9 February, 2025


A Note On A Comedy Of Rants

By Malinda Seneviratne –

Malinda Seneviratne

When a journalist calls someone to obtain opinion about a non-issue, i.e. something that did not happen but is said to have been about to happen, it is not illegitimate, except of course that one would think that there are happened-things that ought to be focused on.  When it is done (and this is pretty clear in the case at hand, i.e. regarding a conversation with the Defence Secretary) with a view to provoke and the non-issue is dropped while the outcome of provocation is highlighted, it is still legitimate.  It is also pathetic.

Gotabhaya Rajapaksa can import a puppy.  He can import and elephant if he wants to.  If it is legal and if he has the money, that is.  There is an element of extravagance here that will not be applauded, but that’s his baby.  When pinched to the point of exasperation, he blinked and that’s sad, especially one who did not flinch at the invective leveled against him when he took on the LTTE.

It is now clear that he had nothing to do with any of the plans (which did not materialize) that the said journalist referred to.  He was therefore hounded in a manner unbecoming of a senior journalist and he blew his top, in a manner unbecoming of a senior official.

Naturally the exchange has provoked a lot of response, including expressions of horror about media personnel being threatened.   The ‘horrified’ are the usual suspects, many whose sensibilities were tough enough to take in horror-creation by the LTTE.  Among them, the most amusing in fact, is Paikiasothy Saravanamuttu.  The man is upset by the use of foul language.  Fair enough. He says he has called for Gotabhaya’s resignation on three occasions.  Laughable.  Saravanamuttu, a known apologist for the LTTE and a happy receiver of stolen goods (robbed from his outfit by fellow LTTE-whitewasher Sunanda Deshapriya), can’t afford to talk.  His hand-in-glove operations with LTTE supporters abroad is well documented.  So when this anti Sri Lankan ‘Sri Lankan’ seeks to speak on behalf of the public, saying that we should not pay Gotabhaya’s salary, it is funny.

He goes on to say ‘Ms Jansz’s fellow editors have yet to rise to her support and in condemnation of this chilling exchange’.  Well, sorry Ms. Jansz.  And Mr. Defence Secretary, this was uncalled for; you should know better than to waste your breath and if you do decide to breathe this is not the way, not because Ms. Jansz is a journalist but because she is a citizen, regardless of history, political loyalties and complicity in projects that have facilitated the principal enemy of the people, the LTTE.  You are out of order, Mr. Defence Secretary and ‘heat of the moment’ is not excuse enough, ‘I was provoked’ is not enough although we do understand and sympathize.  We know you are made of sterner stuff; it is beneath you, anyway, to even bother to respond to each and every pipsqueak who wants to chit-chat with you over nothing. And sorry also, Ms. Jansz, very sorry, I can’t say ‘hurray’ about the ‘professionalism’ displayed by you.  Happy, Sara?

If people are ‘upset’ by my reluctance to pat Jansz on her back and howl with her or on her behalf, here’s some background.

When the Athurugiriya safe house used by the Sri Lanka Army Military Intelligence Corps was exposed on January 2, 2002, she quickly moved into action. Although the then Commander of the Army clearly stating that the military intelligence team in question was engaged in covert operations and the Director of Military Intelligence confirming the fact, she went right ahead and exposed all the members engaged in the operations. Neither those ‘exposed’ nor their families whined and screamed that their lives were in danger.  They did not seek protection in Western embassies.  The LTTE hit squads eliminated almost all of them.  Now that’s the outcome of ‘responsible journalism’ I suppose.  Frankly, it is sickening.

Back to Saravanamuttu.  Towards the end of his rant, he loses it totally (well, it’s not that he has not lost it all a long time ago, I admit).  He begs the people to stand up and condemn and get Gotabhaya to resign. He’s saying ‘I really don’t know why on earth you people are not getting it!’  He begs for ‘a groundswell of public opinion calling for his resignation or removal’ Mr. Know-All is preaching to the ‘ignorant’ now.

His friends abroad and in Colombo’s little clubs where non Sri Lankans actually think Saravanamuttu knows anything about anything ought to read this particular missive (in the Daily Mirror) again and again. It proves one thing: He doesn’t have a clue about how Sri Lankans think and act.

He has strutted around as though he is actually a representation of a sizable segment of the public, simply by tagging himself ‘civil society’.   A bunch of party-goers in Colombo cannot speak for the rest of us. They speak for themselves, even as they assume to speak for us.  This is why there is dismay and not horror about Gotabhaya blasting Jansz.  It will not generate groundswell.   And the more the likes of Saravanamuttu demand ‘groundswell’ the less likely that it will materialize, simply because objectors are pretty circumspect about what kind of fellow-objectors they will stand with.

