10 February, 2025


‘Only A Pawn In Their Game?’

By Tisaranee Gunasekara

“There are not two Germanies, a good one and a bad one, but only one whose best turned into evil through devilish cunning.” – Thomas Mann (Germany and the Germans)

Commenting on the wave of popular unrests which began in 2011 and swept across countries from orient to occident, Joseph Stiglitz opined that “there was a common understanding that in many ways the economic and political system had failed and that both were fundamentally unfair”.[i]

Mahinda Biddhist colombotelegraph2011 was, in general, a quiet year in Sri Lanka. The majority Sinhala community still dreamed of the peace dividend and believed that the regime would deliver developmental success just as it did martial victory. As the CPA Survey on post-war Sri Lanka reveals, in 2011, a colossal 70% of Sinhalese thought that the general economic situation will get better in the next two years. This delusive confidence in an economically better future stemmed from two interrelated beliefs: in 2011, a majority of Sinhalese thought that both their own financial situation and the general economic situation got better, post-war.[ii]

This sense of wellbeing, confidence and hope would begin to evaporate in the next two years. But by then the Rajapaksa had built enough dams to divert public discontent along ethno-religious channels. The BBS and other extremist organisations, with the full backing of the Ruling Siblings, had started creating a new politico-economic-social commonsense which would, in the next two years, inform public discourse and divert public attention to a sufficient degree. The Sinhala public was told that the unfairness of the political and economic system was sourced in its ‘minority-bias’ and that the peace dividend could not materialise so long as the ‘minority threats’ to ‘Sinhala security’ remained.

In short that the main problem was not Rajapaksa-misrule but minority privileges/depredations.

In Sri Lanka, youth unemployment is as high as 25%-30%; educated unemployment stands at 10.2%[iii]. Since Rajapaksa economic policies are deficient in employment and income generation nationally, the Siblings will need to invest more and more time and effort in dividing divide discontented Lankan youths (along ethno-religious lines) and pitting them against each other. What better way of preventing them from uniting against the real authors of their common misfortunes?

If Sri Lanka shared a land-border with another country, a border-conflict would have been the obvious diversionary method. Fears of Indian/Western intervention are of limited use-value, as the comic-failure of Wimal Weerawansa’s fast demonstrated. Minority phobia has far greater diversionary and divisive potential. It can harness human propensity to fear what is different and incomprehensible.

And it has worked before.

Swabhasha, Hartal and Sinhala Only  

There is nothing  spontaneous or inevitable about the wavelets of minority-phobia which erupt in the Sinhala-South with worrying frequency, any more than there was anything spontaneous or inevitable about the ‘Sinhala Only’ madness.

How did the socio-economic discontent manifested by the Hartal of 1953 become transformed into a racial-religious discontent just two years later? Understanding that transformation is important, given Rajapaksa determination to hurl Lanka down a similar abyss.

The Hartal of 1953 united ordinary Lankans of all ethnicities and religions against their rulers. It was a genuinely popular agitation unmarred by racism in any form. Had that momentum and direction continued, the disaster of 1956 and the tragedies it led to, including the 30-year-war, could have been avoided.

In the run up to and after Independence, there was a genuine demand (predominantly from middle classes) for the gradual replacement of English by indigenous languages. A majority of the elite concurred with this demand. ‘Swabhasha Movement’ rather than ‘Sinhala Only’ was the predominant expression of this demand until 1955. Before ‘Sinhala Only’ was imposed on Tamils, most Tamils willingly accepted the need to learn Sinhalese. For instance, “….between 1938 and 1940 the Hindu Board of Education introduced Sinhala as a compulsory subject in Northern schools and the Jaffna Youth Congress called for Sinhala and Tamil to be made compulsory subjects throughout the country.”[iv]

When JR Jayewardene introduced the first ‘Sinhala Only’ bill in parliament in 1943, three national leaders belonging to the three main ethno-religious communities, CWW Kannangara, V Nalliah and TB Jayah, brought-in three amendments, transforming the act into one of linguistic parity. The SLFP accepted language-parity in its early years and contested the 1952 election on that basis. Even the unexpected defeat he suffered did not make SWRD Bandaranaike dump Swabhasha and embrace ‘Sinhala Only’ until 1955.

