10 October, 2024


WikiLeaks: US And The LTTE Should Join Together To Defeat The Muslims – Pro-LTTE Tamils

By Colombo Telegraph

“Note: The U.S. team repeatedly asked interlocutors about continuing reports of Muslim extremism in the east. Most observers had little clear- cut information about the matter and Muslim interlocutors denied it was a factor. Nonetheless, the team did notice many new mosques under construction and various “Islamic foundation” offices operating in Muslim towns. It is hard to see how eastern Muslims could afford to pay for the construction of all the new mosques, so it would seem possible that Middle Eastern money is coming in, as some claim.” the US Embassy Colombo informed Washington.

Ashley Wills

The Colombo Telegraph found the related leaked cable from the WikiLeaks database. The cable discusses the situation in the Eastern province under the ceasefire agreement. The “Confidential” cable written on November 14, 2002 and signed by the US Ambassador to Colombo E. Ashley Wills.

“When queried, Sri Lankan security forces replied that they had not seen any Arabs or Pakistanis visiting the region. GSL officials added that they just were not sure what was going on in Muslim areas, however. They had heard of small extremist groups with names like “Jihad” and “Osama” operating in the east, but did not think they were much of a threat to the peace. Pro-LTTE Tamils that the team met with repeatedly claimed that Muslims were radicalized, and armed and dangerous. One pro-LTTE figure, V. Kamaladas, the head of a local NGO Forum for the east, basically indicated that the U.S. and the LTTE should join together to defeat the Muslims!” the ambassador further wrote.

We give below the relevant part of the cable;


C O N F I D E N T I A L SECTION 01 OF 04 COLOMBO 002133 



E.O. 12958:  DECL:  11-14-12
SUBJECT:  Tigers gradually expand network of control in
the east, as security forces watch and Muslims fret 

Refs:  (A) Colombo 2101 

-      (B) Colombo 1180, and previous 

(U) Classified by Ambassador E. Ashley Wills.  Reasons
1.5 (b, d). 

¶1.  (C) SUMMARY:  A Mission team visited Sri Lanka's
Eastern Province on November 12.  On the surface, the
situation in Batticaloa and Ampara Districts seemed
calm, with the ceasefire sparking increased business
activity and civilian bustle.  Amid this positive news,
there were clear and troubling indications that the
Tamil Tigers are gradually strengthening their political
and military position.  GSL security forces seemed
marginalized, with human rights observers expressing
deep concern about LTTE activities.  Muslims were
increasingly worked up about the apparent surge in LTTE
influence.  Given the disturbing trends acting under the
surface calm, continued communal friction and violence
appear a near certainty.  END SUMMARY.
Deep Muslim Anger

¶9.  (C) Muslims are increasingly worked up about the
apparent surge in LTTE influence.  In a meeting with a
group of Muslims at Southeastern University, the team
was told that Muslims felt that the LTTE was slowly but
surely working to take over the Eastern Province.
M.L.A. Cader, the vice-chancellor of the university, was
adamant that eastern Muslims had to take steps to ensure
that the government in Colombo heard their concerns.
Muslims felt they were being "abandoned" and "sold out"
by a government eager to make peace at any price with
the LTTE.  Cader bitterly criticized Rauf Hakeem, the
head of the Sri Lanka Muslim Congress (SLMC), asserting
that Hakeem did not care about eastern Muslims and was
only interested in maintaining his ministerial position
in the government.  On the human rights side, Cader
admitted that "LTTE pressure" on Muslims was a bit less
of late.  Cader thought that this was clearly a tactic
on the LTTE's part meant to quiet critics, while the
group continued its efforts to isolate Muslims and
marginalize the security forces.  In response to Cader's
concerns, the U.S. team underscored strong support for
the peace process, stressing that the U.S. urged all
sides to work together and exercise restraint. 

¶10.  (C) (((Note:  The U.S. team repeatedly asked
interlocutors about continuing reports of Muslim
extremism in the east.  Most observers had little clear-
cut information about the matter and Muslim
interlocutors denied it was a factor.  Nonetheless, the
team did notice many new mosques under construction and
various "Islamic foundation" offices operating in Muslim
towns.  It is hard to see how eastern Muslims could
afford to pay for the construction of all the new
mosques, so it would seem possible that Middle Eastern
money is coming in, as some claim.  When queried, Sri
Lankan security forces replied that they had not seen
any Arabs or Pakistanis visiting the region.  GSL
officials added that they just were not sure what was
going on in Muslim areas, however.  They had heard of
small extremist groups with names like "Jihad" and
"Osama" operating in the east, but did not think they
were much of a threat to the peace.  Pro-LTTE Tamils
that the team met with repeatedly claimed that Muslims
were radicalized, and armed and dangerous.  One pro-LTTE
figure, V. Kamaladas, the head of a local NGO Forum for
the east, basically indicated that the U.S. and the LTTE
should join together to defeat the Muslims!  End

Related posts to this cable;

WikiLeaks: Hakeem Only Interested In Maintaining His Ministerial Position

Other related posts;

WikiLeaks: No Concrete Signs “Jihadis” Are Gaining Ground In Sri Lanka – G8 Ambassadors In SL

