By Tisaranee Gunasekara –
“…a merciless woodcutter whose heart is never touched by the lament of a falling tree, the breaking of its branches, and the scattering of its fruits.” ~ Nelson Mandela (Conversations with Myself)
The Rajapaksas are at war. Not with the pandemic, but with those who inform the public about the pandemic. Sudarshini Fernandopulle, the only minister who seems to possess a brain, a vertebra, and a conscience, is accused of mental instability. A gag order is imposed on health officials. Dr. Chamal Sanjeewa, Deputy Director at Health Ministry, is under investigation for exercising his constitutional right to free speech.
In December 2020, China sentenced Zhang Zhan, a citizen-journalist who reported on Wuhan’s Covid-19 epidemic, to 4 years in jail – for picking fights and provoking trouble! This week, in Rajapaksa Sri Lanka, an Assistant Land Commissioner was arrested in Gelioya by the CID and brought to Colombo. Police media spokesman accuses him of ‘misleading public and creating distrust by publishing false information.’ He had reportedly published stories about deforestation in his private Facebook account.
President Gotabaya Rajapaksa doesn’t want health officials to make public statements about the pandemic, for fear of frightening people. The Rajapaksas have a fascinating hierarchy of fears. A hijab is more dangerous than a pandemic. A Tamil mother lighting a lamp for a son or a daughter killed in the war is a far greater threat to national security than a Chinese ship with a radioactive load making an unscheduled stop at the Hambantota port.
The pandemic has already caused four times more deaths than the Easter Bombing. If the curve is not flattened soon, its average death rate could exceed that of the long Eelam War. A responsible government would want to warn the people about this danger rather than lull them into a false sense of complacency. A caring government would prefer to save lives by revealing the unvarnished truth. But from Donald Trump, Jair Bolsonaro, and Narendra Modi to the Rajapaksas, leaders who trade in patriotism prefer deception that makes them look good (momentarily), at whatever human cost.
On February 14th 2021, Sri Lanka’s Public Health Inspectors union warned that infections were being underreported lulling the public into incautious behaviour. On March 24th, the PHI union revealed that PCR testing had been reduced from 20,000 a day to 5000 a day. With an infection rate of 5%, the number of reported infections dropped into low hundreds. Reassured by this false picture of a waning pandemic, the public spent the Sinhala and Tamil New Year season binge-shopping and flocking to Nuwara Eliya and Kataragama. As K Srinath Reddy, president of the Public Health Foundation of India, wrote, “…the virus travels with people and celebrates with crowds,” (The Guardian -29.4.2021). The season ended with a new and a deadlier wave.
While the government continued to insist that nothing really was the matter, the Rajarata University announced that a series of clinical trials has proven that the Kali Concoction can neither prevent nor cure Covid-19. That is hardly news. What is News is that a university held a clinical trial for a concoction made by a carpenter based on a ‘secret recipe’ given by a goddess in the Hindu pantheon. Who ordered such an insane experiment? What was its cost? Is insanity more contagious than Covid-19?
Mark this, though. All the pot-throwing and the nostrum-drinking were done by Rajapaksa acolytes. The Family merely encouraged silly myths and used them to lull the public into a sense of security totally at variance with facts. The faux cures dubbed desheeya and hela are for the 6.9 million. The family is, in all probability, fully vaccinated – with a non-Chinese vaccine.
The treacherous Suwaseriya and the patriotic Port City
The Suwaseriya ambulance service came into being on July 28th 2016 with 88 ambulances donated by India. It was the result of an agreement between Prime Ministers Wickremesinghe and Modi. Until then, public ambulances were few and used only to transport patients from a hospital to another hospital. That scarcity and the high cost of private ambulances rendered what should be a basic service into an unaffordable luxury for most Lankans. Suwaseriya was aimed at filling this deadly gap in our public health system and did. By September 2019, there were 297 Suwaseriya ambulances operating island-wide with more than 2 million people availing themselves of this service.
Imagine facing the pandemic without Suwaseriya.
And yet, when it was being set up, the Rajapaksas-led Joint Opposition screamed about Indian intervention. That most egregious of pro-Rajapaksa trade unions, the GMOA went even further. On August 20, 2016, its then secretary Dr. Nalinda Herath solemnly warned the public against using Suwaseriya ambulances stating that a three-wheeler would be safer. “…people should think twice before getting into these risky Indian ambulances and decide whether to die by a tree fall or an electric shock from the ambulance,” he said. Though no patient was electrocuted, the hostile acts of the GMOA continued. On August 26 2019, the GMOA wrote to the Health Secretary, enquiring about the efficacy of Suwaseriya, possibly as a prelude to Gotabaya Rajapaksa’s presidential bid. Interestingly, the GMOA which screamed against the life-saving Suwaseriya and the free trade pact with Singapore made no such noise about the Port City Commission Bill, which, in its original form, violated the Constitution 25 times, according to the Supreme Court judgment.
This week, lawyer Thishya Weragoda revealed that a plaque ceremoniously unveiled by the outgoing Attorney General in the AG’s Department omitted Tamil and included Mandarin, thereby violating the constitution in plain sight. Once the media picked up the story, the AG’s media coordinator issued a statement stating that the plaque will be removed and replaced. The question is didn’t the AG see the Mandarin letters when he unveiled the plaque? If he couldn’t see the Mandarin before his eyes, little wonder he didn’t notice the 25 instances of constitutional violations in the Port City Commission Bill.
The Chinese Embassy predictably involved itself in the controversy reportedly tweeting, “Chinese language is displayed as a kind gesture towards China.” So was Tamil dropped as an unkind gesture towards Lankan Tamils and Muslims? (Incidentally, what would have happened if the Suwaseriya ambulances contained Hindi lettering, ‘as a kind gesture towards India’?)
In December 2020, social media users revealed the existence of a notice board in the Mt. Lavinia railway station in English and Mandarin. Not even Sinhala. Are these ‘kind gestures’ coincidences or part of a plan to impose Mandarin from above as a lingua franca?
According to Lankadeepa of 25 July 2019, the Chinese Ambassador presented a litany of complaints to the then Tourism Minister John Amaratunga. Foremost was the language problem experienced by Chinese tourists in Sri Lanka. The Ambassador also expressed displeasure at some rules and regulations in the tourism sector (unspecified) and wanted more visas for Chinese cooks so that Chinese tourists could partake of familiar cuisine. Does China demand Chinese language and cuisine for its tourists from every country? Or is that is an honour reserved for their dependencies?
In April, the Chinese Embassy organised a field trip of the Port City for Lankan parliamentarians. An embassy inviting the host country’s parliamentarians to visit a piece of land that is supposedly part of that country’s territory – what isn’t wrong with this picture? When SJB’s Harshana Rajakaruna raised questions, Belt and Road Initiative in Sri Lanka reportedly tweeted, “Why not? A field study will help to understand better about the project…” Since the Port City is supposedly not a Chinese colony, any trip there should be organised by a Lankan entity and not the Chinese Embassy. The only field trip the Chinese Embassy can organise for Lankan parliamentarians within the territorial boundaries of Sri Lanka is a trip to the Embassy premises.
