New photographs have emerged which raise fresh questions about the conduct of Sri Lanka’s armed forces during the final stages of the operation against Tamil rebels and have led to claims the 12-year-old son of the militants’ leader may have been summarily executed.
A series of photographs taken a few hours apart and on the same camera, show Balachandran Prabhakaran, son of Villupillai Prabhakaran, head of the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE). One of them shows the boy sitting in a bunker, alive and unharmed, apparently in the custody of Sri Lankan troops. Another, a few hours later, shows the boy’s body lying on the ground, his chest pierced by bullets.
The images were taken in May 2009 at the very end of the Sri Lankan government’s operation to crush the LTTE, which had launched a bloody, decades-long insurgency against the state that led to the deaths of perhaps 70,000 people. The authorities always said Prabhakaran’s son was killed in cross-fire, as troops moved in to take the LTTE’s last stronghold, located on a scrap of coastline near Mullaitivu in the north-east of the country.
But the images, contained in a new documentary, No Fire Zone, which will be screened at the Geneva Human Rights Film Festival during the UN Human Rights Council meeting in March, suggest the boy was captured alive and killed at a later stage.
A forensic pathologist who examined the later images for the film-makers, said the boy was shot five times in the chest. Furthermore, propellant burns around the wound suggest he was shot at very close range.
“The new photographs are enormously important evidentially because they appear to rule out any suggestion that Balachandran was killed in cross-fire or during a battle. They show he was held, and even given a snack, before being taken and executed in cold blood,” claimed the film’s director, Callum Macrae.
“It is difficult to imagine the psychology of an army in which the calculated execution of a child can be allowed with apparent impunity. That these events were also photographed and kept as war trophies by the perpetrators is even more disturbing.” The 12-year-old’s father, Prabhakaran, was killed along with most of the senior leadership of the LTTE as Sri Lanka’s army advanced on the rebels’ position. There were reports at the time that several LTTE officials were shot and killed as they tried to surrender.
Prabhakaran’s body was displayed on state television, part of the front of his skull missing, also suggesting he may have been shot at close range. The Sri Lankan authorities have always denied shooting anyone who was trying to surrender. Last night, Brigadier PR Wanigasooriya, an army spokesman, said Sri Lanka had been a repeated victim of “lies, half truths, rumours, and numerous forms of speculations”.
“No substantive evidence have been presented for us to launch an investigation,” he added, referring to alleged human rights abuses.
Sri Lanka has always insisted it did what it could to ensure no civilians were killed during its operation against the LTTE. Yet a team appointed by UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon found that up to 40,000 civilians may have been killed. The team said there were credible allegations both sides committed war crimes.
The photographs will place additional pressure on David Cameron to announce whether or not he will attend the Commonwealth Heads of Government meeting (CHOGM), e in Sri Lanka in November. A Downing Street official with Mr Cameron on his visit to India said on Monday that no decision had yet been taken.
NGOs and organisations, among them the cross-party Commons Foreign Affairs Committee, have called on him to boycott the meeting.
Courtesy the Independent UK
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Ministry of Defence propaganda film “Lies Agreed Upon” misses the point
bonaparte / February 20, 2013
Well the best way to sort this conflict is to arrest Macrae who put fabricated this package together, put him in a court of law and get him to prove his material.
len / May 19, 2014
Kill the messenger short and sweet ha!!!!!
Jayantha / February 21, 2013
It is no point blaming Kallum Macrar.He is just an investigative reporter similar to other reporters. It is President Rajapakse and his Government that are solely responsible for this fiasco.
Pres.Rajapakse was given ample time by International community UN,EU,US,CW, India etc, to reconcile with the nothern Tamil community and war refugees to implement LLRC which he never gave a hoot of attention.
No country want to prosecute another country for nothing……but to help the communities to live in peace and harmony.
But in fact of making use of the time given to heal the wounds of war and to recover from wounds of helpless nothern tamil people, and to make a bridge among communities, president Rajapakse made them a scapegoat to hoodwink International community and politicised the majority sinhala community to show off their superiority and dominance.
President’s Independence day speech say it all.
There could be many more photos and videos that are in possession with international community which will be used to justify their cause and show Govt. atrocities.
It is nobody but Rajapakse Govt. should be accountable for the blunder they made by not implementing LLRC, while doing the opposite by acquiring more nothern tamil peoples land by force.
Very soon Rajapakses will have to face Hague courts due to their own False Pride, cunning and cheating life styles and their own stupid blunders and decision making.
Macrar is just an investigative reporter like other reporters
and it is his duty to publish reports of ground reality.
bonaparte / February 21, 2013
It is much easier and faster to put Macrae in the court. If not he should volunteer, if he is courageous enough to present his material to a court of law. Otherwise the world at large believe that he fabricated false evidence to create a stunt and to disparage a state. There is no fat chance to arrest and try MR or GR. Not a chance unless US police the sea, land and air at the boundaries of SLK sovereignity. Just be realistic. None of the western financial institutes would do anything as long as their investments are in SLK.All this hotair in this column will come to nought, in one or two months just like the killing fields.
