19 February, 2025


Video: Aluthgama Sinhala Victims

Jathika Hela Urumaya provincial councilor Nishantha Sri Warnasinghe visited Aluthgama, Beruwala and Dharga Town areas yesterday to see the Sinhala victims of the Buddhist-Muslim deadly communal violence that followed the Sunday rally by hardline Buddhist nationalist monks.

After the visit JHU says that five Sinhala houses and a few Sinhala owned shops were attacked, burnt or destroyed.

According to our investigations ;

  • 4 people dead
  • 148 houses and 83 shops destroyed
  • 17 mosques attacked
  • 2248 displaced

*Photos and video supplied by the JHU.

Latest comments

  • 17

    Victims on all sides. Politicians and their machinations will continue as usual. Political point scoring is the game in the end. Such is the state of humanity.

    • 15


      The primary goal was to attack the Muslims.

      There was no permission for a meeting.

      There was no Need to victimize the innocent Muslims and Sinhala, However, the BBS is very willing to sacrifice Sinhala civilians and even Sinhala Buddhist Monks towards their state supported fascist objectives,

      Azath Salley Statement Regarding Aluthgama Incident


      Wataraka Vijitha Thero stripped, assaulted & thrown near river

      The so called Buddhists hypocrites elsewhere are now silent when a true Buddhists monk is kidnapped, tortured, sodomized, stripped and left to die by the road side. Now who do we attack for this attempted homicide?


      THURSDAY, 19 JUNE 2014 10:57

      The UPFA Member of the UPFA ruled Mahiyanagana Pradeshiya Sabha and the Leader of Jathika Bala Senawa Ven. Wataraka Vijitha Thero was abducted, stripped, assaulted and was found today (19th) near Bogoda river with his hands and legs tied.

      After he was admitted to Panadura Base Hospital the hospital authorities have transferred him to Colombo National Hospital.

      A resident had seen a naked person fallen near Bolgoda river in Kindelpitiya area at Bandaragama and has informed the police. Rev. Vijitha Thero’s identity card and the robe were found nearby.

      Residents say they saw a three wheeler being driven to the place, throwing something out and quickly being driven away.

      According to hospital sources Vijitha Thero’s genitals have been injured. Police say a statement could not be obtained from the Thero as he had been admitted to ICU.

      Bhikkus of Bodu Bala Sena had attacked Vijitha Thero several times and were constantly harassing him. There had been firing near his temple recently.

      • 5

        muslims have destroyed properties of innocent sinhalese. this shows how barbaric muslims are//

        amASSiri the altar boy …can u act as well as mohamed vijitha?

        • 5

          Couldn’t you find a better blade, mate?

          • 1


            Insurers let him down.Friendly fire.

        • 8

          Stupid BBS attacked our own people by mistake, assuming they were thambiyos.

          • 4

            BBS Olso

            “Stupid BBS attacked our own people by mistake, assuming they were thambiyos.”

            Thambiyos and Para-Sinhalayos, all came from South India, to the Land of Native Veddah, as shown by the DNA in them.

            This is called Friendly Fire.


            Friendly fire is an attack by a military force on friendly forces while attempting to attack the enemy, either misidentifying the target as hostile, or due to errors or inaccuracy. Such attacks often cause injury or death. Fire not intended to attack the enemy, such as negligent or malicious discharge, or deliberate firing on one’s own troops for disciplinary reasons, is not called friendly fire.[1] Nor is unintentional harm to non-combatants or structures, sometimes referred to as collateral damage.[2]

            However, attack on Monk by BBS is not friendly fire.

            Wataraka Vijitha Thero stripped, assaulted & thrown near river The so called Buddhists hypocrites elsewhere are now silent when a true Buddhists monk is kidnapped, tortured, sodomized, stripped and left to die by the road side. Now who do we attack for this attempted homicide?

        • 0

          [Edited out].. all muslims are not like that.

          Just because you behave as if you are the all bastard of the nation, it is not fair to call every sinahalya as racist.

          Likewise, you need to learn… in every folks community, you have got all sorta people. It is the duty of the state ( police) to safeguard the rights of the people. Here in this incident, those muslims that fired these houses should be convicted by prevailing law, but we must not spread hatred among the folks just becuse of this kind of single incidents. What matters is majority muslims are not this kind of vandalists.

        • 2

          Ela Kolla

          You sinhala are NIWATAYO… come face to face attack, we will die with you… can you remeber SLAP in Madras to a Poor Monk and a Bombing in Bud Gaya… its was by Muslim after you started Halal Sara issue. Where is GOTA a Ponnaya? Mahinda is acting and he says… I am going abroad, before I come back finish the Mulsims” .. well now he is pissing in pants as Pakistan has given statement of Support to send their Army for Protecting Muslims.// are you ready ?

