14 February, 2025


Video: Gnanasara Slams Basil While Calling Defense Forces To ‘Defeat Muslim And Minority Extremism’

Making a statement to the Media in the premises of the Slave Island Police, a priviledge that has not been afforded to many, BBS General Secretary, Buddhist Monk Galagoda aththe Gnanasara while calling for the intervention of the Defense Forces to “defeat Muslim and minority extremism” slammed Minister of Economic Development Basil Rajapaksa for providing patronage to “Muslim colonisation'”.

BBS Police“I will tell you all that it is Basil Rajapaksa who is behind this. He is the one who is permitting Bathiudeen to dance to any tune. He is the one who is giving the encouragement and support to Bathiudeen to settle these Muslims in Wilpaththu. I’m not afraid to say this” he said.

Minister Basil Rajapaksa is viewed as a Political foe of the powerful Secretary to the Ministry of Defence Gotabaya Rajapaksa.

The priviledge afford to Gnanasara was not given to any other politician in recent past. It comes as no surprise as it was the Slave Island Police personnel who were present during the abuse and disruption of the Press Conference held at the Nippon Hotel which was the subject matter of the complaint.

Making a lengthy statement to the media, Gnanasara lashed out at several other Ministers and said that he looks forward to meeting Minister Rishad Bathiudeen in court.

Earlier Bathiudeen sent a letter of demand to Gnansara alleging that the statements he had made to the press regarding the re- settlement in Wilpaththu was false and defamatory.

Speaking further Gnanasara challenged any Minister including the JVP to a debate at any public forum.

“I’m willing to debate that Napunsakaya( Neutor) Dilan Perera, Wimal,Vasudewa, Hakeem and Rishad together with the JVP at any forum they want. I will come alone and debate them to prove these facts” he said while reiterating that a stretch of land from Puththalam to Silavathura was to be colonised by Muslims.

Gnanasara also said that Sri Lanka has a ‘ Muslim nikaya’ and a Catholic ‘ Nikaya’ (* sect) which has bought over monks for propoganda.

Mohomed Watareka is one of them. It is this man who is being used as a cats paw for these sects” he said.

Making inciting, malicious and false remarks during the said address made within the Premises of the Police station, Gnanasara said that Muslims were working according to a concept ” from the Kuran called Al- Thakkiya”.

” This is to take over land and other things by using crafty, devious and capricious methods. That is what they are doing and this is what the Kuran has instructed these extremist to do ” he said providing no substantiation to the claims.

The Monk also said that they have created over a hundred people who could take on their fight in the event they are slain.

” There are two ways to attack us, one is to defame us and damage our characters. The other is to murder us. If we are murdered we have nothing to worry because there are hundreds of people who will take our fight with more venom” he said.

Earlier Gnansara was charged with Drunk Driving and was alleged to have received foreign funding from Norway and others, claims that have not been denied yet.

The vedo published by the BBS

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  • 1

    [Edited out]

    • 11

      We the sinhalaya are coming from Lion.

      So, homo sapiens + Lion should have come together to produce our first sinhalaya. This popular myth is believed by many of the people across the island.
      Right at the moment, world researchers (genetists) believe in hybrid theories to have created the first ever human being on the earth (through swine and higher primates).

      If one noticed the way Ghanasara behaved himself infront of his fellow citizens on the 9th April, showing more animal nature, I am now compelled to believe.. these theories can well a match.

      • 1

        LeelageMalli- Do not Insult Animals.

        This Human is supposed to be higher than other animals because he can develop himself! But he is degrading himself as a Human Being, everyday.

        “Metta, Karuna, Muditha, Upekkha”

        Has Gnanasara ever heard of these four ‘Divine Abidings’, let alone practising them?

  • 13

    Saadu Saadu Saadu………………

    A new messiah is born . Lord Gnanasara has descended from heaven to protect Buddhism. He is an example and a role model for the mankind in the modern era. All the children should be taught his new teachings on Buddhism. Lord Gnanasara is the most knowledgeable and divine in Buddhist history . Srilanka is now a real paradise.

