6 February, 2025


Mahinda Rajapaksa Says He Will Be Arrested

Former President Mahinda Rajapaksa today declared that he, along with his eldest son, Namal and brothers Gotabaya and Basil will be arrested.

MahindaSpeaking in Kandy this morning after visiting the Dalada Maligawa, Rajapaksa in reaction to questions over the murder of ruggerite Wasim Thajudeen said, “Namal, Gotabaya, Basil, Wimal Weerawansa, Mahindananda Aluthgamage, Rohitha Abeygunawardhana, and Kumara Welgama will all be taken in, and finally they will also take me in.”

The former president cited the economic slump and lack of development as the main reasons why the government was trying to turn the attention of the public into other areas, and hence he was been targeted. “When the economy is falling and they can’t do anything, they try to get the attention elsewhere,” Rajapaksa added.

Rajapaksa also said that he will not resign from the Sri Lanka Freedom Party, despite attempts by some within the party to throw him out. “The SLFP is in a strong position today because of me, if not it only had just 56 MPs. I will not resign from the party and it won’t be easy to put me out of the party,” he said.

He also told the reporters if they needed their land dug up for free, to invite him over so that the police will come soon after to dig the land and search for so-called gold owned by him in these properties.

Last week, a land belonging to Major Neville Wanniarachchi, chief bodyguard of Rajapaksa was dug up after the CID received a tip off that gold and firearms belonging to Rajapaksa were buried in the land. Further, according to the CID, Major Wanniarachchi is reported to have acquired several plots of land belonging to the State, during the Rajapaksa era.

Wanniarachchi is also currently under investigation for money laundering. (By Munza Mushtaq © Colombo Telegraph)


Latest comments

  • 17

    Any sensible citizen who expected SL to
    go forward as a united sovereign country will wonder why the media chose the Dalada Maligawa to raise The judges case. Even if the media ask why the ex President reply at that place.

    Is it a pre planned occurrence which like other law and order issues repeats and repeats at sacred places of a religion ?

    Where will this kind of acts ( like hiding behind ones religion ) by an ex President will take SL ?

  • 22

    Mahinda Rajapaksa Says He Will Be Arrested

    Honored Sir,

    Now you have ate the cake, if you ate it, you have to face the consequences also. Just not taste it.

  • 30

    Mr Rajapakse.

    If you have done the wrong thing, and also your son has done so, tell me one good reason why you should not receive the same sentence as any ordinary man in this country, for the same offense?

    Character is taking what you receive, without moaning about it.

  • 21

    The sooner the better – I mean arrested!

  • 21

    Mahinda Rajapakse

    When the entire family can rule the country when you thought fit, so why can’t the entire family too go to jail as well if all are involved in a collective crime hiding under the privileges and secrecy of Government?

    The sacred place of worship Dalada Maligawa, is not the place and cannot be misused to gain public sympathy to escape serious crimes. It is not fair by the trustees of the temple to allow such activities to misuse the place of worship. Sarath Fonseka and Shirani Bandaranayake also should now be given the same venue to voice their case as well.

    • 7

      When the entire family can rule the country when you thought fit, so why can’t the entire family too go to jail as well if all are involved in a collective crime hiding under the privileges and secrecy of Government?

      VERY TRUE!

  • 5

    i strongly urge Mahinda and his family to watch the film Pabanaasam. In that film Kamalhaasan is brilliantly covering up the killing of a young man, who came to rape his daughter and wife, by his daughter and wife

    • 1

      Thank you, I watched the film today. MR’s figure in the photo appearing in this article somewhat resembles Kamalhassan as he appears in the film. But in my view the differecne between the offences seen in the film and alleged in MR’s circumstances is that there are two parties committing the offences in the film; the atttempting rapist and Kamalhassan, but in MR’s circumstances all the offences are alleged to have been by committedd by MR and his family. Also, Kamalhassa although being uneducated erased vital evidence but MR and his family, although claim to be educated and intelligent, failed to erase vital evidence.

      • 0

        To add-MR will not watch this film because he hates anything Tamil. Even if he does not he would have time to watch it as he is now surely fully occupied with Law Books to find legal options to get Yositha out from the remand and, sometimes, to prevent his own arrest.

      • 0

        hope you enjoyed the film.
        yes there is no one to one analogy.
        but you go the morale of the story erase the evidence and act stupid not to be boastful

  • 18

    No decent human being is going to feel sorry for you. You abused your position, robbed the country blind, illegally gave your family members the resources that belong to the people of SL, abducted and murdered innocent people and now make statements from temples. No one has any sympathy for you and your family and all the rogues including the corrupt politicians who licked your arse are now in deep shit. the punishment to you and your family should be greater than that meted out to an ordinary citizen because you abused the public trust that was placed on you by the citizens of SL. A combination of death by hanging before castration is the best punishment that we wish is given to all you crooks and murderers.

