A Buddhist Monk from Batticaloa has threatened to kill a grama sevaka for filing several court cases against Sinhalese living in the district.
Using absolute filth in Sinhala, Ampitiye Sumana, a monk from the Batticaloa Mangalarama said, “You are a bloody tiger. My blood boils when I see you. You are a bloody dog. You are a Tamil Grama Sevaka. You have been filing case after case against our Sinhalese. Stop filing cases against the Sinhalese. Go and take action against what is happening in Wilpattu and Siripada. If you even send out one Sinhalese from their lands, I will end the rule by the Thambiyas and the Demalas. I will smash you. This is my last warning to all of you,” the monk said.
The monk said that in the past the tigers had killed the Sinhalese, now they are attacking them. He said that the only reason he was not harming the Grama Sevaka was because of the police uniform. During the incident, which occurred on a main road, several police officers including a senior police officer was also present.
The threats were made against the Grama Sevaka by the monk in front of the police officers. The senior police officer who was present at the time of the incident, tried to calm the monk and take him away to a jeep which was parked on the main road.
While walking away, the monk told the Grama Sevaka, “I will smash him till he dies.”
Chamuditha Senanayaka / November 13, 2016
These yellow robed morons should be taught a good lesson including gonsara, Benga, muruthattaya and buruwansa gommanpila and the JO thugs.
Raman / November 13, 2016
Unbecoming behaviour of a monk….ask him to take off his deceptive attire.He should be in prison.
MsThalanbatu / November 14, 2016
I think if the mad monk would not do, the DISAPITHI of the region should make an official appology for the notorious provocation of the monk.
Monk should subsequently be warded for psycho therapy.
Before becoming a monk, he should be able to practise his patience.
He is the not only person to have gone through 30 year war related difficulties. If we all or majority sinhalaya would react the way Mad monk react, then there will be not a single war, but many wars in the days to come.
He should be made clear noone will want to be served as second citizens.
If there are cases being filed against SInhala people each of the case should closely be studied and investigated by respective law bound officers and courts.
The ruling government has to speed up the processes serving justice to due parties.
Letting extended the kind of issues/cases, leaving unresolved can allow ultra nationalistic segments to saw their seeds for an another conflict which NONE of peace lovers will want to occur.
Please authoriteis react accordingly. Tomorrow will be too late
Banapalanaya / November 14, 2016
Even though Buddhism is given the foremost place in Sri Lanka, there is no central authority (Buddhist Disciplinary Commission/Committee) to monitor/control the behaviour/actions of the Buddhist Sasana to see if they are aligned with the Buddhist Vinaya (disciplinary code). Even the Mahanayake Theros of the four main Nikayas have no authority to punish the monks (or rather rogues and rowdies in robes). Due to this, unfortunately Buddhism has to pay the price, it is tragic to see that the Buddhist religion is dragged down to such a low level by non-other than the members of the Buddhist clergy. The Buddhasasana ministry is just another good for nothing institute and a silent observer to all the anti-Buddhist acts committed by the so called Buddhist monks or rather rogue monks (cheevaradharis) who are hijacking the Buddhist religion with their anti-Buddhist activities and disrupting the peace in the country. Unfortunately in Sri Lanka, even the president ignores the antisocial anti-Buddhist behaviour of the Buddhist Sangha. Just like every other Sinhala-Buddhists, even the President is scared of the saffron robes and therefore they go unpunished even after threatening to kill a government employee. What we should not forget is, it is the Buddhist monk who killed the SLFP founder SWRD Bandaranayake. From then till now, the Buddha Sasana is one of the main undisciplined organisation in Sri Lanka.
There was a talk that the Buddhasana Minister Wijeyadasa Rajapakshe who is also the minister of justice will bring in new laws to overcome the above issue but unfortunately the President intervened and stopped it. First of all we need a strong leader in Sri Lanka who has the balls to bring in laws for good governance and not such puppets in the Banapalanaya.
Seelawathie Jayasinghe / November 14, 2016
If i were verbally attacked ” you sinhala dog – you are racial- you killed our people in the war end not caring who we are”. …. what would they the tamils feel.
The professionals should address the issues not leaving the kind of mad monks to abuse the situation.
Not letting Rajaakahses and the like ultra nationalistions and killers to take the ground.
Not letting any other political goons to spread wrongful views about average sinhalayas.
