New photographs have emerged which raise fresh questions about the conduct of Sri Lanka’s armed forces during the final stages of the operation against Tamil rebels and have led to claims the 12-year-old son of the militants’ leader may have been summarily executed.
A series of photographs taken a few hours apart and on the same camera, show Balachandran Prabhakaran, son of Villupillai Prabhakaran, head of the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE). One of them shows the boy sitting in a bunker, alive and unharmed, apparently in the custody of Sri Lankan troops. Another, a few hours later, shows the boy’s body lying on the ground, his chest pierced by bullets.
The images were taken in May 2009 at the very end of the Sri Lankan government’s operation to crush the LTTE, which had launched a bloody, decades-long insurgency against the state that led to the deaths of perhaps 70,000 people. The authorities always said Prabhakaran’s son was killed in cross-fire, as troops moved in to take the LTTE’s last stronghold, located on a scrap of coastline near Mullaitivu in the north-east of the country.
But the images, contained in a new documentary, No Fire Zone, which will be screened at the Geneva Human Rights Film Festival during the UN Human Rights Council meeting in March, suggest the boy was captured alive and killed at a later stage.
A forensic pathologist who examined the later images for the film-makers, said the boy was shot five times in the chest. Furthermore, propellant burns around the wound suggest he was shot at very close range.
“The new photographs are enormously important evidentially because they appear to rule out any suggestion that Balachandran was killed in cross-fire or during a battle. They show he was held, and even given a snack, before being taken and executed in cold blood,” claimed the film’s director, Callum Macrae.
“It is difficult to imagine the psychology of an army in which the calculated execution of a child can be allowed with apparent impunity. That these events were also photographed and kept as war trophies by the perpetrators is even more disturbing.” The 12-year-old’s father, Prabhakaran, was killed along with most of the senior leadership of the LTTE as Sri Lanka’s army advanced on the rebels’ position. There were reports at the time that several LTTE officials were shot and killed as they tried to surrender.
Prabhakaran’s body was displayed on state television, part of the front of his skull missing, also suggesting he may have been shot at close range. The Sri Lankan authorities have always denied shooting anyone who was trying to surrender. Last night, Brigadier PR Wanigasooriya, an army spokesman, said Sri Lanka had been a repeated victim of “lies, half truths, rumours, and numerous forms of speculations”.
“No substantive evidence have been presented for us to launch an investigation,” he added, referring to alleged human rights abuses.
Sri Lanka has always insisted it did what it could to ensure no civilians were killed during its operation against the LTTE. Yet a team appointed by UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon found that up to 40,000 civilians may have been killed. The team said there were credible allegations both sides committed war crimes.
The photographs will place additional pressure on David Cameron to announce whether or not he will attend the Commonwealth Heads of Government meeting (CHOGM), e in Sri Lanka in November. A Downing Street official with Mr Cameron on his visit to India said on Monday that no decision had yet been taken.
NGOs and organisations, among them the cross-party Commons Foreign Affairs Committee, have called on him to boycott the meeting.
Courtesy the Independent UK
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Ministry of Defence propaganda film “Lies Agreed Upon” misses the point
Dr.Rajasingham Narendran / February 19, 2013
None of us are the people—-
Lanka liar / February 20, 2013
US who are these US
Remote Villager / February 19, 2013
All kids died/killed in the war never ever want to be born in Sri Lanka which is governed by cruel adults either on Government or LTTE. This is the hard truth. Remote villagers just giving their opinion only…but reality is ‘some adults like to kill.’ This should stop!!!
aj / February 19, 2013
Shame to tel i’m living in Buddah land.
Shame lanka shame Rajapaksa. still telling fake, LTTE & Diaspora story? Please don’t tel your buddies.
Independence international investigation only will bring justice for Tamils
Manesh Rajakaruna / February 20, 2013
Why not leaving SL. We do not want idiots like you in SL.
Native Vedda / February 21, 2013
Manesh Rajakaruna
“Why not leaving SL. We do not want idiots like you in SL.”
My people too don’t want stupid people in our ancestral land. When are you leaving?
Anthony Papagallo / February 19, 2013
the English will be sending their glorious prime minister David Cameron to sell more Arms to the Sri Lankan government so they may endeavour to kill many more children.
We must all kill more children.
Mango / February 19, 2013
How true. The English must also extradite ‘Aunty’ Adele Balasingham, that much loved recruiter of child soldiers (“Freedom Birds”), currently living in London, to face trial in SL. Only then can we be sure that the Brits really care about children’s rights.
Native Vedda / February 19, 2013
Your proposed war crime investigation should commence its first sitting in New Delhi.
I hope your list of war criminals include Karuna, KP, Pillayan, Daya Master, MR, GR…………..and the Sinhala/Buddhists armed forces, its allies the paramilitary goons who are happen to be in Sri Lanka at the moment.
