13 January, 2025


‘I Give Dhanapala The Benefit Of The Doubt’ Says Radhika

“I have known Mr. Dhanapala for many years. I have always known him as a man of great integrity and independence. I would therefore give him the benefit of the doubt and would not want to make any judgment until I know all the facts and have heard his version of this whole dilemma,” wrote Radhika Coomaraswamy, in response to a request for comment, from Colombo Telegraph, on what has been characterized by others, as an “ethically untenable” position Ambassador Jayantha Dhanapala is in, as a director of Dialog Axiata PLC and a member of the Friday Forum.

Radhika Coomaraswamy

Radhika Coomaraswamy

Friday Forum member Coomaraswamy’s position is that, “The only facts we know have been presented by CT and of course you are a party to the conflict.”

There are, however, no facts that are in dispute. There is no dispute that Ambasidor Dhanapala is a director of Dialog Axiata PLC. Neither is there a dispute that he is a key member of Friday Forum.

A few days ago, Dr. Paikiasothy Saravanamuttu said,  “Given the information now in the public realm,  I believe that the two positions – one within Dialog which blocks Colombo Telegraph and the other within Friday Forum which champions democratic governance – are incompatible. In that position, I would choose between them.”

“I am at the moment in New York teaching at NYU and have not met Mr. Dhanapala. However I completely agree that the blocking of your website is a complete violation of freedom of expression and a denial of the public’s right to know.” Coomaraswamy further said.

Related posts;

Calling Jayantha Dhanapala A Liar, Or The Tragedy Of Lankan Public Life

Swedish Govt. Appointee Dhanapala’s Unethical Behavior Embarrassment To The SIPRI

‘Dhanapala Must Choose’ Says Saravanamuttu

Picture Evidence: After Dhanapala Addressed BASL Meeting Dialog Blocked Colombo Telegraph Again

Unlawful Restrictions On Media By State Or Private Actors Is A Matter Of Serious Public Concern And Must Be Questioned – Bishop Chickera And Prof. Savitri

Dialog Unblocked Colombo Telegraph For Dhanapala To Address A Public Meeting

Jayantha Dhanapala Is A Liar; Caught Lying Over Silence On Colombo Telegraph Blocking

Jayaratne Says Dhanapala Will Stand By Best Practices, Dhanapala Pussyfoots On Illegal Web Blocking

International Press Institute Urges UN To Ensure Interference With Colombo Telegraph Ends

Colombo Telegraph Has Every Right To Raise Dhanapala’s Conflict Of Interest; Friday Forum Member Speaks Out

Article 19 Slams Ban On Colombo Telegraph Website

Dialog Board Director And Friday Forum Member Jayantha Dhanapala Fails To Stop CT Blockade On Dialog Network

Dhanapala May Be Influenced By Large Payment He Receives From Dialog – Professor Kumar David

‘Dhanapala’s Position Ethically Untenable’ Says Dr. Pradeep Jeganathan

Sara Says ‘Dhanapala – WebBlocking’ Issue Needs To Be Resolved Within The Framework Of Good Governance

Subtle Business Interests More Damaging Than Anti–Democratic Regime: Dhanapala Should Answer Conflict Of Interest Questions – Dr. Nirmal Ranjith

Sri Lanka Blocks Websites And The President Lies On Twitter

Once Again Colombo Telegraph Blocked; Dialog And Etisalat Tamper DNS Responses 

TRC Blocks Colombo Telegraph, Warns Service Providers To Maintain It’s A ‘Technical Glitch’

Colombo Telegraph Blocked, How To Reach Us Now: Sri Lanka Telecom And Mobitel Joins The DPI Club!

Sri Lankan Govt. Periodically Blocked Colombo Telegraph In 2013: US Human Rights Report

History of Colombo Telegraph blocking

First -December 26, 2011 – We are blocked but we will not be stopped

Second – May 8, 2012 – Colombo Telegraph Blocked Again

Third – March 29, 2013  – Sri Lanka Blocks Colombo Telegraph and Selected Tweets: Colombo Telegraph Unblocked

Fourth – August 23, 2013 – Colombo Telegraph Blocked, How To Reach Us Now: Sri Lanka Telecom And Mobitel Joins The DPI Club!

