18 February, 2025


Video: Protest March Against Impeachment

By Colombo Telegraph

As at 7.30 a.m., hundreds of  goons have been brought by the Government near the Courts. Hundreds of Policemen have been deployed.  It appeared that the government is planning to block the protest at the very beginning.

Anton Marcus, the  Convenor of the ‘Citizens’ and Trade Union Collective for Judicial Independence’ said; “We strongly protest the government’s action in organising mobs against the peaceful protest march called by the Lawyers’ Collective in demanding that the illegal impeachment motion be withdrawn from parliamentary debate.”


Video courtesy newslankatruth

Latest comments

  • 0

    Why dont the speakers address the police and also the army that they should not support violations of the constitution

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    any footage of goons stopping people from joining?

  • 0

    Good start. We need to continue and sustain the movement until this criminal govt is brought to its knees. The power of the people can achieve this backed by the clergy, intellectals and proffessionals.

    • 0

      Yes good start by bunch of fools led by few cunning politicians denied by the peace loving people of this country.

  • 0

    It is time for other Professionals, trade unions, law abiding citizens and even religious dignitaries to join hand at this crucial hour to show their protest to MR & Co. to folow the democratic traditions that prevail in the Western democratc countries and not to follow the path that prevails in Libya, Egypt, Syriya and Iran.

  • 0

    Legitimate terror government? Does this remind this of Sadam Hussain? Brothers sons wives girlfriends all thugs?

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