Mango / February 19, 2013
NV, New Delhi’s an excellent place to start. The Indians can start with their most famous and effective counter-insurgency specialist, Director General of Punjab Police, KPS Gill, who .. er…. with ‘questionable methods’ dealt with the Sikh insurgents, as the JVP was dealt with in SL.
Lanka liar / February 20, 2013
Good you speak Sri Lankan? “If somebody killed somebody somewhere some time ago why cant I kill somebody now” – Ma Hinder Chindanay
Mango / February 20, 2013
@ Lanka Liar: I’ll make really simple so that even you’ll understand it.
I’d be happy to see the Sri Lankan government charged with War Crimes, as long as the UN has the guts to apply the same standards to Western governments engaged in their various wars of choice – usually involving killing large numbers of Arabs.
I oppose only Sri Lankan leaders being prosecuted. If Mahinda, Fonseka, Gota et al are suspected (with solid evidence) of war crimes, they must be prosecuted. Where is UN’s campaign for Gens. Powell & Schwarzkopf, Pres Bush II, Blair and Gen. Jackson joining them in the dock? Justice must be equitable.
Our guys did no more or less than anyone in the US/NATO/British leadership have done in the last two decades. If our guys our guilty, then so are the above and all should be treated alike.
Lanka Liar / February 20, 2013
Mango get the evidence submit them and articulate your point. Let us all campaign for that. You don’t let a thieve go just because your neighbor did not catch a thieve. Simple enough.
Lanka Liar / February 20, 2013
Next time if you catch a thieve stealing something in your house is going to tell you “Hey there are so many big thieves in the government stealing millions of dollars why you are coming after me” this is even simpler. If you apply your argument no criminal in any part of the world can be charged in any court. Then all countries will become Lanka like. You want to live in such a world.
JULAAMPITYE AMARAYA / February 20, 2013
we are talking about sacred Apa Sreeeeeee Lankaaaa.
and the killing of it’s citizens by a so called Elected government.
Not bloody Indians or western governments.
Mango nona Walge Paaga gena.
Manesh Rajakaruna / February 20, 2013
Silly Billy Native Vadda
According to your conclusion, more than half of the world should be war criminals.
No wonder David Blacker once told told you bloody thick Uruwarige Buruputha. It suits you very well. Well said Mr. Blacker.
Native Vedda / February 20, 2013
Manesh Rajakaruna
David Blacker didn’t address me as Buruputha but called me buruwa. It is a matter between David and me. You have no business poking your nose in our platonic relationship. So back off.
It was not him calling me thick in the first place. In all fairness to David please don’t misrepresent him.
I have myself proudly said many times in the past I was thick and will continue to assure the readers that I will be thick in the future as you would not have known all my teachers were either Sinhalese or Tamils.
As to your comment:
“According to your conclusion, more than half of the world should be war criminals.”
Karuna, KP, Pillayan, Daya Master, MR, GR…………..and the Sinhala/Buddhists armed forces, its allies the paramilitary goons and New Delhi don’t make half of the world.
I can understand why you people have not produced world class mathematicians in the past as your Sinhala/Tamil people lack reasoning mind.
Hela / February 26, 2013
I was about to ask as to how many mathematicians Veddas have produced. Then realised they don’t need a brain at all to hunt or pluck bee honey.
barack / February 19, 2013
brits only care about selling their arms……no any thing except that………….and talk about human rights. should we cry or laughing about brits activities
Prashan / February 19, 2013
Look at the 3rd picture. Sri Lanka army does not wear slippers.Only Tigers did.
gamini / February 19, 2013
Prashan the truth is that some of the later recruits to the Forces, walk in interview crowd the majority are comfortable without any foot wear for that matter. So to be in slippers does not sound improper for some of the soldiers who were in the front, although the Army rules may not permit them.
Mahela / February 19, 2013
These are buffalo soldiers hired to do manual work for Govt.soldiers like digging bunkers, trenches, supply water and dig mass graves etc….
Sam / February 20, 2013
David Blocker seems to be veteran in lanken Army, he could add here about the those slippers wearing soldiers.
Real Peace / February 19, 2013
The person who is in slippers? He must have been the LTTE cadres being shown what they did to this young boy.
Mahela / February 19, 2013
Check the other channel 4 videos. You could see many of them along with Govt. soldiers. These are Manual Labour Buffalo soldiers.
Rohan / February 20, 2013
WOW! What a logic!! Did you have Michael Roberts as your professor???
Bedrock Barney / February 19, 2013
War may sometimes be a necessary evil. But no matter how necessary, it is always an evil, never a good. We will not learn how to live together in peace by killing each other’s children.