Here’s Saravanamuttu’s parting shot: ‘Even if we cannot transform the ugly and nasty in our midst, we must surely recognise it for such’.  I think Saravanamuttu wrote the piece sitting in front of a mirror.  Now that certainly deserves a ‘hurrah!’

Related posts;

Gotabhaya Rajapaksha: Too Drunk With Power To Exercise It?

Latest comments

  • 0

    This piece of trash that passes for journalism is “conduct unbecoming” indeed! A personalized attack on Saravanamuttu combined with grovelling excuses for the Goon who calls himself a “patriot” and “Buddhist” and gives both a bad name!
    Fredrika, has a clear cut case to sue Gota the white van goon – for incitement to hatred and hate speech and hold him accountable for his violent SPEECH ACTS. Sociologists speak of speech Acts; because speaking is symbolic action and saying that people will kill Fredrica is in fact an invitation to and an incitement of hatred and violence. Please file a case against the goon! Lanka needs a Bill on the prevention of the incitement to religious, ethnic and other forms of hatred similar to the British Bill as recommended in the Lessons Learned and Reconcilliation Commission report to hold accountable those who indulge in HATE SPEECH. Please educate yourself before pratting about things that you do not know!

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    Rajpal and Malinda…the Thomson and Thompson of washing machine journalism are as usual, singing for their supper.Given below is the link to Rajpal’s article.


    ps. Wouldn’t it be better next time if you addresed Mr.Goat as the Offence Sicko Tery? :O

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    Ah! thompson & thompson,the kept journos of our miracle isle ! Where would we be w/o them?

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    just crying for the supper.

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    What a disgusting article where he clearly demonstrates that he is a good boot licker trying to get more promotions and benefits, with limited ability. It is such a disgrace that journalist like this can call them selves editors.
    Obviously, Malinda is absolutely jealous of the status and position both Frederica Jansz and Saravanamuttu enjoy, and their social standing. He has to be born again to reach that degree of recognition.
    How stupid one can be to justify the repulsive and repugnant barking of Gota, who is not even a Sri Lankan but an American citizen. Gota might not be afraid of “The bloody Courts” and judges of Sri Lanka. But he is terribly scared of the American courts.
    So better keep tuned to that scene, where Justice will prevail sooner or later. It is true that people are terrorized of this “Ugly American”. Sara need not be scared of this American since he has friends in America in important positions. Not like unknown invertebrates like some editors of unknown government controlled newspapers.

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    “When the Athurugiriya safe house used by the Sri Lanka Army Military Intelligence Corps was exposed on January 2, 2002, she quickly moved into action. Although the then Commander of the Army clearly stating that the military intelligence team in question was engaged in covert operations and the Director of Military Intelligence confirming the fact, she went right ahead and exposed all the members engaged in the operations. Neither those ‘exposed’ nor their families whined and screamed that their lives were in danger. They did not seek protection in Western embassies. The LTTE hit squads eliminated almost all of them. Now that’s the outcome of ‘responsible journalism’ I suppose. Frankly, it is sickening.”

    Thanks for this — did not know it was one of her bloomers… she really is like a kid with a gun. Frederica please go back to journalism school and learn some proper journalistic methodology. Further, all of the media rants on the issue are off mark – the real issue is corruption and interference by the ruling family in the running of SriLankan — just heckling on Gota’s runaway tongue, his niece etc detract from the issue. A better article would be the cost to Srilankan Airlines by Govt interference in the running of and abuse of the airline. How many flights have had to be cancelled because Govt and its lackeys made use of passenger aircraft?

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      What lengths people go to defend their idols in politics who are corrupt and arrogant. What Journalism do they understand to criticise others? Utterly Stupid Comment!

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        Gota’s behavior is simply a symptom of ongoing corruption, raised in the comment. Check this out – http://www.thesundayleader.lk/2012/06/17/mr-using-sri-lankan-airlines-as-his-private-jet/ – this is journalism for those who do not understand it … immature ranting is counter productive and disgusting. Gamini, maybe you should take some lessons in English comprehension before attempting to comment on journalism. One should not try to run before they can walk.

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          Citizen, before you ask me to take lessons in Comprehension, it would do you good to study facts before posting comments. Regarding the so called safe house at Athurugiriya, Kulasiri Udugampola before he raided the house looking for Ratwatte brats he had informed his superiors. After the raid when the Army Commander was asked about the house, he was totally unaware of a safe house operated at Athurugiriya well within our teritory. Generally a safe house is within enemy territory or in close proximity to enemy territory and not hundreds of miles away. The distance between this safe house and the Panagoda Army Camp was only a few miles away. It would have been safer to have kept the arsenal in the Panagoda Camp than at this house without proper guard and every possibility was there for the arsenal to fall into the hands of the underworld. Now you are accusing FJ as having exposed the list of under cover agents, when the Editor Sunday Leader at that time was LW. When this issue came out, the JVP who had a hidden hand in the house were the most vociferous critics berating RW. The truth was this safe house with thermobaric missiles were targetting not the LTTE but RW who was campaigning at that time. RW had to abandon the Bus he used to travel in his campaign towards the end due to this. Kulasiri Udugampola was accused of having released the list of names and a case is still pending against him, as the State is unable to prove the allegation. It was not so. Neither did the Sunday Leader release the list of names. It is interesting to note as to who did then.