    • 14

      Lord Gnanasara is the most powerful human being in Buddhist history. Everyone is so scared when he speaks, including the police and the President of Srilanka.
      Lord is so powerful and strong ,he can drink a bottle of whiskey and eat a kilo of wild boar and stand straight.
      Suba aluth avuruddak wewa!

    • 5

      correction: not a messiah ,should read as a demon …apologies …

  • 4

    lole lol

  • 3

    Muslims like UPFA biriyani – not Govt.

    Southern Provincial Councillor Weerasumana Weerasinghe was the last to take his oaths as Minister at a ceremony before President Mahinda Rajapaksa on Monday.

    The ceremony over, those present sat down to lunch at “Temple Trees.” Ministers Susil Premajayantha, D.E.W. Gunasekera and Mahindananda Aluthgamage were among those present.

    “Apita Muslim kattiya Chandey dunn nethe aie (Why didn’t the Muslims vote for us)?” asked President Mahinda Rajapaksa from Nauzer Fowzie. He is the son of Minister A.H.M. Fowzie. He lost the Western Provincial Council polls but was appointed to a bonus seat.
    “Sir Muslim kattiya Aanduwey biriyani kanna vitharai kemathi,” (Sir, Muslims like to eat only the Government’s biriyani,” replied Nauzer Fowzie. It was not just the special rice delicacy he seems to be alluding to. It was also the benefits that Muslims draw from the UPFA Government.

    • 4

      Yes, when President asks a Minister to Jump, the Minister asks How High…

      Asia’s Miracle in the Making.

  • 1

    “was alleged to have received foreign funding from Norway and others” finally CT has become another propaganda machine of Government.

  • 11

    I am a Catholic.
    This guy is an insult to Buddhism. Those Buddhists who really value the teachings of Buddha should get together to derobe this guy and kick him out before he destroys the great doctrine of Buddha.

    • 1


      Why did Catholics have so many Crusades ?

      • 8


        Where do you see Catholic crusaders….

        Did you see them Breaking Buddhist temples….

        Did you see them behaving like thugs and vendalising other communities department stores……..

        Did you see them drunk and talkig filth to Policemen…..

        Did you see them harassing and talking filth at other religious priests in open Stages….

        Did yo see them clashing and fighting with own Priests and clergy openly……..

        Please answer.

        • 0

          I agree that no Catholic today is a crusader. Unlike Muslims they do not accuse fellow Christian with hearsay. So, there are no Inquisitions or guilty are burned at stake. My good neighbour is a good Catholic who visit the temple as well. I remind him of that it is his ancestors, the so-called missionaries that destroyed temples like Kalaniya, kovils, devala etc under mad Franciscan monks like Xavier, made a saint when dead. He agrees.

          Do you know that there was an underworld group called ‘Catholic Action’, that was responsible to organise and keep Buddhists out of mainstream jobs etc. After independence, and particularly after schools were nationalized in 1962, Catholics have given up their wild acts and many have indeed joined the Buddhists to become true nationals. I am glad they did.

          Today, however a new breed called evangelists have taken up the said missionaries place. These evangelists carry dollars in their right hand instead of the sword of their predecessors. Fundamentalist ecumenical organizations based in the US fund them. They cannot break temples so they use dollars to do the dirty job done by their ancestors.

          Evangelists register a company to carry on the business of religion. Thereafter, they rent a simple dwelling in the middle of a Buddhist neighborhood, hook up a cross sign calling it a church and bus strangers routinely to sing noisy psalms. They place themselves particularly where they are not welcome. They are nothing but obtrusive people. People in the area start to object them. And that’s when conflict start.

          Fundamentalist Evangelists dupe destitutes with donations as if it is coming from the God. Sick are connived and persuaded into faith healing. A young girl died in Hanwella when she did not take medicine but pray for Almighty God to be healed from an illness. And that is just one of many such murder. But the law hadn’t taken the cause.

          Evangelists carry on such preaching the way they want with impunity. They degrade Buddha and Buddhism. I must say, they are in direct opposition to the Catholic church as well. These evangelists have turned life in many of our villages upside down with their octopus like networks. Their connection with NGOs are like a hand in a glove. We kept quite and they grew like mushroom. And the trouble started, So, BBS etc have propped up to check and tackle the culprits who pose as well behaved men of God.

