11 September, 2024


Sirisena’s Uncouth, Treacherous Conduct Severely Criticized By Jayadeva Uyangoda Stresses Need For “Moral Intervention” To Rescue Sri Lanka From Political Crisis

Prominent political scientist Prof. Jayadeva Uyangoda today urged all religious leaders, community leaders, civil activists, and senior citizens to come forward and intervene in resolving the current political crisis which has made a debilitating impact on every aspect of the country.

Delivering the keynote speech at the Maduluwawe Sobitha Thera commemorative event at the New Town Hall, Colombo, this evening, Uyangoda said only such an initiative could bail the country out of the mire it is in.

“What we need, at the moment, is a ‘moral intervention’ by all these groups. The political organizations alone cannot find a solution to the current crisis,” the political scientist explained. “Ven. Maduluwawe Sobitha Thera appeared for a civil society movement that was able to make moral interventions. It is the very approach that we need today – at a time when the entire country is grappling with an unprecedented political crisis.”

“In the absence of such an approach, the prevailing political crisis might slide into a bloodshed,” he added.

“From what I see, there will be a fierce confrontation between the Legislature and the Executive in the coming days. In the absence of an amicable solution, the current crisis may end in some sort of violence.”

Uyangoda added that the face-off between the Executive and the legislature could result in far-reaching ramifications and it was the responsibility of everyone to rise up to the moment and help contain the crisis.

Meanwhile, addressing the same event, Prof. Sarath Wijesuriya said Sobitha Thera, a crusader for freedom and democracy, would have been dejected if he was alive today see the conduct of the common candidate he vigorously campaigned for.

“But Sobhitha Thera saw the first signs of President Sirisena’s uncivilized conduct. On the day Shiral Lakthilake was appointed Advisor to the President, Sobitha Thera telephoned me and described it as an “ungrateful” act. We have experienced this ungratefulness many times since January 2015,” Wijesuriya said.

“What he did, on October 26, did not occur on the spur of the moment. It was a carefully planned and well-executed act. The President slowly prepared the ground for this drastic, undemocratic act that went against the aspirations of everyone who voted for him in the hope of democracy and good governance.”

“It was President Sirisena who stood in the way of law enforcement authorities when they tried to take action on corrupt individuals, murderers, and criminals linked to the previous regime,” Wijesuriya said. “Susil Premajayanth was the first person to challenge the legality of the Police Financial Crimes Investigations Division (FCID). The President also intervened to stop a corruption investigation against Premajayanth. Today, Susil Premajayanth took paths before Sirisena as the Justice Minister of the country.”

In a scathing attack on President Sirisena, Professor Wijesuriya said, “Every time the SLFP rose up in arms against January 8 promises, Sirisena was behind it. He has acted in a treacherous, uncouth and uncivilised manner.”

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  • 2

    are you asking civil society to take up arms?

    • 8

      Moda men
      Shutup leech.

      • 3

        Time has come for Bondscam Ranil who protected Mahinda Jarapassa and corrupt family for the past 3.5 years while looting the Central Bank and people of Lanka, and selling strategic assets to his US-Japan-Singapore axis, who have put Lanka into an ADB-IMF Debt Trap and crashing the Lakan rupee, to GET OUT!

        Either Sajith Premadasa or Navin Dissaaiyake should take over the UNP and lead the GOP at this time, whether or not UNP wins the vote in Parliament. In any case the Parliament is a Cesspit of corruption due to Bondscam Ranil and his friend MR, and needs to be cleaned out. Time for a new generation to take over!

    • 14

      I don’t think he is asking to take up arms and ammunition. He wants people power to establish democracy, rule of law & justice. People do not want political coups or military coups. People do not want white vans or black vans. People wants peaceful solutions to the problem. The current situation about three individuals competing for Power. Former President Mahinda Rajapakse, Current President Sirisena and Current Prime Minister Ranil Wickeramasinghe. To resolve this in the interest of the country, all three should go out voluantarily out of politics. The administration of the country should be brought under Supreme Court temporarly until a new political system evolved within a year.