          • 0

            “kohomada kema?”,,….did pakistan come to help u?…dreams are free, so dream on

            • 0

              Ela Kolla,

              Go Ask GOTA, now he is scared if the Arab countires will put Embargo on everything. If they send back 1 million peoplem you will die. Now you see in all papers appologising…. ahahahah, You burnt down and try ot replair it, what a a Shame man…

              You all are Ponnayos. ISIS is already alerted, wait and watch, it will come via US Sponsored AL Qaeda, then GOTA will piss while mahnida will be shitting on his pants. Now already both are scared…. why GOTA is going and telling that he didnt do it? who asked him? ahahah Sinhalaya Modaya….

        • 3

          SINGHALA BUDDHIST FASCISTS destroyed mosques houses and homes.. killed nine people causing injury to some 100’s of people this shows.. this clearly shows the Singhala parayongey barbasism..

        • 1


          People like you only represent the saviours of Buddhism but forgot the fact that Buddhism is all about peace and harmony. First be a true Buddhist. I am sure you don’t even serve the pansil pada

        • 1

          Ela Kolla jayawewa , We need more abitthiyas like you. [Edited out]

          • 0

            eta, smash your two eta…..cow killer

            • 0

              Ela Kolla

              You worshio COW? What a Bull you are … :)

        • 2

          Srilankan Buddhists 99% are very good people, the robe wearing thakkdiyos planned this conspiracy to show the world that they were also attacked. This is only drama edited by balu sangamaya. Champika ranwaka thrives on communal hatred speeches to obtain votes.

          • 0


            Why did Mahinda want them as part of his
            government?SLFP and others not Sinhala?
            Mahinda and Co agrees that major parties
            are not Sinhala so the sprats are to serve
            Sinhala interest which is to hate other
            races?A party formed to spread hatred
            whereas Muslims and Tamils formed their
            parties to protect their communities
            from losing their existing rights that
            are not implemented and to win more
            through dialogue and bargain,if needed.
            Intently to counter this very peaceful
            behaviour,govt chose to hire racists.
            Now racists are being exploited to
            create tension and escape from local
            and International pressure in order to
            continue in power by hook or crook.

        • 1

          [Edited out] kolla, show whose the boss. If you act according to your words then you should throw feces at the next Muslim you see.

          • 1

            maveeran [Edited out], i remind you again the nandikadaal massacre…how nice to remind you that blood shed

        • 1

          Ignore Balu Kela Kolla.

          [Edited out]

          • 1

            navin fool, acting as the dumbest clown of CT

        • 0

          Balu Kella Kolla, four siblings of yours have given you thumbs up. Congratulations to your [Edited out]

      • 1

        Well said Amare !! ”The very same dirty old game” !!? The illiterate thugs in the power chair shall bring more and more hate and bloodshed among people to enjoy their luxuries at the expenses of innocent blood.

        Omalbe Sobitha Thero could be employed as the propaganda secretary of the BBS to boost the rate of hate and violence…!!? So that the shameless Lords of power seeker could enjoy heavens.

      • 1

        I have given a full account of how Muslim extremism taken root in this country and why that lead to the present situation in a comment. But CT hadn’t published it.

        • 1


          There are dealers in Punchikawatte!

    • 3

      Initial Attack by BBS and other Terrorists looking for a fight in Aluthgama.



      Azath Salley Statement Regarding Aluthgama Incident

      Govt. rouses communalism to stifle ‘People’s Voice’
      THURSDAY, 19 JUNE 2014 08:40


      A public rally under the theme ‘Let’s join struggle to bring victory to ‘People’s Voice’ was held in Badulla town yesterday (18th). The General Secretary of the JVP Tilvin Silva, the Member of the Central Committee Samantha Vidyaratna, Member of the Central Committee Ramalingam Chandrasekar, Member of the Central Committee and Member of Uva PC Sudath Balagalle and several others addressed the rally.

      In their speeches the speakers made a special emphasis that communal clashes should be totally stopped and steps should be taken to build national unity. They accused the government of nurturing communal and extremist groups and allowing illegal acts to be carried out by these groups. They revealed that communal riots are backed by the government to divert in other directions the anti government struggles that erupt at various places in the island opposing the anti-peoples practices of the government.

      In whatever situation the government could be made to kneel down by ‘People’s Voice’ and the best recent example is the defeat of the attempt by the government to deny the pension gratuity to state employees pointed out the speakers.

      A large crowd was present.


      The UPFA Member of the UPFA ruled Mahiyanagana Pradeshiya Sabha and the Leader of Jathika Bala Senawa Ven. Wataraka Vijitha Thero was abducted, stripped, assaulted and was found today (19th) near Bogoda river with his hands and legs tied.

      After he was admitted to Panadura Base Hospital the hospital authorities have transferred him to Colombo National Hospital.

      A resident had seen a naked person fallen near Bolgoda river in Kindelpitiya area at Bandaragama and has informed the police. Rev. Vijitha Thero’s identity card and the robe were found nearby.

      Residents say they saw a three wheeler being driven to the place, throwing something out and quickly being driven away.