Other attempts 

October 26, 2012 – Colombo Telegraph Was Hacked

August 9, 2012 ColomboTelegraph Password Cracking Attempt Blocked

Freedom House Report: Freedom On The Net 2012, Sri Lanka Is A Country At Risk

Latest comments

  • 15

    Dear Radhika,

    This attack on Dhanapala has been dragging on in the public domain for weeks. Please ask Mr D to present his defence (not necessarily in CT, in any media outlet) as soon as possible. He should have done so long ago.

    If someone wants to be a public figure he/she needs to communicate with the public pronto when such grave charges are leveled. Take me as a member of the public for example; I don’t know this bloke from Adam, I am prepared to give him the benefit of the doubt, but for how long?

    • 7

      Dear Radkika,

      RE: I Give Dhanapala The Benefit Of The Doubt’ Says Radhika

      Yes, you should, and then clear the doubt.

      Then call a spade, a spade.

      • 1

        Its wheels within wheels! Bottom line is that Sri Lanka needs an active CONSUMER PROTECTION organization run by independent and respected citizens with the necessary technical expertise.

        Those who talk about civil and political rights like most of these FF dudes, are quite disinterested in ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL RIGHTS and rights of consumers. Indeed, many of these FF dudes work with Corporate and Business sector to erode the people’s Rights – economic, social and political in the long run..

        many of these FF dudes sit on Boards of big companies like Dialog or John Keels or Monsanto – whose so-called fertilized is destroying peoples lives and kidneys in India, El Salvador etc. while members in the regime are paid to NOT ban Monsanto’s poison! The same is true of MILITARY businesses, hotels, tourist agencies etc.. No one can hold them accountable for land grabbing.. etc.

        FF folk do not hold up the same accountability standards for Business and private sector that they do for the State. The private sector and Business sector in Sri Lanka is very corrupt – from so-called blue chip John Keels down but there is no one to hold these corporates accountable. What is needed active consumer protection organizations and WEBSITES as in other countries – that a NO BLOCKED!.

        • 7

          Ruling liars breed liars like rabbits everywhere: In the media, in public offices and more they spread lies like wild fire. Radhika is no exception.

          Sri Lanka is a land like no other – liars, cheaters and rapists’ paradise!

          • 2


            “Sri Lanka is a land like no other – liars, cheaters and rapists’ paradise!”

            They are called Paras-, Paradeshis, and the native Veddah are still awaiting their exit from his sacred land to their native land, South India.

            The DNA in the paras proves that.

            Besides, India , the Sacred Land is home to Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism, Please return.

    • 5


      Many dearly hope Dr. Danapala will end up on right side of history. At the end.

      Many including myself have given Dr. Danapala the so called “benefit of the doubt”. But, a sense of disappointment has started to creep in.

      Danapala must come out of his self-imposed media ban on this matter. Sooner the better.


    • 0

      Radhika wanting us to give Dhanapala the benefit of the doubt. Is that unexpected?

  • 9

    This is what you call “The Chameleon is the witness for the Fence”.

    In return for this M/S Radhika needs Dhanapala as witness.


    The entire King’s government and the officials function this way. Do it, hide it, then in defence call for the “Benefit of the Doubt”.

  • 3

    Yet another apologist for the indefinsible!
    This woman proves, once again, why the criticism of these “international civil servants” as being simply guns for hire is COMPLETELY JUSTIFIED. These unprincipled individuals, playing at being “international authorities” on everything that is good and correct, are largely shills. There are a few exceptions but, unfortunately very few.

  • 2

    Dear Ms. Radhika,

    RE: “I Give Dhanapala The Benefit Of The Doubt’ Says Radhika”

    Yes, the benefit of the doubt should be given to Mr. Jayantha Danapla until evidence to the contrary is presented by CT.

    Yes, We Give The Church The Benefit Of The Doubt of the earth going around the Sun, because it was said so in the Bible, said so by the Ancients Ptolemy and Aristotle, and you can see in every day the Sun rises from the East and Sets in the Est.

    This was so, until the evidence to the contrary was gathered by Copernicus, Galileo and Kepler.