          Therefore Citizen, get your facts correctly before you post stupid comments.

        • 0

          Oh dear. Gamini comes up with the “facts”. Let’s have a closer look ;)

          “Regarding the so called safe house at Athurugiriya, Kulasiri Udugampola before he raided the house looking for Ratwatte brats he had informed his superiors.”

          Who are these “Ratwatte brats”? The defense minister at the time wasn’t Anurudha Ratwatte but Tilak Marapane. Perhaps you have forgotten that it was a UNP government in parliament.

          “After the raid when the Army Commander was asked about the house, he was totally unaware of a safe house operated at Athurugiriya well within our teritory.”

          Regardless of where the location was, Military Intelligence safe houses and other secret assets are not revealed to the Army commander unless there is an operational necessity for it.

          “Generally a safe house is within enemy territory or in close proximity to enemy territory and not hundreds of miles away.”

          Given that the Tiger terrorists operated outside the NE, there was no defined enemy territory. The fact that almost all the members of this LRRP unit were hunted down and killed by the terrorists reveals the necessity for secret safe houses.

          “The distance between this safe house and the Panagoda Army Camp was only a few miles away. It would have been safer to have kept the arsenal in the Panagoda Camp than at this house without proper guard and every possibility was there for the arsenal to fall into the hands of the underworld.”

          Secrecy is often better than security. The fact that it was not an underworld attack, but a police raid that resulted in the deaths of soldiers at Tiger hands proves where the real danger was.

          “When this issue came out, the JVP who had a hidden hand in the house were the most vociferous critics berating RW.”

          Can you link to any report that confirms this JVP “hand” in the house?

          “The truth was this safe house with thermobaric missiles were targetting not the LTTE but RW who was campaigning at that time.”

          This is a load of rubbish. The words “thermobaric missile” was used by the media because it sounded more exotic and frightening than just saying RPG, which was in fact the weapon in question. Similarly, it was the media that hyped the nonsensical threat to RW. This is what Tilak Marapane said at the time: “The officer and men have been authorized by the Army to carry out operations using these items. No less a person than the Army Commander informs of that to the Police and from that point onwards I think the Police are to be blamed.”http://sundaytimes.lk/020526/front/minister.html

          “Therefore Citizen, get your facts correctly before you post stupid comments.”

          So says the naked ape as he dances in his glass house.

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          Citizen, yes I know you have repeated what this scumbag of a writer Malinda Seneviratne has written about the Millenium House. What have you done? You have thanked for the article and have endorsed the matter and have berated FJ attributing blame for her.

          Then as for this David Blacker, where have I said that Anurudhdha Ratwatte was the Minister of Defence during the time of the raid? Afier the General Election held in November 2002 where Lohan Ratwatte was wanted for questioning regarding the murder of the ten Muslim youth, was believed to be hiding in this house. That is how the place was raided.

          David Blacker states that it is not necessary for the Army Commander to be informed of maintaining these safe houses. To quote him verbetim, ‘Regardless of where the location was, Military Intelligence safe houses and other secret assets are not revealed to the Army commander unless there is an operational necessity for it’. Then why have a Army Commander at all? As for Malinda Seneviratne, he claims that the Army Commander was well aware of this safe house. To quote him, ‘ Although the then Commander of the Army clearly stating that the military intelligence team in question was engaged in covert operations and the Director of Military Intelligence confirming the fact.’ Need I say anything more on this safe house? I will leave it for the readers to judge as to who has the problem of comprehending.

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          For the benifit of the readers I like to quote from this David Blackers above comment. He winds up with the following,’So says the naked ape as he dances in his glass house’. What a comment from a man who parades as a paragon of virtue who claims he never abuse or insult another.

          This last line of his comment is pregnant with meaning. I presume they believe they have an inkling of, who this ‘gamini’ is. Hence the comment, ‘the ape is dancing in his glass house’. No wonder there were many asking me to reveal my real self for the obvious. Hopefully some innocent ‘gamini’ will not be the victim for my expressions. I asked for six months because at 76 I have lived my life fully and I am inflicted with a cancer at the moment. In six months I will know whether I have further time or not. It is for this reason that I said I will reveal myself in six months. Who cares and who is afraid of the wolf?