BTW, the case for Balachandran was lost even before stating it: the boy’s father abandoned him and ranaway through the backdoor. That shows how much the father loved his family. He loved only his own skin, whereas a father that loves his kids would stay behind and protect them placing his own life in danger. This wicked man showed no pity or care for his family, nor for the lives of thousands of Tamils that he kept as his shield nor for the kids that he sent to war and self sacrifice as walking bombs.
PresiDunce Bean / February 22, 2013
This might interest you. :)
…and this is what the cops do to the people in the south as well.
Aiyo Rama / February 22, 2013
dont look at my photos and lifestory….
David Blacker / February 22, 2013
Aiyo Duncy: The article you are looking for is no longer available in this website
Jayantha / February 22, 2013
There are lot of black boxes lying all over which you or I or even GOSL don’t know about.
But when one puts the dots that are available such as news stories and photos that came out from servicemen, photos and videos that were available, what media told and what Gen Sarath Fonseka said about the white flag, you could come to a certain conclution.
That’s why I am confused why Rajapakses did not implement LLRC…..when they were warned and knew that International community has all these info. on GOSL atrocities……Some of them are…..
USA CIA, India RAW, UN UNIC, Norway NIS, UK SIS, MI6, and Pakistan ISI have more info. of GOSL war atrocities…….more than what govt think they have……and GOSL was warned about having them.
What do you think those countries doing in Sri Lanka for the last 30 odd years………Do you think they were mere helping poor war effected tamil people….. No they they were gathering more info. and have more info than even what GOSL has.
Following are some info I think most of them have and will prove with evidence……in March ar UNHR.
1)USA, RAW, ISI and other intelligence groups have first hand info. on all GOSL. war criminal activities, atrocities, Geneva violations, human rights violations, and subsequent cover ups……obtained through Govt.soldiers,army commenders, paid moles, intelligence agencies, LTTE and tamil communities and special ground listning devises and GPS Communication equipment and through Spy Satellite info. gathering.
2)By imprissoning Gen. Sarath Fonseka…..Rajapakses opened their own LTTE WAR BLACK BOX……..Most of the info. were relayed to international community after Gen. Fonseka’s arrest and Imprissoning.
2)VP sent his wife, daughter and son(Balachandran) along with other senior leaders with white flags to surrender to govt. soldiers at the end of war.
3)Govt soldiers….. with the orders came from higher authorities….killed all of them.
4)VP and his eldest son died fighting and later their bodies were recovered by Govt. soldiers.
5)Over 140,000 innocent tamil children, women, men, eldery people, wounded and sick were killed by govt soldiers……at the last stages of war.
6) Over 9,000 LTTE carders who surrended were killed
7)Most of the dead were brought to Anuradhapura and were burned in the two incinerators.
8)VP’s 12 year old son Balachandran (above photos) was photographed and later killed by Govt. Soldiers…….due to orders coming from Colombo.
9)All top LTTE commanders and their familier were summery executed.
10) All tamil land owners, business owners, parents and children whose parents and children who are abroad, Christian and Hindu Clergy, govt. servants, teachers, professors, doctors,nurses, engineers and other professionals who surrendered to govt. forces were executed……….
I could write more….but these are very few of those info.
All the above international spy agencies have these info.
That’s why I wonder how GOSL did not know……or just ignored when they were warned by International community……….and now trying to deny and cover up when these information are leaking out.
It is more than enough time given by IC , UN,CW and EU to Rajapakse Family to reconcile and implement LLRC which they ignored…….and now the war atrocities are been released and reported by international community.
Also await for the one and half hour new video clip…..and more photographs and video clips to appear…….which will be published soon.
bonaparte / February 22, 2013
Jayantha, all your statements are inuendos not evidence in a court of law. There is nothing to substantiate, and no one reliable to give evidence. Yes your words help you to come to terms with your own mind formations. You have done your duty and taken the stress out. That I understand.
Native Vedda / February 22, 2013
Evidence that you demand is already there, nearly 300,000 armed men of the state.
If you really want the witnesses to come forward two things have to happen.
Witness protection and
right to trade confessions for amnesty.
Mahasohon / February 24, 2013
It will never happen. All these people are just blowing their hot air. Nothing realistic will come out of this. It gives people with nothing better to do soemthing to do, write bloggs at a website that has no power or influence over what goes on out there.
David Blacker / February 26, 2013
Amnesty for what? There have been no charges against SL.
Hela / February 26, 2013
In fact Bonaparte is right. Macrae is not a journalist. He is a paid propagandist of LTTE overseas rump.
PresiDunce Bean / February 21, 2013
Well the most logical thing to do would be to put PercyPaksha, Atilla the Gotapaksha, FunnyShaker, Shove-In-Dra ect in a court of law if you want to know exactly what happened during the last days of the war. This will probably happen in the future and then we will all finally know what happened.
