24 January, 2025


We Are For 20A But Cannot Accept Ranil’s Formula: TPA Leader Mano Ganesan

Tamil Progressive Alliance (TPA) leader Mano Ganesan said that his alliance supports the spirit of 20th Amendment but will not agree to the FPP 125+ DPR 75 + NPR 25 formula which was agreed upon at the cabinet yesterday evening.

Mano Ganesan

Mano Ganesan

TPA deputy leader minister Palani Thigambaram has categorically registered his opposition to this new formula at the cabinet yesterday.

TPA is the new alliance formed with Democratic People’s Front led by Mano Ganesan, Workers National Front led by cabinet minister Palani Thigambaram and Up-Country Peoples Front led by state minister V. Radhakrishnan.

Issuing a statement Mano Ganesan said; “An urgent meeting of the Assembly of Minor Parties (AMP) is called on Thursday to discuss the latest developments. Until Monday morning we discussed the 20A based on the document submitted to the cabinet and party leaders by the President. The formula in the presidential document is FPP 165+ DPR 31+ NPR 59 to a total of 255. But suddenly to the surprise of all of us the formula has changed.

“The spirit of 20A is to cut down the preferential vote system and bring back the system of MPs for every electorates. We are for these changes. The presidential proposal reasonably addresses minority concerns too. The minorities were assured that new single member and multi member electorates will be carved out by the delimitation commission. The number 165 was arrived at as the FPP electorates to accommodate new single member and multi member electorates. The new formula with FPP 125 dismisses all hopes. It is because with 125 FPP seats we cannot we cannot create new electorates. Minorities who played lead role in forming this government are disappointed with the new formula.

“Prime minister Ranil Wickremesinghe has forwarded this formula to the cabinet. I today spoke to prime minister on this and expressed our stance to him. He told me that he forwarded this formula to the cabinet not as a UNP formula but a balancing formula between various proposals. And he said he has already informed president that minorities are not in favor to this formula and suggested for a presidential discussion with minority parties. TPA is looking forward to meet the president too on this today or tomorrow.

“We can’t let this happen. It’s nothing but suicidal to the minor parties. We are not opposing the 20th amendment but certain contents. I had discussions with JVP leader Anura Kumara Dissanayake and SLMC leader Rauf Hakeem. We will go ahead with the discussion of Assembly of Minor Parties (AMP) to decide our own formula and the proposal of double vote on Thursday.”

Latest comments

  • 8

    Ha’ri, Ha’ri……….. getting screwed up again?
    AKD the ever show man sensationalising known news, Hakeem Nana is waiting for that Sira promise delievery of Amparai admin district to the Muslims.

    Boru Show man Mano Ganeshan can put on his sunglasses stand before a mirror gazing at the TPA leader. Make sure not to miss applying hair gel as well.

    • 9

      Hari Hari. .. Why don’t you talk about politics and the way to run the country rather than discussing what jel you put on your stupid head.

      Some jokers you can compare them to NERO WHO PLAYED FIDDLE WHEM ROME WAS BURNING.

      HA HA HA

      • 2

        when these politicians are tribal Clowns, who can talk politics ?

        • 2

          It is obvious that the Sinhalese dominated UNP and the SLFP have got together once again in the 67 years since independence to further marginalize Tamils, and Muslims further – electorally this time.

          What started after 1948 with the striping of citizenship of upcountry Tamils is now continuing further to marginalize Muslims also.

          • 0

            what is a “striping” of citizens Thiru? Stripes like your Tiger stripes which were stripped off your SunGod’s body and his fascist terrorist murderers so NOW we can actually talk about elections, free choice, unitary nation etc?

            Sadly, on the representation issue, yes minorities should not be marginalized. For example I propose more seats for Colombo Districts where Tamils and Muslims live. For example a Wellawatte Bamba seat that can then elect a Tamil. And a Kotahena Mulleriyawa area which can elect a Muslim OR more multi member seats in Colombo including Colombo East and Colombo West, Central. That way Muslims and Tamils can elect their own people. Also in Ampara more multi member seats so the muslims do not devour Tamils and Sinhalese.

          • 0

            Upcountry tamils were indentured labourers brought in as serfs by English Christian lords. They were NOT invited in; just like in Fiji and Malaysia they completely destabilized centuries old demographic realities. In SL, those Indian tamils were forced on Kandyan lands.

  • 13

    All parties must consider this Ranil proposal carefully.
    Given his track record of wanting power and trying to sneak more power via the 19th I am sure this formula is also designed to give UNP an advantage. So watch out.

  • 4

    Mono is trying his very best to advertise his new political party… Just a drama?

  • 1

    Is the 20thA for the people or aspiring MPP? Besides,we have to cut the coat according to the cloth.

    It would be fruitful if Parliament is dissolved straightaway.The new Parliament and the incoming Govt:can sort out,after wide discussion,the model on which future elections need to be conducted.Perhaps,even a new Constitution.

  • 8

    Ranils proposal will screw up all minority parties.

    Cannot reduce the no of electorates since the population has grown significantly since they were marked out many decades ago.