Whatever the final version of the Port City Commission Act might contain, the Chinese response proves who is truly sovereign within the Port City. The Chinese will use the Port City with the same disregard for Lankan interests, needs or sensitivities as the Americans display towards Cuban interests, needs or sensitivities in Guantanamo. To be fair, why should China spend billions of its money to create an artificial land mass for Sri Lanka to own? If we are naive enough to believe in politico-financial fairy godmothers, is that China’s fault?
As for the claim that the Port City will be our economic miracle, attracting investment and generating employment galore, a similar claim was once made for the Hambantota Port. We know how that story ended.
The Patriotic Road to Perdition
2018 was a seminal year. In March, the Digana anti-Muslim riots erupted. The government’s inability to nip the violence in the bud or to bring the perpetrators to justice birthed a sense of despair within the Muslim community, strengthening the reach and the efficacy of extremist elements. In October, President Maithripala Sirisena launched a political coup, taking himself and the SLFP formally into the Rajapaksa camp.
In between came the story about a conspiracy to assassinate President Sirisena and Gotabaya Rajapaksa. The tale was constructed by a hitherto unknown Namal Kumara, who titled himself the head of an organisation called Dushana Virodi Balakaya (Anti-Corruption Brigade). The JO embraced the tale. Addressing a September 19th press conference organised by Namal Kumara’s outfit, parliamentarian Mahindananda Aluthgamage accused the head of the TID, DIG Nalaka Silva of planning the conspiracy with the connivance of the IGP. “These conspirators are in an attempt to favour Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe. We thought that only the Rajapaksas have become victims, but at present President Sirisena’s life is also at stake”.
Had the Rajapaksas truly believed in this ‘plot’, they would have launched a full fledged investigation into it the moment they came to power in November 2019. They didn’t. Having served its purpose, which was to addle Maithripala Sirisena’s mind and push him into the patriotic arms of the Rajapaksas, the plot was consigned into oblivion.
The tall-tale though had an inadvertent result. Nalaka Silva’s arrest sowed confusion within the TID. Its investigation into Zahran Hashim was sidelined in favour of chasing imaginary assassins. With that, a possible counter against the Easter Sunday Massacre became negated.
Two days after the Massacre, Mahinda Rajapaksa made a fiery speech in parliament. (Interestingly, he said that his security officers had received the warning about the attack, but did not keep him in the loop). He ended his speech by questioning whether the presence of a foreign hand behind the attack has been confirmed and what that foreign hand was.
In the coming weeks, his two chief rabble-rousers proceeded to give shape and form to that nebulous statement. Addressing a public meeting, Wimal Weerawansa said that the American Ambassador could be behind the attack, with the aim of turning Sri Lanka into a Libya or Syria, with PM Wickremesinghe’s complicity (Lanka c news – 3.5.2019). Udaya Gammanpila informed the parliament that the IS was an American cat’s paw and the Easter Attack an American conspiracy aimed at creating another Black July. The Americans had Muslims ready, complete with Sinhala names, to attack other Muslims, he claimed. The plan, he elaborated, was for Muslim countries to protest the attack and the West to use it as a pretext to send peacekeeping force to Sri Lanka (Lanka c news – 9.5.2019).
So the tale of a mysterious mastermind behind the attack was born. A solemn pledge to uncover and punish this mastermind became a constant refrain on the SLPP’s stages. The Rajapaksas didn’t mastermind the attack, anymore than Ranil Wickremesinghe or Rishard Bathiudeen did (the government, starting with the Rajapaksa ally President Sirisena, was guilty not of criminal responsibility but of criminal irresponsibility). But like George W Bush did with 9/11 attacks and Narendra Modi did with the Kashmiri suicide bombing which killed 40 Indian soldiers, the Rajapaksas used the Easter Attack as a bridge to power.
The patriotic glitter which enabled them to romp to two electoral victories is now almost gone. The pandemic is revealing their incompetence unintelligence, and total indifference to human suffering. This Saturday, PM Mahinda imposed a series of taxes on essential food items ranging from chickpeas to sardine, dried chillies to red onions. And face masks. Only a Rajapaksa regime would impose a tax on life-saving face masks in the middle of a pandemic, while making them mandatory and arresting those who fail to wear them. This week, groups representing garment factory workers demanded that the workers who are forced to labour through travel restrictions are vaccinated and provided with proper quarantine and treatment facilities. A government that is only interested in power for itself and profit for its cronies is unlikely to be interested.
When election season dawns, the Rajapaksas will seek to fill the popularity gap in the only way they know, by reincarnating the Undead Tiger, harping on the Muslim bogey or railing about the Conversion Threat.
Two questions remain? Will enough Sinhalese remember what the patriot was like, sans the mantle? If a majority recalls the patriot bared leading to a Rajapaksa defeat, what will China do to protect its territorial, political and financial interests in Sri Lanka? Will they intervene to help their clients cling to power via undemocratic and possibly violent means? Or will it give the losers their congé and write some cheques for the winners?
Burt / May 23, 2021
Namo, Namo, Cheena!””
“The Ceylon Chamber of Commerce now offers its members the opportunity to purchase AstraZeneca Covid vaccines for Rs, 5,000 each. This is the alarm that most of those, like me, have obtained the first dose of its many weeks, and nearly two months ago, face today.”
What did you expect when Covid task force was led by Rajapaksa hand picked military.
GATAM / May 24, 2021
Rajapaksha regime should have exploited the covid pandemic to make strategic gains for the hegemonic SL state.
They failed!
nimal fernando / May 24, 2021
Gota is a monumental dunce ……. who can’t win a pissing contest if it isn’t rigged!
In Vijaya Maga or some nonsense ……. Gota promised Lankan “intellectuals” he is going to develop SL like Singapore. :))))
Listen to how a clever talented leader speaks,
LKY mentioned “shit eating pigs” only twice ……. do you guys believe our hero Gota can better that?
What would Lanka be if there were no Lankans? Heaven? ………… I wonder!
Sinhala_Man / May 23, 2021
Thanks, Tisaranee,
I expect brilliant articles from you.
However, right now, I’m busy with this:
and this:
Regarding your article, I have understood that I must relate it, owing to title, to these quotes:
Tolstoy said, “The gross fraud called patriotism and love of one’s country”.
Was it Dr Johnson who said, “Patriotism is the last refuge of the scoundrel?”
Agree with both – no time to check sources.
These lines from Sir Walter Scott are misleading:
“Breathes there a man with soul so dead,
Who never to himself has said,
This is my home, my Native Land,
From . . . wandering on some foreign strand . . .
Go mark him well . . . etc”.
Rubbish taught to too many kids.
In any case, much has changed in c.230 years since that was said.
pakisB / May 23, 2021
was it Scot or Kipling ?
Sinhala_Man / May 23, 2021
Scott. . double “tt”
I had no time to check.
So easy. Copy words and put in the google browser.