We the srilankens that want to see sustainable peace in this country are a big fractions. That is why we elected current men to the office.
Please authorities do what you can, not tomrorw but today.
Sam Fernando / November 14, 2016
Please authoriteis, provide this testerone man in yellow safron robes a wife and asking him to leave the area and leave his peaceful life not creating new form of hateful waves in this beautiful country.
It is becoming clear those being unable to control over their testesterone mirror levels – being part of XYY genetic composition, like the counterparts in the bunch of Guantanmbe prison – create all forms of new violences where it is no ncessary. That is what we the peace loving majoratarian folks not want.
We want peace to be converated to permanet peace for all srilanken folks in this country. Regardless of our race, religion, and other factors, we are all srilankens – and should have all equal rights. Basta
prem / November 13, 2016
Government has to take action . This chap has to de-robed and kicked out of the temple. Anyway this is not the only incident there was this gnanasara chap. There fellows should be in prison.
Kumarathasan Rasingam / November 14, 2016
Prem: government will never ever dare to utter a word against these crazy monks who are curse to our country. The successive governments after late Bandaranayaka come to power with the help of these robed culprits; It is damn disgrace to our country, Buddhist religion and to Buddah who preached non – violence and peace. The country will never ever prosper if these evils thrive like this.
sanjeev / November 13, 2016
Wouldnt understand a word what he spoke, would not know the politics too…but seeing the video felt that the ones who were listening to him behaved like true monks
SinhalaPropaganda / November 13, 2016
Sinhala racists are crying, “We need to look in to the root cause”.
They should take their own advice and do the same to the origin of the civil war.
No, the Sinhalese are not persecuted in the all-Sinhala military occupied north and east, they are just suffering from persecution complex. They are entitled crybabies who want to colonize Tamil lands due to fairytale beliefs in promised land and chosen people.
T.D.S.A. Dissanayaka writes in his book, “War Or Peace in Sri Lanka”, p.13:
“In 1938, D.S. Senanayake did not offer land to the landless peasants in the Tamil speaking District of Trincomalee. Instead he brought in more Sinhalese roughnecks from Mirigama and Kegalle, also Balapitiya and Waskaduwa, where the Sinhalese are rather aggressive by nature. Thus the demographic pattern began to change in those districts as reflected in the statistics given overleaf
District of Vavuniya
1931: Sinhalese 8.1%, Tamils 82.7%, Muslims 9.2%
1946: Sinhalese 16.1%, Tamils 75.3%, Muslims 8.6%
District of Trincomalee
1931: Sinhalese 10.1%, Tamils 50.2%, Muslims 34.9%
1946: Sinhalese 20.7%, Tamils 44.4%, Muslims 30.0%”
ranjith / November 13, 2016
sinhala propaganda
do you have population figers of jaffna peninsula before 1557 ?if not do not talk on population ratios on other districts. Rajarata, north and east has been the craddle of sinhalese buddhists civilization here in this Island.wherever dig in those areas you may exhume ruins of sinhalese buddhists civilization.do not compare situation just after colonial era. we know very well what had happened to sinhalese under the three colonial powers.before that under the chola and pandyans occupation.as such do not talk bullshit.
Mallaiyuran / November 13, 2016
You may be the illegal great grandson of Sankiliyan to have a different statistics of Jaffna other than the one Tamils have. Irrelevant of that, we one that from 6th Century. That time there was no Sinhala Language in Ceylon and no Sinhalese were in this land.
Sanjeewa / November 14, 2016
Are you an ignorant fool to not realise what is happening? Read materials amd books that were documented and written by the Portugese, Dutch and the British and you will understand that the Tamils have been living in the area. Tamils do not claim the kandyan kingdom, they only wanted to live in peace and dignity in their homelands in a united country. And if we sinhalese cannot understand that and respect their rights, then we are doomed as a race and as a country.
People like are the ones who breed hatred and try to disrupt this country because you are malcontent with sharing with others. I pity you and your children. Shame on you.
Native Vedda / November 14, 2016
Ranjith is a renowned historian. He believes this island was/is the Suvarnabhumi (Land of Gold) or Suvarnadvipa (Islands of Gold).
Who can dispute his conclusion?
Tamil from the north / November 14, 2016
Sanjeewa, you are an intelligent man arguing with a fool by the name Ranjith. Thanks bud, this is exactly my point. Who cares who came first. I came to Canada in 1984, just 32 years ago. I am treated like a 1st class citizen in this beautiful country. The natives of this country did not ask me to get out, but they invited us to come here. I wonder why these insecure clowns (both sides) cry foul all the time.