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          “Gamini”: “Lohan Ratwatte was wanted for questioning regarding the murder of the ten Muslim youth, was believed to be hiding in this house.”

          Can you link to any such report that confirms this suspicion?

          “Then why have a Army Commander at all?”

          Why have a CEO of a company? Not every detail of business is approved by the big boss. The Army commander’s job is one of strategy, administration, and policy. It is not necessarily an operational one (though it can be in wartime, as Gen Fonseka made it). It wasn’t so under earlier commanders, particularly during the RW period of the CFA. I have pointed out repeatedly that you are ignorant of most matters you hold forth on, and your knowledge of the SL Army and armies in general is similarly paltry.

          “As for Malinda Seneviratne, he claims that the Army Commander was well aware of this safe house. To quote him, ‘ Although the then Commander of the Army clearly stating that the military intelligence team in question was engaged in covert operations and the Director of Military Intelligence confirming the fact.’ Need I say anything more on this safe house? I will leave it for the readers to judge as to who has the problem of comprehending.”

          Where in the above quote does it say that the Army commander was aware of the safe house, or its location? :D Of course the Army commander was aware that LRRP teams were engaged in covert operations; that is part of his need to know. Nowhere does it say he knew where the safe house was. Yes, it is quite clear who has a comprehension problem lol.

          “No wonder there were many asking me to reveal my real self for the obvious.”

          Where have I ever shown an interest in your identity? I consider you a stupid old duffer who has an overblown sense of his own importance and knowledge. It was you who foolishly claimed I was an impostor and demanded to know my background, even though it had no bearing on the discussion. I merely suggested that if you want to know my personal details, you must first reveal your own. Trying to make this seem like some great conspiracy to expose your identity is another juvenile attempt (often evidence of the onset of a second childhood) to make yourself seem important. Perhaps it is the onset of cancer that has unbalanced you; it happens to many. Best thing is to keep your identity secret and spare yourself the real life ridicule that revealing it will entail.

          “Hopefully some innocent ‘gamini’ will not be the victim for my expressions.”

          Touching as your concern is, there are probably millions of Gaminis out there; no doubt all of them more sensible than this one.

        • 0

          To this block head Blacker. There was a warrent issued for the arrest of Lohan Ratwatte reference the murder of the ten Muslim youth on election day. The warrent was issued from the Kandy Courts where the murders took place. That is how Kulasiri Udugampola got involved serving in the Kandy Police, where he had got information that Lohan was hiding in this house. if you do not know this fact, which was much in the news in all media at that time, David you are on a subject which you least know facts. Besides what was the relevance of mentioning that Anurudhdha Ratwatte was not the Defence Minister, as I had not mentioned him at all in my first post.

          Then as for your stand, the Army Commander being unaware, comparing with a CEO of an Organisation need not know every nitty gritty, what a comparison? As I have stated before I’ll leave for the readership to be the judge.

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          “To this block head Blacker. There was a warrent issued for the arrest of Lohan Ratwatte reference the murder of the ten Muslim youth on election day. The warrent was issued from the Kandy Courts where the murders took place. That is how Kulasiri Udugampola got involved serving in the Kandy Police, where he had got information that Lohan was hiding in this house. if you do not know this fact, which was much in the news in all media at that time, David you are on a subject which you least know facts.”

          To this Ponna Gamini. Does the warrant for Lohan Ratwatte say that his address was that of the safe house? If it was in the media that Ratwatte was hiding in the safe house, you should be able to link to such a media report. It’s all on the net. Why are you unable to? ;)

          “Besides what was the relevance of mentioning that Anurudhdha Ratwatte was not the Defence Minister, as I had not mentioned him at all in my first post.”

          Because I assumed you meant him when you mentioned “Ratwatte”. So far you can show no link between Lohan and the safe house, or that was the reason for the raid. Earlier you claimed that the suspicion was of a threat to RW’s life. You seem to be clutching at straws in the hope that if you throw out enough fairytales one will be believed :D

          “Then as for your stand, the Army Commander being unaware, comparing with a CEO of an Organisation need not know every nitty gritty, what a comparison? As I have stated before I’ll leave for the readership to be the judge.”

          Why don’t you do that in the first place instead of waiting ’til you’ve made a fool of yourself?

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          This David Blacker is not only a block head but also a Dumb Head. He is questioning whether Lohan Ratwatte’s warrent was issued to this safe house address? Dumb Head, it was an open warrent and the Police had to find him. Then only when the Police was trying to track him down this house was serched because of information received that Lohan had been seen frequenting this so called safe house earlier. At least now do you understand? I wonder! I doubt very much this Dumb Head would.

