21 January, 2025


WikiLeaks: Should Sri Lanka Be Treated As A Villain Or As A Country Wiped Out A Terrorist Group? – EU Questioned Just After The War

“With IDP camps in Sri Lanka coming under civilian control, the issues now facing the international community were ensuring access, improving conditions in the camps and encouraging repatriation, said Frebort. A meeting of the co-chairs would be useful, he said, noting that U.S. had indicated that July 7 would be a good date for a co-chairs meeting. Moran (European Commission’s James Moran) noted that framework conditions for reconstruction efforts need to be drawn up locally by the donors. There were questions over sustainability and the conceptual work could not be undertaken until onorshad a clearer idea of the political situation. Should Sri Lanka now be treated as a villain or as a country that had wiped out a terrorist group? Majewski opined that the international community should ‘cut them some slack’ and consider what the GOSL had achieved. Molin said the international community needed to consider how best to convince Rajapaksa to now be magnanimous and make the most of the opportunity. We need to be careful about isolating the Colombo regime and inadvertently creating ‘another Burma.'” the US Embassy Brussels informed Washington.

James Moran

James Moran

A classified diplomatic cable which details a meeting on United States – European Union on South and Central Asia, just after the Sri Lanka’s war. The Colombo Telegraph found the related ‘Confidential” US diplomatic cable dated June 22, 2009 from the WikiLeaks database.

The Embassy wrote; “South and Central Asia Bureau Deputy Assistant Secretary Michael Owen noted that this was a critical question: whether to focus on accountability over human rights abuses committed during the successful military campaign or to look forward to focus on humanitarian assistance, resettlement of IDPs, and political reconciliation. This was a fine balance. Our leverage was limited, he noted, as the U.S. was not a major donor in Sri Lanka. It was therefore important to consider what we need to accomplish in Sri Lanka over the next few years and determine how best to pursue those goals. The U.S. did not want to see a financial collapse in Sri Lanka, but it a decision on the pending IMF loan to Sri Lanka had not been taken. The GOSL would need space to start reconstruction and reconciliation activities. It was important to marginalize residual LTTE loyalists, such as the Tamil Relief Organization (TRO) and to win over the Tamil diaspora. Moran agreed that the GOSL must now ‘win the peace’ and the international community should therefore give the GOSL the ‘benefit of the doubt — but there are limits.'”

Latest comments

  • 15

    I think it’s about time that all persons concerned should stop worrying about human rights in Sri Lanka. We have more rights than most European countries and the western world.

    • 4

      Than Saudi?

      Certainly yes.

      But we all want to go to USA.

    • 0

      You must be joking .

  • 8

    The LTTE did not die by a single bullet….

    First shot was fired by India,
    Second was fired by EU,
    Third was by US and Canada,
    and the last bullet was by Sri Lanka.

    LTTE was killing about 1,000 people a year, but the last bullet by Sri Lanka killed over 40,000.


    • 9

      Killing forty thousand with the last bullet is still speculation but according to you, 4000 have been saved since!

      • 0


        How many innocent people did the Sri Lankan armed forces kill? Have guess.

    • 12


      Glad you admit the LTTE killed about 1000 people year. Out of that, as you and I know, at least 900 were innocent civilians, mostly Tamils. That’s more than enough reason to decimate them militarily as was done. If Sri Lanka was assisted by India, EU, US and Canada as you claim (you seem to be privy to some inside information, I am impressed) it only shows there was unanimity that there was absolutely nothing redeeming about the fascist Tigers and they needed to be put to death.

    • 7

      Why stop at 40,000? There is a bidding war for this number and the highest proclaimed will be accepted!

    • 1

      What a bullet was that..? one bullet, and 40,000 dead..

    • 2

      The last bullet might have been an atom bomb or Gordon Weiss’s myth. Mr Weiss must be very proud that some western regimes and the LTTE terrorists overseas in sheep clothing are happy to accept his myth of 40,000 civilian deaths as gospel truth, and he might be even regretting he did not say 140,000. Before long, Gordon Weiss could be ousted from this honour by propagandists like Ryappu Joseph who have upped the number to 150,000 or more.

  • 2

    Incompetent Rajapassa Foriegn Policy managers have mismanaged opportunities Sri Lanka had among Western powers at the end of the war.