    • 1

      I feel sorry for him and fully support him, He saved this country from the cancer of terrorism. This is the greatest achievement of our country in the modern history! Throw stones if you have not sinned.

      • 12

        Can one right be the passport for unlimited wrongs?

      • 11


        Your thoughts are valueless as you believe in Racism, and cruelty to fellow citizens meted out inhumanely were right?.
        Pilfered the whole wealth of the country , murdering the innocent who tried to expose the crimes were slaughtered inhumanely.
        I guess you are one of the brain washed warped minded nationalist who were forced fed Nationalism from the 1950s.

        The country had gone to dogs with humans behaving like dogs in all walks of lives in our country.
        No mannerism whether in Education , Institutions like medical services , or even in the Parliament it’s a wholesale Thuggersh behaviours.

        Those who feel sorry for this Thug should be punished too for encouraging evils in our country.

      • 7

        srinath gunaratne As I’ve said there are still sycophants and bootlickers around but eventually good justice prevails and sooner or later the entire Rajapakse clan, benefitted from Mahinda and Gotabhaya’s crimes, and they’ll be behind bars, with or without your support.

        • 0

          If you had cancer and a doctor come and cure your cancer! Would you not tolerate any wrong doing of that doctor? Because you are indebted to that person, There few human beings that we tolerate like that. For me you is a dictator, For thousands he was the savior of our country! You weigh it all on scale!
          He did more good than bad!

          • 5

            There can be sometimes wrongs committed in the process of governing a country, but what has to be considred is whether or not such wrongs were committed pre-planned or done accidentally. It has becoming clear that the wrongs of MR and his family were pre-planned and intended to fulfill their self-interests. If evidence emerging is true, iron rods with shrap ends were used to attack Lasantha and similar weapons have been used on Wassim Thajudeen. How would MR and his wife feel if the same methods were used on thier children.

          • 9

            srinath gunaratne

            “If you had cancer and a doctor come and cure your cancer! Would you not tolerate any wrong doing of that doctor? “

            If the doctor molests your mother, wife, daughters, sisters, aunts, grandmas, maid, nices, granddaughters, ………….. and steal your gold, cash and valuables, and kills your brothers, father, sons, uncles, and orders you to keep your mouth shut would you still be tolerant of him?

            If your mistress sees what had happened would you still stop her from informing the police?

  • 11

    Why all this panic ?
    If one has done nothing wrong there is no fear, how many were living in fear during Rajapaksa s rule , because of white
    Vans , racism , bulldozing homes , forcibly occupying other peoples houses and lands Greese. Yakas. of kahawatte,
    Alutgama carnage , etc etc the majority except the Rajapaksa cronies and his family were very happy during his time .
    Now it is yahapalanaya so let the people who elected this regime be free and happy.
    Please Mr Rajapaksa do not rock this popular boat of Sirisena – Ranil duo who are genuinely steering this country on the right course.

  • 10

    Why is it taking so long?

  • 7

    Mahinda Rajassa is an idiot gas gemba who cannot rule the country without his stupid moron family. more than 400 of this gas gembas family recieved pay check from the government. STUPID IDIOTS who suck blood out of the public.

  • 8

    Even if Rajapakse or family member goes missing he has only himself to blame as he had not taken any action to stop the criminals of his tenure and it is most likely it is one of these criminals in the loose who resorted to crime in abducting him or his family members. He has no right to accuse this Government on something he miserably failed to arrest and take action during his period of rule. Actually it was Rajapakse and his brothers who created these monsters to do their dirty work.

    Else the same reason his brother Gotabaya heartlessly told the family of victims “they must have escaped abroad and to search them outside Sri Lanka.

    White vans, Grease yakkas, all are well-known methods of harassing and intimidating people whom Rajapakse and family did not like. People out of fear kept their mouth shut and now we speak out!

    The Dalada Maligawa has now been fouled by allowing their premises for Rajapakse to make public speeches. and this is not the place for that. Only religious preaching should have been allowed. This is not the only temple premises Rajapakse had hijacked for his personal use. Now these places are corrupted and these temples should correctly perform purification rites lasting seven days and make a pledge never allow their holy places for political propaganda.

  • 9

    May God answer and accept your prayers of getting ARRESTED much sooner than you expect. God is just and merciful.

    While you live in anticipation of the eventuality, just recall the torture and torment you meted out to the Muslim community during each Ramadhaan (fasting month). Not letting us pray at nights

    GREASE MAN jumping over the roofs of Muslim houses at midnight.

    Terrorizing Muslim women by pulling their Hijab.

    Demolishing our places of worship.

    Burning the commercial establishments of Muslims.

    These are just a few incidents.

    We truly prayed and still keep praying to the Creator to save us from a tyrant and save this nation.

    So if you end up in prison, it is not a fair justice. You will go through real hell in this world and in the hereafter.

    May God punish you in the best way that you deserve. GOD KNOWS BEST

  • 0

    He must have consulted his astrologer which means that it may not work out that way. Bensen

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