    CT claims that they have evidence, and until such evidence is presented by CT, just like Copernicus, Galileo and Kepler, the benefit of the doubt should be given to Mr. Jayantha Dhanapala.

    • 1

      Amarasiri, CT is blocked by Dialog, infact CT is blocked by several other ESPs such as Mobitel. What more proof is needed? Dhanapala is guilty. That spineless Board including Hans Wijesuriya must be taken to task.

      • 1


        “Amarasiri, CT is blocked by Dialog, infact CT is blocked by several other ESPs such as Mobitel. “

        1. So, the data is there. They blocked.

        So, who asked them? SL State or Mr Jayantha Danapala? SL State

        So, the dictatorship asked the above to block. However, Mr. Danapala was in in the BOD, but a business decision was made to go with the request of the Dictatorship, and keep their business ans lifestyle. Mr. Dhanapla serves on the board to increase shareholder value. By Going with the request of the dictatorship, the shareholder value is increased or retained,not destroyed, even though it is not ethical, from the freedom of speech viewpoint. Dictatorships do not respect freedom of speech.

        Is Mr. Dhanapala part of the dictatorship? Yes? no?

        Did Mr. Danapala raise his objections, but was overruled?

        There is no question that the dictatorship is trying t restrict information for the people. The dictatorship wants to put blinders on the people, just the same way they do to horses. They will continue to do so.

        So CT and and others need to find additional avenues to reach the public.

        Mr. Danapala is a minor player in this con game. His resignation from the BOD, does not change the equation. It is better to have some with some ethics, than none.

        DeJa Vu… Have seen it before.

  • 4

    Rathika you have to give it. Or he wont give you anything. You know what?

    • 5

      You scratch mine; I’ll scratch yours; Ahem. ogether we shall take the fools for a ride.

  • 8

    Dear Radhika
    It is a surprise that you have come defend Dhanapala.You have never raised your voice when Tamils were massacred, when churches were burnt down or mosques were destroyed. You have never raised your voice when the media was suppressed editors abducted and killed.Never heard your voice when Chief justice was thrown out. Now the Provincial Coouncil is paralysed by military rule in the north and probably you are not aware of it. Whenever you open your mouth you take extra precaution not to offend the government. You take a very careful posture so that you can be in the good books of this government which is considered as a rogue govt by the civilized countries.

    • 5

      I agree. This human rights entrepreneur uses the field to advance her interests not those of fellow humans in strife.

      • 0

        I would have trusted Mr Kathirgamar in comparison to this human rights entrepreneur.

  • 1

    Radhika accepts this issue is “a dilemma” which according to the Oxford dictionary, means

    “A situation in which a difficult choice has to be made between two or more alternatives, especially ones that are equally undesirable:

    he wants to make money, but he also disapproves of it: Den’s dilemma in a nutshell.”

    So, how would Radhika describe Dhanapala’s dilemma? Also, does Firday Forum has a dilemma over this issue? And what is it?

    Let us give the benefit of doubt to Radhika and assume that as a leading member of the Friday Forum she has not been able to discuss this now long drawn out affair with Dhanapala. Obviously she is not much concerned with the damage this affair does to her long known associate or the Friday Forum of which she has been an active member.

    Now, a question Radhika should respond to on behalf of the public is whether she either as a close associate of Dhanapala or an active member of the Friday Forum and a leading member of international civil society at any point thought of asking Dhanapala to present “the facts and his version,” and why he has not done so far and whether Radhika and Friday Forum intends to make their judgment on on this issue clear any time soon.

    Radhika at the moment is teaching at NYU. If a student asks how would she describe her ethical position to her?

    Would Radhika continue to delay even after the CT confronted with the issue to find out what Dhanapala’s present position on this? How would that do justice to all the prestigious institutions that she has been associated in her academic life and all the national and international credentials she has been awarded outlined below, in addition to the prestigious posts she has held in the international civil service following in the footsteps of her illustrious ancestors?:

    She is a graduate of the United Nations International School in New York City, has a B.A. from Yale University, a J.D. from Columbia University, an LLM from Harvard University. She has won many national awards including the The Presidential title of Deshamanya, a prestigious national honour, the International Law Award of the American Bar Association, the Human Rights Award of the International Human Rights Law Group, the Bruno Kreisky Award of 2000, the Leo Ettinger Human Rights Prize of the University of Oslo, Archbishop Oscar Romero Award of the University of Dayton, the William J. Butler Award from the University of Cincinnati, and the Robert S. Litvack Award from McGill University.

