025


Vote Gota Or Prepare “To Get It In A Big Way”: Ali Sabry Video Warning Muslims Goes Viral

The head of Gotabaya Rajapaksa’s legal team President’s Counsel Ali Sabry is at the centre -of controversy, after he featured in a video clip that has gone viral, agreeing that Muslims would get “a massive thrashing” if they failed to vote for the former Defence Secretary.

The clip is doing the rounds in messaging groups, Facebook and Twitter.

Mohamed Ali Sabry with Gotabaya Rajapaksa | File photo

Addressing the crowd, the clip shows Ali Sabry PC saying that Gotabaya Rajapaksa had already won the election with Sinhala votes. Muslims must be a part of that victory, the senior lawyer told the small gathering. He then poses a rhetorical question to the crowd: “If we don’t support him, what will happen?”

Someone in the crowd replies “ambanaikku kidaikkum”. Loosely translated ambanaikku is derived from the Sinhala word ambane, meaning “a lot” or “massive” and “kidaikkum” meaning “will get”. In Sinhala, the phrase would be “Ambanakata hambuwei”.

As the crowd laughs nervously, the President’s Counsel aligned with Gotabaya guffaws and agrees: “Exactly! Ambanaikku kidaikkum that is exactly what will happen! We need to understand this, this is the reality”.

Following the storm of controversy, the President’s Counsel attempted to clarify things, claiming that the full clip which he claims shows him working with the local community and trying to win back confidence. “UNP realising they are losing Muslim votes have totally misquoted a comment from the crowd and attributing it to me” he said adding “desperate measures call for desperate measures.”

However several translators proficient in Tamil have insisted that the interpretation provided above is the correct one, and the implication that voting against Gotabaya Rajapaksa could result in violence being unleashed against the Muslims was also abundantly clear.

Multiple sources regularly in touch with Ali Sabry PC told Colombo Telegraph that this was a sentiment the head of Gotabaya Rajapaksa’s legal team repeatedly expresses in private communications with people, particularly Muslims who remain unconvinced about Rajapaksa’s candidacy. Ali Sabry PC has repeatedly told confidants that the only way Muslims can buy insurance about their safety is to ensure Rajapaksa does not feel he owed his victory purely to the Sinhalese people.

Ali Sabry has been at the forefront of discussions with Muslim community leaders, insisting to them that at least half of the Muslim community must vote for Gotabaya Rajapaksa to ensure they were stakeholders in his victory and minimise the chance of reprisals and pogroms under his watch, Colombo Telegraph learns. Some community leaders are convinced this may be the only strategy available to keep their people safe from harm post election, highly placed sources told Colombo Telegraph.

Latest comments

  • 15

    In order to asure Sinhala-Buddhists that Muslims are not with Muslim extremism facilitators like Hakim, Badudeen, Asad, Hisobolla ,etc , they have to vote Sinhala-Buddhist patriots. Otherwise Muslim are going to outcast themselves. And this election is an excellent opportunity to Muslims to say sorry for igniting riots in Aluthgama, Ginthota, Ampara, Digana, etc.
    Where there is Muslim terrorism, there is thrashing!!!

    • 47

      Johnny baby

      “they have to vote Sinhala-Buddhist patriots.”

      How about voting for Mahesh Senanayake?
      Is he not a Sinhala/Buddhist patriot?
      Or do you consider him being another war criminals?

      • 32

        Low IQ Johnny baby is just another low IQ Wimal Werasinghe. Anyone not with MR they called traitor. Now anyone not with Gota an extremist. But who knows Gota might be doing poojas & giving Dhanas secretly to Zahran Hashim to give him this opportunity.

    • 33

      Ali Sabri,

      We all know the mean IQ of the populace is 79. However, many still possess common sense, including the Muslims, Sinhala and Tamils.


      Even for the Sinhala Buddhists, the most Rajapaksa can get, despite his criminal and crook history is 43 percent of the Sinhala Buddhist vote. To that you can add 10 percent of the stupid Muslim votes, 10 percent of the stupid Christian and 10 percent of the stupid Tamil votes, and Gotabaya will only get 70×0.43 + 30×0.1 or 33.1 percent.