    Rather than learninng from mistakes The King will be sending The Monitor and The Infamous Lady Head of External Affairs Ministry to The UN Human Rights Junket in Geneva.

    Sri Lanka is well on its way to becoming a “Pariah” state.

    • 8

      Yeah, there is a single proven way to make the war crimes allegations disappear in an instance. Agreeing to give what Praba demanded to Sampanthan. You are free to suggest the appeasing way, but citizen of this country should also have a say in that.

      Having a puppet federal state in north controlled by West and India is a good way to lose the support of China and Russia. I hope you’ll be around if the new northern federal state decides to ask for full sovereignty, which was their goal all along, they backed by west and we having only Uganda and Swaziland on our side.

      • 3

        Liberal One

        “Having a puppet federal state in north controlled by West and India is a good way to lose the support of China and Russia.”

        The world is still controlled by foreigners by one way or another and not by the stupid Sri Lankies.

        • 4

          I’m glad the bitter truth finally penetrated your thick skull. Now behave responsibly without parroting the propaganda of west.

      • 7

        Liberal one,

        Love of Sri Lanka and love of corrupt Rajapassa clan are two different things. What kind of love do you nurture?

        Citizens of our country demand rule of law, clean elections, free media, freedom from torture, an end to political violence etc. People demand government free of endless corruption, relentless nepotism etc.

        What has these demands got to do with separtist appeasement.

        Nobody demands appeasement of seperatists. Except seperatists themselves. But also Rajapassa croniss and henchmen such as yourself who use ethno-Tamil nationalist demands as a Fig Leaf to cover nakedness of their misrule.


        • 5

          I don’t think been blinded to the agendas of west and awakening separatists is a good way to stop been called a Rajapakshe stooge. What sort of a knee jerk reaction is that!

          As I said, the only opportunity Rajapakshe had with the west after the war was to give all demands to the unarmed Sampanthan. He can still go off the hook by agreeing to the demands. That is how much your EU cares about you and Sri Lankan tamils. The “opportunities” that you toss around so easily is nothing but giving into the pressure of west.

          I am so glad that he’s still refusing to give into the pressure of west(like all previous responsible leaders except CBK and Ranil).

          • 2

            Liberal One,

            Hypocrisy is the norm in international diplomacy & politics. Whether we like it or not.

            Sri Lanka must have sound policies and capable diplomats. Right now we got uneducated Rajapassa cronies in strategic missions. They must be fired. Then we can play that hypocritical game to Sri Lanka’s advantage & at times win. Like we play Cricket at international level very well. Make use of opportunities that arise. To use the West & others to secure & strengthen Sri Lankan state.

            Whining about the West while misruling Sri Lanka in every possible way like The King does is a doomed strategy. Hambantota Clan has wide-opened doors for the West to interfere in Sri Lanka. Using all sorts of pretexts.

            In the meantime, King roams the country declaring his willingness to sit on an electric chair that does not exist. Playing Tarzan. His cabinet cronies screaming that Sri Lanka is not worried about sanctions.

            It works well in the domestic gallery. However, Sri Lanka will pay the price at the end.

            When that day comes The Clan will escape with the loot.


            • 2

              Point taken, you are independent.

              Although Rajapakshe’s diplomats are incompetent no amount of diplomacy would change the plans of west once they are laid. Specially after they were continuously defied in their calls for ceasefires to save the tiger leaders.
              This is like saying Iran is continuously bullied because they lack in diplomatic skills.

        • 0

          Ben Hurling
          I think Sri Lanka have had free elections monitored by Independent Foreign nations, better than some Western nations; a free media better than the USA’s CNN and UK’s BBC and even far less torture than those reported in Iraq Libya and US run prisons etc
          As for corruption and nepotism, you might be right, but India is streets ahead.

      • 1

        Times have changed, the US is not likely to prop up a dictatorship in the North like they used to do in South America . A state leaning towards the US is preferable to one that is under China as Chinese don’t give a hoot about human rights.

        • 2

          Yes but don’t think that only dictatorships are bad.

          A state that is more closer to India’s needs and a one that feels indebted to US/UK can do more damage to the state than a dictatorship that is loyal to the state.

        • 3

          Hahahaha good one! Since when do the US give a hoot about human rights again?