…in the meantime.
The Truth, The Whole Truth And Nothing But The Truth…
(and may humanitarian lighting strike you down if you don’t believe us)
Breaking News from (IIT) brought to you by Peacekeeping Comedian Brigadiar U Liar P. Norkiyokaara and Utopian Paradise Comedian Kehelmala Rambutang.
Idiot Island April 3rd 2009 AD (20.40am)
Three Tranquil men…a butcher, a baker and a candle stick maker were captured in a tub by the Idiot Island Navy (IIN) while trying to escape to Tranquil Naadoo. The IIN recovered 50 loves of bread, 20 pounds of chicken beef and 150 candles that were hidden in the tub. Informed sources say that an investigation will be held to ascertain whether the bread, chicken beef and candles had been brought into the island during the period of the ‘If You’ll Don’t Shoot, We Wont Shoot Agreement.’
Idiot Island April 3rd 2009 AD (21.10am)
It has been verified that Tourist Leader Rolypoly Prebiocarrom’s pet dog Lassie Master, pet cat Garfield Master and pet parrot Polly Master were permanently rehabilitated while trying to escape in an ambulance across the Pork Straits, 500 meters from Bacon junction! DNA tests prove beyond a doubt that Lassie Master was a dog, Garfield Master was a cat and Polly Master was indeed a parrot. A large consignment of dog food, cat food and bird seed was also recovered from the captured ambulance. Authorities believe that this consignment of pet food entered Idiot Island during the 3rd World War when Joypang was dropping custard buns on the Pale Arbour, and not during the period of the ‘If You’ll Don’t Shoot, We Wont Shoot Agreement’ as stated by BooBeeSee, See & End and Hell Jayzee Raw.
Idiot Island April 3rd 2009 AD (21.17am)
In news just in, an eye witness states that Tourist Leader Rolypoly Prebiocarrom was teleported up to the ‘Starship Enterprise’ a few minute ago! The witness said that as Peacekeepers surrounded Tourist Leader Prebiocarrom, he spoke into a satellite phone and said, “Beam Me Up, Scotty!” Then a flash of light emanated from the Enterprise and engulfed the Tourist Leader. When the light faded away a few seconds later, there was no trace of Mr. Prebiocarrom. Efforts to contact Captain Kirk and Mr. Spock of the ‘Starship Enterprise,’ were to no avail.
Idiot Island April 3rd 2009 AD (22.56am)
Commandant of the ‘Treblinka Welfare Holiday Camp,’(TWHC) Major Himmler Heyadrich told reporters today, that the Tranquil Tourists of this camp should consider TWHC as a tourist resort, and their stay there as an all-expense-paid government holiday. “The barbed wire surrounding the camp, and the unarmed Peacekeepers were there to protect the Tranquil Tourists from unscrupulous tour guides and inquisitive journalists,” said the commandant. Major Himmler Heyadrich also stated that he would leave no stone unturned in trying to provide 5-star-hospitality for all the holiday makers in the TWHC. Major Himmler insisted when asked by a reporter that a 7 course meal will be provided 3 times a day to each Tranquil Tourist for the next 26 years, courtesy of the Utopian Paradise of Idiot Island. Major Himmler also said that United Bankers Secretary General, Mr. Banking Boom who visited the TWHC had praised him for his efficiency in running the holiday camp.
Idiot Island April 3rd 2009 AD (23.46am)
Atilla Da GoatPaksha today denied charges that 40,000 eggs had been broken to make omelettes for the heroic Peacekeepers fooling around in the north of Idiot Island. Atilla Da GoatPaksha told reporters that not a single egg was broken while making omelettes. He further stated that his Peacekeepers had proved to the whole of Planet Mirth that they were the only Peacekeepers who could make omelettes without breaking a single egg. When asked by reporters about the thousands of egg shells that were strewn around the ‘Please Don’t Fire We Are Only Innocent Eggs Zone,’ Atilla Da GoatPaksha said that those eggs were broken by the ‘Liberal Tourists of Tranquil Elysium,’ to make omelettes for their Tourists. In closing Atilla Da GoatPaksha said, “What I have said is the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth…and if you all don’t believe me, may humanitarian lightning strike you all down and may “White Unidentified Four wheeled Objects”(WUFOs) make you all vanish in the middle of the night!”
