21 January, 2025


A Daughter Of Sri Lankan Tamil To Contest For Labour Party In Harrow East

A daughter of Sri Lankan Tamil Uma Kumaran is contesting to be the Labour Party’s Member of Parliament for the London Borough of Harrow. Kumaran was born in London and raised in Harrow, but says she comes from a strong and closely knit family from Sri Lanka.


“My parents fled to Britain in the midst of a civil war, Labour MP Jeremy Corbyn worked tirelessly to help them settle here. They have since worked hard to rebuild their lives and raise a family in Harrow,” the Labour candidate says on her official website.

Kumaran says her late Grandfather was one of the first civil servants to break ranks and join the front of the trade union picket line defending workers’ rights. “It’s these values that I was brought up on,” she says.

“The community in Harrow has given me, my family and so many others everything – I’m determined to stand up for thousands of people like us against this Tory government. It’s a wonderful place to live, the most diverse borough in the country and a model for all the great things multicultural Britain can achieve,” Kumaran says.

She obtains a Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Politics and a Master of Science (MSc) in Public Policy both from Queen Mary University of London and speaks Tamil, Sinhala, English, French and German languages.

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  • 4

    Very soon United Kingdom of Tamil Elam. Good show Tamils. You are doing so well all over the world. Sin halease could not use the talents of the Tamils. All the developing countries are using them. Where ever Tamils go they give more than what they take. That is the Tamil culture.

  • 11

    Dear all Tamil voters of Harrow East
    I just want to make you aware of a few lies/ errors about Uma. I have known her very well from her younger days but lost touch with her about 5 years ago. So know a few facts about her.

    Labour are trying to exploit the Tamil voters by hoping to choose Uma as the candidate and to win votes from the increasing Tamil population in Harrow. But Uma and her parents have only one interest in their minds – Themselves .Her [Edited out]
    Uma does NOT speak Sinhalese at all . And may have learnt French and German at school and this does not mean that she speaks these languages. I don’t even know if she speaks tamil well.this is another propaganda effort to increase her saleability and her profile.

    Please vote for her in the election based on what she stands for and don’t be swayed by the Srilankan background rubbish. We need politically experienced candidates to represent us in the UK parliament to talk about the pressing issues at present.

    What experience has Uma got apart from her paper degrees and campaigning for labour candidates.
    We need substance . Don’t be fooled.

    • 1

      Please have fellow feelings. Human beings are with emotions. We are not machines to lack emotions. Everything starts with emotions only. It is with emotional attachments she will work for the community of Srilankan Tamils interests. this will do.

  • 6

    Uma has not lived in Harrow her entire life. Until the age of 7 she lived in East Ham , after that in Harrow and then until about 3 years ago lived in St.Albans- Herts. Another lie .

    Wonder how many more lies we could expect from this lady with a typical lying politician attitude.?

  • 0

    She is actually the daughter of son of a tamil…

  • 2

    My heartfelt Congratulations. As a young British Tamil, it puts a smile on my face to hear my peers are being so brilliant! As a qualified doctor who had a great comprehensive education in Harrow and now works locally, I wish you all the best in making this borough an even better place to live in.

  • 1

    Congratulations & Good luck Uma,

    I appreciate your interest in your community and you thought about to contesting this forthcoming polls where many Srilankan failed to think about it. As I strongly believe you will bring a good change in people’s life in a good manner as a young candidate.

    I have seen various comments from other people saying you don’t speak Sinhala,you speak some other languages and etc but I say you are contesting election in Harrow,England not in Sri Lanka or nowhere else. Therefore, be strong be smart then the peoples will support you.

    I was so happy that Prime Minister David Cameron visited to Jaffna. Today I read your news on the Tamilwin website and so excited.
    Good luck!

  • 1

    Her mother tongue is tamil – she speaks three other languages plus of course english.
    Her degrees are in politics & public policy – this knowledge will enhance her grasp of british politics.
    She is well above lankan aspirants for public/elective office.
    She should do well.

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