      So, despite you offering your back to Gota and the Rajapaksa Mafia, he will not be the president. If Gota becomes the president, there is an error in the measured mean IQ of 79, and it is then closer to 64 for the populace.

      • 26

        I trust you also enjoy a mean IQ 79. You are spot on about common sense. You don’t mention EQ which is way more important and hopefully the Sinhala B’s and other like minded with a healthy EQ will use their noodle and vote. Sabry PC is a fear monger. Should be brought to task for violating Election Laws. Intimidation with racial prejudice with intent to influence.
        Hopefully it will boomerang. Muslims are not asses.

        • 5

          Dilkie ,

          Both common sense and emotional intelligence (EI) are associated or correlated to general intelligence, but difficult to quantify. In Sri Lanka common sense and emotional intelligence plays a pivotal role. Common sense should indicate that Gotabaya and the Rajapaksa Mafia are bad. However, the Gota-Rajapaksa Mafia is latching on to Emotional intelligence of the Sinhala Buddhists, claiming that the Sinhala are threatened by the Tamils, LTTE, and the Buddhists are threatened by the Muslims, Wahhabis. So, for Sinhala Buddhists , Emotional intelligence supersedes common sense and native intelligence.

          It is like religion. Don’t do the “right’ action, will end up in Hell or no Nirvana.

          Studies have shown that people with high EI have greater mental health, job performance, and leadership skills although no causal relationships have been shown and such findings are likely to be attributable to general intelligence and specific personality traits rather than emotional intelligence as a construct. For example, Goleman indicated that EI accounted for 67% of the abilities deemed necessary for superior performance in leaders, and mattered twice as much as technical expertise or IQ. Other research finds that the effect of EI markers on leadership and managerial performance is non-significant when ability and personality are controlled for,[and that general intelligence correlates very closely with leadership.[Markers of EI and methods of developing it have become more widely coveted in the past decade by individuals seeking to become more effective leaders. [n addition, studies have begun to provide evidence to help characterize the neural mechanisms of emotional intelligence.


          Criticisms have centered on whether EI is a real intelligence and whether it has incremental validity over IQ and the Big Five personality traits.

      • 17

        Ali Sabri,,

        ගෝඨා ඉවරයි/ ෆොන්සේකා සියලු රහස් හෙලිකරයි


        You are betting on the wrong horse, on the corrupt horse, the traitor, the crook. Furthermore , the populace has sufficient intelligence and common sense to prevent the Rajapaksa Mafia coming back to power, despite the goodies , promises to you and other shills.

        • 5

          Ali Sabri,,


          සජිත් නිසා ගෝඨා පරාදයි – වික්ටර් අයිවන්ගේ අනාවැකිය Victor Ivan (Original Full Video).

          Because of Sajith, Gota will lose, says Victor Ivan.

          Sajith is Young 52, and Gota is Old 70, and Gota will soon die. Same with Mahinda, 74, and he will die soon too.

          If you have some common sense or intelligence, you will stay neutral or support Sajith or Anura, who is also young.

          Do you have some Intelligence, Common sense or the so-called emotional l intelligence wit some rational thinking?

      • 7

        Ali Sabri,

        Quisling Ali Sabri.


        Do you say Muslims are with Gota?

        You are with Gota because you have offered your back to the Rajapaksa Mafia.

        If you say Muslims are with Gota, then it MUST be the fraction of the Muslim population, mean IQ 79, who fall at the bottom of the IQ distribution and common sense.
        It is stupidity to make the same mistake repeatedly.

        The Muslims should vote for Anura KD or Sajith, because even the majority of Sinhala Buddhists will not vote for Gota and the the Rajapaksa Mafia. Only those whose Common sense and IQ’s below par will vote for him.

