Deputy Minister Faizer Mustapha is currently held hostage at the Nallemiyah Arabic College in Beruwala with an armed mob standing outside to attack those within, reports just coming in from the ground said.
However, sources close to the Minister said that the Minister wasn’t held ‘hostage’ but was blocked from leaving the premises, after he went in to the school. Unconfirmed Reports also said that the Minister had sought refuge in the school after his convoy was attacked by the mob.
Muslims from across the village have sought refuge at the Arabic College from the rampaging mobs.
Reports just coming in said that Lotus Raod in Dharga town is now under attack by rampaging Sinhalese mobs, who have defied the Police curfew that was imposed at 6.45. PM today.
Two mosques in Adhikaragoda among many other mosques have been torched thus far, reports said.
Several individuals have also sustained injuries although reports are unclear as to the exact number.
NEWS JUST IN: The attack has spread to Colombo, with the Harcourts pharmacy in Dehiwala is attacked.
*Harcourts pharmacy in Dehiwala
Related posts;
Video: “This Will Be The End Of All Muslims” Gnanasara Says Prior To Riots
Media Blackout On Aluthgama Situation: Police To Cover Mosques Island-Wide
Buddhist Monk Allegedly Assaulted By Muslims In Aluthgama
Rivazii / June 16, 2014
SAVE THIS COUNTRY FROM TERROIST Buddhist who are patriotic and all other patriotic to this country should come out against this racist government in Power and topple it. What is happing in aluthgama wasn’t from out blue this is well blessed by this racist Regime. Let come on Sri Lanka let SAVE THIS COUNTRY from certain Abyss and calamity let protest against against this racist regime and and it’s thugs and terrorist.we need a revolution in Sri Lanka let rally against this terrorist and recist regime lets call our patriotic Sri Lankan to protest and topple this government this the good of this country. We don’t need another 1983.
Thiru / June 16, 2014
For 66 years Sinhalese and Muslims watched and even benefited from periodic pogroms on Tamils that reduced Tamils to near serfdom.
Now it is the turn for Muslims to be attacked and subjugated.
Eventually Tamils and Muslims have either to flee abroad or live like Aborigines and Amerindians in their reservations.
This is what suits the strategic interests of world powers!
Rivazii / June 16, 2014
Buddhist who are patriotic and all other patriotic to this country should come out against this racist government in Power and topple it. What is happing in aluthgama wasn’t from out blue this is well blessed by this racist Regime. Let come on Sri Lanka let SAVE THIS COUNTRY from certain Abyss and calamity let protest against against this racist regime and and it’s thugs and terrorist.we need a revolution in Sri Lanka let rally against this terrorist and recist regime lets call our patriotic Sri Lankan to protest and topple this government this the good of this country. We don’t need another 1983.
Pasel / June 16, 2014
Yellow rope is out of control
Thiru / June 16, 2014
Don’t blame the yellow robes or the regime: this is what Sinhalese leaders from D S Senanayake nurtured from 1948.
Appe aanduwa has become kalawa aanduwa.
What you wanted from independence you got it now!
Anu / June 16, 2014
These are what the Government could do in short term;
a) Protect all Muslims communities affected and will be affected
b) Seek the possibilities of apprehending the Thera within the law until violence ceases and a long terms plan is in place to contain the BBS.
These are what not to be done in short term;
a) Do not shoot and kill any of those so called Buddhist Sinhalese.
This act could be back fired in domestic politics, and especially could be another tool to exploited by those opportunistic international actors.
b) Make sure the Thera is not being assassinated by either Muslim extremists or other political hands.
This could send a wave of riots which could not be contained.
The Government would be blamed and shamed by many. But it seems there are not quick fixes to be attended to by the Government in short term.
Kiri Yakka / June 16, 2014
What a dumb suggestion Anu. Why should the government fix what they create ?
Buddhism Betrayed / June 16, 2014
Every true BUDDHIST, HINDHU, CHRISTIAN and AGNOSTIC should help us in protecting MUSLIMS and their interest from another national catastrophe. HELP US DEFEAT the BBS TERRORISTS!!!!
Native Vedda / June 16, 2014
Buddhism Betrayed
“Every true BUDDHIST, HINDHU, CHRISTIAN and AGNOSTIC should help us in protecting MUSLIMS”
Leave the atheist and agnostics out of your self destructive madness.
BOORU-Walla / June 16, 2014
Native Vaddha, why repeat yourself? I thought a Vaddha was a native and a native means a Vaddha. You need some enlightenment. So why not join the madness? Isolation is a not a remedy to escape “madness” because it is not religion that is at the heart of the problem but the politicization by hijacking religion the main cuase of the problem.
