Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe issued a special statement a short while ago stating that Police Curfew has been reimposed in the Kandy District with effect from 4.00 pm this afternoon and that a State of Emergency has been declared covering the entire island for a period of 10 days.
Wickremesinghe dismissed as false reports that attacks had been carried out against members of the clergy whose denomination he did not reveal. He acknowledged however acts of arson had been carried out in and around Katugastota and that a hand grenade in the possession of someone among an unruly crowd in Ambatenne had exploded.
Whereas in a Parliamentary address the Prime Minister referred to the identities of those who attacked and injured an individual who later succumbed to his injuries and thereby creating tension, in this instance his references are general and vague. The Prime Minister said that this incident is under investigation.
The Prime Minister stated that additional forces of the Army had been deployed in the Kandy District to respond to any unruly situation.
‘Social media platforms have been blocked temporarily,’ he said in order to combat the dissemination of misinformation that could mislead the people and feed anger and hatred.
He finally appealed the people of all communities to support efforts to bring back normalcy.
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Anti-Muslim Assaults In Teldeniya: Kandy Under Curfew, Police On Alert As BBS Shows Up
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All Steps Necessary To Stop Violence And Compensate Victims Taken – PM
President Sirisena Appeals For Calm, Vows To Crack Down On Miscreants And Mischief-Makers
Anti-Muslim Assaults: Sinhalese Mobs Ignite Kandy For Second Night
Operationalizing The ‘State Of Emergency’ Giving Government Headache
Exclusive: Mahason Balakaya Leader Caught On Video Plotting Anti-Muslim Attacks With BBS Gnanasara
Raja / March 7, 2018
It is Ranils politics that is cause of all these trouble. Without playing political game if he has put the Rajapakse behind bars Nothing of this would have happened
Champa / March 7, 2018
There, Ranil managed to pass the ICPPED TODAY with only 16 votes against WITHOUT ANY AMENDMENT. FY all in the Parliament.
Remember, ICPPED??? – The International Convention for the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearances Bill – IT IS PASSED NOW. This is the sure path to take our war heroes to war crimes tribunal. Yakune, do you understand, this is on top of the OMP. The “Ranaviru Dadayama” IS COMPLETE NOW.
President went to Kandy. Either UNP+their other extremist sidekicks were planned Sinhala-Muslim riots to allow Ranil to quietly pass ICCPPED in Parliament OR if not, Ranil took the advantage of the volatile situation in the country to get this passed. Obviously, the former has more weight.
Last year, Ranil got President’s signature to OMP the same way just before a visit of a high profile UN official (not Emmerson, some other fellow came). This time again it is the same. A high profile UN Official Jeffrey Feltman, UN-Under Secretary General for Political Affairs is visiting Sri Lanka out of the blue. The aim is to intimidate the President and get President’s signature to ICPPED.
Thopi all were worried about Muslims/Tamils while the government is removing its last obstacle to hunt our war heroes. Sinhalese war heroes have noone for themselves while all Sinhalese politicians are worried about Muslims/Tamils. Government side had ONLY 53 votes. Why didn’t JO vote against the Act with their full strength when they have 52 MPP? What is the use of talking about them now?
Yakune, don’t worry about Muslims/Tamils. Calm down and face the real enemy- “The Butcher of the Sinhalese Nation” – Ranil Wickremasinghe !!!!!! There is no way to remove Ranil until 2020. Therefore, PUT PRESSURE ON THE PRESIDENT “NOT TO SIGN ICPPED.”
Champa / March 7, 2018
Mr. President, I am most sincerely appealing to you on behalf of our war heroes, PLEASE DON’T SIGN THE ICPPED ACT, which is the path to guillotine.
Prime Minister betrayed war heroes and the country with Geneva Report, OMP and now ICPPED. The Parliament also betrayed war heroes and Sinhalese. Mr. President, you are the only one left. Don’t betray our war heroes; served and serving and all those who have sacrificed their lives, limbs, legs to protect our country. Ranil will try to intimidate you with Jeffery Feltman’s visit, but please don’t give in.