    • 6

      She is a number one bluff and all those in Colombo know this very well. She has no problems with the way in which the doctrine of human rights is being selectively applied. She will happily endorse the Rajapakshist application of the doctrine if the self appointed superpower decides to do so. She is one of those who has given the doctrine a very bad name on this island. She will never go against Dhanapala because they are soul mates in the real sense of the word and so she cannot even if she wanted to.

  • 2

    Again Radhika shows her independence and does not jump unto a bandwagon just for the sake of it. Also I have heard her speak publicly – she is very critical of the Rajapakse regime, the killing of civilians, the attacks on churches and mosques so much so that the editor of the Daily News is constantly attacking her. So this allegation that she is pro regime is ridiculous. She is also very critical of the LTTE and anyone working on rights should be- this maybe what upsets some of the rabid readers of your column.

    • 2

      So your big heart wants to have benefit of the doubt extended to Rashika too. Such a nice sole you are!

      But, I tell you, even I will get angry with King’s government after faithfully serving them for many years, if they cheat me without recommending to stand for SG of UN. I understand well of her anger with the GOSL. What is Mangala doing after bringing the king to power? Didn’t you see Hirunika has been swinging back and forth until she was given the chance to stand on the election. If king has given the same chance to Radhika she too would have gone back to her original position.

      What human right problems of the government she brought out to UN during the time she served at the UN?

      Just because of my ignorance, I ask for a report, a circular, a speech she made about the government on human right violation, during the time she was at UN. Could you bring one here and post on CT? Could you show me one report in that time that she put the LTTE and GOSL in same level. You know all UN investigators investigated the Sri Lankan problem have put both parties on the same level. How come Radhia could not see one problem with GOSL that time?

      How come Rowdy Karuna become great for her but the American and other officials even refused to communicate with him? Could you ask her to release all the telephone calls she made to Rowdy Karuna?

      What kind of her influence at UN is she using to get out Jayakumari, Gopi’s mother, wife……. or other innocent women in the prison? What kind of a woman she is when not ready help her own women in desperate situation and then, for a fashion of Style, go to Friday Falsedom and talk about women’s right?

      Unless you are also in a situation needs of the benefit the doubt is extended to you too, I do not see a reason to defend Radhike like rogues.

  • 1

    This embodies the ‘practice of human rights,’where what is sauce for the goose is certainly not sauce for the gander and this comes in the best of the traditions of the philosophy of shape being widely practiced now. The students of NYU will undoubtedly benefit from learning this philosophy of shape. There is no doubt for Dhanapala to benefit from and it seems that you have been blind to the mans nature for decades. You have never had much touch with the real world and these pontification from your ivory towers are of little use to us here. If you cannot call a spade a spade then shut up. Do not try to call a spade a spoon.

  • 3

    Asking truth from robber’s mother. UNO related organizations’ mafia people must be banned from all countries. If some body works to these organizations they are just slacks.

  • 0


    Being a Sri Lankan she could not work on Sri Lanka but she is the one who sent Alan Rock remember? She was pilloried for that by the government. You have a short memory.

    • 1

      “Being a Sri Lankan she could not work on Sri Lanka “

      So you are telling(accepting) she excused Sri Lanka or she tried to save her her Sri Lankan job?(Isn’t she an American too?) Whatever it is, well if that is the case, Dhanapala should not resign the post from the board of directors of Dialog Axiata PLC. It is absolutely correct this poor man should be given the benefit of the doubt to make some penny out of that position…… and run his small life. Now tell me the truth, is this Dhanapala a world known rogue or a well known diplomat? What is the truth?

      I tell you this, this nasty mentality of “holding the potion and making money” is well accepted by all Sri Lankans and and deeply rooted in to their culture. They just can’t identify the fault in that. This why Eelam Tamil can no longer be with them.

      she is the one who sent Alan Rock remember?

      Well you and she knows very well how to contest for SG post, but not about children issues.