      According to hospital sources Vijitha Thero’s genitals have been injured. Police say a statement could not be obtained from the Thero as he had been admitted to ICU.

      Bhikkus of Bodu Bala Sena had attacked Vijitha Thero several times and were constantly harassing him. There had been firing near his temple recently.

    • 3

      Jathika Hela Urumaya provincial councilor Nishantha Sri Warnasinghe ,

      Nishantha Sri Warnasinghe, and BBS, remember that you are a Para-Sinhala in the terminology of Native Vedda. All except the Native Vedda are Para.

      If you cannot live in an Egalitarian Manner, in keeping with the culture and ethics of Native Vedda, please leave Lanka, the land of native Vedda, go nack to South India, where you came from. The native Veddah cannot tell a Para-Sinhala from a South Indian.

      The DNA in your bodies is proof.

    • 3

      So Sad. Same people destroying each others lives thanks to some poisonous elements. How would they be compensated? Lost things/lives cannot be replaced. What a sad state of affairs, what a tragedy.

      Thank you Mahinda Rajapaksa & cronies, for creating your DarmaDhweepaya! But this is not the Dharmadhweepaya that we want.
      Kalakanniyo – You all destroyed this country.

      Same sad stories from all sides. Gandasaraya left in a luxury vehicle with protection of Gota’s guards after cutting the ribbon.
      Who is going to answer for these losses, misery, mental agony & fear?

      Champika Ranawaka, One of the main culprit who should be taken the responsibility. Gota, Ranawaka, Gammanpila and the likes must be satisfied now.

    • 3

      Aluthgama Pogrom & Gota’s Whitewashed [Edited out]

    • 2


      Aluthgama Attack 15_6_2014


      Out of the nine killings – all Muslims , two died following shooting by the BBS in Dharga town on the 15 th. It has still not been investigated how these murderers obtained arms for these murders. Not even a magisterial inquiry had been conducted.

      At the end of the day on the 17 th the figures are as hereunder :

      Number of deaths 9 – all Muslims
      Grievous injuries – 11
      Injuries and burn wounds – 165
      Number of business places that were totally destroyed by fire – 86
      Number of houses that were totally burnt down – 29
      Partly burnt and damaged houses – 34
      Number of vehicles damaged – 16
      Number of business places that were damaged and looted – 16
      Number of fowls and goats killed -242
      Damage to other properties – 352

      We are sad to reveal nevertheless , so far no one has been arrested in connection with these crimes although 7 Muslims were arrested when the curfew was in force. No Sinhalese have been arrested.

      Out of the nine killings – all Muslims , two died following shooting by the BBS in Dharga town on the 15 th. It has still not been investigated how these murderers obtained arms for these murders. Not even a magisterial inquiry had been conducted.

    • 0

      This website is full of extremist only see the wrong all the time with sinhalies.

      No point here. These idiots are champion of MAKING TRUTHS.

      They have a very big anger with sinhalese buddhist.

      It is true there are extremist element in every communities not only among sinhalese.

      I dint see any article critisising any real extremist other than sinhala buddhist.

      Same on you COLOMBO TELIGRAPH

      • 2


        “This website is full of extremist only see the wrong all the time with sinhalies. “

        This website calls a spade a spade.

        This website calls a liar, a liar.

        This web sire calls a terrorist, a terrorist.

        This website calls a dictator, a dictator.

        This web site calls a Para in the Land of native Veddah a para.

        They try to tell the truth.

        The problem ids that Para-Sinhalese Buddhist do not like to hear the truth, just like the Church did 400 years about the Sun and the Earth.

      • 3


        “This website is full of extremist only see the wrong all the time with sinhalies.”

        It is simply because the Sinhala/Buddhist are wrong all the time.

        “They have a very big anger with sinhalese buddhist.”

        Rightly so. More anger is a boon for the majoritarian people.

    • 1


      “Jathika Hela Urumaya provincial councilor Nishantha Sri Warnasinghe visited Aluthgama, Beruwala and Dharga Town areas yesterday to see the Sinhala victims of the Buddhist-Muslim deadly communal violence that followed the Sunday rally by hardline Buddhist nationalist monks.”

      Heard from the grapevine, all lies.

      There was no attack on the Monk. The altercation was with the driver.

      The authenticity of the video need to be confirmed, most likely lies by JHU.

      The BBS terrorist, were told that a Monk was killed, and then used as an excuse to attack the Muslims. The police were participants and assisted.

      They BBS all are liars. The truth is given below.

      Wataraka Vijitha Thero stripped, assaulted & thrown near river The so called Buddhists hypocrites elsewhere are now silent when a true Buddhists monk is kidnapped, tortured, sodomized, stripped and left to die by the road side. Now who do we attack for this attempted


    • 0

      SameOldGame lying

      BBS and MaRa Sinhala Buddhists are very Bad liars. learned bad lying habits from Monk Mahanam in the Land of Native Veddah.