SWRD Bandaranaike kept his SLFP out of the Hartal officially. The Hartal’s spectacular success was thus a victory for the left parties. In the 1952 election, the LSSP polled only marginally less than the SLFP and the combined left-vote far exceeded that of the SLFP. With the success of the Hartal behind them, the left parties had a real chance of defeating the UNP and forming the next (coalition) government. That would have incinerated the SLFP’s claim of being the alternative to the UNP and to SWRD Bandaranaike’s dream of becoming the next PM. He latched onto ‘Sinhala Only’ because recasting the increasing socio-economic discontent in a racial mould was the only way he could gain dominance in the oppositional space.

The UNP, instead of fighting this deadly diversion, succumbed to the lure of opportunism a few months later. The Left, while supporting language-parity, entered into an unholy electoral alliance with the openly and virulently Sinhala racist SLFP/MEP (SWRD Bandaranaike won thanks to that unprincipled alliance).

So there was nothing inevitable, nothing fated about 1956. ‘Sinhala Only’ was a fringe slogan which, until 1955, was ignored by the masses and the elite alike. The genuine public demand for Swabhasha was deliberately distorted into ‘Sinhala Only’ by a vocal and power-hungry minority, who regarded it as a vehicle for their own political and economic ascendance. It worked because no major Southern/national party opposed it consistently and continuously.

Thanks to this deadly diversion, Sinhala nationalism and Tamil nationalism, instead of moving towards amalgamation in a common Lankan identity, became opposed to each other and drew strength from this antagonistic relationship. If 1956 ushered in Swabhasha rather than ‘Sinhala Only’, the subsequent fate of the country and of its different communities would have been less tragic and less bloody.

As economic woes multiply and the spectre of popular unrest raises its head (as in Weliweriya and Wanathamulla), the Rajapaksa need to maintain the myth of the enemy among us, who either speaks in an alien tongue or worships alien gods, will grow. The abhorrent attempt by the External Affairs Minister to justify attacks on churches and mosques, in his rebuttal remarks to the US Assistant Secretary of State on South and Central Asian Affairs, is indicative of the core-role accorded to minority phobia by the Rajapaksas: “With respect to incidents that have raised concerns the minister observed that in many instances the facilities concerned were not mosques or churches but makeshift prayer centres whose operations had irked relevant communities.”[v]

Bob Dylan, in his song on the killer of Medgar Evans, says history will judge the murderer (and poor white racists) as ‘Only a pawn in their game’, (of White elites and their paid officials).

That hopefully will not be the fate of Sinhalese and Sri Lanka, again.

[i] The Price of Inequality – Joseph Stiglitz

[iv] Blowback: Linguistic Nationalism, Institutional Decay and Ethnic Conflict – Neil de Votta

[v] Quoted in the Colombo Telegraph – 3.4.2014

Latest comments

  • 4

    Soon the whole of the North will be SLFP and politics of Sri Lanka will be different. Sinhalese will have to prepare themselves for this:

    Namal Rajapaksa: Building A Cult Of Personality In The North, 23 February 2014, https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/namal-rajapaksa-building-a-cult-of-personality-in-the-north/

    • 2

      Many thanks Thisaranee for pointing out the DIVIDE, DISTRACT and RULE strategy of the Jarapassa military dictatorship.

      This policy was clearly spelled out by the CHAOS SPECIALIST – Lalith Weeratunga who promise CHAOS would ensue if Rajapaksa is held accountable for his crimes.

      CHAOS is a code word for the ethno-relgious pogrom to be unleashed to consolidate the Rajapakse DEEP STATE MILITARY DICTATORSHIP while keeping the Sinhalaya Modayas happily distracted form the Rajapaksa Brothers CORRUPTION AND CRIMINALITY by attacking minorities..

