By Jude Fernando –
On November 6, 2022, popular Sri Lankan national cricket player Danushka Gunathilaka, who was on tour with the Sri Lankan T20 World Cup team, was arrested in Sydney, Australia, for alleged sexual assault. He was denied bail and remanded in custody. But after Sri Lanka Cricket (SLC) paid $38,000 in “legal fees” to the Australian law firm representing Danushka, and after a surety of $150,000 was paid by a “mysterious Sri Lankan female who is residing in Melbourne”, Danushka was released on November 17.
This is not just an unpleasant story about Danushka. It is also a story about Sri Lankans and our pervasive culture of violence against women—a rape culture. This violence is woven into the stories currently making the rounds about the Danushka case. These are mainly masculine narratives underpinned by arrogance, deeply entrenched sexism, and xenophobic nationalism. They are drowning out the shame many Sri Lankans feel about Danushka’s behavior has tarnished Sri Lanka’s image. Such feeling of shame, however, is misplaced.
In fact, the news about Danushka’s story has brought to light Sri Lanka’s rape culture. Even as you read this article, women are being abused sexually in the country. The country’s legal system handles sexual abuse cases poorly, and convictions are rare, while our culture silences and even penalizes women who speak out. Commentaries by influential media, legal and political personalities on Danushka’s case continue to entrench the culture of violence against women; few seek to change it. These are the unsettling realities of our society that should embarrass us all. However, if we are brave enough to speak out, Danushka’s story can open an opportunity to engage in a productive national conversation about the culture of violence against women in Sri Lanka. We can break the taboo and bring the discussion from the margins to the center of society.
Sexual violence is physical or emotional abuse of women. It includes rape, assault by penetration, sexual assault, or causing someone to engage in sexual activity without consent. Sexual harassment involves unmistakable acts such as coercing women into sex in return for favors, refusing to take a woman’s “no” for an answer, and hurling insults at women who have rejected sexual overtures. Harassment also includes covert and subtle acts such as men denying women’s expertise and talking over them, presuming women will perform menial caretaking tasks at work, or with less knowledge of the topic at hand correcting or talking down to women, or telling jokes that reinforce rape culture. Although Sri Lankan laws cover a wide range of sexual abuse, their effectiveness is limited by the patriarchal culture that shapes legal interpretations and prevents victims from seeking justice.
Discussions on consent in sexual relationships are taboo in Sri Lankan culture. Consent is the agreement between partners to have sexual contact or perform a sexual act. Both partners must expressly and unequivocally consent. Consent can be withdrawn at any time during sex, and partners are able to change their minds at any time. Proceeding after consent is withdrawn constitutes sexual assault or rape. Consent cannot be inferred by the absence of refusal or resistance or by a person’s apparent attitude; it must be explicitly verbalized or signed. Consent can never be inferred from a woman’s appearance, attire, personality, the location of an incident, her previous sexual history, or the nature of her relationship with the man in question. Sex in the absence of consent is the main characteristic of sexual violence.
Sexual violence is so ingrained in Sri Lankan society that it has seeped into every facet of our lives. We have learned to see sexual abuse as “normal” behavior and to presume women are the cause of men’s violence. The subtle manifestations of sexual abuse are invisible to most men and many women. In Sri Lanka, where the highly masculinized practice of racialized and xenophobic nationalism divides and criminalizes voices raised against human rights violations, combating sexism is especially challenging. I hope to make this culture of violence against women more visible by examining four narratives about Danushka’s pending trial: two by lawyers, one by a journalist, and another by a politician. Rather than debating Danushka’s guilt or innocence, or examining the legal aspects of the case, I want to focus on the stories themselves and examine the kinds of stories about women and rape that “experts” produce, and audiences consume in Sri Lanka—stories that explain why the culture of violence against women is so pervasive in Sri Lanka.
The first narrative I want to highlight is comes from an interview with U.R. De Silva, a presidential counsel. It is an excerpt from the YouTube video “Danushka is free: This is where Tinder [complainant’s name] failed.” In summary, De Silva raised doubts about the complaint against Danushka. He accomplished this by first positing that Danushka and the complainant were of legal age and could make their own decisions (the presumption of free will and a level playing field). They used an app to meet and build a friendly relationship. They dined and consumed alcohol together before entering her home, so De Silva believes Danushka was invited in. They traveled in a boat and took an Uber to her house rather than to a hotel. Despite the seriousness of the incident, she waited three days to report her allegations to the authorities, friends, or family, even though Australia provides ample means for reporting. De Silva claimed there was enough proof she consented to sexual intercourse. He pointed out alleged gaps and contradictions in the evidence to ask whether the claimant had planned the incident and had ulterior motives.
De Silva uses the words of the late legal scholar Granville Williams to support his claim about the possibility of false accusation by the complainant. While Williams thought rape the most heinous crime against women, he argued that women could use rape to accuse innocent men. Williams argued that rape cases were especially susceptible to intentionally generating false charges, and he blamed women’s false accusations on sexual neuroses, fantasies, or the refusal to admit participation in a shameful act. These arguments, made in the 1980s, were already outdated at the time, and counter to the reality that women vastly under-report rape and are likely to have their lives and careers destroyed by pressing charges. The perspective of the legal community has changed significantly since the 1980s, and De Silva’s rejection of advances in the knowledge and understanding of rape, more closely aligns with anti-feminist screeds on popular media than it does with contemporary and increasingly more mainstream understandings of sexual violence.
The second story was told by Chanaka Senanayake, the former president of the legal division of the SLC Board. In an interview with Derena Television, Senanayake gave many reasons for doubting the complainant’s account. Like De Silva, he mentions that they met through a dating app, had dinner together, and that the woman invited Danushka to her home. He also stresses the contradictions in the complainant’s account and the fact that she waited four days before reporting the crime to the authorities. He argues that the entire case hinges on her testimony against Danushka and, again like De Silva, Senanayake raises the possibility that the woman was seeking publicity and money when she made the allegations. Because he thinks the woman’s story was contradictory and the evidence unclear, he advises Danushka to plead not guilty because he has a chance of winning.
Women are erased from both these narratives, except as an instrument of a man’s entrapment. Both commenters are concerned only with Danushka, and not with the well-being of the woman he allegedly assaulted. Neither narrative refers to Sri Lankan women who are experts on the topic of sexual violence. It is likely that many listeners did not even notice the absence of women because, in our patriarchal society, we are used to their exclusion. One would expect professional journalists to at least interview female Sri Lankan experts on the subject, such as Rohini Mohan, Kushali Pinto-Jayawardena, Pearl Thevanaygam, Dasuni Yahanika Pathiraja, and Neloufer de Mel, just to name a few.
When commentaries are only concerned with seeking proof of Danushka’s innocence and victimhood, they cast doubt on the victim’s story and normalize sexual abuse. This is a widespread practice of many communities who want to blame the other party and whitewash “their party.” This then also serves as a warning to women who might protest. The system has conditioned women to internalize masculinist rape narratives as normal and makes it risky to discuss experiences of sexual abuse in public. Victim blaming reminds Sri Lankan women that their own criminal justice system, dominated by men, often does them more harm than good when they speak out against sexual assault. Likewise, the public commonly blames the victim.
The narratives of these lawyers, journalists, and politicians focus only on defending Danushka, casting doubt on his complainant’s claims and predicting his victory in court. Yes, I understand that we need to give the benefit of the doubt to Danushka because it has not been proven in court that he is at fault. However, my purpose here is to expose how popular media narratives contribute to misogynist views that hurt women. The tone of the interviewers is similar. Interviewers frame questions that make it easy for respondents contribute to societal narratives that prematurely defend Danushka. Both interviewers and interviewees demonstrate uninformed, outdated, backward beliefs about sexual abuse that mirror the ill-educated populist views that sustain Sri Lanka’s culture of sexual violence.
These narratives all suggest that Danushka’s accuser would profit from extortion, and this type of blackmail allegation is a cornerstone of the defense strategy in rape cases. The “blackmail myth” is the legal crystallization of the assertion that the complainant in a rape prosecution has corrupt, vindictive, or otherwise dishonest motives. Many of the recent legal rulings have typified the criminal justice system’s traditional response to rape allegations: indifference and hostility. Victims who bring rape charges are invariably traumatized during trials, since the legal rules established to govern the conduct of these cases favor arguments that mistrust the complainant’s motives and sworn testimony. How many influential businessmen, celebrities, and politicians would have been taken to court if blackmail were a such grave issue?
Allegations of blackmail are often false, and almost all women lose more than they gain by coming forward when they are raped and bring it to the notice of authorities. But defense lawyers and those who defend people like Danushka in the court of public opinion freely wield the blackmail accusation, all the while claiming that the risk to the “reputation” of someone like Danushka is a weightier matter than their victim’s physical and mental well-being. Blackmail is not the only form of extortion that could be in play, however. Rape is a form of sexual extortion, in which the extortionist (the abuser) demands the victim engage in sex acts, terrifying and dehumanizing their victims, while also making them feel ashamed to come forward to the authorities.
Along with the blackmail allegations, the narratives commonly include a “she asked for it” argument. In this case, those who insist that the female complainant invited Danushka into her home are attempting to shift the blame for the assault off the offender and onto the complainant. The unspoken assumption is that women who grant men one permission are presumed to have granted others. It is common for abusers to claim that their victims enticed them or “led them on,” based on the tired myth that men lose control and cannot reason in the presence of attractive women. But the increasingly accepted definition of consent is founded on the principle that any participant in a sexual encounter may withdraw consent at any point before or during the activity. Others do not have a right to your body; only you have the right to give or withdraw consent.
The trial has not even begun, and we do not yet know all the evidence. Those raising doubts about the allegations do not seem to know that many advanced tool kits are available today to collect a range of physical evidence to corroborate a rape victim’s account. Medical personnel may use a rape kit, any one of several sexual assault kits, or a physical evidence recovery kit to collect and preserve physical evidence after a sexual assault allegation. Physical injuries are not required to substantiate rape, because the threat of violence alone can coerce a person to submit to a rapist to avoid physical harm, legal proof of rape does not require evidence of physical resistance.