      • 4

        Bro Amarasiri,
        I never thought Sabri would also belong to the catergory whose mean IQ IQ of the populace is 79.
        Where on earth you go tto see degree holders too, as if they have no brains, betrays own community ?
        This is only common to srilanka. I have a greater respect on minorities our country, but I hate the style of Sabri and few other muslim leaders, that have betrayed it for their own selfish gains.
        Why cant the buggers fight for their own rights. We should all be srilankens, right. If they themselves send the message across to be that subjugated, so, they themselves surrendered to rascal sinhalayas( I am not born sinhalaya, but i call myself srilanken).
        I respected this bugger SABRI until last week, but I dont respect him since then.
        Just for one single reason, but ballige putha is abusive equally as the rural uneducated people.

    • 21

      What a load of RUBBISH, John

    • 24

      I am speechless. This Sabry to react the way a stupid villager would do.
      Who dont know today how criminals the Rajapakshes are ?
      Entire world knows how they killed people in the post war period.
      There they did not care about anything but the power greedy tactics and pocket filling hoodwinking. .
      Sabry is one another good example to a lanken style of LAWYERs.
      Lawyers in Europe, should have to be colmpliant with their approbation before being able to practise their job as a lawyer.
      Those who become lawyers, come with their hearted thoughts to fight against injustices.
      But IN OUR ROTTEN hell, so called country with over 2500 history, no matter entired world would criticise, they seem to go after CRIMINALs for no reason.
      I really know why People are made this much of stupid in SRILANKA today:

    • 6

      You must be one of those who were behind the recent riots against Muslims.

    • 3

      John pontificates {“…..And this election is an excellent opportunity to Muslims to say sorry for igniting riots in Aluthgama, Ginthota, Ampara, Digana, etc.”}
      What a wishful thought! No wonder he receives those Dear-John-letters from his men/boy & women/girl friends.

    • 5

      Hello John, why not tell the sinhala-buddhist-govi (SBG) armed forces, the saffron robed thugs, and archeologists, to stop their terror against the northern province hindu temples?

    • 8

      You stupid ignorant fool! It’s gota who instigated all the riots against innocent muslims. And it is gota who should say sorry to the muslims. And remember
      Where there is Buddhist terrorism, there will be more bomb attacks too.

    • 1

      Tamil diaspora sen kandiah (senthil nathan kandaih) spending .5millions for the UNp this election

    • 0

      You are follower of Hitler, Bin Laden bin laden and Abu backer. You should be banned to entering USA or western countries I am sending your name to law enforcement officers.

  • 6

    Gotabya Rajapakesa is very successful politician in his past activities during that last 10 years since 2005 to 2015 Jan 7th .Indeed that GR has delivered things were better than Sajith . He has given that substantial result to our country by created that national security , Peace and Development far better than that current New UNP leader of Sajith Premadasa .
    Nevertheless that Sajith P…is successor of Ransinghe Premadsas ….model of politics.
    Sajith in politically immature, unwise and unpredictable politician of UNP who is one of that gang among of that UNP leadership. He is not ruler but Sajith is politically lumpen by born butcher like his father .

    • 7

      Gota,successful politician? Can you explain which election he won and served his reputation as a politcian? Let alone a good one. He came into politics on the National list riding the success of his big brothers residential win. Field Marshal Fonseka has put forth who or what Gota’s capabilities were in battle plans and strategies, and the foolish suggestions he put forward to upstage enemy hold on territory. All he did was scam his way and stole the limelight for winning the war, from the true battle hardened,boots on the ground army Commander. Now coming forward to become President, the crooked way..

      • 1

        If Gota to be called successful, then Juliampitiya amaraya or marusira and all shouldhave the same right to wear the same title or not ?
        If [edited out] Gota be given super powers, that much impunity in lanken systems, why not those prisoners jailed in cells are not yet realeased.
        I think alone giving nominations to a half citizen whose profile is more filled with allged high cirminals cases, than the good he is said to have done to the nation, there we the nation have lost…. not being able to ask RTI to take care of us.
        People are awaer fo the facts about their HIGH crimes, but for some reasons, i think it is gentical reasons people stay as if they have been made hallozinationed animals on the experimental table.
        More of less the behaviour of the people are very like that of north koreans that are asked ot nodd their head whatever good or bad being said about their dictator-leader.
        I wonder, why people in our hell stay this much of OBSEQUEOUS not experessing their heart out.
        I think we are born LOSERs and timid and passive people. THat is the reason.