      • 2

        The CHAOS strategy to turn Lanka into Syria, and have various ethic and religious communities and groups fighting each other is Mahinda Rajapaksa regime’s only EXIT STRATEGY from power.
        But Sri Lanka will have a Ukraine-like transition from the Jarapassa dictatorship.
        The Rajapaksa Brothers military dictatorship is operated by the “tea party” group who run the DEEP STATE and call the shots while the Provincial election circus for Sinhalaya Modaysa provides a FACADE OF DEMOCRACY! Indeed an excess of democracy – with so many elections which are a massive waste of funds. But there is NO SEPARATION OF POWER among the executive, judiciary, and legislature which is the true hallmark of democracy.

        The opposition parities should stop participating in elections and go on the streets and educate the Sinhalaya modayas on the true state of democracy in Lanka and tell them about this corrupt and criminal cabal tea party deep state, that is run by Gota the Goon (military), Lalith Weeratunge (administration), Nivard Cabral the (corrupt liar of the Central Bank), and Mohan Peries the de facto Chief Justice, who make the decisions for their minions in these sectors to perform..
        Indeed Jarapassa is ruling the Sinhalaya Modayas by distracting, dividing and ruling the Lankan polity..

      • 2

        All you may think that these tactics are somehow Rajapaksa clan’s doing. But to me a lot that is going on in Sri Lanka has undeniable hallmarks of Western strategy & PR firms behind it, from as way back as 2007.

        UPFA politicians are a dead give away that they are PR schooled by those jackals. When these PR guys can hoodwink even some smart people in the US I wonder what chance the poor dumb f*s in Sri Lanka have against them. And the Rajapaksas seem to have brought these parasites into Sri Lanka.

        I sens a feeling of frustration in TGs writing; and with good reason (I too was once very frustrated seeing the injustice). But ask any surgeon and they’ll tell you that there are cases that you cannot help and you must learn to let go. May be TG is hoping against hope that the cesspit can be salvaged somehow. But in my estimation there are too many SELFISH fools in Sri Lanka for it to be saved and I hope TG will learn to let go at some point.

    • 3

      Tamils never going to accept this mongrels, they will receive every freebies. When election comes they will show who they belongs to….

  • 6

    Before ‘Sinhala Only’ was imposed on Tamils, most Tamils willingly accepted the need to learn Sinhalese. For instance, “….between 1938 and 1940 the Hindu Board of Education introduced Sinhala as a compulsory subject in Northern schools and the Jaffna Youth Congress called for Sinhala and Tamil to be made compulsory subjects throughout the country..

    I cringe each time this Gon Mola opens “her” keyboard.

    The language act was 1956 was exactly what these Hindus were asking. It was Sinhala as the main language and Tamil in majority Tamil speaking areas. Free elocution was provided for anyone to learn each other language. The policy was meant to replace English with the most appropriate language.

    The ITAK Fascists with the Tamil homeland fixation re-named the policy as “Sinhala Only”. Every possible thing that can be exploited for political muck raking was used and it worked.

    The policy was introduced in 1956. The ITAK fascists ran amok a year later. Why wait for a year? The year after another law known as “Social Disabilities act” was passed banning caste discrimination. So essentially the problem was NOT language but keeping caste discrimination.

    • 4

      Don’t expect a political bastard to know the history or be honest with facts. They have already forgotten that English was the national language in British times and upto 1956 and the injustice to ordinary Tamils and Sinhalese were corrected by so-called Racist Sri Lankan governments in 1958.

    • 6

      Do not sit on the brain.
      She was telling that,
      “Before ‘Sinhala Only’ was imposed on Tamils, most Tamils willingly accepted the need to learn Sinhalese, and
      between 1938 and 1940 the Hindu Board of Education introduced Sinhala as a compulsory subject in Northern schools and the Jaffna Youth Congress called for Sinhala and Tamil to be made compulsory subjects throughout the country.
      Cast is/was their internal Problem.
      but language problem was Crafty Politicians Last card playing for Votes.
      Like Dhaja Jarapassa Clan [with TWO USA passport holders, [America aligned thieves] ,
      playing the Cards ” KOTIYA, Traitors, Patriots”,
      while Looting the Country and pawning its resources to INDIA AND CHINA, Blaming everything to West and America .

      • 0


        Cast is/was their internal Problem.

        Caste is their main problem and also became a problem to others. Do some research before you open your keyboard you impotent fool.

