17 January, 2025


Turn Your Twitter Words To Action – NPC Tells Rajapaksa

“We draw attention to President Mahinda  Rajapaksa‘s statement that his government will not permit anyone to take the law into their  own hands.  But it is necessary to back words with actions and if anyone is not following the President’s commitment then such person or persons should be dealt with.” says the National Peace Council.

Mahinda RajapaksaIssuing a statement on ongoing Sri Lanka’s growing unrest, the NPC said today; “We hope the truth behind the incident will be made public and the perpetrators of violence and destruction will not go free to continue with their rampage elsewhere.”

We publish below the statement in full;

The mob attack on Muslim owned shops and homes in Aluthgama and Beruwela signifies a significant escalation in anti Muslim activities that have been taking place over the past two years. It is reported that at least 2 persons have died and more than 30 injured in clashes. Previous such incidents were on individual targets, including mosques and shops.  In most of those previous incidents the responses by the police and security forces was slow or ineffective with the miscreants going free, which created a climate of impunity for the attackers.

Mahinda Rajapaksa Tweets on AluthgamaThe most recent incident follows allegations that three Muslim men assaulted a Buddhist monk after getting into an altercation with his driver.  Another version is that it was the driver who got assaulted and not the monk although the complaint to the police states otherwise.  Whatever be the truth of the matter, it is totally unacceptable that there should be an attack on shops and homes of others merely because they belong to the same ethnic or religious community of the persons with whom a private dispute has arisen.   This incident follows a sustained hate campaign against the Muslim community in the Aluthgama area and elsewhere in the country which has not been countered by either legal or political means.

The National Peace Council is greatly distressed that five years after the end of an ethnic-based civil war, that another dimension of communal violence is opening up to cause immense suffering to innocent people.  There are reports of incidents in other parts of the country, including suburbs of Colombo, in which Muslim-owned properties have been subjected to attack.  This has created a climate in which those belonging to the Muslim community are living in fear not knowing where and when the next attack might be and whether they will be falling victim to it.

The police have declared curfew in the Aluthgama and Beruwela areas which has stopped the violence.  The law gives the discretion to the Police to take preventive action and we welcome this action, although it has come after considerable destruction has taken place and relations between the communities has deteriorated.  We draw attention to President Mahinda  Rajapaksa‘s statement that his government will not permit anyone to take the law into their  own hands.  But it is necessary to back words with actions and if anyone is not following the President’s commitment then such person or persons should be dealt with.

Despite a strong focus on defense, Sri Lanka has witnessed a gradual decline in the rule of law and an increase in levels of impunity often reportedly due to political patronage at national, provincial and local levels. This trend needs to arrested forthwith and the guilty not shielded from facing the due legal processes. We call on the government to restore the Rule of Law and failure to do so will only strengthen the convictions of those who have gone to the UN for punitive justice.  We hope the truth behind the incident will be made public and the perpetrators of violence and destruction will not go free to continue with their rampage elsewhere.

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Latest comments

  • 10

    Gota the supporter of BBS should be hanged for the National disaster he has created in ruining this nation!

    • 1


      “We draw attention to President Mahinda Rajapaksa‘s statement that his government will not permit anyone to take the law into their own hands. But it is necessary to back words with actions and if anyone is not following the President’s commitment then such person or persons should be dealt with.” says the National Peace Council”

      The President has no Shame.

      The Mahanayakas, the Buddhist Senior Priests have no shame

      The Buddhist Leaders have no shame

      The Buddhist Politicians have no shame.

      They are calling themselves Sinhala Buddhists and putting Buddha to shame.

    • 0

      How long do you think before Goat does a Thailand on that sorry moron while he is joy riding around the world?

    • 0

      Reminds me of the song “Hang down your head Tom Dooley, hang down your head and cry…” prior to his hanging??

    • 0

      Wait a minute Dudley, it appears that Gota is going to take over the reigns of the government from his brother, the president. Then what happens. BBS is going to support Gota. Then we will see which way the country goes.

  • 4

    Don’t worry, MaRa will definitely take action: It will be to rationalize the actions of his mobs, armed forces and the government.

    Truth will not be allowed to come out, unless it is prized open like the UNCHR war crime investigation, neither will justice be done, unless it is imposed from outside.

    Let me ask you guys and gals, is their any credible justice system in Sri Lanka today wit hthe justices in MaRa’s pocket? Or even an impartial police force or the military. Even the Justice minster says he is ashamed to be in the government.