Jaya Way Waaa!
kris / February 21, 2013
This child is another child solder therfore his fate is resonable, either he gets killed from bullet or cyanide capsule
kris / February 21, 2013
From where you gets the numbers to prove that Wejeweera killed more than Prabakaran, pabakaran kiled more then Bin Laden they bothe had same fate, Wejeweera’s family has not involve with any policts or killings but Pabakan whole family is mass murders ( except his mum and dad saved by the SL Army ) that is why they had to face this consequences
gamini / February 21, 2013
Kris, Wijeyweera did not kill people, they cut off the heads and stuck them on fence poles of some innocent poor bread winners for going to work and the families of Forces. Remember how Udugampola’s eighty year old mother, sister and two small infants with the domestics were burnt alive in their house and prevented the neighbours from rescuing them? The irony was that the Forces provided security for the family of Wijeyweera living in luxury using blood money robbed from the public, after they were caught. Udugampola did not kill the children or the family of Wijeyweera. One cannot really blame Udugampola for seeking all who took part in the killings to be killed in return and the last was the Lawyer Liyanaarachchi who sanctioned killing of the Udugampola’s family.Today some of the JVP bastards who escaped, are posting comments in these blogs trying to white wash the crimes committed by Rohana Wijeyweera and the JVP.
Dr.Rajasingham Narendran / February 21, 2013
For record the following is the Ananda Voketan interview with Sarath Fonseka:
Q: A large number of children have been killed in the war, particularly the youngest son of Prabhakaran. The wounds found on his body indicate he was shot at point blank range. What do you say about it?
A: You are asking speculative questions. As you say I don’t believe Prabhakaran’s youngest son was killed. We had found the bodies of some women and four or five children on the last day of the war. Most of them were found to have taken cyanide. We have brought Karuna Amman and some others, who had been closer to Prabhakaran to identify the bodies. They said none of the bodies belonged to Prabhakaran’s wife or youngest son or daughter. What we know is that Prabhakaran and his eldest son were the only members of the family that had been killed. We don’t have any information on the other members.
Is Sarath Fonseka telling the truth, does not know the truth or is lying through his teeth?
Dr.Rajasingham Narendran
gamini / February 21, 2013
If SF is put on the dock and asked to explain the white flag story he will spill the beans. How the Americans and the Indians coerced VP with a promise of a way out and got VP to help MR being elected as President, then to bury all their heavy weaponry wrapped in Polythene, then to close the Mawil Aru anicut to draw the govt. Forces to the staged war. The LTTE merely conceded their Strong hold Killinochchi without a fight as done to the rest of the area secured by the Forces, although a propaganda war was carried out. The fact that there was no such war and a casualty figure on the Forces side could be established if a list of the dead soldiers for the thirty months from Jan 2007 to May 2009 is made public. As for the suicide bombers sent to Gota and SF was due to the reason for their plan of luring VP to be killed before the plan provided by the very powers who have been blocking an International Investigation on War Crimes with graphic evidence available. If the graphic evidence is false as they say why not allow an Investigation? The truth is all fear their involvement will be exposed and these Foreign governments will get exposed with their business interest riding over Human Rights violations here, doing business with MR.
gamini / February 21, 2013
If SF’s afidavit is published, which he wrote just before he was arrested fearing that he will be killed by MR, will reveal a lot of home truths. The truth is America wanted a strong dictator to run Sri Lanka. Towards this end the US groomed both SF and MR, but finally decided to go with MR but keep SF around in case MR gets out of hand. The US also have RW on the touch line in case the US have to change the game plan in the future.
Surawimala / February 21, 2013
This story you seem to be repeating. But it could well be a theory. I cant hear this again and again. If Americans want MR the unedcuated to rule the country why would not they draft the resolutions together with UN ?
These may be just theories to cover that the prevailing opposition inadequate heartedness on the issues of the folks today. Entire folks were convinced how RW supported or failed to react at the time Dr SB was illegally impeached and appointed a man with criminal records as her successesor.
So then tell us why MR was not invited to the US within his current term. Why the US relatios have been shattered with country today ?
gamini / February 21, 2013
Three years after the war the Americans come out with a watered down resolution because there is mounting pressure on unfolding evidence by the Human Rights watch dogs. The envisaged resolution once again is to satisfy the World forces crying for Justice, lest the American connection gets exposed. Yet the Americans will try to save the day for MR come March, wait and see?
Surawimala / February 21, 2013
Sorry Corrections:
Why would the draft resolutions together with UN ?
Surawimala / February 21, 2013
May be US cant intefere as we think – because they are also not clean in terms of several issues like Irak, Afaganistan and and.
But I believe, this time, the lanken rulers will have no chance to survive in Geneva sessions. Consequence will be all forms of sanctions. Right at the moment, Lanken state is not second to N korea. Day to another, nothign like good news about the country. Rajapkshes are being isolated by indians,americans, canada and EU.
weera / February 21, 2013
Two wrongs don’t make one right. This boy was an innocent twelve year old child. What can he do if his father was a cold blooded killer. He wouldn’t have had a clue as to what his father was doing or what was happening around him. They should have spared his life and helped him to become a decent human being with human values, the same way they are trying to rehabilitate LTTE cadres.
Dr.Rajasingham Narendran / February 21, 2013
by: Aeschylus
OW do our eyes behold
The tidings which were told:
Twin fallen kings, twin perished hopes to mourn,
The slayer, the slain,
The entangled doom forlorn
And ruinous end of twain.
Say, is not sorrow, is not sorrow’s sum
On home and hearthstone come?