        • 1

          The last time I checked caste was a problem among the different nikaya’s of this triply blessed land too LOL

        • 1

          The Sinhalese and Tamils are of the same caste as
          Rodiyas,Radalayas,Govias,Salagama<karawa,and Vellalas alternatively and at the same time, so where is the problem?

      • 0

        Mr. Julam,
        I am surprised that Colombo Telegraph does not block your posts for indecent words and personal attacks/name callings filled with hatred. Though I haven’t used such language and name callings I have been blocked so many times for my expressions. I think you guys are a lucky bunch where there are no barriers for your expressions!

    • 2

      The Sinhala Only Act defacto forced many Tamils out of public sector jobs and prevented many others from utilizing government services since Sinhala was made the Only language of transmission .

      The intention of the Sinhala Only act was to squeeze out Tamils from public sector jobs and make it very difficult for them to use government services.

      • 3

        More than 85% of the population is Sinhalese. Most of the gov. officers including medical professionals and judges did not speak, read or write Sinhalese at that time. How can you expect to serve the public? Either they learn the language or leave service seems fair to me.
        In the US Spanish population is more than 25%. If they are in the gov. they need to speak, read and write English. No one complains. Why Sri Lanka has to be an exception?

        • 2

          I wonder what would happen if someone who doesn’t speak a word of English applied for a job in UK government. I somehow don’t think “oh but I speak Welsh and French, I don’t need to know any English” is going to fly all too well, although Tamils seem to think it should in Sri Lanka LOL

    • 0

      This is first time I read this type of argument and also I never herd this before. I may have read millions of articlles related to language policies of SWRD’s and others.

  • 13

    Bickering to claim superiority over Language, Race, Faith in this day and age is amazing. This century, this Millennium belongs to those who embrace Equality and Acceptance/Respect each others Language/Race/Faith. Sri Lanka has no visible hope as long as one community, hell bent to dominate with Language, Race, Faith. Either they work as equals or pass it on these ideals to the next generations.

    The Sri Lankans should learn to speak many languages as possible and get rid of their inferiority complex of dominance.

  • 16

    All the Sinhala leaders since independence abused the country and the Tamils, and continue abusing with no end in sight.

    This shows that the Sinhala majority in the society, who consistently vote for these bastards to power don’t care about the country, or themselves either.

    They get carried away emotionally with anti-Tamil, anti-minority rhetoric of these demagogues.

    The people deserve what they get for their folly, as the saying goes: what you want is what you get; Bash the ‘others’ but never mind what happens to us or ‘them’.

    • 7

      Rajapakse and his extended family are thieves, the ministers and the MPs surrounding him are all thieves: They are fleecing the poor people.

      There is no difference, whether these leeches are Sinhalese, Tamil, Muslim or anybody else.

      Rajapakse is like Ail Baba, the only difference being he has more than 40 thieves.

      • 2

        BTW Ali Baba has more than 40 thieves and several concubines not forgetting Paba and Anarkali!

      • 2

        BTW Ali Baba and his more than 40 thieves has several concubines including Paba and Anarkali!

    • 1

      Mr. Thir,
      Can you name a country where the politicians did/do not abuse their power, country and their minorities?
      While you are at it please furnish exact word quotations of anti-Tamil, anti-minority rhetoric made by any Sri Lankan leader. I guess you have a lot. Let me hear them.

      • 1

        Not just himself, he brought his Sinhala population along when HE JRJ spoke!

        Jayewardene said in Daily Telegraph, 11 July 1983,” Really if I starve the Tamils out, the Sinhala people will be happy.”

      • 1

        J R jeyawardane after the anti-Tamil pogrom in 1983 said to the effect:

        We can’t worry about the opinion of the Tamils or their lives; if we starve the Tamils Sinhalese people will be happy.

        If stopped short of saying; if we kill them they will be even happier!

        He is the bastard who created the present racist Sri Lankan constitution.

        What do you expect from these leading bastards ruling the country to ruins?

        • 0

          Did Jr told you that personally?