This is the reason I am totally against abolishing Executive Presidency which is the only saviour for Sinhalese. The government will never be able to declare state of emergency if not for the Executive Presidency. This is the only straw for the country to hang onto avoid a devastating collapse right now.
Mr. President, you promised to the nation that you will never ever allow any war heroes to be taken to war crimes tribunal. Your signature to ICPPED is your consent to war crimes tribunal and death sentence to our war heroes. Can you sign the death sentence to your own Army? Nowhere in the world a Head of State has betrayed his Army. Please don’t do that.
Mr. President, Stand by your country! Stand by your Army! Stand by your nation! Don’t sign the treacherous ICPPED Act and let your hands stain with blood of our war heroes.
Rajash / March 8, 2018
Champa – war heroes? what war heroes?…The war heroes are crying; the country they liberated form the so called terrorist is now set on arson., by non other than the very people for whom the war heroes sacrificed their life. What a waste.!
Jim softy / March 7, 2018
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Champa / March 7, 2018
The first line of my first comment is not there. I said in Sinhalese “Guys, Sinhalese, while you all are engaging in political in-fighting , there Ranil managed to pass the ……
Champa / March 8, 2018
I urge ALL SINHALESE, calm down. It is not Muslims. It is the government who have created the mayhem.
I get the real picture NOW. The reason behind “deliberate Muslim-Sinhala riots” is the ICPPED.
I knew there should be another reason for the riots which were blown out of proportion out of the blue. But I thought it was to justify Sarath Fonseka’s suitability for Law and Order portfolio as it was the most immediate issue.
If I ever knew that ICPPED was on today’s Order Paper or that there is a Vote in the Parliament for ICPPED Act, I would have definitely guessed ICPPED was the real motive for government sponsored Muslim-Sinhala riots.
Calm down Sinhalese —– Muslim-Sinhala RIOTS ARE GOVERNMENT SPONSORED to get the ICPPED PASSED IN THE PARLIAMENT while the country is in a state of tumult and fear.
But some other stupid politicians who wanted to show the world that government is unstable and some sidekicks were also contributed to clashes, I believe, not knowing the real motive of the government.
Dr. Gnana Sankaralingam / March 8, 2018
Basic problem with the present government is the greed of MS and RW. At the next election, MS wants to be re-elected for a second term while RW wants to be elected president. Looking at the present political situation, Tamils are not going to vote for either of them as they have let down them by not fulfilling their promises. So both have to depend on Sinhala votes if they are to beat MR’s candidate, and therefore they are unlikely to take any stern action which will antagonise Sinhalese. This is the sad truth which Tamils learnt over the years that no government in power will do things that will go against the will of Sinhalese.
Don Stanley / March 7, 2018
The timing of this anti-Muslim riots to distract the people and media, after the Local Govt. Election defeat of the Bond scam Ranil Wickramasinghe who should have resigned or been impeached for looting the Central Bank is suspect.. as Bondscam Ranil who is Fake Minister of Law and Order should be behind bars.
UNP was in power during riots of 1983 and today in worst anti-Muslim riots. This is not an accident. Mahinda Jarapassa and his brothers play racism openly, Ranil Divide, distract and rule the masses policies covertly while pretending to be a liberal.
The worst anti-Tamil minority ethic riots in July 1983 happened during a UNP government pushing the neo-liberal economic agenda with poverty and income inequality growing in pockets in Sri Lanka. Today too, this is happening and the Sinhalas are attacking Muslims who are the new scapegoats — for Ranil’s corruption and selling of the country to his foreign handlers.
Sinhalas perceive themselves as victims, and need a Scapegoat for their economic woes caused by Neo Conservative, neoliberal agenda of Ranil and the UNP Royal College club and their foreign backers of the Global 1 percent.
Today Muslims are the global scapegoat of the neoconservative and neoliberal push to loot resources for the 1 percent.