Oh, waft with sighs the sail from shore,
Oh, smite the bosom, cadencing the oar
That rows beyond the rueful stream for aye
To the far strand,
The ship of souls, the dark,
The unreturning bark
Whereon light never falls nor foot of Day,
Even to the bourne of all, to the unbeholden land.
Mango / February 21, 2013
Will Channel 4 take up the MOD’s challenge?
The MOD says of these pix, “..if the [sic] Channel 4 was interested in having these investigated, it should cooperate with credible evidence and the army will institute a probe.”
This is a golden opportunity for C4 and its friends to prove their charges, re-enforce their journalistic standards and prove GoSL guilty of the charges.
The clever thing to do is to take up MoD’s challenge, send the original data to SL (with proper data cloning safeguards to prevent files being tampered with etc), the original camera, memory cards etc to the MoD. They could even use Navi Pillai as a go-between. Hell, they could even have two sets of experts to decide on the facts.
Chandra / February 21, 2013
C4 will im sure will share that information provided its a independent one. Interesting C4 has not as yet published the text message records of certain high ranking individuals that they have in their possession.
I guess its waiting for a further installment
Agnos / February 22, 2013
So that the GoSL/MOD can do another whitewash like in the murders of Trinco-5, ACF-17, Lasantha W, Prageeth E., Taraki Sivaram, TRO personnel, many Tamil MPs?
Ch4 can provide all the evidence it has collected to a comprehensive international inquiry into the GoSL’s atrocities during the war.
Short of such an inquiry–personally, I don’t believe there will actually be an international inquiry given the complicity of many powers — just teasing the pieces of evidence without actually furnishing it to the GoSL, and keeping the issue alive internationally, is the right thing to do. The GoSL’s serial killers need to be under constant pressure, causing them to commit unforced errors, which will enable justice to come in unconventional ways.
Advocates for the victims should be prepared to take full advantage of “black swan” events. The Karuna revolt against LTTE, Fonseka split with Rajapaksas, stumbling onto Matale mass graves, the sudden emergence of Bodu Bala Sena/anti-Halal protests, are all examples of “black swans.” More are likely within the next year or two. Those who are prepared can take advantage of it in unorthodox ways.
Mango / February 22, 2013
Have Channel 4 provided the original footage etc from their first documentary for investigation? After all, GoSL keep saying (with a straight face) “if you make a proper complaint, we’ll look into”.
C4 should put them to the test. And that means providing original, un-manipulated footage, documents etc. As far as I’m aware, they’ve never given anyone (except their own ‘impartial’ experts) access to the original footage from the first atrocity documentary.
And all calls for ‘international investigations’ will be thrown back with the justification that it’s an internal matter, which it is.
You make a good point with your listing of other, older atrocities. All of these should be examined in a strict temporal order. So these latest allegations have to go to the back of the queue, unless Channel 4 have become true Sri Lankans and want to push to the front.
Randeniya / February 21, 2013
Army had no info. about Prabha’s family- SF
Daily Mirror Wednesday, 20 February 2013 10:43
Former Army Commander Sarath Fonseka speaking to Daily Mirror online said the Army had “no information” about the deaths of slain LTTE leader V. Prabhakarans, “ wife, daughter and youngest son”.
“After the final battle which went on from 2009 May 17 night, 18 and 19th till about 10 o clock, we only recovered Prabakharans body together with about 400 other terrorist dead bodies, and his elder son’s body, his elder son Charles Anthony. These two bodies were personally identified by the present member, I think, of the cabinet Karuna Amman, who was the LTTE military wing leader at the time before he joined the government. He himself went and identified these two bodies” he said.
Speaking further Fonseka who led the Army to a decisive victory against the separatist LTTE, said the Army “did not have clue about the presence or whereabouts of” the rest of Prabhakarans family.
“Other than that the Army had no information, never had any positions of Prabhakrans wife, daughter and the youngest son. We did not have clue about their presence or the whereabouts, whether they were in the country or they died during the war, we didn’t have any information about them” said.
Fonseka in reference to the latest ‘pictures’ revealed by Channel 4, which are alleged to have been taken while the youngest son of the LTTE supremo Balachandran was in Army custody, reiterated that the Army had no knowledge or information about the youngest son.
“About these pictures I don’t know, we had no knowledge about this youngest sons whereabouts when I was the Army commander during my time and I can give the assurance that the Army had no information of his youngest son” he said. ( H.F)
Chandra / February 21, 2013
And you quote Sarath Fonseka
Tsk! Tsk!
shankar / February 21, 2013
The cold blooded killing of Balachandran has evinced a lot of interest on this blog.The number of comments is unprecedented for an article.However we must not forget that balachandran is just one more child that has suffered due to this protracted conflict of over 25 years.Just because he is Prabha’s son does not make him special to me.Every child that has been killed will fell the same pain.Every mother and father who has lost a child will feel the same grief.We have to grieve for all the children killed in this war whether they are tamils or sinhalese. Tamils should grieve for the little child monks slaughtered by the LTTE and babies hacked to death by Karuna’s mob.Sinhalese should grieve for the countless children that have died due to to the indiscriminate bombings of the the airforce which has done more than 10000 sorties in the north and east.only then we can consider ourselves a civilised race of people.Now we are both like tweedledee and tweedledum an uncivilised set of barbarians.