      Police is lying….no Buddhist monk has been assaulted at Dharga town…
      June 20, 2014 at 12:34 pm | lanka C news
      The leader of Sir Lanka Muslim Congress, Minister Rauf Hakeem says that the statement made by the police media spokesman is wrong and a Buddhist monk has not been assaulted by Muslims at Dharga town.

      He said that the government should be able to arrest those who are responsible for the incident and their future with the government will be decided on this.

    • 1

      SameOldGame and Drunken Buddist monks..

      2 drunken Buddhist monks were among the arrested at Aluthgama

      June 20, 2014 at 11:20 am | lanka C news
      It is reported that 2 drunken Buddhist monks and a 3 wheeler driver have been arrested at Aluthgama and remanded until 25th.

      They were arrested on the 17th and produced to the courts on the 18th.


      Sadhu, Sadhu, Sadhu, Saa
      Sadhu! Sadhu! Sadhu! Saa

      Drunken Buddhist Monk arrested… They also lie…

      Sadhu is a Pali word which means good, excellent or auspicious. Examples of the word’s use are: ‘It is sadhu to see noble ones’ (D.I,88), ‘It is sadhu to control the mind’ (Dhp.35), and ‘Even one who leads a sadhu life will decline by consorting with a lazy person’ (It.71). Sadhu is also occasionally used in the Tipitaka as an exclamation.
      To show his appreciation of something Sariputta had said the Buddha responded: ‘Sadhu, sadhu Sariputta!’ (Vin.I,56). Today it is common for people in Buddhist countries to say sadhu three times to express their happiness or approval of something related to the Dhamma.
      Posted by Shravasti Dhammika at 7:06 PM

    • 0


      They are BBS Terrorists. They were not local Sinhala. They were from a different area.

      eyewitness of #Aluthgama Attack

      eyewitness of #Aluthgama Attack


    • 0

      It is not untold stories, it is PLANNED story, Champa’s Drama. Real Buddhism you follow?

    • 0

      Karumna Amman LTTE leader who is responsible for the murder of Aranthalawa 60 minks killed, you sitting and sharing same table. where is your Sinhala fleeing. Don’t miss guide innocent Buddhist to reach your petty minded political gain. You play Drama!!!

  • 3

    RE: Video: Aluthgama Sinhala Victims and Muslim Victims.

    Do the Sri Lanka hate each other, in the Land of Native Veddah?

    If you cannot live in a Egalitarian manner,in keeping with native Veddah culture, please leave to South India.

    Houses Destroyed, Businesses destroyed, Killed

    Aluthgama Attack 15_6_2014


    Houses Destroyed, Businesses destroyed, Killed

    Video: Aluthgama Muslim Victims

    Monk: BBS Buddhist Monk Victims

    Wataraka Vijitha Thero stripped, assaulted & thrown near river
    THURSDAY, 19 JUNE 2014 10:57


    The UPFA Member of the UPFA ruled Mahiyanagana Pradeshiya Sabha and the Leader of Jathika Bala Senawa Ven. Wataraka Vijitha Thero was abducted, stripped, assaulted and was found today (19th) near Bogoda river with his hands and legs tied.

    After he was admitted to Panadura Base Hospital the hospital authorities have transferred him to Colombo National Hospital.

    A resident had seen a naked person fallen near Bolgoda river in Kindelpitiya area at Bandaragama and has informed the police. Rev. Vijitha Thero’s identity card and the robe were found nearby.

    Residents say they saw a three wheeler being driven to the place, throwing something out and quickly being driven away.

    According to hospital sources Vijitha Thero’s genitals have been injured. Police say a statement could not be obtained from the Thero as he had been admitted to ICU.

    Bhikkus of Bodu Bala Sena had attacked Vijitha Thero several times and were constantly harassing him. There had been firing near his temple recently.

    The so called Buddhists hypocrites elsewhere are now silent when a true Buddhists monk is kidnapped, tortured, sodomized, stripped and left to die by the road side. Now who do we attack for this attempted homicide?

  • 10

    No citizen of Sri Lanka should be a victim of communal violence or any kind of organised group violence. Every action will have a reaction. While it may not be equal as in physics, it will be an definitely opposing reaction in human affairs. When this happens there will be also victims from those who are identified with the originators, even when innocent. The Muslims have been patient for almost two years and a reaction of some sort was inevitable, especially after the vicious speech of thug Gnanasara on that fateful day in Aluthgama. What happened was in the making for a long time. It was no surprise to any discerning person.

    What happened was a failure of governance and the absolute failure/ inability of the police to maintain law and order. By all accounts the police hands were tied by those in authority. The law and order mechanisms should be operate according to the law and free of political inference in any civilised country to prevent and control such actions and reactions. Unfortunately Sri Lanka is not a civilised country anymore.

    The BBS is responsible for what happened to these unfortunate Sinhala citizens too! Those governing us are responsible for creating, Molly coddling and sheltering the BBS for a sinister purpose. Why has the government not ordered the arrest of Gnanasara and banned the BBS?