      • 0

        The problem with having all Sri Lankans having a say on how the North and East should be governed is that Sinhalese being the majority will veto any attempt at granting autonomy to Tamils in the North and East.

    • 3

      Thing is even if Rajapaksa had not embarked on familial dictatorship , had withdrawn forces from the North and East and given back lands to Tamils, would the UN and the West have still given them a pass on the mass slaughter of Tamils at the end of the war? I don’t know the answer to this and I do not believe the Western powers care about Tamil civilians.

      • 3


        West specially the USA do care about Tamil and Sinhalese civilians.

        But, only if it happens to be an indirect outcome of the larger game to secure their vital interests. Not otherwise.

        Condoleeza Rice admitted that candidly when she was serving Bush Administration.

        A lot of fools in Sri Lanka and indeed in our regio are yet to understand this truth.


        • 0

          ” West specially the USA do care about Tamil and Sinhalese civilians. But, only if it happens to be an indirect outcome of the larger game to secure their vital interests. Not otherwise.”

          I agree. When I said I do not believe the West cares about Tamil civilians, I meant that they don’t care for the sake of justice and human rights. So on the slim chance they hold Rajapaksa accountable, the most likely reason is that Western interests happens to parallel Tamil needs.

          I do think people like Obama and some in his admin do genuinely care about humanitarian ideals even if Western establishment as a whole doesn’t.

          • 2

            Oh yes I say we give Obama the Nobel Peace Prize for his genuine care for humanitarian ideals. It’s not like he violated any international laws by endorsing the use of drone strikes on terrorists. After all, what are a few civilian deaths if the terrorists are killed? I hope Ben Emmerson the UN special rapporteur passes on his drone strike reports on how Obama genuinely cares about humanitarian ideals.

            • 0

              Drone strikes are relatively precise. If any civilian casualty is off limits then the US can not defend itself against Al Qaeda. This does not mean it is ok for the US to engage in carpet bombing, or other means of mass slaughter.

      • 3

        They certainly care more about chasing away Chinese from a strategic location of the Indian ocean than they care about any Sri Lankan. Can’t really blame them as we are not the ones paying them taxes.

  • 3

    Well, Rajapaksa was given plenty of time to show progress on reconciliation but he fooled both the Eu and the USA. No wonder both are determined to destroy Rajapaksa.

    • 0

      What is the reconciliation you are talking about? Explain reconcile about what and with whom.

      • 1

        We all know it. Giving what Praba demanded to Sampanthan is the reconciliation west want.

  • 4

    Finally cat came out the bag, now it’s clear with evidence that these mean western countries working to achieve their own political agenda. They say “important to consider what we need to accomplish in Sri Lanka” in other words this nasty west wanted Sri Lanka to be their puppet, but they couldn’t achieved that. That’s why now this Human Right garbage became their favourite word. Also, “to win over the Tamil diaspora” this is what these countries doing, taking tamils for a ride, it is pathetic to see those tamils fell pray for this master plan.

    • 1

      You ignored the fact that they even considered not pursuing human rights accusations by the GOSL and sidelinging Tamils they perceived as pro LTTE.

      So they really were trying to find reasons / excuses to not put pressure on GOSL.

      The reason for the Western pressure is publickly states as Human rights but privately it may be Chinese moving in. Western geopolitical self interst being the motivator does not change the fact that GOSL committed war crimes.

      • 4

        Yes it does! these westerners are even today ready to trade human rights charges for the Eelam.

        • 1

          How does Western interests or hypocrist change the fact that GOSL slaughtered tens of thousands of Tamils in the no fire zone?

          West is not going to support Ealam, that is prepostorus and exaggerated claims . India is dead set against Ealam and India is in bed with Israel and the West.

          • 3

            Blind faith in India or any other to be against eelam is not the way to go forward. What is good for India is usually bad for it’s neighbors.

            and fyi if the forces needed to massacre tamil civilians they didn’t need fire zones and they had the opportunity to massacre at-least 300,000. Isn’t it a fact that the forces saved at-least 300,000 hostages?

            • 2

              That is the madayan who came up with the brilliant scenario where you put 45 people in a gas chamber and at the end 30 of them walk out feeling alright. Or you put them in a room and bomb the hell out of it, and still 30 of them walk out because the bombs were special ones designed to either kill people or leave them completely unharmed. This is what happened in the NFZ according to him LOL so I wouldn’t put much stock in his blabberings.