In the legal world, failure or delay in reporting rape is not an argument for the defense. Many traumatized victims wait to inform authorities, friends, or family, or even to seek medical attention. Women know that societal attitudes and the legal system’s corroboration requirements do not favor them. They understand that police and doctors may doubt or condemn them and thus fail to help them. Perpetrators often warn victims they will retaliate if the victim speaks up, and victims can also be harassed by law enforcement officials and defense lawyers if they file charges. Younger victims may try to avoid the ordeal of a medical examination or parental involvement. Since society views rape victims with suspicion and distrust, people may publicly humiliate victims they know or in the media. Finally, some may fail to press charges because the perpetrator controls their finances, because they want to protect their family’s reputation, or because they fear exclusion and stigma. Victims may not forward but instead try to avoid their harasser, downplay the seriousness of the crime, or simply try to ignore it or forget that it happened. Shame or self-blame, denial or disbelief, fear of consequences, low self-esteem, feelings of helplessness, and their disbelief in the justice system all contribute to a discouraging them from coming forward. Silence of victims must be viewed as expression of their vulnerability!
This brings us to the third commentary on Danushka, by the well-known parliamentarian, S. B. Dissanayake, who, like many politicians, normalizes the perpetration of gender-based violence against women. He wrote, “The entire blame cannot be placed on our players because boys will be boys,” and “while a certain level of control and discipline should be maintained, the players should also be allowed their freedom and liberty” (Coralage, 2022). A popular Buddhist clergyman Kotuwe Podi Hamuduruwo made a similar argument, and it is picked up and echoed by the public in many forms. The tired and entirely discredited phrase “boys will be boys” (the title of a 1935 movie) reinforces gender stereotypes while normalizing and excusing sexual violence. It reduces sexual abuse to a trivial matter—a product of a boy or man’s “natural” behavior that deserves, at worst, a slap on the wrist. The dinosaurs who make this argument expect women to accept and adjust to men’s behavior.
Those who are outraged by Dissanayake’s comments say he is an ignorant fool and “a stupid man talking like a boy,” but unfortunately, he is not a social outlier; he is expressing a widespread attitude toward sexual abuse in Sri Lankan society. Comments like his, deliberately normalize and trivialize sexual abuse, endangering women’s lives. Dissanayake plays on parents’ fears for their sons, warning the public about the dangers of strict adherence to rape laws as evidenced by his statement: “A child of a very close friend of mine also died by suicide, having jumped off a 27-story building due to not being able to face his parents after a complaint made by a professional prostitute. We know that the law in Australia is stringent, so they are quickly detained, causing them many problems,” said Dissanayaka.
By shifting focus to the presumed harm that (exceedingly rare) false rape accusations can do to innocent men, Dissanayake amplifies the fear of victims of sexual assault and promotes the country’s culture of silence, suggesting victims should be put on trial, rather than their abusers. His fellow lawmakers in the parliament voiced no criticism. Even the Minister of Women and Child Affairs, Geetha Kumarasinghe, who delivered a cabinet paper on November 16, 2022, urging the government to address sexual assault concerns that affect one in every twenty women in Sri Lanka, has been conspicuously quiet. It should be noted that Kumarasinghe’s proposal was not progressive. It only entails policing female behavior and only assisting after they are victimized by sexual violence, but it would not hold offenders and their defenders accountable.
The final narrative is found in Ranga Jayasuriya’s article “Danushka Gunathilaka’s Trial by Social Media,” which appeared in the Daily Mirror on Tuesday, November 15, 2022. “With the exception of her friends who saw the two in the pub or other forms of incriminating evidence at the crime scene,” Jayasuriya claims, “Danushka’s case is likely to rely on circumstantial evidence.” The outcome of the case depends on his word against hers. Jayasuriya warns that Danushka must not be exonerated and he “deserves some of the hatred” directed at him because his poor discipline harmed the entire team. But Jayasuriya recapitulates the claims of the other narratives, so he is also complicit with the culture of violence against women.
Jayasuriya is disturbed that “social media warriors have already found him guilty—before the Aussie cops … [could do] their job… Danushka appears to be universally despised, and his detractors on social media go beyond the average Sri Lankan.” He mentions that some of Danushka’s critics “suffer from an existential identity crisis and find validation through two seconds of fame on social media.” Jayasuriya argues that the social media nonsense of presumption of guilt should not sway the SLC. But even though the SLC is driven by the vested interests of its office bearers and is less responsive to the interests of the country and sport, such institutions run the risk of seeking guidance from social media echo chambers. As a result, “it is the duty of the government and the respective ministers of foreign affairs and sports to direct relevant agencies to provide consular and legal assistance to Danushka and to contest any signs of racial bias, of which Australia is far from free.”
Like other narrators, Jayasuriya turns Danushka into the victim. He suggests that Danushka may be at risk from national and international prejudice, further entrenching masculine narratives about violence against women in Sri Lanka. Xenophobic nationalists are primed to dismiss allegations of domestic rights violations committed by foreign actors, so they will read Jayasuriya’s suggestion that Australian authorities are biased against Danushka as one more in a long line of incidents in which the West mistreated the country. In this story, Danushka is victimized by the international community, and Jayasuriya places blame on those who judge Danushka, turning him into a national victim. Such treatment justifies the claim that the SLC, if not the nation, should save Danushka. Social media commentators may even cater to nationalism while upholding gender stereotypes by distinguishing between promiscuous Western women and “pure”/” traditional” Sri Lankan women; a good Sri Lankan woman does not provoke men to sexual activity. Tradition, here, normalizes women’s submission to sexual abuse, justifies policing women’s behavior, and diverts attention from male abusers.
Without any evidence, Jayasuriya claimed that social media unduly influences SLC decisions. His dismissal of the social media stories of Danushka as “baloney” allows him to ignore social media posts through which vulnerable women have shared their stories of sexual harassment. Social media platforms are dynamic environments that host more varied points of view and debates than traditional media, which affluent and powerful politicians’ control. Any fair review of social media comments on Danushka’s situation demonstrates that many are not as concerned with his guilt or innocence as they are with exposing sexual assault, which is ubiquitous in Sri Lanka—a situation the mainstream media all too frequently ignores.
Jayasuriya’s nationalist arguments are reprised by Tirantha Walaliyadde, a well-known member of the President’s Council. Walaliyadde derides Australia as a British penal colony, claiming that when the original Australians lived in slums, our rulers lived in palaces; we were far more developed and advanced than the Australians. He argues that we are among the best cricket-playing nations in the world—better even than the Australians—and he demands our lawyers’ association and elected officials tell Australia to stop this nonsense and return Danushka to Sri Lanka. Walaliyadde emphasizes the pain of the Sri Lankan nation overseeing one of our Sinhala cricketers “abused” in this manner. Like other Danushka supporters, he questions why Danushka’s Australian accuser invited him to her home after she claimed he physically harassed her earlier. Why did it take her several days to report the incident? Walaliyadde blusters that he would not allow her to utter such gibberish in a Sri Lankan court: “I’ll have her sweep the roadway.” And, like Jayasuriya, he warns that “we must not ruin Danushka,” because there is a difference between breaking discipline and sexual assault charges.
Jayasuriya’s and Walaliyadde’s comments are dangerous because they dismiss Danushka’s critics and encourage people to use nationalism and complaints of racism to defend sexism. This is a betrayal of Sri Lankan women. The decision to eradicate the victim from the account is misogynistic, as is Jayasuriya’s claim that feminists are “bitter” (such a tired trope). Jayasuriya dismisses the women whom he believes are using Danushka’s situation to highlight the “everyday acts of harassment they allegedly suffer at the hands of men.” “Allegedly” is the keyword here. In Jayasuriya’s worldview, it should not be Danushka on trial, but his accuser and all women who speak up about sexual abuse. Walaliyadde thumps his chest and tells readers how we ought to treat women assault victims in Sri Lanka, while claiming the accused is the real victim.
The fact that both men can ignore women’s critiques even as they admit Danushka had already been punished for harassing women and breaching team’s discipline previously reveals their complicity with patriarchy. Jayasuriya argues that Danushka’s frequent disciplinary violations make him unfit for the national cricket team and that his lack of discipline infected the rest of the team. At the same time, he excuses Danushka: “…habitual breaches of discipline and the charges of sexual assault that he is now accused of are not the same thing …. the former should not be interpreted as causing the latter.” Moreover, Walaliyadde contrasts team discipline offenses with sexual assault. While he acknowledges that the two offenses must be dealt with separately, he overlooks the potential that men’s celebrity or national hero status could be used to seduce women. When men are aware that neither society nor the legal system will hold them accountable for their actions, they take advantage of the privileged social position that they occupy.
Jayasuriya also takes issue with Danushka’s local critics, whom he sees as replicating the error of thinking that past abuses have anything to do with current abuses, an opinion with little legal support, and that Jayasuriya certainly would not use to defend a woman who had erred by inviting a dangerous man into her home. A woman’s past will be mercilessly used against her to cast doubt on her accusations.
Our society too often downplays abusive behavior by male celebrities because the public enjoys sport or entertainment and empathizes with celebrity men more than it empathizes with the victims of abusive celebrities. Those who speak out against celebrities are frequently labeled as Sri Lankan “haters.” The idea that “it’s not rape if it’s Alexander Skarsgård” (an embarrassing quote for which celebrity singer Randy Rainbow has apologized repeatedly) is founded on the premise that you are lucky if a celebrity pays attention to you, even if he is abusive. Male celebrities, the media tells us, are the natural prey of the “gold-digger,” who tries to “trap” rich, famous men. Because many men admire celebrities, we often hear defenses of Danushka from men who are not even cricket fans, but who support virtually any guy accused of rape if they think of him as “one of their own.” Their fundamental objective is to protect their gender privileges by treating women as second-class citizens. Too many men will rally to accuse women if they think there is the slightest chance their right to abuse will be abridged.
The masculinist narratives I have described are heavily influenced by liberalism, which places a premium on individual agency and rights. Liberals consider sexual violence to be gender-neutral and an assault on personal autonomy. They compare it to other forms of assault or illegitimate appropriation, focusing primarily on the harm done to individual victims. Liberals mistakenly assume that victims and perpetrators of sexual violence operate on an equal playing field and that those who decide whether sexual violence has occurred are free of bias. In the world described by these narratives, laws guaranteeing equal rights for women are meaningless because they are undermined not by gendered legal categories but by biased interpretations and gender inequality.
