By Tisaranee Gunasekara –
“Whatever is that distant rumble that I dimly hear?” Christopher Hitchens (Arguably: Essays)
It is now a virtual certainty. Barring some last-second, utterly unforeseeable, development,India will vote for the new US resolution on Sri Lanka. The original resolution has been amended to take on board Indian concerns. Indian worries would range from a reactive lurch by Colombo in Beijing’s direction to the impact an intrusive resolution might have on Delhi’s own ‘freedom of action’ in Kashmira nd elsewhere.
The Indian input ensures that any international investigation into alleged human rights violations by the Rajapaksa administration will happen “only in consultation with and with the concurrence of Colombo…. The provision for taking the Lankan government into confidence was part of the US resolution of March 2012 as well. It had been included at India’s insistence….” (The New Indian Express – 9.3.2013). Though the 2013 resolution is far more critical of Colombo than the 2012 resolution, it is equally toothless; just a slightly harder tap on the knuckles, nothing more.
The Rajapaksas will be irked if India votes for theUS resolution, however watered-down. Tamil Nadu would be irked that an international investigation into war crime allegations was rendered effectively impossible by India’s input.Delhi, in its desperate efforts to satisfy both Colombo and Tamil Nadu, may end up by satisfying neither.
India’s capacity to compel the Rajapaksas to do anything they do not want to died in Nandikadal, with Vellupillai Pirapaharan. Though the possibility of another Indian intervention to save the LTTE a la 1987 ended when a Black Tigress garlanded Rajiv Gandhi with death, the fear that Delhi would renew its patronage of the LTTE (indirectly or surreptitiously) never stopped haunting Colombo. During the Fourth Eelam War, the Rajapaksas took infinite care to anticipate Delhi’s reactions and to prevent any Indian response which would tilt the politico-military balance in the LTTE’s favour. Presidential Sibling Basil Rajapaksa was tasked with neutralising India, and did so, to perfection.
Whenever Delhi pressured about a political solution,Colombo pretended to succumb. Extravagant promises were made and specific deadlines given, with seeming solemnity and sincerity. They would be forgotten the moment Delhi’s eyes moved elsewhere. The APC was a masterstroke which allayed Indian (and Western) anxieties, at a critical time, and camouflaged anti-devolution actions on the ground. A series of few well-placed, but not overgenerous, economic concessions were made to compensate for the continued absence of a political solution.
After the annihilation of the Tiger, whatever tactical influences India had vis-à-vis the Rajapaksas waned into near nothingness. Post-war, the Rajapaksas can afford to ignore Indian concerns because they believe that India has no aces left, while they have two: China andPakistan.
So India is in a bind, caught between an unresponsive Colombo and a churning Tamil Nadu. Last week, Delhi increased its financial aid to Colombo, probably to compensate for the coming Geneva vote. India might announce its decision to back the US resolution early, in order to ward off or tone down the general strike in Tamil Nadu, planned for March 12th by the Tamil Eelam Supporters Organisation (TESO). The strike has already drawn significant support from across the political spectrum, including from Congress-ally, DMK (Mr. Karunanidhi wants the day to be declared a holiday).
But moderation and vacillation are not the same.Delhi’s pendulum-swings are likely to antagonise Colombo and radicalise Tamil Nadu. While the Congress administration would be concerned about the electoral fallout, Indian state would be worried that a seething Tamil Nadu might become a fertile breeding ground for a reactivation of Tamil separatism in the sub-continent.
With every road is fraught with danger,Delhi may opt to do as little as possible, for as long as it is politically tenable.
The Spectre of Impeachment
Given India’s unwillingness/inability to do anything other than play a reactive role, the future trajectory of the ‘Lankan issue’ will be determined in Washington,London,Brussels and Beijing.
Whatever noises they might make for public consumption, the Rajapaksas would know that they cannot come to grief in Geneva. The real danger is in New York, and, there, the Siblings are assured of two Security Council vetoes, at least for the time being.
The outcome in Geneva is important, not in and of itself, but because of its potential impact on the Hambantota Commonwealth.
Currently, the greatest of all the Rajapaksas desiderata is a star-studded Hambantota Summit. President Rajapaksa must be counting the days until he can welcome the British Queen.