Sam Johnson / February 21, 2013
It is true that Balachandran is just another child out of many who got killed in cold blood but the fact is that Balachandran is the face of thousands of children killed by the army in the final stages.
shankar / February 21, 2013
Sam,what does it matter whether it is final stages,opening stages or middle stages.The whole world is a stage and we are the actors.Many of us could be bestowed with academy awards for our acting abilities. Now Jayalalitha wants a oscar, shedding crocodile tears for Balachandran.Maybe for her he is the child she never had.Once an actress always an actress they say.
My contention is you have to look at the complete picture,the whole war,not just the final stages as you proclaim.Are you saying that a child killed in the opening or middle stages of the war feels less pain than a child killed in the final stages?Who cares what stage it is.Both tamils and sinhalese have behaved like uncivilised beasts during this war.
The best way to avoid the emergence of the beast in man is to have no wars.To do that you have to govern in a far sighted and wise manner.All this came about because that was not done by the imbeciles who were handed the baton by the british to govern.
The sad thing is Mahinda has not learnt from the mistakes made by his predecessors.He thinks a political solution is not necessary,the imbecile and sinhala chauvinist as aptly described as such by Lee kuan yew who noted all his previous utterings.
Yanky / February 21, 2013
Balachandran who was only 12 years old, was just a child. He had not committed any crime. He had been killed ‘simply because he happened to be the son of Prabakaran.
shankar / March 1, 2013
yanky,the thousands of children who have been killed in this war have also not committed any crimes.Killing of balachandran is definitely a crime,but it should not be highlighted as something special just because he was Prabha’s son.Those who shed crocodile tears for him so that they can get at the rajapakshes should also shed some genuine tears for the other children killed.
Got the point? We srilankans are a barbaric uncivilised race of people but let us not become hypocrites too.
justice / February 21, 2013
Prabakaran’s wife and daughter are said to have been executed by the army. His elder son fought and died in battle.
This is the younger son. He neither fought nor commited suicide.
Senguttuvan / February 21, 2013
“Thamil Selvan’s and Soosai’s families though taken into custody are living in Colombo and Tricomalee now. They may be under close surveilance, though not in army or police custody” says our friend
Dr. R. Narendran, who, though we do occasionally have different perceptions on specific issues – also makes us believe he works towards eventual reconciliation. But the fact is, Sir, as the late
Senator S. Nadesan QC pointed out the State does not do the Citizen a favour when it protects the Citizen. By jove, that is what it is expected to do. When the State today tells several multiple thousands of Tamils they do not know where they are or even if they are alive, the state not only fails the citizen but is collusionist in their disappearance or engineered murder. Our governance becomes a joke when a front-line official – now the Chief Justice – goes and is caught lying to an international court on the whereabouts of Ekneligoda. When questioned about his double-tongued testimony the man throws his hands up and declares “Only God knows where is” What do you think the global community will think of what goes as our judicial system.
My comparison of the VP/Wijeweera families was to show when one is
summarily executed – including an innocent child as we learn now – the Constitutional provisions work in respect of the other. This aberration taking place in our context leaves a racial flavour, that I need not emphasise.
David Blacker / February 22, 2013
I believe the doctor’s point wasn’t to credit the state with looking after Soosai’s family, VP’s parents, etc, but to question the reason why the state should pick on just VP’s son for execution when it did not do so with VP’s parents, Soosai’s family, Wijeweera’s family, and so forth.
K.A. Sumanasekera / February 21, 2013
Mr Sengutuan reckons the wife of Wijeweera the horrible is alive and well.
So are the wife and children of Brigadier Soosai, and another Senior LTTE Leader s says Dr Rajasingham .
If Mr Sengutuan cares to watch the YOU TUBE Video of the Kathankaddy Masscre, he will realize that there are atrocities and atrocities, that were committed in our Motherland.
Even grown men would cry when they see the faces of innocent young boys and youth in their bare Timber coffins .
The lines of corpses wrapped in lily white clothes. and hundreds of raw timber coffins lined up in one mass grave ready to be covered is so distressing and disturbing that iI could not bear to watch the Video in full although it is only a 4 minute clip.
This must be one of the worst atrocities in the history of mankind, which has been recorded for the posterity to see and understand the brutality and barbarism of these Liberators of the Century 21.
Unfortunately there were no Navai Pillays, or McRaes to project these images ,let alone digitally doctoring them for Gold Class screenings for Super power audiences.
Dr.Rajasingham Narendran / February 22, 2013
The example provided was to signal that amidst all the darkness there is hope.