    • 6

      nalmen ,

      Do we have such a society in Srilanka ? A strong protest is also a
      kind of war without arms ! But the answer to your question is ,
      it is a war that the country’s president and his new bed mate have
      declared against the civil society ! They decided not to face
      parliament until they are ready to outpower the ousted government .
      Can they do it if the police and army are not at their command ?
      Did 6.2 million vote SIRA to take up arms against them ? Mr/Mrs
      nalmen , it is SIRA and his new Gang leaders who have challenged
      the majority civil society with their arms ! Attack pattern was
      displayed immediately after unlawful dis missal of the P M by the
      command to remove most of his security thus making him
      vulnerable to any attack by them ! Is that not a readiness to attack ?
      In terms of guts , Ranil is the most nauseating leader in my view !
      He is now holed up inside Temple Trees because this is his do or die
      battle ! He is trying to get the speaker bail him out while his enemy
      is appointing new ministers on a daily basis to replace his men . He
      still tries to win back SIRA by signalling that he won’t seek revenge
      if he wins the majority ! I don’t think there will be a peaceful end to
      this disaster because Sira entered a no- U turn journey ! If U N P took
      a lionhearted step , that was to be yesterday as SIRA had signalled to
      summon parliament on the 7th and 7th is gone ! I feel waiting for 14th
      is accepting the power of the president , this is one step of surrender
      in psychology if not anything else ! U N P signalled mass protests and
      Ranil even warned there could be bloodbath , not when , maybe
      another Volkswagen factory ! And another possibility is , all three
      set up this drama to mislead the general public to escape from some
      danger ,

    • 2

      Card board hero of the Sri Lanka, other man is Wickramabahu Karunaratna. There blood full of Tamil blood. Good for Tamil Nadu and North of Sri Lanka. . These 2 guys KULIYATA talking for money of Arjuna Mahendran and NGO’s money

      • 3

        Change your name to ‘dumb ass’.
        Don’t sully the name of Emperor Asoka who ushered Buddhism into this island to make it civilised.

        • 2


          “Don’t sully the name of Emperor Asoka who ushered Buddhism into this island to make it civilised.”

          Actually the Sinhala/Buddhists civilised Buddha and Asoka.

    • 7

      Prof. Jayadeva Uyangoda,

      Article 38 (2) of the Constitution, and the conduct of Sirisena as a Traitor to the Constitution, and Sevalaya. Mala-Peterthaya, Patholaya and Pachaya, reqires Sirisena to be removed by the Parliament, that represents 100% o the people.

      The United National Party (UNP) will explore the possibility of removing President Maithripala Sirinsena in conformity with Article 38 (2) of the Constitution, the party’s media spokesman Harin Fernando said today.


      Article 38(2) says, “ Any Member of Parliament may, by a writing addressed to the Speaker, give notice of a resolution alleging that the President is permanently incapable of discharging the functions of his office by reason of mental or physical infirmity or that the President has been guilty of intentional violation of the Constitution, treason, bribery, misconduct or corruption involving the abuse of the powers of his office, or any offence under any law, involving moral turpitude and setting out full particulars of the allegation or allegations made and seeking an inquiry and report thereon by the Supreme Court.

      Mr. Fernando said that, “We feel that President Sirisena neither is nor fit to hold his post considering the way he believes and acts and therefore we are focusing on removing him under the article 38(2) of the constitution

      • 1

        Ooo Mahattaya said that. Fernando said that. Amarasiri said that. Everybody said that. Fine. But who is going to bell the cat?

        Not ME in ME.

    • 0

      I don’t think he is asking me because I am not LBGT. Perhaps he wants only the LBGT to rise up, without realizing that this gives rise to a second problem for the LGBT – namely, that it does not rise.
      This is the problem with Academics. (I don’t mean the rising, here). I had the same problem (I don’t mean the rising, here too) with my Guru, Kumar David. No practical experience. If you want to know the problems of LBGT then one should have intercourse, sorry interaction, with them. Without that what Ooo Mahattaya says is just hot air.
      Here is a warning for my fellow commentators. Don’t commit acts of violence just because Ooo Mahattaya or anyone else says. They will wind you up like some robots and leave the scene. When action starts, you will be caught with pants down, literally. Perhaps that is not something unusual for LGBT. But it is to heteros like me.
      This is what happened to those who were instigated by another Dosthara – Bahu in this case – in 1965 in Peradeniya. The Police riot squad baton charged and one of the students received such a horrible head injury that he remains paralyzed for life.
      Was Bahu sorry? If he was, he did not show it. But he said that such sacrifices are necessary for the progress of Socialism. I wonder whether he even goes to see that victim – an old man now. May be he has forgotten that poor victim just the way he has forgotten Socialism.