JIMMY CARTER, Nobel Lecture, Dec. 10, 2002
r.kovian / February 19, 2013
MR, GOTA, ALL criminals must be briught to justice. It will happen very soon.
Tamils live in peace only in their own tamil state. it will happen soon.
Native Vedda / February 20, 2013
How soon and is it in Tamilnadu?
Mahela / February 20, 2013
I think MARA and GOTA opened their own Pandora Box. Nothing will stop taking over whole Sri Lanka by a third force making Sinhala as minority in their own Sri Lanka.
Nanthikandal may re-visit to South pretty soon.
Manesh Rajakaruna / February 21, 2013
You bet idiot. Keep dreaming you looser.
Jayantha / February 21, 2013
Get ready to vomit fun kiribath you ate. You are only good at eating kiribath.
JULAAMPITYE AMARAYA / February 20, 2013
Never in your life,
and still you guys wants to make blood bath on innocents lives.
Is It because they are not your kids, and let others toil and die for your well being???????.
I am Buddhist Sinhalese and Ashamed of What Some of our sinhalese doing?.
who ever you are;shame on you,
trying to fish in trouble waters.only for your benifits, let others die?.
J Karuppan / February 19, 2013
The barbaric killing of a child bears testimony to the War Crimes and Crimes Against Humanity committed by the Sri Lankan government and it’s Army. The act of the Sri Lankan Army has made the civilised world hang its head in shame.
Prashan / February 19, 2013
Consider these facts
1) The Army and the Sri Lanka Government looked after and protected Parabhakan’s mother and father until the last moment.
2) Along with KP, Karuna , Daya Master , Thamalini over thousands of former LTTE memberes were not terminated by the Army and the Sri Lanka Government and most of them are free now.
3) Why would they kill a 14 y old boy ? what is the rationale?
Native Vedda / February 20, 2013
“Why would they kill a 14 y old boy ? what is the rationale?”
It a good question do you have an answer for it?
Sri Lankan state butchered 130,000 innocent Sinhala youth and killed Wijeweera between 1987 and 1991, yet the armed forces/state provided security for his wife and children?
Do you know the reason why?
I am still looking for the rationale for killing so many people.
Prashan / February 20, 2013
That is exactly my point
Sri Lankan Government kills the rebels (JVP/ LTTE) they never kill the family members or the top brass leaders , instead the Gov use them ,
Native Vedda / February 20, 2013
Rohana Wijeweera surrendered to army and was killed.
Vellupillai Prabaharan surrendered to the army and was killed.
VP’s eldest putha surrendered to the army and he was killed.
VP’s youngest Puththa surrendered to the army army and was killed.
KP, and others………. surrendered to the army and they are enjoying a good life.
Wijeweera’s family is alive.
Pottu Amman and VP’s wife are still missiing, where are they?
David Blacker / February 21, 2013
Why are you lying in this forum, Jungle Boy? If you have nothing really to contribute, don’t. Don’t make up stuff just to have a voice.
Native Vedda / February 21, 2013
David Blacker
I am not a creative writer hence no need for your advice. However I value your contribution which helps me to prove my point.
The point being Sinhala/Tamil stupidity knows no bound in addition to their self destructive nature.
You inadvertently help them to remain as they are.
David Blacker / February 21, 2013
Nevertheless, why are you lying? Do you believe that the truth cannot support your viewpoint?
Lanka liar / February 20, 2013
Why they would kill. That is what nobody knows. There is no why in Sri Lanka. Only When and where
JULAAMPITYE AMARAYA / February 20, 2013
THIS YOUNG Balacandran is a wanted criminal by INTERPOL also and he was hiding many secrets and not divulge any news to our sacred ministry of DEFENCE,
AS YOU SAYS; over thousands of former LTTE members AND SINHALA YOUTHS were not terminated [ OR DISMISSED] by the S L Army and the Sri Lanka Government and most of them are free now.
He was waiting to take revenge from Jarapassa family also because they betrayed his father of bribing for Election.
And even-though S L forces wants to LOOK-AFTER AND protect him, He did commit suicide.
DO YOU KNOW it is said that THERE WAS A WELL CALLED Dolosmahe paana [ a lamp burning for 365 days day and night][ in side tiers burning] AT VAVUNIYA MAIN ARMY CAMP.
i think[to get heated water for the army camp].
Sama / February 21, 2013
May be it was their strategy just because that needed to show the world IC how they treat relatives of VP.
But the manner that Rajapakshes behaved in the after math with SF and lately with CJ Dr. Bandaranayake, they proved how brutal they could be.
And Rajapkshes are unpredictable. They have been doing this with competent diplomats too. Today I heard even so called most compentent to him, Mahinda SAMARAsinghe was droped from the list to next Geneva sessions. Dayan, Tamara and Rajiva are all now becoming backbenchers.