In contrast, progressive approaches to preventing violence against women prioritize gendered power and acknowledge resource disparities between men and women. Progressives know that rape is a deeply entrenched social practice that expresses and reinforces widespread inequality and oppression of women in society. Robbing women of their bodily sovereignty is an essential characteristic of women’s oppression. In the eyes of progressives, “rape” includes both overt physical force and violence and the abridgment of women’s right and freedom to say no to unwanted sexual encounters. Progressives see that subjugating women to men’s interests deprives women of the right to withdraw consent. Unfortunately, legal systems governing sexual violence have been more influenced by liberal than progressive perspectives (Johnson, 2005; Whisnant, 2008).
These encoded anti-woman narratives illustrated by popular commentaries on the Danushka saga should move us to transform Sri Lanka’s culture of sexual violence. We must embrace a version of masculinity that does not depend on subjugating women. We need, and Sri Lankan women deserve, a truly emancipatory project that transforms all our institutions—educational, religious, entertainment, and professional—into resolute supporters of women’s rights and staunch opponents of the gender inequality on which sexual abusers of women depend for protection.
Danushka is Free: Here is the reason Tinder Lost, Neth Balumgala, (11 November 2022) https://fb.watch/gRCHkw9Hox/
A New Story about Danushka and the Young Lady, (9 November 2022), Adaderena, Television, https://youtu.be/ujV372gYVMQ
Coralage, B. (2022, 10 November). S.B. says ‘boys will be boys,’ don’t blame only Danushka. The Morning. https://www.themorning.lk/s-b-says-boys-will-be-boys-dont-blame-only-danushka/
Jayasuriya, Ranga, (8 November 2022). https://www.dailymirror.lk/opinion/Danushka-Gunathilakes-trial-by-social-media/172-248140https://www.dailymirror.lk/opinion/Danushka-Gunathilakes-trial-by-social-media/172-248140
Johnson, A. (2005). The Gender Knot: Unraveling Our Patriarchal Legacy, (2nd ed.). Temple University Press.
Pinto-Jayawardena, K (eds.). The Search for Justice: The Sri Lankan Papers. Zubaan Series on Sexual Violence and Impunity in South Asia. Zubaan.
MacKinnon, Catharine A. (2005) Women’s Lives Men’s Laws. Cambridge: Belknap Press.
Whisnant, R. (2007). A woman’s body is like a foreign country: Thinking about national and bodily sovereignty, in Global Feminist Ethics, P. DesAutels and R. Whisnant (eds.), Rowman and Little
Williams, R. (2015). Feminism and rape. Public Affairs Quarterly, 29(4), pp. 419–33. http://www.jstor.org/stable/44714931. Accessed 15 Nov. 2022
Sarath / November 29, 2022
Remarkable the number of people rushing in to criticise Danushka Gunathilaka of sexual abuse and rape even though allegations against him have yet to be proven. The critics preach from a position that they are morally superior beings, that they don’t indulge in sex, that sex is a lewd and immoral act. They seem to say they lead saintly and sexless lives. Facts are these. Gunathilaka contacted a woman on the dating app Tinder and on an evening out, had dinner and then went to her home where they had sex. Afterwards she alleged sexual abuse and rape and penetration without a condom. Those are allegations. Gunathilaka is innocent until proven guilty in a court. And for those who don’t know or pretend not to know, Tinder is where young women and men of today go to find casual sex. The motives of people on Tinder are not always honest. Some men or women end up being blackmailed for money. What Gunathilaka’s fate will be is an open question. Until then, dishonest and lying preachers will have their seconds of fame.
Jude Fernando / November 30, 2022
Dear Sarath
The study’s goal, as stated openly, is not to find Dhanuska guilty or innocent. After all, he is presumed innocent unless proven guilty. In fact, discussing his innocence or culpability is not the focus of my investigation. Your comments, on the other hand, (perhaps inadvertently/unknowingly) give a wealth of corroborating evidence supporting the veracity of my findings. Please appreciate my heartfelt gratitude.
leelagemalli / December 2, 2022
We are more proud than others of our so-called 2500 heritage. Also, it does not seem that proper measures are being taken against different types of criminals.
Another link our hapankam (great performances).
Although the level of violent behavior remains at an unspeakable level, there is no sign of abating in the trend of gang crime.
We are becoming truly funny people to the world. In those days, the people of the world called the people of the world exemplary. Today they are instead talking about the level of our bankruptcy thanks to RAJAPAKSHE crooks.
We were setting a real example to the world then. At that time people were known as exemplary people. Today they are instead talking about the level of our bankruptcy thanks to the Rajapaksa thugs. They are considered the champion nation of a Chinese debt trap. They compare our recent leaders with the tribal leaders of African and Latin leaders who are utterly bankrupt. Our next donor nation may be from Addis Ababa. The economy has pitifully fallen to that level.
Dinuk / November 30, 2022
June Fernando: What happened to the Principle “Innocent until proved Guilty”?! Please do not insult our intelligence by using the Rape Metaphor lightly. Then lets also talk about how Today Sri Lanka is being RAPED by Euro-American Debt Colonialism – lets talk about the IMF and Paris Club raping Sri Lanka?!
This is a complex case where both RACIAL and Gender Identity politics and cultural codes are at play. Gayathri Spivac famously said that Colonialism was about “White Men saving brown women from Brown men”, meaning Divide and rule by playing Gender and race identity politics. Wake up please!
Was he snared by a Honeypot? She had invited him to her home etc. there’s two sides to any story.. and the case is Sub judice so hold your judgements.
Dinuk / November 30, 2022
And now in a “Post-truth” world we have brown women and some brown men saving white women from other brown men?!!
After all we are no longer fashionably post-colonial and politically correct, aside of course from the NED funded Human Rights Industry..
And what of AUKUS (the Anglo/ Racist boys club of Aussi, UK and US), colonization, militarization and Nuclear submarines targeting the Indian Ocean.. lets add all this to the Post-Truth pot and stir it up and call it RAPE?!
Ian B / December 1, 2022
Dinuk- did you even read the article? Your comments suggest you didn’t
Dinuk / December 2, 2022
Ian, read the article which is really about Jude Fernando’s self righteous ego boosting.. The point is that the real RAPE of Sri Lanka and Brown people on small islands happened and continues to happen today. It was called Colonialism and now Neocolonialism,:US-France-EU with their institutions debt trapping and asset Stripping and looting and beggaring brown and black people in Asia and Africa in collusion with corrupt Dictators like Ranil Rajapakse, who is backed by the US Force has been happening for a couple of centuries, while idiots like Jude Fernando re-inscribe and mastubate their rape fantasies– projected onto Dhanuska –Alborada Film style! Just wait of the next big GANG RAPE of Sri Lanka at the Colonial Club de Paris with the IMF leading the Group of US and EU Bond Traders (ISBs). The next Rape will be the Green Bondscam by 2015 Central Bank Bondscam Ranil Rajapakse: A Billion dollar ‘bail out’ agreement, Green Bond Christmas present with Greenwash to deepen the US dollar debt trap and deep penetration of Sri Lanka is due at the country celebrates 75 years of Neocolonialism. The next penetration/rape of SL is called “Debt for Nature Swap” (DFNS), or Green Bonds ironically, orchestrated by a woman called Kanni Wignaraja at UNDP among others or the Green Bondscam.
Jude Fernando / December 3, 2022
This is a pretty long response your comments.
For begin, you did not thoroughly read the article. It explicitly says that Danushka is presumed innocent until proven guilty. And the objective of the essay is not to determine whether he is innocent or guilty. This is not an article about Danuska, but rather an exploration of what local (rather than Australian) discourses around Dhansak’s scandal reveal about the culture of abuse toward women. You basically make a caricature that fits your case and then attack it my core claims. Such is the well-known protective nationalism that Sri Lankans frequently employ to avoid taking responsibility for domestic human rights issues. You’re using strawmen to say things that aren’t relevant to the article, and in doing so, you demonstrate how Sri Lankan men use defensive nationalism and distorted representations of the intersection of postcolonial studies and feminist thinking to further patriarchy, which isn’t a colonial construct. It is irrelevant to my article how patriarchy was integrated in complex ways into colonial praxis.
Second, you include drop the name of a postcolonial theorist to back up your claim. Your reference to Spivak, on the other hand, is taken out of context and does not directly corroborate your criticisms of my analysis. You also fail to consider how Spivak’s post-colonial feminism changed over time, as well as the criticism it got from South Asian women concerned about violence against women. Your quote comes from Spivak’s article, Can the Subaltern Speak?, which I studied in graduate school and use in my classroom. In fact, the concept of subaltern refers entirely to Sri Lankan women, and their subaltern position is constructed by Sri Lankan men, including you, Mr. Dinuk, through the types of comments you are making. My request to Aragalya is to free women from these Sri Lankan men. That is precisely my argument. Sri Lankan women have already begun in small ways, and the movement will soon spread. Last week, Sri Lankan women protested violence against women by wearing orange sarries in parliament.
Let me elaborate a little further on my argument. Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak says in that essay that the British eradication of the Hindu practice of sati widow-burning in India “has been widely interpreted as an example of ‘White men rescued brown women from brown men.” As Spivak and other post-colonial feminists have argued, the difficulty Spivak addresses is the British response to sati as a project of its civilizing mission that provides legitimacy to its reign over India. At the same time British also feared that abolition would undermine its legitimacy among the native population of India. Spivak does not excuse Sati, and no woman will either, as rape does. Furthermore, given the context of my piece, it is a white woman involved in a largely white country in an altogether different context compared to British colonial period . In Australia, many white men, including clergy, have been imprisoned for sexual abuse. You present no evidence that Australia’s attention on Danushak is motivated by prejudice toward Sri Lankans or that Australia is complicit in exploiting the alleged rape of an Australian woman to advance Australia’s nationalist goals. (This is a separate study that is beyond the scope of my article.)
Furthermore, as Lata Mani points out, “[British] dread of the repercussions of forbidding sati was linked to their understanding of sati as a religious activity and to their conception of religion as a basic and structural factor of Indian society.” Spivak does not deny that Sati was not an Indian ritual, and she agrees with many Indian historians, including Manu, that the conditions that formed British responses to Sati were unique to India and existed prior to British colonization. The same is true for rape and sexual violence, which are global experiences for women, despite the fact that narratives about them and tactics to dealing with them varies from nation to country. In this scenario, unlike the British, Australia is not engaging in a civilizing mission in Sri Lanka. Thus, Robert J. C. Young has observed that Daisy is motivated by’modern’ cognitive processes associated with the West, and thus represents the polar opposite of Spivak’s sentence: “Brown women are saving other brown women from brown males.”