    • 7

      Jagath – Main purpose, the people want the number of MPs restricted to 225 is to cut down on govt.expenses, which is people’s money. Do you have an idea as to how much of people money required to maintain an MP. and what is the difference,25 extra MPs could bring to the country.
      As you are aware some of them look for avenues to grab money for themselves and it did happen in the last regime and they cross over for money, leaving the principles behind. The lesser MPs we have, lesser the problems, the Govt.would face.Several readers and writers of CT have mentioned to take India as a example, where 547 MPs represent 1.2 billion people and comparatively,Sri Lankan parliament should have less than 100 MPs,as different States take a fair share of the responsibilities. Is not the Indian parliament doing their job well and MPs cover large areas.
      Its true that minority parties may get affected but the problem could be over come by discussion as the current govt.has promised transpar-ency and good governance and will not hit the minorities below the belt like the previous regime but saboteur elements against the Govt. should not be allowed to take advantage of the minority problem and prevent the election.It is the people who wants a clean Govt.after the election and this what the President is working for. Sure the population has increased over time but not by ten fold and the successive govts. to be blamed for this increase in the past, which was not proportionate. do not forget we have Provincial govts. too doing the same job, except finance and security, like in India.

  • 1

    It is possible to limit the number of constituencies to 125 and still include some multi-member constituencies to ensure fair play for minorities. If I recall right in the old days Colombo Central had 3 members, Akmeemana, Colombo South and I think one other had two members each. That’s a total of 5 ‘non-first’ members. So a design with say 118 constituencies with say 7 of them being two-member constituencies is perfectly feasible. The Elections Department has enough bright people to do the job once the requirements are laid out.

    I agree that a national list of 25 is absurd. Cronies of the UNP and SLFP will fill the positions. Cut it down to 15 and add 10 to the muliti,e,ber list.

    • 0

      EW Golding – You sound absolutely right and why cannot the govt.think in those terms and solve this problem. People are clamouring for an election but it is not advisable to go for it until 19A,20A,
      legislations are made into law as this is the only chance to get the
      people’s rights, protected. As you suggested national list MPs should be restricted to 15 the most, to give the deserving people a chance to
      serve the people but 25 is far too much. Hope the President comes to know about your suggestion, work on it and close the subject and get on with the election.

  • 1

    Ranil better have a rethink as the TPA is likely to support the UNP and help it to capture power. The large estate population needs proper representation that was denied to them by selfish large parties like the UNP and the SLFP.

  • 1

    If so, please propose a system or better formula within a 225 seat framework. There is no way a small country with a tiny economy can maintain a jumbo parliament for nothing. When you look at worlds biggest countries and natins with massive populatins, they also have the lesser ratio of MPs according to their population and ethnic minorites. What ever the system , it must be depend obn scientific and realistic formula to making laws and develop the country. No one should listen to Ranil or, Susils or champika’s needs, as well as Mano ganeshan or Hakeem’ cries. It should address the grievances of the people. We have seen what 225 did in the parliament for decades. I dont think we will be to wait and see what 255 going to do in the future. It doesnt matter who is formula is. Its only matters what it going to bring us.I dont think even with any other system can change who is going to come to parliament for another decede. If 1000 people come to p[rliament like Wimal Weerawansa or Mervin Silva or Rohitha abegunawardena may not be able to do anything at all!

  • 1

    Mr Sambandan. the Leader of the Vellala alliance the TNA announced that his party agenda will be in the Election manifesto.

    And all they want will be spelled out therein detail , so there are no issues to argue later.

    And he wants all Tamils, to vote for the TNA.

    So Ranil’s UNP can’t expect any Vellala votes this time… Right

    And Sambandan stated that he has already put some hot wind up the backside of the President.

    Although he phrases is as I already gave “pressure to the President”.

    Is the 225 limit another master stroke of Ranil to ditch Ganeshan’s TPA and get the TOI and Dalit votes for the UNP?.

  • 0

    The UNP has in the past taken Ganesan’s support for granted given that he has nowhere else to go. The newly formed TPA increases the voter base for Ganesan but has anything else changed? Can he make himself and the party relevant to the UNP where they will listen to him?

  • 1

    the next proposal will be Eelam for Indian Tamils.

    Just chase him back to Tamilnadu.

  • 5

    Ranil is in the habit of throwing monkey wrenches into every national issue. It looks that he is now keen on alienating minorities from the UNP. This man really hates the UNP so much he is again set to grab defeat from the jaws of victory!

  • 0

    Mano Ganeshan
    Here is a summary table based on Wiki and other Internet sources that will give your readership an idea about different Parliaments or Assemblies in some selected democracies. 225 seems plenty for Sri Lankan considering the extraordinary amount of State funds that go to support them and the number of benefits they accrue.
    Name of Country, Pop and Number of Seats in the Parliament or Assembly

    Bangladesh, 156 million, 350
    Britain, 64 million 650
    India, 1.25 BILLION, 545 but has States and also has A Rajya Sabha
    Japan, 127.3 Million, 242
    S.Korea, 50.22 Million, 300
    Taiwan, 23.37m Million, 113 , halved their seats to 113 in 2004
    USA, 318 Million, 437 but has a unique system with a powerful 100 member Senate

    Sri Lanka, 20.48 Million, 245 Seats plus 9 provincial governments with lots of perks.

  • 0

    A turf war is sure with warlords’ violent fight for domain, the nation is badly divided by electorates; with all electronic devices and all automated machines to identify by finger prints, why the entire nation cannot be one electorate, after all, a size of a mayoralty in China or India?

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