              • 0

                I didn’t come up with that scenario. You misrepresnt. I said that the concentration camps that housed the victims who were to be gassed were designed to kill, so there need not be more injured.

                I mentioned the hypothetical scenario of White Brazilians wiping out all most all of an Amazonian Indian tribe , with only a few survivors left. This scenario was meant to show that you can indeed have more dead than injured.

        • 0


          “Yes it does! these westerners are even today ready to trade human rights charges for the Eelam.”

          FYI the entire island was known as Eelam.

  • 6

    EU are the worst hypocrites on the face of thee earth . to be careful not to create another Burma , this is more a hidden message of a threat to Muslims in this country than any sincere effort to help the country or anything good at all.

    In fact without isolating Burma and making her abide by International law and stop her continue the inhuman killings of The worlds worst persecuted people as declared by The UN, The EU immediately lifted the sanctions imposed on Burma even before the tears of the victims could dry to show solidarity with Burma and to support the genocide .

    What did Germany and Norway do in Sri Lanka ? The funded the worst racist terror Group with a building and Norway funded their air passage to the US and The US gave them Visas over the counter ,while a innocent Muslim has to wait for nearly 3 to 6 months to get clearance to travel to The Us just because he has a Muslim name .

    All people who are sane in this Country must understand one-thing all what The EU want is to bring in their NGOS and then mess this Country up ,their ulterior motive is not to prevent Creating a Burma out of Sri Lanka ,rather to complete their filthy task they started with BBS to create another Burma out of Sri Lanka to destroy the Muslims in this Country for them The Muslim is always in their way when it comes to implementing all their hidden agendas.


    I have another strong message to our Muslims , if you have any faith in God ,then remember there is only one Muslim Man who deserves your vote in WP & that is Azath sally ,and if he does not contest then give it to JVP.

    If you cast your Vote to faizer Mustafa even God will not look upon you

    • 3

      The West sidelined Burma for decades. There has been staunch criticism of Burma for its treatment of Rohinga.

      Malaysia received some Rohinga refugees but they are discriminated against and not treated as equal humans. This BBC artilce speaks about the racist discrimination against Rohinga by Malays. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-18421085

      No Arab country accepts Rohinga refugees. Qatar signed a Telcoms deal with Burma just recently, so where was the Muslim Ummah outrage? Where is the Muslim Ummah outrage for the genocide of Bangladeshis by Pakistan? I bring up the case of Bangladesh because the Rohinga in Burma are ethnically similar to Bangladeshis.

      Muslim countries and the Muslim Ummah are the biggest hypocrites, enablers and supporters of racist ideology, because they never acknowledge the genocides they committ against non Muslims yet they always crow on about how their human rights are trampled. They want to expand into as many countries as possible but want to keep their own nations Muslim only and many Muslim countries are waging genocide against non Muslims.

      Ceylon Muslim organisations supported the Sinhala chauvinists for decades, long before LTTE emerged. Now that these Sinhala Nationalists are turning their anger towards Sri Lankan Muslims, suddenly Muslims in Ceylon are complaining about Sinhala Buddhist Nationalism. These same Muslims had no issue supporting the same Sinhala Nationalist killings of Tamils; this is the defintion of hypocrisy. LTTE was a response to Sinhala pogroms against Tamils . Since Sri Lankan Muslim organizations for the most part supported and sided with the Sinhala Nationalists, they too are responsible for the genocide against Tamils .

      Muslim organisations in Sri Lanka waged genocide against Tamils and Sinhalese long before GOSL slaughter of Tamils in 2009; I am speaking about the cultural genocide of converting Tamils and Sinhalese to Islam and subsequently denying their Tamil and Sinhala heritage. Eastern Muslims are racially the same people as Hindu and Christian Tamils yet Ceylon Muslim organisations are trying to eraze their Tamil identity. The biggest contributor to the Colombo Muslim genepool is Tamil yet Ceylon Muslim organisations try to cover this up by claiming Muslim as an ethnicity even though Islam is a religion that anyone can convert into. Sri Lankan Muslim organizations will often times try to give the impression that Ceylon Muslims are Moors even though this is not the case for the bulk of the Ceylon Muslim genepool .