Amarasiri / June 16, 2014
Native Veddah,
“Leave the atheist and agnostics out of your self destructive madness “
Yes. They are NOT the opium of the masses and ids not religion.
Actually, this is Para-Sinhala Buddhists. They should be sent to where they came from, South India.
Amaithy_padai / June 16, 2014
No we Tamils can’t help Muslims. We tried our best but they were not with us when we needed them. Reason we had to kick them out of North was because they had too many traitors. You reap what you sow. Sorry! May I suggest arming yourself and protect your family? Grow some balls and dont cry like a b*tch now. You were sharing kiribath with sinhalese when our people were slaughtered and your “Muslim” countries provided SL with weapons and ammunition to kill our people. LOL good riddance. As we say in Tamil “Arrooooharaaa!”
Kabi / June 17, 2014
Biggest man made madness is RELIGION!! Half of the problems in the world would never have arisen if there is no religion.
Raul / June 16, 2014
What I dont understand is why some Muslims still support Sri Lankas racist government?
Native Vedda / June 18, 2014
“What I dont understand is why some Muslims still support Sri Lankas racist government?”
What I don’t understand is why most Sinhala/Buddhists and some Tamils still support Sri Lankan racist government?
Dr. Rajasingham Narendran / June 16, 2014
This is an orchestrated anti-Muslim pogram. Gnanasara has warned of what awaits any Muslim who dares resist the thugs he calls the Sinhalayas. He has also proclaimed the tpolice and the armed forces belong to the type of Sinhalayos he belongs to- the thugs, rowdies and other leaches in Sinhala society.
The gauntlet has been thrown at the real Sinhalayos to prove that they are not what this thug thinks the Sinhaloyis are. The Sinnhalese have to come forward to stand for what is right, Please do what ever you can to stop this fast spreading menace and protect the Muslins and their property. The real Sinhala voice must be heard now! The Sinhalese must prove to themselves that they are ready to challenge this cancer in their midst and cleanse their community from within.. Only the overwhelming numbers of decent, human and humane Sinhalayas can save this country now,
What was inevitable because of mis-governance of this government is happening sooner than I feared.
This government must go. This government has betrayed this country as no other,
Let the voice of those Sinhalese who know how to vocalise it ring loud and clear above that of Gnanasara the scumbag and the scum who do his bidding,
Dr, Rajasingham Narendran
Native Vedda / June 16, 2014
Dr. Rajasingham
“The Sinnhalese have to come forward to stand for what is right, Please do what ever you can to stop this fast spreading menace and protect the Muslins and their property.”
Deep down the Sinhalese know the island is going to exclusively theirs shortly. Why would anyone want to stop what BBS or the state doing to subjugate hapless minorities? As patriotic duty they should and would strengthen the rulers hands.
The world is a dangerous place to live; not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don’t do anything about it.
Albert Einstein
Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I’m not sure about the former
Albert Einstein
manisekaran / June 16, 2014
You are right NV. I think Majority silently condone these. How else one after thirty years of mayhem will allow such nonsense to take place?
Wickramasiri / June 17, 2014
Dr.R.N. Agree with you. I am beginning to think that there is no purpose served in commenting on CT or other sites. It is now time to focus all energies to replace the current government.
I am also wondering whether all these riots and violence is created to postpone future elections, and ultimately, do away with elections all together. The way this government is creating non existent issues cannot be explained in any other rational way.
Native Vedda / June 17, 2014
“It is now time to focus all energies to replace the current government.”
Replace the current government with another despotic regime? How long you are going to fool yourself with cosmetic changes to polity.
Why aren’t the majority Sinhala/Buddhists and Tamils publicly demonstrating their solidarity with hapless Muslim minority?
Is it because they are afraid of the saffron clad thugs and the state machination or simply because they are satisfied with what is happening to Muslims.
Here is the great Sinhala/Buddhist civilisation following the middle path, drooling and contented with what is happening to the other minority.
The colonial powers that changed the demography of Sinhala population and grabbed their land has long gone. Most of the upcountry Tamils have been repatriated and now the land should belonged to the upcountry Sinhala/Buddhists. More than 66 years of unbroken one nation Sinhala/Budhist rule with total control over power and resources could only produce despots, the one after the previous one is worst than the one before.
It is not the regime that matters. It is about closet racist. It is about how the overt and covert institutional racism work. As long as the majoritarian believe in the Mahwamsa myth and their exclusive right to this land one will encounter more of the same.
I think you would do well to address the structure of the state and who benefit from them. In the past 66 years this island has been built on racism, racist laws and practices, from 1948 citizenship act, Sinhala only act, …. and whatever.
Please tell me who did benefit from all those acts which marginalised the minority communities.
Regime change will benefit only those who are closer to the serving regimes.