  • 8

    “What we need, at the moment, is a ‘moral intervention”

    Prof Uyangoda you must be dreaming. Religious leaders, community leaders, civil activists, etc are biding their time with their own agendas.

  • 10

    Stark truth. Well said.

  • 0

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  • 11

    This “Awalama ” is getting legal advise from Sarath Nanda Silva who apologized from the Nation having freed “Tsunami Hora”

  • 10

    Welcome to the Sinhala Intelligentsia – One was wondering where this group exists in
    Sri Lanka. Now we have a real fight – the Educational Sector of the whole Island can
    decide the fate of THIS PATHALOYA OF A PRESIDENT, for ever, in the name of
    Democracy, Justice & Peace!

  • 14

    I just watched the video released by Arjuna Ranatunge and what I saw was horrifying and a glimpse of what is to come. The brutal cowardly thuggery unleashed on him must be condemned by all. I wonder what all these pro mahinda-for-pm CT commentators will now say. The writing is on the wall. A shadowy, deep-state-like caretaker govt running our country while parliament stays dissolved. The UNP and civil society howling in protest. There is a clause in the constitution that a president can be impeached if mental illness can be proved. The UNP must actively pursue this clause. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM–5) is the most widely accepted nomenclature used by clinicians and researchers for the classification of mental disorders. It will definitely have a cluster of disorders to fit this man’s personality.

    • 8

      If the President is removed or dies or resigns during his term, the person who holds the post of Prime minister automatically takes over as the President to fill that vacancy till the expiry of that term. Under the present situation, MR would then become President. UNP will not want that. So the removal of Sirisena won’t be part of their Agenda. But MR and his stooges may have already set the ball rolling for the removal of Sirisena. It is interesting to find out who started that story about the President’s assassination and why it was timed to coincide with the hijacking of the government.

      • 2

        Kalu Nangi
        If the person who holds the post of Prime Minister automatically takes over as President to fill that vacancy till the expiration of that term, then what you have said about the assasination story and the action of MR’s stooges can be a vital clue for why the government was hijacked.

  • 0

    “Oaths” instead of “paths” paragraph before the last

  • 13

    There is no need for civil societies to take up arms. There presence in peaceful protests with the slogans indicating which path the country should take. We do not want a speech by the President on the day the Parliament is opened. Lat us have the motion of no confidence on Mahinda and see whether it get passed or not. President can then give his speech to the Parliament indicating that he is resigning his post if the motion is carried through

  • 14

    Sirisena has betrayed the country, no doubt about that. Civil society should intervene but lets please leave out the religious leaders. Most of them are no better than the politicians, Ven, Maduluwawe Sobitha was different.

  • 7

    Prof. Jayadeva Uyangoda,

    RE: Sirisena’s Uncouth, Treacherous Conduct Severely Criticized By Jayadeva Uyangoda Stresses Need For “Moral Intervention” To Rescue Sri Lanka From Political Crisis

    Thanks for escalating the debate. . Sirisena has no morality, even though he claims to be a Gamarala. It is rather unfortunate, that such an immoral person was elected President, when he had other selfish motives.

    Sirisena has earned the tiles of Traitor, Sevalaya, Mala-Perethaya, Patgolaya and Pachaya Of course, these are the characteristics of an immoral person

    Need is for Constitutional Intervention To Rescue Sri Lanka From Political Crisis by all who have some morality and constitutionality left in them.

    • 4

      The whole problem with the constitution is, it is interpreted in different ways by different people to suit their different moods/needs. Hence it is imperative that when there is an aorta of doubt as to the possible interpretation of any particular clause after drafting, its meaning should be defined in simple language, which could be understood even by the ordinary voter. As it is now, different lawyers/judges and politicians may have their own interpretation. Finally when it is contested in the supreme court, judges may give their own meaning to satisfy their political masters. We have experienced this in the past. In short constitution is for the people and people are not for the constitution.

  • 8

    Until Sinhala people , Buddhist Monks come to senses and understand that Sinhala leaders misled, fooled by leading a chauvinistic propaganda just to get votes and capture power and not in the best interest of the nation. India and China corrupting Sri Lanka leaders and interference will only destroy the prosperity and harmony in Sri Lanka.