GATAM / May 24, 2021
Rajapaksas failed. They stood in the way of the pandemic sorting out the ethnic problem and the problem of radicalization.
Only fools kick godsend opportunities and we have Rajapaksas.
punchinilame / May 23, 2021
Editor – have you applied for this:
Colombo Port City Passport – now available in China
Dilshan / May 23, 2021
I appreciate truth in your articles. But will it solve the problem..
Definitely it will not. You have written so much but 6.9 million did the opposite.
Unless otherwise descent people enter politics nothing will happen on Sri Lanka.
Last Presidential election some people got together but they were fighting amongst themselves. We need to identify a charismatic capable person outside the current political thugs and build an organization around him to change
It is something you could initiate and that will be better thing to do rather than writing in CT alone
pakisB / May 23, 2021
TG – as always brilliant hitting on the head.
wish we had more of her but would that change anything ?
as long as we have fools in parliament who betrayed the people by giving up our rights to 20A what could we expect
the thought that nothing lives for ever, even the fools in parliament or even china is little consolation
hanchopancha / May 23, 2021
Dear Madam. You were a close confidante to Late President Premedasa. I presume you did not have the Crystal Ball with you then.
leelagemalli / May 23, 2021
Beg to differ sir !
Have not you heard, that people’s attitudes and settings could evolve with the time.
Look at our DJ (Dayan Jayathilaka) – the most recognized Mr Self-proclaimed of the nation…. though some good work was done by him… some time back…. is now totally against Gotabaya murderous doctrine…. until shortly, DJ was the powerful ambassador to Russia … remember ?
hanchopancha / May 24, 2021
Dear LM. This is the Singhalese tragedy. Very easy to bend like the thin bamboo which bends according to the direction of the wind. People must have principles and must hold on to them tightly as if it is like a life line. This attitude of lets pray at Dambulla Temple and slaughter a wild boar for dinner argument is horrendous. Singhalese Race is doomed for ever.
leelagemalli / May 24, 2021
Dear Sensitive Readers,
Part 1
Srilanken average mind set is irreversabliy twisted by cultural and relgious mythos.
Pinguththara community (here, I repeat I dont attack real buddhist monks, but those who let vicious politicians to abuse their mindset easily, deserve our criticisms) add manure keeping the average away from the facts. More you make it in a form of „ BANA- buddhist preachings“; much better you (star monks) polarise in srilanken community. BBS barbaric man, hidden behind the sanga constume, did all what he could do, because the place given tot hem in sL society is above.
And how many of those „ STAR monks“ explain mere truth. Alle Baluwanse, Muruththttuwa male nurse or many others have much in common.They were instrumental bringing Rajapakshe looters back to power amidst heavy resistance. Today, they scratch their ears, when questioning about anything.That paradise bird – samantha badra- make public annoucements about his „ favourite rice sort coloured by Katarolu“. Irony is, to my memory, if anyone becomes a monk would not have „ favourites“… because (s)he becomes monks by kicking all the lay-desires (Ummagga Jathakaya).
Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism or any other religions guide you from the begining on. That means srilankens dont hav etheir own mind, but their religious stories guide them. I got to know morroccans, that were remote controlled by their own stories based on their beliefs.
To be contd.
leelagemalli / May 24, 2021
However, the very same men could not succeed their goals set for their future, though entered to europe for their higher studies. We regardless of where we live, were born into the religions. Only a tiny portion of people on this planet would choose their religion by their own. All these are beliefs. Stay arguing on relgious beliefs only waste your time.
Many nations in developed world, would not put religions above as had been in medival times, but most of them focus on their material gains. Dr. Merkel and her minister of health never stood against HEALTH EXPERTS in epidemiology.
Most of our people instead would not care much about „facts checks“ also in today s catastrophic situation, being caught by fatal consequences, since their five senses are overloaded with tales based on fictions in a form of „ jathaka stories“:.
Like for example, „ le kiri karala dharuwanta powana ammala ලේ කිරි කරල පොවන අම්මාවරුනේ people are made to believe, mothers blood turn out to “human milk” – this is very wrong according to human/mammalian biology- there are mama glands to produce human milk, even if blood vessels supply blood to mama so as ist he case to any other body parts. No facts, no comparable thoughts of civilized folks would have the upper hand.
to be contd
leelagemalli / May 24, 2021
Part 3
Local virologists, some times international figures (Prof. Malik Peris or the like) have no place in today’s COVID crisis in SL, but sycopants (Kalli amma controlled Dhammika pani maker) stand out in the society like mushrooms emerge. Dilum Amunugama (potential criminal leaders), Kudu Lanza (wholesale drug traffickers) and Wimal Buruwanse (rabblerousers on their selfish gains) shamelessly make public announcements misleading the society.
Looking back, this was the ground reality in Europe, in medieval times. Gallilio the inventor of tellescope was stoned to death by relgious fanatics. . This was what former President- SORRYSENA repeated at the time, Dilum Amunugama (uncultured bastard, facist) inflicted Kandy riots on innocient muslim srilankens, ahead of that year’s UNHRC session. Cavalier pompous acts of the kind of men are not overlooked today under Rajapakshe junta rule. –
And let me correct you, this is seen not only in SINHALA race, but them being the majority, all what their behaviours are becoming contrast. Look at some tamil politicians, they struggle not being able to transport their message to their own community.What stand on their way is CULTURAL and RELIGIOUS barriers. Wiggie, behaves as if he is wholehearted, but there are facts, that he has failed to use the funds allocated for his ministerial budget in that province.
chiv / May 23, 2021
What I feel odd about lanka is that Rajapaksas are not the first to invent such empty “politricking”, which people realize at some point or tolerate to certain degree until they get tired Whereas Lankans seems to want more at the expense of their wellbeing. How on earth we expect any change. They fully deserve it. Imagine a ride in a dark tunnel which never ends and that too BLINDFOLDED??? Just because Rajapaksas promised to show light .
Muhandiram / May 23, 2021
“a plaque ceremoniously unveiled by the outgoing Attorney General in the AG’s Department omitted Tamil and included Mandarin”
“……………. a notice board in the Mt. Lavinia railway station in English and Mandarin. Not even Sinhala.”
If Name Boards appeared in the Arabic language in far away Kattankudy, there will be enough and more cries of “Arabisation” from the patriots.
How come the patriots have ignored the Chinasation and that too in a Very Important Govt. institution in the Capital City and also in a Railway Station belonging to the Govt., very close to the Capital city?
Rohan25 / May 24, 2021
Name boards in Chinese an alien foreign language excluding Tamil and official language in the island and indigenous to the island and the mother tongue of 25% of the island’s population , does not excuse the usage of name boards in Arabic another alien language that also has no connection with the island by pretend Arab ethnic Tamil Muslim, Wahhabis and Salafists, in faraway Kattankudi. Do not use this incident to justify, what was done by opportunistic Muslim extremist politicians in the east, who were radicalizing the eastern Tamil Muslim population, towards Islamic extremism and to hate their own Tamil ethnicity, language and culture, for their own personal benefits. In both instances due the activities of this and the former government , alien foreign languages that have no connection to the island, its people and culture, were deliberately allowed to take precedence over native indigenous Tamil language, that on paper is in par with the Sinhalese language for all purpose in usage but in reality not.
