18 September, 2024


Lawyers Call For De Facto CJ Pieris To Step Down

Lawyers and civil society organisations staged a protest in Hulftsdorp this morning, calling upon defacto CJ and Rajapaksa henchman Mohan Pieris to step down from the position.

The protesting legal practitioners and civil society activists called on Pieris to step down and for the new government to restore and preserve judicial independence in Sri Lanka.

De facto Chief Justice Mohan Pieris

De facto Chief Justice Mohan Pieris

Soon after the new President Maithripala Sirisena gave his oaths on Friday, the Bar Association of Sri Lanka (BASL) met with him and the new Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe on Saturday, to urge the new President to arrange necessary steps to reinstate impeached CJ Shirani Bandaranayake. The BASL said they received a positive response from the President and the PM on the matter.

CJ Shirani B was impeached in 2013 by the parliament through a motion that alleged corruption and 155 voted in favour while 49 voted against it. This move has been stringently criticised by local as well as international bodies that point out the impeachment is in violation of the Constitution and the Supreme Court too declared the impeachment attempt was illegal.
Reinstating CJ Shirani B was one of the pledges made by the new President during his campaigning period. However, the process which they would follow in order to remove de-facto CJ Peiris from the position and re-appoint CJ Shirani B has not been revealed yet.

Reports state that Peiris had been given a 48-hour deadline to step down gracefully and its due to expire today. He had also not attended the SC today due to the protest.

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  • 6

    A fraud who played on Rajapakse stupidity as well as ego.A man who pretended to immature Gota that he was most patriotic. To meglomnia MR he promised absolute loyalty . As a lawyer he thought he could bluff every body with an accent. A mediocre man posing off as a legal luminary.There is not a single legal submission of his which is worthy of reading leave alone publishing.When he was attorney general he made that department a servile tool of politicians. Even Mervyn Silva gave him instructions on the phone.He addressed Duminda Silva as malli.He stood up when even namal entered a room. After mohan became CJ, his wife continued practicing from CJs bungalow.Even as AG he did many favours to his juniors who then worked for his wife. This man should be charged for destroying the respect for the law.

  • 4

    Iit would be logical for the present C.J. to tender his resignation and depart in a honourable way
    to avoid all unpleasantness. He should know his concious and act wiselyand urgently.

  • 3

    He HAS to go. and he needs to take Shiranee Tilakawardana with him.

  • 2

    Mohan Peiris accepted this office on 15th Jan 2013, when there was no vacancy in it barring the lawfully appointed CJ from reporting for duties.

    MR appointed to the office of the completely disregarding the Decisions made by the Apex Court nullifying the Impeachment process adopted by the Parliament to remove the CJ.
    Not only Mohan Peiris should be removed from office but the public should also be given an option to make application to Supreme Court to review any decision made either by Mohan Peiris or any Bench appointed by him.

  • 1

    This shameless tool of the previous criminals should be booted out asap. He is a disgrace to his profession.
    He has no self respect, no credibility, and he brings embarrassment to the country.

  • 1

    This feeble protest is not enough. Galvanise the masses and let them march to Hulftsdorp and grab this cheat by his neck. carry out an islandwide poster campaign. Block his comings and goings out of his residence till he capitulates. Hound him everywhere and every corner. Give him calls at midnight. harass him to the full. He deserves no compassion. Maithri is for human beings and animals. This man is worse than an animal.

  • 2

    They are very thick skinned people and would not move out easily. Today, was he not there to receive the Pope?
    They should start the legal process for impeechment at the earliest.

  • 1

    Just simply resigning is not enough! He should be charged for fraud and corruption. We don’t want the ‘gentleman’ Ranil to appeal and let him off lightly like what he did for Mahinda and Basil!! We want accountability!!! “Double standard taken by Mr Mohan Peiris was tantamount to professional misconduct and dishonesty. The Director General of Customs reported this unbecoming conduct of the lawyer, Mr Mohan Peiris, to the Chief Justice on 16th Feb 2001 for disciplinary action”

    The New government should realize that they have to be transparent and accountable to the promises made to us!! If not their destiny would be the the same!!!

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