The big picture is that Divide and Rule by DISTRACTING the masses with Hate Speech and attacks on minorities particularly before and after elections by CORRUPT POLITICIANS is an established pattern in Lanka and works on Play Book of foreign intelligence agencies. Fake economic and political advisors who represent foreign interests set policy in Ranil’s office today and corrupt and criminal Ranil is protected by foreign interests which also protect MR and his foreign citizen brothers!. What a deal!
Eagle Eye / March 8, 2018
Don Stanley,
Ranil believes only what ‘Suddas’ say. He does not care for the views of local experts. ‘Suddas’ want to ruin the economy and destabilize the country so that they can manipulate and get what they want.
Dinuk / March 7, 2018
Ranil has promoted a Culture of Impunity and Immunity for politicians and saffron thugs like BBS Gniyanasara, who commit Hate Crimes and Financial Crimes in the past 3 years.
Bondscam RW is the biggest criminal and is following MR’s policies. In fact, Ranil protects the racist Mahinda Jarapassa.
Both MR and RW should be locked up in the same prison cell. It is their greed for power that has rotted Sri Lankas social fabric and the law and order and justice system. They are partners in financial crime and hate crime, Jakly and Hide, 2 sides of the same coin.
Burt / March 8, 2018
He is as helpless as you are.
With so many top ranking police and medical examiners in custody or under investigation, and the court legally preventing the police arresting the key players doesn’t it say the whole corrupt system is bought and paid for.
The current MOST CORRUPTED A/H is the President. He will not allow justice to be served. This is one reason he is dead against foreign involvement.
Good Sense / March 8, 2018
Putting crooks of the past regime behind bars is an important promise not kept with, resulting in a lot of confusion giving rise of the idea as to whether in fact they were crooks after all. It is also important identify a nation’s enemies if it requires to survive. Ethnic and Religious amity is a must for a nation to progress. However, interested parties can adopt direct and indirect methods to inflame Ethnic and Religious tensions to destabilize a country. The real culprit may not be the party after all the set of fellows that you and I wish to be. Take the case of the toilet coup in 1966. A set of very junior officers (Non-Commissioned) spoke about staging a coup inside toilets of army camps. This was revealed and the Army Commander at that time who was out of the country was handcuffed on his arrival to the country. It was thought that this was an SLFP coup as the Government of the day was headed by the UNP. The minions said that the instigator was one Dr. Tissa and the authorities of the day did not want to hear of it. All the top brass were acquitted in the case excepting the small fellows who had the toilet chat. Later on it was revealed that Dr. Tissa was none other than Rohana Wijeweera. In fact this country boasts the record of allowing Wijeweera to topple a Government thrice (1966, 1971 and 1988). In other countries chaps who try to overthrow Governments are executed in double quick time and there is no room for a second time. The lesson learned is that the real problem maker may not be the party that we wish to be.
Eagle Eye / March 8, 2018
“put the Rajapakse behind bars”
For what?
Getting rid of megalomaniac Prabhakaran who butchered innocent children, men and women?
Eliminating LTTE Tamil terrorist outfit operated with the blessings of India, UK, Norway?
Not listening to those two ‘Para Suddas’ who asked him to stop the war?
Bringing peace to Demala, Sinhala and Muslim communities?
Lankan / March 7, 2018
Shame on him..
With central bank scam he should have gone home ..
So that some political stability would have been established..
This precarious political instability has led to this chaos ..
MR and co ustilize this to their gains
They want to dislodge this government at any cost .
Words / March 7, 2018
Your uncle looked away in 1983 whilst our country burnt and you are following his footsteps now!
Get Lost!
Sri / March 7, 2018
His uncle looked away turning a blind eye from the president’s house when fort was ablaze. At least the government seems to be taking right decisions. The situation is too precarious to just arrest the prime instigators. If that did happen, I pity every non-sinhalese in this god-forsaken country.
