11 September, 2024


Using Chamal’s Illnesses To Continue Illegal Appointment: Kahandaliyanage And Senaratne’s Continued Shamelessness At J’Pura Hospital

In the aftermath of the appointment of the piecemeal cabinet of President Maithripala Sirisena, government institutions are in a state of administrative confusion leading to impasse in governance. On the day of the appointment of Mahinda Rajapaksa as ‘Prime Minister’ by Sirisena, Athula Kahandaliyanage, ‘Chairman’ Sri Jayewardenepura General Hospital (SJGH) has circulated a letter to all the specialists in the hospital indicating that Rajitha Senaratne has appointed himself as the Chairman SJGH along with a ‘Board of Directors’. On 26.10.2108 while the country was thrown to turmoil with the constitutional coup, Kahandaliyanage circulated the letter produced below was circulated to 47 specialists. At this point a new minister of health had not been appointed. 

Kahandaliyanage Begging At The Feet Of Pavithra Wanniarachchi 

Athula Kahandaliyanage noted acolyte of the Rajapaksa regime has also been an acolyte of Rajitha Senaratne. In the immediate aftermath of the political events of 26.10.2018, Kahandaliyanage rushed to meet Pavithra Wanniarachchi who was rumored to become the minister of health, Colombo Telegraph reliably learns. He was accompanied by the chief monk of the Narahenpita Abhayarama temple, the unofficial headquarters of the SLPP (Pohottuwa) of which Mahinda Rajapaksa is the de facto leader. At this meeting he has reportedly begged Wanniarachchi to re appoint him to the post of Chairman SJGH and to protect Susitha Senaratne enabling him to remain as quasi director SJGH.  

When the above mentioned letter was circulated, Dr Kanishka Indraratne, Head of the Cosultants’ Forum has officially inquired from Kahandaliyanage asking for documentary proof of himself and other member appointment as Chairman/members to the Board of SJGH insisting on urgent response. Kahandaliyanage, a master at misguiding the Board of SJGH, COPE and the judiciary as reported by Colombo Telegraph in a series of exposes, has cunningly kept mum. 

GMOA, AMS, SJGH Staff Protest

The tenure of Kahandaliyanage as Chairman SJGH has been tainted with his illegal attempt to safeguard Susitha Senaratne, infamous and unqualified medical officer who is a stooge of Rajitha Senaratne appointed as the quasi director of SJGH. Senaratne who has no academic and professional qualifications has been occupying the office of the director SJGH through the political muscle of Rajitha Senaratne, without as much a letter of appointment. One of the salient demands of the GMOA for the removal of Rajitha Senaratne was the administrative corruption that Kahandaliyanage and the corrupt members of the Board of SJGH were perpetuating. Produced below is the media release issued by the GMOA clearly stating that this illegal appointment was one of the main reasons to bar Rajitha Senaratne from being appointed under any government. This press release refers to Susitha Senaratne as the “lap dog” of Rajitha Senaratne. 

Kahandaliyanage-Susitha Senaratne Instrumental To Rajitha Senaratne’s Downfall

The hospital staff has requested Kahandaliyanage to inquire in to the incident of Susitha Senaratne referring to a Specialist as a pig on social media claiming that the lives of the children undergoing treatment at SJGH are in danger. Kahandaliyanage in his establishes manner of administrative impotence, has swept that request under the carpet, protecting Susitha Senaratne yet again. 

The Kahandaliyange – Susitha Senaratne administration has been marred with administrative corruption, tender & procurement irregularities, interference with the rulings of the judiciary, misinforming the judiciary and misleading the Parliamentary COPE. This corrupt machinery of Kahandaliyange, maintained with political stoogery has been a pivotal reason for the downfall of Rajitha Senaratne as the Minister of Health. 

The GMOA, the Association of Medical Specialists have already submitted their protest on the appointment of Rajitha Senaratne acolyte as quasi director SJGH. In addition, the majority of the specialists have submitted a letter of no confidence against Kahandaliyanage and Susitha Senaratne being re-appointed in any capacity to SJGH again. Currently with the de-funct state of the Board of SJGH Susitha Senaratne holds no valid position having been appointed as a super-numerary appointment in violation with the hospital act by Rajitha Senaratne. To this day Susitha Senaratne is barred from sitting at the Board of SJGH by a court ruling due to his unqualified status.

Susitha Senaratne Approaching Chamal Rajapaksa’s Treating Specialists To Influence The Minister

Although all other Chairmen and political appointees have vacated their positions in the aftermath of the appointment of the ‘new cabinet’, Kahandaliyanage and Susitha Senaratne with the hope of a Rajitha Senaratne cross over have been holding on to their positions in a leech-like fashion. However, with the appointment of Chamal Rajapaksa as Minister of Health Kahandaliyanage is expected to tender in his resignation and lobby for a comeback through some of the specialists who are treating Chamal Rajapaksa. Susitha Senaratne has been intensively lobbying with the specialists treating various illnesses of Chamal Rajapaksa is to perpetuate his illegal appointment and remain as quasi director. To use privileged information about the illness of a person and to manipulate the physician-status of a doctor to force a patient to deliver personal favors is illegal. It is also a violation of the code of ethics of medical professionals. 

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Latest comments

  • 5

    This is yet one more indication of ‘Whatever Happens’ the show will go on – perhaps with a change in the actors. Also indicates as to why the RW/MS bridge-gap narrowal was tried by …..??
    We have two governments – a hall mark of a ‘coup’. Only CT, once, called it ‘coup d’etat’. The ‘Whatever Happened’ was described by Speaker Karu J as a ‘coup without guns’. International media have latched on to this.
    High time we address the motive behind this ‘coup’ aka ‘Whatever Happened’.

  • 1

    I don’t know whether Chamal Rajapakse want to be the HEalth, Nutrition and Indigenous medicine expert. At elast the name is very appropriate. HEalth as well as prevention have to be promoted. RajithaSenarathne was prooting only the HEalth and MEdical intervention which cost millions for terminal patients. How talking about prevention in the Radio and TV, Ask cuban help for Cancer. they are best.

  • 12

    All the medical buggers in Sri Lanka are sick and greedy- and many of them don’t even have proper education or training in their fields. GMOA is run by thugs who behave like underworld figures.

  • 9

    Rajitha is a corrupted politician and most of the people don’t like him. He and wijedasa messed up the saitm issue and during last provincial election the uni medical students and parents voted against unp. Also rajitha was fighting with gmo ( so unp lost those votes as well. Doctors are influential people as they treat many patience. So probably most of the patience too voted against unp )and rajitha was tyring his level best to initiate a fight between patience and doctors. They were successful in it to some extent as it worked well at galaha hospital. His henchmens should be removed immediately.

  • 3

    Back to family rule Father, Son, Brother, sister, mistress, water boy all ministers in govt. How many have already applied for car permits and taken an advance on future commission.

    • 3


      “Back to family rule Father, Son, Brother, sister, mistress, water boy all ministers in govt. “

      Because they are patriotic Sri Lankans, they value their family more than their country, …. especially their extended families, ……………… we do not know the limit to or the extend of the extension, ……

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