SinhalaPropaganda / November 14, 2016
Do you have population figures of Jaffna peninsula before 1000s BC? If not do not talk on anything.
Also Buddhist =/= Sinhalese!
Tamil from the north / November 14, 2016
ranjith, you should go to Jaffna and start digging now. Good luck. Now we know where you will be if we need to say hello to you.
SinhalaPropaganda / November 14, 2016
Sinhala racists want to talk about the Cholas and the Pandyas as if they knew them to justify anti-Tamil policies in the 21st century!
Fine, if you want to go back that far, then tell us what happened to indigenous people of Lanka when your refugee ancestors came here after being exiled from Bengal?
And according to your own traditions, your ancestors took brides from the Tamil Pandyan kingdom. According to Princeton anthropologist
Gananath Obeyesekere although “the first colonizers of Sri Lanka were probably north Indians . . . even the first [Sinhalese] king and his followers married women from south India . . . Thereafter the patterns of royal marriage and mass immigration were wholly from south India, initially from the Tamil country and later, since the thirteenth century, from Kerala.”
This, according to Obeyesekere, makes the Tamils “not only kinfolk but also cofounders of the nation”.
Real Siva Sankaran Sarma / November 14, 2016
Even Kerala was Tamil until a few centuries ago. When the Portuguese arrived the language spoken in Kerala was still a dialect of Tamil written in the Tamil script. Basically the Sinhalese are descended from Tamils
Real Siva Sankaran Sarma / November 14, 2016
Ranjith Soysa the avid Lankaweb contributor in 1557 your Salagama ancestors and the ancesors of more than 50% of the present day so called Sinhalese, most probably the ancestors of this vile evil Tamil thing Buddhist monk were all living in Tamil Nadu and then Tamil Kerala. In 1557 not only the north east and the northwest but even many parts of the North Central Anuradhapur aregion was Tamil
Thurairatnam / November 13, 2016
pl.see this video
Peace / November 13, 2016
Ladies and gentlemen,
I really do not know why people don’t want to live peacefully.
This person is racially abusing, using foul language and threatening a another person but nobody wants to take action. Some senior police officer is just next to him and doesnt do anything when a government staff being abused. Further, this person is threatening that he will kill this Grama Sevaka while police maintain their silent.
If this was done by another person from a different ethnic group, this video would have gone really viral and even it would have been published on papers creating a lot of excitement between all the trash talkers. Why, not now?
Dear Mr. Monk, Thank you very much for being a racist.
All the Others, thank you for being biased towards your own ethnicity and not being a human being to respect peoples ethnicity/Religion, freedom and rights. Hats off..!!
Simon De Silva / November 14, 2016
I would rather hang him by his balls – not respecting the SANGA costumes the clown has been wearing.
To me and my folks that respect everyone equally have no whatsover respect the kind of monks that take the roles of Police to their hands, by depicting unique power – these men should be treated with maximum punishments then only the folks and fellow monks would ever learn to behave well.
Now no doubt other hench monks in colombo areas may line up to continue the next – ballige putha BBS lead should finally be kept in prison to feel and leave us peace forever.
Those aggressive racissts regardless of their dress wearing should be subjected to police custody.
What would the youth think by looking at the kind of acts of a middle age so called monk – before the tamil fellow srilankens ? Can anyone please explain, how would you guys explain to your second or third generations about the incident ?
I could nto myslef see any good discussion added on the issue.
May be authoriteis just ignore the issue, but what we have to do is to take away the monk from the areas leaving people in peace.
He behaved himself like an 4-legged animal while the GRAMASEVAKA was able to be calm and quiet not taking those verble provocations to personal. I think the GS sent a message of civilized nature and being a good professional. Ballige putha Hamuduruwo should go all these through his mad head.
Spring Koha / November 13, 2016
Once again, a despicable public outburst likely to cause a breach of the peace by a man dressed in the robes of a Buddhist monk. AND, ONCE AGAIN, in the presence of a law officer. Will this law officer now arrest this man and charge him? Will the man’s actions be decried by the Sangha/prominent leaders in our country?