    These photographs and video,circulated by the BBS, though distressing to see, hear and make one feel sorry for these people too, do not in any way mitigate the vile acts of the BBS and the vileness of our government.

    Dr.Rajasingham Narendran

    • 1

      Common misfortune makes strange bedfellows.

      If Tamils love Muslims so much government should settle all Muslims in Jaffna.

      • 2

        As soon as the Army is out, Tamil will take proper decision and settle the landless Muslims and upcountry Tamils in East and North. East and North are our land. Army should leave first. The Hora leaders should take their hands off our land. We have very good leaders.Keep Karuna, Deva, Hakeem and Bathiyutheen with you. We know to rule our land.

      • 0


        MARA appointed a high level team to locate
        Tamodaya’s grey matter.Don’t worry they
        will never finish it and you can continue
        to be yourself without any fear.

    • 4

      Dr.Rajasingham Narendran

      “Jathika Hela Urumaya provincial councilor Nishantha Sri Warnasinghe visited Aluthgama, Beruwala and Dharga Town areas yesterday to see the Sinhala victims of the Buddhist-Muslim deadly communal violence that followed the Sunday rally by hardline Buddhist nationalist monks.”

      1. Anything produced by JHU, should be taken with a grain of salt because they are liars.

      So, unless thereis independent verification, to not believe it.

      2. See what their leader Champika Pachawaka had to say.

      Champika Ranawaka Is Conning


      3. The State and BBS had a plan and tried to blame it on JVP. Then Published lies and false reports in Sunday Siumina Sinha;a Newspaper.

      Video: Anura’s speech stuns government
      WEDNESDAY, 18 JUNE 2014 22:45


      This excellent speech deserves to be headline news on SILLUMINA, every news paper and media outlet. Unfortunately, our masses are too dumb to understand the gravity of the situation in the country.
      Moadakama of the MOADAYA, is the malady of the MOADAYA!

      The speech made by the JVP Leader Anura Dissanayaka at the debate on the resolution presented in Parliament by the government alleging it’s to get Parliamentary approval to oppose UNHRC mediation in Sri Lanka was appreciated by many Parliamentarians of the opposition as well as from the government.

      The amendments presented by the JVP for the resolution were rejected by the government. The request made by the JVP that a vote should be taken regarding its amendments was approved.

      The JVP participating in the debate stated it presented 6 proposals to protect the country from interference the country is being subjected to internationally. The proposals received 46 votes. As the government rejected the proposals the Members of the JVP walked away from the chambers at the final vote taking.

      Mr. Anura Dissanayaka’s speech at the debate:




    • 2

      Dear Dr.RN,

      Blaming BBS for what happened in Aluthgama is not accurate. It is not the first time such events happening in this island, it was happening for decades and you cannot differentiate between those who are in the forefront and those who are in the background. In all events the governance and the security forces are on the side of criminals and perpetrators and the justice system was there to protect the crminals, not the victims. It is a political culture that was seeded, fetilised and grown steadily over the period of time not by the ordinary Sinhalese but by those who were well eductated, wealthy and religious leaders.
      How on a Buddhist Nation, a buddhist monk was abducted ,beaten and some organs were cut by a group of monks because the monk spoke for the victims? It is shame on all srilankans.

  • 6

    It is very good that CT is publishing the “Other Side” of the Aluthgama Buddhist-Muslim deadly communal violence.
    99% Publish or Broadcast only what damage been done to the Muslims by the Sinhalese. They demand to punish the criminals. Yes, that should happen. But then it can not be only for one party.
    For a fight, quarrel or a war, there is always two sides.
    But no one is talking what was the cause which led to such a tragic situation.
    Thank you CT for publishing this news item !!!!

    • 3


      They demand to punish the criminals. But, BBs and Sinhala criminals are not punished. This is DOUBLE STANDARDS.

      Whatever small counterattack was AFTER the attacks by BBS Sinhalese Terrorists.

      Aluthgama Attack 15_6_2014


      • 3

        Amarasiri, what I meant was punishing criminals of both sides. NOT just one side. Whether it is small or big an attack is an attack.
        If you are accusing BBS of getting away, then how many times have the other side got away after doing wrong things (individually) with their bribes & “power” connections ? two worngs does’nt make one right.
        I don’t approve any of BBS members violent behaviour at all. Specially wearing robes.
        But try to see the cause too what makes them act in that manner.
        As I said a fight or a war starts with two parties. Not just one. Don’t be open to one side and blind to the other.

        • 1


          The facts are that there was some altercation with the driver. on a motorcycle and van accident.

          Of course, those guilty should be punished, but no double standards.

          Are Sri Lankans especially Sinhalese Buddhists so stupid?

          What makes them stupid? Sinhala/ Buddhism? or Maraism?

          This was expanded.

          Besides, the police reports are not believable. They lie.

          So need to get it from credible eyewitness or by videotape.

  • 0

    What is the common denominator of violence around the world?