Dr. R.N
Native Vedda / February 22, 2013
“This aberration taking place in our context leaves a racial flavour, that I need not emphasise.”
Why can’t we agree on one important issue that Sri Lankan state and its institutions are run by racists, and tolerated by racists.
Let us stop beating around the bush.
Srilankan / February 22, 2013
Mango: Will Channel 4 take up the MOD’s challenge? This is a Typical SL probe by SLA(Judge) when the same SLA is accused. In other words heads we win and tails you loose.
Lester / February 22, 2013
The main thing is that if this is how the SLA treated children, imagine what they did to adults.
kris / February 22, 2013
Gamini , What I said Wejeweera’s family kids have not involved with any killing but prabakarans kids involved with killing, did I said Wejeweera has not involve with killing , get the facts correct, JVP are all bastereds and murderes there is nothing to hide. and udugampola is another murderer too you can’t white wash him too
Candidly / February 22, 2013
Here’s a link to an interesting article from the UK’s Guardian in 2008 on the topic of “the camera never lies”. It deals with the claimed faking of an iconic photograph taken in 1937 during the Spanish Civil War by Robert Capa. The full title to the article is “The camera never lies. But photographers can and do.” And we might add, so do film directors and TV channels.
This article and the comments with it are worth reflecting on, especially as Capa’s deception was carried out in pre-photoshop days.
Dr.Rajasingham Narendran / February 22, 2013
Following the comment of Sandiyan in another thread, I looked at the figure standing near the bunker in the second photograph carefully. He is absolutely right. It is a female dressed in a suridar (Salwar Khameez).The hand seen is also that of a female. The stitched border of the shawl is quite visible. The design on the shawl is also different from the adjacent clothing, although the colours closely match. Interpretation?
Dr. Rajasingham Narendran
r.kovian / February 22, 2013
What a damn fool this guy, may be living in his twilight of his time. Must be absolute 3 monkey..see nothing hear nothing or complete dump. Hope and pray this guy shut everything and go away from this world.
Dr.Rajasingham Narendran / February 23, 2013
Hey wise man,
Your leader VP is yet alive! Please see the authentic photograph of VP alive in the following link. If you have the capacity please also read the link in its details too.
The son is dead and the father was resurrected and is somewhere!
You now wish me dead! Pray a little harder and break a few more coconuts, and it may come to pass. Since he is yet alive the’Sun God’, who has the expertise on such matters, can also help you
expedite your wishes. This may be a shorter cut.
Dr.Rajasingham Narendran
Randy / February 23, 2013
JULAAMPITYE AMARAYA / February 23, 2013
Dr R N ,
It is Not A surdar As You say taht Salwar khmeeze.
that is a unform of a soilder or an officer.
do you think his mother or Ispriya was their ,
otherwise female RDF soilder with them wareing Suridar before going to Kovil.
this is like a same crimes that done by Jvp, Ltte Unp, And Slfp since 1971 to date.
kp / February 23, 2013
some of the comments here are absolutely hilarious… so i take it the bodyguards given to protect balachandran, instead of taking the kid to safety out of the war zone, sat him down in a bunker, gave him food, took off his tshirt (maybe they were pedos too, those ltte scum!), and then took photos of him eating JUST IN CASE they failed at their job and were killed by the army “accidentally” later on, thus allowing the diaspora to mount a case against the sri lankan government years down the line. jesus, whoever thought of this plan must be time-lord of Dr. Who’s calibre indeed!
my god, occam’s razor must be like magic to y’all no? :D
David Blacker / February 28, 2013
That would make sense if you were a retard, yes.
The simple fact is that the pictures don’t indicate any simple storyline. It’s just three pix, the third of which in many ways (colour, location, etc) doesn’t belong with the other two. So we have a boy eating in a bunker, and then dead. It is pure assumption that all three pix are from the same location, time frame, or even camera.
So in reality the simplest possibility is that the boy was in LTTE hands, safe, fat and well fed, and that during his escape he was killed accidentally by one side or the other, or that he was shot by his bodyguards under VP’s orders to avoid capture.VP himself boasted that his own bodyguards were under orders to kill him if he attempted to surrender. The Tigers themselves killed many of their own crippled veterans by the busload.
Not being privy to the info on the pix, it’s all assumptions, all of them equally possible. Given the fact that the families of other Tiger brass were not killed, but instead cared for, makes the theory of the Army killing VP jr less probable.
Namalie Rajapaksa / March 1, 2013
According to Blocker’s razor principle, all of the above that he mentioned is possible including such hilarious fairy tales as “Zero Casualties” and soldiers going to war with the human rights charter in one hand and a humanitarian gun in the other.
(While the Occam’s (or Ockham’s) razor principle is attributed to the 14th century logician and Franciscan friar William of Ockham….Blocker’s razor principle is attributed to the 21st century blockhead and armed forces apologist Duh!Vid Blocker.