          Dumb Head assumes that just because I mentioned Lohan Ratwatte’s name in my first post, he has got confused about Anurudhdha Ratwatte was not the Minister at the time. Everyone knows that, other than this Dumb Head. Thank you Dumb Head for the entertainment provided for the readership of your level of intelligence. You can call me whatever, Ponnaya or Nivataya. The readers will asses who is. Good Bye!

        • 0

          “This David Blacker is not only a block head but also a Dumb Head.”

          Wow, Ponna Gamini, your intellectual might and articulate wit seems beyond measure :D In fact it seems so great that you haven’t found it necessary to develop it since your kindergarten days.

          “He is questioning whether Lohan Ratwatte’s warrent was issued to this safe house address? Dumb Head, it was an open warrent and the Police had to find him. Then only when the Police was trying to track him down this house was serched because of information received that Lohan had been seen frequenting this so called safe house earlier.”

          I asked you that question because, in response to my previous question whether there was any link between Lohan and the house, you mentioned an arrest warrant. If the latter is your evidence, you need to show how it is relevant. Now you say that Lohan was seen frequenting this house. Do you have any proof of this, or proof of the police having stated this?

          After the raid it was clear that there was no connection to Lohan. What is your response to this?

          You previously claimed that the soldiers were plotting to kill RW. Are you now suggesting that Lohan was part of this plot?

          Lol, you seem to spin your conspiracy further and further from reality the more your senile delusions are questioned :D

          “Dumb Head assumes that just because I mentioned Lohan Ratwatte’s name in my first post, he has got confused about Anurudhdha Ratwatte was not the Minister at the time. Everyone knows that, other than this Dumb Head.”

          I’m glad to have provided you with some small measure of satisfaction in the middle of your abject humiliation on this site. But when you mention the Ratwatte name in relation to defense matters, it is not unusual to assume you mean the former defense minister and not his son. Especially since you didn’t give any context. It was I who pointed out to YOU that Ratwatte wasn’t the minister at the time, so how can you claim I was ignorant of this :D

          I hope you can answer the above questions soon ;) But I doubt it.

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        Gamini, This is regarding your latest response. Your comprehension issue continues, since the information posted is an extract from Malinda’s article above and wasn’t conjured up by me. I was merely responding to it. Reread above article if you have any further comprehension problems.

        Anyway, perhaps Malinda would care to tell us how exactly he drew below conclusion (reproduced from the opinion piece above), were onto the ‘story’ at the time — they at the time were doing what media do, which is follow up stories. How come, Malinda, that Janz is singled out to carry the blame?

        “When the Athurugiriya safe house used by the Sri Lanka Army Military Intelligence Corps was exposed on January 2, 2002, she quickly moved into action. Although the then Commander of the Army clearly stating that the military intelligence team in question was engaged in covert operations and the Director of Military Intelligence confirming the fact, she went right ahead and EXPOSED ALL THE MEMBERS ENGAGED IN THE OPERATIONS (Malinda, please provide a link or some virtual evidence of the article she wrote) Neither those ‘exposed’ nor their families whined and screamed that their lives were in danger. They did not seek protection in Western embassies. The LTTE hit squads eliminated almost all of them. Now that’s the outcome of ‘responsible journalism’ I suppose. Frankly, it is sickening.”

        Here is a more comprehensive recoup of the events.

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    So the Rajapaksas’ have suceeded in deviding even the gutter press !

    All there is left now is the family itself.

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    Even if we agree with this male-chauvinist on the face value of his counter arguments in favour of the Secretary of the Ministry of Defense how could he justify being a public servant the Secretary of Defense using very abusive language against a woman citizen of Sri Lanka.

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    It looks like the American citizen, our DS Mr . Gotabhaya Rajapakse can’t polish up his American filth . I would like to see a situation where a Defense secretary of US had called a journalist directly on the phone as a “F…..g shit eating Pig” as our DS did and got away .

    This is what DS Gota had said in an interview to clear his despicable act .

    “ So this is very common usage, in USA for instance, and they use these words in normal talk — but these people are trying to make a big issue out of it to get at me, because they hate me about the war. In any case I used certain words with reference to the incident; I did not use foul language to abuse her.”

    So let us ask him what language he was talking about now after saying the Americans always use it ?
    One doesn’t have to be a genius to understand that he is lying and doesn’t have the courage to accept it .
    This shows the level of the education of our DS has unfortunately .The University of Colombo had given him an honorary Doctorate after the war . The ranking of University of Colombo will further decline if he opens his mouth in the future .

    The defense secretary’s megalomania is further elaborated with the following statement .