Like the sexual violence I describe in my article, as Mayo notes that British administration had ‘nothing to do’ with the conditions of India, and despite sati to’save’ brown women from brown men, the British had ‘nothing to do’ with the final outcome of women, as they continued to need’saving’ in other ways. Spivak is incorrect in her assertion that white men ultimately save brown women from brown men. Indian women and men are the only ones who can “rescue” themselves. Neither Danushka nor Tinder are a subordinate. In fact, one could argue that women in general are subalterns when the dominant ideologies of the ruling classes repress their voices.
Despite the fact that patriarchy and women’s responses to it may vary from country to country, Spivak agrees with the idea of universal femininity in respect to patriarchy. She highlights that the history and narratives of women around the world are similar and that local economic, political, social, and cultural contexts produced the oppression of women around the globe. She came to the conclusion that, while it is possible to recover the voices of the downtrodden, it is not likely. In short, Spivak’s post-colonial feminism related writings are consistent with my arguments and contradict your incorrect ones.
old codger / December 4, 2022
You tell her!
A Princeton education sometimes only enables people to engage in name-dropping and/or incoherent verbiage.
Jude Fernando / December 3, 2022
This is a pretty long response your comments.
For begin, you did not thoroughly read the article. It explicitly says that Danushka is presumed innocent until proven guilty. And the objective of the essay is not to determine whether he is innocent or guilty. This is not an article about Danuska, but rather an exploration of what local (rather than Australian) discourses around Dhansak’s scandal reveal about the culture of abuse toward women. You basically make a caricature that fits your case and then attack it my core claims. Such is the well-known protective nationalism that Sri Lankans frequently employ to avoid taking responsibility for domestic human rights issues. You’re using strawmen to say things that aren’t relevant to the article, and in doing so, you demonstrate how Sri Lankan men use defensive nationalism and distorted representations of the intersection of postcolonial studies and feminist thinking to further patriarchy, which isn’t a colonial construct. It is irrelevant to my article how patriarchy was integrated in complex ways into colonial praxis.
Second, you include drop the name of a postcolonial theorist to back up your claim. Your reference to Spivak, on the other hand, is taken out of context and does not directly corroborate your criticisms of my analysis. You also fail to consider how Spivak’s post-colonial feminism changed over time, as well as the criticism it got from South Asian women concerned about violence against women. Your quote comes from Spivak’s article, Can the Subaltern Speak?, which I studied in graduate school and use in my classroom. In fact, the concept of subaltern refers entirely to Sri Lankan women, and their subaltern position is constructed by Sri Lankan men, including you, Mr. Dinuk, through the types of comments you are making. My request to Aragalya is to free women from these Sri Lankan men. That is precisely my argument. Sri Lankan women have already begun in small ways, and the movement will soon spread. Last week, Sri Lankan women protested violence against women by wearing orange sarries in parliament.
Let me elaborate a little further on my argument. Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak says in that essay that the British eradication of the Hindu practice of sati widow-burning in India “has been widely interpreted as an example of ‘White men rescued brown women from brown men.” As Spivak and other post-colonial feminists have argued, the difficulty Spivak addresses is the British response to sati as a project of its civilizing mission that provides legitimacy to its reign over India. At the same time British also feared that abolition would undermine its legitimacy among the native population of India. Spivak does not excuse Sati, and no woman will either, as rape does. Furthermore, given the context of my piece, it is a white woman involved in a largely white country in an altogether different context compared to British colonial period . In Australia, many white men, including clergy, have been imprisoned for sexual abuse. You present no evidence that Australia’s attention on Danushak is motivated by prejudice toward Sri Lankans or that Australia is complicit in exploiting the alleged rape of an Australian woman to advance Australia’s nationalist goals. (This is a separate study that is beyond the scope of my article.)
Furthermore, as Lata Mani points out, “[British] dread of the repercussions of forbidding sati was linked to their understanding of sati as a religious activity and to their conception of religion as a basic and structural factor of Indian society.” Spivak does not deny that Sati was not an Indian ritual, and she agrees with many Indian historians, including Manu, that the conditions that formed British responses to Sati were unique to India and existed prior to British colonization. The same is true for rape and sexual violence, which are global experiences for women, despite the fact that narratives about them and tactics to dealing with them varies from nation to country. In this scenario, unlike the British, Australia is not engaging in a civilizing mission in Sri Lanka. Thus, Robert J. C. Young has observed that Daisy is motivated by’modern’ cognitive processes associated with the West, and thus represents the polar opposite of Spivak’s sentence: “Brown women are saving other brown women from brown males.”
Like the sexual violence I describe in my article, as Mayo notes that British administration had ‘nothing to do’ with the conditions of India, and despite sati to’save’ brown women from brown men, the British had ‘nothing to do’ with the final outcome of women, as they continued to need’saving’ in other ways. Spivak is incorrect in her assertion that white men ultimately save brown women from brown men. Indian women and men are the only ones who can “rescue” themselves. Neither Danushka nor Tinder are a subordinate. In fact, one could argue that women in general are subalterns when the dominant ideologies of the ruling classes repress their voices.
Despite the fact that patriarchy and women’s responses to it may vary from country to country, Spivak agrees with the idea of universal femininity in respect to patriarchy. She highlights that the history and narratives of women around the world are similar and that local economic, political, social, and cultural contexts produced the oppression of women around the globe. She came to the conclusion that, while it is possible to recover the voices of the downtrodden, it is not likely. In short, Spivak’s post-colonial feminism related writings are consistent with my arguments and contradict your incorrect ones.
SJ / December 1, 2022
Gossip is the staple of many readers and news is not always juicy.
You seem a spoilsport.
Bernard / November 30, 2022
Just wondering how a man can cope if he is suddenly denied consent when he is about to ejaculate? Will he have to anyway face the consequences if he decides to “proceed”? Or will he have a valid arguement? This is outside of the Danushka saga.
davidthegood / November 30, 2022
Bernard, when you put food in your mouth, should you cope with it by swallowing or vomiting. Tinder is known and accepted for casual sex and no need to cope with it. It is only a higher order of righteous living that does not accept sex outside of marriage. Major religion in nation does not teach righteous sexual practice outside marriage which is denied to them. Hence perversion.
Mahila / December 1, 2022
Jude Fernando / November 30, 2022
Dear Sarath
The study’s goal, as stated openly, is not to find Dhanuska guilty or innocent. After all, he is presumed innocent unless proven guilty. In fact, discussing his innocence or culpability is not the focus of my investigation. Your comments, on the other hand, (perhaps inadvertently/unknowingly) give a wealth of corroborating evidence supporting the veracity of my findings. Please appreciate my heartfelt gratitude.
a14455 / November 30, 2022
Goodness gracious a 30 page harangue of sexual violence of Sri Lankans and a so called rape culture of a person who is accused and not even convicted ?
This shows the pervasive heenamanaya of Sri Lankans and the complete lack of the rule of law. or even a basic understand of it. I suppose innocent until proven guilty is just a joke to these fellows.
old codger / November 30, 2022
“engage in a productive national conversation about the culture of violence against women in Sri Lanka. We can break the taboo and bring the discussion from the margins to the center of society.”
There are many things that our 2500 year old culture prevents us talking about.
If this had happened in SL, nobody would have known Danushka’s name.
Does anyone know the name of that monk who raped a 15 year old recently. Or the name of the Navy officer who did the same? No, these are sacred people, unlike the Maldivian Muslim whose name was splashed all over.
leelagemalli / November 30, 2022
1/srilankens are in denial about enforcement of rigorous law and order.
That is how they let the failures be repeated. Politiicians are blind and deaf after getting elected to parliament. SRILANKEN democray works only to getting elected by voters, after that they dont think about ” making laws” being incompliant to fortpolio the ” law makers”:
Lack of strict law enforcement is the main reason. If they don’t take it seriously today, when will they want to fix it?
Violators of law and order should not be subjected to any rank.National cricketers may be heros to some, but if they violate laws, should be punished on the spot.
leelagemalli / November 30, 2022
2/Everyone should be treated equally if they break the law regardless of rank.
Let me give you some examples of how some of the top men in the football league have been caught by German law and order with 3 years or more in prison. Without their continued existence the great loss the league contributes would never be considered. Law is higher than revenue. Even Dr Merkel could have been jailed if it had been breached.
Strict laws in Europe and Southeast Asia do not allow anyone to act with impunity. They have set an example to the world.
We know how South Koreans treated their former prime minister after they found out she was guilty. Nothing like that happens in our hell. The ignorance and apathy of the people is immeasurably high.
nimal fernando / November 30, 2022
The oracle/expert has spoken!
I’m with OC on this ……. he is always right in all matters concerning women.
Nature’s ultimate purpose/goal is reproduction ………..the way our minds are programmed by nature ol’ copulation is a very “animalistic process.”
If you ask OC ……. he’ll tell you gentleness, softness, kindness and artfulness in giving and taking pleasure gets rewarded better …….. than rape, roughness and the need to demean and humiliate ….. which has more to do with mental inadequacies and sickness …… than anything to do with pleasure or reproduction
An opinion from the man who wrote the book on better verbal treatment of women; our very own Marquis de Sade is not forthcoming ………. what say you, Native?
Native Vedda / December 1, 2022
nimal fernando
Are we allowed to discuss these while you are here in this forum?
Well FYI please visit A Beginners Guide to Rough Sex BY MENS HEALTH STAFF
Tell us why would this Australian registered web wants to discuss this matter?
Does the website want to titillate sanctimoniousness humbugs or encourage women to accept feel normal when treated rough?
By the way I hear men pay for being treated bad and rough.
How about you?
Have you ever enjoyed such pleasure?
nimal fernando / December 2, 2022
“encourage women to accept feel normal when treated rough?”
Gezze Native, ……… Why do you visit these sites? If you treat gals well they’ll treat you well in return.
A man has to be so insecure and weighted down with truckloads of feelings of inadequacy ………. to want to make women feel demeaned and small.
It has nothing to do with others: it has more to do with oneself ………… Go sit in front of a mirror and look at yourself for 10 minutes: get to know thyself.