He may have his Summit but it might be a far dimmer affair than he hopes for. And if his Commonwealth Dream is killed, it may not be by war crimes allegations (British establishment, given its past and its present, is unlikely to harp too much on that), but by the litany of anti-democratic deeds the Siblings committed, post-war.
The ghost of the unjust impeachment is haunting both Geneva and London. The Bar Human Rights Committee (the international human rights arm of the Bar of England andWales) has lent the calls for a Hambantoa-boycott an unprecedented gravitas by adding its influential voice to it. It did so, subsequent to the Report on the impeachment prepared by Geoffrey Robertson QC, at its request. In his Report Mr. Robertson argues that if Queen Elizabeth/any member of the British Royal Family attends the Hambantota Commonwealth it will strengthen the Rajapaksa Siblings by providing them with useful photo-opportunities: “Royal seals of approval serve the propaganda interests of people like this, and no-shows by powerful nations would signal the unacceptability of their behaviour”.
The Khuram Shaikh case is the other ghost haunting the Hambantota Commonwealth. 15 months after Mr. Shaikh was murdered (and his Russian companion was allegedly gang-raped), the case is languishing in a legal-wilderness. The main suspect, Rajapaksa acolyte and the Chairman of the Tangalle PS, Sampath Chandrapushpa, is out on bail and back at his job. Ironically, if the Hambantota Commonwealth happens, the alleged murderer of Mr. Shaikh will be a special invitee to it, in his official capacity.
Last week Mr. Shaikh’s brother and the Shaikh-family MP Simon Danczuk were in Colombo seeking to jolt into action the unmoving wheels of justice. By all accounts they failed. “Mr. Danczuk said…that senior Sri Lankan ministers had refused to meet him…. The British MP also expressed concern over the political interference in the case…. ‘The case is moving slowly not because the country’s justice system is slow but there is political patronage in this case… There is concern that one of the suspects is alleged to be close to the President of the country….’ the British politician complained” (Daily Mirror – 8.3.2013). Mr. Danczuck said that he will lobby the British government and the British Queen to boycott the Commonwealth Summit.
If the Rajapaksas are compelled to make some behavioural modifications to save the Hambantota Summit, we, ordinary Lankans, will benefit from it. Since the financial burden (and the public-inconvenience) of the Summit will far outweigh its niggardly national benefits, a venue-change/boycott too will not hurt us.
For Lankans, caught in a debilitating losing-streak, a tussle over Hambantota will constitute a rare – and welcome – win-win moment.
*A clarification: I am not back with the Sunday Leader. The paper is carrying already published material, with strategic cuts.
PresiDunce Bean / March 10, 2013
Great article as usual. I stopped buying the Sunday Leader after it was bought by a RogerPox acolyte.
Charles Haviland speaks to Khuram Shaikh’s brother Nasir in Colombo.
gamini / March 10, 2013
If we still have not qualified as a ‘Paraiah State, from all that has happened so far, what more does the World Body wants to happen here to recognise so? This whole damn thing is becoming a JOKE! The amount of killings, Disappearences, Robbing of Public funds, Flouting Laws of the Land and the Constitution by the Govt. Scant disrespect for the Judiciary, forcibly appointing and then removing CJs. Promising to address minorities only to deny later. What a Mockery?
Dodo / March 11, 2013
Great Stuff Thisaranee! Keep it coming and take care of yourself because Gota, the Balu Sena White Van man, may send you his calling card – a white van!
The moral of your analysis is that no external intervention is possible for regime change. India which is spinning in its own economic and political mess in Kashmir, Maoist belt and northeast is useless. The US and UK will not intervene cos they know this will be counter-productive and give Rajapassa an excuses to hype the Sinhala nationalist rhetoric with the Saffron Army aka Balu Sena that are an insult to Buddhism and Buddhista the world over..
Hence, all of us Lankan citizens need “to be the change” – think out of the box, find a winning candidate for the next Presidential election and get rid of Rajapassa and his rapacious family and cronies who are looting the national wealth.. Since the UNP and Ranil Wickramasinghe is useless – civil society, professionals etc. should invite Kumar Sangakkara, a young, clean, talented, intelligent guy who is a household name and face in Lanke to be the joint opposition candidate – just as Sarath Fonseka was at the previous elections. What do you think, Thisaranee? Time to let the younger generation that has NOT been in politics take over and lead because political culture in Lanka is rotten to the core and cannot generate change from within.