    Quote :
    “I have done tremendous service to the country by destroying the LTTE and I think the vast majority of people acknowledge that, and are with me due to that. …..And this incident; I said what I said (to her) with a reason – for a reason. I did not say those things without reason. So who are these people who have done nothing for the country, to ask to remove me?”

    So he is acknowledging again that he said some thing inappropriate because he had to say that due to his own reasons he is elaborating now .

    Let us respect his argument that becoming the defense secretary of Sri Lanka he had been a major contributor to the successful defeat of LTTE .
    At the same token let us ask him, what he had done to the former commander of the Army four star General Sarath Fonseka who had dedicated his entire life defending the integrity of this country, and also had been the major strategist who successfully led our Soldiers to defeat LTTE Terrorism. There is absolutely no argument about Gen Fonseka’s role in defeating LTTE Terrorism . DS Gota had already accepted the fact that in one of his speeches that Gen Fonseka is one of the greatest Generals of the contemporary world .

    Defense Secretary Gotabhaya Rajapakse assumes that people are behind him but never had a fair pole to find out that if people of Sri Lanka are behind him as he claims .Again his position as DS is as government servant and not as a politician to make political statements that people are behind him .

    This DS says that there are certain elements coming after him for war crimes and he doesn’t care .
    “But these others attacking me on this issue — these are the same people who are trying to take us to war crimes tribunals and all that — because they hate us for destroying the LTTE. But we do not care!”

    What does it mean he doesn’t care war crime allegations when accountability is part of good governance ?

    The more he talks more disgrace he brings to Sri Lanka .It is high time that he resigns .

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    All you gripers who’ve commented(and who, btw, can’t unnderstand english, much less write it…thanks for taking the trouble to read. Esp tiger-lover granakone. but check this out: http://malindawords.blogspot.com/2012/07/hillary-clinton-and-tomato-inspired.html

    and while you are at it, bookmark my blog: http://www.malindawords.blogspot.com and also http://www.malindapoems.blogspot.com

    you guys can rant and rave there to your heart’s content. i don’t mind. but i won’t bother to comment on the piffle you tend to dish out. Not worth the trouble.


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      Malinda Seneviratne rants:

      “you guys can rant and rave there to your heart’s content”

      It is not your prerogative to have monopoly on ranting and raving. Let others too have the right to say whatever they thing right.

      This is not Sri Lanka. This is Colombo Telegraph where you can voice your opinion.

      Voltaire said:

      “All murderers are punished unless they kill in large numbers and to the sound of trumpets”.

      You are the most annoying trumpeteer of all. Sooner you realise better for the people and country. It would be much better before Gota realises how annoying you are.

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      I am sad to see the truly progressive Malinda that I knew in the late 1980s turning into a leader of the reactionary brigade of the current murderous political culture – corruption goes unchecked, nepotism is a right of the Royal Family, white-vannig is standard, beating up (or indeed “sending to heaven forcibly”) of journalists (physically and verbally) with anything bad to say about the King and his stooges is the applauded, bootlickers are well taken care of, …… (I don’t want to rant, like you Malinda!). BTW, I am truly afraid to use my real name – I don’t want my family (and me!) to “disappear”.

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    Milinda is exposing true colors by writing this highly one sided article in defense of Gotabaya. It is shameful when a female journalist is abused and scolded in filth by a public official, other journalists, instead of supporting; go in defense of the culprit, uncivilized defense secretary. If you do not want to support her and get a bad name from your bosses you should have just kept quiet on the issue. But by trying to justify your existence to your Masters, Rajapakse family, Milinda proved that all his critics are really true and he has been fed and kept comfortably by the Regime for this type of dirty work.
    Why do you want to deviate the whole discussion by commenting on Paikiasothy Savaranamuttu’s statement rather than going after the real aggressor Gotabaya? Your intentions are clear Mr. Malinga. Any sensible person would understand that you are no second to Lake House newspaper Editors or Rupavahini editors, who are funded by the public money. Do you believe in Western democracies or even in India a Public official could use abusive language and filth on a journalist and survive without being asked to resign? Malinda appears to be so scared of Gotabaya; he has not raised any concerns at all on Gotabay’s uncivilized behavior. On the other hand he has done his best to defend or mitigate what Gotabaya has done. It is a disgrace on your role as a journalist!

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      Ruki Herath and Mahen Silva, your sentiments are appreciated by the right thinking of whatever political hue. That is the decent in society. The ability for one to stand up when something is done wrong, to say so and not cover up is a quality we should all posses. Just because one can put pen to paper to write nonsense to cover up blatantly, is a quality of Opportunist’s. So here is one making a futile attempt, for the crumbs that fall off the table. It is absolutely disgusting!

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    Mahen, in fact I have.