    How many suicide bombers exploded bombs today?
    How many schools were bombed today?
    How many soldiers killed today?
    How many stonings, beheadings took place today?

    And who is doing this.

    Please read world news. Don’t be like frogs in a well.

    Please read the religion of peace, CNN, RT, Al Jazeera, Jpost.

    • 1

      Stop acting like a mindless puppet. We don’t care what goes on in the rest of the world, we CARE about Sri Lanka, and ALL religions being safe here, and minorities not attacked by the majority. Muslims have not attacked Temples, Sinhala Businesses, they do not go about making hate speeches about Buddhists and Buddhism. What makes you think you have to judge Sri Lankan Muslims by what others in the world do? In that case ALL Buddhists must be judged by the violent Buddhists in Myanmar, who are massacring innocent Muslims there.
      If you are unable to make sense, refrain from making inane comments.

    • 0

      Peace Lover

      “What is the common denominator of violence around the world?”

      1. Religion- The opium of the Masses.

      2. Religion- can get good people to so bad things.

  • 4

    Can any Sri Lankan leader tell howmany Sri Lankan victims?

    • 1

      No, there aren’t any Sri Lankan leaders (apart from Ranil). Only Sinhala, Tamil, Muslim, Buddhist, Christian,….leaders

  • 1

    What happened at Aluthgama was the predictable culmination of a process that has been going on for some time now. Even Blind Freddy could see it coming. And that is what makes it shocking that the authorities allowed the BBS procession to go ahead when a breach of the peace was likely. The Police were incapable or unwilling or restrained from doing the sane thing. And, what a joke for the President to send a message via Twitter, invoking the sanctity of the rule of law – this from the head of an administration which has allowed the BBS to openly and repeatedly defy the law !

  • 1

    Who are “Ape aya” (our people)? Sinhalese? Buddhists? This division in the heart is the heart of the problem. As Buddhists, lets learn to look at people as human beings. Of course there can be thug Muslims just like there are thug Buddhists. It doesn’t mean that the monks should treat people as our people and their people. Cooperate with Muslim senior civics to address these issues rather than taking these things to generalize among all people in the community.

    And, we would expect a difference in the Buddhist approach to solve these issues. We are not seeing it here.

    • 1

      Thugs are “neither muslims nor budhdist not hindhus” they are merely thugs.

  • 3

    It took only two years for Gota backed BBS/ JHU thugs to plan and execute this carnage after 30 year communal war.

    There were 331 such small attacks against Muslims and Christian churches, businesses etc, during 2013 alone. This is the peak and will not stop here.

    This is another Pres.Rajapakse / Gota backed BBS/ JHU Sinhala buddhist terror thugs attack on Muslim community and this will not stop from here. There will be more tomorrow.

    It is these Buddhist Sinhala terrorists who survive on Loot, land and property grab from minorities and from powerless, helpless and voiceless people that they survive. Even poor people’s Tsunami funds were looted by the Governing Alibaba thugs.

    These are current day Robin hoods and Saradiels who are looting and murdering while preaching Buddhism to the world.

    Very soon these Looters will turn against their own Majority Sinhala community.

    First they came for my neighbour who was a minority. Soon they will come after me who is a Sinhala.

    Alibabas have no boundaries. Just double face and double acting only.

  • 1

    JHU also should take responsibility of the chaos and pathetic disaster, Champa you are a real Buddhist you should practice, for you petty mindedness don’t sell innocent poor people and Buddhism.

  • 0

    If this is a true story, I’m afraid things will go pear shaped rather quickly unless these poor people are also helped, just the same way that the Muslim victims will be helped by government (unlikely?)/fellow citizens of Sri Lanka, to rebuild their lives.

    If this is not a true story, I’m afraid things will go pear shaped rather quickly because JHU & BBS have just invented reasons to go harder at the Muslim community.

    The reason I have some doubts about this photographic and video evidence is the time delay between the riots and the publication of this evidence.

    Would people believe JHU more than Channel 4? Lets wait and see.

  • 0

    BBS attackers came from out side, actually they didn’t know these are sinhala houses.

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      I doubt BBS attackers would not have recognized all the Buddhist religious symbols, Lord Buddha’s statue etc, even if they had come from outside.

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        BBS don’t give a crap to Loard Buddha or any Pansala.

        Didn’t you hear the news they brutally assaulted Watareka Vijjitha himi and let him die by the roadside?
        BBS has its own religion. Whoever is against that religion is an enemy.
        This is purely inside work of our brave Gnanasara as per Gota’s instructions, but sadly misfired or just to show the world how bad the Thambiyos are.
        Why Chmapika took 5 days to reach them?
        Why no one was killed. The attackers could have done it easily had they wanted to do it.

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    This incident was an attack on our nation and on the common man. To the best of my knowledge, the JVP has been the only political party with any brains to have made a public statement about this after warning the public in many occasions to be careful. As a result, the government propaganda machine is now accusing the JVP as if the party was behind the attacks. This is a government mud slinging campaign to try an wipe out the JVP, the main opposition and greatest adversary to the government that they have not been able to buy.

