15 January, 2025


Siri Gamage Brings Down Academic Standards

By H. L. D. Mahindapala

H. L. D. Mahindapala

H. L. D. Mahindapala

In venting his spleen on Dayan Jayatilleka my mate Siri Gamage has done a good job of recycling all the threadbare phrases, cliches and the usual litany of complaints of the Tamil lobby. He lumps Jayatilleka, Rajapaksa and the majoritarian Sinhalese into one big gang that had denied rights to the minority Tamils a la Bhumiputras of Malaysia. This, he will admit, is going over the top. This downright lie is totally unacceptable, coming from Siri Gamage who boasts of a Ph.D. attached to rear end of his name. Besides, those with Ph. Ds, unlike ordinary mortals like us, are expected to produce in-depth, original analyses that would throw new light into old and vexed problems. But I was disappointed to see him repeating what Dr. Brian Senewiratne, another propagandist in the Australian Tamil lobby, has been saying for donkeys years. A slavish mentality repeating time-worn propaganda does not add credit either to him as an academic or to the New England University of which he is a Senior Lecturer..

The central theme that runs through his diatribe is that the majority Sinhalese have denied the Tamil minority their rights and it is time to restore democratic liberalism and pluralism, in the interests of peace and reconciliation. As I said earlier he is merely repeating what Sampanthan and Sumanthiram have been telling the world. If he is a Ph. D with a balanced mind he should have paused and asked what rights, what dignity, what respect Sampanthan and Sumanthiram had when they went with cap in hand to get their orders from their deified leader, Prabhakaran.

Siri Gamage accuses the Rajapaksas of running a regime “without rule of law, severely curtailing the media, brutalising society and civic activists, centralising power etc.” Where the hell was he when Prabhakaran was running his slaughter house in the fascist gulag in the Vanni? What dignity, respect and freedom did Wigneswaran and Sumathiram have when hacks from Prabhakaran’s school of law ran the kangaroo courts in the Vanni? Why didn’t Sumanthiran, Wigneswaran and Sampanthan practice law in Prabhakaran’s courts? And why did they function only in Rajapakse’s courts? So can Siri Gamage tell us under whose regime did the Tamils enjoy dignity, respect and freedom? With all the infirmities mentioned by Siri Gamage would he and the Tamil leaders a prefer to live in Prabhakaran’s fascist gulag or in Mahinda Rajapakse’s “centralised power” ?

Obviously Siri Gamage does not know that the Sampanthan, Sumathiran and Wigneswaram regained their lost rights, dignity and respect as human beings – let alone as lawyers — only after the Rajapakses vanquished the Pol Potist regime in the Vanni. Rajapaksa gave them the right to criticize him (despite “curtailing the media”) though the Tamil leaders would have been shot dead at first sight if they dared to criticize Prabhakaran. Above all, Rajapaksa gave the greatest political gift which the Tamil never had before: the right to democratically elect their own political body to govern themselves in the Northern Province, like all the other provinces, for the first time in their entire history.

In restoring democracy to the North Rajapaksa gave the Tamils of the North the political equality that had been denied to the Tamils by the Vellahla casteists during feudal and colonial times, and Prabhakaran later. Though somewhat late – better late than never! — Rajapakse brought the Tamils of the North on par with the rest of the nation when the right to elect their own representatives was granted to the Tamils. So can Siri Gamage tell us who denied the Tamils their dignity, rights, and respect? And who gave them back their birth rights for the first time in their history? I hope he will answer these questions, without going round the mulberry bush, because there is no point in getting a Ph. D if you can’t answer simple questions..

He adds: “In a post-war context where reconciliation between the Sinhalese and Tamils should be the main focus, repeating the mantra of Sinhala nationalism, an existential threat, denial of legitimate rights of the Tamils as equal citizens etc. can have far-reaching consequences for the harmony and well-being of society.” In the preceding paras I showed how “the legitimate rights of the Tamils as equal citizens” have been restored. But when Siri Gamage says that the Tamils are not treated as equals I seemed to have missed something which he has seen. So can Siri Gamage tell me what are the legitimate rights that others have but not the Tamils?

Take, for instance, two leading examples: 1. C. V. Wigneswaran and 2. M. A. Sumanthiram, who have never ceased to accuse the Sinhala-Buddhists of denying the Tamils their fundamental rights. Both came from Royal College, the leading educational institution of “the Sinhala-Buddhist state”. Were they denied entry to Royal College because they were Tamils, following the example of the Jaffna Vellahla supremacists who not only denied entry to low-caste Tamils but also burnt down the schools of the low castes? Did they face any discrimination at the hands of their teachers, or their fellow school mates? Did the Royalists discriminated against them and forced them to sit on chairs lower than that of the Sinhalese because they were Tamils? Remember how the Vellahla casteists forced the low-caste Tamil children to sit on chairs lower than their to maintain their superior status even in the classrooms? Were they asked to pay fees because they were Tamils? Did the Roman Catholic Church in the south have special seats for the Vellahlas in the front and relegate the low-castes into the back of beyond?