If you feel inadequate ……. in the Shaolin Temple they used to hang big stones in it to make it longer ………make sure you keep the weight manageable: if you want instant results and go with the largest rock around …….. things might fall off and you’d end up with more problems than you started out with ………
Sinhala_Man / December 2, 2022
This is what is said within the link you’ve provided, NV.
“Do It with Someone You Trust
“Rough sex is best with someone you’re in a relationship with or at least know well.”
Didn’t Kindle tell that Aussie gal that?
nimal fernando / December 3, 2022
“This is what is said within the link you’ve provided, NV.”
Native is more into verbal rough stuff; not physical.
Now that Ranil has taken upon himsel to train/teach the younger generation how to be successful …….. Native might graduate into big and better things!
Mahila / December 1, 2022
“No, these are sacred people, unlike the Maldivian Muslim whose name was splashed all over.”
What nomenclature, one would use to classify this meritorious act under our pronounced long Culture and Civilisation!!!
Favourism, Discrimination, Piety, forgiveness, Partiality, Prejudice, or the cultured never make mistakes, but only MISLED community by Western Colonial Depraved influence!!!???
How could the Civilised people preached to by the emancipated clergy over the Loud Speakers morning, Noon and Evening be MISLED SO EASILY!!??
SJ / December 1, 2022
Nobody is preached to morning noon and evening over the loudspeaker. There is the usual call for prayer for Muslims. Whether a loudspeaker is needed is another matter. But others too abuse loudspeakers very much.
At times Bana is broadcast aloud from pansalas. Hindu festivals offer their share of loud devotional music during festivals. I know one on the A9 that broadcasts devotional music in the mornings,
In fairness the Christians and Catholics are not much of noise polluters. Catholics do use loudspeakers on special church occasions. But not everywhere.
No faith is an exception to abuse of the gullible in ways besides sex.
Let us ensure that we address our issues based on the law of the land than make stereotypes of communities.
leelagemalli / December 2, 2022
You raise a good point. Thank you.
They are the people in my homeland today, many of whom don’t care about being “sound sensitive” . Even on the streets of Kiribathgoda, Kadawata, Borella, Maradana, the deaf victims double up, so they keep the music louder.
This is just as trivial as the people themselves have given those sound creators the right to violate public laws.
Again, many repeat that our people are a benevolent nation and they are truly good in human values.
However, this is repeated by the country’s bogus media.
The truth is that people have been made eternally stupid, ignorant, slaves and helpless.
Although sound exposure levels can cause permanent damage to sensitive eardrums, public buses treat their commuters with unbearably loud music and public transport buses are overloaded like cattle and pig trucks.
leelagemalli / December 2, 2022
I know people don’t have other options, but isn’t it the very people who brought the society to dangerous levels?
Not a single passenger dares to stand up to the bus driver or the sub-human bus conductors. Taking for granted even if women and children are being abused in crowded buses. I experienced this by mysef lately – heard a female passnger screaming that the man standing immediate behind her was rubbing his penis on her….. I also saw the sex abuser was slinkily getting off from the front door, immediately the victimized passenger woman shouted loudly.
For her solidarity, I broke the silence and asked her why not you “hit his genitals with your umbrella” … – the woman was helplessly praising my cooperation with others. “Dear sir, you shouldn’t be a daily commuter by buses in this country, all the other people don’t even care to raise an issue, this is normal in this doggy country”— these are just everyday crimes in our hell, she went on. My friends and relatives warned me not to overreact like that again in such buses, as those criminals might stab me. This is the nature of ” sinhala buddhism dominated srilanka” where pirith chants are played every other 50 meters on colombo streets. State promoting hypocrisy…. simply a pariah state sadly.
nimal fernando / December 3, 2022
“heard a female passenger screaming that the man standing immediate behind her was rubbing his penis on her”
I was wondering ……. where EE was.
He is finally in heaven.
leelagemalli / December 4, 2022
I think he may well be killed by his immediate neighbors, though too late.
Only Mahinda Rajapakshe may be worried of his ultra racist remarks. .
What about Mahindpala ? Is he still alive? 🤔🤔🤔🤔
Sinhala_Man / December 3, 2022
Another Maldives “story”:
Surely, we might feel, they can’t be such fools as to invest in anything here.
We all think that we are “clever”:
When I wrote all that, I imagined that I had made a major altruistic contribution. And much credit to Professor Jeevan Hoole. Immediately, in the comments, I was put right. A comment by an unknown to me person, “Sad Lankan”, was disappointing.
A couple of weeks ago, I looked at what Wikipedia says about CBK now:
Towards the end of that find the section heading, “2018 Maldivian presidential election”. I’m glad; I’ve always had a fairly positive view of good ol’ Chandrika – never known her.
Having done so much, Nasheed himself has disappointed. In a given situation, one just acts for the best.
leelagemalli / December 1, 2022
OC, let me add this below…. this I experienced in a bus travel from Wellawatta to Kadawath in first week or Nov 2022.
Does anyone know how many women and children are abused by men on public transport buses in Sri Lanka every day?
did not I report lately about a passenger woman who screamed out ” asking wanacharaya, stop, we can t even place our feet properly in this crowded bus but , you enjoy your time “
leelagemalli / December 1, 2022
in the first week of Nov 2022.
old codger / December 2, 2022
“this I experienced in a bus travel from Wellawatta to Kadawath in first week or Nov 2022.”
That would have been a 154 bus, right? That thing is so slow that bored passengers might be provoked to molest even old men.
BTW, just to titillate one SM from Bandarawela, you passed just 50 yards from my humble residence at one point.
leelagemalli / December 2, 2022
Yes it should be 154.
Thanks OC,
If had met, that would have been a great meeting for a cup of tea with you.
It was one of my few journeys in a public bus, a truth-seeking mission in fact by risking my life, but my relatives warned me not to react that way.
nimal fernando / December 3, 2022
“just 50 yards from my humble residence”
Do you have a death-wish?
Underestimate at your own peril.
Don’t judge the man by his English ………. his other talent/skill is far superior. :))
old codger / December 3, 2022
“That thing is so slow that bored passengers might be provoked to molest even old men.”
Actually I meant to type ” might be provoked to molest even SM”.
Native Vedda / December 1, 2022
old codger
Please watch this interview or Conversation with Nimal’s favorite news presenter Palki Sharma Upadhyay:
Did you know Palki has resigned from WION?
Native Vedda / December 1, 2022
old codger
The video has been removed a few minutes ago.
old codger / December 3, 2022
I know, but I found this:
Native Vedda / December 3, 2022
old codger
Thanks for the link.
Nimal needs it.
nimal fernando / December 2, 2022
“Did you know Palki has resigned from WION?”
Now, there is a 4K Super High Definition 75 inch TV for sale ……. OC has no use for it.
Sinhala_Man might buy it …….. to watch Ranil ……. and throw eggs
There’s always a use for anything …….. somewhere …….
Sinhala_Man / December 2, 2022
Eggs are not available in Lanka after price was controlled @ Rs 50/= each. Last Christmas we were complaining when the price hit Rs 22/=!
What did oc want to have a 75 inch Super HD TV for? Was it bringing him life-size pictures of Palki?
But for that he may have needed about a 100″ inch screen, don’t you think?
However, why don’t you buy it, nf?
I’ve spent considerable resources on countering a termite attack on this house.
But Orkin is probably a business venture. Local agent probably Dhammika Perera. Now what to do? You’d better buy the large TV, nimal. What does Ramona have to say? She may be glad that her rival, Palki, is gone!
Panini Edirisinhe of Bandarawela (NIC 483111444V)
old codger / December 2, 2022
“Did you know Palki has resigned from WION?”
No. Will she join the Print, to add some glamour there?
Native Vedda / December 3, 2022
old codger
“No. Will she join the Print, to add some glamour there?”
According to her, she is involved in a new project, soon to be commissioned.
She would not divulge any information.
Nimal must be unhappy, man must be missing her.
leelagemalli / December 2, 2022
Unfrotunately, Video is no longer avaiable.
By the way, do you ken where FAKE PROF. Jayasumana is hiding today. Ms Athana Methana Natana Rathana may be preparing for a national pardon.
leelagemalli / December 2, 2022
the best ever lucrative business becoming nowadays is “organ trade” as of today in colombo suburbs. This is becoming common in next days as I read somewhere.
Can you imagine ? This was not rare in indian subcontinent. When the poverty levels go up, people have nothing else but to do any thing for survivial.
Even if one single KIDNEY would be enough to survive, if they sell off the other, it can be a real big health threat depending on the individuals.
Mahinda Rajapkshes numerous unsealed accounts can fund these innocient people at least for some time. People should force him to do so. His son is said to have invested hotel projects amonuting to 1 billion of rps (1000 millions) in Sinharaja Forest. Time to time, the investors are being changed. This is also known to SRILANKEN SO CALLED INDPENDENT judiciary. Nevertheless nothing seems to work against his public crimes.
Never would these men see the grievances of the people. Never. instead As yet he is being protected by the funds of tax givers. Truth is Mahinda Rajapakshe istead abused and wasted collosal amounts of statefunds for his travels last year.
leelagemalli / December 2, 2022
a typo. unfortunately.
leelagemalli / December 2, 2022
this is the correct link.
Native Vedda / December 3, 2022
Thanks I have already watched the interview.
Channa is behaving as if he hasn’t done anything wrong.
No apology, ….no shame.
Dr Safi was paid back dated salary.
Why didn’t Channa and Rathna protest against it?
leelagemalli / December 3, 2022
Dear NV,
The mainstream media is still silent about it.
Dr. Safi and his daughter are not granted interviews, deliberately ignoring the practice as if this was a daily occurrence. Sri lanka s Malala Yousafzai (nobel price winner) is in making opening the eyes of the world as of today.
Not only the ethnic cruel Buddhists, but the entire Sri Lankan media is highly responsible for the atrocity. If the family seeks asylum in Europe in this regard, any country will accept them very highly.
This exposes the true nakedness of the mainstream media in Sri Lanka.-
Severity of the problem:
This daughter was rejected by Kurunegala schools. Later she went to Colombo.
Thanks to her own strengths, she was not indifferent. There she was rejected again and later she moved to Kalmunai. All this happened when her father was police custody on false charges.
The world will soon react to “this barbaric act of Sinhalese Buddhist society”. Her victimization will no doubt soon open the eyes of the United Nations or other human rights organizations.