    “And Mr. Defence Secretary, this was uncalled for; you should know better than to waste your breath and if you do decide to breathe this is not the way, not because Ms. Jansz is a journalist but because she is a citizen, regardless of history, political loyalties and complicity in projects that have facilitated the principal enemy of the people, the LTTE. You are out of order, Mr. Defence Secretary and ‘heat of the moment’ is not excuse enough, ‘I was provoked’ is not enough although we do understand and sympathize.”

    Sad that you don’t have the eyes. Or perhaps you think you know so much that you don’t have to read before commenting, huh brother? :)

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      How stupid are you Malinda? You say that you willl not comment on the ‘ranting and raving’ early on in this thread and then – you in fact, do so – ergo, your response to Mahen!

      Difficult to take what you dish out to others while trumpeting for your beloved Rajapaksas eh?

      Of course, you are clever enough to temper your unbecoming praise of the First Family with some finger waggging to Gota but this is all kindly stuff, just a ‘tokka’ as they say… How else can you say that you ‘understand and sympathise’?

      God, what TRIPE!

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    @Malinda. You are the “State Terrorist Lover”, [Edited out] and free trips to Geneva etc.

    There are many who read your rubbish, and trash defending the most disgraceful conduct of the “Ugly American” in Sri Lanka, are disgusted and sick to their stomach. Your attacks on people like Dr. Sara and others were unwarranted and pathetic, but not surprising.

    Now you have he damn temerity to attack all those who criticized you. With nothing else to say or defend your rubbish of an article, you have chosen to attack their English. We all understand your critics and their English. Immaterial of any mistakes for whatever reason the facts remain stubborn.

    Now you have become a Pandithaya on Egypt, Hilary Clinton and the US foreign and military policies? Who cares about your shitty opinion and why the hell did you include that in your reply? To get some cheap publicity? Shame on you, War Criminal rump.

    That explains, that you are mad that these so called cardboard heroes, are now being called war criminals in the UN, UNHRC, Geneva, New York and Washington!! Malinda, you are nothing but a tiny piece of dirt to the US State Dept,. or DOJ. What you write is trash and rubbish in the tiny little newspaper, and not only us but they too will think the same if they read it.

    Stop making an idiot of yourself. If you have nothing intelligent to say, it is better to Sh……t your shi…y mouth. May be Gota was thinking of you when he blasted the poor lady editor of Sunday Leader as Fu…………g Pig Shit Eating Journalist. That title fits you very well and Gota must have got his wires mixed up, and Frederica must have sounded like you, lol.

    Just keep your mouth filled with something or Popsicle so that you do not have to open and talk or write rubbish. Do not disgrace your self any more.

    As for Tiger Lovers in this world, there are millions in Sri Lanka, tens of millions in South India and the rest of the world. Much more than the entire population of Sri Lanka, and all the people are not supporters of the War criminals, rapist, torturers, rogues, thieves, killers and murderers. The 90% of the world definitely hates such type of people, and not ladies like Frederica or NGO’s like Dr. Sara, and former foreign minister and MP Mangala. Do I see some professional jealousy here?

    Shame on you!

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      Gnanakone, shut up! When the likes of you comment on these issues, we are all dammned!

      Malinda should be assessed – and dismissed – objectively not by Tigers like you. You are only counter productive and you have no crediblity.

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      Donald: “Your attacks on people like Dr. Sara and others were unwarranted and pathetic, but not surprising.”

      But what about your disgusting attack on Tamara Kunanayakam in this very forum where you used sexual innuendo against someone who was unconnected to the subject being debated? Do you find that not pathetic but unsurprising as well? Do you think your sexual remarks are worthy of someone who proudly trumpets his lineage and alma mater?

      “Shame on you, War Criminal rump.”

      Why are you using phrases you don’t know the meaning of? Can you explain what “war criminal rump” means?

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      Have a good look at comments of the Guy who claims to be representing Tamil Nation in SL !!! Wonder any decent Tamil would want to claim this man actually represents their voice !!! What a public relations disaster !!!

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    Donald J Gnanakone is proud:

    “As for Tiger Lovers in this world, there are millions in Sri Lanka, tens of millions in South India and the rest of the world. Much more than the entire population of Sri Lanka”

    Yet all those millions of Tamils were unable to stop the war and save the lives of those perished in that war conducted by a stupid “our leader” leave alone reversing the fortunes of it.

    Your bravado may boost your ego but it will not save the people.

    MR is gloating after winning the war. You are gloating as though you have won the war. Though I must add stupid Sinhalese didn’t win the war but simply the stupid Tamils had lost it.

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      Native I do not believe anyone won. On the contrary we all have lost and for generations we will pay for the sins committed. O tempora! O mores!

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        I agree with you.