Siva / February 19, 2013
Everybody knows, except a few ‘cluck clucks’ with their heads in the sand.
The act of the Sri Lankan Army has made the civilized world hang its head in shame. It appears that certain senior officers in SLA were just looking after the 12-year old boy after the surrender. Then, the order came for the execution. Only one person in Sri Lanka had that kind of authority to issue orders to the frontline commanders in Vanni.
Mahinda and Co, ordered the execution of many of the surrendered, including men, women and even children. Many were actually tortured before being executed. We can only hope at least the children were spared the torture before death, but knowing the cruel and sadistic mindset of the regime, that’s simply hoping for too much.
Forensic analysis of the photographs had proved beyond doubt that the child had been murdered. Sri Lankan President Mahinda Rajapaksa should be made to face trial for the murder. Visiting temple after temple and embarking on pilgrimages would not cleanse Mahinda Rajapaksa’s soul of the stain and no God would forgive him for having an innocent child killed. When & Where is Rajapakshe’s next ‘Pilgrimage visit’ to clear the sins of massacring innocent children???
Sink or Swim, time has come for the Rajapakse Brothers. Sri Lanka is fast becoming isolated. When this is all over, they wouldn’t even have anything left to pick up! This is going the all familiar Rwanda/Zimbabwe/Libya way!
A few Dumbasses in this forum still thinks that the world trust their words when LIAR Rajapakshe regime’s Strategy is well known!
David Blacker / February 20, 2013
Actually, most Tamils should hang their heads in shame at the levels of intellect displayed in this forum by their brothers and sisters.
Sam Johnson / February 20, 2013
Bigoted David Blockhead with a tunnel vision,
First of all, being an O/L drop out, what the hell do you know about levels of intellect? Do you know your own level? If you see the replies to your comments, your level of intellect is very obvious to everybody here.
Secondly, what evidence do you have to prove that these comments are from Tamils for you to comment about their levels of intellect? Do not simply imagine things. Do not pretend that you do not have a mirror at home. You do not need to go very far, just ask your kids and they will tell you the level of your intellect.
David Blacker / February 21, 2013
How can replies to my comments reveal my intelligence? It only shows the commenters’ intelligence. Case in point: your last comment. Before you worry about O/Ls, worry about the fact that you cannot string a coherent sentence together, and must rely on insulting people’s parents instead.
Sam Johnson / February 21, 2013
The replies to your comments are somewhat similar to an evaluation of what you say. Here, most of them are considering you as an idiot, a clown, a blockhead, a bigot, a jester, a stupid moron, etc, etc, etc. The opinion of the majority counts in judging a person’s comment and subsequently the intelligence. In other words, you have proved yourself beyond doubt that you are a buffoon.
Insulting people’s parents???
Nobody insulted anybody’s parents. It is your own perception. It is your own logic. If you cannot comprehend your own type of logic what can others do?
David Blacker / February 21, 2013
So you believe that the majority is right? :D Of course. we saw how the majority northeast Tamils treated the minority Muslims. Thanks for confirming that view.
As for insulting my parents, at least have the courage to admit what you have done instead of lying like the cowardly dog’s spawn you are. You asked me if I can be sure that my father is my father. Obviously you have no idea who’s johnson you came from, but please don’t apply your gutter ancestry to mine. :D
Native Vedda / February 21, 2013
Sam Johnson
You are too hard on David Blacker.
He is having fun which he didn’t have as a child.
If I make a comment that is between Blacker and me. Please don’t use my comments to defend your position or offend him. I also don’t need others to defend me though I may not be capable in your eyes.
Sam Johnson / February 21, 2013
David Blockhead,
Your reply to me is absolutely hilarious. “Yanne koheda malle pol”. Great logic, keep it up man, keep it up.
Dambane Attho,
I do not know how you got into the exchange between Blockhead and me. I did not even read your comments in the first place to defend your position. Here, I commented on this Dumbass’s reply to Siva on Tamils. I am not sure if you are Siva or you are a Tamil. If you are Siva, then I am sorry for using your comment. Otherwise, you can bugger off or rather continue bum sucking this bigot.
David Blacker / February 22, 2013
It’s probably hilarious because you don’t understand it ;D
Wuliangguobinjiu / February 22, 2013
Sam Johnson: The Sudu Lannsi left the country in 68 by the drones.
Kalu Lansi has no connection with the natives of SL or Europe. Therefore the wanker blocker has turned out to be a goon like Mervin and that is exemplified by him unable to have a discussion with his pop which is an exception with Lansi. To top it he is unable to get a teaching appointment to teach the language which he always tries to display.