Native Vedda / December 4, 2022
Please watch this Channa Jeyasumana’s interview Chamuditha , poor fellow:
He is in real s….t, however he is not ashamed of anything, …..
leelagemalli / December 4, 2022
That should be met with ” Medamulana guidelines”. Any candidate, no matter without adequate post doctoral research records, but to fill up by making them PROFESSORs has destroyed sirlanken university system. My own studies reveal this to me lately.
So how can you expect from him any kind of remorse ?
Native Vedda / December 3, 2022
Here comes a leadership material.
Well rounded and gifeted.
Channa should spend some time learning from this child.
He is all over the place, planning to distract parliament from Ranil’s initiative on reconciliation process. In the last few days he raised point of order quite a few times.
In an interview he objected to Ranil’s initiatives since Ranil was not elected.
I am not sure if Channa was ever elected.
Rajash / November 30, 2022
Rear Admiral Sarath Weerasekera in the parliament called the Tamils, both the LTTE fighters and civilians who surrendered and still missing, presumably killed by the Sri Lankan military, as rapists and he lambasted the Tamils for remembering the rapist.
Danushka will be a hero if and when he returns to Sri Lanka. He will be worshiped by the likes of Rear Admiral Sarath Weerasekera.
Native Vedda / December 1, 2022
How are you?
I have not come across Shenali Wduge’s diatribe blaming on 500 years of white colonialism and the atrocities committed by colonisers on native people, which causing people from former colonies to act the way they act towards …… justifying rape, murder, pillages, … attributed to Colonial Anger, ….
As part of exorcising Colonial Anger she also wants more hams befallen on fellow kallthoni descendants who speaks different language.
nimal fernando / December 3, 2022
“Shenali Wduge’s diatribe blaming on 500 years of white colonialism and the atrocities committed by colonisers on native people, which causing people from former colonies to act the way they act towards …… justifying rape, murder, pillages, … attributed to Colonial Anger”
Why signal out only her ………. this is a line peddled by many “ex-colonial “scholars” “
Shenali Wduge …….. Have you got a crush on her, Native? ……… Never heard of her. ………….. Has she a following?
Native Vedda / December 3, 2022
nimal fernando
“Shenali Wduge …….. Have you got a crush on her, Native?”
The most unhappy woman ever to be born in Sri Lanka.
The male equivalent is Gunadasa Amarasekara.
Michael Roberts is her admirer.
I suspect her ancestors must have come from South India within the last 200 or so years and converted to Sinhala/Buddhism, similar to those who were/are holding extreme racist views about their fellow Sri Lankans, Udaya Gamanpilla, Wimal Sangili Karuppan, Kamala, Patali, ……. Rajapaksas, JR, Banda, Weeping widow, Dinesh, ….. 6.9 million.
leelagemalli / December 4, 2022
Did you hear what Wimal Sangili Weerawansa said yesterday? He behaves as if someone else should be responsible for bringing Gotabha into power.
It is old news for them that WW’s direct intervention helped bring Gotabhaya to power. Remember the rhetorics on LKU and Mahathir Mohamad fairytale?
As far as I understand, if these jackels are brought and hung from their balls, that would be the best thing that can comfort us easily. These criminals should be hanged with mlechcha-style “medieval punishments” should not be pardoned.
Wimal Buruwansa or people like that are shameful. It is certain that today he does not understand the great influence of the nitwits’ rhetoric back then.
leelagemalli / December 4, 2022
Lankaweb and Shenaliw Waduge
There were days when LankaW hired the ultra-nationalist Mahindapala to write his diatribes.
Today, so-called independent journalists are playing the same role using Waduge. Finally, the carpenter’s eyes should be opened, at least after today’s strugglers have explained Gota’s abilities.
For anyone who still thinks that Mahinda Deshapriya was a good EC chairman, They all have to go back to kindergarten. I think if all the opposition party leaders including AKD had a proper brain, they could point out to the partisan patriot that he should respect the prerequisites for a presidential candidate. In retrospect even minors will know if a real court case is being filed against the misconduct and total ignorance of EC members in this regard, an alleged criminal country was deliberately brought down.
Raj-UK / November 30, 2022
Many sporting ‘heroes’ who have found fame & fortune from god given talent are yobs with little education & wallow in their celebrity status, probably, thinking they are untouchable. An example is English footballers, many of who are always in the news on some sexual harassment or rape allegation. In SL, however, until recently, such allegations were unheard of but looking at some events in the paste decade, it is no surprise that we have now a decadent society.
A few years ago, a senior monk of a Buddhist temple in London was convicted of paedophilia & served a prison sentence before being deported to SL. I understand this podophile continued as a monk in the Gampaha area in a temple which also ran an orphanage. The little girl who was molested, was a doctor by profession & married to an Englishman at the time she brought up the case as she had to wait until her father’s death because even her own parents did not believe her. Although it seemed a hopeless case, several others had the courage to come forward & thanks to British justice system, the podophile monk faced justice.
leelagemalli / December 1, 2022
“In SL, however, until recently, such allegations were unheard of but looking at some events in the paste decade, it is no surprise that we have now a decadent society.”
Beg to differ, this is not updated information.
Sri Lanka media is worst of all. This is self-explanatory. They don’t care much about the opinions of the common people. They handpick a few characters and explore what they intend to give high profile. These are joint scam net works and they are funded by political crooks.
You know how effective they are at promoting astrology, magic and other myths, that way, they can’t collect more “likes” and view rates. If men were only fools, evil men would be able to rise. out.
Do some research yourself,..if you really have the time to do so, you will see how that society has fallen.
Today, the work of the “leaf blowers” in our residential area, where I live made me think, how decent those people are even though they are doing their labor work…. Law and order rule the man and nothing else. It should have been implemented in our hell a long long time ago… However, keeping the myths on top, does not give place to proper implementation of law and order in that country.
nimal fernando / December 3, 2022
“she had to wait until her father’s death because even her own parents did not believe her.”
If my memory serves me right …….. she waited until her father was dead ……. because it was her father who took her to the temple and introduced her to the priest. ……. She felt her father wouldn’t be able to handle the guilt.
This is more of a human problem than a racial/ethnic/religious/what-have-you ………. look, what the Catholic priests did to young boys all around the world …….. and how the Church protected the priests.
The Church/Pope was more worried about the drain on their coffers – if claims were brought by the victims – than the horrific abuse suffered by the victims or their welfare. So much for “religions” and their “opium” to keep mass sections of humanity “compliant.”
There will be greater success to stamp out these ………. if these are looked at as human problems ……… otherwise the “group/clan” feels targeted and victimised by the larger …….. and draw the wagons around themselves.
For example …….. liberation and equal treatment of women should be tackled as a human problem and made men to feel ashamed. ……… If you signal out the Muslims they feel victimised ……… and start banning together to protect “Islam” i.e. themselves ……. and the women are forgotten.
old codger / December 4, 2022
“The Church/Pope was more worried about the drain on their coffers – if claims were brought by the victims –”
Raj-UK / November 30, 2022
Of course, the Sinhala Buddhists in UK were up in arms, stating it was a conspiracy to deface Buddhism, & MR, President at the time, had instructed the High Commission to meet the legal cost of the monk. Then there was the case where a British tourist of Indian ethnicity was murdered in front of witnesses & his Russian girlfriend gang raped by some minor southern politician & his cronies. Even Cameron, UK PM at the time, brought up the case during his official visit to SL & walked out from the meeting in disgust when MR refused to bring the perpetrators to justice. This was televised in UK but to our Sinhala patriots, it was standing up to British might. When society is in denial & even the state supporting lawlessness, the proud Buddhist tradition & ‘Sinhala’ culture is utter hypocrisy.
leelagemalli / December 1, 2022
each time when it comes to implement any good systems, their device it to divert the culprit mind set which is prevalent in majority of th epeople, be fed with ” foreign invasion”, ” anti -buddhistic forces”, pro-christian hedgemonic tasks or somthing else…. so that they could better sell off their theories in order to achieve their ulterior goals hidden in their mind.
Wimal Weerawanse is a school drop-out, that is known to everyone, but he could well be used like a ” gallery pleasing rhetoric deliverer ” . This similar to artists, that address to the gallery or better put, sensitive hindi films that give a thrill to lower social classes.
This was first handedly abused by Mahinda chinthanaya for their mlechcha politics.That polarised making them populists. however if asked, people would nnot care much about to leave a proper statement as to why you voted for them. Mahinda knew how he would play ” BURUWA GAHANAWA” in a funeral place. That is his background. THe kind of men has no RIGHT to be out of prisons to my my knowledge. He deserve to spend his last days in a prison with heave loads of punishments for the cruse deliberately made to this nation.
Mahila / December 3, 2022
“When society is in denial & even the state supporting lawlessness, the proud Buddhist tradition & ‘Sinhala’ culture is utter hypocrisy”
Well said and it is the truth, they take every opportunity and step to deny!!! That’s the Sri Lankan motto!?
Unfortunately, coupled to the gullible electorate, this is causing the agony that is Sri Lanka!!?
Denial as the “first step in all action”, is the prime reason for the calamity that has befallen Sri Lanka!??
That sickening, SB’s mindset, they voted thieving, robbing, looting mafia back to power in 2019/2020!!???
Shameless, instrumental sending investigators Shani to custodial limitations others take refuge Overseas!!!
Utter Hypocracy mild description of dastardly act, which is initiated CUNNINGLY, erase all allegations against SB’s leadership against punitive action or Restorative justice!!!?? SB’s cannot ever WRONG!!??
Avidly, “behind the scene” supported or connived with ulterior motives (POLITICAL) by SATANS, of the “ATANA, METHANA, HITHANA, NATANA” religiously robed miscreants!!! Shameless people and never an apology even if they are proved wrong in a court of Law!!!
Sinhala Buddhists never wrong though their long cherished 2600 year civilisation is littered with Patricide/ Fratricide!!! SOME JUSTICE!!
leelagemalli / December 3, 2022
Dear M,
Thanks, I couldn’t agree more with you.
Everything I want to share is clear from your comment.
Sri Lanka’s mainstream media today is unbelievably silent on Dr. Safi’s innocence. If a Sinhala Buddhist made a small sacrifice, it would be commendable beyond all ranks for the BIASED media of Sri Lanka.