    Just look at Singapore that was a fishing village in 1965 and today it has become a Global Financial Powerhouse as their leaders especially Late Lee Kuan Yew and S Rajaratnam had policies for all races/people live in harmony, made Tamil, Chinese, Malay and English as official languages and applied Rule of Law equally without political interference in the delivery of Justice.

    Also look at the Tamils who fled or left Sri Lanka are progressing extremely well including in politics, academics, professionalism in many Western nations.

  • 5

    Prof JAyadeva Uyangoda, I salute thee

  • 4

    Well said Professor,

    The mass mobilization is the need of the hour!.

    The silence at this stage is unpardonable!

    What is required is action, not talk!

  • 3

    Maduluwawe Sobitha Thera was from National Movement for a Just Society (NMJS). Minority societies accepted his mediation under that. His actions at that time was not considered as stemming from Sinhala Buddhism.

  • 0

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  • 5

    Thank you again Uyan. I hope the country hear your alarm bells. The consequence of the present crisis, if not resolved within the confines of the constitution, however flawed it is, will be disastrous to the country as a whole.

    Today, at the University of Jaffna, we heard Ruki Fernando lead a discussion on the role of Civil Society in bringing about political solution to the ethnic conflict and to the present crisis. The gathering agreed that civil society included religious leaders, though Hinduism relegate the priests to the confines of the Temples, weddings and funerals, university students, community leaders and the public in general. For a peaceful resolution mob rule should be avoided at all cost.

    Peaceful civil protests

  • 0

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  • 1

    Did Ven Sobhitha advised RW and his mob that robbing the central bank is Yahapalanaya. Ven Sobhitha’s yahapalanaya has been hijacked by a gang of rogues, or butterflies, with an entirely different agenda, operated behind the curtains. JU is unfortunately barking up the wrong tree, instead of sniffing out the real rogues.

  • 3

    Oh, please give me a break
    According to Niccolo Machiavelli “Politics have no relation to morals.”
    I still insist the President to reconvene the Parliament IMMEDIATELY, if he wants, he can do so “unannounced.”

    • 1

      Champa ………………….

      “Niccolo Machiavelli “Politics have no relation to morals.””

      Other things Machiavelli did NOT say include these pseudo-quotes taken from various, mostly inaccurate and never verified, quotation sites online:

      “Politics have no relation to morals.”

      The Municipal Machiavelli
      Machiavelli’s The Prince Rewritten for Municipal Politicians

  • 0

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  • 4

    Coup is a result due to very weakness of Ranil and decesion makers of unp.( same happened in 2003 but he was a tubelight at that time too ) They should have expected this kind of an act by a person without a policy ( Sirisena ). Since 1994 Ranil was unable to win a single presidential election and had limited time as pm too. He never helps party members when ever he comes to power.This is why we didn’t see much protest islandwide. What sirisena did was wrong but if Ranil just stays like this without strong daily protests and become more active, sirisena fraction will likely to create more issues in country. Probably Ranil may even loose some mp’s supporting him very soon.

    • 1

      Yes Sirisena should be impeached
      RMB Senanayake

    • 0

      The point about Ranil’s and those in the UNP’s capacity to take correct decisions can be true, apart from the ability to win any win single Presidential election and his not helping any party members on those rare occasions he comes to power by fluke can be true cause for the lack of protest island wide.
      For that matter even I was also never a UNP supporter or for that matter Ranil’s.
      But when an illegal act to oust him by the President and appoint the defeated former President MR is made, that cannot be tolerated or condoned.