Then they went to Law College, another institution of “the Sinhala-Buddhist state”. Did the lecturers mark them down because they were Tamils? Then they practiced in the law courts run by “the Sinhala-Buddhist state”. Did the Sinhala clients and their confrere reject them because they were Tamils? Wigneswaran even joined the Attorney-General’s Department of “the Sinhala-Buddhist state”. What were the rights denied to him by “the Sinhala-Buddhist state” because he was a Tamil ? Eventually he rose to occupy a seat in the Supreme Court? How did he rise to that height if Siri Gamage’s Bhumiputra policies were operative? And why did Wigneswaran and Sumanthiram uphold, defend and earn their crust by applying the laws of the “Sinhala-Buddhist state” which, according to them, were discriminatory against the Tamils?

If what they say is true shouldn’t they go down on their knees and apologize to the Tamil people for betraying them shamelessly? So can my mate Siri Gamage tell the readers in what respect the Tamils were treated unequally? Did he do his research for his Ph. D., in the garbage bins of the Tamil lobbyists in Sydney? Or has he ever done any research on existential conditions of the Tamils of Jaffna?

If Siri Gamage has done his research as he ought to have done instead of repeating what has been fed to him by the Tamil lobby, he would have known that the denial of the right of education, denial of fundamental rights to even drink a drop of water, denial of the right to worship their common God/s, denial of the right to walk in daylight in Jaffna etc., dominated the Jaffna political culture and not in the south. As an sociologist, does he think the Jaffna culture that created a species called “pariahs”, who were excluded from the Hindu Vellahla society, is inclusive? The denial of the basic right of being a human being – leave aside other distinctions — was a systemic norm in Jaffna anointed by the ruling Hindu ideology. When the Vellahla caste system faded (not died) Prabhakaran ran a one-man regime taking the denial of human right to a beastly level. What kind of kotta kelangu stuffed the mouths of Wigneswaran and Sumanthiram to speak on behalf of the oppressed and persecuted Tamils then?

Chelvanayakams and Amirthalingams did not confront the Vellhala supremacists who ruled Jaffna with an iron fist. Wigneswarans and Sumanthirams, who succeeded them, did not lift a finger to liberate the Tamils from the brutal Pol Potist regime of Prabhakaran. They found their tongues only when Rajapakse liberated Jaffna. As beneficiaries of a liberated society shouldn’t they offer flowers at the feet of Rajapakse for eliminating the tyranny of Prabhakaran and restoring them the right to live freely in a democratic society, without fear of being bumped off?

He also states that Sinhala nationalism is “essentialist in nature in the sense that only Sinhalese can belong in it. No one else.” What a load of codswallop! This again is an accusation borrowed from the Tamil lobby. Does he not know that the “exclusionary Sinhala nation” had elected Europeans, (F. R. Freeman), Tamils (Sir Ponnambalam Ramanathan), Muslims (M. H. Mohammed, ACS. Hameed etc) and Burghers (Pieter Keuneman) from majority Sinhala electorates. Is this a sign of Sinhalese excluding the minorities? Mendacious academics who hide their intellectual inadequacies behind Pee. h. Ds bring disgrace to their universities. It also reveals the academic standards of New England University in NSW.

My mate Siri Gamage should stop eating the hay fed to him by the Tamil lobby and start walking on two legs instead of four. He is just another “betel-chewing villager from Sri Lanka”. (to borrow a phrase from the title of one of his papers) who is now posing as a liberal intellectual who has nothing better to offer than recycling second hand theories of other academics/intellectuals, not to mention the propaganda fed to him like poonac to the bovine species.,

Not surprisingly, he complains that Dr. Dayan Jayatilleka is not hitting the ball but the man. How can Dr. Jayatilleka hit balls that are not there? Put plainly, Siri Gamage has no balls – unless he considers his lies, distortions and intellectual perversions as balls. Everybody has a right to hit those balls and if it hurts, wear an extra guard, mate!

Latest comments

  • 6

    This guy is so absurd it pity he is even published

    • 2

      H. L. D. Mahindapala –

      Siri Gamage Brings Down Academic Standards?

      H. L. D. Mahindapala is Promoting Shilling and White-Washing standards.

      H. L. D. Mahindapala, did, the Para-Sinhala and pata-Tamil come from Dravidian south India to the Land of Native Veddah Aethho?