Real Revolutionist / March 7, 2018
Uncle looked away & pointed the finger @ JVP & now the finger pointed @ JO?
ranjit demel / March 7, 2018
you are wrong.it was the unp that planned,organized and carried out the Pogrome,the atrocities against the Tamils in 1983.r.w. , nephew of the dharmistaya was a cabinet Minister then.ranil says the rioters are not from teldeniya,but Outsiders.i wonder wheather he has evidence,or just saying whatthis corrupt kirielle is saying.he accused s.f. of the murder of lassantha w. without any evidence.anyway as the law and order Minister he has to take the blame.just like he has to take the blame for the bond scam.roundabout 29 sinhale rioters are in custody.i wonder how many are from kandy,digane or teldeniya.probably all.
Amarasiri / March 7, 2018
Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe
This is the reason why Field Marshall Sarath Foseka is needed as the Law and Order Minister.
Why not tell that to the President, again and again until the cows come home.
Goviya / March 7, 2018
I was in Katugastota Town this morning around 11.30 when I saw a small mob of armed thugs as they started off from Gohagoda Junction where two cinemas are located. They were carrying stout sticks and headed towards the Madawala Road. I did not follow them but hung around the colour lights area near the Katugastota bridge and looked around. I was surprised to see there was not a single policeman in sight!
I returned home to Halloluwa on the next bus and later heard that some shops had been burnt down near the hospital. I am of the opinion that the Senior Officers at the Katugastota Police Station have been extremely negligent in the discharge of their duties by not deploying policemen in the heart of town when trouble was expected. While returning home I did see two traffic policemen near the entrance to the Water Board premises. They were engaged in traffic duty and apparently oblivious to the other things happening just 200 meters away! An inquiry must be held to find out why policemen were not put on duty at this critical time by the Katugastota Police.
Real Revolutionist / March 7, 2018
There you’re, so the police seems to have been advised to do the duty of not doing the duty.
Jim softy / March 7, 2018
It is the ORUMITHTHA GOVT that wanted another way of news feed. This is that Rs 15t4 million advertising campiagn working. First it was the corruption by Rajapakse govt, Then it was Rajapkses loans, now, the muslims killing the sinhala man is forgotten and the sinhala people taking revenge is big news, SO WHO SENT THE GOONS, IS ONE KAPILA CONNECTED TO THIS. SO THE BOND SCAM IS HISTORY. THIS FRIDAY KASUN PALISENA AND ARJUN ALOESIUS WILL BE RELEASED. Ranil did the bond scam, Maithripala sirisena is hiding the PCOLI report (they know they never released a commission report). Ranil appointed AG and IGP and now he is heading the all economy, central banks and the law and order. Important inmdividual in LaW AND ORDER ARE ALSO HIGHLY PAID. Ranil has given orders to state banks to lose in the bond scam. Govt borrowed govt money and lost big time. The rumour is They have given money every one in the govt, many civilian VVIPs, money kept in worhipping places for safe keeping, paid the sirikotha debt, some were given to very important foreign institution because they had helped us in the past. One more institution got momey, reason not known. Some of these are more than rumours. There are people who heard the background stories to these.
Jim softy / March 7, 2018
ORUMITHTHA GOVT IS trying to make Sinhala people bad and muslims are looked after, the sinhala man got killed is forgotten, their parents and loved ones are negligible and the govt pays comphensation. So, govt lost again because ORUMITHTHA GOVT wanted to win and become the president. where is the NGOS. Why they are silent.
Jim softy / March 7, 2018
ORumiththa GOVT mouth piece Rajiotha Senarathne says instigators of the violence is identified. Kiriella says the same, people vent from Mahanuwara, all the incidences around Mahanuwara. but RAnil says a different story.
srinath.gunaratne / March 7, 2018
We have a PM, his good name is Ranil!
He has an IGP who is good for pike!
We have a President who knows; what happens in his cabinet from News!
Way to run a country;
For the morons by the morons of the morons!
How many failures does he need ?
To go home and leave Sri Lankan Politics alone!
jehan / March 7, 2018
[edited out]
Native Sudda / March 8, 2018
@jehan. Please wake up from your deep slumber so that your dreams will stop. You are a rumor monger and under emergency laws now in operation, you can be taken into custody and charged,
@ CT – comments like these should not be published.