      At the end of the day Buddhism is an admirable religion that emerged as refutation of the racist Brahminism/Hinduism . Islam like Hinduism is racist at its core. In Muslim majority nations and especially the Arab countries, No Tamil or Sinhalese (Hindu, Buddhist or Christian) would have been treated with the hospitality, kindness and tolerance that Ceylon Muslims enjoy .

  • 1

    See? They allowed some breathing space to the government to prevent another Burma, ie a Chinese ally with no influence for west. Will the slavish naive ones among us ever see that politics is what driving the UN resolution and not humanitarian concerns?

  • 2

    First of all, the blame should go entirely to US, UK and India when they decided to support GoSL without ensuring adequate protection to civilians. What measures these countries ensured for civilians trapped in the war? What is the meaning of proceeding investigation when they should have effectively safeguarded the civilians from such heinous operations even before the start of the war with adequate measures? What was this UN sucking upto then? Upto Rajabachcha? Were they stupid enough naively to believe GoSL? Were n’t they learnt any lessons from the past of Srilankan pograms that what is bound to happen?

    Bush and Tony blair were curse to this earth. It is these stupids who were responsible for civilian deaths in last decade.Hopefully Obama/Cameron/Harper should render justice to innocent civilians and their families and relatives.

    • 4

      You must suffering from amnesia, How can they possibly ensure protection when they were convinced that sun goat IS all the protection they need.
      But you are correct in saying”First of all, the blame should go entirely to US, UK and India”for they are the ones who helped and funded terror in SL.

      • 1


        Do not ridicule MANIAsekaran.

        He is now a much sought after “South Asian Geo-Political analyst”.

        His only problem is that his conlcusions are almost always polluted by his own over-riding perverted ethno-Tamil nationalist convictions.

        Please pity the fool.


        • 1

          Going by your posts, he sounds more sensible to me than you!

  • 1

    “Hey, that’s the way the cookie crumbles!”

    So what really went wrong in The Victory of The war on Terror in Sri Lanka?
    Have you heard the phrase I will do anything for you -you are my best friend ?

    It is like the old Egyptian saying
    مصائب قوم عند قوم فوائده. (maSaa’ib qawmin 3and qawmin fawaa’ido.)
    Some people’s disasters provide benefits for other people.
    The whole west & India shut their trap when the Sri Lankan government went all out on the LTTE , they w very ere the lot who were the creators and protectors of the LTTE at one time ,while China was busy in helping with the full-scale ‎Military logistics, like the taking apart of the Ottoman empire by the big boys each-one playing their one thingy ,when it comes to war and sharing the spoils of it, it is all soap for the big guys no matter where it comes from and what it really is.


    All China man wants is, he has made an irreversible mayhem -a badly calculated strategy, which is over populating his nation ,unfortunate really , and the payment is the permanent loss of their resources by trying to maintain the population .

    They have to now keep bringing home resources at any cost to keep the nation going and maintaining the population for they know that any mistake or slacking in doing so can cause a huge disaster , the nation will fall apart so will the whole world with it, so actually the China man is doing whatever he is doing not with the dirty intentions that of US or Europe , he is got no choice-but The China man will not invade you or try to come and live among you ,it is hard for him to integrate with others ,he has a very unique culture , no matter what or who he worships or not, he will encourage you ,support you, finance you ,teach you, but he will accept you be able to buy your own meal at the end of the day ,do not expect him to feed you , and once he reaches his goal he will be on his way and if you are not feasible he will leave you A-S-A-P. so no need to worry to much of The China man , he does not enter homes where he is not invited .

    No Ethics ever – rob your own and rob the rest of the world , squatting everywhere in ones own country ,anywhere and everywhere , using everywhere and anywhere as toilets , they will do the same with anyone’s country and homes given the opportunity.

    Europeans , The Brits, Australians & US

    They are only know one way to make a living & that is living off others misery ,it is an historical fact no one can deny.

    Even a country Like Switzerland have nothing to be proud of itself although they brag about being so humanitarians ,Geneva the city of Human-rights ,oh ya ,, like hell.. only to the ones they & their co chairs agree with- than being humanitarians they have been the contrary, they were the worst crooks , discreetly collaborating with their cousins the Germans , we all have to agree that if not for the blood money of the Holocaust victims ,the Swiss will be still ploughing their fields , all that money they feed their children with are blood money . so you see there are no single European who can say they have not lived off the miseries of others.