David Blacker / March 5, 2013
So beyond lies and personal attacks, you have no argument? :D I have never made either of the claims, you attribute to me. Keep talking through your rajapassa, “Namalie”. Every time you open it, we see that you’ve got nothing but shit in your mouth and your brains. Thank the gods that SL’s enemies are nothing but idiots. As long as you guys are out thee. SL has nothing to fear.
Dr.Rajasingham Narendran / February 23, 2013
Those who choose to reply to Sandilyan’ s original observation and my subsequent occurrence should explain why they disagree without trying to insult. I have looked at various designs of the Suridar/ Churidar/ shalwar Kameez on the google and saw designs where what is intended to mimic the shawl are sewed on to the upper garment. The differences in colour and design between the main shirt and the ‘ Shawl’ are very noticeable in visual 2. Why should a uniform be stitched this way ? Further, on researching the colour, design or material used in both army or LTTE uniforms on the Google, I did not find anything similar. The question is about who this person is. What I asked was for an interpretation of what seems rather odd and not an expression of sarcasm or insult. I may be an idiot to some who may wish I am one, but regardless I will understand a rational interpretation.
The death of this boy has bothered me for a long time. However, I want to understand how he died, if indeed he is dead,given all the fiddling that is done with photographs. If someone can make a dead VP watch the report on his own death, what else cannot be done. This concern applies to both sides of the new battle line.
Dr. Rajasingham Narendran.
Atheist / February 23, 2013
This is partly in reply to Dev and in general my own opinion about the whole saga.
Dev said “It may be useful to pause and consider the fate of our own children – should they pay the price of our wrong doing…”
I replied to Dev saying” I would not do any wrongdoing. I would not take the chance. I love my
Children too much to take that risk.
Then Dev said to me
“Sadly, that must mean that you are the first real saint on the planet as none of us can truly claim to be without wrong having committed various crime in our thoughts and words and sometimes actions (in VP’s case). But who are we to judge who is worse than another and then go to to punish a child for the sins of the father?”
Dev may call me a saint but he hasn’t noticed my user name ”Atheist’. I don’t believe in such things as sainthood. I know what is right and what is wrong. When VP chose his mission in life which was fighting for a separate state through terrorism he should have stuck to that mission only. He, a grown man (of 30+ when he got married) and his wife who knew her husband is a ruthless killer shouldn’t have started a family producing 3 children. After all, the said youngest child was born in 1997 when VP was 42years old. Then VP has been responsible for so many deaths of poor innocent village children and babies whose parents have never committed any murderous crimes. VP and his wife are themselves to be blamed for the fate of their own children. Their children‘s fate was sealed the day they were born. After all you reap what you sow. My regret is that VP was not alive when this fate happened to his family. At least then he would have been to feel like when you lose your child.
VP must be one of most pitiful cowards ever to have existed in the world to have brought children into this world to be murdered by rivals who may have been in their early 20s.
Getting back to my so called sainthood: Yes. My mission in life was chosen for me when my children were born. That was to raise them with good values, instilling in them honesty and courage to face injustice and cruelty of this world with non-violence. At the end of the day it is pure joy to see that I have achieved that goal.
m c spencer / February 24, 2013
When I forwarded some of these pix in the interests of truth within a few months of the end of the EW 4 via yahoo mail, some apparently influential people from within the LTTE rump had complained to Yahoo and had my email blocked for almost a month. I am perturbed as to why some people are arguing over trivialities when there are larger issues at stake.
There is quite often some sense of honour even amongst thieves, thugs, and ruffians and even would be revolutionaries. Relatively speaking the personal life of Adolf Hitler showed greater sense, honour and courage than VP in not fathering any children and in the conduct and manner of his exit from life.
In contrast VP extended his life span by about 19 by the elimination of Rajiv Gandhi and much of the evidence indicates greater self gratification and self aggrandisement than the cause he claimed to have espoused. Yet the root cause of much of the ills of SL remain with the so-called leaders of the country, who created a fertile soil, ploughed it then irrigated and fertilised it for weeds such as RW, VP and their ilk to grow and what is more they still persist in their self serving erring ways.
Even as Mugabe continues to hold on to the reigns of Zimbabwe, so will MR unless the unexpected elaborated elsewhere happens and/or is MR trying to emulate VP as naturally without any effort?
rajesh / February 24, 2013
Apparently channel-4 Investigator shot
[Edited out]
Jayantha / March 2, 2013
It was a known fact that International community told President Rajapakse to allow LTTE fighters to surrender to GOSL troups, who bring a white flag with them while President assured them that he will do so.
But the Govt. never showed us any TV footage of Tigers bringing white flags or surrendering to govt. soldiers……..except dead bodies.
Only Govt. showed was dead Tiger rebels…..while Gen. Sarath Fonseka said Gotabaya Rajapakse told army to kill everybody who carry white flags.
All we ask GOSL. is to show us the video clips where the Tigers or Civilians CARRYING WHITE FLAGS who subsequently surrendered to govt. soldiers.