The Gem of Kapilavastu / March 11, 2013
“Good is restraint in body,
restraint in speech is good,
good is restraint in mind,
everywhere restraint is good;
the bhikkhu everywhere restrained
is from all dukkha free.”
Dharmapada no. 361
Safa / March 10, 2013
The yearning of Rajapakse for international glory and recognition dominates the policies of the govt. Hence the building of massive structures, harbours, airports, amphitheaters, stadiums named after the erstwhile dicatator. Never mind the economics benefit to ordinary people, as long as the Rajapakse ego is fed and maintained in prime condition.
Commonwealth games was one such failed project where even the governor of the CB was involved. Now the beckoning of the Commonwealth and Hambantota, never mind for the rule of law or independence of the judiciary which have been buried in the waters of the diyawanna.
The ghost of Khurram Sheik, Pradeep Ekneligoda, Lasantha Wickrematunge, Trincomalee students, Mullativu Aid Workers etc etc will continue to haunt Rajapakse.
Rohan / March 10, 2013
“The ghost of Khurram Sheik, Pradeep Ekneligoda, Lasantha Wickrematunge, Trincomalee students, Mullativu Aid Workers etc etc will continue to haunt Rajapakse.”
How about JVP skeletons of the Malli?
Celerati Editorial / March 10, 2013
Tamil punters always portrait India as a hostage of Colombo astute manoeuvring, pushed in a corner by the intriguing ability of Rajapaksa between the support of the Tamil aspiration and the Chinese expansion. Very rarely they speculate on the fact that India has no more interest in the Tamil than in the Sinhalese: Sri Lanka is one of the satellite state of New Delhi. And for what concern Tamil Nadu politics, centrifugal forces such Dravidian parties, Kashmir and Eastern State, are enemies, not brethren. So the interest with Rajapaksa is voluntary, mutual and convergent, not imposed and endured.
Aney Apochchi! / March 11, 2013
Celerati editorial:
That is indeed an interesting perspective. There IS a danger of giving Sri Lanka more importance that it is internationally accorded and that becomes patently clear if you Google Sri Lanka in any respectable publication in Europe or the US. What you come up with is reports on cricketing matters, 90% of the reports!
Maserati / March 11, 2013
And,this could be the case:
justice / March 10, 2013
Tisaranee has given in a nutshell the fate of any resolution at the UNHRC ‘against’ sri lanka.
It appears to be a contest mainly between the prestige of the indian state and the ‘clout’ of USA in a world forum.
The Rajapakse Regime appears to be able to survive,regardless.
Our diplomats appear to have the edge over pro-resolution opponents.
Even if the resolution is passed,nothing tangible will happen.
More people who are able,will flee from sri lanka,and those stuck here for good will have to ‘tighten their belts’
The british MP and Shaikh’s brother are learning the deliberate, but legal, procedural delays of the lankan justice system – that such delays are inevitable when a ruling party politician is involved.
Safa / March 10, 2013
It is a shame that the so called Minister in charge of Justice, Mr Rauf Hakeem did not have the courtesy to meet Khurrams brother to explain the situation. The govt associates with criminals but not with decent people. The Govt is full of criminals.
AYMAN / March 11, 2013
mike / March 12, 2013
Unfortunately everything that Hakeem laid on the table was “Pilal” ??
CHANAKYAN / March 10, 2013
India’s Stance
In 2012 India got cornered by US to vote for the UN Resolution. How to vote for it out of compulsion and yet to defeat it, while diddling the Tamils was the task. No great diplomatic effort was needed. Duplicity was enough. The insertion of a few words – “in consultation with and with the concurrence of Sri Lanka” did the trick. India then had the whip hand of a ‘casting voter’. Accept my condition and the quid pro quo is my pound of flesh, the watering down of the Resolution. This was the position.