          • 3


            Let me clarify you a few. First, throughout the history you see many dynastics rule the world, and when the concure another country they burn down the cities and re-buid them with their ideology. Even Rome was burned down many times. Same with India, Frace, Russia, China etc.
            Spreading Gospel is part of the evangilical Christians work. At the moment they do spread in Russia, Eastern Europe, All Africa, Latin America, all Caribbean, Japan, India, all over Asia, Australia and even Greenland.

            Therefore this is not limited to Sri Lanka only.

            Also there are Sri Lanka’s Buddhist Temples that operate and spread Buddhism throughout the world including USA,JAPAN,UK, GERMANY, ITALY, FRANCE, TANZANIA etc. Therefore what’s your point.
            Everybody has a free will to learn any religion and call for faith. I herd now that there are many white and Black Christian Americans now converting to Islam. But USA don’t stop them. It is their free will.

            Also you say by giving money and gifts one could convert others to their religion. I don’t agree with you. How come then the Buddhist temples give Dana every poya day and then other religious peope could convert to buddhism, but it is not happening.

            I know that there are only on two grounds that one converts to another religion.

            One is through Grace and the other through Example or Inspiration.

            There’s no other way to convert like through Bribes or by force etc, except some one plans to murder or under Communist rule.I herd now Pres.Putin is a strong orthodox Christian.

            Conversion through supressive means or by tricks have long gone. Also remember world evolves at different periods and perhaps there could be a different vision or Religion in another 20/30/40 years. Who knows. One should not use Religion as a weapon. That is wrong and bad.BBS Gnanasara is Bad and ugly.

            Please go to a Prison to get a good idea. Live through example and not by show. Others will follow then.

      • 0

        Jim Softy – “Why did Catholics have so many Crusades?”

        That does not excuse Gnanasara’s behaviour! So is he trying to be a Crusader now?

        A Good Catholic is as good as a Good Buddhist.

    • 2

      If you are a Catholic you care about Rome not Sri Lanka.

      Thats why you talk like this. Look at this picture.


      • 1


        We denounce all exploitation of Nature, from Muslims and others.

        We also denounce chopping 2,000 acres in Yala Jungle and Animal Habitat to build an International Airport.

        We denounce chopping 1,000 acres of agreable land to build a Cricket stadium in Suriya wewa.

        We aloso denounce chopping 2,000 acres in agreeable land and a human habitat in hambanthota to build a Harbour. These are all now turned into a desert.Now two airports been built in the heart of catchment areas in Kandy and Nuwara Eliya. We already have 17 Airports and Choppers to travel.

        Also there are Hotels and luxury homes been built in the middle of Forrests, animal habitat and in mountain tops.

        All these have to be investigated and stopped.

  • 9

    This is going too far and it is escalating into another type of ethnic clash.

    We have Minister in charge of the Wild life Dept. who look after all the sanctuaries in the island. Then we have a Ministry who is entrusted with the re-settlements of the displaced persons. Next we have Survey Dept, who knows what the boundaries of these sanctuaries are. All these Ministries and Departments are staffed with hundreds of personnel.

    Why are all these people silent? Isn’t it their responsibility to speak and make a statement whether there is any form of encroachment and if did in fact people have encroached, how that was made possible and why was it not stopped at the very outset? Why the Government silent and that silence go to prove that there has been “secretive deals” that have gone through various authorities. As a result, when agitations erupt various other organizations spring up and further escalate the situation. Who suffers? No one else other than the country. We are looked down upon as a “intolerant society” and the country is taken to task at International Level.

    Ironically, that situation is again fully utilized to grab power by the unscrupulous politicians during election times and even go down to the level of crying out possible punishments on the “electric chair”. On the other hand our voters are also “gullible” or “made gullible” by these very Authorities who have knowingly created such disruptive situations or utterly neglected their duties. Unfortunately media also makes capital out of such situations and present us with varying versions without directly confronting the Governmental Authorities and make facts known to the people to make reasonable assessments and decisions.

    So isn’t this a very explosive situation either created willingly or allowed to go unchecked due to negligence of entrusted duties?

  • 4

    a few days in Welikada may be in order

    • 2

      “a few days in Welikada may be in order “

      You or Ghanasara ? or your beloved stinky leader MR ? Or else GR ?