    • 0

      Yes he pumped the gas in California gas station. I wish you were given the ride in the white van . Robing the state funds to build bastard Father memorial and he killed journalist and I am reporting to his daughter in California to the IRS for hiddingbrovbed money.

  • 7

    Ali Sabry a PC lawyer said because Old Royal will beat up Muslim, they should vote for Old Royals. In the last government, Hakeem was kept as slave based on some murder accusation. It was said, as justice minister, he supported CJ Sherani’s dismissal. But in North while Old Royals are there, the kidnapped and killed’ s mothers (missing persons’ relatives) are carrying placard telling Old Royals to leave north and ICC to investigate their war crimes. That is why Tamil women wear their own sari and Muslim Politicians wear Arabian Desert loin cloth. The Muslim PC lowyers or Injustice Ministers don’t have the self-respect which the uneducated rural women showed. One time Muslim politicians used Tamils for their personal perks, now using Muslim mass. (They seem to have learned it from their Sinhala Buddhist Politicians. Isn’t it the same path Sinhala Politicians also did? First they used Up Country Tamils, then Ceylon Tamils, then Muslims, now their own crowed!) That is why LTTE asked Muslims to stay out until they finish the war.

  • 7

    New version of AJ Ranasinghe, the sereppu supa

    • 1

      Thanks man. If you put a man on one side of the balance and money on the other, money will go many valley’s down in the earth. Man’s mind or thought has no wight, on this world.

      (I didn’t know what is “Seruppu Supa”. Checked it out on Wiki. Yes, it is there. What a low class talk is that!)

  • 5

    Read a little history
    They say AI will oneday betray its own master who created it.

    Sameway there is an international mechanisim which was first created by some leaders even before WW1 and WW2.
    Today that very mechanism have evloved to an international independent mechanism , it no longer takes orders , but gives and instead of calling it orders , it has termed it as intelligence advice and even the most powerful leader is at its mercy.
    One needs to just read up a little on history, not the entire world history , Thanks to google Scholarship , you can now convieniently choose what you need to read.( but make sure to varify Citations)
    Read first how The Ottaman empire was taken apart , how The Hashmites betrayed the Turks for power and how they were replaced by Sauds and do your own anaysis why Sauds are still in power ( The good yes Sir boys).
    Then about letting Khomeni in and introduction of The khomeni ultra Orthodox Shiaism and then at the same period 1978 /79 Saudi declaring their ultra Orthodox Sunnism a splinter from Hanabal school with some mix of Muhammad son of Abdul wahab ; calling it Salafism , (ways of our forefathers) and letting all oppesite camps among Islam and others make scapegoat out of the dead man Muhammad Son of Wahab’s father’s name, who had nothing to do with the ideology at all , naming it wahabism .no Saudi will agree with you with the term Wahabism at the same time, mostly the rulers and others will do nothing to object it , as its a free onboard convienient term to deceive for which they do not even have to take responsibilty for damages.
    2- Read a little history

  • 4

    Reading a little bit of history cont 2.
    Then letting both Hardcore ideologies from Sunni& Shia all over the globe, making culture and tradtion devine above The Scripture and spreading extremism and locking both sunni & Shias in a blood bath that never was seen before and within Sunni groups too and other faiths.
    Then the creation of Taliban, Al -Qaeida ; the death of Taliban leader followed with Saddam,Bin Laden , Gaddafi , Khoshugi the journalist , and the miserably failed attempt on Assad and now the elimination of the failed not needed anymore ISIS leader *

    Sri Lankans must wakeup and be on gaurd .

    However anyone the global mechanism chooses to deliever as choosen ,must deliver at any cost failing which , could be disastrous,I am forced to encrypt here.