  • 1


    I am surprised you wrote this:
    “The genuine public demand for Swabhasha was deliberately distorted into ‘Sinhala Only’ by a vocal and ****power-hungry minority****, who regarded it as a vehicle for their own political and economic ascendance”

    • 5


      I think what is referred to is a minority within the Sinhalese.


      • 4

        Thanks DR RN.
        Sorry Tissa.

      • 1

        Sorry even the tamils of colombo. I dont mean the refugee colombo chetties etc.but finally they were given the right to study in the english medium and second language as sinhala along with the muslims etc.

    • 3

      Sorry but truth has no race religion or caste.
      Before independence folk (hindu tamils of colombo who did not convert but attended missionary schools) were studying English Latin and Greek in the city therefore they did not mind including sinhala.
      The fact is after independence neither the north or south was being developed but it was a case of dynasty formation therefore the JVP insurrection.

  • 10

    “Hundreds of Ukrainians walked into the ousted President’s countryside residence in Mezhyhirya (pictured centre), one hour’s drive from Kiev, after security guards fled the area. The 140-hectare plot has a private zoo, golf course, helipad, a boat restaurant (bottom right) and is covered with exotic gardens, water features and statues. The protestors posed for pictures while lying in the tyrant’s bath tub (inset top left) and sitting on toilet seats”

    Just copied the above from the Daily Mail UK.Sunday 23rd 2014 6 AM STD time

    Same story here.Only change the name Ukranians to Sri Lankans. Or, dont! Sri lankans are too cowardly and meek. No backbone but a very sharp tongue, sharper than the knives used by the BBS monks to threaten the minorities. So, tThey simply wont fit into the scenario. However, the rest of the paragraph is also true of the country we live in today.

    • 5

      lol Sri Lankans(mostly) are not criminals to take up arms to rob parts of the country or to chase away democratically elected leaders. They know how to go and vote in the election day and not be fooled by tricks of west. We don’t have strings of west attached to our asses like the eelamists and arabs.

    • 2

      What the article and the comments say that some politicians tried to correct things. Some other politicians screwed up things.

      Now, every thing is the fault of the never existed “Sinhala Only Act”.

      OR this crying out loud about the SINHALA-ONLY may be a ploy of the Tamil extremists and their supporters who want to degrade the SINHALA majority in Sri Lanka and to promote TAMILS as a powerful group in Sri Lanka.

    • 1

      Those protesters all want EU passport and benefits but they are in for a shock of their lives.

      Your beloved Uk-rain-e in the American “cyclone” thinking a broke EU would accept them give them shelter when Eastern Europeans are sleeping on the streets of the west (there are easterners right now sleeping on the streets of westminster) and trying to associate with far right. http://money.cnn.com/2014/02/21/news/ukraine-economy/

    • 1

      BTW they did not flee they just left to their stronghold the east where the industry is while the westerners is just commercial and broke. They first burnt one of the most expensive buildings and regretted later because it is going to cost them a billion to do that up- stupidity has no limits.

      Paisa must Appa reverse tech of a man shot early in life


  • 4

    Another master piece from Ms T.

    Vellala inhabitants in Jaffna can’t hire a mason even for one thousand LKRs a day.

    Jaffna youth don’t want to work full stop ., let alone become masons or carpenters.

    This is not my research, It is from the horse’s mouth in Jaffna when CM Wiggie gave a speech recently at a Tamil College.

    Wonder whether Ms T’s stats are from Vaiko’s News Rag in Tamil Nadu.

    The Opposition is heading for the biggest drubbing post Nanthikdal,

    And Ms T reckons the great majority are disgruntled.

    Weerawansas nowadays don’t have to even shout on stage until they get hoarse throats.

    All they need to do is show the News from Geneva with Cameron, Harper and Pillai as the backdrop.

    UNP which normally carry Cash in Wheel Barrows during elections, now have to send their candidates to rob Money Changers to fund their campaigns.

    Haves Ms T’s Western buddies totally committed to do a “Ukraine” instead of the Ballot Box?.

    • 4

      They have been trying a Libya in Sri Lanka since 2008. Failing everytime.

  • 8

    True democracy is where all the languages, religions and races have equal rights. On one group is above the other.