Native Sudda / March 8, 2018
@CT – Thank you for your prompt action in deleting ‘ jehan’s’ comments..
Jim softy / March 7, 2018
Many people accuse why politicians do not prosecute politicians instead use them as tools to win elections. The passed away Thera from Colombo knew that most of the prominent politicians robs from the public and they had gift packages of Salusala in their homes. one time, one politician gave two of those packages to two of his consorts and the rest brought to the thera. But the wife did not know anything except those wee left overs in the home. Every politician had tried to use him in politics by inviting him in to various appearances. Some how his advice was, they all steal from the public. Let them do that and they can not be stopped. One day they will learn. Remember Laksala disappeared. HAving consorts is common among politician. IT looks there is no one who tried the game. their wives may be playing the same game.
BJP / March 7, 2018
First of all I must say that SRI LANKA will NEVER be a Peaceful country as long as Chauvinist Political Parties and Political leaders driven by FAITH or ETHNICITY exist under different guises. It was the root cause for the 30 years of terrorist war in the country. The same reason triggered the incidents in various parts of the country including Digana. This fellow’s situational report is not worth the toilet paper. At best it is a feeble attempt to whitewash the sad and unsettled situation. No politician has courage to eliminate the root cause (Faith and Ethnicity based Political movements)that leads to civil unrest in the country.
K.Pillai / March 7, 2018
Was the rumour that an additive was being added which renders the eater infertile a canard?
Why is RW scared to say this?
Jim softy / March 7, 2018
A man with a muslims name but never attended the mosque or in islamic rituals had been killed. He was totally Sinhala. That incidence is neglected instead, Sinhala rampage created by politicians themselves is used in politics. I think muslims were scolding the govt. that may be one reason to turn around things.
Estate Labourer / March 7, 2018
There have been so many ethnic riots in this country ever since it became independent in 1948. The minorities, especially the Tamils, have been the target of violent mobs that have attacked and killed people and looted and burnt houses and businesses. Remarkably though, there has hardly been any notable confrontation at any time between these mobs and the guardians of the law whose duty it is to protect the public. How is this possible?
In sharp contrast to this, maximum force is unleashed on students, strikers, and others who participate in peaceful protests and demonstrations. This is a rather anomalous state of affairs that reflects badly on our police and security forces.
Jim softy / March 7, 2018
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K A Sumanasekera / March 8, 2018
It is a common belief that Dr Ranil came to power on the shoulders Aluthgama Muslim Bashers.,
It is a firm belief that BBS boss Gnanissara was trained in Norway with the kind sponsorship of Dr Ranil’s mate Mr Solheim.
Kandy is an Old Kingdom and also the new Kingdom of Dr Ranil, where the Mahanayaka of the Kings always backs Dr Ranil.
Dr Ranil has put the most senior UNP senior, Mr Kiriella in charge of the Kandy Kingdom.
And it is one of the important places next to Colombo which Dr Ranil could retain at the last Election.
Dr Rani’s Rotweilar was barking that he spotted the Attackers in Theldeniya .
This is all mind boggling for our Dalits in the South ,who are the one who have been shafted by Dr Ranil
Dr Ranil sold their Magampura Harbor to Chinese .
Dr Ranil is selling their Airport to the Indians who Dhal Bombed us even without an Air Base.
Those are the only two Valuable Infrastructure assets our Sinhala Buddhists in the South got since their old kind Kawantissa built them the Thissa Wewa,
I don’t think our Dalits in the South got the Dosh to report for” duty ” unless they were provided Transport and Heavy Refreshments like Mends Special.
Now we know that even Transport and Mendis Special are now owned and operated by Dr Ranil’s mates..
By the way wonder whether that the Dude whom Wimale identified in Parliament as Tall Gentleman in Sinhala Sinhala National Dress who came to Parliament on free a Ticket issued by a Governing Political Party is the same dude whom Dr Ranil’s guard dog has identified , when he addressed the Media after the Cabinet deliberations..