    I do not want to elobrate anymore people who are really interested will understand if they read up all the past eventsm

  • 2

    The newest election promise is Sajith provides SANITARY PRODUCTS to Sri lankan women. So, what does this say, Sri lankan women are really dirty for some reason. Anyway, I think, Mangala is getting a huge business contract to import all foreign products replacing home made products of Sri lanka. I heard Maithripala had promoted Local product use or something like that and this is a con tract given, probably some time ago, against that. the story may be bit different too.

  • 10

    Mr.Sabry has made a huge blunder& created an unwanted issue .
    If Mr.Gotabaya wins and even if he is fiercely powerful as painted by
    some medias and Mr.Sabry himself , it does not mean he cant be vulnerable.
    Its unbelievable a lawyer of repute could make such irrresponsible statements that clearly will land .Mr.Rajapakshe in a very dangerously vulnerable situation .
    This is an open license for racists , religous bigots , under world crimnals and some unethical political opponents to harm the muslim community and if that happens Godforbid , no matter how innocent Mr.Gotabaya is , due to the irrespisible statement by Mr.Sabry, he will have to shoulder the responsility and be accountable to any such attacks to the international community .
    I somehow see there is zero decipline and no orderliness nor consistency when it comes to campaigning with Mr.Gotabaya .
    for a man who have lived an American dream , its hard for me to comprehend his approach in his campaiging .
    In US its always the Candidate who alone does the addressing of the voters , Mr.Sajith,Mr.AKD and Mr.Mahesh are all doing it by themselves alot , though I admit not fully, but much more than Mr.Gotabaya ,including, The Ven.Monk Candidate.
    While its Dayasiri or SB ; Dilan ,Wimal or someone else who is doing most of the talking and making promises .
    How can the Voters be sure that if Mr.Gotabaya becomes President he will fulfil all the promises ? after all most of them are made by others , technically and legally he is not responsible to most of the pledges
    Its advisable to put an end to it
    and permit the mic only to
    himself and with some supporting speaches from.

  • 18

    Ali Sabry
    You may be a good lawyer, see how two words can change everything, it’s a learning curve for you. All the muslims who give their puk for perks are cut throats, traitors to their Community, they are worried about their personal gains. Muslims know very well who started racial hatred for political gains, it is none other than Rajapakse. Good luck with Gotler the white van grease yaka mass murderer, he will give you ambanata poriyal.

  • 10

    Ali Sabri is a dumb, lawyer, I have come across him in courts. He only knows to lie, lie, lie and lie

    • 5

      Yes, he pretends to know the law, but has very little IQ and thinks his loud voice and flamboyant ways will carry him through. He even said that the Falopian tube story which completely destroyed an innocent Muslim doctor was a creation of Pohottowa and brushed it off by saying ” all political parties have extremists”! This man is crazy and must be acting like this because he has been promised something big, an Ambassador post or even a posting to the Judiciary by Gota.

      • 3

        Kalu Nangi – Ali Sabri is a confidence trickster and cannot be trusted. Maharajah (former King) is in possession of the “Kumari File” on Hakeem while Gotler has a “Ruhunu Kumari” file on Ali Sabri. What a coincidence. Ali-Sab has now settled down with a Stone & String family!

    • 1

      Attorney Tudor – Ali Sabri the dumb lawyer’s fees from attractive female clients are always in kind!

  • 9

    Has Ali Sabry forgotten that Gota is the patron of Bodu Bala Sena (BBS)? The Founder/Leader of BBS is Gnanasara Thero. The mission of BBS is to create Sinhala Buddhist SL.
    Recently Gnanasara has encouraged violence against Lankan Muslims.
    The Rajapaksa family owned SLPP is against ‘reconciliation’ implying the ‘war must go on till the very end’
    Will the Lankan Muslim MPs please tell us their views on the Ali Sabry threat in {“Vote Gota Or Prepare “To Get It In A Big Way”: Ali Sabry Video Warning Muslims Goes Viral”}
    CT please canvas Gota’s views? And Gnanasara? And MR?

  • 15

    This is typical of the banana republic that is Sri Lanka. If anyone black mailed and threatened voters like this in a more civilised nation, he would be arrested and imprisoned. But not in SL.