  • 6

    Thats ukranians but this is silly lanka.
    we neither have backborn nor head.

    mahinda might rename this silly land as mihinlanka and we will accept it gladly while our opposions is in a coma.

    • 4

      Aren’t your mates holding protests in front of No 10 asking Cameron to re legalize LTTE, like the good old days !!!

      • 2

        my mates? ha ha ha gonsumano, its your gonraja’s mates but mine. who is cuddling murderers such as karuna pillayan kp me or you & gonraja/gota/basil?
        who are those name sake partiots and fake budhdhists? me or you & kudu/casino gota & tsunami hora.

        i love my country so iam worried because its in the wrong hands. you love mara’s rear end so dont bother.
        we dont hate any tamil people, we love every srilankans. we hated ltte. but you love ltte and hate the innocent tamils and then you twist everything completely.

  • 3

    Aaah! How evocative of Tisaranee to take us back to the fifties. Our transformation from a placid backdrop for a Basil Wright travelogue into a bloody tropical hell-hole. Our pristine white politicians losing their innocence in the change. Who can forget the schoolboy chant ‘Red sky in the morning, Elphintone’s burning’ or the flying buriyani’s at the Buhari, and the sobering sight of Muslims dropping their trousers down Panchikawatte to escape the mob baying for Tamil blood. And, at the harbour, those far-seeing members of the vibrant Burgher community forming orderly lines to sing ‘now is the hour’ and say their heartfelt tearful farewells before boarding those gleaming white P&O liners that would take them to the promised land down under where many years later they were to ruefully cry ‘we came to escape them, now the yakko’s have come to spoil the dream’. We all have our take on post independence events; the truth is that today we have a Sri Lanka that has polarised into an English speaking rump, a ruling thug-o-cracy in a symbiotic embrace with the majority who sustain them, and a dejected huddle of minorities, harassed by shoals of saffron mavericks, in brave denial of the miserable fate that has befallen them and waiting in hope for that chance to escape the nightmare. What a pass! Look at the comment made by Maghribi February 23, 2014 at 1:31 pm. says it all!

    • 0

      Why only that Muslim guy there are two educated villagers Anpu and Dr RN who are hell bent on Tamil only resistance. In Tamil Nadu also it was the villagers who revolted but when they go to campus they have to learn in English. The Spaniards of Barcelona and Bilbao do well at languages because they study several at home.
      There are many tamils of colombo from the old school who know tamil but never speak because these villagers create issues for all just like the southern sihala.

  • 4

    Whoa how do these liars cook up these facts? Sri Lanka’s unemployment stood at 4% in 2012. These are good for the illiterate fools.

    and these ass-ranees are working locally for the agenda of west/india to pressurize sri lankan government to create a new self governing state in north. That is where the real threat is, not cooked up unemployment stats.

    • 3

      Liberal One

      ” Sri Lanka’s unemployment stood at 4% in 2012.”

      Lies, damned lies, and statistics

      Have the rest become MR’s hangers on, or possibly drug barons or joined the armed forces, all at the same time?

      • 0

        lol believe in [Edited out] then.

        • 3

          Liberal One

          “lol believe in [Edited out] then.”

          Yes I still don’t understand as to why Sri Lanka didn’t ban LTTE until 7 January 2009 whereas the Western countries countries including Canada well before 2006.

          Was the LTTE diaspora able to bribe the state functionaries and the government delaying the ban in this island?

          • 0

            Irrelevant but since you want the facts to be spoon fed to you, Sri Lankan governments from 1994 to 2005 were duped by various NGOs, western diplomats and terror agents like you that LTTE was a result of discrimination against Tamils and LTTE was not defeatable without a political solution and appeasing demands of LTTE was the only way to go forward. Yes so can say that diaspora and other terror agents were successful in fooling our silly, immature leaders.

            • 1

              Liberal One

              “Sri Lankan governments from 1994 to 2005 were duped by various NGOs,”

              It is because the Sri Lankan state is run by stupid people that the NGOs took them for a ride. Their stupidity goes many many years back and the rulers are not going to be enlightened sooner.

              For the same reason Canada didn’t ban LTTE.