WikiLeaks: There Is Little To Suggest Sri Lanka’s Muslim Population Harbors Extremists – US

WikiLeaks: Muslim Militancy In Sri Lanka – Four Groups Based In Colombo – Former US Intelligence Officer

WikiLeaks: Political Islam In Sri Lanka And The Maldives

WikiLeaks: A Growing Wahhabi Presence In Eastern Province – Muslim Leaders

Latest comments

  • 0

    What is it with the Americans? Why are they so paranoid? Even if someone farts in a far corner of the earth the poor US diplomats have to check the smell for any subversive effects and keep the State Department briefed. Anyway, thanks CT for bringing this leaked cable to our attention as it confirms the suspected links between the LTTE, US and NGOs.

    • 0

      US did not have any ties to LTTE, some pro LTTE racist tamils, tried to find way. It is the same way these racist groups have publish anti Indian conspiracies of the Sinhalese. Read tamilnet.com the organ of deceiving news. When one crazy Sinhalese solider attacked Rajiv Gandhi with his rifle butt (check Tamil you tube channels) they were all over to drive a wedge between Sinhalese and the Indians.the cunning art of deception of the racists.

  • 0

    Of course there is money coming in from well to do muslims to help their less fortunate brothers and sisters. This is one of the cardinal precepts of Islam. Zakat or the ‘poor due’ is compulsory on all muslims of means. It is a capital tax of 2.5 % annually. This is paid voluntarily by all muslims to seven categories of poor. Other than that there is Sadaqa, which is voluntary charity to the poor and also for building mosques etc.

    So the concerns of US and other non-muslims can be put to rest. The money is coming in not to engage in terrorism or anti social activities but to help muslims and others. Muslim countries are also funding development activities with outright grants for the benefit of all communities. This is part of the basic tenets of Islam.

    [21:73] “We made them (Abraham and his sons) imams who guided in accordance with our commandments, and we taught them how to work righteousness, and how to observe the Contact Prayers (Salat) and the obligatory charity (Zakat). To us, they were devoted worshipers.”

    [17:26-29] You shall give the due alms to the relatives, the needy, the poor, and the travelling alien, but do not be excessive, extravagant.

    The extravagant are brethren of the devils, and the devil is unappreciative of his Lord. Even if you have to turn away from them, as you pursue the mercy of your Lord, you shall treat them in the nicest manner. You shall not keep your hand stingily tied to your neck, nor shall you foolishly open it up, lest you end up blamed and sorry.

    [6:141] “Eat from their fruits, and give the due alms on the day of harvest”

    [2:215] “They ask you about giving: say, “The charity you give shall go to the parents, the relatives, the orphans, the poor, and the traveling alien.” Any good you do, God is fully aware thereof.”

    [9:60] Charities(Sadaqaat) shall go to the poor, the needy, the workers who collect them, the new converts, to free the slaves, to those burdened by sudden expenses, in the cause of Allah, and to the traveling alien. Such is GOD’s commandment. GOD is Omniscient, Most Wise.

    [2:3] who believe in the unseen, observe the Contact Prayers (Salat), and from our provisions to them, they give to charity.

  • 0

    the accursed LTTE is trying to raise its ugly head like the phoenix from the ashes, the Almighty will crush it together with the other evil forces that cohorts with it.

  • 0

    How the money came to build the Mosques in the East? There is no evidence of the presence of the Arabs these said a Military source, in another wikiLeak. Does one need Arab presence for money to come? Why did Ashroff go to Libya and Iran so often? And What he brought can one deny? Others went to Saudi Arabia. How much of this money came to build Mosques how much went to one’s own pockets is a question. Muslim leaders like Gaddafi and Mubarak had billions of US Dollars in foreign accounts, as now revealed. Muslims in these countries threw these leaders out.

  • 0

    What about money coming from US and other Christian countries to Christian missioneries around the world?? Your moeny is good and Arabs moeny is bad for you!!!. US, you created Thaliban and now you are worried on how to control them..hehehe..Now you try to destroy N. Korea but so afraid as they posses nuclear weapons..

  • 0

    This shows the cunnig nature of racist Tamils, who are hell bent on getting what ever support, concocting lies,deceiving game that they conduct right around the globe. Mind you this was the OPINION and request of the racist tamils, US was asked but US did not support those NAZIs.. actually Tamil nationalist are all Nazis difffernece from the German ones are that they try to cunningly achieve their racist state.

  • 0

    We support if ltte can joint with a notorious devil to defeat buddist racism or thaliban fanatism . But these 2 evils are sathanic children of big isreal I.e. America and smalle isreal. I.e. Zionist imposter Israel.

  • 0

    We salute ex American president Bill Clinton for his precious b52 bombs which protected hundred thousands of Bosnian Muslims from the heart of Europe. Now again we will salute American president that if he deliver few posporoues bombs from the air to racist raja panda and his gangs in sri lankaq to protect and ensure minority safety and birth right !

  • 0

    It looks strange that Wiki leaks of 2002 is published at this time when there is a problem with the Muslims and the Sinhalese. Its 10 years down the line

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