Dr. Safi’s 3 years salary arrears were donated to the same crowd full of SB racists including “Atana metana natana Ratana” and “that fake joker Professor Jayasumana aka Natha Deyiya”. No media gave it a special publicity yet?
leelagemalli / December 3, 2022
I think it is time to reveal the official procedure of how that racist Jayasuman became a professor. Apart from a few publications that focused on the Rajarata glyphosate disaster leading to unknown kidney disease (UKD), he had no “postdoctoral research papers” over the years. I know few researchers working on Glyposate stuff in Berlin.
Is it true that anyone with less qualifications can become a professor in a famous university in Sri Lanka? is not that the reason, srilanken Unis to fall significant lower ranks in recent years ?
The entire Buddhist clergy should publicly apologize to Dr. Safi’s family for this massive communal issue by the entire SB community against a single minority family. Period.
Dinuk / December 1, 2022
Jude, Please keep your made in USA “Me Too Aragalaya” in the US where the Roe vs. Wade abortion case was revisited due to a CIA staged document leak from the Supreme Court and used to Distract from the REAL problem — the American War Machine and military business intel. media entertainment industrial complex which is causing so much Gun Violence in the US and around the world! Sadly, USA is addicted to and needs Gun, Wars, War games and violence to keep its war machine economy going while preaching fake Human Rights. Me too, and the Woke Movement and BLM in a post-truth era, and the Abortion Rights issue is a diversion and distraction to ensure that the people of the US who live in a Fake Democracy run by the most deadly and violent military industrial gun violence and Digital surveillance complex in the world do no wake up and see the truth and start protesting against the US- NATO third World War Project Blaming Putin and Xi as dictators when it the US that has 750 military bases around the world is convenient hog wash,,, Me too and all you Woke Folks are so deluded about how the CIA stages Aragalaya Social media shows and protests, both in the US and all over the world.
Ian B / December 2, 2022
Deflection deflection deflection
Ian B / December 2, 2022
To be clear, Dinuk’s comments attacking Dr Fernando’s thesis are lame ‘straw man’ arguments- they don’t address the issue at hand, and try to distract from it by trying to drag American issues into the conversation (and attempt yo discredit Dr Fernando by association) thus deflecting attention away from the point of the article- sexual violence in Sri Lanka. One wonders why Dinuk is trying to obscure the issue…
Jude Fernando / December 3, 2022
IMF is a different topic which I have written in other places. Even this comment is a distraction from the article. This article is not about political economy of capitalism and the US role in it.
SJ / December 4, 2022
When one talks of one thing, one inevitably talk of others things too.
Jude Fernando / December 3, 2022
This week, Sri Lankan ladies protesting violence against women wore orange saris to the parliament.
Please refrain from insulting the Sri Lankans by claiming that the Aragalaya was CIA-sponsored. Please respect their agency. You are unaware of the several workshops that took place in Argalaya critical of Western and Chinese policies, as well as the IMF. I do not wish to elaborate because my current article does not center on them. Every comment you have has no direct relevance to the article. Nor you make an attempt to make it relevant.
SJ / December 1, 2022
“…surety of $150,000 was paid by a “mysterious Sri Lankan female who is residing in Melbourne”
No person, mysterious or otherwise, will like the name splashed over the media. The money could have been a ht collection even.
Can we let the law take its course without conducting further ‘trials-at-Internet’.
Mahila / December 3, 2022
Especially, considering the reputation of the party concerned!! Fully agree!!!????
Human Touch / December 1, 2022
Who can remember this?
July 23, 2018
A Sri Lankan Test cricketer has been suspended after a Norwegian woman accused his friend of raping her in a hotel room where he was present, an official said Monday.
Dhanushka Gunathilaka, 27, and his friend, who cannot be named, took two Norwegian women to the hotel where the player was staying in Colombo in the early hours of Sunday.
One of the women later accused the second man, a British passport-holder of Sri Lankan origin, of raping her and police arrested him.
The 26-year-old “is under arrest and we are continuing our investigations,” a police official told AFP. “A Norwegian tourist made the complaint of rape.”
He said there was no allegation against Gunathilaka, who is currently Sri Lanka´s best-performing batsman in an ongoing tour by South Africa.
However Sri Lanka Cricket on Sunday night suspended him on a “misconduct” charge, although he is allowed to play in the match that is currently taking place.
The governing body´s rules stipulate that during matches players must be back in their hotel rooms by midnight and cannot have guests.
The cricket board will also “withhold Gunathilaka´s fee for the ongoing Test match until the outcome of the inquiry,” it said.
leelagemalli / December 2, 2022
Thanks for your links. Even today, not a single YOUTUBER had the courage to reveal Danishka’s past. That is the hypocritical nature of our people.
As you know Sri Lanka is a country with an independent judiciary “on paper”.
People stand behind a big criminal who robbed the country in broad daylight like no other country. Many still defend Mahinda Rajapakse without shame. So how can the citizens of such a country expect justice?
It can be seen by you and me, but many people in Sri Lanka do not care much about a disciplined life.
This is what I saw during my trip to our motherland the other day. I could not believe my eyes how they behaved in public places.
What’s the point of being a fan if they protect rape cricketers or other crime friendly sportspersons?
At the same time, they talk about “real change” in society.
Isn’t that completely contradictory?
Fast bowlers (fast batsmen) can be created anytime but a crime free society cannot be created if people’s minds support criminals. Rape charges have no place in European countries but should be behind bars forever. It’s the same in Malaysia, they are strict, they even give the death penalty.
Human Touch / December 1, 2022
This is a link pertaining to the same incident of 23rd July 2018.
Incidentally the below article was on Colombotelegraph Sinhala section.
For those who cannot read Sinhala, please copy the contents of the article into Google translate and you will have quite an accurate translation.
leelagemalli / December 2, 2022
Big thanks HT💪💪💪💪
SJ / December 2, 2022
For whatever it is worth, please do not encourage such trial by media by arguing any side of the case,
cugan / December 1, 2022
The parents of this cricketer would have proud when he represents for the pride country, how does he going to face the parents, relatives, friends, fans of school children,
Where are the morals, family values, is that sort of up bringing boys are boys scenario, be a good boy always regardless.
I would say he is a pervert basically. Let him face the consequences. If it’s would have happened in our pride land our officials would have impound the passport in the first instance, then bring various charges against this woman and the case will be go for 10yrs or more
ramona therese fernando / December 1, 2022
Was horrified after seeing a movie about an undergraduate student caught up in sexual torture for big money. Strangulation is the main issue in the Danushka case. Did she agree to it, is the question (it might be determined from any other sexual partners she had). If so, how gentle was he to have been with it is impossible to determine. Nowadays normal sex is on the decline. People on high drugs who have lost the ability, need the stimulation (some world celebrities have succumbed).The converse is also true: people pumped up with steroids (as possibly cricketers on the playing field), go mad.
Sinhala_Man / December 2, 2022
Jude, you have written well, and I have read carefully.
A different violation of women’s rights that came up about the same time as this Dhanushka story was the trafficking of women to Oman. A friend asked me about Oman, and I immediately replied that those ugly happenings were about Lanka, and not about that peaceful Arab country.
I was there from January 1988 to about June 1991; we were always conscious of the fact that although not as wealthy as some of the other Arab oil states, the country was a better place to live in. The Sultan was an exemplary ruler:
That doesn’t do justice to him. Get only the facts from there.
Listen to two intelligent and soft-spoken humans for 43 minutes. Attitudes to mixed marriages also discussed.
Qaboos was an absolute monarch, yet he ruled for fifty years during which he never did anything mean. He was such a good man, who never lost his head. He was not normally a great orator. To understand how unimpressive he was, sample this – but not for long!
Panini Edirisinhe of Bandarawela
Sinhala_Man / December 2, 2022
What I have given you above will suffice for most people. However, there is this one hour video from 2013, where even those with no Arabic (especially the many Lankans who worked in Oman) will be able to appreciate the body language and understand what Qaboos’ relationship with his people was like:
The video falls into two parts; none of it for people in a hurry!
First the arrival of Qaboos at the meeting, and his address. All Arabic, but we can appreciate the tone of his quiet talk, and the body language. 38 minutes
The next 22 minutes show him listening intently to his people, who come individually, and sit at the same level as him. It is an all Omani male affair. The conversation is private, but we see how carefully the Sultan listens. As for us, if we like Western Baroque music (between 1650 and 1780) you will hear it playing not allowing us to hear what was being discussed confidentially. That’s the sort of music Qaboos liked.
The comments are mostly in Arabic. As HT has suggested above, use Google translate. Qaboos was universally venerated. All of this defines for us the good. caring leader. For his time, in his setting.
old codger / December 4, 2022
“Qaboos was universally venerated.”
Not exactly, and certainly not by his father.
“The 1970 Omani coup d’état was the overthrow of Sultan of Oman Said bin Taimur by his son Qaboos bin Said in Oman on 23 July 1970. Occurring in the midst of the Dhofar Rebellion, the palace coup was executed with the support of the British and saw Sultan Said bin Taimur deposed and sent into exile to the United Kingdom.”
You see, dear SM, nothing is ever black and white.
Sinhala_Man / December 3, 2022
I’ve been experimenting!
562,375 views 4 Apr 2013
What is that all about? A young-looking Sultan Qaboos? I copy/pasted on to Google Translator, and this is what I got:
His Majesty Sultan Qaboos bin Said al-Muazzam — may God preserve and protect him — took over the reins of the throne of the Sultanate of Oman on July 23, 1970 (the blessed Renaissance Day). On this day, a new dawn emerged with the hope of the light of the Sultanate’s space from its south to its north. As soon as His Majesty assumed the reins of power, he started working with tremendous speed, pushing us to the position that befits the righteous Omani person. He accelerated the establishment of huge reforms and achievements in various political, economic, military, social and cultural fields.
Sinhala_Man / December 3, 2022
This is said to be a poet. Qaboos WAS fond of handsome boys. Yes, he was gay; not talked about aloud!
Touristic video below:
After his death: al Jazeera:
There’s plenty more – search!
I hope that I have said enough to dispel any feelings that Oman is to blame for our women being trafficked there. The impression that I have is that Sultan Haitham bin Tariq isn’t as remarkable as Qaboos. But what the hell! We Lankans as usual make a mess of our country and then imagine the rest of the World must bail us out because we are Gautama’s chosen race.
I see that Vishwamithra has again reminded us that we’ve got to throw our Dictator out. He’s spoken as though all of us know about Ranil & R.I.T. Alles. I don’t think so.