Wickramasiri / June 17, 2014
Native Vedda, Yours is a tirade, not a coherent comment. A regime change has to take place to ensure that the institutions that safeguard the rights of the people are restored. How else would you expect it to be done? If your answer is violence, I cannot agree, but you are entitled to your opinion. Your comment serves no purpose. They merely attempt to score points. Useless except to boost your ego.
Tamodaya / June 16, 2014
[Edited out]
Tamodaya / June 16, 2014
Rise up Srilanka’s Modi.
comet / June 16, 2014
Good one Tamodaya!
And her’s the inspiration:
[Edited out]
Scott / June 16, 2014
The Tamil journalist Tissainayagam was held in police custody for a year or so for alleged writings causing communal disharmony. The thug monk Galaboda Atte has been openly spreading anti Muslim racist hate speech for years, and is free to keep doing it, using foul language. In any civilized country, this thug would be behind bars. But this is Rajapaksaland.
Ramasamy / June 16, 2014
This is exactly what we can expect from the ‘Miracle of Asia’.
Mallaiyuran / June 16, 2014
Normally in any 1977,1983 incidences, curfew was used to loot, while the affected minorities can not go out and protect their properties. Always any low, the Mahavamsa governments has been useing it against minorities.
I did not see any Mahavamsa Modaya minister come out and ask the Sinhalese people to peacefully disperse. If the peoples go away this will leave the mob helpless. Then the town will return to normalcy.
Justice / June 16, 2014
Gota’s rage with a Journalist when Vithiyatharan was arrested “he had Blood in his hands.”
Here is the link.
Now BBS/Military/Police all have blood in their hands many times more and for real.
What is he going to do about his own creations BBS/Military/Police and blood and much more in his hands during the Last phase of war.
Stand up Wake up Rise against these maniac.
No one will be spared in their rabid blood thirst, Tamils/Muslims/Sinhalese/Burgers/Veddas.
ela kolla / June 16, 2014
harcourts is not burnt. some broken glasses…seems like the owner did it to blame sinhalese
banda / June 17, 2014
that’s true insurance job for sure
James / June 16, 2014
Vote for Hakeem & SLMC …
the Minister of Justice
අබු අයිමාන් ෆෙරෝස් / June 16, 2014
[Edited out] We are sorry,the comment language is English – CT
gamini / June 16, 2014
This is the result of the Muslims in this Country siding with the Corrupt like MR, believing they can have the best for their Community indulging in divisive politics without supporting Honest, Decent Political leaders as Ranil Wickremasinghe. Now the Muslims as a whole are reaping what their Leaders sowed, as this scum bag Faizer Musthapha and his father Faiz Musthapha. Like the wretched Alleses, Tiran and his father who ran to Ranil when MR paid them gratitude are back again serving the Corrupt MR. These are buggers who never learn, like the Muslims, who are currently at the receiving end from their Idol MR. I believe the Greedy Muslims deserve every bit of it they get now for supporting MR thinking they were smart. If this Faizer Musthapha bugger has an ounce of shame, at least now he should distance from MR and be honest and respectful for people with Honesty and Decency without playing politics.
Buddhism Betrayed / June 16, 2014
Gamini, I think this is very unfair and poor assessment of the present situation. This violence is directed at Muslim masses because they are against the government. They always have. The SLMC does not represent Muslims in most parts of the country. They are a selfish band of crooks who have lined up their pockets for personal gain with a dictatorship. If there will be a free and fair election, independent judiciary and separation of powers, this government or any other government would be history without the support of our minorities and trade/workers unions. This is not rocket science to comprehend. Why blame the masses or Muslims for voting when this government has not won a single election legitimately. It may seem to you that Ranil W lost an election. But he too would not have lost if the people of the North and East were not disenfranchised and under the gun of a psychopath named Prabhakaran and the events you have highlighted. Therefore, it is not fair to hold the rest of our masses accountable. Couldn’t the same argument be applied for our intellectuals who suck up to this terror regime? Don’t they have any shame?
gamini / June 16, 2014
Buddhism Betrayed,
You say, ‘This violence is directed at Muslim masses because they are against the government. They always have. The SLMC does not represent Muslims in most parts of the country’.