Rohan25 / May 24, 2021
Sorry should read as, Name boards in Chinese an alien foreign language, excluding Tamil an official language in the island, indigenous to the island and the mother tongue of 25% of the island’s population.
Eagle Eye / May 24, 2021
“…over native indigenous Tamil language,”
Tamil is not a native indigenous language in Sinhale. The language used by Dravidians in Sinhale is ‘Demala’. Demala language was brought to Sinhale by Dravida invaders and coolies brought to Sinhale by colonial rulers. The term ‘Tamil’ was not in use in Sinhale until 1911. Colonial rulers called the Dravidians ‘Malabars’ because a large number of them came from Malabar region in Hindusthan. They also brought a Malabar customary law called ‘Thesawalamei’. A Demala person named Ponnambalam Arunachalam involved in preparing the Census Report in 1911 changed the term ‘Malabar’ to ‘Ceylon Tamils’ to refer to Demala people who lived in the North.
old codger / May 24, 2021
“Tamil is not a native indigenous language in Sinhale.”
Why oh why did Ratwatte Dissawe sign the Kandyan Convention in Tamil?
Native Vedda / May 25, 2021
old codger
Once one of the Ratwatte was heard talking in the finest Tamil. Surprised when asked, Ratwatte apparently responded if you go up in Kandyan Society Tamil improves.
Ratwattes must have come from Madurai.
Eagle Eye’s ancestors must have come from Madras.
Perhaps he is used to Meṭrās pāṣai.
Or is he Dabaikiran டபாய்கிறான் (fooling முட்டாளாக்குகிறான் )?
SJ / May 24, 2021
Can you kindly explain the key features that distinguish Demala from Tamil?
Also please tell me from which of the two (along with Sanskrit and of course Pali) that Sinhala enriched itself?
Native Vedda / May 25, 2021
Eagle Blind Eye
SJ asks you “Also please tell me from which of the two (along with Sanskrit and of course Pali) that Sinhala enriched itself?”
Now we are not bothered about which other language that enriched Sinhala, the pertinent and timely question is “which language will soon replace Sinhala, Mandarin.
Muhandiram / May 24, 2021
“Do not use this incident to justify, what was done by opportunistic Muslim extremist politicians in the east,……………………………………………”
I was merely referring to the silence of some who were screaming at the use of name boards in Arabic language in Kattankudy but said nothing about the use of the Chinese language in a Very Important Govt. Office and a Railway Station. Does that amount to justifying anything at all leave alone what you allege was done by so-called “opportunistic Muslim extremist politicians in the east”?
Please STOP calling us “Tamil Muslims” because we are NOT. We are Muslims and Muslims ONLY. As for our language, it is OUR choice. In Sri Lanka, it can be Sinhalese, Tamil or English. It is NOT for you or anybody else to tell us what language we should choose.
SJ / May 25, 2021
The notice you refer to was not a public notice. It was for a group of visitors.
Many objected without knowing the context.
There are Chinese shops in Kollupitiya where name boards are in Chinese and goods are labelled in Chinese. The staff (at times a few locals) are polite and try to be helpful. But the prices are not as helpful, so I rarely bought anything.
Mosques with name displayed prominently in Arabic are not uncommon. Generally the translation exists in smaller letters in English and/or Tamil and/or Sinhala.
Exclusion of Tamil in Kaaththaankudi perhaps has historical origins. There was a brutal mass killing of worshippers by the LTTE in 1990 or so.
The people of Kaaththaankudi conduct daily business in Tamil.
Rohan25 / May 25, 2021
Long before the LTTE attacked the Kattakudi mosques, Islamic fanatics together with the help of the Sri Lankan police ethically cleansed all Tamil Hindus from the Kattankudi area and destroyed the local Hindu temple. Later Islamic home guards, who were heavily armed by the Sri Lankan STF, used the Kattankudi Mosque , well known for it Islamic extremism, then as now, were using the Mosque as an arms depot and home base to attack surrounding Tamil Hindu villages. This is why the local eastern branch of the LTTE led by Karuna, now the darling of the Sinhalese racists and Muslims attacked the Kattankudi Mosque. You are very silent about this . Despite the machinations of pro Arab Islamic fanatics 99% of the Island’s Muslims even if they study in English or Sinhalese still speak Tamil at home and use Tamil to conduct their daily business. Have notices their love for the Tamil language is immense amongst ordinary Muslims. It is their corrupt selfish power hungry elite, especially the southern variety who cause all this problems.
Muhandiram / May 25, 2021
” Long before the LTTE attacked the Kattakudi mosques, Islamic fanatics together with the help of the Sri Lankan police ethically cleansed all Tamil Hindus from the Kattankudi area and destroyed the local Hindu temple.”
How long before? Can you come up with a date or even a year?
Name the Tamil villages surrounding Kattankudy attacked and when such attacks took place.
Hindu temple in Kattankudy?????? Never heard. Can you give a date for this alleged temple incident?
Karuna, “darling” of the Muslims??? What Rubbish.
The fact that most Muslims can speak Tamil does NOT make them Tamils. Now more Muslims can speak Sinhalese and English than half a century ago. Does that make them Sinhalese or English?
old codger / May 25, 2021
Some time ago, wasn’t there a form of Tamil written in Arabic characters, used by Muslims?
Rohan25 / May 25, 2021
It is called Arwi or Arabu Tamil or Arabic Tamil. Tamil written in the Arabic script. It originated in Kayal Pattinam in Tamil Nadu to facilitate and make it easy for Tamil Muslims to learn Arabic
Native Vedda / May 25, 2021
old codger
“Some time ago, wasn’t there a form of Tamil written in Arabic characters, used by Muslims?”
Hope you could get some idea Arabu Tamil from the following article:
The Rise and Decline of Arabu–Tamil Language for
Tamil Muslims
KMA Ahamed Zubair
Assistant Professor of Arabic, The New College, Tamil Nadu
Please click on PDF icon on top right.
Native Vedda / May 25, 2021
old codger
Please refer to Arwi (அரபுத்தமிழ் / لسانالأروي)
old codger / May 25, 2021
Malay also used to be written in Arabic characters.
SJ / May 26, 2021
The Muslim scholars who used it fondly called it Arabu Thamiz.
It offered them the benefit of communicating Islamic concepts without distortion.
(It is like the use of Grantha characters to transliterate Sanskrit.)
Former Senator and scholar AMA Azeez published an informative booklet in Tamil on it.