VishramikaGambadaIngirisiIskoleMhathmaya does know something!
Panini Edirisinhe of Bandarawela (NIC 483111444V)
shankar / December 2, 2022
one thing that puzzles me is she had said that when he tried to have sex without a condom she had objected.He had got refused and she sid that it no sex.Then he had put the condomon but later in the morning she had seen the unused condom on the floor.So maybe he had slyly removed it when the lights were off typical sri lankan who would use any loophole he sees.What i am wondering is how on earth she did not know he was not wearing a condom when she was having sex. Either her bingo was huge or his jingo was pencil thin or both.Another thing that puzzles me was she said he was choking her 4 times.She says every time she tried to remove his hands from her throat he tightened further and she feared for her knife and did not resist.Does she not know that this is a sri lankan way of showing lovingness.Anyway i take it that she had sex then 4 times according to this description she gives.Why wait till the morning then.After the first time she could have got out and called the police if she feared that he would choke her to death.She did not take that seriously at the at time it seems.
shankar / December 2, 2022
typho.should be feared for her life,not knife.
leelagemalli / December 4, 2022
Why should we worry about their jingos and bings being incompatibile? Don’t we have other better topics to talk about while sinking our island? I have no respect for any undisciplined players. Job must be job, ….he did not act professionally. That is the truth. A national cricketer should have the ability to think about it. He represents the country above all. Besides, The current article focused on the following .
These encoded anti-woman narratives illustrated by popular commentaries on the Danushka saga should move us to transform Sri Lanka’s culture of sexual violence. We must embrace a version of masculinity that does not depend on subjugating women. We need, and Sri Lankan women deserve, a truly emancipatory project that transforms all our institutions—educational, religious, entertainment, and professional—into resolute supporters of women’s rights and staunch opponents of the gender inequality on which sexual abusers of women depend for protection.
Dinuk / December 2, 2022
Jude Fernando: how come you write reams about a rape allegation and call for an Aragalaya, but remain silent on the need for an Aragalaya to protest against the IMF and World Bank and Paris Club? Is it because you are based in the US and like to pontificate down to the American Neocolony called Sri Lanka that will soon celebrate on February 4, 2023, 75 years of Western Neocolonial imperialism.
It is after all US and EU based Bond Traders that have debt trapped Sri Lanka and are now getting ready to asset strip lands, coastal mineral and ocean resources and Rape the county with so-called Green Bonds and Debt for Nature Swaps (DFNS)?!
But at CoP 27 in Egypt last month the rest of the Global South called for the Industrial West that polluted and is polluting the planet with its NATO war machine to pay up for “Loss and Damage”.
However, the US “Force” backed Ranil Rajapakse, as Donald Lu has said is rushing to mortgage Sri Lanka’s lands and ocean resources for less than 1 Billion USD worth of Green Bonds?!
Don’t we need an Aragalaya to stop this Land and Ocean grabbing in the name of conservation and Green blue economy rather than write tosh about purported Rapes in AUKUS land?! Thought you were a political economist BTW!
MJA / December 3, 2022
I can bet my bottom dollar that if Gunathilaka the cricketer returns home, people will throng to the airport to garland him and give him a heroe’s welcome as they did for that aircraft hijacker way back in 1982!This guy was supposed to be an ambassador for the country. Got a first ball duck in the only match he played and absconded from the hotel! If he contest in an election this guy will end up in the parliament.
Sinhala_Man / December 3, 2022
Dear MJA,
One of our problems is that we make these affairs so complex that Jude and Ian B, are throwing up their hands in despair, above, trying to get us amateurs to help keep the focus on the subject at hand.
However, you are more than right, MJA, to warn that Dinesh Gunathilaka, could return to a hero”s welcome like the airline hijacker:
That Hoole article had appeared when I wasn’t reading Colombo Telegraph – there was no straightforward way of accessing.
I just chanced upon this scholarly book, which we are allowed to download; if I do, when will be able to read it?
There’s much more if we google Kuttimani and the hijacker:
I wouldn’t expect Jude to object to this as irrelevant, but in his present mood he may!
leelagemalli / December 3, 2022
I agree with you more. when we look back at how a few hundreds of SLPP MPs (like perpetual slaves) and their henchmen rushed to the BIA to welcome “Basil aka the Kaputa” (the key person of all the economic crises and scams, including the recent purchase of thousands of dairy cows from Australian wellard company ).
Our people are real Big grass eaters.New Zealand will soon provide them with cheap and quality grass instead of rice.
A fast bowler or anyone else who is highly skilled in his or her field, you can produce in a population again and again, however, if society constantly ignores instead promote sex crimes and sex offenders, the consequences will be irreversible.
I think Danishka should NOT be a member of the national cricket team if he cant control his testesterone mirror and continue his corrupt practices further. The next most qualified candidate will easily fill his vacancy. PERIOD.
Just look, how many SB monks are speaking publicly to pacify the allegations against cricketer Danishka?
Gus / December 3, 2022
Reading Dinuk’s posts I can only thank god that the woman victim is not in Sri lanka. The problem with sinhalas and others like muslims is that they are sexually repressed and when a foreign woman is friendly they think it is an OPEN INVITATION!!! I personally was aware of a muslim refugee openly fondling a tenage europeon girl on a bus. When I read of sexual violence in the West 90% of the time the perpetrator has a muslim name.
Sinhala land from reports in youtube and other media now seem to have or maybe because of reporting even of fathers molesting their own children and others.
My view is that the sinhala cricketer is GUILTY!!!!! as the police in Australia are not of the ilk of sinhala land police ie barbaric having had Australian police assistance when I visited there, compared my experiences with sinhala land police..
SJ / December 4, 2022
“The problem with sinhalas and others like muslims is that they are sexually repressed and when a foreign woman is friendly they think it is an OPEN INVITATION!!! “
I can assure you that the community that you carefully avoided reference to is no different.
Can a boy and girl of that community have a private chat without all manner of things being attributed to the chat?
shankar / December 4, 2022
you forget that feminism has reared its ugly head in western countries.Women are now in control.Even the police have to follow the orders of their female superiors.Women are holding superior positions in the police and justice system. he does not have a rat’s atse in the courts as the law will be tailormade for the feminists who now control these countriesthrough their stooges and proxies.He will be found guilty.
leelagemalli / December 4, 2022
It is the same everywhere globally. Where there is strong repression, there is something against it. Look at rural mindset and the urban mindset. That is common to every nation. However, it is an exception in south-asia filled with myths. It is reflected in the university freshmen. That is the nature of humans. Traumatic cultural dichotomies marginalize them forever. Their teenage growth has slowed down somewhere. Psycho-social analyzes confirm that children who enter Europe as teenagers become more violent. This is primarily based on the lack of proper guidance from their schooling. Many of them have language barriers in and out of school.
All Muslims in Europe are immigrants. There are Pakistani villages where UK crime rates exceed all norms. They champion not only sexual crimes but many other crimes as well.
leelagemalli / December 4, 2022
The same is true of huge populations like Germany, France, and other smaller nations with their emigrants. Fitness centers are more crowded with immigrant youth than others. They focus on the muscles while others focus on the brain.
They make every effort to appear as powerful bodybuilders. AT LEAST THEY CAN PROVE TO STREET WOMEN HOW POWERFUL THEY ARE:… It doesn’t matter, their brains are permanently deformed. Then they are automatically cornered. According to reports, immigrants from Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia and other North Africans as a whole are Spain’s real thugs and worst criminals.
Most of them (90% or more) live in the ghetto lifestyle. They begin the beginning of new habitations with hate in mind.
Human Touch / December 4, 2022
You Have a very valid point here.
To add to what you have said, I would like to mention 2 cases where Australian cricket and English Cricket handled their players.
1. also known as the Sandpapergate scandal, was a cricket cheating scandal surrounding the Australian national cricket team. In March 2018, during the third Test match against South Africa at Newlands in Cape Town, Cameron Bancroft was caught by television cameras trying to rough up one side of the ball with sandpaper to make it swing in flight. Captain Steve Smith and vice-captain David Warner were found to be involved and all three received unprecedented sanctions from Cricket Australia. Although he was found not to have been directly involved, Australia’s coach, Darren Lehmann, announced he would step down from his role following the scandal. Smith was replaced by Tim Paine as captain in all formats before Aaron Finch took over from Paine in ODIs and T20Is.
Despite both David Warner and Stephen being in their best form, they were kicked out of the team without any consideration. Stephen Smith and David Warner cried on national TV apologizing for their mistake.
MJA / December 4, 2022
The other scenario is that Gunathilaka is proved guilty and having to spend time behind bars in Australia- All media including some of those so called liberal YouTube bloggers ( example Sepal) will perpetuate a theory that he was framed and he didn’t get a fair trial! Sri Lanka is light years behind other countries in understanding justice, women’s rights,
leelagemalli / December 4, 2022
They have proven to be fake liberal YouTubers. Each of them is highly dependent on their “likes” and dollar gains by YOUTUBE. Otherwise, none of them will have a proper means of daily existence. I did my research on this and you can too.
I challenged them to disclose their income, i.e. go back to the last 5 years. None of them are ready to disclose their income. I challenge again and again. If we speak against corruption and crime, we should come with clean hands. Is Sepal Amarasinghe the same?
leelagemalli / December 4, 2022
Many Sri Lankan YouTubers focus more on spreading astrology, nationalism, Ravana stories, racism against minorities, witchcraft, sorcery and horror dramas. Who will take advantage of the opportunity? Opportunists like the Rajapakses and their henchmen believe that “because we came from Ravana and stole our wealth and puskolapoth during their 400 years of colonial rule in the West.
They are also sons of bitches calling them “Tutors” (eg Jananayake) but constantly manipulate the tender mindset in their tution hours.
. Sinhalese racists are brainwashing every youth. They are promoting racism and blatant lies. Any BSC graduate can be a hero if proper teaching methods are applied.. But if those tuition masters are misusing their jobs by spreading hate then, they should be suspended.. That way the authorities can contribute their best for a better future of the youth in this country. These people are like mentally ill senior students who harass freshers in Sri Lankan universities.. Most of them come from rural areas of the country.
Only a very small fraction of YouTubers in Sri Lanka respect world standards. Most of them are proficient in English. To me, Sepal, Suda, Nuwana, Sudanta are all real beach boys, like people that would do anything for their daily survivals.