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    Victims of racism are victims. It has no differance as sinhala or muslims or tamils. The problem is racism and ifficial sponsorship of state and under the jungle law. We are also condemened attack against all citizens of the country by any racist force. JHU is trying to gain votes from this incident. JHU, Gunadasa Amarasekera, Nalin Silva, Malinda Senewiratne, Champika Ranwaka, Wimal weerawansa are pathetic extreamists and oppotunistic people. Why they tell us… they are part of this govt. Ask MR, Gota and Basil and chamal to take action against the culprits including Gnasara and that disgraceful Thawheed Jamath group. We want to build a nation, parallel to the glory we had when were not racist in the past with modern ideology on democratic values. You all are blood sucking parasites of this nation!

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      Very true Sapumal. SLMC leaders visit Muslim victims, not Sinhalese. JHU leaders visit Sinhalese victims, not Muslims. They are all racist ba#####ds. Is it any wonder there is no Sri Lankan identity?

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    Of the 24 comments 8 were by Amaraya with no depth whatsoever. Just braying like as ass.

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    No one in Sri Lanka should undergo such terror whether they be Sinhalese or Tamils or Muslims

    In this case the BBS started the riot and acted like thugs and Muslims had reacted in return


    Police can stop mothers from jaffna coming to colombo to protest against missing sons/husbands

    Police/Army can quell a big protest in Ragama (Hayleys plant)

    Police /Army can defeat that moron Prabakaran

    Police/Army can catch many serial killers

    BUT WHEN IT COMES TO BBS THEY ARE MERE BYSTANDERS JUST LIKE WHAT THEY DID IN 1983 (but this time its the Muslims at the receiving end

  • 2

    Where is the JHU philanthropy and respect for Ven. Monk Wataraka Vijitha? This poor monk who was flogged would have been safer in the cage of the carnivore in the Dehiwela zoo than being let loose among Buddhist animals roaming our streets with the help of the Defense Ministry and the Buddha Sasana Ministry.

  • 2

    NO Sri Lankan citizen should go through this violence, and have their property destroyed, but despite the pathetic effort to make the Muslims look bad here, the facts are:

    1. ALL those killed were Muslims

    2. No Sinhalese rioters were arrested, ONLY Muslims.

    3. Prior to these terror attacks, Mosques ad Churches were attacked.
    NO Temples were attacked or burned by Muslims or Christians.

    4. The Police did not give protection to the Muslims, only the Sinhalese were aided by them,
    in fact, the police turned on the Muslims and attacked them.

    5. Who brought truckloads of Sinhalese rioters into Althugama, to attack the Muslims?
    Certainly NOT a Muslim.

    6. WHO incited the crowd with hate speeches, urging violence against the “Marakalayaas”?
    Certainly not Muslims, but a big, fat, uneducated bigot. Who has the protection of the Rajapaksa’s.


    So this stupid effort to turn all this on the victims of Sinhala extremist violence, is lame and so obvious.
    The rajapaksa’s think the world is full of fools.

  • 2

    Religion makes good people to do wicked things, it also
    makes intelligent people to say stupid things. Emancipation
    from this infallibility and believing in common humanism
    is a better option. Demand to believe in a letter perfect
    book which was reportedly recited to a illiterate merchant and
    a phedaphile or following Buddhism as a rigid religion, not as a
    important philosophy would not lead to a peaceful outcome.
    Establishing a secular society would not only guarantee
    all kind of religious, social and democratic rights of the
    people but also allow free thinkers and sceptics to voice
    their opinion.

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    In every community there are those who want to create turmoil. In this instance Jathinka Hela Urumaya should blame the Balu Bala Sena and not the Muslims. When Muslims homes and businesses are burnt how can JHU blame the Muslims for reacting? Even Athuraliya Rathana Thero condemned the speech of the Gonsara Thero of Balu Bala Sena, so why JHU is now singing a different song>?

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    JHU…Be role models. Follow basic precepts of the Dhamma.
    PCR & NSW, is your conscience very clear??? Shame! Shame! Shame!
    No difference between you guys and the sponsored Goons on rampage.
    Doesn’t the word Karma mean anything to you guys.

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    Barely 48 hours passed with smoking ashes still visible in the ‘Muslim quarters, appears this HD quality VIDEO WITH SOMBRE BACKGROUND MUSIC to touch the hearts & minds of the Sinhala Buddhist majority community. Needless to say, it is well choreographed in such a way, the ‘torched houses’ and its belongings are ‘untouched’ as if it is a case of ‘building for posterity’! And no attempt has been made whatsoever to salvage what is left of it, or even a feeble attempt to disturb the rubble for valuable/important documents seems to be absent.