  • 4

    All these so called “Civil Society” “Big Wigs” including Rev. Sobitha conveniently ignored one fact in the choice of the “Common Candidate”. All of them knew well, that MY3 was the man who “Proposed” the name of MR to be the Presidential candidate of the UPLF. His (MY3) last action was even to sit with MR for a “Hopper Dinner” and enjoy a meal without giving the slightest indication of his “Hidden Agenda” of “BETRAYAL”. to be carried out by next morning. Din’t he play the role “Brutace”? OR “Judas”? In summary “WHO” planned that “Betrayal”? No one else other than these very “Civil Society” “Big Wigs” of “Professors” and “Reverends”. They brought in this “Uncouth” ; “Traitorous”; “Unprincipled” person to the scene and went all out to make him the President. Next, these “Professionals”; “Reverences” knew, with all the “Historical Political Background” that Ranil W was another “Untrustworthy” “Incompetent” “Arrogant” Politician to be “Camped with” to get rid of the worst type of “Tyrant” . I am glad, the very people who committed that “Big Mistake” are “Enjoying” the taste of the meal they cooked. Now at least, know your “Blunders” and learn never again to make the PEOPLE and the COUNTRY suffer in the hands of these “Vagabonds”. Now useless CRYING over – You FAILED and equally you FAILED the PEOPLE and the COUNTRY. In future please use “COMMON SENSE” rather than your “PROFESSORIAL” acumen.

    • 0

      douglas ,
      Second “thumps up ” is from me mate . Well said ! The whole truth !
      I would totally now focus on Ranil , leave other partners aside !
      This cross over culture is not limited to politics alone ! This is the
      culture that is prevalent in every walks of life ! In friendships , in
      relationships , marriage , sports , business and you simply name it !
      I give you only one example . Go to a garment factory of a friend ,
      as an owner of another factory , just get to know your friend’s
      manager , wait weeks or a month , you can buy that manager for a
      little more money when he approach you and sure he will approach
      you , that’s it ! 98 % of our people are unhappy people because of
      their greed for wealth . FOR THEM IT IS ONLY MONEY THAT MAKES
      SOCIETY ! Back to Ranil , what is happening today in the country
      can be described in so many different ways involving Ranil , U N P ,
      MARA , S L P P , SIRA S L F P , racists , Tamils , Muslims , India , China
      the west and tons of subjects but the obvious simple reason is
      TRUSTWORTHINESS of our political culture and the peoples behind it !
      Backstabbing started as soon as the British left and Bandaranayake
      choosing to leave U N P and started his party . The pole vault continues
      to date unabated ! The reasons are 100 % personal ! The worst of all is
      the latest , SIRA jumping about on the tree ! MARA buys anyone but he
      doesn’t place anyone on top of his head ! But Ranil went too far , once he
      tried to get S F on his head , that failed and again he went with another
      and waited watching enough going wrong until the blade came to his
      neck .!

  • 1

    In a statement on 05 November (also published in CT), Karu Jayasuriya, Speaker, Parliament of Sri Lanka said ~ “Finally, I wish to state that these events which should not have occurred in a democratic society is an unpleasant phenomenon that took place without the use of arms”.
    In the report here, Prof Jayadeva Uyangoda stresses the need for “Moral Intervention” to rescue Sri Lanka from ‘Political Crisis’. “…….the prevailing political crisis might slide into a bloodshed,” he added.
    By the way Prof Uyangoda did not use words like “Sirisena’s Uncouth, Treacherous Conduct Sirisena’s Uncouth, Treacherous Conduct Sirisena’s Uncouth, Treacherous Conduct……”. Media often use such words to highlight!
    Prof Sarath Wijeyasuria says that the ‘wrong doings’ have continued.
    Blood-letting must be avoided.
    PS: Is it time to call the happening a ‘coup d’état’ as CT once did.

  • 3

    If Sobhitha thero was alive he would have taken a broom stick and beaten Ranil Wickramasinghe. According to reliable sources, Sobhitha Thero was highly depressed after seeing what Ranil was doing. The ‘Regime Change Team’ based in a far far away place have used the terms ‘Good Governance’ and ‘Corruption’ to brainwash voters. But these guys did not want Ranil to be a champion of ‘Good Governance’ or Democracy’. They expected him to implement their neo-liberal agenda which contained highly detrimental things to the country. That is the reason why tension started to brew between Ranil and the President. On 26th it exploded. So blame Ranil, not the President for the collapse of ‘Yahapalana Government’.

  • 2

    We have seen the conduct of the Religious leaders in their participation in politics in recent past, their stoic silence when some of the Buddhist clergy were not only desecrating the noble teaching of Lord Buddha but were also taking the civil law into their hands creating mayhem in public. I am sure the great majority of the country’s Buddhist and other religious adherents still have a great respect and love for Late Most Venerable Sobitha Thero and many other Prelates. It is difficult to expect a fare judgement or a balanced view from any religious leader with their allegiance to politicians. In this scenario it is best to leave them alone but let them guide their flocks according to the precepts of their Religions. By all means they can and should guide the corrupt and dishonest political leaders and all politicians in general, as we now clearly see they are the bane of our country. The present impasse is a clear example that it has been orchestrated by a section of the so called elected representatives of parliament. The Religious leaders should have the courage to admonish the politician in the best interests of the people of all races and Religions in our country. Truth and Justice should be our Motto.