      If the Tamils has been this time success they had at that time, Radhika would not have had one her her titles for part of her covering up the Sri Lankan Human rights violation. Still I tell, it is not too late to somebody to bring it to those institutions of Radhika’s conduct and have the titles revoked. This what peoples are trying to do Rohan Gunaratna. His association with government is now starting to take a toll on his false fame.

  • 0

    Mr. Crazyoldman

    What is a “philosophy of shape”?

  • 0

    And now this lady, the former Chairperson of the National Human Rights Commission of Sri Lanka(!)giving the ‘benefit of the doubt’. How could she become a Judge when being a member of the Friday Forum (and Mr.D being a prominent member of it) an interested party?

  • 2

    Dr. Danapala’s reply to CT news is long overdue since CT published this Story long ago. At this point in time giving “benefit of the doubt” to Dr. Danapala sounds like playing devil’s advocate.

  • 0

    I will not give Dhanapala ‘the benefit of the doubt’. I will give him only my doubt.

  • 0

    Could someone translate for me what Mallaiyuran is saying- that sending Alan Rock who found among other things that the Sri Lankan security forces had enabled Karuna’s recruitment of child soldiers and for that being pilloried in Sri Lanka by the government, Mr. Weerawansa and the Sinhala press was a means to become SG and to hide the violations of the Sri Lankan government?! Is this logical?

    • 0

      Sir Centaur,
      Mahinda appointed the LLRC. Now it is his biggest nightmare for him. (Though LLRC is a problem for him now,)if you want to claim Mahinda did justice by appointing LLRC, thank you very much(because, when he was setting up that commision, he thought he is fooling everybody in the IC). He Select a period that he thought, after the LLRC inquiry is over, it would help him be cleared of all wrong doing. Now that is period giving trouble for him. Alan Rock can be sent by anybody. It does not matter. We do not know whether there was a another convenient corrupt official suitable for her to sent.

      There is no reports so far I have come to know that of Radhika incriminating Karuna of abusing children and women, but after some of her phone calls to him, she issued statements clearing him and describing the situation has improved. We know the truth, they were more efficiently hidden after that, but they kept going bad to worse and has come to today’s level.

      Whether, army enabled him or even forced him to do, it does not matter. Karuna is not accused of any crime at UN level or at Sri Lanka level. That is where it stands. He is still a freeman to travel anywhere in the world. Even the Sinhalese, who blame him that he killed captured 600 policemen, could not do anything for that crime either.

      Radhika did not issue a statement about the woman who was taken in into custody on March 11 and she miscarried on 14th. If this woman is not going to bring that matter to light, who else in the world you think suitable for that? How many times she talked about that in the Friday Falsedom? Talking at Friday Falsedom about Ideal of the Children’s and women’s freedom is Symbol of Status in 21 century? Why is she not talking about her sisters, the 90,000 widows, at hand of the army, going through these real pains day and night? Is it because her country is Sri Lanka or she is no longer in UN, her job was over by appointing Allen or now she has ceased to be a woman to under that kind of pain?

      Accept the truth. She wanted become the SG of UN. She wanted sri Lanka to recommend her for that. She has been hiding the things Her Lanka has been doing. But at the at time, she has to show something she has been doing some about it too. So, she too appointed her LLRC and lost her chance of GOSL recommending for it.

  • 0

    Radish- did she ask to become a judge or did Colombo Telegraph write to her and ask for her opinion? Opinion is different from judgeship!

    • 0

      Dear Victory,

      As C.T.puts it,”There are, however, no facts that are in dispute. There is no dispute that Ambassador Dhanapala is a director of Dialog Axiata PLC. Neither is there a dispute that he is a key member of Friday Forum.”

      However if she felt that she had to wait further until she got all the facts she should have waited without giving the ‘benefit of the doubt’ to Mr.D as it is given normally at the end of a trial to an accused by a Judge if the ‘guilt’ has not been proved ‘beyond any doubt’.

    • 2

      “I have known Mr. Dhanapala for many years. I have always known him as a man of great integrity and independence. I would therefore give him the benefit of the doubt and would not want to make any judgment until I know all the facts and have heard his version of this whole dilemma,”

      First, it is unclear why would you come out with one opinion in the morning and change the face in the evening.

      Let see who made Radhika a Judge?