Rohan25 / May 25, 2021
We do not rubbish posting and ramblings from extremist, opportunistic fake Arab South Indian Tamil origin Islamic Wahhabis. Followers of Islam are called Muslim and this is only a religious identity and not a racial or ethnic identity. A Muslim can be from any race , ethnicity and linguistic group. There is no such rubbish called Muslim and Muslim only or Christian and Christian only or Hindu or Hindu only . A religion is something personal between you and how you worship and follow god and has nothing to do with your race, ethnicity or language. Today you can be Muslim and tomorrow decide to follow Christianity. However, you cannot change your origin, parents , race or ethnicity. Sri Lankan Muslims or Moors as they love to call themselves are ethnic Tamil immigrant Muslims from South India and a little bit of Arab, Iranian or anything else found in a few hundred families, out of a population of 2 million Sri Lankan Tamil Muslims does not make them Arab, Moor or anything else. They are still ethnic Tamil Muslims . Yes you have the choice of English , Tamil or Sinhalese but definitely not alien Arabic and if you live in eastern Tamil Sri Lanka it will be Tamil and not Arabic or anything else. Got it , It is Muslims like you are the cause of all this problem
Muhandiram / May 25, 2021
Definition of ethnicity from Dictionary.com
“an ethnic group; a social group that shares a common and distinctive culture, religion, language, or the like:”
So, based on Religion, Muslims are a separate Ethnic group. Period
Rohan25 / May 26, 2021
Rubbish do not misinterpret this. This only refers to certain ethno religious groups , where the religion is confined to a certain ethnic/linguistic group. Example . Sikhism to the Punjabis. Yazidi to the Kurds, Druze confined to certain Arab groups from Israel, Syria, Lebanon and Palestinian territories. or Judaism to the Jews. People following these specific faiths that is largely confined to these ethnic groups only can have a separate identity from the rest of the ethnic group, as this religion or faith is only confined to them and not found anywhere else in the world but not followers of world religion like Christianity, Buddhism , Islam or Hinduism that is followed by many races , ethnicities and linguistic groups. A Muslim can be a Tamil. Arab, Turk, Malay, Punjabi, Malay , Englishman or anyone. Understood. Stop being pathetic and idiotic and making a fool of yourself. The so called Sri Lankan Moor or Muslim is Tamil by ethnicity.
Muhandiram / May 26, 2021
I have given the Definition of “ethnicity” from a Recognised Dictionary. But, there is something totally different from a Tamil separatist remnant who is hell-bent on attacking and insulting Sri Lankan Muslims. Perhaps, he thinks he can fool others the way he has fooled himself.
“The so called Sri Lankan Moor or Muslim is Tamil by ethnicity.”
There are those whose mother tongue is English because that is the language spoken at home and whose schooling is in English medium. While they can read, write and communicate in English, they can barely speak in Sinhala or Tamil.
According to his ill-logic, he would call them Tamils ONLY because their parents’ language was Tamil. Please, DON’T Force your Ill-logic on others
In a generation or two, the language of the Tamil diaspora will be English and/or other European language and they will have little or no idea of Tamil. They CAN’T call themselves Tamils either because in the West, there is no race called Tamils. They will have to call themselves, most probably, “Asian” along with the other Asians like Chinese and others. But, a Muslim from anywhere in the world can call himself a Muslim regardless of the language he or his parents or forefathers spoke.
Take a break man.
Muhandiram / May 26, 2021
“The so called Sri Lankan Moor or Muslim is Tamil by ethnicity.”
Smart guy, I have given the definition of ‘ethnicity” from a well recognised dictionary which confirms that religion is one of the factors that determine ethnicity. But, you find it so difficult to accept that and go on to give your own bigoted idea. You are entitled to your idea but, DON’T try to IMPOSE it on us, Muslims. You will NEVER succeed.
You can call yourself a Tamil in Sri Lanka and India. Is there an ethnic group called Tamils in the USA, Canada, UK, Europe, Australia or New Zeland? You have to choose between being an Asian or Indian.
Your successive generations in the West, after about a 100 years, may not even speak Tamil and they will be speaking English or other European language/s. There will be NO Tamil diaspora then. Think about that.
So, STOP telling us about our ethnicity which is for us to decide and we have done so already. We were NEVER Tamils and we NEVER will be. Get that Straight.
Rohan25 / May 27, 2021
Keep on denying and giving silly excuses to claim that Sri Lankan Muslims are not Tamil but the fact is 99% of the Sri Lankan Muslims are descended from converted Tamil Hindu immigrants from South India and this is a fact. Trying to justify and claim a different ethnicity bases on your religion, which is a world religion followed by 1.6 billion people belonging to many races and ethnicities and small amount of Arab, other western Asian, North Indian Muslim and Afghn origin found amongst a few hundred families , who will make up around 40000 out of a total population of 2 million Sri Lankan Muslims or Moors is ridiculous and even these people are more than 85% of Tamil heritage. This was a deliberate ploy that started with the British and then earnestly by the Sinhalese and the southern Muslim elite , to divide and rule the Tamils on the basis of religion, origin and region. To be fair to the British , despite stating the Sri Lankan Muslims are a different ethnicity , as this suited their divide and rule agenda, they never took this Arab or any other origin seriously. For all intent and purposes they lumped them with the Tamils on everything. Especially in the north and east. Keep on repeating your rubbish to justify your imagined ethnicity and no one believes this.
Rohan25 / May 27, 2021
Even the Sinhalese in their hearts know that you , Dravidian South Indian Tamil immigrants who converted to Islam. Even the Arabs have stated Sri Lankan Muslims are converted South Asians and cannot be classified as of Arab descent , meaning you are Tamil converts to Islam.
To be fair to the British , despite stating the Sri Lankan Muslims are a different ethnicity , as this suited their divide and rule agenda, they never took this Arab or any other origin seriously. For all intent and purposes they lumped them with the Tamils on everything. Especially in the north and east. Keep on repeating your rubbish to justify your imagined ethnicity and no one believes this. Even the Sinhalese in their hearts know that you , Dravidian South Indian Tamil immigrants who converted to Islam. Even the Arabs have stated Sri Lankan Muslims are converted South Asians and cannot be classified as of Arab descent , meaning you are Tamil converts to Islam.
Muhandiram / May 27, 2021
Sri Lankan Muslims WILL be Muslims ALWAYS and will NEVER be Tamils, however much the Separatist Tamils try.
Take a break man and think about what will happen to your off springs in the West in a generation or two when they may NOT even speak Tamil and will have to call themselves, Asian or Indian.
fools paradise / May 23, 2021
As a Sri Lankans our best option is to now handover our whole country to China for 99 year lease and we all Sri Lankans migrate to China’s one of the provinces. After 99 year lease over our 3rd generation Sri Lankans can settle in this country if they wish as a dual citizens . That’s the way Britain handed over the Hong Kong to China.
Raj-UK / May 23, 2021
I enjoy reading this lady’s hard hitting comments but the statement ”Sudarshini Fernandopulle, the only minister who seems to possess a brain, a vertebra, and a conscience ….” puzzles me. Didn’t she also publicly promote the divine concoction of a carpenter turned self acclaimed aurvedic doctor? By the way, isn’t she instrumental in the sale of the vaccine, which, presumably, was a donation? Can she have a conscience if she is prepared to sell vaccines?
