13 January, 2025


As A Politician, Coming After Me Is OK

By Namal Rajapaksa

Namal Rajapaksa MP

Namal Rajapaksa MP

Dear supporters and friends,

As you may have already heard, certain individuals are coming after me with a vengeance, trying to implicate me in a number of alleged wrongdoings. We expected this. Those who are older than I am will remember well that this is the usual fate that members of the SLFP must suffer whenever we lose elections. It has happened in the past, and the same is happening this time also.

I want to tell all my supporters that these allegations have no basis. More than being angered, I am saddened. While we never claimed to be perfect, we always had the best interest of the country and the Sri Lankan people in mind. This is true not only of Mahinda Rajapaksa but of us as his children as well. We were brought up to take responsibility for our actions. As such, if I have done any wrong, I am fully prepared to face the consequences. However, I am certain of my innocence with regard to the outrageous allegations that have been put forth against me.

As a politician, coming after me is OK because I have the strength and support system to face it. But unfortunately, I’m not the only one. Many of our strong supporters – ordinary citizens – from around the country have also undergone various types of harassment. Most of these individuals didn’t break the law – they only supported Mahinda Rajapaksa, and they are being punished for that choice.

I appeal to the new President to take measures to safeguard our supporters around the country and to take action against those who are carrying out this harassment. I hope he will remember that these supporters of Mahinda Rajapaksa were once strong supporters of his as well, so please ensure their safety.

We welcome the new government’s initiatives of “good governance,” but we make a strong appeal not to allow certain individuals misuse this initiative to fulfill personal vendettas under the guise of “good governance.”

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  • 4

    Do you remember that day Namal when a lady European diplomat (Swiss??)
    was there to distribute several hundreds of motor-bikes to Govt. servants in the North, whose work involved extensive and long travel, and these bikes were indispensable for their work. The diplomat was there with several senior line Ministry officials – armed with a carefully chosen list of those to whom these bikes were to be distributed. And, that was when you walked in with dozens of your mobsters officially called the Nil Balakaya. Totally disregarding the official list, you arrogantly distributed most of the bikes to those of your choice – driving this decent and cultured lady to tears. The picture of the lady crying was in the social media – shaming this country in the eyes of the world.

    That was you, in your arrogance and in the false belief you are the Emperor-in-Waiting and the law does not apply to you. Now you plead for mercy and pretend are nothing but all that is good and innocent???


  • 1

    Well said, Sir! We are all with you!

  • 1

    It’ also very ok when the police come after you, Namal. You tried to play in the major league of crocks. Now you’ll find out how these guys get punished. They’ll just love to see your babyface behind the bars – on their side. And neither Daddy nor Uncle next door will be able to help you.

  • 1

    It’s called “law and order”… Ring a bell to you, Namal? I doubt it, frankly. You see, under this “law and order” (you only got to know it when you were very young) it’s also very ok when the police come after you, Namal, and take you to court and later to jail. You tried to play in the major league – of crocks. Makes no difference you call yourself “politician”. Now you’ll find out how these guys, the big crocks get punished. They’ll just love to see your babyface behind the bars – on their side. And neither Daddy nor Uncle next door will be able to help you.

  • 0

    My heart bleeds for you and your brothers but less for your dad who showed you how to disrespect whatever was taught at the school by the sea. You picked the bad habits of politicians like a duck taking to water. The people are not as gullible as much as you and your crooked family would like them to be so just move on in life ( after jail ) and emulate a better human being who served the country better. Take Field Marshal Fonseka as your role model

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