David Blacker / February 26, 2013
Looks like Willybijja wants to also say something since no one takes any notice of him. Do you have nothing of worth to say on the subject that you are forced to attack me with racist epithets? Your racism is the reason this country has problems, not because of governments, but because of racist fatherless people like you who were brought up on the streets with the morals of stray dogs. Thanks for taking the trouble to confirm it for us :D Once before you mentioned that your mother was an Indian prostitute and that this has made you very bitter.Rather than using that bitterness on the internet, go and see a therapist and try and feel good about yourself so that you can thereby treat others with the respect that you don’y have for yourself. Good luck.
Rama / February 19, 2013
sinhala primitive savages after killing the little boy must have eaten his flesh. after all sinhala savages are cannibals.
Siva Sankaran Sarma / February 19, 2013
Rama fantasizing about little boys? Why am I not surprised :)
Rama / February 20, 2013
bogus sarma, why do you make a fool of yourself on this forum. i am not the right person to talk about little boys and girls. you must speak to sinhala bikkus who will have a whole load of stories to tell you.
Manesh Rajakaruna / February 21, 2013
This comment was removed by a moderator because it didn’t abide by our Comment policy.For more detail see our Comment policy
Aiyo Rama / February 22, 2013
you have no right to talk about my private life!
Native Vedda / February 19, 2013
Rama says:
“after all sinhala savages are cannibals.”
Since when did the Sinhalese become cannibals?
Do the Sinhalese eat babies for breakfast?
How come the population of this island has grown from 4 million in 1911 to 20 million in 2011 given that “after all sinhala savages are cannibals”?
Mystic2 / February 20, 2013
Maybe they are a virus..
Rama / February 20, 2013
nativa veddha, the rate at which sinhala savages were breeding say from the year that you mentioned i would have expected the population would be in the region of 30 million. can you account for the missing 10 million.
Native Vedda / February 21, 2013
How did you arrive at 30 million?
sach / February 20, 2013
isnt this what u always suggest to do to sinhala people. May be they have taken inspiration from u.
Rama / February 20, 2013
sach, you know as well as i do that sinhala barbarism and savagery preceded that of tigers at least by 35 years. where do you think the inspiration came from.
Prashan / February 19, 2013
@ Rama says : primitive savages after killing the little boy must have eaten his flesh. after all sinhala savages are cannibals.
your racial hatred does not take you anywhere it makes you a savage too
Rama / February 20, 2013
prashan, you are wrong. the term racist does not necessarily mean a savage. on the other hand a savage is always a savage.
kris / February 19, 2013
Same thing happened to this kid as what his father has done to the other kiddis, including killing 31 little buddist monks by his father
kris / February 19, 2013
After death of these barbarian family(pabakaran) there won’t be any fear for the other klidds live in SL tamil or singhalees
Agnos / February 19, 2013
To those who argue SLA doesn’t wear slippers– let me say this:
SL Armed forces included Special Forces, Deep Penetration Units and paramilitary forces, who often wore the same uniform as the LTTE to confuse the latter. So the fact that armed men in slippers belonged to the SLA/GoSL is not surprising to me.
What is more, in the theater of war, living under primitive shelters, SLA soldiers would have been finding temporary rest, doing nature’s call, etc. in between duty, and then rushed for combat; so it is only natural to find some with boots and others with slippers.
To me, that the GoSL committed war crimes is not something that needs proof–it was evident back in 2009, when the GoSL enforced a blackout and expelled even the ICRC. So these new pictures don’t add to the proof–they only help in keeping the issue alive, which is of course necessary.
The only thing that remains is the incarceration and prosecution of the regime’s top war criminals and their allies, with the Rajapaksas in the lead; failing that within a reasonable period, they can expect their utter destruction–if not self-destruction–by many forces that will be/are already aligned against them. Justice will take its course. If they think they can retire comfortably somewhere, they are pathetically mistaken.
kris / February 20, 2013
Looks like LTTE carders killed this little boy to take the revenge from their LTTE leaders who kidnap them from their house when they were same age.very reasonable act
Manesh Rajakaruna / February 21, 2013
You are absolutely right. End of the story.
kris / February 20, 2013
Definitly this boy has killed by LTTE child solders to take the revenge from LTTE leaders for recruit them by kidnapping when they go to school . proved this act when you look at third picture LTTE child solders in slippers
Mimi / February 20, 2013
These pictures only prove what the international community is accusing this governments about – war crimes.
The Sri Lankan forces are not supposed to be terrorists. They had this unarmed young boy in custody, and is responsible for his murder. Killing his father is one thing, but a democratic government does not kill young children for any reason. This is sad. We have stooped to what Prabhakaran, a ruthless terrorist has been doing – killing of innocent civilians including children. Unfortunately, with investigations and evidence of the brutality of the Sri Lankan government, no one should be surprised it is stalling and afraid of international calls for accountability, and verbally attacking those who dare criticize them.