      A media can ask an opinion from anybody. (a Related person to the matter, an unrelated expert, a general public… everything is ok). Dhanapala is a director of Dialog and a commentator in Friday Falsedom. Dispute is about Dialog illegally blocking a media. Radhika is a commentator on Friday Falsedom. Radhika has very flimsy relationship to matter, yet she is a lawyer and on that count an expert. Whatever the case is she, was asked for an opinion only.

      There are three ways to deal with. 1). Complete denial (“No comment please, Sorry!”). 2). Disassociate yourself if you are not associated. (“I do not have any knowledge on this. So, I do not like to comment on this”). 3). If you an expert or general public, you are willing to put forward and opinion, do and may want to explain it or leave it.

      Here, the layer was asked for an opinion. She right away pulled the Court Judge’s chair, sat on that and gave out her verdict. “Considering the benefit of the doubt, the courts decides the defendant is not guilty”. There was no denial or acceptance of the accusation of CT brought to her.
      The rest has been explained by the CT. So, I do not have to go into that.

      This is absolutely unwanted and/or associated with flair of arrogance too.

      As I am not a lawyer, I have to stay on the laymen side to explain what Radhika is trying to achieve. The “benefit of the doubt” defense effectively applies in a circumstance like this. “An object is missing from a room. There is a witness of a man walking into the room. But nobody saw anybody walking out with that object. The prosecution is arguing “ Your honor, nobody ever goes into this room. So, he is the thief” The judge might release the person invoking the defense of “benefit of the doubt”. Just, because Radhika knows a person, the defense of ‘benefit of the doubt” can’t be invoked here. She did not deny the fact that CT had already informed Dhanapala of the illegal activity of this company of blocking a public media of its due channel, where this educated lawyer could have claimed the defense of “benefit of the doubt” for her client. Just because CT asked an opinion from her, she should not self-appoint her as Dhanapala’s lawyer. It is absolutely immoral when she said, as per the sentences appearing above, because she knows him personally, he is not guilty. This is just like in parallel with Royal Family’s puppets calling a person LTTE rump just because she/he is Tamil person.

  • 1

    Her tribute to her mentor Neelan Tiruchelvam and his wife Sithie at the Grotius Lecture (we should be proud that a Sri Lankan was chosen for this- the first woman to ever give the lecture) was very moving. Leave her alone. She is obviously loyal to people she works with -that is a good quality especially since she must have known that CT and it’s readership would not like what she has to say. I think Kabaragoya is wrong – she is not an entrepreneur, I think she is very genuine.

    • 2

      So, being loyal to people you know means whitewashing their mis demeanours with a liberal dose of that funny “benefit of the doubt”,concoction, even when they abuse their high public office for cheap monetary gain? Her being chosen to address the Grotius Lecture(what the heck is that,by the way?), doesnt give her the liberty to do anything of the sort. Her so-called “tribute” to her departed friends at that lecture also smacks of the same duplicitous veneer and hence, cannot be taken very seriously.

  • 1

    Isn’t this Dhanapala issue a storm in a tea pot? We suddenly have Pradeep Jeganathan the sworn Marxist who is always talking about Althusser suddenly discover bourgeois ” ethics” and “conflict of interest” . We see Dr. Saravanamuttu and Kumar David being diverted from their heroic effort of fighting for democracy to discussing this issue. What are the facts? Does anyone really know how websites are blocked, what is the exact process, who makes the decisions and at what level? If Dhanapala is not in the chain of command is there really a conflict of interest? Can he reveal all this without national security implications? Isn’t it the government that should be shamed on this and not the individual Dhanapala? Aren’t we just deflecting blame? Aren’t there more important things to fight for ? Aren’t there bigger issues of corruption, thuggery and violence without trying to delegitimise one of the few voices challenging the government like FF?

    • 1

      Another feeble attempt at cover-up. He may not be in the chain of command as you put it, but he certainly is in Dialogs food chain sustaining those loyal torch-bearers who purport to stand for liberty, justice and freedom. By the way, you dont need to be a rocket scientist to know how websites are blocked. Just ask any kindergarten kid and youll have the answer.

    • 0


      You have adopted the name of a famous marxist or a liberal?