  • 1

    Looking at the antics of these thuggish monks we must rewrite Buddhist philosophy.

    The new quotes of Buddha according to Gnanasara.

    “Hatred ceases only by hatred,never by love; this is the eternal truth.”

    “Just as a candle cannot burn without fire, men cannot live without a hateful life.”

    I wonder if other readers have quotes for the “Gnanasara Buddhism”.

  • 1


    Before going further –an important aspect need to be highlighted here , if you note BBS hardly makes any mention of Tamils ,his main target are Muslims ,so what is really the game play? Let us do some analysis here.

    1. BBS was visited by Norway officials
    2. Were issued USA Visas over the counter
    3. Funding for their head Quarters in Galle (a many decades old anti Muslim area)

    One must understand the diaspora of The Tamils overseas ,there are two fractions of them one is pro Ex leader Prabakaran , while the other is the overseas agents of karuna and the government and it is a more powerful organization ,because it is not just tamils it is an organization that has a large membership of the Sinhalese from the sinhalese Lobbies estabilished overseas years back.

    Rsihard angered a Tamil civil servant in The Mannar area when he started the resettlement ,there is a possibility that he was some what bias twoatds the tamils when distibruting lands ,as for our information recived , the Civil servant stood with eyes flooded with tears and anger when the lands were distributed to the Muslims and the Police and armed forces have always shown a displeasure towards this action.

    The matter was reported to karuna by This Civil servant who is Karuna’s handy man,in return Karuna demanded all the eastern province students studying at The Sri Jayawardena pura University be transferred to Baticalo and the students were transferred ,but unfortunatelly many of them could not get a place in The baticalo Uni and their education and futre were ruined mostly briliant female students .

    The BBS works directly for Karuna and has nothing to do with the government or Gota ,but taking the siutation into consideration ,ne must understand that the entire rajapakshe family ,the government members and The entire sinhalese are under obligation to Karuna ,it was karuna who was actually the kingpin of LTTE and not Prabakaran , he ran the entire overseas & Local financial mecanism ,he knew exactly who and who were the local agents ,so it was extremly easy for him to dismantle them , most of them willingly met Karuna and dismantle the financial mecanism of the LTTE they were handling ,but heir were few who were still loyal to Prabakaran,they never thought he would be wiped out a bad mis callulation ,they should have known better dealing with Karuna ,so the rebels were abducted in the famous white van by kauran’s cadres and The government’s secret police and ofcause
    Given a oneway ticket .

    So you should understand that karuna was and is still the last line Soldier , the BBS is his front line.

    Karuna has always been the extremely anti Muslim is a well known fact ,he was respeonsible for all the Killings of Muslims in the eastern provinces .

    So all the funding BBS is getting is through this Sinahalese & Tamil united diaspora orgnazation ,they are all over the world ,they operate usally in The Temples , they have an internation trust fund value of over one billion in dollars, whoever are their supporters get jobs overseas ,with legal employment ,and easy permnent residence and even change of citizenship ,where a normal processing takes upto one year in some countries ,they are approved for these members in a max of three months.

    The Loby is very powerful and everything has been well set to squeeze the Sri Lankan Muslms even in Muslim countries , it is hard for Muslims to get Jobs or even education in Universities in particular in UAE ,Oman , Malaysia ,Azerbaijan Singapore , Australia ,New Zealand , USA,Canada ,UK and EU .

    But I want to clarify one-thing here The governments of these countries have nothing to do with what is going on and some of them are not even aware of it,

    Huge funds are transferred monthly using money laundering to BBS and in turn BBS funds a huge membership mainly from very poor families ,from areas of Anuradapura ,Kuranagala ,Mawanella , down south mainly Galle , and in Western Province it is in Moratuwa , Panadura,Angulana Ratmalana , Dehiwala mainly concentrated in Attediya ,Borlasgamuwa and Piliyandala .

    The have members working in all the banks , Mobile centers ,dialogue being the largest membership ,and of-cause Etisalat ,where a strong tab is maintained on Muslim users who are specially in business .

    Their members justify the Takiya false propaganda that is published on Islamic hate websites to rob The Muslim community , some businessman are intimated on daily basis , even house break robberies are not reported to the Police .