    • 0

      Henry F
      All what you say is acceptable to people who will not tolerate or bow down to corruption and dishonesty in politics.
      When crooked politics and opiate religion gets mixed, it becomes lethal, the casualty is Truth and Justice which takes flight out of the widow.
      Demagogues and charlatans take control of the media to stifle democracy and dissent. This exactly what is taking place now in SL.

  • 0

    Will the Mahasanga please Professor Uyangoda, after what Dr Raniil did to Venerable Dhammaloka for taking care of a an orphan baby Elephant.
    While Dr Ranil’s chum buddy from Royal , scooted off to Singapore, after cleaning up the BOC and the EPF, and not even giving his buddy the Mobile Number?..

    And jailing Mr Weeratunga for donating prayer clothes to poor Upasaka Ammes in the Village,
    But gave his Diaspora mate 100 Acres of Crown Land to build Hoax Wagons..
    And another mate, 50 Acres to build Pirelli Tyres in Horana.

    How much did Dr Ranil’s mates collect from Airbus Deal, Selling Mahamapura, Mattala ?
    And rejigging the Central Highway and boasting , it was for the poor Sinhalayas in the South to go to offer alms at Malwatta in just One hour.
    Have the poor Sinhalayas got their Nanos as that Yahapalan Chick on the Scooter promised at the last Election?.-

    What a joke.
    Why would any Mahasanga come out to rescue Dr Ranil from the TT, when Venerable Damila Amila is there with the NGO nikaya are camping outside Temple Trees and offering Dr Ranil all the support he needs including the Blessings to go back to Kotte on the 14Th..

    That Samanala Crowd who demonstrated in Kollupitiya yesterday to show solidarity, was impressive with their colorful attire.
    Wonder whether they will lead the Procession on the 14 Th when Dr Ranil sets out for Kotte in the morning…

    • 2

      KASmaalam K A Sumanasekera

      The double doctorate and a racist Wijeyadasa Rajapakshe who is void of any principles or piety had photo opportunity by appearing with most unholy Ambitiya Sumana and elevated the saffron clad thug Galagoda Aththe Gnanasara to the level of highest Buddhist institutions of this island has now of the opinion that “the Mahasangha always came forward when the country faced any danger.”

      If that is true where is it now?
      The democracy is in danger.
      Saving democracy in this island means saving the country from danger, the crooks, war criminals, …………….. white vans, ….. destructions, ….
      Where are the Mahasanghas?
      One pro SLFP Sangha Warakagoda Gnanaratana Mahanayake lent his public support to the crooks.

      Do you think the Public Racist Wije was right when he squeaked the Mahasangha always came forward when the country faced any danger?

  • 0

    why not abolish the parliament and let Sira rule the country to bring prosperity?

  • 1

    Heard Manusha Nanayakkara is in Singapore counting the dollar notes received from Mahendran………..The morality of yahapalanaya epitomized by Ranil Mahendran duo. It is Mahendran’s moral intervention appears to be happening now………..

  • 0

    The great white master DONALD TRUMP IS FAR MORE UNCOUTH. He denigrates eomen, attacks journalists, abuses peoole, calls people losers, insulted his own ATTORNEY GENERAL, LIES DAILY AND HAS BEEN DOCUMENTED AS A LIAR, TALKS ABOUT “those sons of bitches”, barely puts together 4 cohesive, grammatically correct sentences and you attack Sirisena?

    Give himself a f***ing break.


    • 1


      I have been made to believe that most people in this thrice blessed island follow the awakened one (the Buddha in case you didn’t know) and practise Buddhism.

      I never knew we are supposed to follow what your white master does, says, how he denigrates, attacks, abuses, calls names, insults, ……………….

      “Give himself a f***ing break.”


      “Trump is the BIGGEST LAUGHING STOCK”

      Should I know whether Trump is the BIGGEST LAUGHING STOCK or has a small willi?

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