With a record for human rights violations, and being uncooperative with international bodies, the Sri Lankan government’s refusal to be open and cooperate with the rest of the world, only adds to more suspicion and a strong impression of guilt.
David Blacker / February 20, 2013
Unfortunately for your argument, the pix prove none of what you say.
Mimi / February 21, 2013
Unfortunately for your argument, these pictures have been checked out, and tested for authenticity, and it seems they are credible. Of course, you can continue to be in denial and refuse to believe everything that highlights how brutal our government has been, but usually unless there is solid evidence, no international bodies will pursue going into international criminal courts. So keep being in denial and keep thinking we have a saintly government that can never do wrong. Keep you head buried in the golden sands of Sri Lanka.
David Blacker / February 21, 2013
Unfortunately for your argument, we don’t know if they’ve been checked out. we just have McCrae’s word for it, and that doesn’t mean much given his past record. No one is saying the GoSL is saintly. But if people want anything to happen, they must find real evidence, not just give a TV channel extra mileage. And honestly, in a year these pix would have gone to the same place as all of CH4’s other pix.
ASUTOSH / February 20, 2013
Lanka liar / February 20, 2013
Why all these comments. If you want to know the truth please ask Mahinda or Goata they will tell what really happened. Then we can get the true picture.
Lester / February 20, 2013
US citizen Gotha will think twice before entering the USA again. War criminals are not eligible for US citizenship. I suspect Gotha’s citizenship could even be rebuked given the severity of his crimes.
Native Vedda / February 21, 2013
“US citizen Gotha will think twice before entering the USA again.”
Gotha will not have any problem entering or leaving USA for the foreseeable future .
USA knew/encouraged his role in the army during 1987/91 period dealing with JVP. I would say his green card was the reward for his active services to USA’s foreign policy,part of stabilising the region at any human costs.
Manesh Rajakaruna / February 21, 2013
Are you running the USA? You like your pipe dream to be true. Keep dreaming until you kiss the dust.
David Blacker / February 28, 2013
Given that most of the world’s current living war criminals are Americans, I doubt Gota will have any trouble, Heshan/Lester/Observer/Klosturmfuhrer.
Lanka liar / February 20, 2013
Hi Chaps
By looking at these photos why cant we say that the boy killed all those innocent 14 year old soldier monks standing around him eating chocolate.
Namalie Rajapaksa / February 20, 2013
Reading through his replies, looks like Mr.Blocker has totally lost it, just like his mentor and boss Mr.Gotapaksha.
“Those whom the gods wish to destroy they first make mad.”
~ Euripides (c. 480BC-406BC)
David Blacker / February 20, 2013
Looks like Ms Rajapassa has only insults left in her passa. Men use words; monkeys throw shit. Thanks for showing us where you belong.
Lester / February 20, 2013
Dear Namalie,
Mr. Blocker lost it a long time ago.
“I myself have helped dispose of (nude female) bodies in this way, and we did make crude juvenile jokes. We were all just 19 or 20 years old, and you joke about everything if you don’t wanna go insane. Many of us had never even seen a real naked woman before, so obviously we commented, even though they were dead. It isn’t a polite tea party, but it isn’t a war crime either.” – David Blacker (ex-soldier, Sri Lankan Army)
Native Vedda / February 20, 2013
Thanks for the link.
I too read this piece of Blacker’s partial confession but could not remember where.
Note his comment in under the same article:
David Blacker
06/21/2011 • 3:51 pm
Also, if there’s an accusation of rape, it is upto the accuser to prove guilt, not for the accused to prove innocence. And the accused isn’t obliged to help the accuser prove that guilt.
He has a point there and says it casually.
Army rapes before or after killing women and disposes the body. Now victims relatives are expected to find the evidence which has already been disposed by army men of just 19 or 20 years old.
Once I mentioned him that there was evidence and it was members of the armed forces themselves who had witnessed or perpetrated war crime. He didn’t get the point.
Lester / February 21, 2013
Dear Native Veddah,
Yes, the fact that he says it casually is interesting. When people do things casually, that means they have no fear of the consequences. Mr. Blacker, having been a member of the Sri Lankan Army at its peak, is well aware of the consequences when a SLA soldier misbehaves. Very simply, there are no consequences.
On another note, from what I have read of Blacker’s writings, he takes the extreme viewpoint that anything a soldier does is acceptable during wartime. Whether it’s photographing corpses in a state of undress or shelling NFZ’s or executing unnarmed civilians such as VP’s son. As to why Blacker goes out of his way to justify this sort of behavior on various forums is a mystery. It could be due to lack of proper schooling or even more bizzare, that Blacker has himself been an accessory to certain unwanted incidents, and is exhibiting a rather extreme case of denial.