    So The only way to handle this is first and foremost genuine and respectable Sinhalese ,Tamils and Muslims living overseas must start the investigation report to the authorities and dismantle this organization ,vote in a new and none prejudice government and once that is done,if Rishad baduideen has done any injustice to the Tamils it must be immediately corrected and a new constitution must be set up while protecting The Sinhalese ,their culture ,Their religion and along that a strong protection of all minorities should be established .

    Start by dismantling this dangerous lobby overseas who are funding the BBS via a lot of illicit business and money laundering .

  • 2

    Saman has posted you some questions. If you could find them answers they will also answer your question.
    By the way, are you trying to say that this crazy nut is a crusader? Poor Jimmy!

    • 1

      My Singhala brother,

      Look at the big picture.

      Tamilians are occupying Mannar. Bishop Joseph is their leader. What they do? Discredit SL overseas.

      By settling Muslims Tamils can be made a minority. Then Joseph is finish.

      How many Singhalese were killed by Muslims? ZERO.
      How many Singhalese were killed by Tamils? 30,000.


      We can get rid of Tamils TOGETHER.

      Your Muslim sister,

      • 2

        Fathima, If these Muslims were the ones that were thrown outs from Jaffna then they must be settled in Jaffna together with the displaced Sinhalas and their progeny but none should be settled in the land that were reserved for animals of Wilpaththu.

        • 2

          Banda,I think these muslims were the people who originally in this place and were chased out by the LTTE.They have merely come back to the place that they were originally living in.That bull in a china shop gnanasera’s mouth fell wide open when they said so.He did not give them a chance to talk at first and went on talking as usual and made a fool of himself.The biggest problem he has is that he is a talker and not a listener.Fonseka’s foot in mouth disease is nothing compares to this chappies.Look at this video

          also read latheef farouk’s article on CT on 11th april.

          You can also see from this video that these people are right in front of a main road.Where are the damn animals etc which we are supposed to protect from them.

          I think this gnanasera is going to be a liability for you one day.

          Better to rein him in now itself before he breaks the chinaware.

          • 2

            This idiot of a thugish monk who need to be DE-robed is given Police Escort..like he is a SENIOR MINISTER… WHAT THE HECK?

            then says he was joking..calling them Thambi and Marakkala and if its offensive they need to change those words via the Minister OF EDUCATION… then walks away with his tail tucked between his legs… hE ALSO INDIRECTLY THREATENS TO STRIKE MATCH AND LIGHT UP if THEY WANT.. AND THAT IDIOT IN GLASSES WEARING WHITE (A CARDBOARD HERO) TRIES HIS 2 CENTS… AGAIN SAYING THAT if THEY WANT THEY CAN LIGHT UP WITH THE STRIKE OF A MATCH..lol …..ALL THIS IN THE PRESENCE OF UNIFORMED POLICE OFFICERS…

        • 0

          These are the Displaced from north not from Jaffna it self. Knowing little bit of the geography is better. Where are the Sinhalese displaced from North as claimed by BBS. Show me at least one SINHALA family known as the IDPs from the north. You cant find Why. Because they are treated by the successive governments as the first class citizens. Soon after they were displaced last in the 1983 all of them were intergrated into the society in the south. The government allowed the voter registry to be updated wherever they live.

          You just see for your self What happened to these Muslims. They were not allowed to register as voters in Puttlaam or any other areas in the south. Though some affluents settled down with Muslims in Colombo and other Muslim areas they are still being treated as IDP without any voting right there. They still cast their vote from where they stay to elect members in their original areas in the north.

          Does any SINHALESE IDPS have been deprived of such rights ?

          This proves the MUSLIMS are being treated as the second class citiziens of this country.

          What is the sin they did opther than born as Mslims. It was not their own choice. These IDPs are not given employment in Puttlaam in addition to depriving them of the voting right in Puttalam. Their children are also not admitted to schools in Puttalam because the Puttalam Muslims have a fear that northerners who are clever might grab their opportunity to enter in to Universities.

          Now the norther IDPs are subject to twin hypcracy one by extemeist Sinhalese and the Government and by the OpportunisticPuttalam Muslims.

          This plight is amply explained in the LLRC report.