  • 3

    What I can see from most of the comments that they do not want GOTA . The reason is if he becomes the president, he will get rid of all kind of terrorists. But what will happen is, the majority of population will vote for GOTA.

  • 2

    All these Muslim and Tamil hate written and directed by US based Jewish intelligent agency. Jews are playing bogus “Muslim ban” and other anti immigrant slogan in front of American public to Attract their support to take over Palestine, and in Europe Jews smuggle millions of Arab and others to conquer Europe and with future plan of taking over Germany.
    Study the cases how Jews bombed India and get control over Indian news papers and Economy. Without these two categories of economy and new media, Jews cannot run the Jewish global government

    • 1

      Jayt, most people don’t see beyond their noses. If you dig deep there’s an economic and resource war and it has various names like race, religion, colour etc

  • 6

    Ali Sabry is not a representative of the Muslims in Sri lanka and he has made himself a fool with his remark to scare the Muslims. Let him suck Gota and the Rajapakses to gain personal benefits, but leave the Muslim alone to take their decisions to vote for the person whom they prefer to be the next President of this country. Surely, they are not going to vote for a dictator and murderer.

  • 4

    @Egle eye .
    Do not be so unsensitive and arrogant just becoz you live a comfortable life now in some western nation.

    There are plenty of poor girls living in the interior villages and yea Estates , who have to skip schools because they can not afford to buy the Santiry pads.
    It is a noble thought by SP , unlike your vulgar mind and heart filled with hate.
    remember what anyone enjoys today is never promised eternal to anyone.
    cleanse your heart and watch your tongue,it may lash back at you someday and becareful of hurting the poor.
    Their cry is heard and answered fast.

  • 1

    Sabry is very honest -he has told the truth

  • 6

    Ha ha ha Gotabhaya seems to have many enemies in his own camp to prevent voters from casting their votes in favour of him.
    Ali Sabry reminds me of the story of the monkey who tried to chase a fly landed on king’s face.

    • 0

      we respect you here you finally call a spade a spade.
      This time, we should make every effort us no tto fall on the tracks of lanken Mugabe state.
      The name of god, we should protect our style of lanken politics. We must not go backward.
      Enough is enough, we should rally round to stand against these criminals.

  • 0

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  • 5

    Paraya A Sabri is a Rajapakse stooge because they gave him PC post. Before that he was a lawyer without briefs. Thouroghly inefficient lawyer who does not properly understand ABCD of law.

  • 1

    Hope and pray that this paraya Ali Sabir get the same Ambanaka Kadskum treatment from Gota itself.

  • 0

    Donkeys & Buffalos of Srilanka, the truth is what MARAs failure to grab the power in October revolution it was directed to the Easter massacre of the Innocence.

  • 0

    XXXXSabri is a lawyer as any other lower lawyers in srilanka.
    His speciality is he publicly betrays his race. No matter his community would have been tortured as done lately, he has been on licking the balls of Gota. How come. either these buggers are animals. Or they are brainwashed even going farther than their tricks being played on the stupid, gullible, vulnerable rural folks.
    I question, what has this bugger learn UNDER his law degree?.
    We should be very ashamed to call srilankens today. We allow multi criminals to be the presidential candidates.In EUrope, if a candidate would have allegations to be part of high crimes, they would never be able to become a nominee even in a regional body.
    This should be very clear to srilanken experts.
    Why not RTI seems to be working intis regard ? ID is said to be forged.
    Passport is said be forged.
    By the time, Gota became Secretary of Defence, regardless of the law prevailing in the country, he was issued a duality breaking and violating laws.
    Is that right ?
    My gosh, why we the people are made to be SLAVEs as our voices cant be raised any more ?
    I think best would be to put these men as a bunch in jail forever in order peoples to feel fine in this beautiful island.

  • 0

    Silly statements from Sajith and his camp will favour Gota. Shortage of gas, Millenium Challenge and the rest will also disappoint people. Gota’s team will use these to their advantage.
    While the last week might be a turning point it is quite likely Gota will get in.

  • 0

    Hello Ali Sabry, Did you have a chance to check Sajin Vaas complains of death threats yesterday?

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