This time around conditions are different. Being not in a position to tilt the balance, the option is merely to get lost among the mass of insignificant states. Get close to where her heart lies and it lies where her obsession pulsates most. Whatever the complications, deflect SL from leaning towards China. To mete this compulsion, Tamils of TN and of SL are of little consequence. Why?
Firstly we have to assuage our minds of misplaced notions. The Lok Sabha Election of 2004 did not make TN any the more weighty. However TN giving 100% of the seats to DMK, Congress and other constituent parties of the electoral alliance, extended massive bargaining power to DMK. More importantly the alliance in the state and coalition at the centre had an immense impact on the all India voter at a time when Congress was in the doldrums. Sonia’s indebtedness manifested in benefits to the state and to Karunanidhi. His Machiavallian judgment yielded dividends.
Well calculated party alliance and fortuitous electoral sweeps translating to unprecedented seat strength brought about this phenomenon. It didn’t repeat in 2009 LS elections. The state election of 2011 decimated the DMK and the Congress. The sea change in the mood of the people of TN following the very genuine self immolation of Muthukumaru in 2008 and the war atrocities thereafter wiped out the two parties. Without a show of support for SL Tamils, no party has a chance of winning votes or seats in TN in the next one or two elections. Hence the overly visible scramble.
Delhi knows well that though TN is economically important, but with only 6% of the population and less than 8% of parliamentary seats, manipulation and not coddling will yield results. In the last two LS elections BJP was a complete wash out not winning a single seat, getting only 2% &3% votes in TN. So the national party is totally out of account. Only the Dravidian parties count electorally and as of now to both of them Congress is a terrible liability. In this context alliances have to be forged. Feigning to be pro Tamil would suffice.
In this equation of TN’s belittled importance and SL Tamil’s irrelevance what will be India’s response at Geneva? Geopolitics will decide together with the effeminacy of recent decades. If there be no dramatic developments in the next two weeks, India’s contribution to Tamils in March 2013 may be reckoned a non event.
The Gem of Kapilavastu / March 11, 2013
United we fail:
Delhi’s Divide-and-Rule tactics:
The Gem of Kapilavastu / March 11, 2013
Please write instead of posting web links – CT
Rambler / March 10, 2013
This article and all the comments made so far is like a gathering of like-minded people who are reassuring each other that their view of the world is indeed valid. You all are desperately hoping only bad things will happen in Sri Lanka. The world doesn’t work that way. The world is not black and white, but grey. You need to be more nuanced in your analysis. Tisaranee’s writing is one theme over and over …..and over and ……………………………… over …….and over ……..
snore snore snore snore sssssssssssssssssssssss snore snore ssssssssss
Anpu / March 10, 2013
What about this analysis?
Representations of Mass Atrocity in Sri Lanka: Challenges to Justice and Recovery
Rambanda / March 10, 2013
I have followed this lady’s writings for a while now.
She is a clear case of manic depression. She needs medical help, not political help.
Her quoting of obscure people is the result of her inability to express emotions and therefore reliance on others.
What can the government do to help?
Aney Apochchi! / March 11, 2013
As someone once phrased it, you are not fit to lick the boots of this woman of skill and integrity, given the fact that you have a singular inability to comprehend what is being said, leave alone refute the arguments advanced.
Your medical diagnosis of her “condition” is symptomatic of those suffering from significant mental illness themselves.
Also, you claim that the quotes that she opens her pieces with come from those in “obscurity.” Please don’t project your stupidity as someone else’s predilection for obscurity!
Mental instability should be a bar to contributing to CT. That way we wouldn’t have to put up with your lunacies, Ranbanda.
Jayantha / March 11, 2013
I wonder if you are a Psychiatrist. If you coud you diagnose ou Big Boss’s head also.
Could you chech the following web sites to see who really is on manic depression.
Playing Russian roulette with international community will bring final destruction to Rajapakse dynasty.Also after robbing 411 Billion rupees from China on wasteful projects and now with no other avenues to obtain anymore loans, MARA Brothers increase prices of essential goods on daily basis. Now Rajapakse knowing peoples uprising now start to resort playing Sinhala Racist and Buddhist Patriot cards.India knowing all of these is watching as a silent spectator.