The govt. has been unable to roll out a systematic vaccination programme, no strategy in the event of a worst case scenario of a rampant pandemic, in fact, the govt, did not have an effective plan for combating the pandemic in the first instance. The prevention of social gatherings was hap hazard, no comprehensive educational programme & keeping the public up to date without misinformation, as done in other countries, & most of all, a provision for obtaining the vaccine. In this context, the minister for pandemic has to take responsibility & doesn’t deserve your accolades.
SJ / May 26, 2021
In fairness, Sudarshini Fernandopulle has kept out of such things.
As for charges about selling vaccines, one should be careful. I am not sure of the validity of any accusation, but there is too much of foul mouthing of people who are disliked for all manner of reason..
Given our reality of lack of a reliable supply I would prefer priority to prevention by properly informing the public through public health officials. (They are capable and trusted.)
Sharing the experience of other countries in treatment would have been sensible.
Most of Europe is way behind UK (90%) and Hungary (84% using Chinese & Russian vaccines).
Only 50% had received the first dose.
Many countries have barely vaccinated 10% of their populations. Japan is near 8%. Vietnam 1%; Australia 14%; New Zealand 11.6%; South Korea 11.4%.
In most countries the virus will be (if not already) well on its way out before the second dose starts (if not the first dose reaches even 50%). even 50%
Buddhist1 / May 23, 2021
In Sri Lanka today we have so many Health Ministers. Pavithra is a “show doll” as she is brainless when it comes to a pandemic, she displayed her foolishness by promoting Dammika Paniya and then with her “Mutti Sellama”. Then comes Dr. Fernandopulle, a qualified doctor who should have been the Minister of Health as she knows more about any other Cabinet Minister regarding the pandemic. Unfortunately, maybe due to falling on the chest of Mahinda, Pavithra became the Minister of Health. Then comes the army commander who is also a Minister of Health as he is in charge of Covid 19. This appointment has made Covid 19 from a health issue into a security issue. Pandemic control should have been with Dr.Fernandopulle and the army should have acted under her orders, but its the other way about. The question arises so whats Dr. Fernandopulle appointed for? Then comes Dr. Channa Jayasumana another Shadow Minister of Health who has no firm idea of what he is uttering, as he changes his song based on that day’s news items. The latest Minister of Hospital Beds Namal Rajapakse, who is today acting as the Prime Minister, although he does not have the maturity or intellectual capacity, pokes his nose into all ministry matters as he is the son of the PM.
Lasantha Pethiyagoda / May 23, 2021
One cannot fault the Chinese in the issue of the Colombo Port City project. They, as a progressive people who have developed in leaps and bounds in the last decades to become the emerging world leader in economic terms, are merely exercising their rights to the collateral or security promised for default on loans. It is the people who sold Sri Lanka down the drain all these years who are to blame for the insurmountable debt the country is saddled with. BTW a hard-hitting and incisive analysis of the ongoing dramas in a land like no other, the miracle of Asia.
soma / May 24, 2021
Dr.Lasantha Pethiyagoda
Very correct to say that China cannot be blamed. And should not be.
old codger / May 24, 2021
SL owes China only 10% . 45% of debt is loans from commercial banks . Guess who approved those?
soma / May 24, 2021
Old Codger
What is worse, building the Hambantota port on Chinese loans or selling it out to the Chinese?
Native Vedda / May 24, 2021
People are expected to live within their means, so is the country and its rulers. Before building the Rajapakse Matale air port and Magampura Mahinda Rajapaksa Port did the state functionaries prepared a business plan for both ventures? If they did where can we access the plan?
A number of elements of a Business Plan according to investopedia.com/:
A business plan is a written document describing a company’s core business activities, objectives, and how it plans to achieve its goals.
Good business plans should include an executive summary, products and services, marketing strategy and analysis, financial planning, and a budget.
If it exists who wrote the business plan?
Who were the financial or project consultants and auditors?
Now you go on a shopping spree using your multiple credit cards then expect your kith and kin to settle it, when they have only a limited income. Now repossession thugs are at your door, your kith and kin are forces to sell their family jewels.
If you cannot figure it out by yourself please ask our good old codger.
old codger / May 24, 2021
China has us by the b..ls. They are only taking their collateral. No government of whatever party is going to take on China. Both parties shouted while in opposition.
Lester / May 24, 2021
Lasantha Pethiyagoda,
China will be a $30 trillion USD economy by 2035. Larger than that of the USA. In the larger scheme of things, whatever revenue is generated from the Port City will be marginal (for the Chinese side). China’s real purpose is probably to have some kind of naval base in Sri Lanka. Or at least use the port as cover to sail warships in and out. This would be a headache for the USA, India, and Australia. However, if China can make this move, along with a successful invasion of Taiwan, the US military power in East Asia will be greatly diminished.
leelagemalli / May 24, 2021
the problem is when Rajapakshes do it, people are scared to come out of their cages and go on protests… when Ranil-Sorysena gave it as 99% lease, PINGUTHTHARA community went amok. Remember ? This is the greater difference, that many of the people are not aware of. Facism introduced by Rajakshes (Weeraketiya palhoru) ruined this country as nothing can reverse.
RW under MS had no other choice but to gap up the loans left by Rajapkshes, so those who attacked him then, should come with their options, if he had not done so, what were the other options before RW led govt ?
Lester / May 24, 2021
Lasantha Pethiyagoda,
I would not say the Chinese are so much progressive as they are efficient. From my experience as an engineer, most Chinese products are of inferior quality. But because of their massive population, China can mass produce like no other giving it a unique market advantage. The West sold its manufacturing base off to China for quick profits, now the West is paying the price with stagnant wages and very soon, high inflation. Whether China can exploit this opportunity remains to be seen.
leelagemalli / May 25, 2021
By fairness I would not say, that Chinese products are low quality.
They have quality levels depending on the country they are dealing with. No doubt, you guys get the lowest possible quality in SL, if the products are coming from China.. At the time, I bought myself some PC accessories in Melbourne, I thought the items would be durable. However, on my return to Europe, I compared it with ,.we find in european markets… The chinese would make every effort to trick their consumers. They are mlechcha by every means. They dont care much about anything but their gains. There is a big gap between APAC and European: expecations regarding quality of products. This I got clarified by one of my chinese friends, who is in Germany. The chinese from Singapore, Hongkong and Taiwan are different. They are reliable too. Look at the quality level of Chinese products in European markets…. most of them are on high quality. I wonder as an Engineer you failed to notice it yet.
China and India dont want foreign countries to buy their products. They have their own people in their huge countries. That is the advantage for them on long term. I am so glad that the CHINESE drugs are not plentily available in Europe.
old codger / May 26, 2021
Lester is a fake engineer as well as a fake patriot. Which real engineer would make such a statement as ” Most Chinese products are of inferior quality”.
Living in UK, doesn’t he know what happened to the British motor industry, and why?
Native Vedda / May 26, 2021
old codger
“Lester is a fake engineer as well as a fake patriot. “
Some years ago I read this comment about engineers in reddit:
“I think learning to be an engineer forces you think logically. It’s the best way to solve problems. I don’t know that anybody could ever be called inherently logical since behavior is generally a result of conditioning…….. “
As you know Lester types his (whatever) thinking that he is logically presenting a case or a point of view however we know it is complete racist bunkum. Then the question arises if he really is an engineer.