      What does the DNA Analysis Say?

      Or are you going to bring the “Academic” standards of the Paras?

    • 1

      This guy is cracked in his nut.Never have I seen such a pathetic man outside the mental asylum.

      • 1

        Have you met a few inside mental asylum ? Good to know.

    • 0

      H. L. D. Mahindapala,

      Increase academic standards?

      Make a try here. Solve this equation.

      Solve this, and add to your achievements beside shilling for MaRa. You need to impress the Academic Community. the Medamulana Mahinda Rajapaksa id no longer the King.


  • 5


    “Siri Gamage Brings Down Academic Standards”

    You mean your academic standards? I am sure Dr Siri Gamage cannot match your artistry of cherry-picking and quoting out of context amid pure lies in support of your bigoted ideology. Your academic standards stinks!

    By the way I have not read the article as the title is sufficient to know that there is no substance!

  • 10

    Mahindapala Sir,

    Please keep writing and expose yourself and your mate-‘Nazi’ Dayan for what you really are!

    You two are the living proof what the Tamil people (diaspora and the locals) have always told their friends in the international community-Sinhala Chauvinism is a South Asian version of Nazism.

    Thank you

    • 1


      “Sinhala Chauvinism is a South Asian version of Nazism.”

      Do you mean Para-Sinhala from South india, the South Indian Para-sinhala Dravidians?

  • 4

    Well, I am another sinhala racist who was not paying any attention to the cast, religion, ethnicity of the people around me. My parents haven’t taught me a difference between sinhalese or tamils. I wonder what my tamil friends must be saying about me when I am not hanging around with them :)

    But hey, since all of you say there is Sinhala chauvinism/racism/genocide… there must be something in it. But I never saw any dead bodies of tamils past few months around Colombo to justify genocide claim.(Isn’t majority of the tamils live among sinhalese in Colombo?) But this is what tamils do to their own people just because of cast issues (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6DpqRq32Gds). Thank god tamils in Sri Lanka are much much better.

    • 4


      You started well but finished it miserably!

      • 1

        because she wrote the truth and made u upset ?

  • 4

    This guy probably likes guys like Dr. Meryn silva

  • 2

    My hero says that Siri Gamage is “unlike ordinary mortals like us”. This is why I admire this man – he is so very modest! We all know that he is an extraordinary intellect and a far from “ordinary mortal”, whose essays are full of cultural and historical niceties that involve Dalits, Vellalas, Elites, Punters, etc, that we would never even know of if not for him. Why readers of CT allege he is a bigot and racist one will never know. He is even accused of accepting dosh for the propaganda he circulates in support of the greatest president we ever had. I would have no hesitation of voting him for President of the world.

    • 3

      Oh you are into education as well? What is next Sports?

    • 0

      (:-)) Great Humour and much tongue in cheek, Mr Sumanasekera!

  • 2


    I ask the following questions; you never answered!



    I am not aware that the Vaddukoddi Resolution endorsed violence. Please prove it to this forum that it indeed did.

    Can you also prove your charge that the Tamils enjoyed british patronage?

    SJVC negotiated two pacts with the Sinhala leaders; please write an article about what happened to them. It will also help if you write about the Galle Face Green tamil protest and attacks by thugs including buddhist monks while the police stood and watched.”

    Please show your academic credentials and answer the above.

  • 3

    M..t…pala is now complaining of Siri Gamage has brought down the academic standard. What has M..t…pala done? He has always tried through his articles to bring racial hatred in someway. What do you call this? The readers would be happy if they see the least of your articles in the CT.

  • 2

    Thank you Sir. That should have taken Siri Gamage down quite a few pegs. It is interesting that not one of your detractors have bothered to answer any of the questions you pose above.

  • 2

    I say Pala,

    You have brought down journalistic standards like no other…..

    Have you considered that, before pointing fingers?

  • 0

    Gamage , this a simple request from your four legged Aussie mate to attch your P H d in front of your name instead of the rear like Dr.Dayan so that we find it difficult to believe that he is a simple racist native moron.

    in his next article your mate will be requesting you to wear cap to avoid your brain oz zing out of your head -a condition that has no cure.

    So it is out of concern but please coose a good Aussie hat instead of a flat clapped out thopia.

  • 0

    No one takes Mahindapala seriously. In the early nineties, Premadasa hired him to sling mud on SLFP and Chandrika and that made S Sunday Observer a ragsheet and again MR brought him down to destroy Maithri in connivance with Rajpal bit failed miserably. This man has to consult a good psychiatrist as something is radically wrong with him.

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