    All the above have blood of Sri Lankan on their hands as much as they have of all the Muslims around the world.

    Once their empires that were built on blood money starting crumbling they started to generate more blood money through spilling more Muslim blood.

    So what is the big problem with the Muslim?

    Good question ..

    You see if you do a sincere research on the Muslim community’s life style- the first thing you will come across is that ,there are more practicing Muslims than practicing Christians and others (also please Google More practicing Muslims than Christians for more details) but what is the problem really ?

    Well Islam and Muslim are a problem to the lot who have been making easy money through evil, do you agree that all evil business is easy money making ?
    Gambling/Alcohol/Drugs /Prostitution/ Arms Dealing ,you name it anything evil -this Muslim is going to object ,of-cause I agree we have our own black sheep lot ,but I am talking of the practicing Muslims who have been identified by the the world to be in majority.

    So it becomes necessary to create a false fear psychosis to demonize Islam and The entire Muslim community at large ,any sane people who know about the Muslim community and is not prejudiced will agree that all terrorists are not Muslims and all Muslims are not terrorists ,same with Sri Lankan Tamils/Cambodians ,Rwandan, Japanese ,Germans ,Irish and Mexicans ,(Not all Mexicans are drug lords ).

    But they have a way of getting this into the minds of the unsuspecting people ,programming them ,I wonder how many here know that during south African apartheid there was a way dogs were trained to hate black people , like wise even we humans can be trained and programed to hate a particular people.

    That is the only reason the Muslims have come under attack since of late, wherever there is an opportunity to gain at the cost of the miseries of a people the lot mentioned in the heading are there to cash on it, but The Muslims and Islam is changing the attitude of the very people in the countries of these evil people itself and they know the Muslims will do the same thing with those poor countries and protect them from being victimized .

    I wonder how many is aware who really owns most of The Alcohol breweries , run Prostitution, Arms dealing ,drug trafficking , creating unrest in poor countries so arms can be sold and along with it drugs etc ,,prostitution also can be introduced ,of-cause The Zionists ,again not all Jews are Zionist and not all Zionists are as bad as portrayed many Zionist after realizing the truth are speaking up against their own government -kindly check this clip out-:
    An honest Israeli Jew tells the Truth about Israel

    It is important for these big guys to keep Muslim countries in a turmoil ,ofcause except the Gulf- They have a deal cut out since they helped the destruction & dismantling of the Ottoman Empire it is a win win situation with them as long as they do not betray they can enjoy the luxuries ,King Faisal was a God fearing ,good man ,when he realized what they have done was wrong he tried to undo it and like what is happening to Muslims in Sri Lanka today which is a very Zionist pattern (Like the saying in Sinhala , chopping pork on the back of the Pig – which is done today through Muslim politicians to The Muslim community itself today), they got king Faisal’s nephew Prince Musaed ,( Muslims must be careful , today this is even seen between normal families where ones own brother, brother’s wife , relations and friends are used to avenge by the enemies of Islam when they are aware of any rift in the family .)

    So More than anyone The Sri Lankan Muslim community needs a strong and brave leadership of cause not to declare war ,but to rather rebuild the trust and harmony we had not just with The Sinhala but also with The Tamils and others ,Muslim should become the bridge to build the harmony , Tamils must also learn to forgive ,I know it is easy said than done ,but believe me the more you build hate it will only consume you and everyone in this country and it is not worth it ,by doing so you will invite outsiders waiting to take advantage ,no outsider is going to really help us or do justice to us ,they will only use the situation to fuel more hate and thrive on it until we are completely destroyed ,and both sides Sinhalese and Tamils are both being foolishly stubborn and egoistic ,if they do not realize and make amends the price we all have to pay is going to be very high .

    And I piety The Muslim Community most, The Europeans specially with The Zionists are all out for the blood of the Muslims ,they know they are in their way .