Wimalasiri Devananda Jayakody / March 8, 2018
Three things Sirisena must do:
1. Hand over Law & order to Sarath Fonseka
2. Carry out the Prefix recommendations to deprive Rajapakse of civic rights
3. If he cannot do the above, he should quit as President and let the PM take over so that one man is responsible for good or bad and one man can be identified.
Real Revolutionist / March 8, 2018
Wimalasiri Devendra Jayakody
The must 3 things for president
1. See the possibility of sacking SF from MP position as he’s been refused by the people
2 Forgetting that uncivilized provision of depriving civic rights of anybody but activating prosecuting previous regime culprits.
3. Take every possible steps to appoint new PM or dissolve the parliament for the people to decide who’s to be put to power.
Desapremiya / March 8, 2018
Ranil the joker allowed all MahindaR murders squat free. Had we hanged all these racist BASTARDS for crimes against humanity, we would not have this carnage in the country.
Eagle Eye / March 8, 2018
Is eliminating megalomaniac Prabhakaran aka Pol Pot of Sri Lanka a crime against humanity? If Rajapakse did not eliminate that guy, the country is still going through Tamil terrorism carnage.
Desapremiya / March 10, 2018
Comrade Eagle Eye,
Mahinda did not eliminate Prabhakaran or LTTE. It was our RANAVIRUWA’s who did the job. Mahinda displayed to our villagers as if his own son’s were being sacrificing to the tri-forces to liberate the country from terrorism. One brat in the Army, the other brat in the Navy, another law exam cheating brat who got to plunder the country. Don’t you remember comrade the brats engaging in night races, rugby, fist cuffs, thuggery and even murder? Did you know what drove “megalomaniacs” like Prabha to become a psychopath and turn against us with with such hate? May be your mustard seed sized brain cannot comprehend injustices and burning of a Tamil man in front of Prabha’s own eyes during an ethnic riot. Read the book the “Illusive mind of Prabhakaran”. What I meant by crimes against humanity is actions eliminating the LTTE or its leaders but innocent Tamils during the conduct of the war and there after that lead to HR abuses. What about the killing of innocent protesters, journalist. students and anyone who oppose the Mahinda regime elsewhere in the country. If you go back to the aftermath of the war, why did innocent Tamil women, children and elderly get incarcerated in concentration camps and left to rot without charges being brought against them or access to the due process ? Why did every government fail to investigate the extra judicial killings, state sonsored murders of NGO personal, disappearances? Why did government fail to relocate IDP’s from arfeas that were already cleared of land mines? What about the land grab of the innocent people of the North and East by others from the South and elsewhere who had not set foot to areas in the North or East? Are all these acts justified because we the Sinhalese get to commit atrocities and defend our criminal actions in the face of the International community seeking amnesty? It is true not only the Sinhalese and Tamils but everyone suffered during the civil war. Then again, what if these HR abuses and injustices happened to the Sinhalese during time of peace? Comrade, think before you write because Eagles that I know have better eye sight, talons, IQ and vision than you. This is why the JVP demanded if Mahinda, Goata Basil and the rest of the Mahinda regimes murders will not adhere to our call to retreat – “padurru akullagenna palayalla gammata”
Jim softy / March 8, 2018
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Buddhist / March 8, 2018
Do we need a gutless President who cannot appoint Sarath Fonseka as Minister of Law and Order?
Ad / March 8, 2018
Politicians are over protected by MSD/PSD and STF. Reduce their numbers to the basic numbers, then they will start behaving with respect.
Lester / March 8, 2018
I predicted a Sinhala-Muslim conflict a long time ago. It has nothing to do with “Buddhism.” This is a socio-economic issue. The Muslim population is growing at an exponential rate. Meanwhile, the economy is stagnant and the majority community feels frustrated. When you combine these two factors, some sort of conflict is almost inevitable. Also, keep in mind that Muslims are a conservative community. Assimilation does not come easily. Going forward, the Government needs to take drastic steps to improve the economy and do more to assimilate Muslims, while the Muslims themselves need to practice some kind of birth control. If these measures are not taken, there will be even more serious conflicts in the future.