        The LTTE spent past 25 or so years waging a war against the Sri Lankan state while the state fought the Tamils with the support of most powerful nations particularly India.

        The LTTE never launched a Eelam spring nor it believed in people struggle. The state and its rulers never fought to empower the people.

        In terms of what happened in Sri Lanka there had been 30 years of mindless war. In that context I prefer to call it winning or loosing war.

        The struggle for freedom and justice will go on as there is no sign of rulers and state learning from the past.

        Since the Tamils and Sinhalese are stupid it would take more time than necessary to establish an empowered society. In other words let us sit tight and watch them until the stupid people wises up.

        I have all the time in this world. I enjoy waiting and watching how these stupid people self destruct.

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        You say no one won because you don’t want to admit that your cause was defeated. The Tigers were destroyed and VP was killed — the war was won by the state. You can wriggle and squirm as much as you like, but you must accept reality or look deluded.

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          To quote this Dumb Head David Blacker, ‘You say no one won because you don’t want to admit that your cause was defeated’. David it is not my CAUSE, but our Cause and for your information it is not defeated either, although you want to believe so and bask in a false victory with MR . If only you keep abreast of News, the TESO scheduled for August 12th is to take the matter up although India being a party to your so called victory of MR, tried to down play the issue stating that Karunanidhi has agreed to drop the Eelam demand, but Karunanidhi has gone public that he will not drop it. You are only talking through your hat. It appears that your ego has been dented by my comments and you are now chasing a mirage. Take it easy, Mama’s boy! Why don’t you seriously get in touch with that Dr. Brian Seneviratne’s son Romesh, as you both seem to suffer from the same syndrome, being born off Tamil mothers. You both have an Identity Problem for sure.
          Readers now await for a barage of filth and nonsense, for your entertainment all FREE, thanks to CT.

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          “To quote this Dumb Head David Blacker, ‘You say no one won because you don’t want to admit that your cause was defeated’.

          To quote this Ponna Gamini: “David it is not my CAUSE, but our Cause and for your information it is not defeated either, although you want to believe so and bask in a false victory with MR .”

          “You” can be used in the plural as well as the singular. So if you wish to say that the Tiger cause (that of a monoethnic state based on violent separation) is your cause, that is exactly my point. That cause was defeated. There will never be an Eelam based on terror. The cause of Tamil equality is a different cause, one that was hijacked by the Tigers and their wanna-be supporters.

          “If only you keep abreast of News, the TESO scheduled for August 12th is to take the matter up although India being a party to your so called victory of MR, tried to down play the issue stating that Karunanidhi has agreed to drop the Eelam demand, but Karunanidhi has gone public that he will not drop it.”

          Karunanidhi, like you, is an old duffer. He is playing the Eelam card for local votes, and you fools will never learn. Once he gets what he wants, the “cause” will be dropped like a hot potato.

          “Why don’t you seriously get in touch with that Dr. Brian Seneviratne’s son Romesh, as you both seem to suffer from the same syndrome, being born off Tamil mothers. You both have an Identity Problem for sure.”

          Regardless of your contempt for those with Tamil blood (how does that fit with your “cause”?), I have no identity crisis. I am not so bankrupt of personality that I require my identity to be mired in my ethnicity.

          “Readers now await for a barage of filth and nonsense, for your entertainment all FREE, thanks to CT.”

          You mean the sort of filth about “Lanciyas, Thambiyas”, etc that you leveled at me before? The racist epithets you claimed were your right as part of an aristocratic lineage? The sort of garbage that CT was forced to edit out? :D I think the readers have already seen that!

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          Encore! Encore! David.

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    Thomson and Thompson of washing machine journalism!!!
    A fitting response from the bloggers. Malinda is a good writer and I really enjoyed his debate with Dayan J. He had now become a boot licker to Mara and Gora and sad to see he is singing for his supper!!!

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    Malinda Seneviratne proved once again what a hypocrite he is and what a boot licking pathetic creature he has become.

    Good writing skills prove nothing

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    The circle (or is it the square?) is now complete with “Citizen” and that connoisseur of nude, dead Tamil bodies, David Blacker!

    I wonder why Dayan Jayatilleka and the [Edited out], Prof Wijesinha have not entered this particular fray.

    What a truly delightful bunch! They would certainly have been adornments to the Third Reich, Goebbels’ legions in particular.

    I suppose Blacker’s tattoos give him more than a macho edge over “Gamini” whom he accuses of being a “Ponna.” Such a delightful level of “barracks intellect” from a uniformed thug!

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      Dear Anti Boru, you have now joined Uncle Boru (aka Gamini), in talking about stuff you don’t know the meaning of — in this instance intellect.

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    I was wondering how these idiots now talk about tattoos of a person they argued non existing couple of weeks ago !!!

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