Those old enough will remember this sort of activity in the mid-fifties, and we all shrugged our soldiers and thought ‘it will go away’. IT WILL NOT!!! It is the cancer that spreads throughout the land. First it will cause misery among our ‘minority’ communities, then it consume the majority community.
This man and his like are the enemy of all Sri Lankans. WE NEED TO UNIFY to defeat this cursed affliction. DO NOT PASS BY ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE ROAD!
Rajash / November 13, 2016
The buddhis monk was Trumped.
Bobby Vijay / November 13, 2016
Do they call themselves religious leaders. What a shame. If Buththa is live I am heading will commit suicide.
God bless the Country
raj / November 14, 2016
[Edited out]
Silva / November 14, 2016
[Edited out]
non-Buddhists / November 14, 2016
Buddhism teaches people how to end their suffering by cutting out greed, hatred and ignorance.
The religious leaders who are supposed to be role models and must be exemplary, with behaviour worthy of respect.
Ever seen, anywhere in the world a Tamil priest or Christian father or Muslim Imam going down this level with a foul mouth as this Buddhist monk? And we have seen many similar behaving monks (not only in Sri Lanka) who are on the opposite path of what Buddhism teaches in reality.
How can such monks forward the true teachings & meanings to the followers? Even worst, there are some Buddhists who applaud such moves from a monk, is a bad signal that a religion is misinterpreted to the followers while misunderstood by non-Buddhists.
Seelawathie Jayasinghe / November 14, 2016
You are very right.
TOday the problem has been anyone being disguised as buddhist monks are on a mission of various abusive nature. So those who know nothing about buddhism we practised in the country few decades ago would automatically feel how bad the average monks have been and are upto.
Actually, with a lager majority being gulliable folks, it is easy to abuse anyone in this country though said to be the highly literate folks in the region. However, they can be caught by any kind of tricks being played by any thugs or abusive men and women.
The rulers cant easily take actions against the men – since these monks too are regarded as Sanga- and the place given to a sanga according to Mahanwanse is too much. I believe Manahawanse should be reformed accordingly, since most wearing the sanga uniform seem to be doing more harm than the good BY this day in this war torn island.
Sirimal / November 14, 2016
This hide and hit GAME can function so long the Mahanwanse be remained without reforms including the realities.
I really dont know why they today buddhists are not into do the job or open Sanga Court- to punish Sanga in a way SUCH mad monks can be eleminated from lanken buddhism.
Sandy / November 14, 2016
All men are EQUAL.
The Tamils are our bretheren.
Stop pushing them around, insulting them, and return their lands.
The President should have the backbone to speak to this filth spouting Monk re his disgraceful behaviour.
Native Vedda / November 14, 2016
“All men are EQUAL.”
Sinhala/Buddhists (the noisy minority) are first among the equals.
BBS Rep / November 14, 2016
Buddhism is not a peaceful religion. There is nothing peaceful about any religion. It is tribalism under different words.
This monk at least is honest. He mouths off what he really feels, unadulterated racial hatred. Just like Gnanasara and his ilk. And for those who wonder why these louts cannot be derobed, wonder not, the Mahanayakayas are also bigoted to the core. Minority hatred is fomented and cultivated in the hallowed halls of all temples.
All religions ultimately are a curse on those who practice it, including Buddhists.
This is what living in a Sinhala Buddhist nation means.
Sinchuappu / November 14, 2016
I dont think you could generalize that way that people s thoughts against their minorities are that hateful. It is common to humanbeing too, that they are so diverse by their inherited and learnt capacities.
What I see iin the video is – the violent person wearing a yellow sanga constume above- though accepted as a monk is proved to be deficient in practising the patience and non-violence how long he has been as a monk to that region. Latter is also no uncommon among the lay people. What bothers me in the video was, monk s highly abusive sinhala foul langague he used to loud at the Grama sevaka and Police. There, he behaved himself as if he could be no different to a colombo street dweller whose life has been suppressed by various unknown problems. Actually, as a monk he should have learnt to control his anger which is what we the buddhist are taught in the buddhist lessions. Latter is also common to those who respect real buddhistic life – not necessarily need to be a monk.
I studies the video again and again and found the foul langague used by the monk- consisted of all highly abusive sinhala bad words.
No sanga community with some standard way of living would ever commend it. In the same time, the person who was loudly and so provocatively attacked was the Gramasewaka -he could stay very cool not loosing his anger. Latter would nothave been the common nature of any youth of the country. So the gramasevaka deserves to be applauded by all decent folks of this nation.
levik / November 14, 2016
Dear BBS Rep
That is Why Our Finance Minister is Giving a Scholarship of Rs. 2500/- per month to all who get into a robe after shaving the Head.