    • 2

      ” The whole west & India shut their trap when the Sri Lankan government went all out on the LTTE , they w very ere the lot who were the creators and protectors of the LTTE at one time ,”

      This is mostly false. India created LTTE in the early 80s to thwart US plans to set up a base in Trinco. India very quickly moved against LTTE after the US indicated they no longer wished to move into Sri Lanka. When Indian IPKF was in Sri Lanka, they deliberately robed, raped and slaughtered many Tamils. For most of the war India has been quietly supporting GOSL and this includes diplomatic support and lobbying. Don’t forget India supported GOSL on the diplomatic front after the West tried to hold Sri Lanka accountable for the 2009 slaughter of Tamils . After much Western pressure India decreased diplomatic support for GOSL but they undermined the UN resolutions against GOSL by watering it down.

      Western nations all chastised and banned LTTE, so where are you getting this erroneous claim they were the creaters and protectors of LTTE.

      • 4

        Western countries only banned the tigers in 2002 (except of-course the self righteous Canadians), after nearly 2 decades and only after Bin Ladens rude wake up call. and even after that while banning the tigers by one hand they mediated rather rudely to get tigers some form of governing authority.

  • 0

    Sorry missed out ..

    they got king Faisal’s nephew Prince Musaed to assassinate King Faisal.

  • 1

    Well said Native Vedda………..

  • 6

    If not for Tamils SL is now a developed country.

    • 2

      You forget that it was Indian estate Tamils who were the main creaters of Sri Lanka’s economy. Ceylon Tamils played a leading role in developing Sri Lanka during British rule. If not for Sinhala politicians whipping up the public against Tamils and passing anti Tamil legislation, Sri Lanka would be far and away the best South Asian country.

      • 3

        So my suggestion is we should just move ahead. Although I can’t agree with your repeated claims of injustice by Sri Lankan governments I don’t see a reason to keep bargaining for more autonomy as we can’t point out a single current legislation that is against Tamils.

        After all living in an advanced country is much more worthwhile than any of this bullshit.

        • 0

          Law, human rights and rule of law are just only on paper but the full state machinery is against the Tamils including the law enforcement and Justice.

          What bullshit to have everything fantastic on paper that is not applicable or enforced!

          • 2

            Point taken, you don’t want to move forward. I was just having a flicker of hope on Palmsquirrell not you.

            • 0

              Moving forward would entail:
              returning land to Tamils that GOSL seized,
              revealing the status of disappeared persons,
              holding accountable those who were responsible for the mass slaughter in the no Fire zones and rape of Tamils ,
              withdrawing the bulk of the armed forces from the North,
              implementing rule of law.

              If GOSL does not want to address Tamil greivances mentioned above then they really don’t want to move forward. What we see since the end of the war, is GOSL turning the screws on Tamils.

  • 0

    [Edited out]

  • 0

    [Edited out]

  • 1

    The cold blooded collaborators to the heinous crimes now know that the Sri Lankan regime was shedding crocodile tears to wipe out the Tamils and in fact murdering the Tamils in large numbers and not just fighting the LTTE.

    Why would the Sri Lanka regime rape, torture and murder large number of Tamil women and children?
    Why would the Rajapakse regime continued to oppress the Tamils since the end of the war and appointed an alleged war criminal as the Governor on Northern province?

    If the Sri Lankan regime just fought a battle against the terrorists, why would it denies an independent international war crimes and human rights abuses investigation even after five years ending the war?

    Why the Sri Lankan regime continues to put restrictions of foreign media, NGOs, Journalists, diplomats and human rights groups to visit Tamils areas even today if the regime is working towards democracy and reconciliation?

    The Western leaders now aware the criminal mindset of the Sinhala Buddhist Apartheid Rajapakse regime and thus a forceful attack against the regime forces and an independent investigation only bring more truth to the world.

    • 3

      What a fool! defeated subhuman terror scum cleaning toilets in west while preaching struggles in SL are not known for IQ anyway.

      We reject international investigations because allowing to investigate a legitimate military operation is akin to acknowledging that the military operation was illegitimate. If there are specific crimes done by individual forces there is a way to investigate them and bringing up evidence is the first step. We will not defend individual criminals who put the whole country in jeopardy.

      According to your logic, If I accuse your wife to be a drug dealer you should allow me to do a cavity search on her because she has nothing to hide. What a moron!

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    Native Vedda ,

    Muslim is not a race – but is accepted terminology to recognize a people who follow the Monotheist faith that of Abraham ,followed by Muhammad & his follower who accepts him as the final Prophet.

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