          Sinhales like BBS were not prayed and born as Sinhalese. Just because they were born to Sunhala Buddhist they have become Muslims.

          Pl think of these plights of IDPs of other societies and compare whether they can enjoy the same benefit as the Sinhala IDPs.

          BBS talking of SINHALA IDPs should first locate them
          Even I do not know entire story but the LLRC report explain their plight to larger extent.

          My dear so pl without gropping in the dark like the BBS ppl first read the LLRC report on Northern Muslims IDPs who have not been taken into care not only by the international community but by the their own Muslims in Sri Lanka and the Government of Sri Lanka.

          All IDPs were resettled with the help of International community and the support from the GOSL. But the norther Muslims who were chased away within four hours are not treated as the IDPs even. (LLRC REPORT)

    • 1


      We denounce all exploitation of Nature, from Muslims and others.

      We also denounce chopping 2,000 acres in Yala Jungle and Animal Habitat to build an International Airport.

      We denounce chopping 1,000 acres of agreable land to build a Cricket stadium in Suriya wewa.

      We aloso denounce chopping 2,000 acres in agreeable land and a human habitat in hambanthota to build a Harbour. These are all now turned into a desert.Now two airports been built in the heart of catchment areas in Kandy and Nuwara Eliya. We already have 17 Airports and Choppers to travel.

      Also there are Hotels and luxury homes been built in the middle of Forrests, animal habitat and in mountain tops.

      All these have to be investigated and stopped.

    • 1

      This is what we try to save……..Yala National park.

      Not Mattala Airport.

      Not Hambanthota Harbour.

      Suriyawawa Cricket stadium.

      Hope these do not become white elephants.

  • 1

    This is not about Buddhism, it’s all about (our contry)Sri Lanka. If you are a true Sri Lankan, you must help him to protect our nation from extremists.
    Democracy is there, but ‘democracy’ can be easily misused by extremists. All the people who live in Sri Lanka must be Sri Lankans, not extremists or separatists. It is the time to act before it will be too late.

  • 3

    I am glad the snake is turning towards the master who nurtured it too. Don’t get alarmed too much, this crap is going to settle by itself.

    • 1

      Today, there is no respect to anyone under the rule of MADAMULANA thugs.

      In CBK ´s days, none of us seen attacking fellow muslims. At that time, war was at its height. Recalling my trip to lanka late 90ties, I myself felt – how difficult it had been for the general public alone moving from A to B. Even if Srilanken carrier was given to Emirates as a lease, they brought billions of income to the country today, the man saying his hapankam, to have got that back from Emirates – but making billions of losses day to another. To that time, even if Economy was not the best, but the lady had the power to give some relief to the poor people. Prices of essential needs were considered by her govt heartedly. People have lost their memories. This man in power today, made everyone of us credit to the chinese.
      Souterhn highway brings more income – but who would be happy about all these if not chinese.

  • 0


    The question that we have to ask ourselves is whether these monkish thugs have threatened and intimidated the Mahanayakas as well, the same way they intimidated that Monk on TV ? These are matters that have to be looked into by the authorities concerned. What are the Mahanayakes doing while the Buddhism is being destroyed from within by people from shady foreign contacts?
    This is a conspiracy to turn Sri Lanka into another South Korea which turned from a largely Buddhist to largely Christian country not due to colonial domination but through proselytization
    (Sunday Island 13 April,2014)

  • 0

    well SAID SHANKAR !


  • 0


    • 1

      It’s not Fathima or a Sinhalese lady,but plastic back-bone Lorenzo.(Shenali’s boy friend).

  • 1

    The gentleman Ally Weerasinghe whose son I knew has gone to the other world many years ago. I like to enlighten the writer Ally that there are many encounters in the BIBLE (old testament) How Go dealt with the rulers at that time who harassed His followers.
    M.R. came to power on the Sinhala Buddhist vote and the monks are now insane and are destroying him his family is also doing the same. You can very well see that M.R. is loosing control

  • 2

    Regime’s profusion of lies about new ‘LTTE’ exposed …

    2 days ago – Regime’s profusion of lies about new ‘LTTE’ exposed : murdered ‘LTTE ers’ were in Kokavil army camp – State media contradicts Army.

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