Vanguard / March 8, 2018
We need to start by changing our language about the situation, how about “Kandu Unrest” instead of “anti – Muslim?”. The BBC has proudly once again says describes a particular religion which I will not mention here. Language is everything, and the shameful BBC has done it again. Why not “Sri Lanka Unrest” and “Sri Lanka take steps to curb unrest in the Hill Country”. They block social media but do nothing about anti-social language.
We also have to ask “who benefits” and this time the comments show some indication that something suspicious may be going on.
After this I will be referring to “A Sri Lankan ” assaulted. When a Sri Lankan is assaulted abroad we do not care about his ethnicity only here. We are all Sri Lanka, why doesn’t the President say this.
Jim softy / March 8, 2018
LAw and order can not be handed over to Sarath Fonseka. As soon as One rajapakse is arrested for some financial mis deed. all what Ranil did come out. So, that will simply do not happen. IT is Well kniwn Rajapakses had a good crew. Ranil’s consultant were IMF and WORLD bank which came via MCC. Even to date, IMF is predicting sri lankan financial matters based on political situation. Ranil’s economic council which he doe snot allow to disband is Ranil. charitha Rathwaththta AND paSKARALINGAM ALL BASED ON CONSULTATION BY imf AND WORLD BANK. rANIL’S VISION 2025 is by MCC – consultants. The problem or the unknown part is why Ranil is obstructing the corrections. The reason is Ranil think is employed by MCC.
Percy / March 8, 2018
The sleeping giant has been awakened and there is trouble ahead.Communalism began as fas back as 1915 with the Sinhalese Muslim Riots. In 1956 it was reignited with Sinhala Only Bill and Tamil satyagraha butit was nipped in the bud, thanks to effective control of the situation. In 1983 we had state sponsored terrorism under JR s UNP which resulted in serious loss of life and damage to property. The Tamils continued to support the UNP and to this day they do so. The majority community however has lost faith in the UNP, hence the paralysis of the govt. the govt is treading on ice and despite the fact that the Muslims supported YAHAPALANAYA at the 2015and 2018 elections the UNP does not want to be seen as siding with the Muslims as that will enrage the Sinhalese. No space for movement for Yahapalana and the resulting imbroglio is the very anti thesis of “good govt”! No hope for the UNP and now we have effing British High Commissioner giving his bloody two cents worth.He said that he is not impressed with what is happening. If this govt has any guts Sirisena should have him called and told that the govt is not impressed with his rants!Premadasa sent a British High Com packing for getting too political, but Sirisena is a different kettle of fish altogether. SriLankalacks govt, has become an international joke, and the future is utterly bleak. All those who brought this bunch of rogues into power should hang their heads in shame.
Lankan 7 / March 8, 2018
it is all ok, Senegalese mobs have freedom to destroy national wealth of this nation at any cost.. Let them destroy all Muslim town and let ME pay for all once again to rebuild them..OK. It is Sinhalese logics now. It is gone down
smoked before the fire / March 8, 2018
what a joke the latest news is a racist has been appointed as the new Law & order Minister so they can continue the attacks without hindrance .
Sarath Fonseka must resign ,its the worst insult he has had. This shows there are no Opposition all are together in this . CT has openly published and exposed BBS and that rascal openly discussing how to continue the attacks and to date they are not arrested ,
This is a joint action by JO and the government its clear unless Muslims are really dumb . I do not know about JVP .
all Muslim MPS must resign and join the JVP also Sarath Fonseka and hopefully the Tamil parties (The Upcountry wont& we understand their obligation to UNP for giving them citizenship in 77)
Ritigala Jayasena / March 8, 2018
Promised economical prosperity – failed
Political stability – failed
One word -Weak
Please step down!
Burt / March 8, 2018
“Kandy unrest: Chief Prelates seek protection for temples”
If A’Holes can fly: Dalada Maligawa will look like an airport.