Tisaranee as well as all other educated citizens seeing where country is heading have written many thesis, advised, warned and even humored President Rajapakse on his Lunatic and insane governing of our country. But it is like playing violin to a deaf elephant.
Therefore you Rambanda……get ready with your AMUDE to go back to field, and oil you Bakki Karatte(bullock cart) and to eat aggala,helapa,Kurukkan, polkudu and Pala curry.
Get ready to live like your ancestors….the VEDDHA community.
By the way also get ready with your southern passport…..as in future you may need it to travel north…. It is happening and your Maha Raja knows about it.
Rambo / March 11, 2013
Ramboda flows with a gush, below the intestines?
Aney Apochchi! / March 11, 2013
Isn’t there a little contradiction between your complaint of “boring” and your insistence of regularly reading what this woman has to say?
Rambler / March 12, 2013
I’m not complaining. I said I read it when I want to fall asleep.
Rambo / March 11, 2013
Have an eternal sleep Ranbando, you color the world grey?
(Grey or gray is an intermediate color between black and white, a neutral or achromatic color, meaning literally a color “without color”). And you see no color for your are color blind. Make your innuendos nuanced in your daydreams.
Mahil Dole / March 11, 2013
This time Tissaranee has missed the wood from the
Though many are unaware, India was one of the least
worries for the Government of Sri Lanka when they
defeated the LTTE terrorists. I can say that categorically
since I know more details about it.
They helped the Government of Sri Lanka in many ways. Many
of it remains top secret but a few things are very well known
and acknowledged. One important among them is the provision
of electronic intelligence.
So do miss the wood from the trees, Tissaranee
Do you think they want to help us Genuinely.
“Many of it remains top secret”.
aj / March 11, 2013
Now folks the Rumbling in the Jungles is started.
last night NEWS Cast, Maithripala and Chandrika on two different locations openly antagonizing the Regime so like minded people should rally around them and start the noise so that all the Rime lackeys will start getting sweat all over and sleepless nights about loosing power, then comes the paranoia like the ASAD in Syria these days and keep going if necessary mass rebellion then the
‘& ompany’ will be gone.
It is that simple!.
Though they look and preach like impregnable they really AREN’t!
It is that they are so ignorant that power is not ETERNAL and the SHEEPISH CITIZENRY who still get impressed just by the sight of the mighty King!( didn’t they sand Maharjanane!!!) will have no clue that they are being taken for a right Royal ride in the neme of DEVELOPMENT by the Mahinda Chinthanaya.They ransack the Debt money in the name of Infrastructure development while the Consumer UNITS less than 90 of Electricity subscribers soon will pay TRIPLE will definetely get them the reality SHOCK!!!
So the JVP is in the right path, show the numbers of $ we owe the international lenders and ask who will pay and what happened to that money?
Why do we pay Fuel surcharge when 90% almost Electricity is generated by Hydro power now!!
Aren’t the suffering idiots deserve the surcharge lifted TEMPORARILY?
So Food for thought for thsoe who eat the crap right out of RUPAVAHINI/ITN and that stinking FOUL MOUTH HUDSON SERVICE day and Night.!!!
I just need it in the doubel speed, that is all I need.
Let all the folks flock around who can make their thoughts expressed in public, Chandrika, Maithripala, Gen Gonseka, JVP sounds like a lot who carry weight.
let the UNP goto Oblivion with the SLFP( Rajapaksha Pila).
Man I will be much happier on that day than the day I heard Prabakaran is OVER!!!
The Sinhala government that fleecing the Gullible , stupid Sinhala majority is Nauseating and stinks to high heaven.
Here is an e.g.
How fitting appointment is it? to replace and Electrical Engineer Minister with a stupider than COW, village idiot woman as POWER and ENERGY Minister???
Long live the WANDEROR OF Asia ( minus the King Kekille and the Court( and Co-horts for sure)!!!!!
Jayantha / March 11, 2013
I wonder if anybody know that at the moment the Hedging loss alone is over a BILLION US DOLLARS AND COUNTING EVERY DAY GOSL POSTPONE TO PAY IT.
The whole Hedging blunder is due to MARA blunder. Listen to what ex.CJ Sarath N. Silva say in his Derana interview…..