          • 1

            How intellectually challenged are you? I should have guessed by your name! Any way where were you just prior to 2009? GOSL was giving oppertunities to the Ltte to come to the table and solve the situation. Retarded ltte did not take that oppertunity. The window was closed, ltte was banned and the gov. Took care of the problem, end of story!

            • 0

              “I should have guessed by your name!”

              and yours a dot com copy of “we are two` american guys who can innovate and are looking for a brief.

              You are betta dande barre mottapala.

  • 4

    Tamils are the pawns in the game.

    Already 89,000 Tamil Mahaveer war widows are counting. They are dreaming of Tamil Elam, still!!

    • 1

      If we stop politicisation which gives plums to Sinhalese and peanuts to Tamils and start being fair to all, Tamils won’t ask for federalism or separation:
      ”……… Fatalistic silence and negative attitudes have to be blown off by the losers of politicization. They are not the public officers; but, the unorganized, disorganized and most difficult to organize sections of the public who will be discriminated or exploited through politicization. Therefore, finding means and mechanisms to fight negative politicization will become another unbearably humongous exercise. Nonetheless, it should be attempted” – Unhindered Politicisation and SLAS, Austin Fernando (retired Sinhalese civil servant), 20 February 2014, https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/unhindered-politicization-and-slas/

  • 1

    Sinhalese Leaders have again and again proved that they cannot be masters……
    They need a foreign master to lead them….if not White, then maybe a Yellow.


    • 1

      They already have Nande Master (aka GOATa) who is rotten to the core!

  • 1


    I always look forward to your articles.

    Please give the weblink (you do most of the times) to make things easier for the reader:
    [v] Quoted in the Colombo Telegraph – 3.4.2014

    • 1

      You are in love with an Avatar!

  • 1

    There are many pawns, eg UGC:

    Listen to the speeches by VCs (one would be excused for mistaking them for the President’s propoganda speeches) – the keynote speech they are referring to, is NOT on the website:

  • 0

    The usual forthright and analytical essay of Tisaranee G.
    “Sinhala Nationalism and Tamil Nationalism could not have possibly moved towards amalgamation,in a common Lankan identity.The Mahavamsa stood in the way.This is the reason why the trajectories were diametrically opposed to each other,though amalgamation would have been ideal.

  • 2

    There is no living person by the name Tisaranee Gunasekara. These writings are by someone with a hidden agenda. Colombo Telegraph should reveal this fact to its readers.

    • 1


      “There is no living person by the name Tisaranee Gunasekara.”

      Who did leak this secret to you?

      • 0

        Why don’t you do some research and let every one know what you found?

        • 4


          “Why don’t you do some research and let every one know what you found?”

          You typed “There is no living person by the name Tisaranee Gunasekara.” 3

          I asked you ” Who did leak this secret to you?”

          Why should I duplicate the work you have already done for the good of this island?

          • 0

            Lazy vadda,
            Nothing will be spoon fed to ignorents who are taken in for a ride by their own.

    • 1

      Well, Eusense my man if I may venture an opinion, the person who writes these gems, is actually better off using a pseudonym rather than exposing his/her identity only to suffer the same misfortune that befell several prominent journalists who wrote to out the abuses of power of this regime (unlike those rascals Smelinda and Rajkakkussipal) who came (and ‘went’) before.

      • 0

        I don’t think I am your man!
        Why do you think “she” should use a pseudonym? Shouldn’t she be brave to tell the truth as a real person? Parayabakaran was brave enough for that kind of thing, do you agree?

        • 2

          Eusense – now you have become a bloody nuisance and a PIA!

          • 0

            Yes, the truth is a nuisance and a PIA for the guilty.

            • 1

              You are arrogant and stupid and the opposite of your borrowed name.
              TG was writing for Sunday Leader long before you came onto CT.
              So why dont you put your query to your lokka that pays you??

    • 1

      Well said, I’m yet to find who this “Tisaranee” is. It is really suspicious that an unknown journalist all of a sudden getting prime column space in papers like Sunday Times and Ravaya.

