6 February, 2025


Rajapaksa Wins Third Term Battle

The Supreme Court yesterday communicated its opinion to President Mahinda Rajapaksa on the constitutionality of contesting for a third term under the 18th Amendment to the Constitution, saying Rajapaksa can contest for a third term in office, the Leader of the House and Minister Nimal Siripala De Silva informed the parliament today.

Mahinda RajaThe Supreme Court Bench comprised De facto Chief Justice Mohan Pieris PC, Justice K. Sripavan, Justice Chandra Ekanayake, Justice Priyasath Dep PC, Justice Eva Wanasundara, Justice Rohini Marasinghe, Justice B.P. Aluvihara, Justice Sisira de Abrew, Justice Sarath de Abrew and Justice Priyantha Jayawardena PC.

Related posts;

Mohan Pieris And Nihal Jayamanne Draft MR Questions For SC Opinion

No “In Camera” Need An Oral Hearing: Full Text Of The Bar Letter To De Facto CJ

Mahinda Was Lying In Wait, I Was Waiting For The Opportune Moment: Ex-CJ Sarath Silva

Eligibility For A Third Term: From The Horse’s Mouth

President’s Reference To The Supreme Court

The Supreme Court Cannot Become A Party To A Political Trick: AHRC

Mahinda Rajapaksa Cannot Succeed President Rajapaksa

Imagining That Third-Term

Latest comments

  • 5

    Court Jesters have shown that they are naked

  • 8

    Anyone noticed Justice Marsook took off abroad lest his name be dragged along with rest of the Supreme Court gang. Imagine, we do NOT have a single HONEST individual sitting in our Supreme Court today who would have had the guts to say NO! Not because they should but because it was the right thing to do.

    The depth we have sunk to is beyond recognition.

    • 3

      They want the salary and the perks. May be in addition, “little something” for their “cooperation” But when it comes to their duty, they sell their souls!!
      I wonder whether there is any way these judges are made answerable for this crime!!

      • 1

        Truth, of course they do. But then so do the human rights NGOs who make comments about what they believe is right and wrong. They only do so when they get paid to take a side, so why shouldn’t the judges?

    • 1

      Marsoof is not that innocent!Are you a MUSLIM ?

  • 0

    how can Supreme Court judge against excellency president and vision leader?

  • 1

    There are conflicting news being published.

    Some say it is Supreme Court ‘decision’.

    Most say it is Supreme Court ‘opinion’.

    Any further court action will be based on this ‘decision’ or ‘opinion’.

    Mahinda’s game through the judiciary this time has reached the peak of his cavalier state of governance of Sri Lanka. He has attributed all Sri Lankan’s as dumbfounded idiots and let us wait and see how this idiocy is going to respond at the election-leave aside the planned ballot rigging that is much needed for Mahinda’s survival.

    • 0

      Until Sarath N Silva stated that MR can not go for a
      third term,nobody else raised this issue in the
      opposition and then JVP started to make some noise
      and threatened island wide protest.Now comes the joke!
      Didn’t they know MR won’t budge?Did they expect MR to
      give up and retire?S N Silva and the JVP knew the
      outcome!They only made MR journey one step easier by
      providing an opportunity for a psychological win.
      UPFA will advertise this as an effort by the opponents
      to stop MARA from the contest because he can not be
      beaten by votes.Let’s wait and see how much more games
      are in the pipe line to fool the lions and mainly the
      Lions!MARA is also in the game of polite intimidation
      tactics as this.Blaming Ranil for all this won’t be
      very unfair!

  • 3

    It was always a foregone conclusion. A flawed constitution, With a corrupt CJ who drafts the questions to the supreme court then he himself gives the ruling to keep a corrupt gov in power and expects us the public to believe that all is above board. Of course the CJ did not give the ruling because he likes MR, he gave it because he loves himself. He knows if Rajapakse is out he will be the first to get kicked out.

    Miracle of Asia…my bloody foot

  • 3

    The de facto CJ, when he was AG, appeared before the lady CJ in support of the 18th Amendment. Even by the standards in a fourth world country,he should have recused himself from hearing this case because of a clear conflict of interest. How come, the lawyers and the BASL did not point this out to him. This is like that other loser, Sarath Silva, hearing the case to turf CBK out early even though it was him who administered the oath of office to CBK and (according to her) assured that this would not affect the length of her remaining term.

    BASL should raise a stink about this and raise this with Mr. Sharma, the Commonwealth Secretary, who is such a fan of the government.

    • 1

      Adrain, You make a good point.

      I just cant understand that legal fraternity is letting the CJ and the government walk all over us.

      • 0

        These people do not have a choice if they love their job and their life.

  • 0

    Dev and Amarasiri,

    Read Bertrand Russell!read Einstein!

    You will have a different perspectives.

    There was a big controversy among the scientists during the sixteenth century whether Sun rotates round the earth or whether earth rotates round the Sun but both parties agreed on one thing that these two positions are different

    What is the position today? After relativity is discovered.

    All particles in fact the entire universe are in motion.

    Nothing is stationary.Only thing is relativity

    Earth relative to sun rotates round the sun and sun relative to earth rotates round the earth.

    There is absolutely no difference between these two positions.
    What the Scientists agreed were wrong and what they disagreed were correct!

    This is wonders of science!

    Sorry for the delayed response!

  • 0

    Dev and Amarasiri,

    Read Bertrand Russell!

    You will have a different perspectives.

    There was a big controversy among the scientists during the sixteenth century whether Sun rotates round the earth or whether earth rotates round the Sun but both parties agreed on one thing that these two positions are different

    What is the position today? After relativity is discovered.

    All particles in fact the entire universe are in motion. Nothing is stationary.

    Earth relative to sun rotates round the sun and sun relative to earth rotates round the earth.

    There is absolutely no difference between these two positions.
    What the Scientists agreed were wrong and what they disagreed were correct!

    This is wonders of science!

    Sorry for the delayed response!

  • 3

    With all that noise which surrounded Shiranie B’naike and how it all ended, an average Sri Lankan should now know that Exec. Presidency is a real power wielding thing. For the Prez this is the starter before the sumptuous main course So all that screaming of judiciary that and this is nothing but empty talk by useless fellows.

  • 2

    Aney Pow/ Ayo Paavan/ Sin no, Sri Lanka!

    Dr.Rajasingham Narendran

  • 4

    It’s simple fact of ‘ I the judge …. I the Jury ” . Thank my stars i moved out of this place just in time.

  • 2

    It is a pity that an illiterate, thug has taken several so called learned, educated persons for a ride!!! Not once, several times!! Could it for the money or threat? Disgrace to call Sri Lanka as a democracy!!!May it is time to change the name “Supreme Court to something else!!!

  • 1

    “wins thrid trm battle” Dont adverise bull shit. It wasnt a battle.

    • 2

      “Mahinda bribes his way through” would have been a suitable title.

  • 0

    Wins the battle? Noe one was given time to battle. This is not the way decent law abiding citizns behave. This illiterate, thug has to be defeated or killed for sri lanka to create a just society.

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