Hedging Blunder with Govt.international Lawyers and consultant Fee, travel, hotel and sundry expenses alone have accumulated over 500 Million US Dollars……leave along the Premium and Interest accumulating daily to the premium.
The next ever white elephant is the Mattala Airport project which will Bankrupt Sri Lankan and Mihin Air and the Country and the wild life to the brink of anarchy.
Native Vedda / March 11, 2013
Of course the JVP has been an effective opposition for some times:
The party opposed Indo/Sri laLanka agreement in which too many people were killed.
JVP opposed Provincial councils, now the party members enjoy all the perks and prestige the councils provide.
Along with the state JVP persuaded the Supreme Courts to de-merge North East provincial council under (in)Justice Sarath de Silva who refused to hear the other side’s arguments. Now the JVP is concerned about legal system in this island.
JVP never put forward an alternative proposal to deal with undemocratic nature of the state which refuses to share power with all people. All what they said was under JVP rule it would be hunky dory for all people. However, we lived through the painful JVP rule in the island and we know who they are, Sinhala/Buddhist racist, anti democratic, hypocritical, power greedy bunch of terrorists, another political brick in the wall.
Nearly 1,000 former and present JVP members sought refuge in India while being anti Indian.
They wish North Korea to rule us and India to relocate away from Sri Lanka.
Please ask them leave my ancestral island.
Jayantha / March 12, 2013
Yes I agree to most of your comments. But one should not forget that JVP paid the highest price for the two ill planed, ill fated uprisings against then governing regimes.
Ever since Independence Sri Lanka was ruled on party politics full of corruption, thuggery, and without proper vision or plan to find any permanent solutions for our burning issues. But the failed JVP uprising and the distruction and the blunder they made then are still haunting public and that’s why they still politically paying that price……..similar to Tamil people facing now after loosing the war who hate VP now.
Yes JVP was against a single Tamil tyrant (VP) on war path to control the whole tamil community and to divide the country with two third coastal land grab…. and that’s why they supported Rajapakses while opposing Indian interference.
But after winning the LTTE war Rajapakses without giving the freedom, democracy, justice or fulfilling tamil aspirations ……Rajapakses took the victory as their family trophy while suppressing, humiliating and bringing in fear and morally and mentally degreading tamil people.
Without giving them hope MR giving further burdened their lives……and this is what JVP was against at. Is is Rajapakses implying condom theory on everybody including JVP that found out lately and was too late by then. That’s why Rajapakses are hitting back on JVP left and right, both physically and in media.
I think JVP would have learnt all their mistakes by now……..both in political, economic and governing of a country on a democratic path and the values and vision they have is more beneficial to our country.
A good combination of a common government with true visionaries representing all communities…..sans Rajapakses and other notorious crooks to govern Sri Lanka is the only hope and answer to bring out the country from current mess.
kautilya / March 12, 2013
How is the US,UK,EU, Canada, Australia following a two tier justice system in this world?
So when the US,UK,EU,Canada,Australia and the NATO forces commits gross crimes in the form of an endless war still ongoing and massacring human beings it is OK?
However poor third world countries suffering from endless wars created by british colonists of the past actually ends not keep on having wars but actually ends wars in the most humane way possible it is a crime?!
I think that Sri Lanka is scapegoated to hide gross crimes committed and being committed in places like Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya and other places.
However since there is a two tier justice system in the world where the neo liberal imperialist forces of the West and their allies and cohorts are exempt from being scrutinised at all for example the cohort of the West the LTTE’s atrocities, its foes like Sri Lanka even a pin dropping in Sri Lanka is scrutinised!
Another ploy of the imperialist neo colonialist Western forces is to raise the bar so high that any developing country on this earth will fail and the same neo colonialist forces then cries ‘human rights violations’!. In the case of Sri Lanka the war cry of the neo imperialist West is that police and army are not good, journalists are harrassed, judges are sacked and so on. However a quick situation report of any developing country would quickly find that most developing countries are like this. In fact most are worse than Sri Lanka in some cases by miles. Even some more developed countries are worse than Sri Lanka.
So all this bullshit is a witch hunt. It is very obvious. I think Sri Lanka should indeed let someone else handle the CHOGM meeting why should we waste our money on this rubbish meeting? At UN if it is me, I would walk away from such a witch hunt.