      You want to label Pradeep and discard him on that basis without discussing the ideas he has expressed. What an insult to Rorty!

      I am no Pradeep fan or a loyalist. But, I do appreciate his thoughtful interventions in public discourse.

      So, are you saying if Pradeep discussed Althusser earlier, now he is discredited because talking about ” ethics” and “conflict of interest” is bourgeois. Is this correct? Is ethics a bourgeois subject? (Is Radhika referring here to Pradeep’s article in the book edited by her?: Introduction to social theory )

      So, is Radhika ditching her “bourgeois” ethical notions because Dhanapala and now Radhika can’t hold onto them in the face of the issue under discussion?

    • 1

      The FACT you ROTTEN FOOL is that a FF member chooses to sit on the board of DIALOG that is actively implementing the governments decision to restrict freedom of expression rather than resign if he cannot prevent its collusion with the government. Get it? There may be strategic reasons as to why the board decided to go along with the government but no strategic reason can justify a member of FF who publicly presents himself as a leading member of FF remaining on such a board. Get it? YOU REEK of Dhanapalistic DAMAGE CONTROL! Trust a retired diplomutt to resort to such slimy subterfuge!

  • 1

    You are right Misty at least she does not play to the gallery! And what a gallery we have here.

  • 0

    Now that you mention it Rory this thing is so out of proportion there must be some other agenda. A new coalition between the LTTE and the government facilitated by CT! Perhaps this is the beginning of reconciliation! ! We should thank Dhanapala and Coomaraswamy

  • 1

    I agree with Rory and Centaur, CT was right to raise this issue but now it has become a witchunt Sri Lankan style. The LTTE rump and government intelligence excel in this so CT should not get involved. [Edited out]? Isn’t he the person who brought the CID into ICES and even had them remove a computer- [Edited out] CT if you want us to support you better find other friends.

  • 0

    Dhanapala’s long silence goes against him.
    He must clear his name,or own up.

  • 0

    I hope Mr Dhanapala lives up to all your expectations. He need to resign from his directrorship and prove he is a bastion of integrity to make us all feel better. He should then seek direction from all of us as to how to conduct himself in future. There, that should do it!

  • 0

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  • 1

    What most people fail to undestand is that humans have an unshakeable intinct to survive. In the process of survival if they can survive quite handsomely they will choose it.

    Let us face it people; what benefit will Dhanapala get by not following the Rajapaksa Cabal line? What benefit will Dhanapala have if he unblocks CT. I tell you – nothing.

    But look at the benefit he enjoys by kowtowing to the Rajapaksas. A life of unimaginable luxury, power, lucrative positions and well and truly the trots and the snout on the gravy train.

    Dhanapala has chosen to survive and survive well indeed. So have some sympathy towards the pathetic b—–d.

    Ignore what Radhika says,she is a chameleon. Period.

  • 0

    Quite a few people have come to defend Radhika which shows we still have a sense of loyalty amidst us which is good thing.

    But then what cannot be accepted is the attempt to sweep the issue of Dhanapala’s conflict of interest under the carpet by attacking the Colombo Telegraph which has become the only open space for public discussion in this dark period of press freedom in Sri Lanka.

    Unless Dhanapala comes out and state his position and decide according ly to choose between Dialog and Friday Forum no one will take Friday Forum seriously. It is rather unfortunate that all the good work done and can continue to be done by the Friday Forum will be undermined by this episode which is being dragged on due to Dhanapala’s and Friday Forum’s intransigence.

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    Regime’s profusion of lies about new ‘LTTE’ exposed …

    2 days ago – Regime’s profusion of lies about new ‘LTTE’ exposed : murdered ‘LTTE ers’ were in Kokavil army camp – State media contradicts Army.

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    NGO specialists like Radhika and Dhanapala have fooled the world for too long with their holier than thou…..Before you say anything on Dhanapala’s hypocrisy Radhika you should tell us all the organizations and Boards you serve on and the payments received for this. I wont be surprised if you too are in very compromising situations with plenty of conflict of interests.

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    I checked- she is not on any private or public sector board- the only thing she seems to belong to is the civil rights movement and the Friday forum.I think when you join the UN you have to divest your interests. Please don’t judge other people by your standards,

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