Let the readers decide.
On the other hand he “believes” he was educated at a British uni.
Let the readers decide.
Lester / May 26, 2021
China has poor quality control. How do you think a virus can leak from a secure weapons facility. The air quality of Chinese cities used to be so poor, people wore masks to protect themselves. Now the government is pushing green energy to reduce C02 emissions. I have associates in Korea who wear face masks to protect themselves from dust particles emanating from Chinese factories. Most Chinese cars do not sell outside of China, as they cannot meet US or EU standards. So they invited foreign automakers to let Chinese co’s steal their tech via JV’s. Chinese dog food, plastics, etc. are known to have dangerous chemicals. Refer to the fertilizer in SL. List is endless.
paragon / May 24, 2021
In srilanaka GOTHAPAYA will be remembered as CORONAPAYA for a long time in future srilanak history.
Burt / May 24, 2021
Why, have people already forgotten him as “Seenesena”?
leelagemalli / May 24, 2021
The days ahead of us will be more or less like that of Tripolis man.. whose last days were found in drains… remember ? Term ” RAJAPAKSHE” will go beyond the term ” HITLER” for sure.
Gotabaya is just an idiot, whether he worked as a pimp or any other wrong doers is now becoming clear, with his ground handling issues. However, the war was at its heights, the bugger left away from his ” Patriot-theories”… and reincanated once his brother offered him ” so called defence secretary”, NOW the stupid majority has become clear, if not for FM Fonseka the bugger et al would ever earn such credits to have driven a war victory ?
Mahila / May 24, 2021
May he attain Nibbana for this unequivocal feat and bless all those who supported and helped him in the process, including the Tri Forces and the triple gem.
God (save) Bless the new King of Sri Lanka in all his endeavours and his Chieftains – Members of parliament.
Bhudham Saranang Gachchami
Sangam Saranang Gachchami ______?
Burt / May 24, 2021
Here is the third line,
Bhudham Saranang Gachchami
Sangam Saranang Gachchami
Cheenata wandapan purawasinie.
Mahila / May 24, 2021
Thank you for the wonderful contribution and elucidation. No mean gesture to evolve the dilemma.
Well done indeed.
These dumb idiots will not understand nor will they ever learn from mistakes.
Their destiny is that. Fools incarnate, they were reminded ad nauseam. Probably it is destiny.
How many times have they got to go through this agony to learn?
Lester / May 24, 2021
Rajapakse was elected to ensure the security of the citizens. Economic development comes next. If the economy is sluggish because of a global pandemic, who does one blame? The author goes in circles, desperately trying to pin the blame on Rajapakse via fantastic conspiracy theories which lack an an ounce of credibility. Journalistic deficiencies aside, she has a promising career in science fiction.
old codger / May 24, 2021
Why do fake “patriots” prefer to live comfortably abroad if this country is so “secure” ? Are they paid in Euros?
GATAM / May 24, 2021
If Rajapaksas thought strategically the pandemic could have been turned into a godsend to solve the ethnic problem and the problem of radicalization. They failed.
leelagemalli / May 24, 2021
Lester the backlicker of Rajaapkshe pimps:
You say “Rajapakse was elected to ensure the security of the citizens.” ?
So have they fullfilled any single pledge upto now, though 15 months passed since bitch s sons are brought to criminalize the country ?
Thanks to his stupid actions, UKRAINE brought all various kinds of COVID variants hurting the innocient people in the island.
Today, Brazil opposition makes every efforts round up …. their president who reacted no second to OUR GONTHADIYA….. but not giving a little hope about their future… how they would ever come out of this COVID crisis.
And most of all, ballige puthas should stop selling the vaccines to their kith and kin.
Looking back, I think it is high time to WELCOME Polonnaruwe donkey again…. we dont have any other choice… he was able to manage the dollar value … … also maintaingn the prices of daily needs to lower prices.
Lester / May 25, 2021
Gotha has a plan for COVID-19. Army is doing a lot of work behind the scenes. You must be having a *special* relationship with Mangala Ponns, that’s why you are unaware of these things.
leelagemalli / May 25, 2021
Lester, are u naked? Mangala was one of the good and talented politicians we have in sl. Ur stupid men have no recognition beyond sl oil prices went down, if mangala s oil formula remained effective, people would have gotten that concession as we enjoy in Europe. Today almost everything is upside down due to lack of expertise, they only know to loot, come with facts man, or leave it. Ur young ones could show u the way better. I have seen slaves but not to the degree u the kind of ones. 😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉
old codger / May 25, 2021
Lester is paid by the number of words. Now he’s got nothing to say. So , go easy on the poor bugger.
Maybe he should have gone to LTTE training school. They did a better job on us, according to Lester.
leelagemalli / May 25, 2021
If anyone would go after MAHINDA CHINTHANAYA, they cant be better. THat is my experience.
Look at that FAKE Prof. Balusumana, who promoted – DHAMMIKA paniya… today the bugger is naked so as Lester. He promised to bring loads of ASTRAZENECCA, but today the bugger is made speechless… by putting Fernandupulle to express almost everything for him. I reminded this to a grown up child being accompanied by a mother to see the doctor.
What happened to those men boasted about ” making a real change”: are they all lying under the SOAKING bed of Mahinda today ?
old codger / May 25, 2021
“Gotha has a plan for COVID-19. Army is doing a lot of work behind the scenes. “
If you know so much about this “plan”,why don’t you tell us?
Does this great plan include blaring the “Ratana Sutta” from all loudspeakers in the country, or throwing Pavithra into the river with her pot, or has Glyphosate Ratana got a plan to ban the importation of Covid?
You guys are pathetic.
leelagemalli / May 26, 2021
Lester is said to be a graduate in engineering, do can see the level of education? We are compelled to think if anyone obtained a degree should be able to see the basics right . But these men prove otherway around, is that because they eat thanakola 3 times a day?😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉
Lester / May 28, 2021
“Lester is said to be a graduate in engineering, do can see the level of education?”
Rajapakse won the war, then the election. Your UNP lost completely because Sajith refused to call out Moda Ranil. You are in a bad position now, you have some petrol station Internet kallathonies supporting you, must be a sad life. Big changes are coming, not only Sri Lanka, but entire world. Read what I have written on this website. Don’t get left behind, you don’t want to be part of a “Nanthikadal Moment.”
Native Vedda / May 25, 2021
“Gotha has a plan for COVID-19.”
Then it must be secret plan or highly confidential.
“Army is doing a lot of work behind the scenes.”
Why behind the scene, must be executing Gota’s secret plan?
The state should let them retire from service and then join the health department.
If those lazy dump assess are doing civilian jobs let them wear civilian dresses or appropriate dress for the work they do, not in imported intimidating uniforms.
“You must be having a *special* relationship with Mangala Ponns, …..”