    The other joke is, NOWHERE in Sri Lanka you will find Buddhist residents letting broken statutes of Lord Buddha to be left untouched on the floor in their houses… and that too for almost 48 hours. Guess they were waiting for Scotland Yard to do the forensics! Looking at these broken statutes will definitely unsettle the ignorant masses in the Buddhist community, resulting in further violence. Guess the Hela Urumaya and the BBS are moving mountains to ‘balance the equation’ and circumvent the truth!

    As for the ‘pious monk’, it is so ‘heartening’ to note him defending his peaceful and righteous driver’… Maybe the driver too must have been a ‘peaceful monk’ in civilian clothes. At a time when the majority of drivers (I don’t think I don’t need to mention their race/religion) abuse another with utter filth the moment their paths are obstructed on roads, this driver must have been one in a million…

    I wouldn’t even wanna waste my time mentioning the side of story of the Muslims…. But I am pretty sure one can figure out the truth when one ‘sees through’ this ‘teledrama’ and with background music to boot!

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      Maybe they hired some of the talent behind those Channel 4 productions :D

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    Thambis have destroyed everything ,Nishantha Sri Warnasinghe has lost his [Edited out] too.the biggest loss!

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    Srilankan Buddhists 99% are very good people, the robe wearing thakkdiyos planned this conspiracy to show the world that they were also attacked. This is only drama edited by balu sangamaya. Champika ranwaka thrives on communal hatred speeches to obtain votes.

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    it’s funny that these para sinhalaya is useless. they are dumb enough to be better than tamils in 1980s so they killed tamils in black july. sinhala modayas can not beat muslims in business so they burning muslim businesses,,alltogether what we learn is , sinhala people are most stupidest race on the planet who could not beat mere 20% minorities., so they are doing only thing they know.. burning , killing , and being jealous

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    Oil embargo will bring Mahinda to his senses.

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    If sri lankan government is unable stop what is happening under Muslim extremists who have links with terrorist groups Sri Lanka will fall into hands of either ALQUIDA, ISIS, BOKO HARAM, HEZBULAR, HAMAS.Then only our idiots will see yhe stars. One day what BBS telling will happen. Then it will be to late to reverse situation. These Terrorist will have full control of our country.Today Cristians and Buddhist are hiding in their own countries.In Nigeria how many Cristians have been murdered. How many girls and woman are being kidnapped. Now they are trying to convert them into Muslims. Where is the international community talking about these atrocities. Even UN keeping a blind on these terror activities. What BBS telling today will happen one day and if you don’t take action now then it will be too late.

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    How many Sinhalese lost their lives compared to Muslims? How many Sinhalese houses and shops got damaged compared to Muslims ? Who started the real trouble? These are the questions we should be asking our selves? When 2 people fight the weak may also throw a punch specially when cornered. However 4 lives were lost and countless injured. Lets be honest about it which is what Budurajanan wahanse would also advise. Be it Muslim or Sinhalse, a WRONG is WRONG. We all believe in the same things as WRONG. One wrong cannot be righted by another. That is why we pay taxes to the govt. so they can implement the law. According to this bhikku all this started with a traffic incident. In all honesty we must ask ourselves, does the end result justify what caused it? If we’re going degrade our selves to thirisan level for every minor incident then once we finish the minorities then what? turn on each other? Remember not only the tamils but also a huge number of Sinhalese and Muslims have left the country during the past 35 years draining this great nation of wealth and brains. Lets end this curse NOW for the sake of all our children. Let’s not curse their lives for the next few generations to come. Stand up against Racism as a whole be it Sihalese or Muslim racism. Go out of your way to help the other and make peace. It is now or never. I believe that is what Budurajanan wahanse or prophet Mohamed would do too! Not point fingers at each other and let the thirisan Racists amongst us profit by sacrificing our children again! We must also point to those thirisan Racists that Buddism has survived 2500 years in this country and it is certainly not going to disappear until the Buddhists stop following Budurajana wahanse’s philosophy. The same way we can see the world over that Muslims are not going to be any less Muslim even if they are killed by the latest and the best armies or arms. Those that peddle these lies are only trying to screw with our heads to get what they want. If we believe them then we will sacrifice everything including our children for their cause. You and I should decide now and act NOW!

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    Islam by nature is backwards and barbaric and will never find itself in the 21st century. It will strive with it’s ignorant peoples under barbaric laws and systems to fight a long and global jihad untill they subdue the world, or the world smartens up and defeats Islam. Islam has the highest birthrate in the world and islams leaders have declared that they will win the war with their women and their babies. Basically saying, just by numbers alone, we will outgrow you and get into the political system and the numbers will democraticly put us there so that we may bring islam and sharia to all you conqured countries and people. Islam says there will never be peace until all this is done and their global fight we see in every part of the world, proves it.

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      Read Quran is yur last testament…. almost 36 monks became Islam.. so Budda Sasana is pissed off…. you want to Join the islam Club? You can marry 4… not like a Budhism … Time wasting bastards, dont marry and stay under the tree wasting there time…. then screw Boys… Go marry and Enjoy women .. foolish bastards

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