    Government? It is a tamasha cum tragedy going on in the name of governance!

    So much so for civilized society in Silly Lanka.

    • 2

      True to tradition and rectitude in governance, Action Will be Taken.

      On June 5, 1956 action was taken against those who beat up sathyagrahis, looted and burnt Tamil homes.
      ASP Ramanathan who took action against the mob in Amparai was transferred to Jaffna instantly.

      In 1958, action was taken against murderers of Tamils. GA Anuradhapura Derrick Aluvihare CCS was banished to Siberia for acting against a mob.
      Federal Party leadership was placed under house arrest because the mob unleashed as per the mandate went on the rampage.

      KMP Rajaratne too was under HA to keep up appearance of fairness.

      In 1961, sathyagrahis were bloodied opposite Jaffna Kachcheri for eschewing violence. This was action taken.

      Best action was taken in 1974 for killing 9 Tamils at a Tamil Conference. ASP acted to please the govt.

      1977 action was taken against all offenders in the worst anti Tamil pogrom up to that time.

      1981 All library burners in Jaffna were punished

      1983 and after government’s energies were consumed taking action against killers of Tamils

      Against this impeccable record no Muslim need have doubts that
      Action Will be Taken.
      Law will take its course.

      • 1


        You are going to be taught history lessons by Off The Cuff (OTC), a plagiarizing fellow with a tendency to lie. He is going to stalk you for writing history. He doesn’t like truth.

        Banda and Mechanic are his sidekicks.

        Watch out.

  • 2

    A good for nothing thug ruining the country with his spin doctors.
    Blatant lies is the only thing this megalomaniac lunatic is good at.

    An immediate regime change is a must somehow or the other.

    This ugly man Rocking cradle while pinching baby since the time he came to power.

  • 4

    At least the NPC has the guts to demand this from the Government. Where are the Muslim politicians who are sitting on the lap of Rajapakse and sucking the blood of the Muslims? Why is the Muslim community not rising up against their own politicians? This clearly shows that all the minorities (races and religions) should form one front to defeat Rajapakse rule.

  • 2

    Good point NPC, the rajapaksa may make very feeble comments on twitter, but their actions show they don’t care a damn for the minorities in this country. If they did, by now everything would have been clamped down by now, and the rogue buddhist monks not allowed to start violence. Mahinda may pretend he is concerned about what is happening with words that mean nothing, and it is STRONG action we need to see.
    If the SL troops can handle the LTTE up North, why are they UNABLE to handle these rabble rousers and mobs down South? I suppose the rajapaksa’s have more important things to do like building bridges, ports and airports, rather than helping Sri Lankans. It is more lucrative to do so.

  • 10

    Arrest and charge Gnanasara should be the only demand. How MR and his government respond to this demand will be quite revealing and will unravel the web of deliberate bad governance they have spun over the past few years.

    Dr. Rajasingham Narendran

  • 1

    Exactly. Lies and official lies. Hanuman fire everywhere to support rama.
    In epic it was a great work by Hanuman. But in reality it was a grave mistake. This is present day story. People who behind this cause of suffering to others will have to pay the price in one day. If someone think that everthing can be hide by the time is just a illusion. Let others live free and happy for my own sake!

  • 2

    Mr President! Can you be trusted with your words?

  • 2

    Sri Lanka burns Mahind palys with his teet!

  • 1

    isn’t this all politics,, twitter sounds fantastic way to say what lay people like to hear,,,, this surely has to lead to another mtte for better worse,,, you can’t be doing nothing and waiting,,,,

    • 0

      Lay people in Sri Lanka have access to twitter ? Miracle of Asia

  • 1

    NPC, TNA, DWC, JVP all have condemned Royal Government for orchestrating this violence.


    They know this is the time to make few pennies from Royal Government.

  • 0

    This proves that President is powerless as a silent Military Coup has taken place in the country and the power has shifted to Gotha.

  • 0

    Incite? Restraint? Investigate? What Nonsense. It’s as per their sinister agenda.

  • 1

    I would like to ask the intellects of the legal community whether there is/are any way to pack these scoundrels to a war crimes tribunal for anything other than crimes against humanity? For example, for crimes like insulting and hijacking Buddhism, etc. They deserve to be hanged for this treason.

  • 0

    “This prpves that president is powerless as a silence military coup has taken place in the country and the power has shifted to Gota”


    I fully agree with your comments.

  • 0

    Gotabaya Rajapaksa is the creator of this violence. That is why police did not respond.

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