Apart from the SLMC, there is Fowsie, Moulana, Azwer and many other Muslims who swing with the tide, like their Fez and have been supporting the Corrupt MR for the crumbs. It is not only the Muslims who are guilty, but the Actors and Actresses, Professionals and Academics, including the Clergy of all faiths. It is absolutely disgusting how all these have pampered the Corrupt Murderous MR openly and today some are quiet and a few others are dissenting openly. It is ironical that after backing MR knowingly that he had embezzled Tsunami Funds of the poor, today they are looking for a Common candidate by passing Ranil Wickremasinghe as if they are the Cat’s whiskers in this society as decision makers. Bad enough they have messed up right Royally by electing MR already. The best they could do is to shut up and keep their two cents worth for themselves and leave for the UNP the largest political base party to decide whom they will nominate as their candidate. For one thing the UNP is mostly rid of the Corrupt and the Violent under Ranil Wickremasinghe who has instilled Discipline in the Party to begin with as a starter. This is the envy of those who lack leadership qualities, leave alone the Party, to put things in order in the country, because they are unable to without the support of the Violent, Criminal and the Corrupt, the Leadership of MR would just collapse.
Wickramasiri / June 17, 2014
Agree with you. I am beginning to believe that Ranil Wickremasinghe is the only suitable candidate to put things right if we are to usher in an egalitarian society.
Ali Baba Sabry / June 16, 2014
Paisa Must Appah, though being a ‘Muslim’, will be the happiest at the turn of these events. Now, after the burning, shooting, looting and rioting, like all dirty black-coated vultures of Hulftsdorp, he will have more cases to handle and more money to make. Hurrah. Flame the fires. all I want is Paisa, Paisa, Paisa. Also, don’t forget im now Crown Scoundrel.
comet / June 16, 2014
The best thing to do currently would be to simply ignore all the stuff floating about social media. Its just fanning the flames and is counter-productive.
The more its discussed and argued sets the stage for more possible flareups, since even the most composed and educated people also have limits of tolerance. Thats whywe are human, and all have red blood and similar internal organs. Brain included, which, sadly is not being used too well by a tiny minority at the moemnt.
It’s a contreversial statement I believe, but if no one takes notice of this sheer lunacy, then we would be helping them shoot themselves in the proverbial foot. Its a double edged sword though ;)
Native Vedda / June 16, 2014
“The best thing to do currently would be to simply ignore all the stuff floating about social media.”
So you suggest that we should just ignore the whole thing and sweep those “burning” issues under the carpet.
Its a good idea.
Ramasamy / June 16, 2014
I will come and stab you and kill you one of these days, but inform all your relatives and the police not to take any notice of it.
Native Vedda / June 17, 2014
“I will come and stab you and kill you one of these days, but inform all your relatives and the police not to take any notice of it.”
Oh please, the police will be there to help you.
Maher / June 16, 2014
This comment was removed by a moderator because it didn’t abide by our Comment policy.For more detail see our Comment policy
public / June 16, 2014
This comment was removed by a moderator because it didn’t abide by our Comment policy.For more detail see our Comment policy
Bensen Burner / June 16, 2014
Now this joker has seen and experienced it firsthand! Bensen
Maher / June 16, 2014
curse of sri lankans!! never will be at peace i guess!!
Fazal Junkeer / June 16, 2014
Government sponsored violence took place 1983 for mere political benefits during the regime of then UNP & now it was repeated again against the different minority. The difference is the type of Mob deployed to the action. The narrow minded Political war dogs are living in thirsty of blood, going mad to keep themselves in power. They are now crazy and do not know what they have to do for survival. Hundred thousands of lives cost in the so called ‘Dhammadipa’ in the blood for last 4 decades. Teen & youths do not forget, the next turning point of gun will be on to you. Hot up young blood to the extreme is the good sort of method to a bankcrupt regime to keep them survive. No matter how many lives & wealth cost to the country. The objective is power & their wealth to keep rise. They forgot the scenario of many of regimes in the world collapsed & died worse than a dog or any to resemble.
Rohan / June 16, 2014
I like to see Hon Aswar MP in thetown. NOT the BBS mob, but the Muslims will go after him. SHAME on you Aswar.
Maghribi / June 16, 2014
Muslims in Sri Lanka should create a legal defence force to protect their blood, honour and property.
Aaks / June 17, 2014
Here is the CCTV Footage of Attack on Harcourts Pharmacy Dehiwala:
Clearly shows the attackers’ intention to kill the workers of the pharmacy.
banda / June 17, 2014
dehiwala harcourts attach is to get insurance, if a mob came they would have attacked the other Muslim shops in the vicinity. how ever none was harmed.
the owner is a crook, they anyways sell expired drugs
Native Vedda / June 17, 2014
“if a mob came they would have attacked the other Muslim shops in the vicinity”
Did the owners of the shop hire hooligans from your “Rent a Mob” agency?
It is the health department’s responsibility to raid the pharmacy not your employees from your agency.
banda / June 18, 2014
these crooks bribe the health minister and helth department officials into bringing substandard drugs.
who is going to raid them?.
if all the government departments (especially the parliament) did their job properly this whole fiasco would not have happened in the first place.
anee weddo this is sri lanka !! where money is everything
WHISTLEBLOWER / June 17, 2014