So that they can learn fron His eminance From Batti the correct language to use. Also Please see the Second Episode enacted by the same Robed person already in the web. “Lanka Sri”
Surendra Dassanayake / November 14, 2016
Monk(ey) in the yellow challenging the Police officers and threatening a Female Police officer: https://youtu.be/iLY8W0LClz0
P.Rajeswaran / November 14, 2016
A pathetic and shameful situation to watch the video clip as a Sri Lankan, which has taken place in the midst of a big crowd and under the watchful eyes of the law enforcement officers.
I am unable to reason out why some of these saffron robed monks, a very few of them, are trying to desecrate the religion ‘Buddhism’in the face of the whole world.Instead of giving a reverential lead to the people, some of them have turned out to be architects of violence, disturbing the peace and causing discord among communities as if they are given a free space to operate.
The monks who have been ordained to practice in life and setting example to ordinary laymen the religious codes of conduct of ‘Pubha Hasi’ (pleasant appearance), ‘Pubha Bhasi’ (friendly speech), ‘Pubha Kari'(friendly action)to flout such order completely and to behave like ordinary thugs is shameful and unacceptable.
The general idea of Buddhism is one of pacific thought, lofty deeds and high detachment.
Gauthama Buddha, the personification of love and kindness taught us ‘Metha’ (love & kindness),’Karunawa’ (compassion), ‘Muditha’ (altruism) and ‘Upeksha’ (equanimity).
The monks who have got themselves ordained to follow and preach these four precepts to completely disregard and disavow and take up to street violence causing disharmony is highly deplorable.
K.Kuleswarakumar / November 14, 2016
With their robes, they get the immunity to do and say anything even scolding a Govt. servant in filth which is guaranteed through the constitution only Sri Lanka. Its worth going through the statistics from 1931 till date as to what has happened. Keeping these types of monks in the areas like Batti is dangerous. Even Police personnel seemed to have been enjoying the verbal attack by this monk.
Very Good country and religion.
Hamlet / November 14, 2016
“A Buddhist Monk from Batticaloa has threatened to kill a grama sevaka for filing several court cases against Sinhalese living in the district”
If the Sinhalese people, this Man (in Robes)seems to be supporting, are his Followers, they were probably up to No Good!
It looks like The Grama Sevaka was Right.
Levi / November 14, 2016
The Episde No 2 is Far more superior to Episode 1. This Time the Police Officers who are at the reciving End. this episode is more dynamic and more explilit. does not require require words. CT please Publish it. It is already is web.
MY3, Ranil, Yahapalanaya and other who want the other side of the Story Thatr include Jim Softy. Please Celebrate the Victory of Sinhala Buddhism is Live Action at Batticaloa.
You can’t hide these things with the Smart phones ih everybody”s hand.
Please put the Mad man in the asylam.
IGP what is your Police Doing. We Can not Blame You. There is a My3 to give a ststement that he would allow the mobsters to enter the Presidents Office. Banda Allowed this to happen when he won the election allowing onlookers to entr Parlimant and sit in the Speakers Chair. Result he Got Shot and Killed by a Yellow Robed So Called Sinhala Buddhist Monk.
May the Mad Second Of The Triple Gems SAVE SRI LANKA.
Backlash / November 14, 2016
This single ugly and unfortunate incident throws forth many features.
The decency and the quiet composure maintained by the Tamil Grama Sevaka should not go unrewarded, if those in the Public Service want their men/women protected and respected. It also reveals the danger dedicated Govt servants face in their day to day interaction with violent sections of the public enjoying State support – those who escape with impunity to misbehave another day.
The delicate balance between the communities in the Eastern Province – the Tamil-speaking people and the more recent newcomer Sinhala settlers.
Tamils, the majority community in the Province till recent times, see their lands taken and now even their lives in danger. All as a result of State-aided Colonisation that began in the mid-1940s calculated to drastically alter the demographic structure against the Tamils.