That is a private matter between leelagemalli and Mangala even if it is true. It is none of your business even if you had same sex experience in boarding school, local Vihare, or being beach boy, ….. or even if you were servicing sugar mummies.
You are proud of being an engineer you have learned nothing, while embodying the worst in Sinhala/Buddhists.
Seriously, were you being abused , by …………………………when you were a kid?
Native Vedda / May 24, 2021
“Rajapakse was elected to ensure the security of the citizens. “
This island’s security or otherwise is the responsibility of Hindia. Forget Rajapakses, who have been and are just figure heads, willing to take all the blame in return for their unearned glory and a lot of stolen wealth.
You talk about security,while the clan and its Gundas are struggling to protect the hapless innocent people from tiny tiny tiny …… Covid 19.
Isn’t it why Gota visits temples 3 or 4 times a week hoping Gods Siva, Vishnu, Brahma, Pattini, Vel Muruga, Saman, Kandē Yakā, kiri ammā………………….. will save his reputation being a tough Sinhala/Buddhist no nonsense (politico/military) fascist leader.
leelagemalli / May 25, 2021
Native ;
There are speculations, Gota is shortly before his SUICIDE.. to the very same manner Hitler did it… is that true, do you have any latest about the topic ?
And also that his renouncement of duality with AMERICA is a blatant lie.
Native Vedda / May 26, 2021
Poor Gota got himself into a fine mess.
It was the mistake of 6.9 million.
leelagemalli / May 28, 2021
Any leaders who became leaders if spent decades in exile got some education in the field of politics and management.
This has lot to do with his basic education. So how can we expect him to settle any small things.
Yet today, GOTA commands being caught in his JANAPTHI MANDIRAYA; but dont seem to come out of his CAVE to give press briefings… not being able to see in the eyes of the voters….. at least he should .. come with his USUAL hik hik…… giggles
Simon / May 24, 2021
The above articles conclude…” ….write some cheques for the winners”. This has already been done. Did you not listen to the revelations made by MP Anurakumara Dissanayake of NPP participating in the “Port City” debate? He stated the “Amounts”, the “Cheque Numbers”, the “Amounts”, the “Names” of those “Recipients” and the names of the “Banks” given by the China Port Construction Co. He mentioned the name of PM Mahinda Rajapakse and Mrs. Pushpa Rajapakse among several others. There wasn’t anyone to “Confront” him or “Deny” the allegations. Another round of “Pay Outs” would have been made to pass the “Port City” Legislation. The two “YES” votes from the Muslim party could be in the “List”.
Jaffna Man / May 24, 2021
TG is one of the best writers in CT.
As for security and development, look at today’s development in Samoa.. The former PM was defeated in elections by a woman. She had vowed to cancel the “outgoing” government’s port development project with Chinese funding.
The former PM, refusing to go, has locked the new PM ignoring a supreme court directive.
I see neither security nor development when a country’s future is hocked like this to flash mythical wealth through dangerous loans from China. Only foolish people would be impressed by such a mirage of development on loans while tyrants would use that to stay on in power
SJ / May 27, 2021
We have been living on mirages of loan-based development since 1978 since the open economic policy. (Even dreams of foreign investment failed to materialize.)
Wonder why until very recently nobody protested.
Jaffna Man / May 24, 2021
Correction. Locked out the new PM from entering the parliament
Ashok / May 24, 2021
Hats off to the author. He has pointed out the misgivings of the present government without any bias. The mismanagement of the pandemic and allowing the Chinese to dictate terms in our country is taking the country towards an unpredictable and scary future. The acts of the present government gives the impression that it deliberately trying to sideline the Tamils and the Muslims by accommodating Chinese Language as an official language which is unacceptable and utter nonsense. With India preoccupied with it’s pandemic situation the Chinese have ceased the opportunity to seek their dominance in the region in the pretext of helping to curb the pandemic. The present government as pawned the country to the pawnbroker called China and the redemption of this country is beyond the control of the people. We are falling in to a deep hole with our eyes opened.
Paul / May 24, 2021
Today I learned that we are borrowing money from Bangladesh. Where next? Ethiopia? South Sudan?
leelagemalli / May 25, 2021
Paul, hambantota horu are naked today, tomorrow Etiŕopians are ready give some loans to Rajapakshes. ☹☹☹☹☹☹☹thai is called Rajapakshe Abimanaya😉😉😉🤩🤩
Humble / May 25, 2021
The pandemic has already caused four times more deaths than the Easter Bombing
Nonsense! Not a single person has died from covid because it is a total hoax!
How can you die from something that does not exist?
Classifying people who die of other causes as ‘covid deaths’ is not going to fool all of us.
And those in the medical profession who indulge in this trickery will have to answer to god
very soon.
SJ / May 28, 2021
Be cautious.
On its own the virus cannot even cause agony comparable with Chikungunya. It is less a killer than the now nearly forgotten Dengue.
But, like a bad seasonal flu, it seriously hurts the old and people with comorbidities, and kill quite a few. Even if not the main cause of the death of the order of 1% fatalities, it accelerates death.
So do not call for ignoring it.
But it passed through many countries infecting fewer than 10% of the population in Europe (except Czechia 15%). Infection is less elsewhere, and infection rate has mostly died down in many places even before a tenth of the population had the first dose of the vaccine.
So, there is something to the credit of our natural immune system.
(contd below)
SJ / May 28, 2021
A balanced policy targetting the most vulnerable people for vaccination would avoid unnecessary deaths.
I do not deny that vested interests, especially Big Pharma making huge profits, are at play.
So we need a strategy that is effective in the short run and offers long lasting benefits by capitalizing on our inherent resistance to disease.
China is to vaccinate only 60% and let herd immunity take over beyond that. It will be good if even fewer are vaccinated.
Several other countries have fared very well to avoid infection and death. Some learned through mistakes. (Europe and US rather late, and have lessons to learn about a good public health system based on community health and preventive medicine.)
The public should be well informed, and unscientific conspiracy theories are as much deplorable as scare stories indulged in by vested interests.
leelagemalli / May 25, 2021
Paul, hambantota horu are naked today, tomorrow Etiŕopians are ready give some loans to Rajapakshes. ☹☹☹☹☹☹☹thai is called Rajapakshe Abimanaya😉😉😉🤩🤩
leelagemalli / May 25, 2021
If loans are given even from MALAWI or the like could become close partners to Rajapakshes. No priciples no shames nothing… they are born idiots and criminals.
Now with the purchase of VECHICLEs pleasing back benching POHOTTUWA criminals….. Mahinda Rajapakshes does not seem to show his honest thoughts about the purchase, while the country is caught by not having ENOUGH funds to purchase loads of vaccines for the nation.
With this being the REALITY ABOUT weeraketiya cattle thieves, not much resistance seems to be rise up from PINGUTHTHARAYA community yet today. Mahanayaka Chapter monks moves not even an inch from their LETHAGIC states. BBS crime head is caught by DEAD SILENCE, being shocked by his threats. All and all, those wear PIRITH NOOLE also around their penises, make not even slightest sounds against growing injustices… this is RAJAPKASHE politics.