David Blacker / February 21, 2013
Lester and Ooruwarige Booruwa, don’t get so excited over nothing. There is nothing criminal in burying bodies after a battle. Both sides strip the bodies routinely for search. Please don’t attribute your own experiences with rape to me.
Also, Ooruwarige Booruwa, don’t accuse me of saying things I haven’t. Your self-confessed stupidity seems to have descended to the level of a mental handicap.
Finally, if any of you think you can stop me from commenting by making personal attacks on me or my family as is being done now, you will not succeed.
I will continue to point out the nonsense and lies that you cowards repeat here :D Bring it on.
Native Vedda / February 21, 2013
David Blacker
“I will continue to point out the nonsense and lies that you cowards repeat here Bring it on”.
The best place to start is your own stupid comments. If you need any help please don’t hesitate to ask. We are here to help you to see your own stupidity, in fact lots of them.
Sam Johnson / February 21, 2013
Ha, ha, ha
Look who is talking!!!
Self-confessed stupidity???
A Master.
David Blacker / February 21, 2013
Well if you have the ability to counter my nonsense why is it that you, Johnson’s johnson, and all the others here can only resort to personal attacks? You’re not people of substance. Like I told your Ms Rajapassa, like monkeys you have only shit to throw :D
Native Vedda / February 21, 2013
David Blacker
“Your self-confessed stupidity seems to have descended to the level of a mental handicap.”
Mind your language.
I never confessed to being stupid.
Sam Johnson / February 21, 2013
Dambane Attho,
Here, my comment to the blockhead is a reply to the following and has nothing to do with you or your comment.
“Finally, if any of you think you can stop me from commenting by making personal attacks on me or my family as is being done now, you will not succeed.”
Yanky / February 21, 2013
Come on guys, please don’t threaten or insult DB because he is our official CT Joker and without him CT will be boring.
Imagine the amount of entertainment he provides to all of us. Even though he is a damn fool yet he is very funny and amusing.
Please don’t make him to run away from this forum…..pleeeeeeeeeeeeeease!
David Blacker / February 22, 2013
Don’t worry, Yankee, no one’s running away no matter how much you people want it. Keep up the insults. With every insult thrown you only reveal the fact that you are a mindless monkey with no arguments or reasoning who can only fling shit impotently. Keep it up :D You have neither arguments nor answers — only shit.
Mango / February 20, 2013
OK, someone’s finally done Error Level Analysis – ELA, (a technique used to detect forgeries and elements added to an original picture) and shown that key elements in the first two pictures have been added from another source. i.e. the soldier, pieces of straw and even perhaps the child himself.
But, contesting the authenticity of images can’t be done in isolation because Sri Lanka due to its own inaction lost the battle of narratives a long time ago. And the insane, self-defeating antics of this regime gives succour to SL’s enemies and causes despair to its friends.
Vut too doo, no?
p.s. You can repeat ELA on these pix at this site: http://fotoforensics.com/
Lanka Liar / February 20, 2013
Mango if you watch these picture very carefully you see the boy telling “No no they didn’t kill me. I killed them”. Good enough. Lanka talk.
Mango / February 20, 2013
LL, are you having difficulties understanding what I wrote above? If you read it really, really, slowly, it might make sense.
Lester / February 20, 2013
Look at these stupid government stooges, Mango/Blacker, etc. The authenticity of the pictures has already been confirmed by experts using the most advanced techniques. Those who failed to complete even their GCSE’s should not comment on such matters, but stick to cricket and kiribath.
Mango / February 21, 2013
Hey Lester, tired of masquerading as Heshan/Nihal/Observer? Ah.. you couldn’t stay away from CT, could you?
Lester / February 21, 2013
Looks like the kiribath has been laced with arsenic. :)
David Blacker / February 21, 2013
Really, you need experts with advanced technology to figure out Photoshop and metadata? Oh dear, Lester aka Klofuhrer Heshan :D
Lester / February 22, 2013
Some people actually make a living from Photoshop. Others make a living from photographing naked corpses. I suspect you’re not in the first category. :)
Mango / February 22, 2013
Some people like Heshan/Nihal/Observer spend their time fantasising that the US won the Vietnam War and that Ranil wasn’t elected in 2001.