Emil van der Poorten / March 12, 2013
Did you ever hear the expression, “Better to keep your mouth shut and let people think you’re stupid than to open it and confirm the fact.”
You provide living proof of the accuracy of that saying!
kautilya / March 12, 2013
hen Malcolm Rifkind previous foreign secretary of the previous right wing conservative govt of the UK comes on channel 4 news and says sri lanka meaning the sri lankan people practice apartheid then you know it is a neo imperialist resource grab countries like the UK, Canada are planning and trying to get eelam by the back door.
As we all know the north has many mineral resources and offshore oil and in the east is the startegically located trincomalee harbour. It is these that the UK, US, Canada are after and so the efforts to get eelam by the back door.
It is shameful that many anti govt sri lankans on this site would actually agree with this neo colonialist neo imperialist right wing resource grab from third world countries agenda and it is extremely shameful that many on this site would actually agree with the outrageous views of lunatics like malcolm rifkind that sri lankan people practise apartheid.
It is so shameful that some ani govt sri lankans cannot but be subservient to the UK US Canada. They simply cannot get themselves to see that these imperialist countries are only after our resources just as they were after iraq’s or libya’s resources. Even right thinking people in the UK, US agree this is the case.
Some anti govt sri lankans will even agree with these neo imperialists simply because they are western european (due to their subservient mentality) that sri lanka practises apartheid!
I find these utterances of malcolm rifkind and channel 4 news a gross insult and channel 4 news is a racist channel, racist towards sri lankan people.
The govt should really walk out of the UNHCR circus since I can guarantee that sri lanka will not get any fair hearing there. Also ask the oommonwealth to have their meeting any place they want!
Jayantha / March 12, 2013
If you think that the West is so bad then ask from Govt.Ministers why they send their children to Western Countries to Study, work and live.
Plese do a research and see how many of them are in West.
Both Bush and Blair is Branded as war criminals by Malaysian Court and will have to face Nuremburg Trial one day.
That’s why Both Bush and Blair have restricted their travel around the world, fear of arrest. Pl.read following web.
Yes ever since Independence we treated both minority communities and minority religions on Double standard. Without been a Sinhala Buddhist, no one could become a President, Prime Minister or even a Minister of Parliament and that’s still appluing.That’s why SWRD changed his religion and brought in Sinhala only in 24 hours.
That’s why Wimal Weerawanse said during DM interview that we are under Therawada Buddhist that control Govt. and the country unlike Thailand or Japan….which the Buddhist priests are submissive to their governments. Plese listen to his following DM interview…..and that’s the reason that we citizens face so many problems today. Read what Sir John kotalawela said about dogs to SWRD.
It is only due to British Invasion that the whole Sri Lanka was brought under one Banner now……..where as before British it was ruled by many Kings at different parts of country……and many of these Kings were from India. We would be an Indian state by now if not for British.
Where did we have democratic governance before British rule. You could have been doing your Grand father’s job by now under the King’s rule……and got the most brutal punishments for breaking law. Talk to Kelaniya Mervin.
Also what type of resources we have……They found that the second Mannar off shore drilling does not have any Gas or oil…..and currently our Budget comprised half from Foreign Loans and Borrowings. Even a two mile road construction needs foreign funding. Therefore what economic importance they have in Sri Lanka with over 10 Billion US Dollars Loans pending payment to IMF and WB……..If not for British Tea where will our foreign exchange coming from…….now exporting our women to ME.
West still have enough friends around Sri Lanka during a crisis for help and now it’s all about hi-tech drone wars, compared to conventional wars in the past. Therefore there is no stratigic values we have now compared to second world war.
Of couse West have their own weaknesses and shortcomings…….but compare with the good they have,and good they do to world….. these blunders and shortcomings are negligable.
Therefore in future before commenting here you should to do your home work and research, without listen to Rajapakse fake and lie propeganda machine.
Rajapakses still could deceive the uneducated village muts with their fake smile and talk, full time fake and lying ITN, Rupawahini, press, posters and through Buddhist clergy while giving them untold Bribes and incentives to spread false deshapremi (patriot) card………..But they can’t fool the educated critical thinking Masses.