The quality of men in robes of Buddhist priests. The tone, language and tenor of this Ampitiye Sumana not only disgraces all decent Sinhala Buddhists but goes out to prove it takes much deeper quality of men and women to be average Buddhists. The very manner in which men become Buddhist priests should change – taking a cue from the welcome manner through which Christian and Catholic priests are taken into the priesthood. The gutter language and violent temper of this man that would have shamed even the worse drunken thug at the Pettah Fish market is sufficient for him to be instantly de-robed. He is not the first one – and the circus, therefore, will go on and on. Thugs and maniacs in religious garb help nobody – least the religion concerned. It is time our Buddhist priests are regularly sent to the Monasteries in Tibet where the creed is observed almost to the letter.
Burt / November 14, 2016
Why does Sri Lanka have so many Maha Nayake’s then they cannot manage their own clergy. I know there are some Buddhist Monks good with native medicine, can one of them find a way that the Mahanayake’s could grow some balls.
Most of us have dogs at home and if we cannot control the dogs the dogs are not to be blamed but us.
Seen the light / November 14, 2016
This has been Sri Lanka’s problem over the years. No need to say anymore!!
roy / November 14, 2016
Lol Tamil dog ,Sihala dog ,Muslim dog ….who’s the real dog.
Give him a banana he will cool down …any vacant cages in Dehiwela SOO….
SAKI / November 14, 2016
you are right man, better he can find a bed in Angoda Hospital for some time
Mallaiyuran / November 14, 2016
Is he right on Sigiriya story? I thought Yahapalanaya had issued a statement saying they cancelled the Hotel Project of SA. Is that not true. Saudi still going to build the Hotel?
jim softy / November 14, 2016
That Tamil GS should be chased out to Tamilnadu.
Dalit Jim / November 14, 2016
Jim softy,
Can you please tell us from which Tamil Nadu tribal area (Dalit) your ancestors came to Sri Lanka and got converted into Sinhala-Buddhists?
Btw, when are you returning back to Tamil Nadu?
AJ / November 14, 2016
Sinhalese should be chased to Indian Ocean without any life jackets.
Justice & Fairplay / November 14, 2016
Alas the real problem is, that from the President downwards (and when they do so who will dare to contradict them), the indication given to all is that monks are a breed ‘above the Law’. The politicians have completely messed things up cannonizing these buddhist monks as being larger than life and therefore untouchable. They are ‘very special’ in this thrice blessed land of ours, never mind if they are thugs, rapists, or income tax dodgers.
I am very certain most of the civilised world have managed their affairs successfully in such a relatively short period of time, because their governments would not get embroiled in religion. Therefore religious personalities at cross-roads with the Law would pay the price just as much as would a commoner when committing an unlawful act, since the Law was common to all, and none was considered as being above it.
THis idiot in a yellow robe has only highlighted what we already knew. That is all. I have spent 2 days and nights, totally sleepless, while a buddhist temple 200 metres away has spread its Katina Pinkama for the last 2 days to the entire surrounding area, through loudspeakers tied to street lamp posts, one of which is 2 metres away from my front wall.
We can cry ourselves hoarse, but they are all under the influence of religion, and no one would dare to do the right thing for fear of an electoral or ‘social’ backlash. And that includes the Police.
There can never be any “straight government I suppose, but it would be hard to beat Sri Lanka in that aspect.
I bet we wouldnt hear of Maithripala Sirisena or Ranil Wicks raising a finger in this particular instance.
CK / November 14, 2016
His behavior is disgusting! His greedy mind has put him to this situation. There is another story on the web he cheated Sinhala family also and grabbed their bakery to his name. Also he was trying to assault women officer too. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B2G7jVQe3Tc
Tripti / November 14, 2016
He sounds effeminate. [Edited out]
Mano Ratwatte / November 14, 2016
I am not at all shocked but it is sad and shameful. These are not real Monks but people who hide behind robes. Every decent Lankan leader should condemn such talk and threats. This is scary. I am sorry to all Tamil and Muslim people who were affected by this sort of abuse. This has no place in civil society.
Buddha said no one is born superior to another by virtue of birth/caste and no one is born superior to another by virtue of birth/caste either.
It is our actions and our actions along that makes us superior or inferior beings.
That is said in the Dhammapada.
We can all guess whether this man is robes is superior or inferior through his behavior. I am horrified and scared at this sort of militancy.
Why can’t the Buddhist Chief Priests censure him? Why why why is this sort of rage happening? We can defend freedom of speech but he is allegedly a monk judging by his robes. I have never seen a Sri Lankan Tamil Hindu priest or Christian priest ever behaving this way.