Ranjan / February 22, 2013
Is it true that you are an O/L drop out. It doesn’t matter with regard to your right to an opinion, but it does matter whether your opinion should be taken seriously
David Blacker / February 26, 2013
Anybody who thinks the US won the Vietnam War, Lester/Heshan/Observer/Klosturmfuhrer etc, that Hitler won WW2, or that Britain doesn’t have a queen, really shouldn’t be allowed on the internet without medical supervision. So O/Ls are hardly something you need worry your five brain cells with.
gamini / February 20, 2013
For all those who have posted comments possibly the longest thread with 236 and those who have tried to justify the murder of this boy citing various stories and those who try to exonerate the Forces without an International Inquiry, what if the siblings of Rohana Wijeyweera were dealt in similar fashion? WHY? Is it because that Rohana Wijeyweera was a Sinhalese? Or we had better quality Army personnel like Janaka Perera? The Brutes like Shavendra Silva after having committed this type of heinous crimes are today provided sanctuary by the very Guardians of Human Rights as Diplomats in the West. The Tamil diaspora and all peace loving citizens should assist the voices in the West who are trying to have an International Inquiry Opened, not only to expose the War Crime Murderers here but the Western Governments who have been having their business interests over Human Rights Violations in this country, assisting the MR govt and doing business of providing arms sales. What Hypocrites?
LTTEIndia / February 20, 2013
Only animals can do it. But
INDIA needs a similar LTTE like organisation to fight the ethnic cleansing activities of indian higher caste.
SL has done this in war. But but but more heinous crimes are being executed for generations in india by the higher cast to the lower caste peacefully in the name of hinduism. India should look at its OWN human right violations happening for thousands of years. This is barbarous more barbarous than the war crimes elsewhere in the world. And they are PEACE-CRIMEs by indians. Not a WAR-CRIME. India has no moral to comment for the crimes happening in others land.
Senguttuvan / February 20, 2013
This page exceeding 250 comments, to me, is symbolic the milk of human kindness is very much within all of us across the ethnic divide. We mourn for the cruel, brutal elimination of such a starry-eyed and innocent child caught in the vortex of a meaningless and pyrrhic political battle. There he is, one moment eating a snack and hoping someone would come to take him home. Next moment he is summarily executed by clear beasts in uniform. Who among us will cheer such a savage slaughter by those trained in the tents of the Most Compassionate One. Wijeweera, arguably, committed worse killings of Sinhalese soldiers and civilians. But his wife and children gained the protection and goodwill of the State – within the safety of Navy facilities.
Is the communal hatred far too ingrained it is congenitally incurable?
Dr.Rajasingham Narendran / February 21, 2013
A note to your comment:
Thamil Selvan’s and Soosai’s families though taken into custody are living in Colombo and Tricomalee now. They may be under close surveilance, though not in army or police custody.
From what I hear theree are many other senior LTTE leaders yet in custody, though not named. I am sure we will know who they are in time.
Navin / February 21, 2013
Oh Senguttuvan, you must be smoking something really good to conclude 300+ comments here indicate human kindness of the bloggers. Let’s put these photos (massacre of teenage monks at Aranthalawa) also online in a separate article and see whether they attract the same vigorous, vociferous response from the cabal here!
Native Vedda / February 21, 2013
Its you again
You are rest assured I will continue to demand an independent investigation into war crimes and crimes against humanity committed by
Sri Lankan state and its armed forces
Paramilitary and Tamil armed groups
LTTE and other Tamil groups
Party supporters
since 5th April 1971.
Anyhow it would not matter to you as you have selective morality and different kind of human rights.
Killing unarmed civilian is wrong whoever the perpetrator is.
It is wrong, wrong, wrong…………………
In your case it is only wrong when Sinhala/Buddhists are killed by Tamil terrorists. When sinhala terrorist JVP and the state killed numerous Sinhala/Buddhist monks I did not see or hear any protest coming from Sinhala/Buddhists like you. What was the reason for your silence during those dark ages.
Hela / February 26, 2013
Do not utter things that you do not know & do not lie. There were many brave people (majority of them are Sinhala Buddhists) without any govt protection who stood up to JVP terror (& some sacrificed their lives).
Navin’s suggestion is a good one to test.
Native Vedda / February 28, 2013
The key words here “I did not see or hear any protest coming from Sinhala/Buddhists like you.”
Those good Sinhalese people or Buddhists who protested against state’s atrocities are no longer with us or were silenced. Similarly those good Sinhalese people or Buddhists who protested against JVP’s atrocities are no longer with us or were silenced.
In both cases, those who voiced their concerns were either Sinhalese or Buddhists and not Sinhala/Buddhists.
Jayantha / February 20, 2013
There could be a possibility of a War within the Army due to Gota and Mara looking for the soldiers who leaked these photos to Free Media.
Very soon the perpetrators who authorised to shoot this child will be revealed…..and it will be the end of Rajapakse era.
Calling to Hague to answer war crimes against Defense Minister, his Secretary and the Army Commander is inevitable.
No amount of ITN / Rupawahini propeganda or false west bashing will help anybody.
Leaders False Pride with stupidity and bad judgment brings misery to our country.