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    Looks like this nation will never ever be a peaceful place for anyone. Why are we reluctant to understand each other or communities and their plight after all these destruction, deaths and chaos. Race and Religion are the opium of mankind and they should be put aside and should never be mixed if we have to keep peace and tranquility. The mother, mother tongue,and their religion is the most important and a very sentimental thing for every one. Respecting each others, their language, religion is the most decent thing a good human should be doing to have peace within oneself and peace in the nation. No one will tolerate degrading other race, religion or language. Lanka belongs to all Lankans and it’s not anyone’s sole property. Look at the greater picture and things happening outside our world:

    American University teaches Bhagavad Gita

    June 29, 2013:

    Bhagavad Gita has become compulsory for every student joining Seton Hall University. This is a catholic university founded in 1856. The translation of Bhagavad Gita by Stephen E Mitchell is the text. None of the teachers are Hindu.

    The university wanted a transformational course that will influence the character and life of the students. It wanted a course that seeks answers to perennial questions like the purpose of life,why are we here, where are we going “The journey of transformation”

    Seton Hall consists of more than 10,800 students and this is a core course for all students, whatever the discipline.

    America is becoming increasingly more spiritual as predicted by Swami Vivekananda over 120 years ago.

    [The Bhagavad Gita is universally acknowledged as one of the world’s literary and spiritual masterpieces. It has been treasured by American writers from Emerson and Thoreau to T. S. Eliot, who have called it one of the greatest philosophical poems in the world.]

    We still have so many educated people with extensive knowledge and vision to lead our people and country in the correct path. We should forget the differences and work together for a better future. Diversity is the best thing and we have them plenty among our people. Sinhala only or Sinhalese only is so barbaric and so is Tamil only or anything ONLY. How nice it will be to see all communities live in harmony in the lovely country of ours and why can’t we make it really a miracle of Asia ? It’s still possible if we all work together without prejudice and selfishness. There is no other way we can prosper or live in peace. We should stop fighting, behave ourselves and not let others interfere in our affairs. Let that be India, US, UK or even UN. Present regime is the curse we brought upon ourselves but things have to change and it will. Nothing is permanent and nothing is impossible. Have faith in the almighty, nothing much we can do at this stage.

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      Thank You Bruz for your clear and simple message. Now all we have to do is convince the remaining 20 million.

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      Reverse function it would invite Rajneesh and the Rolls Royce.

      Also Zen Buddhist are taking shape in the continent.

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    This minority phobia is not a sudden emergence. It was articulated in the 1860s through business rivalry. If you read the SInhala Bauddaya newspaper of that era you will see that paper carried out a campaign asking the Sinhalese to boycott Bhoras. In Colombo main traders were Bhoras and only a very few (around 4) sinhala traders were among the leading business including the Don Carolis. But this call to boycott Bhoras did not work out as people did not heed to that request.

    Later the Sinhala Bauddaya started a campaiogn against consuming beef to create a mayhem against the minority Muslims with the ultimate intention of creating a rivalry against the Muslim (Bhoras) traders.

    Other wise why should they start campaign against consuming Beefonly. Has Lord Buddha said specifically not to eat beef. Lord Buddha has preached not to kill animals and refrain from consuming beef. What does it prove. Even during the time of Lord Buddha there had been people who consumed beef. But he had not preached against them.

    If the Buddhists want to follow the path of ahimsa what they should do is to ask the people to refrain from consuming all kinds of meats instead of creating rivalry against Muslim. I am sure this is also a kind of business rivalry.

    The outcome of anti beef campaign was the Sinhala- Muslim riot in the 1915 which nears 100 years now. The things that are taking place now in the country suggest that they are awaiting for a repetition of such a riot to commemorate the centenery

    The classic example is if the media plays its role properly it should be able for them to find the truth. Now in several main cities in the country there is group which blocks by force the rent out of Buildings to Muslim tradewrs. For example at Kiribathgoda, Hingurakkoda,

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    The recent events in Ukraine should shed some thought into the situation in Sri Lanka. The Russians who wanted to assist the president even offered a 15Billion aid package , In the end they backed out. There are several calculations made about the Socialist block China, Russia involvement in Sri Lanka and the government being enameled by their support. There is nothing preventing the repeat of Ukrain in Sri Lanka as well. Bottom line organized local mass support is what will finally decide things for any Government.

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